There it is! Hope it's okay? I kinda wrote the first post in a different manner than I normally do. It's more of a summary of all that happened up to this point. Think you can write a post with that material?
No problems at all! I loved every word in it, to be honest. I'll have to work hard to come up with something as good as that. ;P One question though. How do you trhink would Sigrid be able to kidnap the Princess? I had in mind it happened during the night where she flee her cell and stumble upon the Princess room. What do you say? If you agree to it, I will include a time skip after I made a post about the King and possibly the Prince.
There, I posted too! Hope it's okay as well. I don't especially like taking too many things for granted, and moving your character, but I felt like it was necessary to make things go forward. :x That okay with you?