Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by BuriedComic7
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BuriedComic7 Soft Taco Enthusiast

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Jim looked out the window of his trailer, the sun was setting over the fair grounds and soon the general public would be allowed to enter. He exited his trailer quietly, to not disturb the rest of the members of his little band of Mages. They had been traveling for the majority of the day, so the may very well be resting, or doing their own preparations for their own evenings. A light breeze blew through the fair grounds, helping to combat the heat and spread the aroma of all the unhealthy foods the fair had to offer. If I don't get a funnel cake out of all this, something will be seriously wrong Jim thought to himself. Soon he arrived to the area near the back of the grounds that had been allotted to The Troupe and began the task of setting up shop.

First he had to hide the area from the prying eyes of mortals, the grounds were empty enough, but it never hurt to be cautious. With a few simple incantations Jim altered the area surrounding himself, if someone were to look they would see a few mean hastily assembling a large center tent, as well as two side tents for fortune telling and herb shop/medium. In reality Jim was more than prepared to do all of this himself. He walked up to the area where the large tent would sit, and grabbed the open air. Soon a small rush of air could be heard, what appeared to be a "rip" opened up by Jim's hands. Suddenly, a large tent with a stage unfolded from the rip and landed on the group with a dull thump. Jim stepped into the tent and admired his handiwork. All the chairs were arranged into neat rows, with a space down the middle for people to enter and exit. The stage was large enough to house any idea one of the performers might cook up, and could support the weight of at least two African elephants (Jim tried three one, didn't go well). Stepping outside Jim removed the top hat that always adorned his head, and reached inside. With a little effort he pulled out two smaller tents and placed them to either side of the entrance of the main stage. These are where Victoria and Monty could do small side acts before the main event began. With the tents set up Jim headed to the rows of vendors and games, to maybe to a few tricks to get people interested in the show. Oh, and to get his funnel cake.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by 22ice22
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22ice22 Solid Sentient H2O

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Vincent stretched as he stepped out of his trailer, a light breezee blew across his face bringing with it the smells and sounds of the fair. Despite the familiarity of the atomsphere that accompanied all of these small shows, he doubted he could get used to it. The sounds and smells always felt alien to the former mobster, after all one grows accustomed to the smell and signs of the city. However, Vincent knew how to make things feel a bit more familiar, and it even benefited the Troupe. After all if he could drum some business up while enjoying himself a bit who could complain. Begining his normal pre-show routine Vincent set off towards the epicenter of the fair, a cigar in his mouth and a grin on his face.

Reaching the middle of the fair grounds, he paused. Taking a deep breath Vincent let the walls in his mind fall, effectively letting the flood of surface thoughts of the crowd come crashing down on him. Grimacing he shook his head slightly, he could never get used to that feeling. Taking the now spent cigar from his mouth he brought it to the heel of his shoe and ground it out against it. Now it was time for a little promoting.

Tapping on the shoulder of a passing man in a group of five Vincent began. " 'Scuse me sir, I was wonderin' if you would help me with a little demonstration if yous would?" The man started to nod, as a woman from the group stepped forward.

"Actually we were heading to grab dinner. Sorry. Come on Rick," the woman said.

The man paused for a moment and Vincent could hear him debating it in his head. Before the man could decline though Vincent spoke again, "Don't worries it'll only take a moment, then yous can be on yours way."

Looking at the his group of friends the man said, "C'mon guys it'll only be a minute."

"Ah, thanks," Vincent replied in a smooth voice. "Nows I must ask, Yous know about the magics show this evening?" The group of people nodded. "Wells I'm ones of the acts and I was hoping I coulds convince yous folks to help me warm up my act."

A few of the people looked at each other and shrugged, while the woman from before inquired, "What exactly do you do?"

"Allow me to demonstrate. Think o' somthin', now tells your friends what it is. Then I'll tell yous what its is." The woman nearly nodded and after moment turned to inform her friends quietly. When she turned back around Vincent cut her off before she could say she was ready. "Yous thinkin' of your ol' hideout from whens yous were all tots. The one no one else knows of."

Everyone in the groups eyes widened and their thoughts tumbled about, all of them flabbergasted that he could know something that only they know existed. Smirking slightly Vincent looked at Rick, the man he had stopped, "I thank yous for the praise, buts I'm nots that amazin'." To which the eyes widened even more, causing Vincent to chuckle and say, "Sos I take it yous are comin' to the show t'night? Goods and makes sure to informs yours friends." With that The Piper walked off towards the trailers to wait for the show, lighting a new cigar as he went on his way. He always felt that it did The Troupe some good to draw some attention before a performance.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Marx
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Marx The number you have dialed has been disconnected.

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Pop. James felt a sudden rush of air behind him, a voice he had been very familiar with speaking slowly. "Ey, Jmmy. You mind setting up for me? I got things to do." Julian had a hand pressed to his face, putting pressure against his right eye as if it could stave off the hangover, as for the rest of him... he was decisively nude. Standing behind Jim. In the public and open fair grounds. "Hey asshole, put some close on, there are fucking kids here!" A disgruntled voice yelled from a shorter man with glowing red skin from a mixture of anger and a bad sunburn, wearing a tucked in polo with khaki shorts and a fanny pack. "Oh yeah," Julian grunted, looking down to see his manhood on full display sailing at half mast, "Uh... For my next trick I... disappear or something." Pop.

Pop. "Back, love." Julian said, dropping back onto the bed he was formerly at. Time always got the best of him, being that he had the ability to be in any area of the world, so long as he had an idea of where he was going and where he was. His drinking habits tended to inhibit ability to jaunt, but he was usually reasonably accurate even when he was piss drunk and thankfully for the troupe, he never drank before performances. A hand draped over his shoulder, grabbing onto his olive tinted skin, bright red nails digging in enough to make her presence known, but never enough to break the skin. "You miss me?" Julian grinned, dropping back into her lap, his cheek slapping against thigh. She had been his favorite in France for awhile now. A sweet fiery red head who spoke softly and carried was pleasantly soft. Julian reached into the pocket of his abandonded blue jeans, fishing out a cigarette which his planted between his lips that formed a small frown. The hands with ruby red nails brought a lighter to the end of his cigarette, a quick burst of flame lighting it up. "You'll always be my favourite." He lied, closing his eyes and blowing a stream of smoke from nostrils. There was always another girl and besides, the best things in life were free. Lea, the ruby nailed vixen, was far from free.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by WinterNightSky
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

After she finished braiding her hair neatly to the side, she took one last glimpse in the mirror. Everyone was starting to get down to business, and it made her feel unproductive as she sat there doing nothing. James was already setting up for the show, Vincent was out promoting it, Monty was probably getting his herbs ready somewhere, and Julian.. She looked around and didn't see him anywhere. As always, he was out doing other things. Victoria stepped out of the trailer, and the hood of her coat blocked out the sun's rays. She was greeted by the smell of food, as well as the music that played through the fair.

Victoria's eyes scanned her surroundings, and she spotted Vincent on his way back to the trailer. She nodded at his direction, "Done convincing people to watch?" She gave him a small smile before walking past him and heading toward a food stand. Victoria was still tired from their journey, and she decided to unwind a little at the fair. The food stand was selling chocolate coated strawberries, and she decided she would try some. As old as she may be, she never had the time to try out new kinds of food. "Hmm, this is a thing now?" She said to herself as she eyed the food in curiosity. She was never one to keep up with the new things in the modern age. She always deemed it to be pointless. "I'll take one." She told the woman at the stand. "The first one is free, dear." The woman replied with a warm smile.

"Lady, would ya like some cotton candy?" A squeaky voice spoke out. Victoria looked down and found a young boy who was smiling at her, a bag of cotton candy in his hand. Series of images flashed through her head, causing her expression to darken for a moment. "Charles, don't go running off without me." An older boy broke into a light jog, and grabbed the little boy by the hand. Victoria looked away from the kid and brought her attention to the newcomer, who she assumed was the little kid's older brother due to their resemblance. He was holding the kid's hand, and a cone of ice cream in his other hand.

"You should take him home before eight in the evening." She said in a calm and composed manner. The boy looked at her questioningly, "Excuse me? Who are you to tell me what to do?" He replied. Victoria pulled back the hood that was over head, revealing her hazel brown eyes and long thick lashes that framed them. Victoria smiled in amusement, "Did you bring an extra shirt? You're going to need it." The boy just stared at her, clearly confused by what she meant. He decided to ignore her and turned away.

As he turned back, he bumped into a tall man. The ice cream he was holding was pushed against his shirt, staining it with chocolate. Ignoring the guy that he bumped into, he turned back toward Victoria with wide eyes, and his mouth slightly agape. Victoria gave him a mischievous smile before popping a strawberry into her mouth. She winked at him as a smirk made it's way to her lips. "Take the boy home before eight." She repeated before turning away and walking back toward the trailer. She brought her thumb to her lips, tasting the small coat of chocolate that melted onto her finger. "This isn't so bad." She smiled.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by BuriedComic7
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BuriedComic7 Soft Taco Enthusiast

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Jim was approaching the funnel cake stand when he felt a displacement of air behind him. "Ey, Jmmy. You mind setting up for me? I got things to do." Jim turned around to see Julian, standing in his birthday suit. "Already done my friend. Just make sure you are ready to leave your lady friend before showtime, hell you can bring her with you. We have been running short of "lovely assistants" as of late." A large man began to yell at the naked man, before Julian made haste back to where ever he came from. "There will be plenty of tricks like that tonight sir! I promise they will be more clad though!" The man blinked a few times, and stumbled away. At first Jim was angry at the various stunts that Julian likes to pull, however in time Jim grew accustomed to the various escapades, and grew to expect them. Jim turned back to the man selling his favorite fair food, " Sorry about that, where were we?"

For some unknown reason magic could never replicate the flavor of a well-prepared funnel cake. Jim tried numerous times, to no avail. Magic works in mysterious ways, and it was best not to question it. Walking through the rows of stalls Jim listened to the sounds of the fair around him. Vendors speaking with customers about how their wares were of "the highest quality" even though they both knew it would most likely break 15 minutes after purchase. There was one sound in particular that Jim was looking for, he looked for it every show. With a few more minutes of searching, he found exactly what he was looking for.

"Mommy, can I please have a stuffed elephant!?! Please please!" Jim turned to see a little boy tugging at his mother's shirt. He couldn't have been any older than five or six. "No sweetie," the mother started, squatting down to be at eye level with her son," you know we can't afford that. The agreement was that we could come to the fair and look, remember?" The woman stood up, and began to walk away. "Excuse me!" Jim said running after the woman. "I couldn't help but notice that your son looked a little down in the dumps," Jim looked down at the boy, "Would a few magic tricks cheer him up?" The woman looked at her son, who nodded excitedly at her. Jim did a few simple tricks for the boy, quarters behind the ear and such. He even manged to pull a certain stuffed elephant from his hat (the game man surely wouldn't miss one). After a few minutes Jim bowed to the two and after a short applause, headed back to the trailers. They hadn't seen the real trick though, the large wad of money that Jim placed into the woman's purse. "Expandit opes," Jim muttered to himself.

After a short walk, Jim returned to the cluster of trailers that The Troupe made their residence in. Victoria was just returning to hers, and was about to head up the stairs to the door. Vincent was leaning against the side of his, his trademark cigar jutting from his mouth. "Good evening friends!" Jim said to his two partners, "Have you guys been on the grounds yet? They may have the best funnel cake I have ever had, and before you say anything I know I say that every stop, but this is the real deal!" Jim held out the paper plate that had his snack on it, " You two want some?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by WinterNightSky
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Just as Victoria was about to head back inside her trailer, the voice of James rung out, calling after them. She turned around to face him, and was met with a sense of déjà vu when she saw him standing there with a paper plate in hand. As usual, there was funnel cake on it. Not that she knew what it was, but she's seen it a couple times, and has heard of it a million times -from James, of course. "Have you guys been on the grounds yet? They may have the best funnel cake I have ever had,"

"But you alwa-" She started, "-and before you say anything I know I say that every stop, but this is the real deal!" He exclaimed as he held out the paper plate towards them. "You two want some?" Victoria sighed and narrowed her eyes at him, eventually giving in. "Now that I think about it, I've never tasted that yet." She said as she walked down the stairs. She took the fork from him and proceeded to take a piece of the cake.

Just as she was about to put it inside her mouth, she paused, "Wait, I don't share. You can pull out a new fork for me, right? You know.. Magic." She said the last part with a silly smile on her face, and there was a glint of amusement in her eyes. Although she was used to them having supernatural abilities, calling it magic just seemed slightly ridiculous to her. She was never going to get used to that.

Victoria brought her attention to Vincent as he smoked on a newly lit stick, "Cigar as always. You know.. 6 years from now, you're going to quit smoking." She joked -or lied, either way, she just wanted to see how he would react to it. Before he could answer though, she looked back at James, "The show tonight is going to be packed with people. Don't ask how I know, cause you already do." She gave him a half smile as she leaned against the trailer. She received precognitive flashes of the future while she was heading towards her trailer. It showed her that there were going to be a lot of people tonight, at least compared to the amount of people they had in their last few stops. Although she knew that much, there was a part of her vision that she couldn't quite decipher.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Pathfinder
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Pathfinder A walking disaster

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

It was a nice enough day, while everyone else was setting up for the show Monty was hitting the town. Well he was, now he was on his way back. It was a nice little tradition he had, go to the nearest town and advertise a bit. Some oohs and awes from people looking at his tattoos and little voodoo baubles. Also it was a nice chance to stock up on different herbs, teas, flowers, and some spices, it had been forever since he had cooked some home style Cajun food. While not every body liked it, most did and the ones who didn't still showed up for dinner. As DuPont said, "Food brings people together Monty...and that's one of the best kinds of magic there is.

Monty smiled at that, while no one at the Troupe were blood they were better at family than his own blood and it felt good to cook for them. As he set himself in a good mood a favorite song of his came up on the radio and he happily hummed the tune as he drove back to the fair grounds. In little to no time Monty pulled up near fairgrounds and parked his car next to his tent that James had set up. Nice fellow he was.

As Monty started to unload his car, he set up a kettle of tea... it felt like a a ginseng day. While he waited for the kettle to heat up Monty finished unloading his stuff and set it around his shop. Herbs here, tea leaves there, and some flowers right here. Taking a step back Monty looked at his little tent and gave a happy sigh as his kettle went off. However right before he was going to shave the ginseng root he heard crying.

Poking his head out of his tent Monty saw a little girl sitting on the grass crying to herself. Now that wouldn't do. Monty made his way to the little girl and crouched down to her level, asking her what was wrong. It turns out she had lost her mother and couldn't find her. Feeling bad the little tyke, Monty handed her a handkerchief to wipe her nose and brought her to her feet. Offering his hand to her, Monty said "Lets go find your mother, whats your name little one?" After the question Monty learned that her name was Lizbeth, or Liz for short. In turn Monty told her his name and they were off.

In about fifteen minutes they had found Liz's mother, in the same condition he had found Liz when they started this little search party. When the mother came into view Liz ran off with a high pitched "Mommy!" and collided with the woman who embraced her with tearful joy. As the woman pulled herself together she thanked Monty with as hard as he could, Monty just said it was his pleasure and said his goodbyes to both Liz and the woman, absentmindedly asking them to come see the show if they wanted to.

When Monty made it back to his little shop his good mood persisted, "Today is going to be a good day" he thought to himself as he reheated his kettle and looked over his cookbook on what to make for dinner tonight.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by 22ice22
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22ice22 Solid Sentient H2O

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Inhaling deeply on his cigar Vincent leaned against one of the group's trailers. Tonight was going to be fun, after all it was a small show. He prefered small shows, they tended to be a closer knit community, which meant that there were less people complaining about his volunteers being 'plants'. Like he would ever need to use something like that, the mere thought irritated him beyond all belief. With an exhale he allowed his thoughts to slip away with the cigar smoke to slip lazily away.

Allowing himself to relax now, Vincent watched as Victoria headed into her trailer, only to be stopped as the voice of James ringed out to both of them. It was his usual little rant about how amazing the funnel cake, the man was clearly just an avid lover of the carnival confection. In reply to his offer of some of the funnel cake Vincent just replied, "Thanks, fo' the offer, buts I gots all the treat I needs right 'ere," as he held up his cigar and indicated towards with his free hand. Watching as Victoria opted to try some, Vincent just shook his head a little, he had never been big on sweets and the such. His cigar now completely gone, he reached into the breast pocket of his waist coat and pulled a silver case and opened it. Placing a new cigar in his mouth Vincent put the case back and pulled out a small book of matches from his pocket and proceeded to light it.

Enjoying his new 'treat' Vincent did not take notice of Victoria looking his way until she began to speak. Once she had finished speaking his face now held a grave expression. Taking one last inhale he removed the still quite fresh cigar from his mouth and snuffed it on his palm, ignoring the slight burn it caused. "119 years, yet I'm stills nots looking forward to it," he sighed quietly. Then looking at James he spoke, "Well Jimmy looks likes this is my last show with The Troupe. I's only gots six years ands I stills gots a lots I wants and gots to do." Walking forward Vincnet placed his cigar in Jimmy's pocket, "Don'ts gots time for dat one, gots to pack."
Turning on his heel Vincent began to head into his trailer.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by BuriedComic7
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BuriedComic7 Soft Taco Enthusiast

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

WinterNightSky said Just as she was about to put it inside her mouth, she paused, "Wait, I don't share. You can pull out a new fork for me, right? You know. Magic." She said the last part with a silly smile on her face, and there was a glint of amusement in her eyes. Although she was used to them having supernatural abilities, calling it magic just seemed slightly ridiculous to her. She was never going to get used to that.

Jim laughed at Victoria’s mention at the word “magic”. There was no better term for the skills that the members of The Troupe possessed, and every time in was mentioned it made Jim feel a little childish about the whole thing. “Of course, how silly of me!” Jim took his hat off his head with a flourish and began to dig around inside. Never miss an opportunity for a little showmanship Jim thought to himself. He began to pull all manner of trinkets from his hat. A rubber chicken, a spoon, a funnel cake, an alarm clock and finally a fork was produced from the hat. Jim allowed the other objects to clatter to the ground as he handed Victoria the fork. “I knew that I had one in there!”

WinterNightSky said Victoria brought her attention to Vincent as he smoked on a newly lit stick, "Cigar as always. You know. 6 years from now, you're going to quit smoking." She joked -or lied, either way, she just wanted to see how he would react to it. Before he could answer though, she looked back at James, "The show tonight is going to be packed with people. Don't ask how I know, cause you already do."

22ice22 said Taking one last inhale he removed the still quite fresh cigar from his mouth and snuffed it on his palm, ignoring the slight burn it caused. "119 years, yet I'm stills nots looking forward to it," he sighed quietly. Then looking at James he spoke, "Well Jimmy looks likes this is my last show with The Troupe. I's only gots six years ands I stills gots a lots I wants and gots to do." Walking forward Vincnet placed his cigar in Jimmy's pocket, "Don'ts gots time for dat one, gots to pack."

Jim laughed and patted the cigar in his pocket, “I will treasure it always my friend!” Jim took a few steps back towards his trailer, “I will see you two this evening! I have a few more things to get ready for this evening, see you at show time!”
-----------------------------------------------------------------------A FEW HOURS LATER---------------------------------------------------------------------------

Jim was standing backstage, a curtain separated him from the growing crowd of people. It was a decent sized crowd, larger than what Jim expected to turn up for such a small town. No one else was back stage with him, like every other show. The rest of his troupe-mates always did enjoy not showing up until the last possible moment. He couldn’t blame them though, milking the last possible minutes of downtime before the show began. Speaking of which, it was show time.

Jim stepped out from behind the curtain and shouted to the large audience of people, smiling and twirling his mustache with glee. “Welcome one and all to a show the likes of which you have never seen! I am James The Displacer and I will be starting our festivities this evening!” Jim took his hat and removed it from his head, smacking the rim with the tips of his fingers against the brim he released a half dozen doves into the tent. The crowed oohed and aahed as the doves found their way out of tent. This is gonna be easy Jim thought to himself.

“Now for my next trick I will need a volunteer from the audience.” Hands shot up all across the tent, and eventually Jim’s eyes fell to a young boy. Kids were always Jim’s favorite to perform for, you could see the magic in their eyes. “You! Little boy, left side second row, fifth seat from the right!” The little boy giggled and ran up to Jim, jumping up and down with excitement. Jim crouched down, so he was more at the same height as the boy. “Now what Is your name my new assistant?”. “Grant! But all my friends call me Poca!” The boy said to the mustached performer. “Well Grant,” Jim said removing his hat, “I want you to reach in here, and you can keep whatever you find!” Grant’s face lit up and he immediately stuck his arm into the top hat. They boy’s arm sank into the hat, and to the audience it seemed to go deeper than it should have. After a few moments of rummaging the boy removed his hand and produced a large beach ball, fully inflated. The crowd gasped at the trick, they were putty in his hands.

Jim continued performing tricks such as this for about another twenty five minutes, and the crowd ate it up. Finally it was time for him to leave, “Thank you everyone! However I can assure you that I am merely an opening act! The real show is about to begin!” Jim took a quick bow and ran backstage and took a seat at one of the few chairs sitting around for the performers after they finished. This was an amazing crowd, and Jim couldn’t wait to who would perform next.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by WinterNightSky
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

“Of course, how silly of me!” After a bunch of weird things were pulled out from Jim's hat, Jim was finally able to pull out a fork. “I knew that I had one in there!” Victoria took it as he handed it over, and she began to take a piece of the cake.

"Mm, pretty good. Chocolate cakes are still better though." She remarked before licking the powdered sugar that were on her lips. She threw the fork to the side and looked around her, "You didn't see me do that."

22ice22 said Taking one last inhale he removed the still quite fresh cigar from his mouth and snuffed it on his palm, ignoring the slight burn it caused. "119 years, yet I'm stills nots looking forward to it," he sighed quietly. Then looking at James he spoke, "Well Jimmy looks likes this is my last show with The Troupe. I's only gots six years ands I stills gots a lots I wants and gots to do." Walking forward Vincent placed his cigar in Jimmy's pocket, "Don'ts gots time for dat one, gots to pack."

Victoria smiled before calling out to him, "I was kidding!" She chuckled.

Victoria brought her attention back to James after hearing him speak, "I'll see you later then." She replied. Victoria walked back inside her trailer and plopped down on of the couches. She leaned her back against the couch and sighed, deciding that she would take a short nap before the show began.
Victoria's eyes shot open as she woke up from a bad dream. She took a deep breath as she massaged her temples with her fingers. She stood up to get herself a glass of water before changing into something more presentable for the show.

As soon as was done preparing, she grabbed her set of cards before exiting her trailer. The chilly wind blew past her, making her shiver slightly. Her mind wandered back to the dream that she had. Even if she thought hard about it, she couldn't remember what it was, and it made her feel uneasy.

Victoria brushed her thoughts aside when she heard the crowd cheer. She glanced at the stage, and she saw Jim who was already about to start the show. Victoria made her way towards the tent beside the stage, and she already found people lining up, waiting for their fortunes to be told.

As she walked past the line of people, she could hear them mutter things such as finally and she's here. Victoria sighed, not in the mood to look into the future of these people. Not only was it mentally straining for her, she also woke up with a really bad headache. It didn't help that she was feeling uneasy for some unknown reason.

As soon as Victoria took a seat and scattered the cards on the table, the first person entered and sat on the chair across her. Victoria pulled the cloak over her head, before closing her eyes and getting ready to do her job.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Marx
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Marx The number you have dialed has been disconnected.

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Julian cut through time and space, appearing just off stage as James's act wrapped up, being met with thunderous applause, as always. "Brilliant as always," Julian greeted his boss with a bright smile, knowing full well that James knew he had only just shown up and was complimenting for the sake of politeness. Julian stretched his arms well above his head, giving a glance down to make sure he was dressed. He had thrown on his usual look, a white button up, with a blue vest and a pair of black slacks. He knew he looked good, at least, as good as he would ever look and with a grin and a quick run through his hair with a hand he hopped onto the stage, throwing a wave to the crowd. "Good day, good day my dear friends!" He beamed out to the crowd, his eyes bright and filled with excitement as he quickly glanced across the stage, checking for his props.

The two open door frames sat on opposite ends of the stage, each three feet from the end of the performing area. Beneath his feet a trap door and directly above him hung another open door frame, parallel to the ground. "Ladies, gentleman, children alike, I am Wilde, the bender of time and space!" Julian scanned the crowd, looking for someone who doubted his ability. A teenager, acne ridden with dull eyes, looked on in boredom, his overexcited dad watching with gleaming eyes. 'There's my lamb,' Julian immediately thought, already eager to grab the kid. "It would appear!" Julian barked, hopping off the stage and taking a few quick steps toward the audience, stopping before the boy, "That there is a nonbeliever!" Julian grabbed the boy's wrist and gave him a tug, turning and then dragging the boy to the stage. "If you hear a knock, open it on up, will ya?" Julian slapped the boy of the back, motioning to the trap door in the center of the stage. "I'll be in the next room." Julian jogged toward the right door frame, stepping through it, the sound of rushing air greeting the audience's ears as he stepped into the door frame, but did not exit the other side.

There was a sudden pounding from the trap door, a muffled voice yelling out from below "Ey kid, open up will ya! It's dark in 'ere!" The teenager unlatched the door, opening it up to be met with a hand that grabbed him by his collar and yanked him below. The boy proceeded to fall through the right door, Julian reentering the stage through the left door. "You alright kid?" He laughed, the boy white as a ghost, "Thanks a bunch. Get on back to the audience." Julian then motioned to the crowd, "Give the kid a hand will ya!" He slammed his hands together, walking into the open trap door and falling through, exiting the right door right behind the boy. "C'mon kid, we don't got all day!" The boy let out a yelp to Julian's sudden appearance and scurried off to his seat. A few laughs left the crowd, warming Julian. Joy from the suffering of teenagers was the purest form of happiness. Julian never liked to keep his act too long, so he stepped back through the door he just entered, falling from the door suspended above the stage, into the trap door before being spat out of the door across the stage from where he began.

"Thank you, kiddies!" Julian grinned ear to ear and gave the audience a short wave, disappearing off stage moments after.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by 22ice22
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22ice22 Solid Sentient H2O

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Sliding backstage just as James began the standard intro for the show, Vincent sighed it was almost time to perform. He could really go for another cigar, in his one hundred and three years of smoking he had come to accept that he had become a little... dependent, maybe. Right now though he really did wish for the nerves loosening effect, he had a new trick he planned to try tonight. The problem with it though would be manipulating every member of the crowd with just a few words and nudges. Taking a breath Vincent just decided to double check that he was ready. Suit? Pristine. Cards? In his pocket right next to his lighter. His lighter reminded him he really wanted that cigar right now, but smoking in the tent was usually frowned upon by at least some portion of the showgoers. Resolving to go outside while James finished up he started to leave, only to hear Jimmy start to finish. "Great, nows I gots to stick arounds, I'm up afters Julian and I don'ts sees him yets, so I might gots to fill in." Vincent complained under his breath.

By the time Julian popped in and finished his set Vincent had managed to gain his composure. Walking out to confront the crowd Vincent straightened his jacket. "Ah, good evenin' ladies and gents," he called out to gain their attention "If yous all coulds just forget I'm here 'til I greets ya again, we'd be peachy." With that said all the audience returned to talking to themselves, completely forgetting the existence of the man on stage. After setting up a nice leather chair in the middle of the area he sat down.

Clearing his throat Vincent called out in a booming voice, "Ladies and gents its so goods to see ya's t'night." The moment he spoke half the audience jumped now taking in the the man sitting in fine suit in a leather chair in the middle of the tent. After their intial surprise they burst out clapping, many still openly wondering when he got there. Chuckling modestly Vincent spoke again, "Wells that wasn't a trick, but thanks ya. I am The Puppeteer and t'night many of yous shall be my puppets, in fact all of ya have alreadys begun to dance for me. If you takes a moment to recalls yous already saw me walk in here, I just asked yous to forgets and you kindly dids." It was then that his first appearance popped back into their heads and there was a collective gasp from the majority of the audience. "Nows for thoses of ya who still don'ts believe I'll demonstrates." Pulling out his cards he handed them to a member in the front. "Yous don't gots to take one if yous don't wants to. Just pass 'em along."

Once all the cards had been passed out, Vicent asked those with cards to focus on their card. Starting with a woman in the front row he procceeded to call out every persons card. By the time he had finished his demonstration he was fifty-two for fifty-two. "Nows for the next part of my act I'lls be calling ups certain cards to helps me, buts keep in mind yous don't gots to come up unless yous want."

After quite a few more tricks there were only four cards left that hadn't been used the aces. Pacing in front of the crowd Vincent called out, "Fors my final act I thoughts we could play a man's sport. Russian roulette." Pulling his hand out of his pocket he held up his empty hand and spoke again. "Do yous see these 'ere revolver, wells if I could gets my aces up here, otherwise known as my bullets, I cans conclude this act." Many of the audience gasped as four of their own (a young clean cut man, an older gentleman, a young spunky looking teenage girl, and another guy about her age) stood and made their way down to the floor. "Ahs, wells nice to sees thats yous gots faith in me," Vincent said to his new assistants. Turning back to address the crowd he held up his free hand, which was completely empty. "Nows I wills put this 'ere bullet in the gun and we can gets to playing." As he spoke he placed the "bullet" in the cylinder spun it and closed the "gun". Looking back towards the aces he inquired, "So's who's first?" The four glanced at each other nervously. Placing the "gun" under his chin Vincent just said, "Wells l goes first I guess. You just might want to covers yours ears, case there's a bang." With that he pulled the trigger and whipped his head back as he fell. The next thing that was heard was just the screams of the crowd as they looked down upon the dead magician.

Standing up Vincent looked at the crowd, "Jesus all of ya's screamings could wake the dead." All of the crowd just looked at him in shock. Chuckling Vincent instructed them, "Takes another looks at the gun." Lifting up the "gun" for them to see he just said, "Sees nothing there." With the new realization of no actual gun in their minds the crowd burst out cheering and applauding. Bowing Vincent spoke his final words of the evening, "Nows don't forgets about our other talented indiviuals evens if theys aren't as flashy."

Once off stage Vincent looked at James as he pulled a much needed cigar out. "Yous knows I might have hads my brains blowns out, but I thinks I blew theirs minds." With that that remark Vincent stepped outside and lit his cigar happily inhaling its relaxing fumes.
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