I think a header is a great idea. I used to rp on gaiaonline and the headers helped save so much confusion among the other players.
Tyrant from the West said Yeah, thats a good idea! Will there be a list of locations for us to 'choose' from or will we just use our roleplayer's intuition and be all 'Ok, so our character left a classroom, SO THEY ARE PROBABLY IN A HALLWAY'.EDIT- sorry i didn't mean for it to sound sarcastic at all but yeah.
Leviathan said
I am almost done with the IC post actually.
SwordfishKnight said
How far can I go with the irish slang? cause it might be pretty far.
Tyrant from the West said Actually startin to get hella curious about who'se gon' be what when its come to finding out our supernaturals.