From the rage and wrath of my siblings, their creation ran and hid in fear and cowardice as they escaped the cities and became nomads from their once great cities. Libraries of wisdom and magic burnt to ash and rubble, and great mortal wonders reduced to ruin. I hid within the great depths of the seas from the wrath of my siblings as my sight watched over the Earth. Moments to me were mere eons to the mortal beings that begged and pleaded in futility, some returned to savagery and ignorance as they cursed my siblings for their plight. Others carried out religious genocide in our names as they began to establish themselves as supreme over their domains of hamlets and villages, having the 'divine' put yoke and chain over the 'dammed' as they rebuild their monuments to the Gods. The wisest, however I adored as they wrote books of the events over the anger of my siblings, giving warnings and distancing themselves with the rest of society, preferring to take to pursuits of knowledge and humility. For them, the select few I gave them gifts of prophecy to foresee the consequences of events.
As I saw the restoration of the Earth by Manus, who had given his life reviving the dead forests and the putrid seas to life and vitality, making them pure again even as the evils and dark spirits hid away beneath the Earth to hide themselves from his wrath. The Earth restored back to its sublime state, their creation of morals did not return to their previous form, but only darkened and further corrupted them. Some of the elves of Okami's forest that hid themselves within the caves of shadow had their skin paled and their eyes blackened, as they mingled within and with the Shadows of my sibling. They became brutes and barbarians, wise in craft and combat, but dull in reason and wisdom. It was a pity that these 'Mer' were more susceptible to corruption than 'Men'.
I had taken myself on a quest to find a subject worthy of my next experiment, but I needed to walk among them, and to do that, I shall take a form of a mortal... for now.