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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MisuChan


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CO GM: None yet, I need one. I’m still learning the perks of this forum and how to handle the high volume, please be gentle with me.
4 POST RULE PER PERSON. YOU HAVE TO WAIT FOR 4 PEOPLE TO POST BEFORE POSTING AGAIN. This will be adjusted once I see how slow or fast it's moving.


Momo titled her head slightly, the sound of a slight crack being heard around the empty room. “I need a drink… I need something...Something with blood.” She whispered as she walked over to the fireplace and threw another log in, making the warmth increase. To the left was a window, where you could see the rain trickling down. it was a cool fall night, one of those nights where you could snuggle around the fireplace with a nice cup of blood or you know… You could cut a person alive and inject them with steroids, which is kind of what Momo wanted to do.

She twitched slightly, sighing. She was itching for a new slave to arrive since she had killed her last two with an accidental overdose which caused them to have a cardiac arrest. Walking to the window, she impatiently waited for the car with her newest slave, Airi to arrive.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by xAsunaWolfx
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xAsunaWolfx The Sriracha Lover

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Annarose clutched the hilt of a pistol with 5 bullets made to cause extreme weakness to vampires. Her heart’s drumming overrode any other sound, piercing through the wall her sharp back bones touched, knowing the vampire was awaiting the arrival of her headslave. Her head, “trustworthy” slave who had plans of a murderous riot. The frail girl knocked softly on the door, as if disturbing her master too loudly would cause the house to shatter into an atomic blaze.

“Madam, your… daily order is here.” Annarose’s lips twitched up into a smile, yet her face was blank, empty, and lifeless as she waltz through the door opening, approaching the vampire lumbering in a chair faced away from her. Normally the vampire would pierce her eyes through the souls of every slave, but not Annarose, instead she would be greeted with soft orders.

“Place it on the table and leave me, Anna, and tell the other slaves behind you to complete the daily chores and bring forth my victim of the day.” Anna’s steps stuttered, the corners of her vison darkened, her fingers on the gun couldn’t feel more numb.

“Acknowledged, however the order belongs in a special place.” The shaky slave rose the gun to the back of the vampire’s head. She didn’t want to do this. No one wanted to be a murderer . But she was step one of years of planning, her failure would be at the cost of her life. She closed her eyes and pressed the trigger.

~~~A week later

Annarose’s index finger twitched as the teenager roused from a slumber in an alley, her nose would scrunch up when a freezing drop of rain ran down it. It was one among the many already soaked into her torn, pale yellow slave dress the same color as her lengthy hair and large eyes. The only thing she missed about her previous mansion was the roof over her head, these grey skies seemed to always be raining as if even they held sorrow for humankind. It was as if she never left her place, she seemed to visit it in her dreams everynight. Murderer her mind quickly reminded her. “So hungry….” She whispered and shivered, weakness finally rearing its ugly head in times of when a little too many meals were skipped and too many miles had been ran the previous day away from that place. Today wasn’t the day to die. “Hello!?” She called out, her voice echoing through the seemingly abandoned town with a few eerie houses off into the horzion
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by yoyohayli
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yoyohayli Child of The Dark Lord

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Emiliano hummed a soft tune as he lit the last of the candles in his bedroom. A quick spark, a lit wick, and then a puff of air to put out the match. The soft scent of lavender began to drift through the room and the vampire sighed in contentment, the smell having been a favorite of his for its calming qualities.

"Perfect," he purred to himself and taking another glance around the room. It had been arranged just to his liking: the walls a pale beige with a bit of white moulding at the bottom; the thick, green curtains securely covering the windows to prevent any sunlight leaking through; and of course, the bed had been furnished with many soft blankets and sheets and pillows to keep any who would lie on it comfortable for as long as they desired. This new home had been expensive, but Emiliano could see it was quickly paying off.

The vampire bit his lip in excitement, thinking of the two young men in the dungeon right now. He had been able to catch a glimpse of them as they were delivered to his home and quickly ushered to the basement, but they hadn't seen him, due to the blindfolds they were wearing. They were young, attractive, and they smelled absolutely divine. Emiliano had made sure the blindfolds would be removed once they reached the dungeon and his slaves would be treated to three sectioned off areas: 2 individual beds with slightly less comfortable mattresses than his and a bathroom area where they could freely shower and take care of any other needs. It was a generous arrangement, especially in comparison with what he'd heard the other vampires had left their slaves: little more than a single spot of cold floor to lie on.

His hunger was quickly growing, but Emiliano decided he would let his slaves get more adjusted to their surroundings before venturing down to the dungeons himself.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Zaitherin
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Zaitherin Local Chicken Lady

Member Seen 1 yr ago

It appeared that no matter how much effort he put into not buying, that a vampire still brought another and him regardless of what he tried to do. Azuriel was more irritated than usual when a blindfold was used in order for him to not memorize the way in case he ever tried to escape. Like he would try escaping seeing that dying "Quit pushing me like I'm cattle." He growled until the blind fold came off. Until he noticed the other slave in the same room with him. Walking around to see what there was, Azuriel noticed that there was a bathroom until he had to splash cold water on his face. "I can't believe that I got myself captured when I had a sister to take care of. Lousy bloodsuckers, can't find another source of food to feed on." Biting his lip, he walked over to the bed and laid face down on it. Being as calm as possible, he tried to sleep before he do something that he knew he wouldn't regret doing after it happened. Anger suddenly bubbled up at the thought of his sister not knowing what had happen to him caused him to hit the wall next to him.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Tack the Cobbler

Tack the Cobbler

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Leland waited for them to cut the ropes that bound his wrist, then removed the blindfold himself, folded it, and returned it to them. "May I have my prescriptions?" He asked in a polite monotone, and took them from the vampiric delivery boy's extended hands with a nod.

Turning to the side to shrug off the bitter feeling that was settling in on the back of his tongue, he slid his glasses up his nose and rubbed his sore wrists before looking back up; the other unfortunate soul who'd been purchased alongside him had entered his own room to take a nap. Fine by him, but they'd have to make each other's acquaintance at some point--alliances were assets in these kinds of situations. If he was more intelligent than the fruitless arguing he'd been spouting before led on, he'd learn to take what the beasts threw at them sitting down. If that was the case, perhaps he'd let the boy in on whatever plan he came up with.

If he wasn't, he could be sucked dry for all Leland cared. He had priorities and loyalty played no part in them.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Major Ursa
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Major Ursa Springy Ferret

Member Seen 10 mos ago

It was a cold and stormy night...and surprisingly enough, Karl was wide awake. Anxious. Not many have seen Karl quite so anxious, especially since he was only ever this way when he was between new slaves. Wearing a pair of clean slacks,and a white dress shirt, he lay on the custom day bed in the darkness just out in the halls, outside of the kitchen, just staring hole into the ceiling...waiting. Waiting. Waiting...a lesser vampire servant of his was supposed to be back with to new--uhhmmm? Two new bed buddied? No no, two new sleep sentinels? No...ah, yes, the proper phraseology finally came to him, finally, and he spoke it out loud, "Two new bed warmers." Ah, yes, that sounded right? Right? Two people to make him feel warmer in his bed...bed warmers. Perfect.
It was black in the forest, with the storm that raged, only a few flashes of lightning in the distance illuminated his vision and allowed for him to make sense of shapes. If only they'd stop, then his eyes would get used to the darkness, and Brian would be better used to foraging. Still, covered in as many layers as possible, he just waited under the shorter of the trees. The brown of his coat matched the tree. And, he waited. Waiting for the rain to end, waiting for clarity, waiting for maybe even just the light of day. Waiting. Watching.

Everything he did with a measure of caution. Brian may have only been five when his parents...met their ends, but he remembered the old rituals of getting rid of their tracks, gathering certain wild plants to eat or wear, making a shelter than nobody would notice...and eventually, finding a rogue's hide out. Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out a yellowing map, and made sure that he leaned a certain way so it wouldn't be touched by the water. Several Xs marked the compromised hiding spots, it would be up to him to find out if the other were compromised as well.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Shiinen
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Shiinen The Grand Imagineer

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

All she'd ever known was the coldness of the dungeon, the harshness of the other slaves, and the cruelty that came with her views. Yet now? It was a curious light in her eyes that twinkled as she kept her fingers laced close together and followed in tow. ...The Master wanted to see her and the male at her side? Hum...He didn't seem particularly vicious as others that could have taken her in at the time -- a trait she was glad for. So, with a hope that should not be seen to a vicious strike or anything of the like, she spoke up in a gentle voice to the fanged superior guiding them through the halls.

"U-Uhm, excuse me? If you don't mind...Could I ask if you've knowledge in regards to our presence being summoned?"

Surely...nothing bad, hopefully? She'd done her work with upmost attention, with a care and a determination that far out-sustained those of other humans upset with their current life (rightfully so, she supposed? She was content with hers). Braced for the worse of what could come if she'd hit a nerve, her hands brushed down the front of her uniform after a moment as a sort of nervous tic, gaze turning to the male beside her before taking a deep breath and recomposing herself with that perfect smile that she managed to keep under dire circumstances. Well, let come what would. She could only keep her hopes up, and keep her voice down.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by yoyohayli
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yoyohayli Child of The Dark Lord

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


The wait had been long enough. He was thirsty and needed to sample one of his slaves soon or he felt he would go mad. Making his way down the levels of the house, Emiliano continued his humming softly to let the two boys in the basement know he was coming. Once he had reached the dungeon, Emiliano rapped on the door twice before entering.

"I hope you two have found your surroundings...acceptable," he said loudly enough so both of them could hear. Shutting the door behind him, Emiliano turned to see that they had already separated into their own areas. He folded his arms in front of his chest. "Now, I will require at least one of you for...refreshment. You can either both come, or decide amongst yourselves who will be first."

Callum kept his trembling hands secured firmly on his forearms as he walked beside the well-endowed girl. He couldn't understand why she didn't seem as completely terrified as him at this moment. What other purpose could a vampire have for summoning his slaves than to feed on them? The very thought made his stomach churn and his teeth chatter. Never before had he been more aware of the blood pumping through his veins and just how disgusting it felt than through this grueling walk.

Vampires had murdered the helpless people in his village. They had taken his sister away from him and enslaved him. Now, he was approaching one himself. Callum could only feel pure disdain for this creature waiting for them in the next room. He didn't want to do anything the monster told him to do, and yet he didn't know how he could resist a vampire himself. If he didn't do what he was told, what would stop the beast from murdering him and this girl beside him just like all the others? Callum decided it would be best to keep his anger and hatred boiling underneath the surface for now. Doing something rash and upsetting his..."master" would only be foolish and probably end in a painful death.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Lawless
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Lawless The Ghost

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Within the dark silent room, a young man wrote silently in what appeared to be a journal of sorts. He wrote with a bird feather, a quill, and constantly dipped it in red liquid before it traveled across the piece of parchment. It made awfully fine lines and moved extremely quickly as if the quill were moving by itself. A beam of light cut through the room to show that it was extremely neat, otherworldly neat, but only for a second did the light get the male's attention before it went back to the paper. Some of the black tape on the window seemed to be coming off, honest mistake.

When another beam of light broke through the curtains he sighed loudly before he dropped the quill and stood as smoke rolled off his shoulder before he stepped into the shade. His menacing red eyes barely shimmered in the darkness as he glared at the window. The tape was peeling off gradually. "Can I get nothing done without interruptions?!" William barked at God. His voice flooded the house and echoed off the walls in the very dungeon. William's voice was ruff and powerful and seemed to match his appearance easily.

The house had most of its windows tinted to point f barely allowing light in and made looking into house pointless. All one would see is blackness, which made the brightest whitest house in the neighborhood look extremely gloomy. He tore the door to his room open with little effort, just barely avoiding snatching it off its hinges before he stormed through the corridor. He stopped abruptly upon seeing a man at the end of the corridor, he was supposed to be in the dungeon. The man appeared extremely sweaty despite how cold William usually allowed the air conditions to run in the dungeon.

How long had he been standing there? Despite how tough the man tried to look, William's eyes could see through him. The man was nervous, scared and undoubtedly had come to free himself while William slept. The man didn't have a shirt on and his muscles made William proud, they had chosen the strongest to do the job. "Come here!" William commanded as he pointed his finger at the floor right in front of him and the man jumped upon hearing it. A minute passed before the man finally decided to move, he knew his hesitation would be rewarded with punishment.

It was when the man walked that William realized that he was holding something behind his back, something he didn't want his master to see till the time was just right. It piqued his interest what they had all come together and decided to kill him with "What have you got there?" William tried to sound sincere. The man looked behind his back before looking forward without an answer, speechless. "I said show me WHAT IS BEHIND YOUR BACK!" William yelled, his arm moving so fast the man couldn't see it coming before the man flew into the shelf behind him. A trail of blood landed on the once clean floor before the sound of glass breaking resounded throughout the house.

A gift? His eyes widened and stared at the broken glass. William had become paranoid in these last few days and the beam of sunlight penetrating only his room put him on edge. "I'm sorry Christopher, but I need you to patch up that opening in my window." William said walked over to the man. He seemed to have been buried in the many books that fell down. The vampire master reached down into the books to grab the man, but he could feel nothing other than books. Within the silence William could hear a beating heart, but it was coming from behind him instead of under the books. William turned around fast, just as the man stabbed him with what appeared to be silver spike made into a cross. A necklace with a crucified Jesus was dangling from the intersection.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Major Ursa
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Major Ursa Springy Ferret

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Karl smelt them before they had even been ushered into the room, they smelled like..."Huh? Say, why were my two new bed warmers being kept in my house's laundry room?" Tilting his head curiously...before he knew it, his mouth curled into a very happy, large grin as he saw the two. It was quite evident that he was ogling the females chest, while looking to the male in an interesting way, "Men...boys tend to be more hot-blooded..." The room fell quiet at this moment, even his vampire servants had no idea what to make of his words.

Without warning, the old vampire picked up and hoisted the two humans over his shoulders, "I can't--I've been too long without...I can wait no longer!" Karl's voice was husky and strained as he said this, he made his way to his bedroom with the two humans. Lightly kicking the half open door fully open, he stood over at the end of the huge bed (circular, large than a California King), before lightly tossing his two new companions on the bed. As quickly as he could, he began to unbutton his shirt...then his pants...pretty soon, the only piece of clothing he wore was a pair of black boxer briefs...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Shiinen
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Shiinen The Grand Imagineer

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Bed warmers? ....Laundry room? If confusion was a person, it would have slapped Eika across the face for the look she had as their Master oggled them. Hot-blooded...?
That was all her lips could pass through them before she and her fellow slave were literally picked up and thrown on to the bed, face heating up as FAR too many implications of what was going on ran through her head. His voice spoke for terrible things to be done, and it didn't make it any better as she was beginning to put one and one together. "Bed warmer". ....WAIT A MINUTE, WHY WAS HE STRIPPING OFF HIS CLOTHES. If it wasn't for the fact that she was more accustomed to oddities around her, she'd have bolted for the window or door or something at this moment out of sheer instinct of self-preservation present in most humans. But instead, with her face the color of a cherry, she could only scoot up onto her knees and brush the ends of her uniform down once she had a hold of herself and a nervous clearing of the throat was forced out.

Okay...How to go about this...Uh...This was either one huge misunderstanding, or...or...she couldn't quite find words for the alternative available to her. The timidness in her voice was evident as she finally spoke up in order to try and grab the now...nearly-bared Vampire.
"A-Ahem...Master, w-what exactly do you mean with uhm...what you...can't wait for any longer?..."
She might look calm, but damn her if she was having troubles keeping her composure. Well, ah...Let what happen will. That's what she'd been taught. Hopefully, it didn't interpret in this situation to her clothes being stripped off.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by yoyohayli
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yoyohayli Child of The Dark Lord

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"H-Huh?" was all Callum could say in reply to the odd statement about men. He had no idea if that meant something good or something bad, but when the vampire picked him and the girl up with no warning, he let out a soft cry of panic. The vampire was alarmingly strong, but he supposed he should expect that from something so inhumanly monstrous.

What does he mean, he "can wait no longer?" Is he really going to feed from both of us at the same time?!

"Oof!" Callum's backside made a rough impact on the mattress and he scrambled back as far as he could from the vampire. He watched what happened next in complete horror. The thing was...disrobing. Could vampires really be so sick and evil? Maybe it wasn't their blood it craved, but something else...

"P-Please, stop!" Callum cried out. "What have we ever done to you?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by BizarreLolli
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BizarreLolli Huckleberry, Cherry or Lime

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Smoothing out her skirt, stained dark at the bottom from years of field work, as Airi steps out of the car. She doesn't think about her past often but every now and then she thinks about her mother and their nightly conversations. Staring up at the house she wonders why those thoughts would even cross her mind right now, shaking her head as a man yells at her to get a move on and glancing behind her to see her brother grabbing up their two bags moving along after the guy. She had packed the bags herself, so she knows how heavy they are but she supposes since her brother use to move bales of hay all day, two bags are nothing. She stares off into the distance at a dog barking and wonders if someone trying to escape from their master or if the dog just stupid; as she screamed at again to move it she in the way of the others, she moves her feet heading after her brother around the house to what she can only assume to a back door.

Dim glances around noting quickly everything about the front yard with all the trees, bushes, and flowers; he glances back at his sister standing still with a brief thought on what could be occupying her mind. Shrugging he shifts the bags as the guy barks about go around back he doesn't have all day to get slaves where they need to be and mumbles about something but Dim just tunes him out to stare up at the windows as he wonders what this Master could be like. Their other master if you could even call the old vampire that, old vampire believed in the old ways and would only come down to the farm when there was a harvesting problem and his feeders where getting enough nutrients and would spend all day yelling that he could taste the differences and if their father could keep the farm running then he would be replaced and become a feeder. Dim would just move about the farm finishing up work and pretending the old vampire wasn't around and it wasn't hard to do since the old vampire hated kids, something about ripe blood. He smiles wondering what that could even mean, he steps inside the kitchen at the servants moving about and thinks least they don't have to work outside all the time now.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MisuChan


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Momo sniffed as she heard the back door open and shuffled down to the kitchen in happiness. As she looked at the two twins now arriving, she screeched a bit, in excitement. "They're here!" she yelled as she threw her hands up and walked towards them. She stepped between them, bringing each hand up to touch the sides of the faces and pulled them by the cheeks into a hug, squeezing their faces into the area just below her shoulder bones. "Dear children! i need a drink! Who shall I take a nibble from?" she asked, letting them go and stepping back to sit on the counter.

She seemed weird, kind but with a side of a psychotic-rhythm. She spun her finger around, pointing back and forth, waiting for one of the children to answer.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Zaitherin
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Zaitherin Local Chicken Lady

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Azuriel turned his head when he heard the vampire entered the room, before he sat up in the bed he was laying in. Eventually he knew that he would have to do as he was told, yet that doesn't mean he would make it easier for him. When he asked if the room was acceptable... well he ha to admit that it was better than sleeping on the cold hard ground in the forest or even in the trees. "It doesn't matter to me if one of us, or even both of us has to go with you." He finally said after the fact he found the wall an interesting thing to look at. It was either this or letting his short temper get the best of him.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Major Ursa
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Major Ursa Springy Ferret

Member Seen 10 mos ago

From the end of the large bed, the vampire ignored their individual cries or questions, and instead started to crawl up it to the middle of the two humans. Such a delight, oh how he spent too long without this...he practically purred with pleasure just staring at them. Getting close enough to practically feel their hearts beat, see the red of their faces, the rise and fall of their chest (particularly a certain female's), hear their breaths...he grabbed and pulled the male towards him. Definitely warm, and just from a quick feel, the hair was plenty soft and fluffy.

Hugging the boy with his long legs, and nuzzling into his soft hair...Karl turned and grabbed the jiggle female next, literally sticking his face into her chest. Letting out the most relaxed, pleasured sigh, he was soon out like a light. Not even taking a second to pull the covers on the three-way cuddle, the two humans were suddenly left in a most awkward situation. Outside...the rain continued to fall.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by xAsunaWolfx
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xAsunaWolfx The Sriracha Lover

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Hello-lo-lo-lo… “ Annarose half expected some masked stranger to pop into view at the mouth of the alley way after her echo softened its existence into nothing. She laughed at the unneeded paranoia of her mind- even if someone came didn’t mean they were going to welcome her with open arms. Barely anyone lived in this town, and she was sure of that. Her eyelids felt heavy and the pavement seemed to embrace a few more hours of sleep she knew she couldn’t afford.

Squish squish. Annarose’s soaked maid shoes protested loudy as she rose to a stand, greeted with mini oceans flooding between her toes to which she frowned lightly at heading towards the closest source of food, the forest. The edge of it was no more than a few minutes walk as the forests had been her ways of traveling secretly to put more distance between the murder scenes. A line of thoughts filed into her mind while Annarose hummed Zelda’s lullaby. Wow, I must look like a walking circus, odd sights to see and music to accompany it. Before the slender girl was a few steps from the forest, a large black dumpster brushed by her shoulder. She stopped, squeezing a few more steps in after reassuring herself that only rats dug through dumpsters and it was filled with odd diseases that could probably turn her into a zombie.

Minutes later, piles of trash surrounded around the girl’s feet. Yes, she was really digging through a dumpster. A wave of happiness brightened her face when she believe she picked up a can half filled with food in the darkness, pulling it out into the dim light of the rainy skies.

Her eyes met a can of half present peas and a line of crimson blood running down her hand. The can’s lid cut her, the cut never stung until it met her stern eyes. “ Well, f***. Good thing no one lives here.” She mumbled, of course far from believing what had came out of her mouth. Out of impulse, she sprinted into the forest, one had dripping blood and the other hand dumping some old peas into her mouth. Who knew a can of food was a blessing and a possible death sentence at the same time?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Tack the Cobbler

Tack the Cobbler

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Leland answered the demon without a beat; "Yes Master, your accommodations are most generous. Thank you." He half meant it too--the sheets, when he had ran his hands over them, had been soft like satin. The wood trimmings of the room were a polished brown and the light fixtures were honestly lovely, setting a dim glow on the tawny walls. There was no denying his new Master had taste...though he wasn't sure why he wasting a whole furnished floor on a pair of slaves. He adjusted his glasses and shifted his weight to the one side, standing in the entrance of his own room.

As to the address other question....the other slave was staring at his wall mutely, the reluctance evident in his voice. It didn't take a doctorate in psychology to tell that he was pissed, and Leland didn't really feel like ruining any chances at gaining the Master's trust because of the actions of the other. "Would you prefer I went?" He asked the boy softly, hoping to make it seem like he wanted to make friends.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by NarcissisticPotato
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NarcissisticPotato Dirty on the Outside, Fluffy on the Inside

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Nyx played with the zipper that concealed the small amount of items that she had the fortune to own. It wasn't very serious things - a picture of her mother, a too-big wool jumper and some chocolate that a friend of hers had managed to rob from the vicious old lady who guarded the collection of female orphans and abandoned youth. Nyx was always a quiet creature, unless she needed something, so she kept quiet in the back of the posh car. A bump in the road made her bag fly out of her hands before she pulled it back and hugged it to her chest.

She had been informed that morning that she had been bought by someone from another town. After the allotted two minutes to pack and say goodbye to the girls that she didn't get on so bad with, she was dragged into the back of a car and sent away. She hadn't cried though, the orphanage was a harsh place and she knew that she would be hard-pressed to find a master who was much more evil than that place. Her placing in this home had awakened a new sense of caution in her that she had never seen before. She would obviously try to win her new master over and see what she could get from it.

So, with a slightly scared yet completely naive look, she was pulled from the car with a strong grasp before she was sent towards the door with a shove. She knew that running was pointless - the driver was watching her and he was a lot faster than she ever was. And thus, Nyx found herself wearing her coat to cover against the rain, her bag clad in one hand as she drifted to the door and lifted the weighty knocked before dropping it and creating a considerable echo within the house. She had a very bad feeling about this but she simply opened the top button of her cost and hoped that her master wasn't gay.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Shiinen
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Shiinen The Grand Imagineer

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

...How did...How did one respond to this?! The initial terror turned into moreorless...A cuddling fest, if not an advantage taken of her chest as their Master's head landed smack-dab into her breasts, nestling in and blinking once, twice at the display and the warm blankets that came upon them soon after. ...Just...Sleeping?...She'd never been in such a soft bed before...It took several moments for her to begin unwinding, breath calming as her heart ceased its incessant pounding against her rib cage and eventually...She settled in. Even moreso...Shaky digits found stray bits of the vampire's locks to play with -- a means of busying herself from placing the knowledge that she was moreorless stuck in a bed with two grown (attractive! but shh!) men in the back of her mind in order to not disturb the sleep of the resting night-walker.

...Though, her voice would slip by in soft whispers in order to try and address the male that had come with her.Just to try and make some pleasantries of sorts, of course. That was all.
"...Ah...I don't think I know your name...I'm Eika. And despite such oddities of meeting...It's nice to meet you."
...Trying to introduce oneself while a 75% naked man was snuggling both engaging parties was strange. She had to admit...it did make her come close to giggling from the sillyness of it. But hey, it was worth it! She was happy! She understood what her job as a body warmer was now, and it made her more than content to perform her duty well.~ Just uh...As long as she didn't wake him, she guessed. If he was this serious about sleeping...Goodness knows he might be an angry man if awakened early.
"This was...unexpected..."
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