This thread will contain all of the character sheets and other things that the RP thread character limit cannot support.
"Heroes" of the 1st Era
Name: Fiore 'The Duelist'
Gender: Male
Age: 21
Race: Galmin
Acrobatics (Dex): (Rank 6 + 6 Apt) = 12
Alchemy (Apt): --
Animal Handling (Cha): (Rank 1 + 5 Cha + 2 Other) = 8
Appraisal (Apt): 4
Arcane Craft (Apt): --
Blacksmithing (Apt): 4
Carpentry (Apt): 4
Climbing (Might): 5
Concentration (Will): (Rank 1 + 2 Will) = 3 (1 Critical)
Disguise (Cha): 5
Engineering (Apt): 4
First Aid (Apt): (Rank 1 + 4 Apt) = 5
Fisticuffs (Dex): (Rank 4 + 6 Dex + 2 Other) = 12
Hardiness (End): 4
Herb Craft (Apt): 4
Knowledge (Apt): 4
Leather Working (Apt): 4
Linguistics (Apt): 4
Manipulate Device (Dex): 6
Negotiation (Cha): (Rank 6 + 5 Cha - 1 Flaw + 2 Intimidation/Haggling) = 10
Observation (Apt): (Rank 1 + 4 Apt +1 Other) = 6
Performance (Cha): (5 Cha - 1 Flaw) = 4
Riding (Dex): (Rank 2 + 6 Dex + 2 Other) = 10
Sailing (Apt): 4
Sleight of Hand (Dex): (Rank 5 + 6 Dex) = 11
Stone Cutting (Apt): 4
Sorcery (Apt): --
Stealth (Dex): (6 Dex + 1 Other) = 7
Survival (Apt): (Rank 1 + 4 Apt) = 5
Swimming (Might): (Rank 1 + 5 Might) = 6
Tailoring (Apt): 4
Thrown Weaponry (Dex): 6
Melee Weaponry (Dex): (Rank 7 + 6 Dex + 2 Other) = 15 (1 Critical)
Projectile Weaponry (Dex): 6
Ambidexterity (3 XP): You can make a second free attack with an offhand light weapon at a -5 Penalty.
Animal Magnetism (3 XP): You have a natural knack for befriending animals. You get +2 on all Riding and Animal Handling Rolls
Heirloom (2 XP):You were bequeathed a beautiful and very well crafted rapier, a weapon not used by too many.
Famed: You are quite famous in your hometown and even home region or land. You are at a +5 on all Negotiation and Performance Rolls while in this area if they recognize you. Also you get +1 to your Reputation.
Profession (Mercenary) (4 XP): You either were, or still are, a sword for hire and are quite good at it. +2 on all Melee Weaponry Rolls and Negotiation Rolls (for Intimidating and Haggling). Also you have some equipment from your time as a mercenary and some money, starting off with one free Average Quality Weapon and 25 additional iL.
Armor Proficiency (Soft Leather) (2 XP): You are quite proficient in wearing Leather Armor. -1 to Armor Penalty of Soft Leather Armor, also you lose half of the Energy you normally lose for sleeping in your armor.
Riposte (3 XP): You can make an automatic free Attack against an opponent who attacks you, whether or not they hit, once per round by spending 1 Energy.
Obsession (+1 XP): Fiore is deeply obsessed at a minor level with finding clues about your parents. Fiore often speaks about finding them or actively tries to seek out the clues that he is somewhat obsessed with, if he fails to do so every five days than Fiore will have some mild malaise and suffer -1 to Willpower until he satiate his obsession by either speaking of it or trying to seek it out (usually by dropping everything and going on a small quest to seek out clues). If the player is ever presented with attempts to seek out clues, he must make a DL 15 Concentration roll to try and resist going after this attempt (if he chooses to resist).
Jaded (+1 XP): Due to Fiore's desire of getting stronger and him not really interacting with others, Fiore is jaded to almost everyone. Due to this, Fiore suffers a -1 to all Negotiation and Performance rolls.
Unique Madness (+3 XP): Fiore is stricken with a strange madness that causes him to hear voices or thoughts throughout his head. Due to this, whenever these voices come up in his head (whether it be whenever he's in combat or after he has done something), the player must make a DL 15 Concentration roll to resist the voices, or else he will fall into a crazed state of madness, getting a -5 to all rolls for the next five - seven 'rounds' (0-5, Seven, 6 - 12, Six, 13 - 14 Five) until he calms down or staves back his madness.
Weapons & Armor
Rapier (Master Crafted): Exalia, A rapier that has been passed down from generation to generation, Fiore was given this by his now deceased step father. +4 Damage, +1 on Rolls
Parrying Dagger: A small dagger meant for being held in the off hand to help parry attacks. -1 Damage, +1 on Parrying
Soft Leather Armor: 3 Armor, 1 Armor Penalty
Map: A basic, slightly more detailed map of the land of Ithelia.
3 Canteens of Water
35 Days Travel Rations
Horse: Odysseus, A prized horse to Fiore that has been there for him countless amounts of time, always trying to get back to its master no matter what.
Wealth: 27 iL
Name: Lyrisa Kortine
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Race: Galmin
Lyrisa is a world class researcher or at least she thinks she is. As smart as she is at her age, she is considered a genius amongst her peers, albeit to their dismay. She finds herself discriminated against by the older researchers and it pushes her to figure out something greater than they ever have. Her cocky attitude helps greatly in her research but little in the department of talking to people. She’ll gladly help if someone needs it though she doesn’t find any use for the utterly stupid.
She likes to think herself a serious person, and often finds herself having to set straight the other scholars of the college when they get sidetracked or distracted. If she finds anything humorous, it’s insulting people with intellect lower than hers. . . Something she thinks would refer to most people in the world aside from a few at the order. Those of which did not turn down her research and called her an unlearned child.
Total XP: 59
Unspent XP: 3
Earned XP: 3
Might: 3
Endurance: 3
Dexterity: 5
Aptitude: 8
Willpower: 5
Charisma: 2
Vitality: 22
Energy: 18
Luck: 3
Reputation: Neutral (4) (+1 While robes are Worn) = 5
Alchemy (Apt): (Rank 5 + 8 Apt + 1 Other) = 14
Animal Handling (Cha): 2
Appraisal (Apt): (Rank 1 + 8 Apt) = 9
Arcane Craft (Apt): (Rank 5 + 8 Apt + 3 Other) = 16
Concentration (Will): (Rank 4 + 5 Will) = 9
Disguise (Cha): 2
Engineering (Apt): 8
First Aid (Apt): (Rank 1 + 8 Apt) = 9 (1 Critical)
Fisticuffs (Dex): 5
Hardiness (End): 3
Herb Craft (Apt): (Rank 3 + 8 Apt) = 11
Knowledge (Apt): (Rank 6 + 8 Apt + 1 Other + 1 Written) = 15 (1 Critical)
Leather Working (Apt): 8
Linguistics (Apt): (Rank 5 + 8 Apt + 2 Other) = 15
Manipulate Device (Dex): 5
Negotiation (Cha): (Rank 2 + 2 Cha - 2 Penalty) = 2
Observation (Apt): (Rank 1 + 8 Apt) = 9
Performance (Cha): 2
Riding (Dex): (Rank 1 + 5 Dex) = 6 (1 Critical)
Sailing (Apt): 8
Sleight of Hand (Dex): 5
Stone Cutting (Apt): 8
Sorcery (Apt): --
Stealth (Dex): 5
Survival (Apt): 8
Swimming (Might): 3
Tailoring (Apt): 8
Thrown Weaponry (Dex): 5
Melee Weaponry (Dex): (Rank 3 + 5 Dex) = 8 (1 Fumble)
Projectile Weaponry (Dex): 5
Magic Affinity (7 XP): You have a natural affinity for both the art and power of magic. +1 on all Arcane Craft and Sorcery Rolls and +1 on all Rolls to Resist any form of magic. You get an additional +1 on all Rolls to use Arcane Craft and you pay 1 XP less for Counterspell, Words of Power, and other certain magical traits.
Arcane Sense (Free): Your own magical affinity has granted you a natural sense for the arcane. For starters, you automatically detect magical auras or other forces that you are close to. Also you get an additional +2 on all Rolls when you are focusing your arcane senses to intuit more on any powers you detect or to perform a better search of the area for magical forces thanks to your Magic Affinity. Focusing your senses like that though uses up 1 Energy.
Apprentice (3 XP): Your teacher taught you the art of Alchemy, allowing you to learn and use it.
Rare Discovery (7 XP): You have found a rare tome that depict something incredible. You found a way to create something that you think is called a Construct, a moving creature of metal, earth, or other materials that is able to move thanks to magic and alchemy.
Ritual Magic (3 XP): You know how to perform a special form of magic known as Ritual Magic using your skills of Arcane Craft. This lets you perform more complex magic through very lengthy rituals. These rituals usually last around an hour, but each additional hour gives you an additional +1 to the Roll. Also you may have helpers that also give you +1, but they must know Arcane Craft or have Performance Rank 2. Each hour you spend costs you an additional point of Energy.
Affiliation (Scribes) (3 XP): Through your teacher you have managed to join the Scribes, a small, yet somewhat well known scholarly order. You are currently a Scribe Initiate and receive some benefits. The more you do for the Scribes, the further in their ranks you can get the more secrets and benefits you will acquire. This usually involves uncovering knowledge for them or helping them in other ways.
--Scribe initiate: You first get a set of Scribe Initiate Robes. These give you +2 to Negotiation Rolls in certain places or situations. Furthermore you get a +1 bonus to Reputation and a +1 bonus to all Knowledge and Linguistics Rolls.
Loose Tongue and Uncouth (+ 2 XP) Lyrisa tends to let her mouth run off and tells people exactly what she’s thinking whether it be about how their idea is conceptional wrong or just that they are plainly annoying on top of her blatant use of swears. -2 on Negotiation rolls
Slight Inferiority Complex (+1 XP): Due to the attitudes of those older than her, Lyrisa feels slightly inferior in knowledge compared to those in her same field. If someone would attempt to argue with her knowledge, Lyrisa will attempt to counter-argue to a standstill or she wins. If she attempts to resist this urge she needs to pass a DL 15 Concentration roll. While arguing she takes a -2 to any roll she would take.
Metal Tipped Whip: A leather whip with a metal piece on the tip to allow it to deal some damage. +0 Damage. Has 5 foot Reach, Light Weapon
Scribe Initiate Robes: Some special standards Robes fashioned with the emblem of the Scribes. +2 to Negotiation Rolls in certain areas or situations, +1 to Reputation while worn
Eight Days Rations
Water Decanter (2)
Alchemy Kit: A large pouch containing some alchemical materials and other tools needed to practice Alchemy.
Alchemy Pouch (10 Uses)
Symbol Scribing Materials: Charcoal or other materials useful for scribing symbols on various surfaces. Necessary for uses of Arcane Craft.
Riding Horse
Wealth = 44 iL 6 Talms
Name: Leifr Forbannet
Age: 25
Race: Galmin
Leifr is the prime example of a beloved noble. A down-to-earth and humbled personality that, while perhaps a little meddlesome, is a kind and passionate young man who wishes to be as “good” as he can be. He is the type of character who would give a couple of coins to a pauper or bow to a commoner woman younger than himself. He is also the type of man that seems willing to be friends with anyone regardless of their social standing. However, behind all that kindness and humility lies a hidden pride in his work. He enjoys the smiles and cheers directed at him, the feeling of doing something good despite the fact that he has hardly done any permanent “good” at all.
However, he undoubtedly has a certain innocence and naivety that, while perhaps regarded as attractive from their fairer sex, leads him onto a path with many obstacles and enemies. While he has his fair share of potential suitors, he cannot tell the difference between those who wish to be with him and those who view him as a chance to obtain status and wealth. He will feel honestly betrayed when the money grubbing pauper on the side of the street that he gave coins to earlier today ambushes him in an alley with a dagger and demands more payment. It is occurances like that which challenge his naivety and trust towards strangers. Luckily (or perhaps unfortunately), those events have yet to cause him to stray from his innocence.
Other notable quirks he has include a very mild case of Astraphobia (fear of lightning and thunder) and a more noticeable case of Necrophobia (fear of dead things). Due to this Necrophobia, he also has an oath with himself to never take the life of a sentient being. He has since been able to overcome his Necrophobia and can act reasonably well if he happens to be around a corpse, but it will still trigger a severe reaction anytime he believes he has killed someone himself.
Sir Leifr was born a noble of the house Forbannet. The Forbannets were not a particularly influential house, but neither were they powerless. Though their people enjoyed their rule, the Forbannets didn’t really rule at all. The Forbannet House is sometimes called the “Noble Gargoyle” due to the fact that, like a grand statue, the Forbannet were unmistakably there but, like a statue, they didn’t really move either. They avoided the plots and intricacies of politics and deftly evaded the ire and complaints of the commoner populace. They did not expand or shrink. The Forbannet were always just there. Perhaps it was because of their unmoving status that Leifr, not even at the tender age of ten yet, believed the Forbannets had become complacent.
Young master Leifr was, among other things, an energetic and adventurous lad with a good head on his shoulders. He absorbed the lessons his parents taught him like a sponge, and gave his all in martial training until he collapsed from exhaustion. He was kind and humble to everyone he met, commoner or noble, stranger or friend. Wanting to encourage his virtues, his parents pampered and praised him and tried emulating his virtues when around him. He was kind, and in return was treated with kindness. Perhaps it was this idyllic situation that didn’t prepare him for the cruel and unforgiving world that existed outside the safety of his parent’s influence.
And perhaps it was that very same cruelty and coldness that lured him towards the world. He was clever, and he knew that the world did not act the same way his parents and peers did. The final push came in the form of the ancient relic he found. While roaming about in the wilderness, he discovered a hidden grotto. It’s passages ran deep thought as he has never truly encountered a life-threatening situation he continued through until he reached a cavern. From the center of the ceiling was a massive stalactite and embedded in the tip was the handle of a sword. Upon pulling it out, he left the cavern. Or rather, he ran for his life while the cave system collapsed behind him. It was the first life-and-death situation he was in, and though terrifying it was exhilarating. However, his joy was short-lived when he felt the dark presence that lingered in the sword’s handle.
It was then that he began his hunt to discover just what was in the blade, and through the noble library he discovered that the closest thing to it was “Sorcery.” From that, he learned of its counterpart, “magic,” and then it went off from there. He spent most of his time reading (or having someone read to him) and learning about the rest of the known world from his books. Finally, he decided that he would go discover the world himself. He was nineteen then, and his parents forced him to delay for five years in an effort to “train” and “prepare” him for the outside world. Fortunately, he obtained help from travelers and adventures and actually did train and prepare for the world, and at the age of twenty four he left home and headed towards an unknown goal. It’s been a few months now and he has turned twenty five. He now has a few rather simplistic goals, but it’s much better than before when he was wandering around blind.
Total XP: 57
Unspent XP: 2
Earned XP: 3
Might: 6
Endurance: 7
Dexterity: 4
Aptitude: 4
Willpower: 2
Charisma: 3
Vitality: 36
Luck: 3
Reputation: 5 Positive
Acrobatics (Dex): (Rank 5 + 4 Dex) = 9
Alchemy (Apt): —
Animal Handling (Cha): 3
Appraisal (Apt): 4
Arcane Craft (Apt): —
Blacksmithing (Apt): (Rank 4 + 4 Apt + 1 Synergy {Melee}) = 8
Carpentry (Apt): 4
Climbing (Might): (6 Might + 1 Other) = 7
Concentration (Will): (Rank 2 + 2 Will) = 4
Disguise (Cha): 3
Engineering (Apt): 4
First Aid (Apt): (Rank 3 + 4 Apt) = 7
Fisticuffs (Dex): 4
Hardiness (End): (Rank 3 + 7 End) = 10
Herb Craft (Apt): 4
Knowledge (Apt): (Rank 3 + 4 Apt) = 7 (1 Critical)
Leather Working (Apt): 4
Linguistics (Apt): 4
Manipulate Device (Dex): 4
Negotiation (Cha): 3
Observation (Apt): (Rank 4 + 4 Apt) = 8
Performance (Cha): 3
Riding (Dex): (Rank 2 + 4 Dex) = 6
Sailing (Apt): 4
Sleight of Hand (Dex): 4
Stone Cutting (Apt): 4
Sorcery (Apt): —
Stealth (Dex): 4
Survival (Apt): 4
Swimming (Might): 6
Tailoring (Apt): 4
Thrown Weaponry (Dex): 4
Melee Weaponry (Dex): (Rank 8 + 4 Dex) = 12
Projectile Weaponry (Dex): 4
Nobility (6 XP): You were born to a somewhat influential or noble family (noble being somewhat definitive in some more rougher areas, which is many places in these starting times). You start off with +2 to your Reputation, 100 extra iL (plus an additional 10 for each point of Reputation you possess), some noble clothes, and a 2 XP Heirloom. Not only that, but once a year the money that you get as this talent is actually a stipend you get from your family as long as you are still communicating with them. His noble Heirloom is an Exceptionally Crafted Medium Shield.
Discovered Heirloom (5 XP)You possess a strange Khopesh that has some strange, dark force in it. This force seems to drink the blood and life force of those it cuts, making its wielder more skilled temporarily, but as it is wielded it, in turn, drains the life force of the wielder.
Improved Shield Bash (3 XP): You may attack with a Shield as a Primary Action with no -5 to your Roll, however; by spending one point of Energy you may make a shield attack as a Free Strike, which like all Free Strikes has a -5 to the Roll. Requirements: Fisticuffs or Melee Weaponry Rank 3.
Improved Disarm (3 XP): When attempting to Disarm the penalties you suffer are halved (-2 for disarming Light or Medium Weapons, -5 for disarming Heavy Weapons instead of -5 and -10). A Disarm is a Primary Action. By spending 1 Energy for Light/Medium Weapons or 2 Energy for Heavy you may eliminate the penalties.
Armor Proficiency- Chain Hauberk (2 XP):[/b] You are quite accustomed to wearing and moving in Chain Armor. Your Armor Penalty while wearing Chain Armor is reduced by 1, and when sleeping in any armor you only lose half of the Energy that you would normally lose. Requirements: Endurance or Will 4.
Naive (+2 XP): Leifr’s innocence in the ways of the world lets others easily take advantage of him. He suffers a -2 Negotiation penalty with people who have a 2 point higher Aptitude or 2 point higher Charisma than him, while they inversely gain a +2 Negotiation bonus against him. In addition, you get a -5 on all Observation Rolls for Empathy or identifying those in Disguise.
Honorbound (+3 XP): Leifr is bound by his honor to avoid the killing of sentient life. If he should make a mistake and accidentally slay a fellow intelligent being, he must pass a DL 20 Concentration Roll. If he fails, he is Terrified for a short period. A fumble puts him in Despair.
Heirloom: Honor (Masterful Quality) [Free]
A strange blade in the shape of a Khopesh sword. You can sense a dark presence growling hungrily from within it.
Medium Sword, +5 to Damage Mod, +2 to Disarm. +1 to Attack/Parry
-1 Vitality for user every attack made. -1 point Endurance when hit by Strange Khopesh. Every point of Endurance it drains, user gets a +1 to Attack/Parry Attempts for up to a max of five for an hour.
Heirloom: Kite Shield Forbannet Guard (Exceptional Quality) [Free]
The noble house Forbannet’s kite shields are always custom-made for each member of the house. This kite shield is of simple design but made with excellent craftsmanship. Medium Shield: +4 Parry bonus, 1 Armor Penalty
Forbannet Noble Regalia [Free]
The noble garments of House Forbannet, a finely crafted white tunic with red accents and a hood.[/indent]
Short Sword (Average Quality) [20 iL]
An average short sword that one can potentially find anywhere.[/]
Chainmail Hauberk (Average Quality) [70 iL]
An average chainmail hauberk that one can with a bit of coin can potentially find anywhere.
5 Armor, 4 Armor Penalty (5 base, -1 Chain Armor proficiency)
Light Warhorse [75 iL]
Fifteen days worth of Food Rations [15 iL]
6 Waterskins [6 iL] (Hey, they’re refillable and one last about a day, right)
Bandage wraps
Map of Gallastre
Bandit's Brass Key
Riding Horse (Hauling 2 Broadswords, two Handaxes, 3 Days Rations, a wooden shield, a light crossbow, and a dagger)
Wealth: 82 iL
Gender: Male?
Age: 22
Race: Galmin
Total XP: 66
Unspent XP: 2
Earned XP: 2
Might: 2
Endurance: 5
Dexterity: 2
Aptitude: 7
Willpower: 4
Charisma: 6
Vitality: 25
Energy: 18
Luck: 3
Reputation: 6
Acrobatics (Dex): 2
Alchemy (Apt): (Rank 5 (5 EXP) + 7 Apt) = 12
Animal Handling (Cha): 6
Appraisal (Apt): 7
Arcane Craft (Apt): -
Blacksmithing (Apt): 7
Carpentry (Apt): 7
Climbing (Might): 2
Concentration (Will): (Rank 1 + 4 Will + 1 Hardiness Synergy) = 5 (1 Fumble)
Disguise (Cha): 6
Engineering (Apt): 7
First Aid (Apt): (Rank 4 (4 EXP) + 7 Apt + 1 Herb Craft Synergy + 2 Apothecary) = 13
Fisticuffs (Dex): 2
Hardiness (End): (Rank 6 (7 EXP) + 5 END) = 11
Herb Craft (Apt): (Rank 7 (9 EXP) + 7 Apt + 1 Alchemy Synergy + 2 Apothecary) = 17
Knowledge (Apt): 7
Leather Working (Apt): 7
Linguistics (Apt): 7
Manipulate Device (Dex): 2
[i]Negotiation (Cha): (Rank 5 (4 EXP) + 6 Cha + 2 Comeliness) = 13 (1 Critical)
Observation (Apt): (Rank 1 + 7 Apt) = 8 (1 Critical)
Performance (Cha): (6 Cha + 2 Comeliness) = 8
Riding (Dex): 2
Sailing (Apt): 7
Sleight of Hand (Dex): 2
Stone Cutting (Apt): 7
Sorcery (Apt): -
Stealth (Dex): 2
Survival (Apt): (Rank 3 (3 EXP) + 7 Apt + 2 Apothecary) = 12
Swimming (Might): 2
Tailoring (Apt): 7
Thrown Weaponry (Dex): 2
Melee Weaponry (Dex): 2
Projectile Weaponry (Dex): 2
Apprentice (3 EXP) – You had a teacher at some point in your life for a number of years who taught you a good number of things. For 3 XP you get a +2 bonus on all Rolls with a Talent of your choice (except for Sorcery, Arcane Craft, Alchemy, Hardiness, or Concentration). Your option is to be able to instead learn and use either Alchemy, Arcane Craft or Sorcery (you can purchase this Trait twice to get Alchemy and Arcane Craft or Sorcery if you want). Requires: Aptitude or Willpower 5
Profession – Apothecary (3 EXP) – You are a man of medicine, or perhaps poisons. You are experienced with plants and know how to find them, properly preserve them, and usefully use them in the creation of various salves, plant brews, poultices, poisons, or other such things. You also know how to properly use plants in even their base state due to your great experience in this field. You get a +2 on all Survival, First Aid, and Herb-Craft Rolls. Furthermore, you may start off with either 40 extra iL or three dried and preserved plant specimens (of common or uncommon variety) and one plant concoction. Requirements: Hardiness Rank 1, Survival Rank 3, First Aid Rank 3, Herb-Craft Rank 5, and Apt 5.
Comeliness (3 EXP) – You are quite attractive looking. +2 to Negotiation and Performance Rolls. +1 to Reputation for your good looks. Requirements: Charisma 5.
Nearsightedness (2 EXP) – Allreun is nearsighted, and while wearing glasses makes him appear to be the slim, sophisticated intellectual that he is, it also cripples his ability to see anything clearly at a distance. Sight-based Observation rolls suffer from a -5, whereas all other rolls requiring sight at a distance suffer from a -2 reduction.
An Involuntary Movement (2 EXP) – Allreun suffers from mild symptoms of movement disorder, occasionally causing random physical tics, such as jerking his hand or bouncing his knee. While this generally won't cause too much trouble in his daily life, it has a possibility of conflicting with any talent that involves continuous, accurate hand-eye coordination. When such a thing happens, a D15 Hardiness roll is required, to see whether there is an effect on his actions on not. If there is, the resulting Talent roll suffers an additional -5 reduction.
Craft-Related Items
Alchemy Kit (30 iL) – Basic kit for all Alchemists. Contains flasks, mortars, pestles, crucibles, and everything else required for basic alchemy. Also comes with 10 iL worth of alchemical materials.
Alchemy Pouch (2 iL) – A pouch that holds most alchemical materials. Currently holds 40 iL worth of alchemical materials.
Herbal Pouch (Free) – A pouch that holds preserved herbs. Currently holds two Mandrakes, one Tellim Herb, and one Lunar Blossom.
First Aid Kit (5 iL) – Bandages, needle, threads, and cloths. Gives +1 on all First Aid Rolls.
Lunar Blossom Elixir (DL 30): This special elixir made from a lunar blossom has some incredible restorative properties. Upon drinking this elixir, the drinker gets an amount of Vitality equal to their Endurance Score and an amount of Energy back equal to half of their Willpower. The user also gets +5 to any Hardiness Rolls against any poisons or diseases for the next hour.
Two Sets of Clothing – Allereun carries two sets of clothing, one that he wears during his travels, made mainly of hardier materials, and another for travelling around in town with, made of finer, softer materials.
Map – Because when there's a place you want to go, you ask the Map.
Basic Survival Kit (20 iL) – Contains a fishing rod, rope, a large cloak, a firestarting kit (flint and kindling), and a Whetstone. Dagger and Handaxe included.
Food Rations for Ten Days
Water Decanter (2)
Riding Horse
Dagger: +0 Damage
Handaxe: +3 Damage (-2 to Rolls due to Might not being high enough, Might requirement is 3)
Wealth: 64 iL, 6 Talms
Name: Vialesa Lercerge
Gender: Female
Age: 20
Race: Galmin
Total XP: 48
Unspent XP: 2
Earned XP: 2
Might: 3
Endurance: 4
Dexterity: 8
Aptitude: 3
Willpower: 6
Charisma: 1
Vitality: 23
Energy: 21
Luck: 3
Reputation: 3 (Negative)
Acrobatics (Dex): (Rank 5 + 1 Climbing + 8) = 14
Alchemy (Apt): 3
Animal Handling (Cha): 1
Appraisal (Apt): 3
Arcane Craft (Apt): 3
Blacksmithing (Apt): 3
Carpentry (Apt): 3
Climbing (Might): (Rank 5 + 1 Acrobatics + 2) = 8
Concentration (Will): (Rank 5 + 1 Hardiness + 6) = 12 (1 Critical)
Disguise (Cha): (+1 Stealth + 1) = 2
Engineering (Apt): 3
First Aid (Apt): (+1 Survival + 3) = 4
Fisticuffs (Dex): (+1 Acrobatics +1 Melee Weaponry + 8) = 10
Hardiness (End): (Rank 5 + 1 Concentration + 4) = 10
Herb Craft (Apt): (+1 Survival + 3) = 4
Knowledge (Apt): 3
Leather Working (Apt): 3
Linguistics (Apt): 3
Manipulate Device (Dex): 8
Negotiation (Cha): 1
Observation (Apt): (Rank 3 +1 Survival + 3) = 7
Performance (Cha): 1
Riding (Dex): 8
Sailing (Apt): 3
Sleight of Hand (Dex): (+1 Stealth + 8) = 9
Stone Cutting (Apt): 3
Sorcery (Apt): 3
Stealth (Dex): (Rank 6 + 8) = 14
Survival (Apt): (Rank 5 + 3) = 8
Swimming (Might): (+1 Climbing + 2) = 3
Tailoring (Apt): 3
Thrown Weaponry (Dex): (Rank 1 +1 Melee Weaponry + 8) = 10
Melee Weaponry (Dex): (Rank 5 + 1 Acrobatics + 8 +2 Apprentice) = 16
Projectile Weaponry (Dex): 8
(3 EXP) Apprentice (+2 Melee Weaponry):
(4 EXP) Heirloom "Abomination": Formed from the hide of Filtorix, Abomination is a thickly built curved sword with vile properties. Besides delivering a cutting force, Abomination deals damage through a stricken opponent's mind if they cannot resist the effects. If the victim is injured by this maddening effect, Abomination's cutting power is increased, as it saps upon the sanity of its victims as energy. If Abomination fails to afflict an opponent of Vialesa's, it turns upon her instead, dealing subdued damage and receiving no boosted power. At the beginning of every battle, its wielder must test to resist its influence or suffer mental handicaps for a duration.
To resist effects, target does DL 20 Concentration Roll. Failure results in a loss of 1 Willpower and Abomination gains +1 to Attack/Parry rolls. Success requires blade user to perform same roll. Failure results in the loss of 1 Willpower and no weapon boost.
(4 EXP) Swift Actions
(+3 EXP) Walking Horror House: Spending years in the Traslag is bound to earn anyone a number of of unwelcome body invaders, and as Vialesa had spent ten, she became the unfortunate home of countless creatures. Though she appears normal on the outside, Vialesa suffers from internal injuries from time to time as the horrors move about inside or feed on her flesh Every day Vialesa must make a Hardiness (DL 20) Roll or suffer a -1 Endurance Penalty and a -2 to all Rolls for the day. A Fumble decreases her Endurance by 2 and the penalty is -5. Also this horrible affliction has done some permanent bodily harm. -1 to Vitality.
(+1 EXP) Xylophobia: Vialesa has a moderate fear of the woods, especially during night hours. DL 15 Concentration Roll whenever faced with the need to enter the woods or any similar environment. If forced to enter, roll failure results in -2 penalty to all rolls while inside.
-Weapon "Abomination": Master Crafted Saber Blade +4 damage.
See Traits for Abomination effect
-Wrist Guards: Average Craft. Unarmed parry with no penalty. +1 parry when armed. (15 iL)
-Shin Guards: Average Craft. (15 iL)
-Chain Shirt: +4 armor, 2 armor penalty. (35 iL)
-Lantern with 10x oil and matches. (2 iL + 3 iL)
-Food Rations: One week. (7 iL)
-Waterskin. (1 iL)
-Backpack. (free)
Wealth: 12 iL
Name: Fiore 'The Duelist'
Gender: Male
Age: 21
Race: Galmin
Calm and collected, Fiore rarely speaks, and if he ever does speak, almost everything that comes out of his mouth sounds as if it's a command. Fiore is overall a nice person, trying to help people however he can whenever he can; however, his looks lead people to think otherwise and tend to make people shy away from him, especially people around his age; to add to this, Fiore is never able to make friends, nor is he able to make time with friends due to the loss of his hometown, which makes him train with his free time.
Fiore believes in honor, and his actions are widely swayed by honor, meaning that if he thinks a course of action is not very "honorable," he will not choose to go down that path, even if it is a direct order from his superiors, preferring to find a better alternative.
In combat, Fiore's personality slightly changes. Instead of being nice, Fiore will do whatever he can to ensure his "victory" in combat, which means he will not hesitate to try risky maneuvers. Fiore believes in mercy, and if his opponent has been "bested" (which usually means that Fiore has disarmed his opponent), he will grant them mercy being that he is a man of honor.
Fiore believes in honor, and his actions are widely swayed by honor, meaning that if he thinks a course of action is not very "honorable," he will not choose to go down that path, even if it is a direct order from his superiors, preferring to find a better alternative.
In combat, Fiore's personality slightly changes. Instead of being nice, Fiore will do whatever he can to ensure his "victory" in combat, which means he will not hesitate to try risky maneuvers. Fiore believes in mercy, and if his opponent has been "bested" (which usually means that Fiore has disarmed his opponent), he will grant them mercy being that he is a man of honor.
Fiore grew up as an orphan in a once bustling town, however, due to both of his parents dying shortly after he was born and due to the fact that at that time an orphanage was not built yet, Fiore grew up in the streets. Every day, Fiore would struggle to find food and would often end up starving. In the winter, it was even worst. Fiore, in addition to not being able to find food, would end up cold since his clothing was reduced to nothing but rags. Eventually, someone found Fiore huddled up in a corner in nothing but rags and decided to take him in, that man was the lord of the bustling – but small – town.
The lord treated Fiore as a son and taught him everything he knew, from reading to writing, to being “honorable,” and the almost dead art of Fencing. Fiore, taking out all of his frustrations of life into fencing, soon became skilled at fencing at the young age of sixteen. In addition to fencing, Fiore was also taught how to negotiate and how to ride.
Eventually, at the age of 16, Fiore’s opportunity to give back to his father arose. Raiders from the north of the town arrived, and upon seeing the small but flourishing town, decided to raid it. It was in the dead of night that the raiders arrived, and as soon as they began the raiding, the militiamen responded as quickly as they could, but not quick enough, and were easily losing the fight to defend the town. Fiore later woke up to the sound of fighting, and after grabbing his armor, rapier, and parrying dagger, ran out into the city. Upon the sight of the fighting, Fiore dove into the fight. The militiamen, at the sight of such a young boy who selflessly fought for their town, fought even harder, and eventually the raiders ran off.
After this small event, Fiore was a hero to the people of the town, and Fiore’s fame spread throughout the town (and slightly across the land as an oral tale spread from traveler to traveler). Eventually, Fiore was recognized by his father, and was given the long forgotten title of “Duelist.” After that little event, Fiore, in secrecy, was given a weapon that was passed down from generation to generation (from Fiore’s step-grandfather to his stepfather), a rapier known as Exalia. The rapier known as Exalia was created by one of the best blacksmiths in Ithelia (one of the best in the area), and its tip was reinforced and refined (since a rapier was largely meant for thrusting). From then on out, Fiore carried the rapier everywhere he went, Fiore prized the rapier.
At the age of 18, tales of Fiore’s deed spread a bit further throughout Ithelia, although mainly being an oral tale spread from person to person (and the details of the story was changed a bit). However, something happened that would change Fiore’s life. When Fiore was off chasing down a bandit, Fiore’s town was raided. Fiore, upon returning back to his town, found the town in ruins and ashes. Fiore mourned for the loss of his hometown, blaming it on him that it happened (even though if he was there he too would have died).
After this, Fiore’s mind became a warzone, Fiore’s consciousness had split into two, one that was himself, and one that was “evil” all of the time. This separate consciousness would often tell Fiore that it was his fault that this or that happened, that he was a good for nothing loser, and because of this it would often cloud his judgement and his mindset, however, Fiore thought nothing of it, thinking that this was a burden, a scar, that he had to forever carry due to the destruction of the village.
Eventually, Fiore, after being done mourning for the loss of his village, became a freelancer, taking on whatever job he could, using the jobs as mere “training sessions” where he could become more skilled to defeat the raiders who caused the destruction of his village, and because of this, Fiore was restless. Whenever he could, wherever he could, he picked up as many jobs as he could, and if there were no jobs, he would simply use his free time to train, to practice his fencing skills, to better himself.
At the age of twenty, Fiore had made more than enough money for retirement, and Fiore’s name as a dependable freelancer was spread throughout the people who were looking for someone to hire for a job, so much so that on one fateful evening, a man sought out Fiore and challenged him to a duel on the next day in the evening.
On the next day, countless of people arrived to watch the duel, Fiore, confident in himself, found something to be wrong. His opponent was calm, too calm over a duel of life and death. As soon as the duel began, Fiore’s opponent rushed towards Fiore and tried to end the duel there by thrusting his sword towards Fiore, but Fiore, faster than his opponent, used his parrying dagger and easily disarmed his opponent. Fiore then kicked his opponent to the ground and held Exalia towards his opponent’s neck. Fiore, honorable, gave the man mercy and walked away, but the man quickly got up, picked up his sword, and rushed towards Fiore once more, attempting to kill him.
Fiore’s natural instinct kicked in. Fiore spun around, struck his opponent’s sword causing it to fly out of his opponent’s hand, and thrust Exalia into his opponent’s chest, piercing his lungs. Fiore, stunned at what he did, quickly took out Exalia and knelt down, trying to save his opponent’s life, but it was too late. His opponent die. Fiore, stunned at what he did, ran into the forest, after all, “It’s because of you, Fiore, that an innocent person died,” this was something that Fiore’s consciousness would often repeat.
After three days in the forest, not eating, not even moving, Fiore left the forest, acting like nothing ever happened, but on the inside, his consciousness was mocking him, insulting him, yelling at himself for killing the man. Fiore, secretly vowing that he would never take an innocent man’s life again, continued his day to day life.
The lord treated Fiore as a son and taught him everything he knew, from reading to writing, to being “honorable,” and the almost dead art of Fencing. Fiore, taking out all of his frustrations of life into fencing, soon became skilled at fencing at the young age of sixteen. In addition to fencing, Fiore was also taught how to negotiate and how to ride.
Eventually, at the age of 16, Fiore’s opportunity to give back to his father arose. Raiders from the north of the town arrived, and upon seeing the small but flourishing town, decided to raid it. It was in the dead of night that the raiders arrived, and as soon as they began the raiding, the militiamen responded as quickly as they could, but not quick enough, and were easily losing the fight to defend the town. Fiore later woke up to the sound of fighting, and after grabbing his armor, rapier, and parrying dagger, ran out into the city. Upon the sight of the fighting, Fiore dove into the fight. The militiamen, at the sight of such a young boy who selflessly fought for their town, fought even harder, and eventually the raiders ran off.
After this small event, Fiore was a hero to the people of the town, and Fiore’s fame spread throughout the town (and slightly across the land as an oral tale spread from traveler to traveler). Eventually, Fiore was recognized by his father, and was given the long forgotten title of “Duelist.” After that little event, Fiore, in secrecy, was given a weapon that was passed down from generation to generation (from Fiore’s step-grandfather to his stepfather), a rapier known as Exalia. The rapier known as Exalia was created by one of the best blacksmiths in Ithelia (one of the best in the area), and its tip was reinforced and refined (since a rapier was largely meant for thrusting). From then on out, Fiore carried the rapier everywhere he went, Fiore prized the rapier.
At the age of 18, tales of Fiore’s deed spread a bit further throughout Ithelia, although mainly being an oral tale spread from person to person (and the details of the story was changed a bit). However, something happened that would change Fiore’s life. When Fiore was off chasing down a bandit, Fiore’s town was raided. Fiore, upon returning back to his town, found the town in ruins and ashes. Fiore mourned for the loss of his hometown, blaming it on him that it happened (even though if he was there he too would have died).
After this, Fiore’s mind became a warzone, Fiore’s consciousness had split into two, one that was himself, and one that was “evil” all of the time. This separate consciousness would often tell Fiore that it was his fault that this or that happened, that he was a good for nothing loser, and because of this it would often cloud his judgement and his mindset, however, Fiore thought nothing of it, thinking that this was a burden, a scar, that he had to forever carry due to the destruction of the village.
Eventually, Fiore, after being done mourning for the loss of his village, became a freelancer, taking on whatever job he could, using the jobs as mere “training sessions” where he could become more skilled to defeat the raiders who caused the destruction of his village, and because of this, Fiore was restless. Whenever he could, wherever he could, he picked up as many jobs as he could, and if there were no jobs, he would simply use his free time to train, to practice his fencing skills, to better himself.
At the age of twenty, Fiore had made more than enough money for retirement, and Fiore’s name as a dependable freelancer was spread throughout the people who were looking for someone to hire for a job, so much so that on one fateful evening, a man sought out Fiore and challenged him to a duel on the next day in the evening.
On the next day, countless of people arrived to watch the duel, Fiore, confident in himself, found something to be wrong. His opponent was calm, too calm over a duel of life and death. As soon as the duel began, Fiore’s opponent rushed towards Fiore and tried to end the duel there by thrusting his sword towards Fiore, but Fiore, faster than his opponent, used his parrying dagger and easily disarmed his opponent. Fiore then kicked his opponent to the ground and held Exalia towards his opponent’s neck. Fiore, honorable, gave the man mercy and walked away, but the man quickly got up, picked up his sword, and rushed towards Fiore once more, attempting to kill him.
Fiore’s natural instinct kicked in. Fiore spun around, struck his opponent’s sword causing it to fly out of his opponent’s hand, and thrust Exalia into his opponent’s chest, piercing his lungs. Fiore, stunned at what he did, quickly took out Exalia and knelt down, trying to save his opponent’s life, but it was too late. His opponent die. Fiore, stunned at what he did, ran into the forest, after all, “It’s because of you, Fiore, that an innocent person died,” this was something that Fiore’s consciousness would often repeat.
After three days in the forest, not eating, not even moving, Fiore left the forest, acting like nothing ever happened, but on the inside, his consciousness was mocking him, insulting him, yelling at himself for killing the man. Fiore, secretly vowing that he would never take an innocent man’s life again, continued his day to day life.
Total XP: 57
Unspent XP: 3
Earned XP: 3
Might: 5
Endurance: 4
Dexterity: 6
Aptitude: 4
Willpower: 2
Charisma: 5
Vitality: 28
Energy: 13
Luck: 3
Reputation: 5 (Positive)
Unspent XP: 3
Earned XP: 3
Might: 5
Endurance: 4
Dexterity: 6
Aptitude: 4
Willpower: 2
Charisma: 5
Vitality: 28
Energy: 13
Luck: 3
Reputation: 5 (Positive)
Acrobatics (Dex): (Rank 6 + 6 Apt) = 12
Alchemy (Apt): --
Animal Handling (Cha): (Rank 1 + 5 Cha + 2 Other) = 8
Appraisal (Apt): 4
Arcane Craft (Apt): --
Blacksmithing (Apt): 4
Carpentry (Apt): 4
Climbing (Might): 5
Concentration (Will): (Rank 1 + 2 Will) = 3 (1 Critical)
Disguise (Cha): 5
Engineering (Apt): 4
First Aid (Apt): (Rank 1 + 4 Apt) = 5
Fisticuffs (Dex): (Rank 4 + 6 Dex + 2 Other) = 12
Hardiness (End): 4
Herb Craft (Apt): 4
Knowledge (Apt): 4
Leather Working (Apt): 4
Linguistics (Apt): 4
Manipulate Device (Dex): 6
Negotiation (Cha): (Rank 6 + 5 Cha - 1 Flaw + 2 Intimidation/Haggling) = 10
Observation (Apt): (Rank 1 + 4 Apt +1 Other) = 6
Performance (Cha): (5 Cha - 1 Flaw) = 4
Riding (Dex): (Rank 2 + 6 Dex + 2 Other) = 10
Sailing (Apt): 4
Sleight of Hand (Dex): (Rank 5 + 6 Dex) = 11
Stone Cutting (Apt): 4
Sorcery (Apt): --
Stealth (Dex): (6 Dex + 1 Other) = 7
Survival (Apt): (Rank 1 + 4 Apt) = 5
Swimming (Might): (Rank 1 + 5 Might) = 6
Tailoring (Apt): 4
Thrown Weaponry (Dex): 6
Melee Weaponry (Dex): (Rank 7 + 6 Dex + 2 Other) = 15 (1 Critical)
Projectile Weaponry (Dex): 6
Ambidexterity (3 XP): You can make a second free attack with an offhand light weapon at a -5 Penalty.
Animal Magnetism (3 XP): You have a natural knack for befriending animals. You get +2 on all Riding and Animal Handling Rolls
Heirloom (2 XP):You were bequeathed a beautiful and very well crafted rapier, a weapon not used by too many.
Famed: You are quite famous in your hometown and even home region or land. You are at a +5 on all Negotiation and Performance Rolls while in this area if they recognize you. Also you get +1 to your Reputation.
Profession (Mercenary) (4 XP): You either were, or still are, a sword for hire and are quite good at it. +2 on all Melee Weaponry Rolls and Negotiation Rolls (for Intimidating and Haggling). Also you have some equipment from your time as a mercenary and some money, starting off with one free Average Quality Weapon and 25 additional iL.
Armor Proficiency (Soft Leather) (2 XP): You are quite proficient in wearing Leather Armor. -1 to Armor Penalty of Soft Leather Armor, also you lose half of the Energy you normally lose for sleeping in your armor.
Riposte (3 XP): You can make an automatic free Attack against an opponent who attacks you, whether or not they hit, once per round by spending 1 Energy.
Obsession (+1 XP): Fiore is deeply obsessed at a minor level with finding clues about your parents. Fiore often speaks about finding them or actively tries to seek out the clues that he is somewhat obsessed with, if he fails to do so every five days than Fiore will have some mild malaise and suffer -1 to Willpower until he satiate his obsession by either speaking of it or trying to seek it out (usually by dropping everything and going on a small quest to seek out clues). If the player is ever presented with attempts to seek out clues, he must make a DL 15 Concentration roll to try and resist going after this attempt (if he chooses to resist).
Jaded (+1 XP): Due to Fiore's desire of getting stronger and him not really interacting with others, Fiore is jaded to almost everyone. Due to this, Fiore suffers a -1 to all Negotiation and Performance rolls.
Unique Madness (+3 XP): Fiore is stricken with a strange madness that causes him to hear voices or thoughts throughout his head. Due to this, whenever these voices come up in his head (whether it be whenever he's in combat or after he has done something), the player must make a DL 15 Concentration roll to resist the voices, or else he will fall into a crazed state of madness, getting a -5 to all rolls for the next five - seven 'rounds' (0-5, Seven, 6 - 12, Six, 13 - 14 Five) until he calms down or staves back his madness.
Weapons & Armor
Rapier (Master Crafted): Exalia, A rapier that has been passed down from generation to generation, Fiore was given this by his now deceased step father. +4 Damage, +1 on Rolls
Parrying Dagger: A small dagger meant for being held in the off hand to help parry attacks. -1 Damage, +1 on Parrying
Soft Leather Armor: 3 Armor, 1 Armor Penalty
Map: A basic, slightly more detailed map of the land of Ithelia.
3 Canteens of Water
35 Days Travel Rations
Horse: Odysseus, A prized horse to Fiore that has been there for him countless amounts of time, always trying to get back to its master no matter what.
Wealth: 27 iL
Name: Lyrisa Kortine
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Race: Galmin
Lyrisa is a world class researcher or at least she thinks she is. As smart as she is at her age, she is considered a genius amongst her peers, albeit to their dismay. She finds herself discriminated against by the older researchers and it pushes her to figure out something greater than they ever have. Her cocky attitude helps greatly in her research but little in the department of talking to people. She’ll gladly help if someone needs it though she doesn’t find any use for the utterly stupid.
She likes to think herself a serious person, and often finds herself having to set straight the other scholars of the college when they get sidetracked or distracted. If she finds anything humorous, it’s insulting people with intellect lower than hers. . . Something she thinks would refer to most people in the world aside from a few at the order. Those of which did not turn down her research and called her an unlearned child.
As a small child Lyrisa was the type who enjoyed books more than play outside. Especially odd in her hometown as there was hardly anyone who was literate. She was taught both reading and other things by an out of town gentleman who came around every half a year or so. Little did she know that he was an aspiring researcher who lived at a research institution in a city far away. When she was seven, her parents mysteriously vanished turning up a month later, dead. The gentleman returned and saw what happened.
Lyrisa lived with her neighbors for that month, but they found it hard to get along with the girl. Not only were there no common interests, her attitude was unlikeable to them. They found her too smart for her own good and was just about to kick her out when the gentleman,Ulrich Rekfeld, showed up. He prompted to taking her in and teach her what she wanted. . . Needed to know. There was little option for Lyrisa. Stay in a town that would seem to hate you for being a little smarter than them? Or go to a place where you could learn and be respected?
Finally in the town, Lowglen, Lyrisa found that it was a bit different from what she was expecting and completely different from her dirty home. It was a very nice and green place with people moving around town in a calm mannerly fashion. Once the two reached Ulrich’s house, Ulrich stressed to find a place for her to sleep. Whilst he attempted to figure for that, Lyrisa found his research notes. Once he got her sleeping situation under control he found her reading through and left her alone. The next day he introduced her to his field of study. Magic and Alchemy.
She spent the next seven years studying magic and alchemy while helping Ulrich with his research. She even filled out her own research projects with positive results on all parts. Sadly, of her own research hardly any of it was accepted by the majority. She was also know for her childish tendencies at the time and being “unserious” about her research which was untrue. Lyrisa figured that they were just jealous of her success as a teenager and how right she was. When a few of them died of natural causes, her research was accepted much more easily with those who took their place.
Over the next year Ulrich seemed to be working on something in secret. He left town quite often and left many of his ongoing projects to Lyrisa. One day, he returned with a book. It was an odd book though. It had a foreign script on it. Inside wasn’t any different. Ulrich asked her to attempt to figure the language out as he felt she could. She did, in due time a year later. Together they translated it over the next year. They found that it was a book on creating a Construct. An artificial being made of metal, earth or some other materials. Ulrich grew ill not too long after the discovery leaving the gathering of foreign techniques and materials to Lyrisa.
Lyrisa lived with her neighbors for that month, but they found it hard to get along with the girl. Not only were there no common interests, her attitude was unlikeable to them. They found her too smart for her own good and was just about to kick her out when the gentleman,Ulrich Rekfeld, showed up. He prompted to taking her in and teach her what she wanted. . . Needed to know. There was little option for Lyrisa. Stay in a town that would seem to hate you for being a little smarter than them? Or go to a place where you could learn and be respected?
Finally in the town, Lowglen, Lyrisa found that it was a bit different from what she was expecting and completely different from her dirty home. It was a very nice and green place with people moving around town in a calm mannerly fashion. Once the two reached Ulrich’s house, Ulrich stressed to find a place for her to sleep. Whilst he attempted to figure for that, Lyrisa found his research notes. Once he got her sleeping situation under control he found her reading through and left her alone. The next day he introduced her to his field of study. Magic and Alchemy.
She spent the next seven years studying magic and alchemy while helping Ulrich with his research. She even filled out her own research projects with positive results on all parts. Sadly, of her own research hardly any of it was accepted by the majority. She was also know for her childish tendencies at the time and being “unserious” about her research which was untrue. Lyrisa figured that they were just jealous of her success as a teenager and how right she was. When a few of them died of natural causes, her research was accepted much more easily with those who took their place.
Over the next year Ulrich seemed to be working on something in secret. He left town quite often and left many of his ongoing projects to Lyrisa. One day, he returned with a book. It was an odd book though. It had a foreign script on it. Inside wasn’t any different. Ulrich asked her to attempt to figure the language out as he felt she could. She did, in due time a year later. Together they translated it over the next year. They found that it was a book on creating a Construct. An artificial being made of metal, earth or some other materials. Ulrich grew ill not too long after the discovery leaving the gathering of foreign techniques and materials to Lyrisa.
Total XP: 59
Unspent XP: 3
Earned XP: 3
Might: 3
Endurance: 3
Dexterity: 5
Aptitude: 8
Willpower: 5
Charisma: 2
Vitality: 22
Energy: 18
Luck: 3
Reputation: Neutral (4) (+1 While robes are Worn) = 5
Alchemy (Apt): (Rank 5 + 8 Apt + 1 Other) = 14
Animal Handling (Cha): 2
Appraisal (Apt): (Rank 1 + 8 Apt) = 9
Arcane Craft (Apt): (Rank 5 + 8 Apt + 3 Other) = 16
Concentration (Will): (Rank 4 + 5 Will) = 9
Disguise (Cha): 2
Engineering (Apt): 8
First Aid (Apt): (Rank 1 + 8 Apt) = 9 (1 Critical)
Fisticuffs (Dex): 5
Hardiness (End): 3
Herb Craft (Apt): (Rank 3 + 8 Apt) = 11
Knowledge (Apt): (Rank 6 + 8 Apt + 1 Other + 1 Written) = 15 (1 Critical)
Leather Working (Apt): 8
Linguistics (Apt): (Rank 5 + 8 Apt + 2 Other) = 15
Manipulate Device (Dex): 5
Negotiation (Cha): (Rank 2 + 2 Cha - 2 Penalty) = 2
Observation (Apt): (Rank 1 + 8 Apt) = 9
Performance (Cha): 2
Riding (Dex): (Rank 1 + 5 Dex) = 6 (1 Critical)
Sailing (Apt): 8
Sleight of Hand (Dex): 5
Stone Cutting (Apt): 8
Sorcery (Apt): --
Stealth (Dex): 5
Survival (Apt): 8
Swimming (Might): 3
Tailoring (Apt): 8
Thrown Weaponry (Dex): 5
Melee Weaponry (Dex): (Rank 3 + 5 Dex) = 8 (1 Fumble)
Projectile Weaponry (Dex): 5
Magic Affinity (7 XP): You have a natural affinity for both the art and power of magic. +1 on all Arcane Craft and Sorcery Rolls and +1 on all Rolls to Resist any form of magic. You get an additional +1 on all Rolls to use Arcane Craft and you pay 1 XP less for Counterspell, Words of Power, and other certain magical traits.
Arcane Sense (Free): Your own magical affinity has granted you a natural sense for the arcane. For starters, you automatically detect magical auras or other forces that you are close to. Also you get an additional +2 on all Rolls when you are focusing your arcane senses to intuit more on any powers you detect or to perform a better search of the area for magical forces thanks to your Magic Affinity. Focusing your senses like that though uses up 1 Energy.
Apprentice (3 XP): Your teacher taught you the art of Alchemy, allowing you to learn and use it.
Rare Discovery (7 XP): You have found a rare tome that depict something incredible. You found a way to create something that you think is called a Construct, a moving creature of metal, earth, or other materials that is able to move thanks to magic and alchemy.
Ritual Magic (3 XP): You know how to perform a special form of magic known as Ritual Magic using your skills of Arcane Craft. This lets you perform more complex magic through very lengthy rituals. These rituals usually last around an hour, but each additional hour gives you an additional +1 to the Roll. Also you may have helpers that also give you +1, but they must know Arcane Craft or have Performance Rank 2. Each hour you spend costs you an additional point of Energy.
Affiliation (Scribes) (3 XP): Through your teacher you have managed to join the Scribes, a small, yet somewhat well known scholarly order. You are currently a Scribe Initiate and receive some benefits. The more you do for the Scribes, the further in their ranks you can get the more secrets and benefits you will acquire. This usually involves uncovering knowledge for them or helping them in other ways.
--Scribe initiate: You first get a set of Scribe Initiate Robes. These give you +2 to Negotiation Rolls in certain places or situations. Furthermore you get a +1 bonus to Reputation and a +1 bonus to all Knowledge and Linguistics Rolls.
Loose Tongue and Uncouth (+ 2 XP) Lyrisa tends to let her mouth run off and tells people exactly what she’s thinking whether it be about how their idea is conceptional wrong or just that they are plainly annoying on top of her blatant use of swears. -2 on Negotiation rolls
Slight Inferiority Complex (+1 XP): Due to the attitudes of those older than her, Lyrisa feels slightly inferior in knowledge compared to those in her same field. If someone would attempt to argue with her knowledge, Lyrisa will attempt to counter-argue to a standstill or she wins. If she attempts to resist this urge she needs to pass a DL 15 Concentration roll. While arguing she takes a -2 to any roll she would take.
Metal Tipped Whip: A leather whip with a metal piece on the tip to allow it to deal some damage. +0 Damage. Has 5 foot Reach, Light Weapon
Scribe Initiate Robes: Some special standards Robes fashioned with the emblem of the Scribes. +2 to Negotiation Rolls in certain areas or situations, +1 to Reputation while worn
Eight Days Rations
Water Decanter (2)
Alchemy Kit: A large pouch containing some alchemical materials and other tools needed to practice Alchemy.
Alchemy Pouch (10 Uses)
Symbol Scribing Materials: Charcoal or other materials useful for scribing symbols on various surfaces. Necessary for uses of Arcane Craft.
Riding Horse
Wealth = 44 iL 6 Talms
Name: Leifr Forbannet
Age: 25
Race: Galmin

A tall man with lean muscles composing the bulk of his endomorphic frame, Sir Leifr of House Forbannet is 5’11” and weighs 181 lbs / 82 kg. A crown of short, golden blonde hair rests atop his head. His face and forearms are lightly tanned compared to the rest of his body. He has an angular jawline with thin lips and a straight nose. His grey-green eyes are accentuated by his dark brown arched eyebrows. He doesn’t have any glaring marks on his torso, though numerous small and thin scars can be seen along his arms, legs, and shoulders.
He has a rich voice that is slightly deeper than average and uses a humbled tone. He upholds a rigid and straight posture and and takes long strides in his gait. He usually smells of wheat.

A tall man with lean muscles composing the bulk of his endomorphic frame, Sir Leifr of House Forbannet is 5’11” and weighs 181 lbs / 82 kg. A crown of short, golden blonde hair rests atop his head. His face and forearms are lightly tanned compared to the rest of his body. He has an angular jawline with thin lips and a straight nose. His grey-green eyes are accentuated by his dark brown arched eyebrows. He doesn’t have any glaring marks on his torso, though numerous small and thin scars can be seen along his arms, legs, and shoulders.
He has a rich voice that is slightly deeper than average and uses a humbled tone. He upholds a rigid and straight posture and and takes long strides in his gait. He usually smells of wheat.
Leifr is the prime example of a beloved noble. A down-to-earth and humbled personality that, while perhaps a little meddlesome, is a kind and passionate young man who wishes to be as “good” as he can be. He is the type of character who would give a couple of coins to a pauper or bow to a commoner woman younger than himself. He is also the type of man that seems willing to be friends with anyone regardless of their social standing. However, behind all that kindness and humility lies a hidden pride in his work. He enjoys the smiles and cheers directed at him, the feeling of doing something good despite the fact that he has hardly done any permanent “good” at all.
However, he undoubtedly has a certain innocence and naivety that, while perhaps regarded as attractive from their fairer sex, leads him onto a path with many obstacles and enemies. While he has his fair share of potential suitors, he cannot tell the difference between those who wish to be with him and those who view him as a chance to obtain status and wealth. He will feel honestly betrayed when the money grubbing pauper on the side of the street that he gave coins to earlier today ambushes him in an alley with a dagger and demands more payment. It is occurances like that which challenge his naivety and trust towards strangers. Luckily (or perhaps unfortunately), those events have yet to cause him to stray from his innocence.
Other notable quirks he has include a very mild case of Astraphobia (fear of lightning and thunder) and a more noticeable case of Necrophobia (fear of dead things). Due to this Necrophobia, he also has an oath with himself to never take the life of a sentient being. He has since been able to overcome his Necrophobia and can act reasonably well if he happens to be around a corpse, but it will still trigger a severe reaction anytime he believes he has killed someone himself.
Sir Leifr was born a noble of the house Forbannet. The Forbannets were not a particularly influential house, but neither were they powerless. Though their people enjoyed their rule, the Forbannets didn’t really rule at all. The Forbannet House is sometimes called the “Noble Gargoyle” due to the fact that, like a grand statue, the Forbannet were unmistakably there but, like a statue, they didn’t really move either. They avoided the plots and intricacies of politics and deftly evaded the ire and complaints of the commoner populace. They did not expand or shrink. The Forbannet were always just there. Perhaps it was because of their unmoving status that Leifr, not even at the tender age of ten yet, believed the Forbannets had become complacent.
Young master Leifr was, among other things, an energetic and adventurous lad with a good head on his shoulders. He absorbed the lessons his parents taught him like a sponge, and gave his all in martial training until he collapsed from exhaustion. He was kind and humble to everyone he met, commoner or noble, stranger or friend. Wanting to encourage his virtues, his parents pampered and praised him and tried emulating his virtues when around him. He was kind, and in return was treated with kindness. Perhaps it was this idyllic situation that didn’t prepare him for the cruel and unforgiving world that existed outside the safety of his parent’s influence.
And perhaps it was that very same cruelty and coldness that lured him towards the world. He was clever, and he knew that the world did not act the same way his parents and peers did. The final push came in the form of the ancient relic he found. While roaming about in the wilderness, he discovered a hidden grotto. It’s passages ran deep thought as he has never truly encountered a life-threatening situation he continued through until he reached a cavern. From the center of the ceiling was a massive stalactite and embedded in the tip was the handle of a sword. Upon pulling it out, he left the cavern. Or rather, he ran for his life while the cave system collapsed behind him. It was the first life-and-death situation he was in, and though terrifying it was exhilarating. However, his joy was short-lived when he felt the dark presence that lingered in the sword’s handle.
It was then that he began his hunt to discover just what was in the blade, and through the noble library he discovered that the closest thing to it was “Sorcery.” From that, he learned of its counterpart, “magic,” and then it went off from there. He spent most of his time reading (or having someone read to him) and learning about the rest of the known world from his books. Finally, he decided that he would go discover the world himself. He was nineteen then, and his parents forced him to delay for five years in an effort to “train” and “prepare” him for the outside world. Fortunately, he obtained help from travelers and adventures and actually did train and prepare for the world, and at the age of twenty four he left home and headed towards an unknown goal. It’s been a few months now and he has turned twenty five. He now has a few rather simplistic goals, but it’s much better than before when he was wandering around blind.
Total XP: 57
Unspent XP: 2
Earned XP: 3
Might: 6
Endurance: 7
Dexterity: 4
Aptitude: 4
Willpower: 2
Charisma: 3
Vitality: 36
Luck: 3
Reputation: 5 Positive
Acrobatics (Dex): (Rank 5 + 4 Dex) = 9
Alchemy (Apt): —
Animal Handling (Cha): 3
Appraisal (Apt): 4
Arcane Craft (Apt): —
Blacksmithing (Apt): (Rank 4 + 4 Apt + 1 Synergy {Melee}) = 8
Carpentry (Apt): 4
Climbing (Might): (6 Might + 1 Other) = 7
Concentration (Will): (Rank 2 + 2 Will) = 4
Disguise (Cha): 3
Engineering (Apt): 4
First Aid (Apt): (Rank 3 + 4 Apt) = 7
Fisticuffs (Dex): 4
Hardiness (End): (Rank 3 + 7 End) = 10
Herb Craft (Apt): 4
Knowledge (Apt): (Rank 3 + 4 Apt) = 7 (1 Critical)
Leather Working (Apt): 4
Linguistics (Apt): 4
Manipulate Device (Dex): 4
Negotiation (Cha): 3
Observation (Apt): (Rank 4 + 4 Apt) = 8
Performance (Cha): 3
Riding (Dex): (Rank 2 + 4 Dex) = 6
Sailing (Apt): 4
Sleight of Hand (Dex): 4
Stone Cutting (Apt): 4
Sorcery (Apt): —
Stealth (Dex): 4
Survival (Apt): 4
Swimming (Might): 6
Tailoring (Apt): 4
Thrown Weaponry (Dex): 4
Melee Weaponry (Dex): (Rank 8 + 4 Dex) = 12
Projectile Weaponry (Dex): 4
Nobility (6 XP): You were born to a somewhat influential or noble family (noble being somewhat definitive in some more rougher areas, which is many places in these starting times). You start off with +2 to your Reputation, 100 extra iL (plus an additional 10 for each point of Reputation you possess), some noble clothes, and a 2 XP Heirloom. Not only that, but once a year the money that you get as this talent is actually a stipend you get from your family as long as you are still communicating with them. His noble Heirloom is an Exceptionally Crafted Medium Shield.
Discovered Heirloom (5 XP)You possess a strange Khopesh that has some strange, dark force in it. This force seems to drink the blood and life force of those it cuts, making its wielder more skilled temporarily, but as it is wielded it, in turn, drains the life force of the wielder.
Improved Shield Bash (3 XP): You may attack with a Shield as a Primary Action with no -5 to your Roll, however; by spending one point of Energy you may make a shield attack as a Free Strike, which like all Free Strikes has a -5 to the Roll. Requirements: Fisticuffs or Melee Weaponry Rank 3.
Improved Disarm (3 XP): When attempting to Disarm the penalties you suffer are halved (-2 for disarming Light or Medium Weapons, -5 for disarming Heavy Weapons instead of -5 and -10). A Disarm is a Primary Action. By spending 1 Energy for Light/Medium Weapons or 2 Energy for Heavy you may eliminate the penalties.
Armor Proficiency- Chain Hauberk (2 XP):[/b] You are quite accustomed to wearing and moving in Chain Armor. Your Armor Penalty while wearing Chain Armor is reduced by 1, and when sleeping in any armor you only lose half of the Energy that you would normally lose. Requirements: Endurance or Will 4.
Naive (+2 XP): Leifr’s innocence in the ways of the world lets others easily take advantage of him. He suffers a -2 Negotiation penalty with people who have a 2 point higher Aptitude or 2 point higher Charisma than him, while they inversely gain a +2 Negotiation bonus against him. In addition, you get a -5 on all Observation Rolls for Empathy or identifying those in Disguise.
Honorbound (+3 XP): Leifr is bound by his honor to avoid the killing of sentient life. If he should make a mistake and accidentally slay a fellow intelligent being, he must pass a DL 20 Concentration Roll. If he fails, he is Terrified for a short period. A fumble puts him in Despair.
Heirloom: Honor (Masterful Quality) [Free]
A strange blade in the shape of a Khopesh sword. You can sense a dark presence growling hungrily from within it.
Medium Sword, +5 to Damage Mod, +2 to Disarm. +1 to Attack/Parry
-1 Vitality for user every attack made. -1 point Endurance when hit by Strange Khopesh. Every point of Endurance it drains, user gets a +1 to Attack/Parry Attempts for up to a max of five for an hour.
Heirloom: Kite Shield Forbannet Guard (Exceptional Quality) [Free]
The noble house Forbannet’s kite shields are always custom-made for each member of the house. This kite shield is of simple design but made with excellent craftsmanship. Medium Shield: +4 Parry bonus, 1 Armor Penalty
Forbannet Noble Regalia [Free]
The noble garments of House Forbannet, a finely crafted white tunic with red accents and a hood.[/indent]
Short Sword (Average Quality) [20 iL]
An average short sword that one can potentially find anywhere.[/]
Chainmail Hauberk (Average Quality) [70 iL]
An average chainmail hauberk that one can with a bit of coin can potentially find anywhere.
5 Armor, 4 Armor Penalty (5 base, -1 Chain Armor proficiency)
Light Warhorse [75 iL]
Fifteen days worth of Food Rations [15 iL]
6 Waterskins [6 iL] (Hey, they’re refillable and one last about a day, right)
Bandage wraps
Map of Gallastre
Bandit's Brass Key
Riding Horse (Hauling 2 Broadswords, two Handaxes, 3 Days Rations, a wooden shield, a light crossbow, and a dagger)
Wealth: 82 iL
Gender: Male?
Age: 22
Race: Galmin
Allereun is elegant, charismatic, and academic, all the things that you wouldn't expect from someone who dabbles in alchemy, botany, and a whole selection of sneezingly boring topics. With a youthful, androgynous appearance that finds favor amongst both men and women, he has the lofty aura of a noble, one that seems to glide above the common concerns of peasants and merchants, even though, all things considered, he's one of them. An expert at subduing his own emotions, he is a young man who enjoys dry humor and straightforward quips, as well as occasionally demonstrating his skills as a no one at all.
Indeed, despite his social skills, he spends more time by himself than with others. Being what he calls a 'botanical explorer' or an 'alchemical pioneer', Allereun spends much of his time in the wilderness, sleeping in self-made shelters, setting up snares for catching small prey, and, most importantly, finding new species of plants, or new uses for currently existing plants. While he doesn't have an obsessive hunger for new knowledge, the kind that would drive people to abstain sleep for days on end, Allereun has a quieter passion. He believes that progress is made best when one was healthy, clear-headed, and had a nice night's rest, though it may also be that, as an apothecary who experiments with unknown plants, it's necessary for him to be in top physical form before he dabbles with potentially toxic vegetation.
At his very core though, Allereun is a utilitarian of a sociopath. Or is he a sociopath of a utilitarian? He doesn't really care, either way.
Indeed, despite his social skills, he spends more time by himself than with others. Being what he calls a 'botanical explorer' or an 'alchemical pioneer', Allereun spends much of his time in the wilderness, sleeping in self-made shelters, setting up snares for catching small prey, and, most importantly, finding new species of plants, or new uses for currently existing plants. While he doesn't have an obsessive hunger for new knowledge, the kind that would drive people to abstain sleep for days on end, Allereun has a quieter passion. He believes that progress is made best when one was healthy, clear-headed, and had a nice night's rest, though it may also be that, as an apothecary who experiments with unknown plants, it's necessary for him to be in top physical form before he dabbles with potentially toxic vegetation.
At his very core though, Allereun is a utilitarian of a sociopath. Or is he a sociopath of a utilitarian? He doesn't really care, either way.
Allereun was born in a merchant's family, the third and last son that his mother gave birth to. While his eldest brother was groomed to take on the family business, and his second eldest brother had taken up an apprenticeship under the local blacksmith, Allereun was the object of affection of his mother, all his whims indulged in. They were a well-off family, and, as a young child, he was always raised to be an inquisitive soul. He was well-educated by the many tutors for the maths, languages, and sciences that his parents brought in. He was well-mannered as well, instructed in the terms of proper etiquette by his parents. With his mother's eyes and his father's hair, he was a shining example of a good child, one that could control his impulses and emotions, even at an early age.
Despite this though, his eyes were never quite as good as his brothers, and he always appeared rather twitchy to those around him. Allereun was prescribed glasses by the neighboring doctor, but there was no cure for his erratic, subconscious movements. With those problems, all the normal trades were sealed off to him, while his bad eyesight sealed off his ability to become a military man of any success. Instead, those limitations fueled his curiousity further, and Allereun focused on his academic studies. His oldest brother took over the family business, his second eldest brother moved to another town with better job prospects, and Allereun chose to pursue the sciences further. Taking an interest in the developing scientific field of Alchemy, at the age of 12, the child had his parents seek out the services of the apothecary of the town, a young, unmarried man who was just working out the kinks of his profession himself.
For the next few years, Allereun spent his time as the 'little brother' of the apothecary, mixing different substances, learning the basic skills that alchemy and potion-mixing had in common. He even blossomed as a merchant, becoming quite the hit with the young ladies of the town during days where the two peddled their goods. More importantly, though, was that his master only further encouraged his passion. Often, they would go out for long excursions into the wilderness, the man teaching Allereun which plants were useful, and which were harmful, as well as basic survival skills. He learned how to preserve herbs, how to handle poisonous ones, how to treat injuries, and even a bit of gardening. There was so much that Allereun learned during his times with the apothecary that his brain was bursting with knowledge, yet, he always kept his teacher's words in mind.
“There's always more to learn.”
After getting his parent's blessings, Allereun left town, becoming a journeyman apothecary, always taking the less-travelled route in search of things that others have not discovered yet. He dabbled in both medicines and poisons, and every visit in town was accompanied with him doing his best to convince the apothecary or doctor or alchemist to divulge some industry secrets to himself. The path to knowledge was a road that he never stopped travelling on, and his social skills, so far, had allowed him to smooth over quite a few conflicts.
It also helped that he often carried a tidy sum of iL with him.
And when those things didn't work...Allereun was always happy to see the results of his discoveries on others.
Despite this though, his eyes were never quite as good as his brothers, and he always appeared rather twitchy to those around him. Allereun was prescribed glasses by the neighboring doctor, but there was no cure for his erratic, subconscious movements. With those problems, all the normal trades were sealed off to him, while his bad eyesight sealed off his ability to become a military man of any success. Instead, those limitations fueled his curiousity further, and Allereun focused on his academic studies. His oldest brother took over the family business, his second eldest brother moved to another town with better job prospects, and Allereun chose to pursue the sciences further. Taking an interest in the developing scientific field of Alchemy, at the age of 12, the child had his parents seek out the services of the apothecary of the town, a young, unmarried man who was just working out the kinks of his profession himself.
For the next few years, Allereun spent his time as the 'little brother' of the apothecary, mixing different substances, learning the basic skills that alchemy and potion-mixing had in common. He even blossomed as a merchant, becoming quite the hit with the young ladies of the town during days where the two peddled their goods. More importantly, though, was that his master only further encouraged his passion. Often, they would go out for long excursions into the wilderness, the man teaching Allereun which plants were useful, and which were harmful, as well as basic survival skills. He learned how to preserve herbs, how to handle poisonous ones, how to treat injuries, and even a bit of gardening. There was so much that Allereun learned during his times with the apothecary that his brain was bursting with knowledge, yet, he always kept his teacher's words in mind.
“There's always more to learn.”
After getting his parent's blessings, Allereun left town, becoming a journeyman apothecary, always taking the less-travelled route in search of things that others have not discovered yet. He dabbled in both medicines and poisons, and every visit in town was accompanied with him doing his best to convince the apothecary or doctor or alchemist to divulge some industry secrets to himself. The path to knowledge was a road that he never stopped travelling on, and his social skills, so far, had allowed him to smooth over quite a few conflicts.
It also helped that he often carried a tidy sum of iL with him.
And when those things didn't work...Allereun was always happy to see the results of his discoveries on others.
Total XP: 66
Unspent XP: 2
Earned XP: 2
Might: 2
Endurance: 5
Dexterity: 2
Aptitude: 7
Willpower: 4
Charisma: 6
Vitality: 25
Energy: 18
Luck: 3
Reputation: 6
Acrobatics (Dex): 2
Alchemy (Apt): (Rank 5 (5 EXP) + 7 Apt) = 12
Animal Handling (Cha): 6
Appraisal (Apt): 7
Arcane Craft (Apt): -
Blacksmithing (Apt): 7
Carpentry (Apt): 7
Climbing (Might): 2
Concentration (Will): (Rank 1 + 4 Will + 1 Hardiness Synergy) = 5 (1 Fumble)
Disguise (Cha): 6
Engineering (Apt): 7
First Aid (Apt): (Rank 4 (4 EXP) + 7 Apt + 1 Herb Craft Synergy + 2 Apothecary) = 13
Fisticuffs (Dex): 2
Hardiness (End): (Rank 6 (7 EXP) + 5 END) = 11
Herb Craft (Apt): (Rank 7 (9 EXP) + 7 Apt + 1 Alchemy Synergy + 2 Apothecary) = 17
Knowledge (Apt): 7
Leather Working (Apt): 7
Linguistics (Apt): 7
Manipulate Device (Dex): 2
[i]Negotiation (Cha): (Rank 5 (4 EXP) + 6 Cha + 2 Comeliness) = 13 (1 Critical)
Observation (Apt): (Rank 1 + 7 Apt) = 8 (1 Critical)
Performance (Cha): (6 Cha + 2 Comeliness) = 8
Riding (Dex): 2
Sailing (Apt): 7
Sleight of Hand (Dex): 2
Stone Cutting (Apt): 7
Sorcery (Apt): -
Stealth (Dex): 2
Survival (Apt): (Rank 3 (3 EXP) + 7 Apt + 2 Apothecary) = 12
Swimming (Might): 2
Tailoring (Apt): 7
Thrown Weaponry (Dex): 2
Melee Weaponry (Dex): 2
Projectile Weaponry (Dex): 2
Apprentice (3 EXP) – You had a teacher at some point in your life for a number of years who taught you a good number of things. For 3 XP you get a +2 bonus on all Rolls with a Talent of your choice (except for Sorcery, Arcane Craft, Alchemy, Hardiness, or Concentration). Your option is to be able to instead learn and use either Alchemy, Arcane Craft or Sorcery (you can purchase this Trait twice to get Alchemy and Arcane Craft or Sorcery if you want). Requires: Aptitude or Willpower 5
Profession – Apothecary (3 EXP) – You are a man of medicine, or perhaps poisons. You are experienced with plants and know how to find them, properly preserve them, and usefully use them in the creation of various salves, plant brews, poultices, poisons, or other such things. You also know how to properly use plants in even their base state due to your great experience in this field. You get a +2 on all Survival, First Aid, and Herb-Craft Rolls. Furthermore, you may start off with either 40 extra iL or three dried and preserved plant specimens (of common or uncommon variety) and one plant concoction. Requirements: Hardiness Rank 1, Survival Rank 3, First Aid Rank 3, Herb-Craft Rank 5, and Apt 5.
Comeliness (3 EXP) – You are quite attractive looking. +2 to Negotiation and Performance Rolls. +1 to Reputation for your good looks. Requirements: Charisma 5.
Nearsightedness (2 EXP) – Allreun is nearsighted, and while wearing glasses makes him appear to be the slim, sophisticated intellectual that he is, it also cripples his ability to see anything clearly at a distance. Sight-based Observation rolls suffer from a -5, whereas all other rolls requiring sight at a distance suffer from a -2 reduction.
An Involuntary Movement (2 EXP) – Allreun suffers from mild symptoms of movement disorder, occasionally causing random physical tics, such as jerking his hand or bouncing his knee. While this generally won't cause too much trouble in his daily life, it has a possibility of conflicting with any talent that involves continuous, accurate hand-eye coordination. When such a thing happens, a D15 Hardiness roll is required, to see whether there is an effect on his actions on not. If there is, the resulting Talent roll suffers an additional -5 reduction.
Craft-Related Items
Alchemy Kit (30 iL) – Basic kit for all Alchemists. Contains flasks, mortars, pestles, crucibles, and everything else required for basic alchemy. Also comes with 10 iL worth of alchemical materials.
Alchemy Pouch (2 iL) – A pouch that holds most alchemical materials. Currently holds 40 iL worth of alchemical materials.
Herbal Pouch (Free) – A pouch that holds preserved herbs. Currently holds two Mandrakes, one Tellim Herb, and one Lunar Blossom.
First Aid Kit (5 iL) – Bandages, needle, threads, and cloths. Gives +1 on all First Aid Rolls.
Lunar Blossom Elixir (DL 30): This special elixir made from a lunar blossom has some incredible restorative properties. Upon drinking this elixir, the drinker gets an amount of Vitality equal to their Endurance Score and an amount of Energy back equal to half of their Willpower. The user also gets +5 to any Hardiness Rolls against any poisons or diseases for the next hour.
Two Sets of Clothing – Allereun carries two sets of clothing, one that he wears during his travels, made mainly of hardier materials, and another for travelling around in town with, made of finer, softer materials.
Map – Because when there's a place you want to go, you ask the Map.
Basic Survival Kit (20 iL) – Contains a fishing rod, rope, a large cloak, a firestarting kit (flint and kindling), and a Whetstone. Dagger and Handaxe included.
Food Rations for Ten Days
Water Decanter (2)
Riding Horse
Dagger: +0 Damage
Handaxe: +3 Damage (-2 to Rolls due to Might not being high enough, Might requirement is 3)
Wealth: 64 iL, 6 Talms
Name: Vialesa Lercerge
Gender: Female
Age: 20
Race: Galmin
Vialesa is a tired individual, sullen, emotionally dampened, and slow to respond. Through her years of torture, the young woman has become exceptionally dissociated with society, often appearing incapable of a proper conversation or interaction without long breaks of silence as she seemingly gathers her thoughts together. To her, everything is more so a struggle than a chore, though it wouldn't seem as such when she takes up arms. Her mind has become desensitized to most things, including and beyond extreme horror and frightening situations. The destruction of her mind has led to decreased involvement in humor and happiness as well, marking her as rather cold and distant.
With all of these characteristics, Vialesa comes off as a complete bore, seemingly incapable of letting off even a single joke, or properly responding to them. On a rare occasion she finds amusement in things, but it is fleeting and difficult to predict; most displays of particular emotion beyond melancholy surface due to long spells of quiet activity or prolonged positive social interactions. She has to "warm up" in a sense. Though quick to draw her sword, it seems Vialesa finds battle fairly abhorrent and becomes quite depressed after the storm has passed. Despite her cold nature, Vialesa displays a selflessness that any true friend would be wise to try and nullify.
With all of these characteristics, Vialesa comes off as a complete bore, seemingly incapable of letting off even a single joke, or properly responding to them. On a rare occasion she finds amusement in things, but it is fleeting and difficult to predict; most displays of particular emotion beyond melancholy surface due to long spells of quiet activity or prolonged positive social interactions. She has to "warm up" in a sense. Though quick to draw her sword, it seems Vialesa finds battle fairly abhorrent and becomes quite depressed after the storm has passed. Despite her cold nature, Vialesa displays a selflessness that any true friend would be wise to try and nullify.
In the present, few would hear about Vialesa's past and see little change then and now; from a young age, she was obsessive over the macabre and the terrifying, taking great pleasure in scaring her friends and family, and even moreso in frightening complete strangers. The actions were met with poor respect and disgust, as her home town was not of a particularly holy or safe nature. By the mistakes of some oblivious traveler settling down in the area, their town found itself surrounded on all sides by the sinister woodlands known as the Traslag. The horrors that crept out from its underbrush made Vialesa's playful behavior taste sour in their mouths. It sufficed to say, no one in the village appreciated being scared. It was simply too real for them.
Still, Vialesa continued her games of scaring the townsfolk, growing increasingly more elaborate and even dangerous in some cases. She the talk of the town, but in a completely negative sense. The games were becoming serious acts of terror and despair, though she thought little of it, working towards more and more terrifying attempts to the point of turning men to tears. Eventually the town had enough, and they began to speak to her parents with dire conviction. If she wasn't disciplined and fixed properly, they would exile her from the village as well as the parents themselves. Being rather rampant and ill-behaved, Vialesa met her parents with a poor attitude and terrible cooperation. The scares continued, and eventually the girl found herself so obsessed with the terror that she thought herself some sort of demon or spirit in her young mindset, and she foolishly ran away from home... straight into the Traslag.
Of course, Vialesa thought little of it; she was scared of few things and felt almost at home in the woods. It took time, but she came to realize that the woods were of a much less human nature than her mind comprehend. It was a completely different level, and there terror actually meant danger. In the present, Vialesa simply chalks the fact that she lived up to luck alone. The young girl, only ten years old when she escaped into the forest, barely scrounged a life under the twisted branches of the Traslag. She dodged countless creatures of the dark, eventually becoming more and more well-versed in their workings and behaviors.
Even without a human presence nearby to facilitate her love for terror, Vialesa remained single-minded on the idea. She gained ideas, learned tricks, and became even more inclined to include physical violence in her methods. She would return to the town at some time, more skilled than ever. Her adventure ended, however, when she was found by a supposed "Lord of the Traslag"; a creature by the name of Filtorix who had grown for many centuries in its dark depths.
Tremendous in size, far more witty and intelligent than Vialesa, and infinitely more powerful, she could do little to resist his commands. The monster looked to her as a sort of apprentice, if not a slave to facilitate his desire for control. For whatever reason, he gave her a strange training in the arts of battle, knowing full well she could not survive forever in the Traslag without help. So to did he intend to curse her and force her to do his bidding, though Vialesa fortunately left before such a thing could occur.
Under the direction of Filtorix, in very darkest corners of the Traslag, Vialesa saw things no human should ever have to witness. Her love for terror was warped into a fear, smacking her into her senses with indescribable experiences, but nevertheless traumatizing her and changing her mind forever. Vialesa dropped her intent to learn under Filtorix and scrambled for the end of the nightmare. Her mind was slowed, and her emotions weakened as she spent another year escaping the dreaded woodlands. Vialesa emerged a hollow shell of her former self, broken by the very thing she once enjoyed.
Today, Vialesa seeks to rid her body of the innumerable horrors that slither within.
Still, Vialesa continued her games of scaring the townsfolk, growing increasingly more elaborate and even dangerous in some cases. She the talk of the town, but in a completely negative sense. The games were becoming serious acts of terror and despair, though she thought little of it, working towards more and more terrifying attempts to the point of turning men to tears. Eventually the town had enough, and they began to speak to her parents with dire conviction. If she wasn't disciplined and fixed properly, they would exile her from the village as well as the parents themselves. Being rather rampant and ill-behaved, Vialesa met her parents with a poor attitude and terrible cooperation. The scares continued, and eventually the girl found herself so obsessed with the terror that she thought herself some sort of demon or spirit in her young mindset, and she foolishly ran away from home... straight into the Traslag.
Of course, Vialesa thought little of it; she was scared of few things and felt almost at home in the woods. It took time, but she came to realize that the woods were of a much less human nature than her mind comprehend. It was a completely different level, and there terror actually meant danger. In the present, Vialesa simply chalks the fact that she lived up to luck alone. The young girl, only ten years old when she escaped into the forest, barely scrounged a life under the twisted branches of the Traslag. She dodged countless creatures of the dark, eventually becoming more and more well-versed in their workings and behaviors.
Even without a human presence nearby to facilitate her love for terror, Vialesa remained single-minded on the idea. She gained ideas, learned tricks, and became even more inclined to include physical violence in her methods. She would return to the town at some time, more skilled than ever. Her adventure ended, however, when she was found by a supposed "Lord of the Traslag"; a creature by the name of Filtorix who had grown for many centuries in its dark depths.
Tremendous in size, far more witty and intelligent than Vialesa, and infinitely more powerful, she could do little to resist his commands. The monster looked to her as a sort of apprentice, if not a slave to facilitate his desire for control. For whatever reason, he gave her a strange training in the arts of battle, knowing full well she could not survive forever in the Traslag without help. So to did he intend to curse her and force her to do his bidding, though Vialesa fortunately left before such a thing could occur.
Under the direction of Filtorix, in very darkest corners of the Traslag, Vialesa saw things no human should ever have to witness. Her love for terror was warped into a fear, smacking her into her senses with indescribable experiences, but nevertheless traumatizing her and changing her mind forever. Vialesa dropped her intent to learn under Filtorix and scrambled for the end of the nightmare. Her mind was slowed, and her emotions weakened as she spent another year escaping the dreaded woodlands. Vialesa emerged a hollow shell of her former self, broken by the very thing she once enjoyed.
Today, Vialesa seeks to rid her body of the innumerable horrors that slither within.
Total XP: 48
Unspent XP: 2
Earned XP: 2
Might: 3
Endurance: 4
Dexterity: 8
Aptitude: 3
Willpower: 6
Charisma: 1
Vitality: 23
Energy: 21
Luck: 3
Reputation: 3 (Negative)
Acrobatics (Dex): (Rank 5 + 1 Climbing + 8) = 14
Alchemy (Apt): 3
Animal Handling (Cha): 1
Appraisal (Apt): 3
Arcane Craft (Apt): 3
Blacksmithing (Apt): 3
Carpentry (Apt): 3
Climbing (Might): (Rank 5 + 1 Acrobatics + 2) = 8
Concentration (Will): (Rank 5 + 1 Hardiness + 6) = 12 (1 Critical)
Disguise (Cha): (+1 Stealth + 1) = 2
Engineering (Apt): 3
First Aid (Apt): (+1 Survival + 3) = 4
Fisticuffs (Dex): (+1 Acrobatics +1 Melee Weaponry + 8) = 10
Hardiness (End): (Rank 5 + 1 Concentration + 4) = 10
Herb Craft (Apt): (+1 Survival + 3) = 4
Knowledge (Apt): 3
Leather Working (Apt): 3
Linguistics (Apt): 3
Manipulate Device (Dex): 8
Negotiation (Cha): 1
Observation (Apt): (Rank 3 +1 Survival + 3) = 7
Performance (Cha): 1
Riding (Dex): 8
Sailing (Apt): 3
Sleight of Hand (Dex): (+1 Stealth + 8) = 9
Stone Cutting (Apt): 3
Sorcery (Apt): 3
Stealth (Dex): (Rank 6 + 8) = 14
Survival (Apt): (Rank 5 + 3) = 8
Swimming (Might): (+1 Climbing + 2) = 3
Tailoring (Apt): 3
Thrown Weaponry (Dex): (Rank 1 +1 Melee Weaponry + 8) = 10
Melee Weaponry (Dex): (Rank 5 + 1 Acrobatics + 8 +2 Apprentice) = 16
Projectile Weaponry (Dex): 8
(3 EXP) Apprentice (+2 Melee Weaponry):
(4 EXP) Heirloom "Abomination": Formed from the hide of Filtorix, Abomination is a thickly built curved sword with vile properties. Besides delivering a cutting force, Abomination deals damage through a stricken opponent's mind if they cannot resist the effects. If the victim is injured by this maddening effect, Abomination's cutting power is increased, as it saps upon the sanity of its victims as energy. If Abomination fails to afflict an opponent of Vialesa's, it turns upon her instead, dealing subdued damage and receiving no boosted power. At the beginning of every battle, its wielder must test to resist its influence or suffer mental handicaps for a duration.
To resist effects, target does DL 20 Concentration Roll. Failure results in a loss of 1 Willpower and Abomination gains +1 to Attack/Parry rolls. Success requires blade user to perform same roll. Failure results in the loss of 1 Willpower and no weapon boost.
(4 EXP) Swift Actions
(+3 EXP) Walking Horror House: Spending years in the Traslag is bound to earn anyone a number of of unwelcome body invaders, and as Vialesa had spent ten, she became the unfortunate home of countless creatures. Though she appears normal on the outside, Vialesa suffers from internal injuries from time to time as the horrors move about inside or feed on her flesh Every day Vialesa must make a Hardiness (DL 20) Roll or suffer a -1 Endurance Penalty and a -2 to all Rolls for the day. A Fumble decreases her Endurance by 2 and the penalty is -5. Also this horrible affliction has done some permanent bodily harm. -1 to Vitality.
(+1 EXP) Xylophobia: Vialesa has a moderate fear of the woods, especially during night hours. DL 15 Concentration Roll whenever faced with the need to enter the woods or any similar environment. If forced to enter, roll failure results in -2 penalty to all rolls while inside.
-Weapon "Abomination": Master Crafted Saber Blade +4 damage.
See Traits for Abomination effect
-Wrist Guards: Average Craft. Unarmed parry with no penalty. +1 parry when armed. (15 iL)
-Shin Guards: Average Craft. (15 iL)
-Chain Shirt: +4 armor, 2 armor penalty. (35 iL)
-Lantern with 10x oil and matches. (2 iL + 3 iL)
-Food Rations: One week. (7 iL)
-Waterskin. (1 iL)
-Backpack. (free)
Wealth: 12 iL