Name: Xin Song Di Rocketto
Age: Seventeen
Xin's Chinese heritage shines through in her diminutive stature as well as her facial structure and fair skin: she stands at just 5'2" with a relatively lithe framework. She tends to wear traditional Chinese garb, generally slit to provide more freedom in her movements and paired with loose pants and flexible flats. Her hair is very dark (bluer than in the picture, but I don't want to repaint her hair yet again) with a loose curl. It hangs down to tailbone length, and she generally keeps it out of her face by tying it back around itself.
Her Mark of Arceus wraps around her right lower leg.
Class: Figurehead
Sub -Classes: Healer, Paragon, Psychic, Weapons Master (Hook swords)
Items and Accessories: - A phone filled with relaxing music, and a pair of earbuds to go with
- An array of potions and medicines which she keeps in a black backpack which she generally has Zhong carry
- 2 hook swords in scabbards slung around her back
Personality: The Xin of six years ago was almost an entirely different person than the one that you might run into if you go off the beaten paths on Faraway Island. Six years ago, you would have found a solemnly-energetic but violent girl, lacking in many of the finer parts of a complete personality, such as empathy, a proper understanding of right and wrong, care for other's opinions, and an attachment to the mortal plane. You would have found her demeanor unsettling were you to see her the first day she marched proudly onto the island and stood straight at attention as she listened to her duties recited, were you sensitive to reading people by their body language.
Now, though she still lacks a certain human quality, she appears to at least have gotten over the more psycopathic of her tendancies. In fact, she's the person to go to if you need a shoulder to cry on, or someone who will understand without needing to say a word. She's willing to protect the lives of others with her own, and she has a practiced method with weapons that shows an unwillingness to kill when there's a different approach.
She's quieter now, preferring to speak only when it's important, and she still tends to go off alone and has a certain solemn twist to her demeanor and a propensity not to smile. But that makes her smile even more special when she uses it to comfort or encourage someone.
Likes: Being alone, reasonable discussions, peace and quiet
Dislikes: Loud people, hysterics, Pokemon battles, being enclosed with people
Special Abilities / Traits/ Attributes:Xin has six years of training in Tai Chi (though not to a level that would be considered mastery or worthy of a subclass) as well as her weapon mastery. She weaves it into her weapon combat, but also uses it to meditate for her psychic abilities and, when necessary, to fight unarmed (though not to a truly appreciable degree).
History:Xin was born in Viridian City to the desperate last remnants of the Rocket cult. Her parents weren't necessarily the most sane individuals: her mother was a petty criminal who thought that her actions were for some sort of crusade, and her father desperately clung to the illegal Pokemon collection that his father had passed down to him as if the existence of such a thing was proof that, as he put it, "Humans are far superior to Pokemon in every way."
It wasn't a very healthy environment for a psychic child with an extreme natural connection to Pokemon. Her parents thought that her magical connection meant that she would be the Messiah of the Rocket lineage, and as such took it upon themselves to mold her into the perfect little leader. They let her do whatever she pleased, but instilled their own morals and ways of thinking into her young mind, and the result was an unpleasant brat who thought she was going to save the world by bringing about the subjugation of all the Pokemon. When at eleven her Mark of Arceus appeared, it only further proved the favor of the gods.
Only problem with this perfect plan was that the elder wasn't particularly pleased with the mental state of his new charge once he'd collected her. She found lessons too boring, would scream and whine at the slightest provocation, tried to subjugate the other students, and lacked the basics that would make one call her a decent human being.
Thankfully, there's therapy for that sort of thing. In Xin's case, it came in the form of an Abra and Tai Chi. Her teachers found something that could tempt her: promises of power. They promised that if she would learn to focus, she would achieve great things with her psychic powers and the weapon's she'd chosen. But to acquire that focus, she needed to learn meditation and patience, and who better to teach that than an Abra? And so Xin received her first Pokemon, the perfect patient teacher who not only outlasted her attempts to catch him and "put him in his place", but also eventually taught her that Pokemon weren't things to be collected or subjugated, and that she could even learn something from them if she tried.
Her team has been expanding as she finds new things to study, and with their help Xin has been steadily improving her abilities to a sharpness that befits her title of Guardian.
Quote: "Shhhh, don't worry, I understand."
Theme song:
Pokémon Team
Team theme: Zen
Team members: Zhong, Fai, Chan-Juan
Name: Zhong
Species: Medicham
Type: Fighting/Psychic
Gender: Female
Ability: Pure Power
Nature: Jolly
History:Zhong was given to Xin as the second step in realizing her potential: while meditation as Fai taught it was good in its own way, proper meditation required a mix of passive approach and an active one. After Fai had tempered Xin a bit, her instructors decided that it was time for her to learn the more useful aspects of her abilities. Since, Zhong has been helping Xin with her meditation and been teaching her Tai Chi.
Zhong is too friendly (if there is such a thing) to the point of being annoying sometimes, especially for Xin who'd really rather not have other people around if she must not.
Moveset:Zen Headbutt
Ice Punch
High Jump Kick
Name: Fai
Species: Abra
Type: Psychic
Gender: Male
Ability: Inner Focus
Nature: Bashful
History:Fai was Xin's first Pokemon on Faraway Island; not that she hadn't dealt with other Pokemon before, but they'd always been illegally-caught, and Xin's father refused to allow her to take any since he feared being discovered. And so it was that Xin arrived at the island with no Pokemon. Her psychic instructor gave her Fai with a suggestion that she learn to meditate as well as that Pokemon, and then she would have unlocked her power.
Fai is far older than he appears. Wizened by age and understanding that a mission was set before him, he patiently outlasted Xin's silly attempts to catch him and to beat him up and to trick him into leaving her alone. When one can teleport on a whim, it's easy to avoid such things, after all. Eventually, though, Xin came around, and now the two of them have a friendly-enough relationship going on. Fai meditates, Xin joins him, and eventually the two fall asleep on each other. If you asked Fai about Xin, he'd tell you that she's destined for something great, and while she may not be there yet, he sees the potential and is waiting for it to blossom.
Name: Chan-Juan
Species: Scizor
Type: Bug/Steel
Gender: Female
Ability: Light Metal
Nature: Calm
History:Like her other Pokemon, Chan-Juan was given to Xin by an instructor: this time, her weapons instructor; she was the most placid Scyther that he could find, just right for teaching Xin that one need not be a reckless ball of emotion and violence to be physically powerful. As Xin's third Pokemon, Chan-Juan had the advantage of not having to deal with her earlier mindset, and from the start the two of them had a good relationship. They would spend hours each day clashing their blades together, slowly growing more powerful and controlled as they made mistakes and hurt each other, but never too badly. When she evolved, Chan-Juan and Xin were mildly disappointed, but apparently sparing with claws, while a different experience than with her earlier blades, was still effective, and just the sort of mix-up in their routine that both of them needed to continue learning.
Chan-Juan may be a calm individual, but don't mistake that for a lack of strength or ability. The only real fighter in the group, she's taken on the safety of her charges with extreme severity; if you plan on hurting any of them, you'll have to go through her first.
Night Slash
Steel Wing
Metal Claw