Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Captain Ahab

Captain Ahab

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Accepted Characters

The year is 1896, Paradise, a town in Arizona couldn't fit its name any less, has been plagued by all sorts of unholy beings, it started many years ago when reports of people wandering aimlessly around the graveyards began to spring up, soon enough when people went to check on what was happening at the grave sites, they disappeared.
Later on more strange reports came, reports of cattle being found torn in two, or simply having their blood completely drained, reports of strange women chanting and performing rituals in the forest, so on and so forth until things became too much...
The mayor of Paradise, along with the town preacher, have sent out a plea for anyone fit to wield a gun to come to paradise to help with their problem, with the promise of payment, they're sure plenty of fortune seekers would be willing to put themselves in harms way to assist.

Character Sheet:

Creatures(so far):
Witches - Practitioners of black magic, most are fairly harmless, sticking to their covens and not bothering normal people, but some use their power for unspeakable evil. Potentially high threat.
Fed Vampires - These types of vampires are usually found in European castles, but some have migrated to richer parts of the US, there are a few in Paradise but they usually stick to themselves, drinking animal blood, but they are willing to harm people for richer blood, if gone unchecked they might feel brave enough to attack townspeople. Low threat
Starved Vampires - These poor souls have been starved of blood for too long, their natural insticts have begun to take over, and their forms are more animalistic, they still retain some intelligence but they will attack anything with blood on sight. High threat
Zombies - Dead humans who have been reanimated by dark magic, they hunger for human flesh and will do anything to obtain it, most just shamble around their grave sites, but when they get together it can result in a horde forming, getting rid of a zombie horde can be extremely dangerous and difficult. Medium threat
Werewolves - Humans who have been bitten by another werewolf, werewolves can walk around in the days as normal humans, but during full moons they change into monstrous creatures capable of ripping a man in two. Very high threat
Spirits - Souls of the dead who linger around the earth, they cannot be removed by physical force, most aren't aware of humans, but an angry spirit can be extremely dangerous. Medium threat
Succubi - Demonic entity that prays on a persons sexual appetite, once a succubus has chosen prey they will in essence take the soul of their victim and damn them to eternal servitude. High threat

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by SyrianHamster
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Hello again.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Captain Ahab

Captain Ahab

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

SyrianHamster said
Hello again.

Looks good, you sure you don't want some kind of backup weapon? I don't know how you'd reload a cap and ball revolver in the middle of a fight too quickly.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Raikage


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Hm this looks pretty cool man. An I love who your charrys picture is I love that old preacher lol.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Captain Ahab

Captain Ahab

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Raikage said
Hm this looks pretty cool man. An I love who your charrys picture is I love that old preacher lol.

Always been a fan of the Call of Juarez games.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Raikage


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

I do have a question are we able to combine certain things such as I was thinking a Human who has the vampire curse, but he does not suck blood or has fully turned if I can make a good bio for it?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Captain Ahab

Captain Ahab

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Raikage said
I do have a question are we able to combine certain things such as I was thinking a Human who has the vampire curse, but he does not suck blood or has fully turned if I can make a good bio for it?

I'm perfectly fine with that.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Raikage


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Captain Ahab said
I'm perfectly fine with that.

Cool, cool, I will have a bio up real soon then.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by SyrianHamster
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Captain Ahab said
Looks good, you sure you don't want some kind of backup weapon? I don't know how you'd reload a cap and ball revolver in the middle of a fight too quickly.

Nah. Six shots, and then it's time to grab the nearest blunt object and give it a few swings!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Captain Ahab

Captain Ahab

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

SyrianHamster said
Nah. Six shots, and then it's time to grab the nearest blunt object and give it a few swings!

I like the way you think haha
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DR_TRAPEZOID


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Hope you don't mind me popping in. I saw the interest check 8 minutes after you posted the OoC, so I thought I would just jump straight here, if you'll have me.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Captain Ahab

Captain Ahab

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Hope you don't mind me popping in. I saw the interest check 8 minutes after you posted the OoC, so I thought I would just jump straight here, if you'll have me.

I like it, you're approved.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Raikage


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name: Gavril Fane Vlasimirescu III

Age: 35

Race: Human Vampire half breed

Gender: Male

Personality: Gavril is at best cold towards other people, his mind is often conflicted between good and evil thoughts but neither one ever being more powerful then the others ones. While most have a dark and a light side, Gavrils personality is a combination of the both which can cause him to act different ways. On the lighter side Gavril is a good hearted man who desires nothing but to help those who can't fight the impending evil that would take the world. He is caring and compassionate an would not turn his back on someone who needs him. On his darker side Gavril is bent on emotions for things like revenge, and is often conflicted by his want for blood shed and the want to murder those who would stand in his way. He is quick to judge and more often then not will deal out punishment before the hammer fall even strikes. This can often blind him to what is right or wrong, and has caused him to make grave errors in his life.

Biography: Gavril was born in a small village located in Transylvania to a family of what would be known today as Demon hunters. He is the third generation born in this family and also the third of his family to be born into the curse. The curse of the Vlasimirescu is well known in Transylvania and often was the form of harsh treatment that this particular family gained because of it. Life for Gavril was tough and at times very painful and filled with the evil that he was born with inside him. Like his fore fathers before him since the young age of three the three sacred markings were burned upon his body with fire and ash and he was taken to be trained by the oldest hunter of their family in the ways of demon hunting. Gavril has known nothing but hardship and harsh training this not only focused his mind but also his very body and soul. By time Gavril was in his teen years he was already battling the evil that was in Transylvania. Gavril was barely turning into a man when his family was killed under mysterious circumstances and he was sent to live with his grandfather, the same man who had trained him sense he was three.

However not even this lasted long, for his grandfather already seventy in his own rights passed away and Gavril was left on his own in the world. Gavril with only one clear path in life took to the roads, and in doing so continued his familys legacy of hunting creatures of the night. Through bad or worse Gavril heard tale of horrors spreading across the lands and had even spread to lands far in the north. With his knowledge passed to him, Gavril traveled from his home in Transylvania and to far away lands to help fight the evil that was creeping all around the world. Soon Gavril found himself heading to a place called Paradise, a town that was now in trouble of being consumed by the evil.

Razor Whip

Demon Wrath

Winchester Rifle

Colt 6 shooter


Ability 1: Gavril because of the curse upon him is 2 times faster then the normal human being.

Ability 2: Gavril is an expert with hand to hand and bladed weapons, being trained his whole life in the art of hunting blades is his specialty.

Disadvantage 1: Gavril is no good with actual guns, trained with blades most of his life he was not trained to use weapons such as rifle or six shooters. While his skills with guns are mediocre at best they are not his strength.

Disadvantage 2: Gavril has trouble when there is lots of sun around while it may not kill him, too much exposure to a lot of sun light can and will harm in substantially so he must stay out of direct sun light for long amounts of time.

Disadvantage 3: Gavril is weakened in the sunlight.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Captain Ahab

Captain Ahab

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Hmmm, he seems a bit OP, twice the ability of any human? That seems a bit unfair, especially to Trapezoid's character who ONLY uses melee weapons.
I think you're gonna have to find a way to make him quite a bit weaker before I approve.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Raikage


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Well I built off a vampire which usually has 5xs the strength of any man. But ok hmmm... how bout I take the ratio down to say 0.5x or 1x stronger would that work?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Captain Ahab

Captain Ahab

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Raikage said
Well I built off a vampire which usually has 5xs the strength of any man. But ok hmmm... how bout I take the ratio down to say 0.5x or 1x stronger would that work?

I think the 2x has the potential to be okay, but how about we limit it to just extra speed, and put him in a weakened state during the day time.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Raikage


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Captain Ahab said
I think the 2x has the potential to be okay, but how about we limit it to just extra speed, and put him in a weakened state during the day time.

I can go with that. Im really not trying to go for OP so I am down for whatever suggestions you have.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Captain Ahab

Captain Ahab

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Raikage said
I can go with that. Im really not trying to go for OP so I am down for whatever suggestions you have.

I think advanced speed and a weakened state in the sunlight would be a good compromise, just edit your CS to fit that and you're approved.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Captain Ahab

Captain Ahab

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Everyone who's been accepted: Post in the Character Sheet thread.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by littlefoot


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