Name: John “Mr.G” Grimm
Age: 32
Gender: Male

John stands roughly around 5’ 9” and has silver-white hair. His eyes are emerald green, and he has a visible scar that runs down the right side of his face. He has a tattoo on his back that says “This Grimm Tells No Tall Tales”
Personality: John is as modest as he is brilliant. He rarely likes to take the spotlight and downplays his own accomplishments as much as he can. He loves to learn and teach, but he mainly just loves to learn. He prefers to stay out of conflict, but if he will stand up for his students and friends if the need ever comes. He has a very curious mind and will always ask questions to further expand his knowledge. He has a vast knowledge of Science and History.
History: John, ever since he was born, had silver-white hair, and it cost him constant flak when he was at school. The student in his classes would call him names, but the most popular of them was “Grimm Reaper”. He was branded as a monster and his fellow students were afraid of him. This didn’t bother him so much as it annoyed him. He was more focused on the things he was learning in school. He was fascinated by how much there was to learn about the world, and devoted most of his efforts to his studies.
One day a kid, who was one of the students afraid of John, was having trouble with his assignment. John, not wanting to see a classmate in distress, tried to help him. When John approached the student, the kid became scared and acted out of panic. The kid grabbed his pair of scissors and slashed at John's face. The scissors cut all the way down his face, and he was rushed to the hospital.
The news spread quickly through out the school and one specific teacher took it to heart. When John was finally allowed back to school, his science teacher, Alan Baggely created a special lesson for his class. He explained, to all of his classes, that there was a medical condition where a mutated gene can turn a persons hair silver and white. He then said that the people that this happens to should not be made fun of or feared, and that if he caught anyone making fun of somebody, with this condition, he would personally fail them for the next 3 terms.
This moved John and it inspired him to become a teacher. John then spent the rest of his academic career with the soul purpous of becoming a teacher. By the time he was 29, John earned 2 Masters in Science and History. He then found himself a job as a science department teacher in a high scool in the state of New York. He has been there ever since.
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