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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Skybreaker
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Skybreaker Sugar Rocker

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The mansion was big, and thanks to Grandmother's hatred of dust paired with her servants' almost obsessive need to be doing something, was always spotless. The young boy's eyes had -widened in shock when he saw what a big place his Grandmother lived in. It had dark wooden floors, and sparkly stained glass windows. What caught the seven-year-old boy's attention the most, however, were the many strange and wonderful artifacts located all over the house. There were paper lanterns, strange garments called 'kimonos', and scrolls and paintings of every size that decorated the mansion's otherwise empty walls.

Constance Mirandar, his grandmother, was previously a journalist who worked in Japan. Though Davis didn't know much about what she had done there, his grandmother loved to tell him stories about her adventures. She made living with her fun, even though Davis had never been so carefully watched. His Father wasn't joking when he warned him that living with Grandmother could be both exciting and scary. She couldn't stand dust- or dirt. Once the child had tracked a bit of mud into the foyer. In response, grandmother had him polish the skylight over the dining room, which had scared away any thoughts of ever angering the old woman again. Nevertheless, Davis loved her very much.

Constance was a woman in her mid-seventies, with cool grey hair almost always in a complex-looking braid. She wore comfortable aprons and indoor-wear, saying 'There are no cameras here, anyways...' She had several servants who appeared to all be fairly young, or at least younger than her. Constance was the mother of Davis' Father, and lived far away from them. The boy only saw his grandmother at very special occasions such as weddings or reunions. In fact, living with Grandmother wasn't a simple vacation; it was because Davis' lungs were bad.

He had really bad asthma, and living in the smoggy urban city with his parents wasn't good for his health. He had almost died from an asthma attack a few months ago, and that was the final straw. His parents sent him to live with Grandmother until their insurance was approved for surgery and he could move back. It had been about a month since his move, and the boy had grown rather comfortable in the mansion, with the fun and often eccentric servants and his adventurous grandmother!

Davis tossed the paper ball into the air once more, but it landed on his dark auburn hair. He had it cut short to keep it out of his way. The child had slightly tanned skin and big brown eyes. He was playing a short distance away from the estate, where perfect, level meadow transitioned into ominous forest. Even though he should be by himself, he could feel Haruo or Sakuya staring into the back of his neck from inside the house. Since it had been ages since his last attack and Grandmother kept him fed, Davis didn't look sickly at all. It was one of those rare moments when Grandmother let him play outside, though he was positive he should have to take a bath as soon as he came inside. Maybe Haruo would cook him up something yummy when he got back inside. Smiling dreamily at the thought of the cook's dishes, the young boy was brought back to the present when he heard an eerie howl.

Instinctively, he gasped and turned around, his new toy forgotten and drifting slowly to the grass. His eyes searched the woods fearfully, looking for a branch out of place. 'Be still, child, for not all monsters are to be feared...' He could hear Grandmother's motto as he took a deep breath and looked around. Something had to be out of place.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Aalakrys
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Member Seen 6 days ago

The canopy stretched for miles, it seemed, as a tiny little fox leaped from tree top to tree top. Wind blowing through his fur, he chirped with delight, feeling grateful for the clear skies and warm sun. Frolicking was a well-known trait enjoyed by all young creatures, and Hiroshi was prime for that age to go out on his own. Really, his guardian had always told him not to go so far from their dwelling as warning, but all the distractions about him were excusable enough.

Pausing for a breath at a massive tree hovering above a large pool of water, he shook out his fur and stroked it back into its proper place. Once all things were settled, he looked up from his grooming to realize he did not recognize this area. It smelled unfamiliar and strange, but it looked lovely. The reeds along the water's edge danced along in the light breeze invitingly, charming his heart and making him want to come down.

Never go down onto unfamiliar soil alone, His guardian's voice reminded him distantly. He shook his little fox head, thinking that the peaceful water looked welcoming enough to be of no danger. Really, he was awfully thirsty after such an adventure - and would need some refreshing before he made his way back. Convincing himself it was perfectly fine, the innocent youthful kitsune hopped from the branch and, landing lightly on the bank, stepped through the thick cool grass to lap up some water.

He had just finished when he sat back on his haunches to wipe the excess drops away from his chin whiskers when tendrils lurched out, quickly wrapping their way around his paws. Growling viciously at the attacker as it started pulling him forward, he bit down hard on one of the threads. The creature's grip loosened momentarily, but another tendril shot out to lash his hide. Yelping in stunned pain, he faltered and was pulled forward some more before he was able to resist again. Quickly reacting, he locked his back legs and pulled, his paws sliding deeper into the bank as the monster edged him forward.

Help me, He suddenly felt himself call loudly as tears formed in his fox eyes, coming out only as a high howl. Thorns protruded from the vines gripping him, digging through his fur and into the muscle beneath. He yelped again and tried to bite down once more, hurting his gums as the thorns pierced through around his teeth. Whimpering, he called again uselessly for help.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Skybreaker
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Skybreaker Sugar Rocker

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The seven year old boy shakily got to his feet. Since he had been sitting, his legs felt prickly as he got up. Davis's eyes still panned around uneasily. He was sure he had heard a howl that came from the woods, but it wouldn't be safe at all to go toward it. Would it? No, he was fairly certain, that in terms of his strict Grandmother's rules, running toward the blood-curdling howl was a big no-no. But what if something needed help? From what he heard from the household staff, Grandmother was keen on helping people and animals. He would make her proud if he did something like that, wouldn't he? Of course he would. Nervously, Davis rubbed his hands together and flicked some auburn hair from his face. It felt like he had a reason to now, but it didn't make him any less terrified.

Slowly, Davis began to walk toward the invisible line where meadow transitioned into forest. The underbrush was dark, with fallen leaves, twigs and more forest gunk littering the floor. Cringing, the young child heard yet another chilling howl and his lip pouted as he hesitated. Shutting his eyes for a few seconds, Davis then quickly dashed into the dark woods, careful to avoid the plies of moist mud.

Cursing aloud, the man hit his fist against the window of polished reinforced glass, hanging his head only for a moment as he watched the grandson of his mistress make a mad dash for the woods. Didn't he just tell him to stay in the meadow? And, more importantly, why was he in the yard by himself? Sakuya placed the cloth he was using to wipe the windows on the windowsill, and called out rather loudly, "Ryuu! Come with me to fetch Davis!" He called out as he began to head to the door. Were he on the second floor, Sakuya probably would have just popped open a window and hopped out of it, but it would be useless if he just came out of the first story.

The man had light pink hair tied a bit in the back and looked to be in his mid-twenties. He was wearing a black and white waistcoat, and his coattails flapped as he hurried. Finally throwing open the door, pink eyes narrowed. What was Davis thinking? He was young, yes, but usually never this impulsive. He heard it as well, the cry for help, but... He could feel an evil presence present. This could all be a trap. Grinding his teeth together a bit nervously, he decided to hurry and retrieve him, and with Ryuu's help, he probably catch him before anything bad happened.

Meanwhile, Davis was way deeper in the woods than Sakuya had originally thought. He was trying to follow where the howling was coming from, but after a while, realized that everything just looked the same. And that had started to scare him. "Hello?!? Is anyone there?!?" He screamed, a bit of panic in his voice.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Aalakrys
Avatar of Aalakrys


Member Seen 6 days ago

The silver was taunting him, Ryuu knew - just like he knew Sakuya had assigned polishing as an act of torture for flirting with the new maid ... again. Really, it wasn't his fault that she got all embarrassed and dropped the soot container, casting the ashes across the hardwood floor. Defeated, he hung his head as he reached up to tie back his extra locks before setting to work. Just as he was reaching for the cloth, he heard Sakuya's alarmed voice from down the hall. Secretly, he thanked the heavens for saving him from the silverware as he dashed off after the call.

"I'm here, sir," Ryuu said as he slid to a halt next to the older man. "I'll dash on ahead to save your elder lungs some trouble."

He chuckled at the jest as he sprint on ahead recklessly and boldly into the foliage. Swift travel was actually something he'd naturally had to his advantage, even if he was grounded. Following a trail was something he wasn't skilled at, however, and gave pause to listen as soon as the dark aura practically slammed into his chest. He heard the howling, weak cries for help, really, and then the scared voice of the young master. Worry now creased his usual carefree brow.

The pain from the thorns was becoming far too intense for Hiroshi to bear much more of consciously - his resolve was weakening, and his body giving over to the pain. In a last struggle for his life, he attempted a shockwave but it was far too weak in his young age and physical state to do much aside from temporarily loosen the constraints. He took his chance though, and pulled upwards towards the bank as the thorns ripped his fur and flesh deeper. Falling into the damp grass with a final weak howl, Hiroshi's body giving out completely, he felt his strength leave and his eyes fall heavy. I'm ... going to die.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Skybreaker
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Skybreaker Sugar Rocker

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Seeing the footman run off, Sakuya sighed a bit frustratedly. Though his cheeks were slightly tinged, he was far from furious. Moreover, he was slightly annoyed that even in a dire situation, Ryuu would take things so lightly. As he gazed off, however, he did feel a bit old. Though he had the energy to chase after a hyper seven-year-old, he didn't know if he had the heart to. It would be easier just to chill and wait for Ryuu to do it. Widening his pink eyes slightly, he shook those thoughts out of his head. He was head butler! He didn't have time to think like- he shivered at the thought- Ryuu. Just a few moments around the relaxed male, and he was already feeling ready to spread out his form and take a catnap.

With a new stern look, the older youkai ran off to catch up to young Davis. With any luck, Mistress was still asleep and wouldn't have his head for this... Metaphorically, of course. As he stepped into the thick underbrush of the woods, Sakuya took a deep breath. It was very faint, but... he could smell the linen on Davis' clothes. Unless that was Ryuu, in which case he would smack the footman on the head for getting in his way, even though it was he who asked the other for his assistance. Suddenly, Davis' scent was gone and Sakuya stopped awkwardly, looking at the ground for tiny footprints, which he found by way of little... fox tracks? Narrowing his eyes, he was alerted to a new danger and closed his eyes from the impact of the aura. Why didn't he smell it before? Earthy and rich, smelling like blood and chlorophyll...

The young boy was already on the verge of tears. "Oh noes..." He murmured to himself, trying to keep moving, which was a horrible thing to do when you were lost, really. "What if I never find my way back? What if Grandmother forgets that I left and she gets so shocked she dies?" Davis gulped, not wanting to be responsible for a death. And then... there was another howl. Aha! Exactly the reason he had come into the woods in the first place! His confidence momentarily, Davis, (like any other little boy with a vivid imagination and too much time on his hands,) began to run toward the howl. He was careful not to trip over any roots, as he had already done that previously, much to his own embarrassment.

"Oww!" He squeaked as his face was batted by a leafy tree branch. Gritting his teeth, the auburn haired youth continued, in what was in his mind, a perilous quest to save a what could be a cute little puppy, or maybe a raccoon! He loved raccoons. What did everyone call them in grandmother's house? Ta.. nu.. kis? That never made much sense to him, but neither did kimonos or green tea, so he supposed it made sense because it didn't make sense. Rubbing his hazel eyes, Davis realized he was making himself dizzy with all the nonsense thinking...

Sakuya, realizing that Davis was getting closer and closer to the monster, had already gone to where the tiny kitsune had fainted. Above everything short of Davis' safety, Constance made sure to let everyone know to hide their true forms- little children growing up in modern America didn't need to be considered nutjobs because they had seen a youkai. So, without changing forms nor uttering a word, the butler leapt forward like a tiger and slashed whatever the thing was to bits- or at least until it retreated. Some sort of goo had gotten into his fingers and fell in globlets on the ground, and the pink-haired man wrinkled his nose in distaste. Hearing Davis far before he got close enough, Sakuya made sure to get out of sight. perhaps it would be better if davis didn't know he had been here...

The small child saw what appeared to be a dead, bloody mess. And it was furry, which made Davis scream. Was it dead? He wanted to run away, but he needed to know for sure- he couldn't tell what kind of animal it was from here. So slowly, he crept to the thing, and crouched so he got a really good look at it. It looked like... a fox? But the vulpine he had seen in city zoos were much, much bigger! Maybe it was a baby fox. Biting his lip, davis had never seen anything dead except for bugs, but he didn't count those. Suddenly, he reached down to pet it out of what must have been childlike curiosity. Did a dead thing feel different from an alive thing? But to his surprise, his fingers were met with a gentle pulse. Moved from the verge of tears to a wide grin, Davis scooped up the fox without hesitation. It was hurt, no question about that. Holding it close, Davis got a better look at the thing. He hoped he hadn't hurt the poor thing, but at this point, it didn't look like it mattered anymore.

"Don't worry, Mr. Fox. I'll bring you back to the mansion, and you'll be alright!" He murmured softly, contemplating where he could go.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Aalakrys
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Member Seen 6 days ago

"Nice job, sensei," Ryuu chuckled lightly from a tree trunk he'd sat against, balancing on his heels so his uniform did not get dirty on the moist ground. Earlier, he had caught the scent of blood when the breeze picked up, shortly after hearing the howl, and looped back around the lake he sensed in the distance. By the time he'd gotten there, he saw Sakuya going in to attack the monster. No point in telling the elder man all of that though, so instead, he jokingly teased, "Although, if the consolation prize is getting monster sludge under my nails, I am glad you take care of that one -- sir."

The required formality was added with a bright grin as he stood and pulled out the clean linen cloth he was supposed to use for polishing the silver before he was (gratefully) sidetracked. Closing the distance between them and lifting one of the butler's hands in a swift movement, he began to wipe away the slime as he said in his usual teasing tone - no matter who he spoke to, really - except the mistress, of course, "Can't go addressing the mistress in this condition, you know. Head butler has to always look impeccable. Good thing you asked me to come along after all - that whole feline nature of yours may get the better of you and, next thing you know, the monster blood will have poisoned you in your carelessness."

Dropping the elder man's hand suddenly, he smiled brightly again as he stuffed the rag back in his back pocket and announced, "All clean. I'll leave you to escort the kid back - shadowing is more your style than mine, sir."

With one back hand wave, he zoomed back off. Really, he considered using the excuse of getting lost so he wouldn't have to go polish the silverware. What a drag ... He thought with a sigh, continuing back towards the house on a path where he wouldn't run across the kid. The smell of blood trailing in the kid's wake was enough to make Ryuu voluntarily sway to the side trail anyway.


Overwhelmed by the pain, smell of his own blood, and fear at his upcoming death had been enough to cause Hiroshi to lose consciousness immediately after his final howl. He had no idea what had occurred in-between the moments were his eyes closed and the world seemingly fell silent to when he felt warmth all around him as he was gently cradled by someone. He had not the strength to move or open his eyes, but he could hear the soft sounds of the leaves dancing to the light breeze, and then a young male's reassuring voice radiating the warmth that he felt from the child's body in his tone. Feeling safe, he immediately fell back into a peaceful state of unconsciousness after a small intake of breath which captivated the clean linen and soap smell surrounding the kid.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Skybreaker
Avatar of Skybreaker

Skybreaker Sugar Rocker

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The butler nodded curtly at the footman as he was teased. Sakuya then smirked a bit toothily at the other. "Feline nature? Hm..." He mused with good nature, mostly relieved that Davis was safe. If the tiny human had died at the hands of a youkai on his watch, Mistress would be breaking a few windows just about now. It was a good thing that Ryuu knew that being clean was one of his pet peeves. If the footman hadn't cleaned his fingers off, he probably would have done so with his tongue- and that would have undoubtedly have ended badly.

As Ryuu fled the scene, Sakuya snickered. So, leave it all to him, eh? Though of course he didn't mind. Scaling up a tree quickly, the butler dashed from treetop to treetop, swatting away buzzing insects, until he had reached the end of the woods. Standing in his black loafers and waiting for the child to waltz through, crying his eyes out and probably wanting a hug or something like that. Davis was just that sort of person- the type who was content with the little things like hugs and paper cranes. Luckily, though he didn't know much origami, a paper crane was enough to keep the boy occupied for at least a few hours. And if he got bored of the one he gave to him, he would just make another one- but this time out of a different paper. Or he could simply pawn the child off to bother one of the other household staff.

Pink eyes looking slightly troubled as he gazed into the dark gaps between spotted, peeling tree trunks, wondering where exactly Davis was. Then his eyes lit up as he realized the human boy was probably still lost. He couldn't scale trees the way a youkai could- there were humans that could do such things, but rest assured, Davis was not one of them. He was a sweet kid, but hardly an acrobat. Leaning and peering in, the man hissed rather loudly at first, then began to shout. "Davis...? Davis. Davis! DAVIS!!" He yelled, the sound reverberating through the forest and shaking the trees. If that didn't get the boy's attention, he would have to light a path for the other to follow.

"Hm... Grandmother's house is North from where I live, so maybe if I just go North? But which way is North?" Davis mused softly, hugging the tiny fox to his form and looking around. Using his obviously inaccurate child logic, his dark red hair was moved as he stroked it nervously. There was a sudden chill, and Davis looked at it quickly. "Oh, hey! The North Pole is cold! I bet that way is North!" As he took a few steps, he suddenly heard Saku's voice, calling him- from the opposite direction. "O-Oh. Yeah." He muttered quickly as he turned around and ran toward the butler's voice. He didn't even trip once. Pretty soon, he had made it out. And it was just beginning to get dark.

He was a mess. Hair strewn with dirt and grime, tiny shallow cuts that didn't even bleed covered his knuckled, and he had a big bright eyes grin. Sakuya's face fell a bit as he saw the wounded animal in the other male's arms. 'What is that?" He questioned bluntly. Davis grinned.

"A fox. I saved it!" He said proudly, knowing he upset the butler but not really knowing why.

"Ah- I see." Sakuya stammered quickly. "W-Well let's get you cleaned up, huh?" He said, leading the child back into the mansion by the hand. Davis yawned q few times along the way. When the double doors opened, Sakuya couldn't stop the feline screech that escaped his lips. Sheepishly, he covered his mouth and flushed cheeks with a single hand.

"Grandma!" Davis sang as he saw the old woman put down her book and meet them at the foyer.

"Davis. You're very dirty... Why don't you go get cleaned up, alright?" She greeted sternly. Davis nodded, hugging the fox to his body. "Hn?" Constance asked, "Who's this?" She asked casually. Grandma never got mad or overly emotional.

"Oh, I saved him!"

"...Good." She said after a time, gesturing for Sakuya to come and take it from Davis' hands, to which he did silently. "Now go wash up." Davis nodded groggily and yawned, tottering off to the bathroom where he sat in the tub and turned on the shower, feeling sleepier than ever.

"Momoko! Kaori! Kaede! Ryuu! I need you to help me with our guest here." She murmured, softly stroking the kitsune's fur.

"Uh, Mistress, is this what I think it is?" Sakuya gently asked.

"A kitsune?" She responded rhetorically.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Aalakrys
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Member Seen 6 days ago

Sunlight was dancing along to the rhythm of the wind through the cherry blossom tree outside Kaori's window, streaming along the documents splayed neatly out across her desk without choreography. She was peering over her spectacles that rested on the tip of her nose, reading the chef's planned menu for next week to see if any ingredients needed to be ordered, when she heard Sakuya's call for the young master outside. Glancing out the window to see Haruki stand from his flower patch and look towards the rear of the house, she wondered what had happened to cause such distress in the head butler's tone. Standing and gently lying the document on top of the pile, Kaori decided to check on the mistress. Lady Constance was sitting down to tea with her back to slightly open parlor door, the new maid nervously standing behind her out of view while clasping the tray she'd delivered the tea on tightly to her chest. At seeing Kaori out of the corner of her eye, the girl's youthful face brightened slightly with a nervous smile, and so Kaori continued on down the hallway without disturbing the mistress.

" -- lost him already. Lazy cat, I knew I should have stayed --," Ryuu's relaxed over the shoulder glance as he spoke openly about the situation upon entering the house froze when he looked forward to see the Jorōgumo Kaori smiling brightly at him. He knew that specific smile on her face was really an indication of danger, so he bowed low immediately. She was far too crafty for him, he'd learned a long time ago. "Forgive me, Madam Kaori."

"Now, now, Ryuu," She chided, smile still in place with a tilt of her head as an index finger touched her cheek. "I imagine Sakuya could come up with all sorts of appropriate punishments for such incredulous talk, but I do believe he's already given you the silverware. Am I correct?"

"Yes, ma'am," Ryuu said, lifted his head up from his bow to look upon her face. She indicated with a wave for him to stand tall again, and he smiled broadly at her - taking her offer to relax once more. "I will get to that."

"Naturally," She said after casually eyeing the seemingly irresponsible Ōkami for a moment, folding her hands into her kimono as her arms crossed. As he passed upon her agreement, she spoke again - causing him to freeze once more in place as if she had paralyzed him with that deceptively sweet voice. "But first ... what happened?"

As Ryuu was relaying the tale to the housekeeper, Kaori began to shift from foot to foot as the mistress finished her tea. Meekly, she reached forward to pour another cup, but was halted when Constance placed her hand over the cup calmly. Kaori liked the mistress, even though she was very nervous around her. She seemed nice, the young maid was thinking as she placed the teacup and pot on her tray without a word. Of course, Kaori never spoke unless spoken to, and often could disappear without one noticing. It was a good trait for a servant to have, even though she had an unfair advantage as an Obake. As she made her way to the kitchens to deposit the kettle and teacup, she pondered, as she often did, on her death.

Kaede had ventured into the garden to let Haruki know what the head butler's call had been for after seeing the boy cross the threshold of the forest to an anxiously awaiting Sakuya. Her tones had been kinder with Haruki than Ryuu simply because they were almost the exact opposite - where Ryuu liked to dawdle and laze about at times, Haruki worked from sun up until sun down. The gardener's personality was also sincere, where the footman had been sly in his words. Upon hearing the creature at the lake's little description, Haruki looked puzzled and then worried for the flora in the area with an unidentifiable monster in the area. With the decision to go check on the plants in the forest, Kaede bid him be careful just as her name was called from inside by the mistress.

Not one to run, she took a brisk pace as she headed back towards the entrance near her office as it was the closest. Just as she made it to the main hallway, she saw Kaori's worried expression as she rushed to meet the housekeeper in the intersection. Ryuu joined them as well from the opposite direction, hands in pockets and strolling casually.

"Kid's back," He said just as casually as his body displayed. "Brought a friend."

"Another guest," Kaori looked anxious at the possibility.

"Perhaps," Kaede tapped her finger to her cheek.

"It'll be a while till the pup is awake," Ryuu said as he quickened his pace to match Kaede's and Kaori slowed hers. "If it wakes up at all - I can smell the blood from here."

"Blood," Kaori whined quietly to herself. She wasn't concerned with the cleaning, but rather the possibility of there being another death in this house.

"Madam Constance is calling us for a reason," Kaede reminded her softly as they rounded the next intersecting hall where the mistress could be found. She offered a kind smile down to the maid and whispered as they entered the room. "It will be fine."

"Madam," The three bowed in unison, each dipping lower than the other as their station indicated. Kaede was the first to look up, Ryuu followed, and then Kaori after hesitating a moment longer, tears already in her eyes. Kaede's eyes flickered to the mass of blood and fluff sitting before their mistress. "How can we help?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Skybreaker
Avatar of Skybreaker

Skybreaker Sugar Rocker

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Momoko was late. Twirling her treasured parasol around one finger, she ran to the foyer. As she finally arrived, white hair strewn everywhere and cyan eyes shining like a rabid dog, the others were already bowing. She quickly tried to do the same, even joining in the chorus of "Madam." If only she hadn't stopped in the kitchen on the way here to taste tonight's soup! And salad! And pudding! Okay, so she loved tasting and eating... trying in vain to smooth out her messy hair, Momoko smiled sheepishly as she closed her eyes, trying to feign innocence. However, she gasped in spite of herself as she saw the nearly dead fox. The wordless maid put both hands to her mouth to show her dismay, which Lady Constance easily picked up.

"It's not dead. Now, all of you, take it to the wash and clean it up a bit. After you've done your best to treat it, give our new guest a place to sleep in one of the guest bedrooms. I'm sure they'll tell us exactly what happened when they wake up." She instructed slowly. Sakuya and Momoko nodded as Constance slowly walked out of the room, probably to read a book or embroider something.

"Well? What are you waiting for?" Sakuya prodded as he stared straight at Momoko. Swallowing slowly, the kurakasa tucked her treasured white parasol in the nook of her elbow and hesitantly crouched down next to the wounded youkai. In a last-ditch attempt to escape her fate, she shot a desperate look to Sakuya, who just arched a dark pink eyebrow. Breathing out in a huff, Momoko took the fox into her arms and hoisted him up. Cringing and sticking her tongue out, she said nothing but ran like a madwoman to the nearest bathroom. "MOMOKO!" Sakuya called, running a few moments later. "CALM DOWN, YOU'LL RUN INTO SOMETHING!" But she wasn't listening.

Groaning in misery, Momoko struggled with the knob a bit more before accepting that someone was in the shower. Based on the upbeat off-key pop songs coming from inside, Davis was washing himself of the caked mud, grime and blood. She then continued to run down the long hallways until she came to another bathroom, thanking the gods when it swung wide open. To her surprise, Sakuya was already there. "What took you so long, Momoko?" He demanded impatiently. Pouting, she held out the fox and sakuya dipped him in the warm soapy water, unsure if the fox would fight or wake. "Be prepared to use that umbrella of yours." Momoko shot him an angry glare. It wasn't an umbrealla- it was a wax-paper parasol! She waved it once in the air for good measure, causing a bottle of soap to pump itself once and smear onto Hiroshi, quickly foaming up and making him look like a lamb.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Aalakrys
Avatar of Aalakrys


Member Seen 6 days ago

The scent of the newer maid layered in kitchen smells had caught Ryuu's attention before her chime joined the earlier arrivals. He found himself giving her a side glance just as he raised his head before his eyes flickered back to the mistress. He couldn't decide which maid was more entertaining, and was considering the differences when the mistress spoke up to address the little lump of fur covered in blood before them. He felt himself nod with the other servants, glancing over to see Kaori give her anxious glance to the spider-witch.

"Prepare the room, child," Kaede answered the glance with a warm smile as Ryuu tucked his hands in his pockets as he watched Momoko fidget over the little beast before finally picking it up and fleeing the room under Sakuya's stationary power. He smirked at that as well as he watched the head butler calmly leave after the frantic maid, followed by the anxious one who rang her hands nervously to prepare the room.

"Well," Ryuu let out a sigh with the word. "Since all the jobs are taken, I suppose --"

"Not so fast," The pain at his ear being tugged as the spider-witch began to pull him down the hallway behind the retreating staff who went to do their assigned tasks. "If the creature is poisoned, I will retract it best I can. You, useless wolf, will follow any directions Sakuya gives and until then you will wait silently behind him - perhaps with a towel since you've gotten so good at that."

The last words came in false sweetness as the released his ear. Ryuu stood straight and rubbed his ear, glaring at the back of the evil woman for a moment. He did not hate being merely a footman - in fact, he liked not having the responsibility, not to mention giving Sakuya a hard enough time.

Kaede paused, causing Ryuu to suddenly halt when she turned to glance back at him, "I shall go ahead to see how Kaori is fairing. Please do not get ... distracted."

Yeah, yeah ... Ryuu continued following the scent of his beloved butler after Kaede made her way down a different path. Taking a solemn stance while silently waiting on the bumbling maid to finally show up with the kitsune, Ryuu inwardly felt amusement as he reached for a towel to drape over his arm while he dead-pan stared at Sakuya without saying a word.

Kaori had a little trouble dragging out the futon mattress by herself being so small, but she managed - unceremoniously dragging it over to the center of the guest room and heavily dumping the end she carried with a sudden release of the breath she didn't know she was holding. Kaede appeared at the open screen just as Kaori was readjusting her disheveled uniform. The younger girl froze as their eyes met, then she glanced down at the heap of futon and blankets she left messily piled on top. Immediately, she fell to her knees in a bow, her hands falling to the disorganized mess of bedding. "I'm so sorry! It was so heavy --"

"It's quite alright, Kaori," Kaede came into the room and began to readjust the futon at the opposite end where Kaori collapsed. The younger girl lifted when she felt the movement and looked quizzically to the housekeeper. The elder smiled, "I've come to help, not criticize. The mistress called all of us, so that must mean all our efforts be used. Please, straighten your end and do not worry."

Kaori nodded as she wiped away a tear that had formed on one of her lids before helping Kaede prepare the bedding. "Shall I get the medicinal herbs for burning?"

"Excellent idea," Kaede smiled as she straightened her posture and placed a finger to her cheek in thought, watching the girl bustle down the hallway. With a content sigh, she silently thanked the gods she didn't get stuck with Ryuu and Momoko for monitoring, at least Kaori made up for her overwhelming insecurity with terribly good work - plus, Kaede had Haruki, who surprisingly put all the under-staff to shame at times. Glancing out the window and seeing that night was falling, she wondered if the gardener made it back yet.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Skybreaker
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Skybreaker Sugar Rocker

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

After scrubbing the kitsune, Sakuya rinsed his hands with the faucet and guestured for Ryuu to hand him the towel, ignoring his dead-pan stare. Sighing, the head butler offered, "I'll play with you later." Before going back to giving the injured creature all of his attention. After drying the little mammal, Sakuya had Ryuu bandage him. Momoko wrung her hands nervously, until Sakuya stood up, with the little fox wrapped in the towel like a baby. The bathwater was a murky brownish red color. "We are going to go give our... guest a place to stay. Be a dear and clean the tub, will you?" The Nekomata ordered gently as he walked out of the bathroom and headed to the room Kaede and Kaori had prepared.

Grimacing, Momoko tried cleaning the tub by waving her parasol, to no avail. Biting her lip, the kurakasa accepted she would have to get her hands dirty. Slowly, she placed her parasol by the sink and, squeezing her eyes shut, pulled the drain and drained the tub. Exhaling laboriously, the girl plopped down on the floor as if she had accomplished an amazing feat.

The pink-haired butler cradled the fox to him as he traversed to the other side of the house, in mild amusement that a youkai had appeared so near to their residence. Perhaps someone was attracting all the bad luck. Though it was potentially dangerous, Sakuya chuckled. A house full of youkai was nothing to scoff at.

Tracking down Kaori and Kaede through the sounds they made, Sakuya gently opened the door and smiled politely. "Here is our little guest," he said, placing the kitsune on the bed and gently unwrapping the towel. Once the head butler was sure he looked comfortable, he nodded and led the others out."We should allow him some rest."

Yawning, a certain redhead jerked on his pajamas and stumbled into his bedroom. It was already dark inside, but he didn't make a move to close the curtain. Instead, he just rolled onto his bed and pulled the thick blanket onto him, falling asleep in a matter of minutes and thinking about the fox he had found.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Aalakrys
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Member Seen 6 days ago

Watching the unconscious kitsune get scrubbed by the pink-haired butler quickly made Ryuu's attention drift off. He idly began to glance around as his mind wandered, never lingering too long on a specific object. It wasn't until Sakuya straightened that he snapped back to attention, continuing his stare until the head butler's words made him roll his eyes with a smirk. He sighed as he passed the towel over, lazily saying, "Promises, promises."

Even washed clean, the smell of the kitsune's fresh blood in its wounds made Ryuu wrinkle his nose as he wrapped the little creature in soft bandages. It was very strong to the Ōkami's sensitive nose, but he didn't complain. Once he finished, he delicately handed the bandaged ball of fluff back to the care of Sakuya. The orders given upon exit made Ryuu groan, but his sideways glance to see the pretty maid contemplating how to attack the task. He found it odd that her magically little umbrella didn't seem to work, but perhaps it was something to do with the monster in the lake - or, all that blood. Blood usually effects magic in some way anyhow. Regardless, he watched her pull the plug and fall to the floor in preparation to clean.

He contemplated as he leaned back against the wall, folding his arms as he watched the water drain - without any orders from Sakuya, he could go do whatever job he wanted. If the demon spider witch didn't see him trailing behind, she may assume that he was sent on an errand. That being recognized, he smiled down charmingly at Momoko and said, "It's just like him to make a huge mess and expect a pretty girl to come clean up after him. Would you like some help?"

Kaori had returned with her arms full of medicinal herbs and incense, the proper burning trays, and matches gripped tightly in one palm. While she had been away, Kaede opened a window screen slightly to allow the air to circulate in the long-since used room. Upon the younger girl's return, the housekeeper went to ease her burden a little. They placed a burner above the head of the futon and one on the ledge next to the open window. "That should do it," Kaede smiled softly with her hands clasped in front of her as Kaori lit the second burner.

The entrance of Sakuya couldn't have been better timed as they'd just finished preparing the room. "Ah, good timing," Kaede even said as she turned her gaze to them. Kaori remained shielded from view by Kaede, even after she turned to face the butler. "Come out from there," she added as she tugged the small maid from behind her to stand at her side. "It's just a young kitsune. An unconscious one at that. No need to worry."

Kaori nodded nervously and then approached the butler and the kitsune he was unbundling. There were little tufts of fur sticking out from the bandages, she saw. She wanted to touch it, to see if it was soft, but Sakuya's soft command pulled her attention. Kaede placed her hand on the younger woman's back to lead her out. Kaori looked up at her with wide eyes, "Are kitsunes dangerous?"

"No more dangerous than we are," Kaede commented instantly, smiling down at the girl as her hand fell and she reached to close the door behind the three of them. "Run along and begin your nightly chores, Kaori, and then you can have any remaining time before bed to yourself."

"Thank you," Kaori bowed with a small smile before turning to softly run down the hallway. Kaede turned to Sakuya, her expression quickly changing to one of seriousness. "What do you think this means -- a kitsune appearing and being attacked by a creature of unknown origin? When did it appear in the lake, I wonder ... Haruki still hasn't returned either - or he hasn't tripped my webs at least."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Skybreaker
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Skybreaker Sugar Rocker

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Pouting daintily, Momoko looked up at Ryuu with a mixture of relief and distaste. She most certainly was not interested in something like him. At the same time, however, she didn't want to clean the tub herself. Ah, the daily struggles of being a maid. She deserved to have her own biography, preferably written by a ghost writer. Then again, wouldn't they envy her for being alive? Perhaps not the best idea ever.

Tucking a strand of fair hair behind an ear, Momoko nodded. "Yes. Some assistance would be much appreciated, thank you very much." She breathed rather sternly. Eyes darting nervously to the tub and to her charming tormentor, the kurakasa picked up her umbrella and leaned against the sink, quickly rinsing her hands off and arching an eyebrow expectantly.

Sakuya tapped a finger on his chin thoughtfully, once Kaori had left. "It means a kitsune has appeared and was attacked by a creature of unknown origin." Sakuya answered dryly and utterly without tact, though it may have all been in good spirits. "I fought said creature. Nothing extraordinary, though it's limbs were the only thing I got a good look at,"

"Haruki is fine. Probably. And you sound worried. Don't be, who would be foolish enough to attack a house full of youkai?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Aalakrys
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Member Seen 6 days ago

"Sometimes I think you take far too many things as ease," Kaede lifted her chin as she tapped a finger to an elbow of her crossed arms. "But, you do have a point - one would have to be utterly foolish to attack our rag-tag collection."

Dropping her arms, she sighed. "I'm still going to add more triggers - or priority is keeping that boy safe. He went through an uncovered area, so we're lucky you were watching him from the window. Until then, shall we call the staff to dinner? It is late."


Ryuu smirked at the girl's sudden expectation - did she not know him? Of course she did. She was, after all, his counter-part in the eyes of the others -- minus the amount of heavy flirtations, perhaps -- but certainly in expectation. "My pretty parasol, I did not say I would do all the work myself. After all, I can only handle the smell of animal blood for so long before I get ... hungry."

He flashed a devilish smile as he spoke, rolling up his sleeves just the same before going to his knees before the tub and tugging her down beside him. "They say we're both half-assed, so we might as well prove them right. You do that side, and I'll take this one - perhaps Sakuya-sensei will give us a both a treat for our hard work."

The case was very unlikely, but that much was evident in Ryuu's tone as he begun wiping down the end of the tub.


After checking in on the young master and finding him asleep, and then mistress to find her sleeping also - her dinner tray ready to be carried off - Kaori took the dishes to the kitchen. The staff had not had dinner yet, so perhaps Kira and Haruo would be preparing their table. Kaori herself did not need food, nor could she taste it, and visiting the kitchen was actually a sad experience for her. It was very rare that she would join the staff at the staff table for meals, but would sometimes go there to complete small tasks such as alterations to clothes or to read a magazine since sometimes other staff members would come through in their downtime. Ryuu lingered, and was often kicked out by Kaede, but Kaori had not liked being alone - regardless of how shy she acted. Her mixed feelings aside, she secretly hoped to see the others so she could tell them about what happened before the others had a chance.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Skybreaker
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Skybreaker Sugar Rocker

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"Humans are very fragile." Sakuya added, perhaps without reason to the spider witch. Then, with a particularly feline grin, the butler shrugged. "Ryuu always tells me that I'm too stuffy, so I'm trying for a change of pace, I guess. No fun being a butler all the time. Sometimes I just have to be Sakuya." Said Sakuya. He would have said more, but there were too chorusing screams and then two voices that carried throughout the house. Or, at least, this side of the house. The mistress and the young master probably wouldn't wake, unless they were only half asleep.

There was a loud pop, and Sakuya cringed.

Putting a hand to his forehead, Sakuya tugged at his pink locks, "Well I guess I'll have to hold off being Sakuya and go back to being Sakuya." He said in a slightly deeper voice. "Haruo, ring the bell! Call everyone to dinner!" Sakuya yelled only a tad softer than the scullery maid and chef.

"HAHAHA SAKUYA YOU HAVE SUCH A LOUD VOICE! BUT QUIET OR YOU'LL WAKE THE MISTRESS OR THE YOUNG MASTER!" Was the shouted response. Sakuya banged his head on the doorframe a few times out of frustration before the dinner bell rang and he composed himself. "I don't know who is worse. Them, or our two lazy asses." The butler muttered quietly.
Said youkai had just finished scrubbing the tub to a decent state. Not to a shine, but it was passable. "Making a lady do all this work. You should be ashamed, Ryuu." Momoko pouted, soaking her hands in steaming hot water. Slowly turning the sink faucet off, the maid pulled down her sleeves. "Hm, I got here not too long ago and I already have a bad reputation. Well, whatever." The snow haired kurakasa mused mostly to herself but smiled with good humor at Ryuu.

"But you seem to be chummy with Sakuya, so that's why you don't need to work that much, haaanh?" Momoko prodded bluntly as the dinner bell rang. "Ooh, time to eat." When Kaede and Sakuya weren't around, the maid was even worse. Nevertheless, she didn't appear to mean any harm and did some work.

With a graceful step, and with parasol under her arm and task completed, the happy kurakasa hurried to the dining room. Kira and Haruo had put out a few things. There was a soufflé with a huge hole in it, as if it had popped. Oh, and there was the green soup she had sampled earlier, much to Kira's annoyance. And there looked to be some sort of fried or battered fish and shrimp. Tempura, probably. "Mm..." She hummed, reaching out to get one, but her wrist was grabbed from behind.

"Ah, ah, ah! It's the soup sipper, Haruo!" A shorter girl with short, neat black and violet streaked hair screeched. Momoko's other arm was grabbed as she gasped. "Hmmm....! Use a fork, you! Were you raised in a barn?" The chef demanded, golden locks and lively blue eyes staring into her soul.

"The three of you calm down!" Sakuya demanded, eyes glowing dangerously. The two kitchen workers released the soup-sipper. Momoko gulped. "Now... let's all enjoy a meal, yeah?" The nekomata said a little too softly. The three nodded quickly, Kira twirling the ladle around one finger idly. "CUT THAT OUT!"

"Gosh, Sakuya, no need to yell." Haruo 'tsked' softly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Aalakrys
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Member Seen 6 days ago

Kaede was just wondering at how much stock Sakuya put into anything Ryuu would say when the most irritating of duos made their quickly approaching presence known. Wincing at Sakuya's side, she turned to see the pair of kitchen dwellers slide to a stop directly in front of the senior servants, still bouncing words off of one another and the hallway they stood in.

"Whose idea was it to stick those two together ... we should really plan the personalities of our understaff better," Kaede was mumbling to herself, rubbing her temples, as Sakuya was literally about the pull his hair out. At Sakuya's order to get the remaining staff to the kitchen, Kaede watched the two overly-enthusiastic individuals bounce back the way they'd come. Straightening, she answered Sakuya's rhetorical question dully, "I stand by my musings ... but we have what we have. Shall we?"

With that, Kaede made her way to the servants' hall and found her place at the table. As she sat, she spotted a hassled looking Kaori with her head on the table and a moistened Haruki looking over a magazine. He glanced up at her, water clinging to his locks dripped down onto the magazine he held, as he smiled in his usual calm manner. Kaede asked, "You made it back in without tripping my defenses."

"Shinryū are known for being delicate," He joked and looked back down at his magazine just as Ryuu came in with an overly dramatic sigh as he fell into his spot. Ryuu's chin landed right into his awaiting propped palms as he glanced over at Kaori, "I feel like the tiny one over there looks ... cleaning bathtubs is not part of my job description. Sakuya is so cruel to me."


Previously - before coming to dinner

As Kaori had entered the kitchen to deposit the dishes, Kira and Haruo were in the middle of the beginning of their long stream of almost unintelligible banter before practically running at the maid as she stood in the way of the exit. Their presence usually drained the girl, but anyone's sudden approach shocked her majorly. Once they passed the frozen girl, she dropped the plates into the sink on auto-pilot, her form becoming transparent and the solidity weakening. When she appeared with her head on the table next to the awaiting Shinryū, he was no longer surprised by this event and he merely continued looking over the magazine he'd grabbed on his way in. Without looking down at her, he asked, "Rough day again, Kaori?" She merely nodded, her form becoming a little more solid. Once she fully appeared, he reached over and ruffled her hair gently before taking back his hand to flip the page. This caused her to smile, but she kept her head down until she knew she was back.


Ryuu had looked over at the lazy maid's handiwork to see that it was good enough, so he did not put much more effort into his own. Why let Sakuya think he helped? It was her job, after all, and he had no orders. When she pouted as he pulled back to brush his bangs away from his forehead with his forearm, he glanced over at her and sighed before sitting back on his bottom. "'Maybe you wouldn't have a bad reputation if you weren't so lazy,'" He quoted Kaede, making her stern face before rolling his eyes and laughing lightly. When she mentioned Sakuya, Ryuu's eyes narrowed slightly before he rolled them. "I'm a footman - footmen don't clean as much, lazy, we just do whatever task the butler gives. You're lucky I offered to help do work beneath my station." With that, he winked. Then the dinner bell rang and he followed up quickly behind the maid, but slinked behind as they got closer to the dining hall.

Present again

As all the servants were enjoying a questionably cooked meal, the little kitsune's eyes slowly opened. The noise of a bell ringing had been the trigger, but he was unable to drag himself out of unconsciousness completely until his eyes focused on the stream of smoke rising from burning herbs. The smell had hit him before he saw it, but did cause a little panic as it was unfamiliar. What he saw, however, did make him feel somewhat unsettled. His body felt too weak to move at first, so he looked around the room he found himself in. It was empty aside from the soft material he lay on and one end table with a low burning lamp and more burning herbs. A window was slid open and even more herbs sat beside it. He had seen many of these homes from a distance - the style of olden times - and liked to linger around them much more than the polluted new industrial kind of human dwellings. As the thought came to him, human, he realized that he smelled much more different scents than human. The heavy cold aura of a lingering soul and the oaky scent laced with venom of a spider mixed with the herbs in the room, and all around the material he lay on. But he himself was covered in the scent of spiced feline, and that caused his nose to wrinkle slightly - and hurt at the effort. He shifted painfully to his side to see the bandages which smelled brushed of earthy dog when he nudged them. This is a strange place, grandfather ... was the first thought that came to him as he tried to remember how he'd gotten there. Flashes of being attacked came to mind, being pulled towards the water, the memories of searing pain as his skin was bitten into by the barbs of the watery creature, sudden release in another flash of movement, and then ... a human. A human male's voice giving muddled reassurances, the words not coming to him but the tone's softness very clear in his mind. He wondered if the human was attacked by all the youkai he sensed in the room. Maybe they had thought he was attacked by the human, and they tried to 'save' him. It was possible, but how could a human be wandering so freely and absently in the presence of all these youkai without being noticed? Perhaps the boy lived with them - which had been known to happen in the past, the kitsune recalled his grandfather's stories. He attempted to stretch, the effort painful but also necessary. The dog had bandaged him thoughtfully, he noticed, as they allowed some flexibility as well as keeping the wounds bound. Looking towards the window, he wondered where the human was now - he had to thank him for saving his life.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Skybreaker
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Skybreaker Sugar Rocker

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Parasol laying on her lap, Momoko tried to stuff her face as politely as she could. Or, rather without looking like a total dog. Oh, wait, she was sitting on the same table as one. Though she would never admit it, bratty as she was, she was grateful she didn't have to clean the entire tub by herself. Looking at her reflection in the bowl of soup, the kurakasa shrugged and downed it all in a single gulp, tongue heating up uncomfortably.

"Hm, not so much of a soup sipper anymore, are you? No, more of a soup swallower." Kira mused, pointing accusingly at the white-haired maid with her fork. "Uh, huh-" Sakuya growled, causing the kitchen worker to pause, just enough time to chime ever so eloquently, "Shut it and enjoy your meal." With a smile feigning innocence, the girl nodded. "Okay, okay."

"So," Haruo murmured, face relaxed and calm without a trace of a smile, "The uh, kitsune. What are your thoughts on this? Isn't finding a wounded animal a bad omen?" Kira giggled. "You don't honestly believe that bull- ow!" Sakuya, not even bothering to make eye contact, had swiftly kicked her leg from under the table. She wouldn't be getting a bruise, but scowled and rubbed her leg irately.

"Hm... I don't think any of us are really happy about having some random youkai in our home, but everything'll turn out okay. The only thing that worries me is, where will it go when it gets better? Obviously if there is a clan of kitsune in the area, they'll leave when the sense us. And if they haven't done that yet, it's only a matter of time..." Nanasuke offered, crossing his arms and smiling softly, as he always did. His eyes were closed and a shrimp tail was in between his lips. Then he opened his eyes, one red and the other green. Sooty grey hair complimented it fine.

"Who cares?" Momoko began gulping another bowl of soup, only to have Kira smack her on the back with a mindless grin. The lazy youkai began coughing and sputtering, finally sneezing with enough force to knock her chair backwards and her head slamming onto he ground. With a startled gasp, Haruo rushed to her side and extended a hand. Mildly touched, Momoko grasped his with hers. "You are so utterly without tact, Kira." He then gave her arm a rough tug, causing her to squeal and skid, her back hitting the rough wall.

Hair tousled only a bit, parasol inches away, and lying in a heap on the ground, Momoko grabbed her medium and muttered miserably, "I hate you." Kira and Haruo high-fives, chuckling mischeivously. The kurakasa then stood up, icy eyes storming. She pointed her parasol, and spun it once, causing a cold draft to rush into the room. Then, she was about to open it, and, realizing her impending doom, Kira let loose a blood curling scream that didn't carry much farther than the servant's quarters. That is, until Sakuya stood up, chair falling to the side, and roared. His tail lashed out behind him furiously, forking at the end.

Abruptly, he grabbed the pot of soup and tossed it at the three, the pot hitting Haruo square on the head, and its contents spilling out on all three of them, and a little on whoever was close by. Quickly covering her parasol with her body, Momoko was able to circumvent her treasure from being ruined. "Dinner's over. Clean this mess up." Sakuya hissed before sulking out of the room. So dramatic.

The two kitchen workers whispered and laughed quietly to themselves, using their napkins to wipe soup off the floor. Wallowing in her despair, hunched over, and tears streaming down her face, Momoko tried to do the same. She was so humiliated. That is, until the chauffer leaned down to help her. "Don't wipe back and forth. Either in one direction, or in circles, okay?" He offered with a smile, though he was tired himself from cleaning the windows. Though Sakuya and Ryuu promised to help, no sooner than they started, had they both run off on him! But some things you just had to stand.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Aalakrys
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Member Seen 6 days ago

At Sakuya's first frustration of the meal with the lazy maid's rude eating habits, Kaede simple sipped her soup quietly next to him, eyes closed as if not aware of her surroundings. Ryuu next to her had grinned as he spooned at his own as he propped against a fist while watching the beginnings of a show. Kaori sighed as she finally lifted her head to rest her chin on her folded arms, looking at the food that either Kira or Haruo placed before her uselessly as the chef and kitchen maid mused about the kitsune's arrival. Haruki glanced over at the little spirit's solemn face as he sat down his bowl of soup, "I can describe the way it tastes for you."

Kaori smiled up at him sadly and shook her head just as Ryuu rolled his eyes at Nanasuke's conjecture. "If there were a clan then I would've smelled them - he is obviously separated from them. We're a pretty random collection of youkai, if you look at us, anyway. A new one to the mix would certainly be interesting."

Kaede smacked Ryuu on the back of the head, knocking his lazily balance off so that he had to catch himself from falling into Kaori. Haruki shook his head with a smile as he turned another page of his magazine that was now resting on the table next to his meal. He took a bite from a sidedish and added without looking at no one in particular, "You only want someone new to play with."

Ryuu smiled devilishly as he returned to his fist and took another bite from his meal, about to respond before Momoko threw in her expected input on the kitsune topic. The series of events which followed were too entertaining to miss. As the kitchen duo teamed up on the kurakasa, Kaori faded away once more - deciding to leave before this got messy. Kaede took a deep breath as she closed her eyes and munched thoughtfully on some rice. Haruki closed his magazine and slid it out of harm's way to his lap just as Sakuya shot up to stop the quickly escalating battle.

Haruki sighed as he moved to stand, dinner never lasted long enough for him to rest. Kaede stood simultaneously with him and followed him towards the rear exit towards the garden sheds. "Haruki, a word as we walk." He paused to wait on her as she briskly maneuvered around the mess the silly trio now was cleaning, both noticing Nanasuke going to help but not saying a word. They instead departed speaking of business and security the entire way across the grounds.

Ryuu, on the other hand, looked quickly down at the mess and the retreating Sakuya and knew which way to go - he'd already done enough cleaning for the night and now wanted to have a little fun. Quickly catching up to the nekomata he pursued, he lingered just behind a smile was laced in his words, "Sensei, did the do-gooder Shinryū gardener's words make you jealous? Or were you feeling especially testy tonight after all the tiring events with the kitsune?"

Meanwhile - the moment Kaori disappeared

Elsewhere, the kitsune stirred from the bedding, the medicines applied to the bandages only leaving a small, dull ache when he moved. He wanted to stretch, but that did not seem wise. Tiny little paws reached the cool hardwood as he shuffled out of the futon and its linens. Looking up out the window to see a bright, not quite full moon outside caused a little pain where the wounds stretched. "You should be resting," a soft, childlike female voice came from behind, causing him to freeze and then react a split second later - he bounced quickly, the adrenaline making him not feel the searing pain at his legs for such a quick act.

He found himself facing the cold one, a maid. Kaori tilted her head before going on her knees to look at him closely. He backed away, feeling scared. "Don't worry - I won't hurt you. And you know you can't hurt me, so don't even try." The last bit she added as she reached out to touch his head lightly. He growled under her touch for a few seconds, but didn't move. She smiled sadly. "I can't even feel how soft you are."

The little fox studied her, and decided to sit. He blinked up at her, seeing her sadness as she sat back on her heels to study him as well. Instantly making the decision, mostly from curiosity once the hostility was gone, he tapped into a reserve of magic that allowed him to change his appearance. It was only an illusion at this moment, because he was so weak, but he managed. Kaori's eyes widened as the little fox transformed into a messily red-headed young boy, arms wrapped around his legs as he rested his chin on his knees. When he eyes opened, they were just as red as his hair, with an orange burst forming around the pupil. He looked at her questioningly and then smiled. She blushed and fell onto her rear, "S-stay there, I'm going to get you s-some clothes."

"Clothes?" He asked and noticed that his form was bare. "Oh, no - it's okay."

"You need them," She insisted, covering her eyes bashfully. He reached for her hands and pulled them away from her eyes, and she saw he was now wearing a white outfit. "Oh."

"Where can I find the human who saved me?" He asked as their hands fell together to the ground in Kaori's still stunned expression.

"Master Davis," She blushed again. "He's sleeping in his room - it's not far from here. The others would be mad if I showed you though. You might hurt him."

"I would never hurt someone who saved my life," He said defensively, Kaori recoiling slightly with still wide-eyes. "I'm sorry - I can find him on my own so you don't get into trouble."

Kaori nodded, and then hesitated before saying, "You know, I don't think I would mind if you did ... hurt him, I mean. Not that I want him to get hurt ... but ... Then I wouldn't have to be alone."

Hiroshi tilted his head, "But you're not alone. You have lots of others here with you - a dog, a cat, a spider, and now I smell a dragon in your hair and others ... I'm not sure what they are though. But, that's a lot more than I have."

Kaori thought about this for a moment, and then smiled a little. When she looked up to where the boy had been sitting, he was gone.
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