Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DAWNSTAR
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DAWNSTAR A literal Type 0 Super Luminous Star

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Character name: Mathias Von Curath

Class: Spirit Warrior

Skills and talents: Dual Weapon Finesse, Dual Weapon Sweep, Beyond the Veil, Twin Strikes.

Items: A steel Longsword and iron daggar. Mathias wears a grey iron chestplate, leather gloves, and iron boots. He carries with him a injury kit and three lesser health poultices.

Bio: Mathias was raised and born in Highever. He came from a noble family which had risen to its high status mostly due to the bustling trade buisness that his family ran. Mathias was the only male out of his six siblings was suppose to succed his father in the buisness. His twin sister, Marianne, was found to have magical skills around the age of seven. Not long after, a Chantry offical came to Highever and took Marianne off the to the Circle. Mathias's parents were torn by losing their youngest girl and often took it out on Mathias. Around the age of ten, Mathias was brought in to the family buisness by having him count the money.

Mathias had other aspirations than to be the owner of the family buisness. He wanted to travel across Thedas and see all there was to see. The only people who knew the truth about what Mathias wanted to do was his oldest sister Gwyneth. When Mathias turned eighteen, he told Gwyneth that he was going to leave and go to the Free Marches. Later that day, his parents confronted him and told him a would not be leaving to the Free Marches. Out of anger, Mathias ran away by taking a job as guard for a boat to the Free Marches. He arrived in Kirkwall with no money or suppplies and with few skills he could use to gain money.

Mathias turned to doing mercenary work for money. With each job, Mathias got better with his weapons until he realized that he prefered to just use two weapons. Mathias saved up money to buy supplies and weapons so that he could quit his mercenary work. When he turned twenty five, Mathias heard the rumors about the Fifth Blight in Fereldan. Work started to dry up not too long after as people stopped worrying about bandits and started worrying about Darkspawn. When Fereldan fell, Mathias went to work looking for any word about his family. Eventually, Mathias heard that his family had been killed trying to leave Highever by bandits. No word arrived of his sister Marianne. Not too long after, Mathias left Kirkwall to go to Orlais in hopes of finding his sister Marianne and helping in destroying the Darkspawn threat.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by PrimezTime
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Character name: Ellaria Marcell

Class: Deadly Bard

Skills and talents: Being a very roguish character, Ellaria excels at tricks and maneuvers for a light fighter such as fighting dirty (includes below the belt hits) and evasion maneuvers that meld together for seamless action. But that's if she has to fight. She prefers to leave the long drawn out combat to others or use quicker means than direct combat such as poison or backstabs. If it comes to watching other's fight, she'll find it in her most gracious heart to play them an inspiring tune or so.

Items: Her combat equipment includes a very standard steel long sword, an iron hatchet, and several throwing knives (some laced with various poisons). Her very fantastic lute! Gold (most important!) and finally she has a few vials stashed with brewed poisons.

Bio: A Feralden native, Ellaria was born in Denerim to an impoverished family. She never had much growing up but her parents worked hard as servants to the royalty located in Denerim. Of course this only provided Ellaria evidence of just how greedy the nobility could be and the seed of her later in life criminal activities had sprouted. As Ellaria grew up, she became more and more rebellious to the authority around her, even her parents. She started with petty thievery which got her into serious trouble when she was caught stealing from the nobility. The punishment was dealt swiftly as to scare and scar Ellaria permanently so they sliced off her right hand's pinkie finger. They cauterized the wound and released her after it was all said and done. A finger for jewel...

Much to the dismay of Ellaria's parent's, the punishment was not enough to scare their daughter from her troubled ways. Eventually it escalated to Ellaria vanishing one day with that same jewel that she had been caught with previously. She never returned and her parents received whatever punishment the nobility decided. Whatever happened, Ellaria didn't care as life on her own soon began.

Ellaria fled Denerim and Feralden all together and headed for Orlais, which eventually lead her to Val Royeaux. There she became particularly fond of a local bard, who was not far from Ellaria's age, and even went so far to chase after her, but Ellaria was still a young girl and the bard in question, denied the advancements. Instead of that being it, however, the bard brought up Ellaria and taught the distraught elven girl all she knew about being a bard. The two of them spent years together and they did become rather close, maybe even lovers but Ellaria never mentions to anyone who cares enough to ask.

Whatever happened between the two, it ended when the bard died tragically. The worst part of it all is that the bard was traveling at the time of her death and Ellaria never did get any closure. She doesn't know how or why it happened and thus the topic of her friend (possibly lover) is sort of a soft topic and discussed lightly. Whatever the case, Ellaria reverted back to the rather nasty business of crime. She started spying, assassinating, stealing, or whatever someone wanted as long as they paid her for it. All under the table and secret of course.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Character name: Karine Madeleine

Class: Templar

Skills and talents: Karine has undergone Chevalier training and all that it implies. Meaning that she s a skilled fighter of the shield and Morning Star, as well as with great-swords. She is a little bit less skilled in Archery, but don't think that she can't hit you from a hundred yards away with a single arrow. Karine simply prefers to destroy you in melee combat. She is also owns and is an excellent horse rider, as her own horse himself is a fearsome beast in battle. Additionally, Karine has much Combat Training, as well as improved Vitality and Clarity.

Items: Karine wears her Chevalier armor made of the highest quality steel, but retains both her Morning Star and Shield from her time as a Templar, both which have been enchanted to be very effective against mages. She also carries a Flamberg Zweihänder, which while functional in general purpose combat, she usually reserves for duels or one-on-one combat. May occasionally carry bows and arrows depending on the situation, but more often than not she goes without. She carries a few salves, poultices, and droughts for herself or others as well. Lastly, Karine is quite wealthy, and would often have a coin purse with much gold inside of it. To prevent pickpockets from stealing it, she usually has it inside of her armor.

Bio: Karine was born with a silver spoon. Her father was a Templar in Orlais while her mother was a noble woman, who's family was well connected to the Chantry. Karine's father was a well respected Templar who himself was well liked by his superiors and even a few mages respected his reasonable authority. Karine took up much after her father, much to her mother's displeasure, but when she was pregnant and gave birth to a son, she was much more lenient to her daughter's activities.

Her father was thrilled to have his daughter to become a Templar. He personally felt that the current management was, at best, dutiful, but more often than not blinded by principles and laws rather than upholding the ideals they were made for. He personally trained Karine himself to ensure that she did not have to go through with augmenting her powers with Lyrium, like he did. This actually made her a much more skilled Templar than usual, as without the additional benefits of Lyrium, she had to become much more skilled in battle. But despite being trained by her own father, Karine did not exactly inherit his ideals.

As a young girl, Karine was always a rather commanding child. She would order around others younger and older than her, stronger too, but she never backed down, never showed fear. Sure she may have been beaten a few times, but she had the determination to keep on going. More importantly, she also liked getting into those fights as a child as well. She relished in the blood-rush of violence and combat. She saw her father not so much as a heroic savior against those who would abuse magic so much as a warrior who gets to fight powerful things, like mages and demons. She cared little of the Chantry so much as the chance to fight against powerful enemies and coming out on top. Even as she trained to become a Templar, these ideals remained.

Eventually Karine finished her training and joined the Templar Order... For a short while. She was loyal enough to the Chantry and hunted down her own share of mages, some of whom posed no challenge at all, but she did get to fight against a few Blood Mages and the demons they summoned, which she considers the best moments as her life as a Templar. But for the most part, watching over the mages in the Circle was boring; only one or two would try to run every year or so, and very few even turn to blood magic before she crushes their heads with her morning star. It was boring. Her father told her that it was her duty to protect and serve the Chantry and it's believers, but Karine cared little for it. She wanted to fight, to defeat powerful enemies and flee the blood flowing through her body and out her wounds. That's when she remembered her mother.

On Karine mother's side, she had many ancestors who were "Chevaliers", noble and skilled knights of Orlais. More importantly, they were often sent out to battle on behalf of the Empress, and they get to duel each other for honor and entertainment. This sounded much more appealing than waiting around for a mage to try to run away from the Circle, so Karine had her father and mother pull some strings to allow her to undergo Chevalier Training. Unlike her Templar training, which her father oversaw, her training as a Chevalier was much more brutal and unforgiving. And she loved ever minute of it. When she eventually became a Chevalier, she was one of the best. The only reason she could not take a higher authority was simply because she cared little of the responsibilities and was more interested in challenging others to duels, those who did not believe that she worthy of the title of Chevalier or Templar.

Even now Karine has a bit of a reputation in Orlais, more so in her home city of Val Royeaux. She has the reputation of being one of the more skilled Chevaliers as well as being a member of the Templar Order, but gossip would also tell you that she has a short temper and would demand duels from you simply for being arrogant, boastful, or generally an annoyance to her. She is respected for her skill but hated for her personality, as many would think that she would fit better in the lands of Ferelden than the courts of Orlais. Karine would actually agree to this sediment, and wishes to one day fight the strongest warriors from those lands. Currently she continues to serve both as a Chevalier and a Templar, ready to face Darkspawn or Maleficar, which ever happens to come first.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Theorist

Theorist The Lord of Everlasting Angst

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Character name:
Maximus Decimus

Solis 13, 8:60 Blessed (70 years old)

Mage (Blood)

Skills and talents:

Blood Magic Mode
Blood Sacrifice
Blood Wound

A cane, which acts as the focus for his spellcasting. It's also a family heirloom.

A collection of 16 journals bound together by a strip of leather. These journals chronicle Maximus's adventures through Thedas. The things he has seen, sketches of monsters and tips on the best way to kill them, secrets of the Grey Wardens' Joining ritual (Encrypted of course), and little notes and reminders.

Bedding for those nights in the wilderness.

Maximus's life began in the great city of Minrathous in 8:60 Blessed. His life was marked with privilege since the very beginning. The first mage child of a Soporati family, his family was elevated to the status of Laetans. From a very young age, Maximus showed a great talent for the magical arts. So much so that at the age of 13, he was accepted into the Imperial Circle of Magi in Minrathous. It was there where his magical ability really flourished. It was also there where his instructors noticed his unhealthy appetite for knowledge and obsession with power. At the age of 36, he became a Senior Enchanter in the Minrathous Circle, giving him access to some of the artifacts in the Circle's care. One of these artifacts held a demon who, in exchange for its freedom, taught Maximus the forbidden art of Blood Magic. Maximus's life went downhill from there. He would frequently lock himself in his room, practicing his art and growing his power. Many of the Enchanters knew-- or at least suspected-- that Maximus was up to something, but he was largely ignored until he was caught doing a blood ritual. Not with slaves like he normally did, but this time, he had Apprentices on the altar. Faced with being branded Maleficar and being hunted down by Templars, he left. At the age of 40, he left the Imperium and traveled all over Thedas, completing jobs for people and even falling in with Mercenary companies eager to have the power of a mage. Eventually, he met a young woman in the Ferelden village of Lothering and settled down. He married, had a couple of kids (one of which was a mage), life was good. That is, until twenty-five years later. He learned from a friend in the Chantry that the Templars knew of his abilities. While he wasn't sure if they knew he was a Maleificar, he wasn't willing to take that chance. He left Lothering that night, abandoning his family. He was found two weeks later back east by Duncan, the leader of the Grey Wardens in Ferelden. At the time, he was hungry and desperate and attempted to rob Duncan and the two other Wardens with him. Maximus was emaciated however, and the other Wardens overpowered him quickly. Duncan saw the power Maximus held however, and asked him to join the Order. Seeing no better option, he accepted. Not to mention that the idea that the Templars wouldn't be able to touch him was very attractive. After five years of being with the Order, he became one of the mages that assisted with the preparation of the Joining ritual. He was conveniently on business in Orlais during the Battle of Ostagar, and after hearing what happened and how Loghain was shutting Grey Wardens out of Ferelden, he decided to stay in Orlais and wait until Ferelden fell and the Blight spread to Orlais.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by 21308
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Member Seen 11 mos ago

Alright, he's in!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by RollerToaster
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I hope this is still open. I had a read through the Int Chk and I am very interested.

Character Name: Ashaad of the Beresaad

Class: Warrior/Reaver

Skills and Talents:
- Mighty Blow - The Warrior strikes with a crushing overhead blow
- Scythe - The Warrior strikes with a rushing horizontal attack
- Blood Frenzy - The Reaver feeds off his own pain, gaining an increase in attack power from each injury.
- Devour - The Reaver tears into his opponent, consuming their life force to heal himself.

- A Qunari greatsword named Kata, meaning "The End"
- Armor of the Antaam

Bio: Ashaad was born into slavery in the Tevinter Imperium, under the name Silas, where he was raised to be a young Magister's bodyguard. All throughout his childhood he underwent brutal training that left his body scarred. It was a life filled with pain and in time he learned how to harness that pain and turn it into strength. Unknown to even himself, he had begun to travel the path of the Reaver. His skills progressed at a startling rate, beyond his master's expectations and, fearing that his slave would turn on him, he attempted to have Silas killed. The young elf, however fought back, slaughtering every soldier that his master sent at him. In one night, the Magister's mansion was drenched in Tevinter blood and as the sun rose a gore covered Silas stood over his master's mutilated body.

Silas knew that, after what he had done there would be no imprisonment for him. They wouldn't sell him to another master, he knew, they would kill him on sight. So Silas fled north across the sea to Seheron, pursued by Tevinter Hunters. The Magister he'd murdered had been the son of the Imperial Archon's sister and she had demanded that he pay for his crime, no matter how far he fled. Barely a week had passed before the hunters tracked him down in Seheron and as he fought them off they were all attacked by the Qunari.

The Hunters had tried to fight free of the Qunari and were promptly slaughtered, while Silas surrendered to them and was taken to Par Vollen where he was given to the Ben-Hassrath for "re-education". Only once Silas had begun to learn about the Qun did he realise that all his life, even as a slave, he had felt like his life had no purpose, no identity. The Qun promised him a place, a role in society that only he could fill, and he accepted their teachings eagerly. He became Viddathari, a convert to the Qun and was assessed by the Tamassrans to determine what his role would be. They named him an Ashaad, a lone scout of the Beresaad, the vanguard of the Antam.

When news of the Blight reached Par Vollen a Sten of the Beresaad was sent to Ferelden to find an answer for the Arishok's question "What is the Blight?" However Sten was not the only soldier to be sent out from Par Vollen. Silas, now named Ashaad, his role and identity, was also sent to gather information on the Blight. He along with many others scattered throughout southern Thedas, each one with instruction to use their own judgment to find a satisfactory answer to the Arishok's question.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by 21308
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Member Seen 11 mos ago

It's kind of lucky I just happened to come back and check this thread. He's cool to join.
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