Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Everblight
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"Welcome one welcome all to the Orion. I hire from all walks of life as long as you can do a hard days work, but places are limited! We will commence interviews in a few days as the local watering hole be callin' my name if you catch my drift."

Welcome! this is my new RP Orion a Sci-Fi RP based around a crew of bounty hunters travelling through a perilous galaxy. As this is my first time GM'ing in advanced I want a small tight-knit, dedicated group so if your one to get bored quickly or you have a short attention span I would prefer you to re-think before joining! having said that anyone is welcome :)

So the general premise will be a group of Bounty hunters aboard the aforementioned ship the Orion. It will start out pretty typically with one or possibly two missions we have to complete but soon enough an overlying plot will come into play that will pit our crew against a large corporation that will do anything it can to keep the situation under wraps, even if that means killing bounty hunters.

The RP will be set across a galaxy, so more than likely multiple solar systems will be involved etc. However there will be no races bar human allowed, something might come to fruition later on which will allow players to make new characters with un-earthly origin but for now I'm just looking for an entirely human crew!

Now as you might not normally expect I will not be playing the Captain of the ship, no that position is still open for someone however I will be playing the ships doctor someone who is already part of the crew before any new faces are added. The main reason for this is that I will also be playing the 'Bad guys' as it were, NPC's and other people the crew will interact with as I try to develop the storyline. If someone whose character is accepted (Or for that matter someone who doesn't want a place on the crew) really really wants to help me play these bad guys then send me a PM and we might be able to sort something out :)

Anywho this is the end of my Int. Check the actual plot of the RP is a bit sparse I know but that's mainly because I want the major plot points to stay a mystery until you all come across them, no doubt I will use the doctor to point you in the right directions as I want to keep the storyline quite linear although if people want it there is always time to roam free.

P.S - This post will be a lot prettier etc when the BBcode is fixed.
[I]"Our Galaxy is supposedly 'advanced' whatever that means, we are meant to become more civilized! Alas I find myself upon the ship of a..a Bounty hunter! To think a man of my stature would ever be in the ranks of a man such as he. I'm sorry, I shouldn't continue...he might hear me."

"Welcome to the Orion! This used to be a military vessel but our captain managed to use his haggling skills to get it, or so he says. I am Doctor Natan Koenig of the Urius sector, I was educated on Titan and I am the serving physician on this ship for as long as...well as soon as I can get off. This crew of 'Bounty hunters' so they call themselves is a tight knit group who will stop at nothing to get the job done! or so our brochure would suggest. Truth be told we are here to hire because our last crew, or at least some of it's members were not exactly the 'cream of the crop' and as such they did not have a very long expiry date. We want men who are loyal, brave and above all else...hygienic! I've had enough of great sweaty apes forcing me to tend to their every scratch and bruise, the least you can do is clean yourself.
Now we have contracts with certain people in certain places and if we complete these contracts we will get paid, I'm sure you all recognize the incentive. If we do not complete these contracts then I'm afraid we will be lacking in our obligations and not only will we not get paid but we will probably lose something to boot, a finger perhaps."

"The Captain for want of a better word is a 'fine' man. He will lead you and he will look after you as long as you look after him and his ship, if you do not respect these rules then there is an override for the airlock. Our first mission will entail us travelling to Orzo the blue star sector! It isn't so far from here so I expect we will be finished in a week or two, performances depending.
Our work is not...well it isn't Illegal but it tends to be frowned upon by most societies. Stealing husbands and wives in the middle of gunfights will bring that sort of attitude. All we have to do is make sure we harm no one but the mark! and if you happen to lay eyes upon authorities just leave the talking to either myself or the good captain."

"Now I'm sure your all just aching to meet the man himself, potential new employee's I present your captain...."

- Crew Wanted -

- Accepted Characters -

Natan Koenig - Everblight

- Skeleton Character Sheet -

- My Character -

- Name -
Natan Koenig

- Age -

- Job -
Ship Physician and Doctor

- Appearance -

- Personality -
Dr. Koenig is a very smart man and he doesn't shy away from telling that to others, it sometimes gets to his head however and he begins to speak incredibly sarcastically to those he believes won't understand anything technical. Having said that Natan is very small and frail and at the slightest note of a threat he backs down and becomes the nicest man on the ship.
Dr. Koenig is generally stationed on the ship during missions and awaits the teams return with whoever has been inadvertently shot up. He keeps this ship in check and is generally in contact with the team via the ships communications whilst they are out and about. Natan loves this time he has alone on the ship as he doesn't have to put up with the large oafs or dirty thugs and when he isn't in the immediate vicinity of the team he can say whatever he likes.

When Natan is called to do his job however his demeanor changes. He becomes incredibly focused and all his sarcasm and doubt diminish as he completely applies himself to the situation. He is incredibly capable and thankfully, with a fully stocked medical station on the ship he is highly successful at healing and recuperating the team after mission.

- Specialties -
- Biological knowledge
- Medical practitioner
- Highly Intelligent

- Shortcomings -
- Weak
- Annoying and sarcastic
- Pacifist

- History -
Natan Koenig was born in the Urius sector, a cluster of small planets that are close to their sun. Natan was raised on the furthest planet in the sector, only one of two which is actually livable as its distance from the star allows the surface to drop to survivable temperatures.
Born into a high standing family Natan was already destined for the grandiose and majestic life. To be the personal physician to the most famous people, to serve the high ranking officials of the Terra sector. This was always his dream and as such he was sent to what is largely believed to be the most prominent learning center in the galaxy.
The moon of Titan was inhabited centuries ago and has developed into an incredibly diverse and utilized world. It has become somewhat of a 'snobby' place in which only the best of the best live and as such the Titan institute of knowledge or T.I.K was founded and advertised as the one place to send the youth of the future. Natan studied for years at T.I.K and finally graduated with honors, allowing him to become a fine doctor and follow his dreams.

Unfortunately for Natan things did not turn out so successfully for him. Whilst upon a transport ship a terrible encounter with pirates happened to cross paths with the convoy. Natan found himself in captivity by these pirates with them knowing he was worth more than the rest he was kept alive. Thankfully the captivity was short-lived as his family back home had the sway to assign some rather horrible men themselves to get their beloved Natan back. It was at this point that Natan met the captain.

Natan was saved however the crew of the Orion were demolished only a few survived. Dr. Koenig was taken home by the sole survivors of the encounter and when they reached the Urius sector an uncomfortable air arose. The captain of the Orion was not happy, he did not now the extent of the situation and the fact that cut-throat pilots were to blame and who he would have to tackle to complete his contract, a consequence of this misinformation he demanded a higher payment than what was agreed however the family could not pay such a steep price.
It was in this moment that Natan made his worst mistake, he offered to be a part time crew member aboard the Orion, at least until new people were found in return for the extra payment the Captain desired. Koenig was a very established physician, the Orion would surely be the first bounty hunter ship to hold such a prestigious person as a crew member and as such the captain agreed to the offer, much to Natans horror.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MysT3CH
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MysT3CH The Wordsmith / ★★★★★

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Riel Noctis


Ship Engineer and Mechanic


Although generally taciturn and introverted among strangers, Riel is best described as thrill seeking and outgoing. He is full of contradictions, yet rarely a hypocrite, and never willingly so. Priding himself on his creed of honesty and devotion, Riel possesses an unnatural degree of determination. Once he makes up his mind to accomplish something, he literally stops at nothing until he has done so. Those who are close to him often claim he possesses a radiant personality, and that he is often capable unintentionally imprinting his moods onto others.

While the emotionless or grim look that usually lines his face my suggest otherwise, Riel is in actuality a deeply loving and protective individual. Something which causes him to immediately hate any person or thing that causes harm to the things he cares for. As well as resent those that cause needless suffering. Interestingly, Riel also possesses a heavy cynical outlook on life. As an individual with a high level of self discipline, he is also impossibly slow to anger, and even harder to distract. Making him a formidably efficient worker when coupled with his genius leveled intellect and photographic memory.

Unfortunately, this, and his love of tinkering, often results in him being consumed by his work. So much so that he becomes inattentive or 'numbed' to the world around him. While this usually isn't a problem within the confines of the ship, it has frequently caused him to become a burden in the field. It should be noted that Riel also possesses a superiority complex, believing he is better than others because he is smarter than them. Thus, finds most people to be slow witted and uninteresting.

Technological Expertise
Genius Level Intellect
Formidable Melee Combatant

One Track Mind
Superiority Complex
Overly Curious
Easily bruised


Marius VI
Marius VI is one of the five small planet within the Varmulus Sector. Marius VI, unlike its siblings, Marius II - V, is also now the only life-sustaining planet within said sector. The planets themselves orbit a trio of small stars locally referred to as 'Trias'. Though it remains unknown as to how this phenomenon occurred, it is known that this was not always the case. As it was during
the formation of Trias that Marius Prime was destroyed. It is also because of Trias that Marius IV & V are now currently uninhabitable, with one possessing oceans of lava upon its surface, and the other a desert planet on which water no longer remains.

Having always been a planet known for its technological superiority, Marius VI was once a global metropolis comprised of impressive architecture and beautiful landscaping. At one time, it was also one of the richest planets in the cosmos. However, following the 'Trias Event', two thirds of the planet's surface was destroyed. The remainder having been spared only due to the erection of a globally commissioned barrier. The likes of which was designed solely for the purpose of reflecting solar flares. Yet, despite this great feat, billions of lives had been lost. Along with most of the planet's wealth.

Since then the rest of the planet has become a wasteland. There the wreckage of the old cities still remained, half swallowed up by the planet over time and buried by sand. Over time, these 'dead lands' became the place of exile for the undesirables of 'New Marius'. Banishment equalled death. The planet's core, which now possessed the only available drinking water, has since been hollowed out in the area beneath New Marius City. There they created the planet's only accessible well. Which the locals eventually came to call 'the hidden sea'.

Riel Noctis
Born to a post-Trias Marius VI, Riel had the fortune, and curse, of being the son of a prominent scientist. Which on Marius VI, had become equivalent to being born into nobility. Thus, Riel had been raised in a life of luxury, and robbed of a childhood. As his father, Andeal, had always forced the path of a Technologist upon him. Just as those who knew Riel always expected greatness from him.

Driven by the desire to impress his father, Riel spent living every moment studying. If it wasn't for a class test, then it was for his father's private ones. If his father wasn't around to quiz him, then it was so that he could impress him the next time he was. Still, to his disbelief, it was never enough. No matter how many perfect scores he achieved, or how many certificates of excellence he received, to his father, it was never enough. Within Riel's logic, there was always some sort of flaw. Some ghost calculation that he somehow failed to see.

By the time Riel had reached his late teens, it had just about drove him insane. That was, until he applied to the Marius Academy of Technology. Where, as was standardly required by MAT Riel was made to under go an I.Q. test. Ironically, despite all his achievements, and having built his first space capable engine at age twelve. It was only after he got his results that the genius he was, was recognized. Graduating with scores which rivaled those of the late Technologist Legend Brax Ular, the designer and builder of Marius' protection field. Riel not only surpassed his father's impossible expectations, but also became globally revered as the most promising mind of his time. Among his people, he was almost a king.

As the years went by, Riel would go on to make several advances in technology. The most notable of which was done under the employment of 'ScionTech'. The company responsible for the mass production of Marius' two core sources of income, Weaponry and Spacecrafts. There Riel designed the 'Energy Recycling Converter'. Which when used in conjunction with Marius' protection field, would in theory allow the inhabitants of Marius VI to safely channel Trias' energy for a variety of uses. Potentially creating the first true method of clean, renewable energy.

Unfortunately, it would be that particular accomplishment, that would change Riel's life forever.

Civil Unrest on Marius VI
Shortly after the completion of Riel's device, Marius' government confiscated it and ordered Riel turn over all research related it. Which he reluctantly destroyed instead, fully aware of the political game that had now come into effect. While half of the government wished to use the device as it was intended, as i means of immediately bettering Marius VI's quality of life. The other half sought to additionally profit, thus proposed weaponizing the device. Thus, as time dragged on and tempers began to flare, the people of Marius VI also begun to divide. The planet came under threat of its first civil war.

Riel, who was now fearful of the destruction his invention could bring forth, then sabotaged the device. Which he was given access to when he falsely agreed to weaponize it. Using the ensuring explosion for cover, Riel then fled for his life. Certain that he would receive only banishment for his crime. Having planned his escape before he had planned the deed, Riel fled Marius VI in a ship fresh off the assembly line.

A Journey's beginning
Now a fugitive with a bounty on his head for treason. Riel eventually came to take refuge on Titan, using most of his previously accumulated fortune as bribes. However, this did not keep a certain crew of Bounty Hunters from tracking him down. Once in their possession, Riel could do little but explain his situation and offer to pay them everything he had. Which turned out to be nearly twice his bounty, in an attempt to dissuade them from completing their task.

Though they had originally planned to take his money, then turn him in for the reward, problems arose once they had returned to Marius VI. As the government decided it would rather shoot down their ship than pay them a cent. Ergo, it was only after Riel had used his engineering skills to keep the ship together during their escape, that the Captain surprised Riel with an ultimatum. He could either take the the freedom he had paid for, and be dropped of at the next stop. Or, he could continue on as the newest member of their crew. Feeling as if he still owed the crew for saving and sparring his life, Riel agreed to join the crew.

Move forward five years, and you'll find Riel, now thirty-three, still faithfully serves as a member of the crew. Despite having numerous opportunities to leave, he now finds himself attached. Both to the ship, on which he has worked tirelessly and now refers to as his 'baby'. As well as the crew, who has taught him many things over the years, including how to handle himself in a fight. With nowhere to go, he thinks of the ship as his home and the crew as an adoptive family.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Leodiensian
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Harken Mackall


Cyber-warfare/communications expert


Harken is an acquired taste, to put it diplomatically. With his flamboyant body movements, variable accents through his vocal unit and love of memes he can come across as someone who's trying to hard to get you to like him - though that wouldn't explain why he seems to spend so much time insulting people. He doesn't just think he's smarter than you, he knows it and he wants to make sure you know it too. He is a quick-witted individual, the kind of person who thinks in sudden flashes of inspiration and intuitions rather than slow deliberations. This can lead to him being somewhat brash and perhaps ill-tempered, acting without proper consideration, but his high level of intelligence means his flashes usually bear out in the long run even if somewhat.. unrefined in the short term.

Harken is an information sponge and is almost constantly browsing local webs, nets and meshes for the latest in cultural trends, gossip, media, memes, news and other such trivia. He will share this trivia with you whether you like it or not and is prone to delivering seemingly non-sequitur responses to questions which only he and a very small Venn diagram overlap of dedicated otaku would find amusing, or indeed comprehend in any way. Sometimes this rampant absorption of information pops up a valuable kernel of data, but most of the time it's basically verbal static. If you know what he's talking about, he's actually quite funny. It's just most people don't know what he's talking about.

Finally, Harken is what he calls a "synthetic supremacist", believing in the inherent superiority of artificial life over biological life. He claims that he was originally a weak, fleshy meatbag who underwent a full-body prosthesis procedure to become essentially a robot with a computer brain running a "human_mind.exe" operating system. He can be aggressively political in his beliefs - not so much to prevent him from working with purely organic or un-augmented people - but he tends to attribute someone's failings to their biological weaknesses. In contrast, he claims to feel his life has greatly improved since he became fully artificial, no longer needing to sleep, eat or perform other such ugly necessities.

Expert Hacker/Programmer
Short-Range Combatant
Shiny, Shiny Body: Harken's synthetic body provides him with a number of advantages, including enhanced physical attributes and in-built processing power that allows him to perform hacks and other programs spontaneously. It also removes some disadvantages, such as no longer feeling pain or fatigue.

Huge Nerd
Jumps The Gun

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Everblight
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

MysT3CH - Looking good so far, the only qualm I have right now is a bounty hunter wouldn't have Genius level intellect. Most likely they would just be a promising amateur or a seasoned vet but they wouldn't be revolutionary. One last thing also I wouldn't mind if you made one of his shortcomings a bit more prominent.

Leodiensian - Hello! I noticed you weren't from the Int. Check so thank you for showing interest. Firstly I want to apologise as I didn't include the list we came to in the Int. Check for what jobs would be available on the ship (Now amended) and as such your currently in a job I wasn't really looking for as Bounty hunters aren't really big on the hacking as they are into shooting and punching and Communications are pretty straight forward and I wasn't really wanting a specialist.
May I suggest you go for the Engineer position instead as MysT3CH has done? this isn't a first come first serve RP so it will boil down to who makes the better CS. Finally I'm looking for more prominent shortcomings.

Now to everyone and in some part to Leodiensian again in the Int. Check I put forth my desire to have only humans on the ship, no aliens or in this case robots or anything. There might be scope for these kinds of characters to be developed later on in the RP but to start with I would prefer just humans! As for Leodiensian I hope it won't be too difficult to make your character human?

P.S It's my fault I forgot about people who wouldn't have seen the Int. Check and as such I've amended the first post intro with what my Int. Ck said.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Leodiensian
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Well I had figured that in the Space Future hacking would actually be a pretty major thing in bounty hunting - tracking people by their presence in local wireless networks, hacking their transactions, security cameras etc...Think about how easy it is for people to track you NOW using digital stuff and then extend that even further.. To say nothing of there's a whole spaceship there you really don't want someone else hacking.

As for Harken: He IS a human, he just swapped his meat body for a robotic one. If that's too sci-fi an idea I guess I could modify him to be just a heavily-bionic organic, like a rabid transhumanist, but I dunno... Would that be acceptable? Why the no-robots rule? What level of sci fi are we talking here for your setting? Is there really no such thing as robotics or advanced cybernetics? We're traveling between solar systems here, so we must have some kind of FTL travel, right? And it's for petty bounty hunting so that means FTL stuff must be pretty commonplace, so the overall tech level must be really high. I'm just unclear on what level of tech-ness is acceptable. And if you're opposed to quite advanced tech, I'd have to throw him out and go for one of the other slots? Pilot, muscle or engineer, right? Must admit, not many of those really appeal to me..
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Everblight
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

The Captain is also available.

As for the tech-level it's not quite as bad but it's close to Firefly if you've ever seen the show, or possibly the Alien films. We can travel JUST under the speed of light so for example to get from earth to Pluto right now it takes roughly seven hours when traveling at the speed of light so it will take days possibly a week to travel to other sectors (Solar systems) or that's how I'm going to play it anyway, we can fast-track the travel time between.

The technology level wasn't really going to be a focus of the RP, just a way to push a bit further than might normally be possible. Unfortunately your character is all about the technology which I don't mind as a concept but for the level. I would be fine with making the intricacies of the engineer position a lot more computer formatting and less wrench and hammer, I don't mind that at all.
I'm really sorry as you've obviously already done quite a lot on your character I just wasn't expecting something so different from what I had envisioned, wrongly so I admit.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MysT3CH
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MysT3CH The Wordsmith / ★★★★★

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I'll edit him in a bit still fleshing him out to be honest. And in regards to his intellect, i was hoping to go for him having undertaken the life of a bounty hunter as a means to accomplish a personal. He would have only been with them for say five years now,and have lived a different life up until then.

Also i was hoping to eventually have him be implanted with cybernectic arms later on in the rp, would that be acceptable?.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Everblight
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Hmm, alright you can have the intellect level as long as he gets a cool history!

On the subject of the arms I'm really not sure, especially considering what I've said to Leodiensian. You might be able to get AN arm replaced but only after you've had one blown/ripped off in some horrific way and it's the only viable option. Also it will most likely be a while down the road.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MysT3CH
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MysT3CH The Wordsmith / ★★★★★

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I had planned to have him lose the original limbs anyways :p But sounds good. We could cross that bridge when we get to it :)

Bare with me with his history though, it'll take a while still. However, i'm hoping it won't disappoint.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Everblight
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Yeah you can take your time. We still need a few more people.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MysT3CH
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MysT3CH The Wordsmith / ★★★★★

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Comepleted Riel's CS. His back story didnkt turn out the way i had originally planned, but let me know if anything needs to be changed.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MST3K 4ever
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MST3K 4ever I still love MST3K after all these years.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

-Name- B-L Sullivan./ "Sully"

-Age- 35

-Job- Weapons/Muscle


-Personality- Inspite of his occupation and his formidable presence B-L is actually a fairly laid-back guy. He doesn't believe in shooting first and asking questions later B-L prefers to think and learn about a situation as much as he can before he has to take action, so he can form the best possible plan for him and his crew. B-L is the first one to wade into a bad situation because B-L isn't concerned with his own safety but the needs of his crew are above all else to him.

B-L knows he looks very intimidating and he relies on that intimidation to get either information that he needs, or to get someone to back down from a fight. If that doesn't work though B-L isn't afraid to use whatever means necessary to get the job done. B-L doesn't have some sort of love of violence or has some sort of blood-lust, but when he acts he tells himself that it's for the sake of others always.

B-L doesn't talk a whole lot mainly because he is trying to get "reads" and "tells' on people, but he doesn't have a scowl on his face. He generally has a crooked smile and if he talks it's not mono-syllabic or nods and grunts. B-L says what's on his mind and every now and then cuts loose with a wise-crack, but it's never personal or at the expense of ruining a moment.

-Specialties- B-L has mastered many kinds of firearms, explosives, and bladed weapons. He is a brilliant strategist and observant of the details around him and more than formidable when it comes to hand to hand combat.

-Shortcomings- At times B-L can be too bogged down by details. His sense of loyalty to those he serves with can sometimes blind B-L to a situation where he could take unnecessary risks with his life. Although he doesn't show it too often at his core B-L is very much a cynic and always expects to see a worse case scenario.

-History- Buddy Lee Sullivan was born in the Handot system on the outer moon of the Dalvaran system to Dr. Edwin and Sara Sullivan two archaeologists, and Buddy Lee was the third of four children. His older brother Richard is a star athlete and made his legend by being the star Dabo (combination Hockey & Basketball) player in college and eventually the number pick in the draft and enjoyed a long career and eventually became a coach. His older sister Diane is a brilliant actress and writer while his youngest sister has found fortune and fame as a chemist. Which left B-L struggling to not only find his place in the Universe, but with his own family.

B-L tried many different things and the only thing he accelerated at was getting in trouble with one of the local gangs. His parents tired everything and at the age of 13 it seemed as though B-L was on his way to a stint on a rehab colony and after that a life of crime. Until one person in his family took an interest in him. His grammy Celia invited him to stay with her for the summer. B-L at first was "somewhat resistant" to the idea of staying with her, but seeing as he was before the judge for the 3rd time in 2 years and was given the choice of either a summer with her or 4 years in a rehab colony. B-L went to stay with his reclusive grandmother on Baylonto 6 at her private retreat the summer before his freshman year in high school.

B-L figured he would stay and humor the old lady, but his first morning there B-L had a literal rude awakening. Celia woke him up at 0500 for a workout session, but B-L wasn't up for it. However after having a cold water dumped on him B-L suddenly woke up and was ready to go in 15 minutes. Celia took him down to her basement which was a workout center. She had B-L put on some sparring gear and Celia put some on. Celia told him to throw a punch at her, and B-L thought she was nuts. When he finally threw one halfheartedly Celia slipped the punch and through two sidekicks into his ribs and knocked him down with a right hook. Celia told him to stop screwing around and get serious, B-L threw one this time with force and power Celia ducked it and delivered an left upper cut that lifted B-L up. Celia told him that he threw punches like a drunk monkey and was amazed that he won any fights ever. She told him that summer he would learn how to throw a punch with purpose, how to use a weapon with focus, how to out think his enemy, and what it meant to value someone or something beyond himself.

That summer B-L learned how to be disciplined and focused. 0530 and sparring and workouts until 0630, 0700 Breakfast. 0800 weapons training, 10:30 a break, 1100 studies focused on wars and warriors, 12:30 lunch and discussion of the lessons, 13:30 work on fixing up her retreat, 16:00 prep for dinner, 17:00 dinner. 18:00 break down of the day which sometimes included a story or two. 19:00 Bed and then another day began the same way. It took a couple of days but B-L not only got used to the schedule but he grew to appreciate it. At the end of the summer B-L was a changed young man and he asked his Grandmother why she did this. She told him that one day she'd tell him.

B-L began to mature and saw that the military was a calling he would want to pursue, so he began to dedicate himself to this goal of being in the military. At the end of his freshman and sophomore years he went back to see Celia who would step up his training each year. Then came the end of his junior year and upon his arrival B-L was finally told why she did all this. Celia opened a trunk and took out a black Kevlar suit and B-L a trunk full of weapons. The weapons were somewhat dated but they would do the job if called upon and in mint condition. It turned out dear old Celia used to be in a special ops unit before she married B-L's grandfather. She then took out a jacket that was exactly like his old gang jacket. Celia was also a gang member who was taken in by someone who taught her everything that she taught B-L. She promised this person on his death bed that if she ever had the chance she'd repay that person by teaching someone else. B-L was that repayment. Celia told B-L all this now because she was dying and that now it was his turn to take over his training she was no longer able to, and the weapons were to be giving to him when he retired from the military.

B-L graduated college and joined the Outer Rim Army. He was in the infantry and B-L saw a lot of action and eventually worked his way up to Gunnery Sargent. Once he was done with 12 years B-L figured he had enough and decided it was time to have a life outside of the military. The only job he was able to get was as a bouncer on a pleasure freighter and he lost that job when he tried to shoot the Captain. Granted the Captain was trying to rape one of the cocktail waitresses, but the freighter company wasn't about to get rid of one of their captains. B-L bounced from job to job each one though had two common factors; doing the right thing and seeking justice.

B-L was about to sell his weapons to support two of his favorite habits; eating and drinking. Until he came across the Orion and it was there as a bounty hunter B-L finally felt like he found his home
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Everblight
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

With the problems this has faced and the fact no one else has given any interest I'm going to close this for now. I might come back to it later but I think it's best to shut it down. Sorry to everyone who put work into CS' etc.
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