Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Trillovinum


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

So ehm... when do we start? Also, what's the rate at which you have to check in? I'm pretty capable of doing daily posts but from wht I'v seen on this site that's not always the case.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by laserX
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laserX High Functioning Sociopath

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Civilization Name: League of Dark Stars
Civilization Homeworld: Planet of Darkness
Civilization Creation: (60 Points to spend. You start with 1 System for free.)
- Colony: 0
- System: 1
- Fleet: 20 (60 Influence)
- Army: 0
- Agent: 0
- Commander: 0
- Alliance: 0
Species Description: Humanoid
Brief History: The humans of the League of Dark Stars is a vile faction filled with a history of bloodshed and violence even among themselves. Originally, the LEAGUE contained 3 systems and numerous worlds but civil war wrecked havoc to dozens of its worlds, killing billions in the process. Now, the LEAGUE only has one home system and the rest have been bombarded to a nuclear wasteland or glassed to extinction.
Currently, the LEAGUE is suffering from resource depletion, as its homeworld is depleted in resources. So in order for the LEAGUE to survive, it must conquer new territories to attain new resources. Thus, the LEAGUE is a very aggressive expansionistic empire ruled by greed warlords and admirals who want nothing else than to wreck havoc on the civilized population of the galaxy and to take other nations' resource by claiming them as the LEAGUE's own. The LEAGUE is a warrior led society created for interstellar combat and is ready to wreck havoc on all other nations within the galaxy. Centuries of civil war by greedy LEAGUER generals and admirals resulted in the warrior ethos and war fleet it has today.
Member of Galactic Conclave: NO
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by laserX
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laserX High Functioning Sociopath

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Am I accepted? When do we start? Can the map maker put me smack dab in the middle?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by LordHarrington


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

We're just waiting for it to start, ready with all our hype.

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by EndCraft


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

So hype right now.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by laserX
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laserX High Functioning Sociopath

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Trillovinum


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Hmm... it's been a week with no news. Did the GM go on vacation without telling anyone?
Or did he just abandon his humble subjects?

In the case of the former: I hope he'll be back soon so we can get this started.
In the case of the latter: what do we do then? Will someone take over?
(I know it's a little early to be saying that. But it really would be a shame to just let this one die.)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by laserX
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laserX High Functioning Sociopath

Member Seen 1 yr ago

I agree! If he doesn't show up, we need to vote in a new GM, one who is just as capable as he is.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by LordHarrington


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

I agree but he hasn't explained how fleet and army movement/combat; trade; diplomacy etc. works.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by EndCraft


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

That's what I was thinking. This is really a lovely idea and I was really hoping to start this up and have it last some time but at this point unless we created an entire system ourselves, it looks like this is going to die. There was supposedly a whole series of mechanics in place after all.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Trillovinum


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

It's a damn shame though... I have some rules lying around for a nation rp I've made but I fear they can't be adapted to this one.
And I still have too many questions myself to adapt this system. For instance I have no idea what a commander actually does or how we even go about gaining new resources.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by laserX
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laserX High Functioning Sociopath

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Let's just make a system up that's feasible and makes sense.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ShinySurskit


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

I hope it isn't too late to post a reply. I'd love to try out a game like this, and I've got fairly good role-play skills.
Civilization Name: The Regatalia Communal Union. (RCU).
Civilization Homeworld: The capital planet of the RCU is Kelekaria, with Valadro being a second major political planet in the Union.
Civilization Creation: (60 Points to spend. You start with 1 System for free.)
- Colony: +3 Purchased (-15 Influence)
- System: 1 Free, +1 Purchased (-9 Influence)
- Fleet: +6 Purchased (-18 Influence)
- Army: +5 Purchased (-10 Influence)
- Agent: +2 Purchased (-8 Influence)
- Commander:
- Alliance: The three species that make up the KCU are an alliance in themselves (controlled by one player), but no alliances with other systems have been established.
Species Description:

The RCU consists of three Intelligent Species who eventually, after being discovered and after years of warfare, banded together to create what is now know as the Regatalia Communal Union.

The Kelks: A species of high intelligence, the Kelks greatly resemble tall, built humanoids. They are seldom slender, males often weighing over 240lbs (218lbs female) and standing taller than 6'01" (6'04" female). Their skin colours are mostly the same, floating around a dark-tan or dark-brown range. Their heads are of nearly equal proportion to those of humanoids, however their shoulders are fairly lowered, creating a neck that can be about one foot in length, on average. They originated on their home planet, Kelekaria, approximately 3.78 billion years after Kelekaria was created. They are a species of high intelligence, with (using modern humanoid systems) IQ scores ranging from 118 (as a minimum, census GY 3319) to a high of slightly over two-hundred. Knowledge comparable to that of Einstein or Galileo would fall in the below-average range, however most Kelks are heavily built for large tasks. As a result, they have evolved nearly twice the amount of muscles and only three quarters the amount of bones a typical humanoid would have, and are typically slow and lumbering as a consequence. Average lifespan for males is approximately seventy one years, and females can live to see eighty.

The "Sand People": Commonly referred to as the "Sand People", the "Duuna Storava" are a class of humanoid-like mammals that are somewhat shorter than The Kelks. Unlike most humanoids, the Sand People know only one gender and are capable of reproduction. They stand at around 5' 2" average height, with some of the tallest Sand People towering at 6' 0". They are fairly slender with muscular builds, and typically weigh around 160-210lbs. They are relatively less intelligent than their Kelk counterparts, or most humanoids at that, and possess average IQ scores of 80 to 134, with the average being around 108. The Sand People have faced extinction from several threats throughout their short existence period of 4.2 million years on their native planet, Quavara. Warfare throughout their species has threatened the Sand People with weapons of (what we consider, extreme [ more than mass ] destruction), as well as the common infestation species known as the Sand Worm, which do not threaten most humanoid or mammal species, however pose great threats to the Sand People. Finally, after being discovered by the much more advanced Kelks, a war of greed broke out; eventually ended through an alliance between both species, for control over Quavara by the Kelekarian People. The Sand People's home planet has been Quavara, the hottest planet (closest planet to the sun) in the Regalis system; the same system as Kelekaria, and is almost 94% desert with some great canyons and ravines ripping through the surface. The Sand People typically live only until their mid fifties, or late forties.

The Valadorians: These strange creatures are highly intelligent, however do not posses much brute strength by themselves. Very few Valadorians actually possess the average adult humanoid muscular strength, and rely on their intelligence to evolve and survive as a species. The Valadorians are quadrupeds, however are extremely capable of standing on their two hind legs (where most of their muscle mass is), in order to act similar to a humanoid. They are relatively tall when standing, at around 5' 9" average, weigh an average of 110 lbs, and have two different genders. The genders are very similar, the only separation being minor differences in the reproductive and digestive organs. The "Males" process food easier, while the "Females" require less food to survive, and are typically a small bit lighter. The average IQ rating of a Valadorian is 194, with maximums reaching 236 and minimums at 162. (Census GY 3321). Their native planet is Valadro, a planet in a completely different system; the Digitalia system, unlike the Sand-People and the Kelks, who reside in the Regalis system. They have generally coexisted peacefully, but have had four spaced out global wars; two near the beginning of their species evolution, one during the middle, and one fairly recently (however, before the KCU was founded). They are the only intelligent species out of the main three to have spread out from their home planet, Valadro, and fully terraform and colonize a second planet in their system, Iffrizar. Despite being accustomed to relatively modern temperatures of around 18 degrees Celsius, they managed to fully colonize and settle the frigid planet of Iffrizar who poses temperatures of below -20 degrees centigrade in the summer. This was considered a feat of science to them, and shortly after the planet was fully colonized, they discovered the Kelks, and immediately sued for friendship with them. The Kelks, realizing their intellectual potency, agreed, and thus, the primitive form of the RCU was founded. The Valadorians, through evolutional benefits and medicinal breakthroughs, typically live to see ages of nearly one hundred and forty.
Brief History and Descriptions:
There are two main systems that make up the RCU, with a third system being explored and colonized rapidly.

The Regalis System.

Kelekaria - Capital - Political Major - Fully Colonized
Kelekaria is a lush planet made of nearly 81% water, 18% landmass, and 1% atmosphere. The water is similar to the water on Earth, however the oceans produce Fresh Water instead of sodium-rich water. Most of the land on Kelekaria is covered in forest and grassland, making it a boreal planet. At the poles, however, Kelekaria consists of frozen water and frozen carbon dioxide in the form of ice and "dry ice". Many of the Kelekarian forests are preserved, and the trees produce oxygen, thick, heavy wood, and a certain stringy-woolen material known as Polymer. Most of the Kelekarian economy is based off of water and polymer, however wood and mineral exports are not rare either. Kelekaria has very few deposits of iron, most of which are clustered around the iron and coal core. Kelekaria's mineral deposits consist of gold and coal, which are extremely common, and copper, which is somewhat uncommon. Kelekaria has a diameter of 16,139 kilometres, and its atmosphere reaches hundreds of kilometres up. The atmosphere consists of a large amount of nitrogen and fair amount of oxygen, with ozone, argon, and carbon dioxide sprinkled around. The magnetic field of Kelekaria reaches high up into the upper atmosphere and extends some thousand kilometres into "space", generate by the thick iron-coal core of the planet. This planet is home the the (census GY 3320) 6.2 Billion Kelks, the first species described above, and has hosted them and their ways of caring for the planet for nearly eight and a half million years. Also found on the planet are 1.9 Billion Valadorians and 0.1 Billion Sand People. The planet is still young, only about 3.9 billion years old, and hosts the Intersystemal Capital of the RCU. This planet has a high political degree that contributes heavily to the RCU, and possesses twelve seats in whatever political conferences the RCU hosts. Most of Kelekaria has been preserved, with most residential and commercial areas of cities above ground, and industrial areas below the surface, away from water.

Quavara - Capital - Political Major - Fully Colonized
Quavara is a dry, harsh planet made of almost 94% desert, 3% canyon, 2% water, and 1% atmosphere. There is little "water", except for three very small seas nearly completely opposite of each other. Two of these seas are on the southern hemisphere of the planet, and one is on the equator. The water that is known on Quavara is actually liquified carbon, and is perfectly drinkable and uncontaminated to the sand-people, however can cause serious health issues for other, non-accustomed species. This is why the seas do not boil in such hot temperatures. Most land on Quavara is desert, with whatever isn't made of sand being either clay-filled canyons or fissures and ravines in the planets surface, exposing sand worm infested stone and iron. The planet is closest to the sun in the Regalis system, and as a result, experiences average summer temperatures of nearly sixty-two degrees centigrade. Winters on Quavara can dip down as low as eighteen degrees centigrade, but even that is still comfortable for the native (census GY 3320) 4.8 billion Sand-People, who have been around for about four (4.2) million years. The Sand People are the only intelligent people living on Quavara, considering most other species are too uncomfortable or ill-equipped to survive in extreme heats. The planet itself has been around for a fairly long time, orbiting the star Regalis for nearly seven billion years. The planet has no trees whatsoever, however below the surface are rich deposits of nearly every mineral; coal, iron, gold, copper, and crystals not found on Kelekaria. The stone, however, is heavily infected with the sand worms, which have also thrived in the underground of the planet for nearly 18 million years (not an intelligent species). This planet has a high political degree that contributes to the RCU, and possesses seven seats in whatever political conferences the RCU hosts. Quavara's surface is littered with factories and cities, both abandoned and active, and that contributes to the heavy atmosphere that can burn up very large asteroids and meteors before they hit the ground. This makes space travel hard, however, for a species with limited intelligence, such as the Sand People. For more advanced civilizations, the atmosphere can be overriden. The planet is relatively small, only measuring 9,877 kilometres in diameter.

Boletarian - Political Minor - Fully Colonized
Boletarian is an unpopular planet, polluted simply by the large fungus that thrives above ground. Kelk settlers have managed to convert some of the fungi into houses, however the landscape is generally unpreserved and aesthetically disgusting. The planet is similar to Kelekaria, possessing 73% water, >26% land, and <1% atmosphere. The water on Boletarian is pure water, similar to the water on Kelekaria, but it is salty like the Earth's Oceans. The planet has rich veins of coal underground, however iron, gold, and copper are scarce. It is nearly impossible to find crystal on this planet, however the core is made up heavily of crystals and gold. The planet is fully colonized, but does not house many intelligent organisms, and therefor has a small political status. The planet has a population of 1.4 Billion Kelks, 0.4 Billion Valadorians, and 0.15 Billion Sand-People. Because of its low population, it has only three seats in any political actions the RCU takes. The magnetic field of Boletarian is considerably weak, however the atmosphere is almost exactly like the one found on Earth. The planet is between the sizes of (real-life) Mars and Quavara, measuring about 8,110 kilometres in diameter.

Bosquevine - Political Medium - Fully Colonized
Bosquevine is a planet popular for traders and lumberers alike, as it is covered almost entirely with jungle and grasslands/marshes. The planet is made up of 22% water, which is found exclusively in the inter joining rivers that run across the surface. This is again, true water, and not liquid carbon. The planet has a relatively weak atmosphere made almost entirely of ozone, with small amounts of argon and oxygen and nitrogen. The mineral veins found here in richness and common-ness are very comparable to that of Quavara, but the planet is extremely dangerous to navigate due to hostile species of giant spiders, insects, and reptiles. The settlers that do survive on this planet often thrive, and that makes Bosquevine a very successful part of the RCU. Sand-People are not able to survive on this type of planet, as it is too tropical. Attempts to settle by Sand-People have lead to insanity and death. There are 3.5 Billion inhabitants on Bosquevine, 2.6 Billion being Kelks, and 0.9 Billion being Valadorians. Due to the population and reputation of the planet, Bosquevine is considered a political "medium" of the RCU and possesses five seats that they use constantly in the RCU's congress sessions. Bosquevine is also a fairly popular planet for travellers and ships that need repairing, as landing on the planet is quite easy and peaceful; the atmosphere protects against only very little space debris. As a result, it is commonly pelted with meteorites.
The Digitalia System.

Valadro - Political Major - Fully Colonized
Valadro is a planet perfect for agriculture, and although not having too many natural forests, is covered in fresh grasslands and rivers. Valadro is composed of about 54% water, 44% land, and 2% thick atmosphere. Most of the water found on Valadro is present in rivers, however their are seas dotted about the surface, as well. The planet is relatively large, at a diameter of about 19,640 kilometres, and its atmosphere is extremely thick. Although the atmosphere is able to protect against space debris and meteorites, Valadro's magnetic field is relatively small, due to the planet's small nickel core and sparse mineral veins. The only minerals present on Valadro are iron and nickel, with the core being composed heavily of nickel and gold. The planet hosts the RCU's political station, and although it is not the capital, many congresses are held here because of its large political presence. Valadro is home to the Valadorian intelligent species, and hosts nearly 10.1 Billion people; 8.6 Billion being native Valadorians, 1.2 Billion being Kelks, and 0.3 Billion being Sand People. Valadro's enormous population grants the planetary council 14 seats to use in intersystemary meetings hosted by the RCU. The planet is the second from the star Digitalis which puts it right in the middle of the star's habitable zone, and possesses climates very comparable to that of Earth's. Valadro is looked upon as the "Father" planet of the RCU, Kelekaria being the "Mother". The planet has existed for nearly 5.2 Billion years, and has boasted life for almost two billion. The Valadorians, the native quadruped, intelligent species to the planet, have been in existence for about seven and a half million years, from their very primitive forms. The planet is filled with farms and bio-factories which actually help to maintain the atmosphere through advanced technology, and many rivers have hydro mills producing clean energy along with the planet's natural "solar income" to fuel the resident's needs. The planet Valadro is a great asset to the RCU, exporting many agricultural goods and machines as well as a large sum of energy and small amounts of water.

Ceharram - Not Explored
Ceharram is the closest planet to the star Digitalis, and orbits much closer than Valadro. As a result, Ceharram is a very fiery-lavalike place, and its surface is scarred with burnt rock, iron, and pools of molten rock and lava. Valadorian and Kelk satellites have been sent out to orbit the planet, however only seven satellites are in orbit around it as of the present, six being Valadorian. The research satellites have discovered that Ceharram is mostly covered with scarred and molten rock, frequent deposits of iron, and large boulders. There are several large pools of what appears to be lava near the equator, but no record has been taken of the planet's poles. Ceharram possesses no atmosphere, letting all heat from Digitalis scorch the planet's surface; researchers and scientists have estimated that the surface temperature might be close to about eight hundred and eighty degrees centigrade, enough to melt rock, however what is even more curious is that winters are colder than the winters on Iffrizar; almost one-hundred degrees below zero, centigrade. Scientists and professional astronauts are still trying to uncover what the secret of this planet is, but they think the planet might have only two direct seasons, very hot and very cold. No manned missions have been sent to Ceharram, but the research has taken the RCU far enough with this planet that they are further intrigued. Recent discoveries prove that Ceharram might have one or two moons, and they too seem to exhibit the strange bipolar climates. However, in the winter, these planets only cool down to around negative fifty degrees centigrade, further pushing the mystery of this magma-planet.

Inaris - Not Explored - Gas Giant
Inaris is a gas giant with a diameter comparable to that of Saturn, at 122,474 kilometres. Inaris is easily the biggest planet in the Digitalia system, and is in fact the biggest planet in the RCU. However, because of it's size, mass, and density, Inaris is exactly like a gas giant. It is composed of heavy gases and has a density of about 1.6 times that of water, therefor it would not float in a big enough bowl. This gas giant has frequent storms, and like many gas giants, has violent "strips" of winds that blow across the surface in different directions. Wind on Inaris can reach speeds of up to four-hundred and eighty kilometres per hour, a recent unmanned mission discovered. Many attempts to send missions (not manned) to Inaris have been made, but only a few of them succeeded. All of these attempts were by Valadorians, and one actually managed to land in the liquid core before exploding a fraction of a nanosecond later. Technology in the RCU has not yet progressed to a stage where colonization and terraformation of a Gas Giant is possible, and likely won't, but the giant is an iconic feature of the RCU and many tourists come to fly past it. The atmosphere is extremely heavy and reaches out a couple thousand kilometres past the planet's surface, and ends roughly where the ring system begins. Temperatures on Inaris may reach up to 30 degrees celsius near the top of the atmosphere, and as you get closer to the core, you would expect to experience temperatures probably up to twenty-four thousand degrees centigrade, hot enough to melt pretty much anything. The planet has an enormous gravitational field, and expands almost out to the planet's most famous moon, Luna Inaris. Inaris has a famous ring system, about half as impressive as that of Saturn's. The rings around Inaris, however, reflect light like a mirror, cooking the planet's "surface" and the empty space beyond the giant. It is quite improbable that manned missions will ever be made to Inaris, however attempts to settle its twenty two moons have been made. One in particular has been especially successful, on Luna Inaris. Inaris was the first planet to form in the Digitalia system, and formed almost 6.2 Billion years ago.

Luna Inaris - Political Minor - Colony. (This counts as a colony, even though it is present in a Solar System. It gives an additional +.5 influence.)
Luna Inaris is a natural satellite of Inaris almost entirely covered by water. It orbits almost 0.9 million kilometres away from the planet's surface, and is so close to the rings that you can see both planet and rings rise above the horizon in fascination. Luna Inaris is about 97% water, 2% land, and 1% atmosphere. It boasts many giant oceans that all wrap up into one giant body of water covering the solid surface below, with few small archipelagos dotting the surface near the tropics and poles. The moon has very rich deposits of gold and crystals beneath the surface, but has almost nothing else. Almost all settlements organized on Luna Inaris are either below the Ocean floor or on it, in transparent domes. The population consists of almost half Kelks and half Valadorians, and the total population is only about 612 million people. It is a successful settlement, and is growing very rapidly, however only boasts two political seats in all of the RCU's conference. The moon has an ever-growing economy based off of subsidies by Valadro and Quavara, and frequently exports a lot of water and clean, hydro energy as well as the great mineral riches found beneath the ocean floor. Luna Inaris is only about 3981 kilometres in diameter, however possesses a decent atmosphere for a planet that size. The atmosphere is about three quarters the strength of Earth's, and it can easily burn up any and all small to moderate debris that happen to stumble across the moon. The moon has a very little magnetic field, relying on the power of it's parent planet's magnetic field to protect it instead. Luna Inaris has been of interest ever since the first Valadorian astronomers were born, and as soon as space agencies were formed, missions were immediately sent out to Luna Inaris within the next centuries of formation. Being able to successfully colonize it was a great technological feat, achieved in teamwork ship by both the Valadorians and the Kelks. The planet is too liquid and cold for the Sand-People, except below the surface. Only about three million Sand-People are known to reside below the surface of Luna Inaris. This moon exhibits temperatures almost identical to Earth, except in the winter. There is only three seasons, a hot season, a cold season, and a wet, tropical season. During the cold season, or winter, the temperatures can plummet to sixty degrees below centigrade at the equator, however both the Kelks and the Valadorians are accustomed to this through their settlements on Iffrizar.

Iffrizar - Political Medium - Fully Colonized.
Iffrizar is the fourth and final planet from the sun in the Digitalia system, and as such it is a very frigid planet. However, after being bombarded heavily through gaseous asteroids and meteors in its proto-planet stage, Iffrizar developed a very substantial atmosphere, about the strength of Quavara and 1.3x stronger that of Earth's. Iffrizar's atmosphere was heavily laden with a variety of gasses and amino acids, and made life somewhat possible. The only organisms to originate on Iffrizar were single-celled organisms in the many seas that dots the surface, which eventually evolved into seed pods and the such. These seeds floated to the surface, were carried by wave and wind to the shores onto the frigid snow plains, and eventually sprouted. Soon, the surface was covered in towering coniferous trees that gave the planet a lot of shade and oxygen, further improving the planet's qualities for life. The planet is merely 10166 kilometres in diameter and has many small seas dotting the surface, allowing the surface composition to be 42% water, 56% land, and 2% atmosphere. No creatures have developed on Iffrizar besides the many coniferous trees and plants that blanket the surface, however, within the last few hundred millennia, the Valadorians had landed and been able to fully colonize the planet. The climate can reach temperature highs of eight degrees celsius in the summer and drop as low to -87 degrees celsius in the winter. The planet is tilted on its axis almost exactly like Earth's, and therefor experiences four seasons which are referred to as spring, summer, autumn, and winter, in that order. The planet was the second planet to form in the Digitalia system, after Inaris, and is almost six billion years old. The planet is home to 4.7 Billion people, most of which are Valadorians. The total figures are; 4.2 Billion Valadorians and 0.5 Billion Kelks. The planet's substantial population grants it seven seats to be used in political conferences. Iffrizar is renowned for being known as the first planet in the RCU to be fully terraformed and colonized, the second being Bosquevine.
The Defalos System - Not Owned - Has Colonies
. (The Defalos System is not a formal part of the RCU, however there are several colonies set in this system and, although not officially, the RCU considers it theirs.

Acualis - Political Minor - Colony. (This planet counts as my second colony.)
Acualis is probably the closest planet to resemble Earth, however it bears very few trees and has about 64% water. The water is present in the form of oceans, making the landmasses either continents or islands. There are six main landmasses, as well as a very large archipelago on the eastern side of the planet. Acualis has an atmosphere about 0.9x the strength of Earth's, composed of 78% Nitrogen, 16% Ozone, 4% Oxygen, and 2% Other gases. Very few forests are found on the planet, as most of the surface is marshy/grasslandy and with giant cliffs. The continents on Acualis are known to have had violent movements in the past, and have never been fully together, sparking giant mountains and cliffs near the coast, and frequent island volcanos. The atmosphere is ridden with storms, however it gets calmer as you approach the surface. Acualis, as well as Valadro, are two planets that are nearly perfect for agriculture, however Acualis' atmosphere proves a much tougher challenge to breach. In the last few millennia, both Kelks and Valadorians set out to colonize the planet. They didn't know about each other's presence, however once they met each other's colonies, they were surprise and eventually merged into a "super colony". The planet has a population of about 882 Million people and is growing very rapidly, estimated to reach one billion population within the next few years. When the Kelks came to colonize the planet, the brought a couple Sand People, and eventually more Sand People were brought out. The population consists of about 381 Million Valadorians, 352 Million Kelks, and 149 Million Sand People. The colony's population grants them two political seats, however may have three seats within the next decade. The poles on Acualis are actually very tropical instead of frigid, and very stormy. Many exploration grants have been assigned to the poles, however none have happened yet. It is hoped we will learn more about the climate on the entire planet's surface within the next century. However, the apparent climate where the colonies were settled appears to be around a summer high of fifty two degrees centigrade, comfortable for Sand-People, and the winter low is around -18 degrees centigrade. The planet is the second from the blue giant star, and is on the very edge of the habitable zone. It has had a peaceful formation only about 2.6 billion years ago, as the system is fairly new, and is rarely pelted with meteors or other space objects. Underneath the surface of Acualis, a lot of gold and iron can be found, but thats about it. The planet has a sodium, nickel, and copper core, and its magnetic field extends out past its only natural satellite, Lunolis. Agricultrual goods as well as gold are two of the major exports found on the planet.

Emera - Political Minor - Colony. (This planet counts as my final colony.)
Emera is a very forested planet, similar to Bosquevine but with coniferous forest trees instead of large rain forests and jungles. There are small patches of grasslands around the few, large rivers that streak through the planet, providing a fair amount of agriculture to be done. Lumber industries thrive on this planet, and the future of Emera might be up to the traders that are speculated to come and go from here, Bosquevine, and many different planets across the galaxy. The planet is very large, at almost 25,300 kilometres in diameter, and is made up of about 81% boreal land, 18% water, and 1% atmosphere. The atmosphere around Emera is fairly weak, about sixty percent the strength of Earth's. The magnetic field is weak as well, making what they call Borea Aurora (The Nothern Lights) very frequent and in almost every season out of the five main seasons the planet experiences. The seasons are very similar to Earth's seasons, however a fifth season, the drought season is present. This is where one face of the planet is locked into the sun for almost two years, causing scorched crops and almost no rainfall. All kinds of minerals are found under Emera's surface, including some never heard of. Sodium, Nickel, Iron, Gold, Crystal, Copper, even refined metals are found near the surface and core, and mineral goods and products are popular exports of the Emeran colonies. The Kelks settled a colony on Emera along with the help of the Valadorian, and populations are fairly fifty-fifty. The planet only has about 692 Million people and is growing at a moderate pace, however it is expected to receive multiple population booms within the next few centuries. The population consists of about 357 Million Kelks and about 335 Million Valadorians, and has two seats in political conferences, the same as Acualis. Emera is only a colony, however it is still heavily defended and is a huge asset to all the material industries and the overall economy of the KCU. Lumber is another popular export. Emera's atmosphere is mostly quiet, with very few storms and friction. Emera has three natural satellites, two of which may be captured asteroids and one that heavily resembles the shape of Luna Inaris, although being covered in what scientists speculate rock dust and frozen carbon. Emera's moons, once Emera is fully colonized in the future, might become a target for colonization. Emera is the third planet from the sun, and it is one of the oldest planets, in terms of the Defalos systems' age. It is about 3.1 billion years old, and is right in the middle of the habitable zone along with Acualis. Emera is more capable of supporting life, with its climate that heavily resembles Earth's with summer highs at the equator being around forty degrees centigrade and winter lows around -27 degrees centigrade.

Drakos - Not Colonized
Drakos is a planet that almost exactly resembles Ceharram, only it is much hotter. Almost one thousand degrees hotter, on average. It is so close to the sun that part of the surface has actually been burnt almost down to the core, and most of the planet is composed of combustible coal instead of iron. There are, however, pools of molten iron and magma that streak across the surface, carving chasms wherever they flow. There is one large lava sea which appears to stretch down to the core. Only two artificial satellites orbit Drakos, one launched by the Valadorians and the other launched by the Sand People, and one has burnt away. Drakos has no atmosphere or magnetic field, therefor all the heat and radiation from the blue giant star Defalos is scorching the surface. The planet also has no axial tilt and no rotation, oddly enough, so half of its year is spent in the day and the other spent in the night. Unlike Ceharram, research indicates that this planet is constantly hot on both sides, and is actually hotter during the night. Drakos may have had a satellite in the past several hundred billion years, but it probably burnt away due to the extreme heats. It is about a third of the distance Mercury is away from the Sun as it is to Defalos, and Drakos probably has no real material value and will likely never be colonized. Drakos is a common planet used in science fiction, due to the lack of knowledge on the planet, and the mysteries and impossibilities that lie with it. Drakos formed only 1.1 Billion years ago, and is still developing. Maybe in the future it will calm down to a more appropriate temperature, and still has yet to develop an atmosphere. Drakos is a very small planet, probably only about 4,000 kilometres in diameter.

Krystallos - Not Colonized
Krystallos is almost the exact opposite of Drakos. No satellites have been sent out to Krystallos, but we know it is the farthest planet from Defalos and is definitely the most cold. It is only 1.8 Billion years old, and is already 11,360 kilometres in diameter. It is an extremely cold planet, with temperatures probably exceeding -300 degrees Centigrade in the summer. It is extremely far out from the sun, about 28 Astronomical Units, and possesses a very thin atmosphere with a lot of oxygen, making storms violent and frequent. Little information is known about this planet, although it has shown signs of life through trees, specifically pine and coniferous spruce trees. The planet is similar to Iffrizar, however it is about three times the distance out from Defalos as Iffrizar is from Digitalis, and is much colder. It is a wonder how the trees could survive on this planet, but they might not even be trees. This planet appears to have a mix of frozen lakes, most probably frozen carbon but possibly frozen water as well, since the trees need water to survive. This planet is tilted mostly on its side, making its poles a lot warmer than the equator, at about a summer high of -118 degrees Centigrade. Aside from this, scientists and astronomers haven't discovered much else about the planet, but expeditions out there are hoped to be planned soon.
You have no clue how long that took to write.
BRIEF History of the Kelks.
The Kelks have been around for almost 120 million years from their very primitive stages, but have only really started advancing in technology for the last couple hundred thousand years. They are somewhat similar to humans, however only one global war occurred on Kelekaria before global peace was issued and followed centuries later. Their technological level has increased to a point where modern guns to them seem like spears to us, and they have advanced their medicinal technologies to be able to instantly close up any wounds, however such medication is very rare and expensive. The Kelks are a fairly peaceful race, however will go after planets they find valuable, and the second most dominant race in the RCU, after the Valadorians.

BRIEF History of the Valadorians.
The Valadorians are a very intelligent race, evolving from what used to be quadruped lizard-like creatures tens of million of years ago. They have had tough times during their early history, however evolved their technological prowess fast enough after they were almost all hunted extinct. They came back from near-extinction and designed tools during the first few centuries of their existence, and modern guns to them are like neanderthals throwing stones to us. They prefer to keep in touch with the environment, and have for many years, respecting both planets they have colonized, and are a very peaceful race. However, in time of war, the Valadorians and their machines of war are very difficult to defeat.

BRIEF History of the Sand-People
The Sand People are a somewhat unintelligent race, however they have used practical engineering and muscular power to develop large, sprawling cities and automated machines. They are a fairly balanced race, not caring for either peace or war, and have had several global wars over petty problems like land. Their machines of war can be easily overtaken but actually trying to kill a Sand-People is a very difficult task. They faced extinction several times, through meteors, the native sand worms, global wars, and the Kelks, but pulled out of it each time and bounced back stronger than before. There are not many Sand-People in existence, but they still heavily benefit the economic and military power of the RCU.

(The political system of the RCU states that each fully colonized planet receives one seat for every 750 million people, rounded up, but has at least two political seats. It also states that each colony on non-developed planets receive one seat for every 500 million people, rounded down, but has at least one political seat.)
Military Overview
There are five main planet-based armies in the RCU and are not as of much importance as the fleets, but are being produced rapidly. Most of the armies are made up of brute force from the Sand-People, and some technological machines controlled by Kelks and Valadorians alike.

First Land Army Regiment
The first land army regiment is stationed in Kelekaria and consists of a couple hundred tanks, nearly one hundered spider-tanks, and about 2,400 brute infantry that specialize in anti-personnel and anti-armor tactics. This army is specialized in taking out ground threats and are divided up into several stations across Kelekaria.
First Anti-Aircraft Regiment
The first anti-aircraft regiment is stationed in six separate stations in Kelekaria, and use light ion cannons and fragmentation HE missiles to easily locate and destroy airborne or spacial targets. The unit is guarded mostly by 300 brute infantry and 60 anti-armor infantry per station, and four stations have as much as twenty four planetary fighters each to intercept threats from above. Although the planetary fighters might not be as effective, it is still a weapon and can be used for defence.
Second Land Army Regiment
The second land army regiment is stationed throughout Bosquevine and is very similar to the First, however trades more infantry for less mobile vehicles in order for jungle mobility. Support vehicles such as light and heavy rocket artillery guns are include in some stations for taking out threats from up to 300 or more kilometres away.
Second Anti-Aircraft Regiment
The second anti-aircraft regiment is stationed on Valadro and is spread out, similar to the first AA Regiment. This regiment has a lot more anti-aircraft weapons and cannons for the trade off of less specialized infantry, considering it also has the First Battle Vehicle Regiment for protection. it consists of almost 380 anti-aircraft missile stations and sixteen ion cannon platforms for aerial defences, and is guarded by only 120 brute infantry and the First Battle Vehicle Regiment.
First Battle Vehicle Regiment
The First and only battle vehicle regiment is stationed on Valadro for the sole purpose of protecting against ground attacks and defending the anti-aircraft regiments. The unit consists of almost eighty nine MRVs, eighty-six electrocopters (advanced helicopters that use electricity instead of fuelled thrust), up to two-hundred and forty four main battle tanks, and one hundred and eighty mobile personnel carriers carrying up to six-hundred and seventeen specialized combat infantry.
First Royal Starfighter Fleet
The first royal star fighter fleet consists of 122 active standard-class one-manned star fighters and 89 active YZ-Class heavy star fighters. Also with the fleet are thirteen heavy "strafe" bombers almost one hundred and fifty UAV vehicles to distract enemy radar. The fleet is stationed in the First Royal Starcarrier fleet.
First Royal Starcarrier Fleet
The First Starcarrier fleet consists of eight star carriers escorted by three cruises and nine long-range frigates. It is currently in orbit around Bosquevine, ready for action. Two Starcarriers are dedicated to the bombers as well as standard-class star fighters, three carriers dedicated simply to standard-class star fighters, one carrier dedicated only to YZ-Class star fighters, and two mixed carriers.
Second Royal Starfighter Fleet
The second royal star fighter fleet is stationed on Quavara and consists of 108 active standard-class star fighters, 67 YZ-Class heavy star fighters, and 94 dualty-class multirole star fighters. This fleet has no bombers, however it uses its multirole star fighters as both interceptors, dogfighters, and attack fighters.
First Royal Bombardment Fleet
The first royal bombardment fleet consists of 23 strafe-class heavy bombers and sixteen light frigates, as well as two battlecruisers and one heavy cruiser. The cruisers are in orbit around the planet Inaris, and the frigates and bombers are stationed in landing tubes on the surface of Luna Inaris.
Third Royal Starfighter Fleet
The third royal star fighter fleet consists of 111 active YZ-Class heavy star fighters, 36 active standard-class star fighters, and four light frigates. The fleet is currently stationed on the surface of Acualis executing land and airborne target practice in two separate military bases.
Second Royal Bombardment Fleet
The second royal bombardment fleet consists of 12 strafe-class heavy bombers, three Heavy Starcarriers (one dedicated to only the bombers, two empty), six heavy frigates, two light cruisers, and about ten royal gunships. The Second Royal Bombardment Fleet is currently orbiting around Ceharram, doing orbital bombardment training exercises to further better their combat skills.
Member of Galactic Conclave: The RCU is a dedicated and fairly new member to the Galactic Conclave.
Hopefully this application isn't too long. It took me two days to write (its a mere 42205 characters). Hope I'm accepted! :D
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by urukhai
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Member Seen 9 mos ago

That is really good, you sir have just inspired me to make mine better.....
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ShinySurskit


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

urukhai said
That is really good, you sir have just inspired me to make mine better.....

Wait, you didn't read the whole thing, did you? :O
But anyways, thanks :D
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by urukhai
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Member Seen 9 mos ago

laserX said
Let's just make a system up that's feasible and makes sense.

Lets do it!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ShinySurskit


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Assuming my history textbook is accepted, I was wondering if i could be positioned here:

Right where the red border and shaded red is. (Note; the two bottom left stars are my main solar systems, the larger being Regalis and the smaller being Digitalia. The one positioned more to the top-right is not officially owned by the Regatalis Communal Union, but two of the four planets have RCU colonies on them.

As for a prefix, I'd like Regatalis Communal Union, or Dominion of the RCU, the former being preferred.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by laserX
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laserX High Functioning Sociopath

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Ok, so let's make up a system. I don't think I should be the one doing it because I don't rp that much. For those that don't know, the GM of this rp hasn't been online in 1 1/2 weeks so there's a lot of hazy stuff that needs to be explained before we start rping.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by LordHarrington


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

I'll leave this for a day before proposing my ideas for a game system, but only if the GM hasn't returned at this point.

Also, ShinySurskit, not that I want to point out flaws in your beautifully written background information, but when we talk about fleets I'm fairly sure he means large fleets of thousands of warp-capable battle cruisers, as opposed to fleets of star fighters.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ShinySurskit


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

LordHarrington said
I'll leave this for a day before proposing my ideas for a game system, but only if the GM hasn't returned at this point.Also, ShinySurskit, not that I want to point out flaws in your beautifully written background information, but when we talk about fleets I'm fairly sure he means large fleets of thousands of warp-capable battle cruisers, as opposed to fleets of star fighters.

Alright, I'll consider revising that. I thought, however, that having thousands of hardened battlecruisers in a fleet; alongside three other fleets; rushing towards your home system would be leaning slightly towards power gaming. But thank you :D
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