Does he just post long big plump posts that beat us to into submission over time, nullifying or thoughts, and making us just agree with him like he was some congressmen filibuster-ing the topic like it gos against there agenda?
Doivid said
I've found a number of scholarly articles that he's ripped off--almost word for word. He injects some colorful language (a few fucks here, some cunts there), but otherwise the syntax is just about indistinguishable.We've been building a case against him for...Wow it's been about 18 months already. I'll keep you updated.
natsumehack said
Where is Jorick I haven't seen him for a while, I kind of expected that his little finger might have been pleased enough by spam.
Doivid said
he's on skype but yeah I haven't seen him around here much. I think he's given up on spam for the most part.
Doivid said
Well, here's his response just so you're not left hanging. :/