Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ShadowRaeper


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Skull sat in one of the corners of their new hide-out... It didn't had much, just some rocks... a metrocart... and those others who survived...
He glanced at the darkness... Thinking about what else he could have done to safe more... And yet... somewhere he didn't care about them!
Somehow the urge to take down these two others was urging to come to the outside... Taking their lives and spilling their blood on the ground... but even the droids would kill Skull if he didn't worked together with these... these... humans...
Their entire squad was destroyed, just with mere seconds... They were surrounded before they even knew it... And all he thought about was to get the hell out of there, before they even got him...
Skull glanced at the other two, before standing up... Someone had to pull them all together... But he wasn't the person... Perhaps none of them were... And they would fall apart eventually...
Skull walked towards the darkness, where he grabbed his scythe from his back and threw it into the wall... He didn't fell like practicing with his weapon... Instead he practiced his combat styles... to calm himself down before he truelly went on a rampage...
After a while, he noticed something in the distance... A small glimps of light? Droids?!
No... the glimps was to small... Skull walked towards it, and as he got closer, he noticed something strange... Three vessels... Strange and ancient vessels were carved within the walls... Only a bit of their armor stucked out... Almost like they were left here, abbandoned... Just like Skull was at birth...
Skull turned around, thought about walking back to the group, but instead he turned back around and glanced at the ancient vessels... What would be so special about them that they caught his attention this much?!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sketcher
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Sketcher The Sketchful

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Aiden followed Skull, not wanting to let him go wandering off alone. He had his rifle in his hands as he walked behind the kid. He followed him as discretely as he could, as if hunting an animal. When Skull turned around, Aiden scurried to the side, lifting the dust and giving off an eerie feeling. After several moments, Aiden decided to take a look, seeing that Skull had turned away. He crept down the stairs, following Skull. He wondered where the guy was going and looked ahead, seeing something shine faintly in the distance. He took careful steps as he continued walking, quite interested in what was there.

He stopped caring about whether or not Skull noticed him and just kept walking, his weapon at the ready. "What did you find?" he asked calmly.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ShadowRaeper


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Skull moved quick, almost like sound itself, holding two throwing knifes like claws, pushing them against Aiden's neck.
Once he noticed it is Aiden, he puts the knifes back in their holsters, as he than puts his eyes back on the strange metal...
"If you ask me... It seems like ancient weapons, called Mecha's... But the question is... Do they still work? And how the hell do we get them out of there..."
Skull didn't glanced at Aiden for a single moment, he was just intrueged by the Mecha's infront of him... They were so deep underground that it seemed hard to get them out of there... And even if they got them out of there... Would the ground collapse ontop of them? Or... Would it hold untill we could get out of here?
With brute force... They would only make it collapse untop of us... But if they would use something to stabilize the place... Then it would be possible...
Skull glances once more at the Mecha's after he smiles for a mere moment.
"Guess they'll stay stuck in there for ever, unless we want to create our own graves."
Skull turns around, as he walks back to the spot where he was practicing his different combat styles.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sketcher
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Sketcher The Sketchful

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Aiden stood still as the knives touched his neck. "It's just me," he said, sighing. His calm look disappeared when he heard the word 'mecha' and was replaced with an excited and enthusiastic grin. "Wow, really!?" He coughed to make his presence more clear and took a deep breath.
"You do realize who I am, right?" he asked proudly. "If anyone knows robotics, it's me. Just lemme jump into one of them and see if I can do anything with it. Maybe I could operate it." He paused for a moment.
"Of course, if you don't want to see what they can do, be my guest and leave."
He walked over to the inactive robots, inspecting them. He spotted one with a gun attached to its arm. "Ooh!" He crawled over to it, standing on it. "Come and help me with this!"
He was smiling like a child with his toys at christmas. He had several designs like these ones, but his mechas were pretty useless, their armors pretty much easily breachable. He had always failed to actually construct the thing, although he had the perfect fighting machines on paper. He was excited to see that someone had built something so similar to what he had always imagined. "Quickly," he snapped, sounding scarier than his looks would suggest.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ShadowRaeper


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Skull glanced back at the guy, sighs and walk back. As he arrived at the Mecha's again, he glanced at the guy, almost like a child playing with a new toy...
"You do realize, that once you remove that Mecha, the cave will collapse right?"
Skull grinned, if he would just let the child play a bit more with his toy and if he would just leave... Then he woudn't had to worry about killing them himself... They would just create their own grave... Burrying themselves under the rubble of this cave...
Skull came back to reality as he glanced at the boy "If you truelly want to get it out, you first have to create something to hold the cave's roof, before it will fall on our heads... Baka..."
Skull sighs, turned around and moved back to his spot, where he continued his training so he would keep in shape if any scouts would enter this place...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by wolverbells
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Ivy blinked several times before remembering where she was. "oh right..... A cave..." she sighed as she sat up. She had fallen asleep after being awake for the past three days. "You do realize who I am..." Ivy turned her head to the sound of voices not far off. She stood and shrugged her rifle over her shoulder, carrying it on her back with the sling crossing her body.
Her steps were quiet, her eyes skeptical. "Mechas..." "Mechas? What are they doing down here?" she glanced at Skull only for half a second before looking back at the Mechas that were in the rubble. "He's right, you know." Ivy spoke softly, reaching up and letting her fingers trace the smooth metal. "The cave would collapse immidiately. I'm sure we can think of something though...." Her voice trailed off as her eyes scanned the cave around them, her mind kicking into gear as she began to think of how to get the cave from crumbling down.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Geist


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Jyoti sat in a far corner of the congested tunnel, curled up in fetal position as far away from Skull as possible. The man always had this ominous dark aura that scared Jyoti, and forget ever looking him in the eyes; he was just someone she couldn't trust. Aiden was another one that was down below, He wasn't as bad as Skull, but Jyoti never bothered to strike up a conversation with him. He was intelligent, Jyoti could give him that, but she was just to shy around those two.

Jyoti watched them go over to the other end of the tunnel, clearly spotting something of value, Jyoti caught the word "Mecha" which sparked her interest, but she dare not get near Skull. Especially when he turned around, a wicked grin was plastered on his face. Aiden appeared to be arguing with Skull about something, and Skull seemed uninterested, going through his usual training routine.

"If you truelly want to get it out, you first have to create something to hold the cave's roof, before it will fall on our heads... Baka..."

Jyoti hugged the wall making her way to Aiden, doing her best to avoid Skull. "What's going on?" She asked Aiden, avoiding eye contact.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sketcher
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Sketcher The Sketchful

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Aiden turned to the feminine voice he would rarely hear. It was Jyoti, looking away as she spoke. He turned back to the mecha, trying to find something with his rifle slung across his back. "Skull found something," he said. "I'm looking for a way to activate it. If I could just find a way to open the hatch..." He frustratedly knocked on what seemed to be a small sliding door.

"He's right, you know." Said another voice, which he identified to be one of the other engineers. He immaturely imitated her yet quietly, "He's right you know."

"The cave would collapse immidiately. I'm sure we can think of something though...."

He turned to them, his feet set on one of its joints and with his arm clinging onto what seemed to be an important yet sturdy pipe. "I'm just gonna open it up," he said. "If it was that important for the cave to stand, I think we'd notice it earlier."
Though they did have a point. Even if the entire cave didn't collapse, if the mecha was buried and he was buried with it... He shuddered at the thought and looked up towards where the mecha was holding it up. "It must be pretty strong to hold something like this. And it looks like it was made for battle," he said, pointing at the gun on its arm. "Perhaps we could build something to support the roof for when we pull this thing out. Even if we just use the rails and the broken down train, we could do that pretty easily. That way, I'd be--" He paused and coughed. "Um... We'd be able to inspect it a bit more."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ShadowRaeper


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Skull glanced at the three from the dark spot he was training, although those mecha's are ancient... He did saw them somewhere... Was it in one of his trainings at the military academy?... It could be.... Or was it on one of his missions that he failed?....
Skull shook his head, removing the thoughts as he started to make his training a bit heavier, making larger moves and even airial strikes, it was something to keep his body swift and fast, for if they truelly had to fight those droids with just this small group....
The droids were faster than them, stronger... And would even gain the upperhand if they would charge in right now... The only thing they had to fend them off, were the weapons they were carrying right now...
Skull's face became a bit dark, as he glanced at the darkness, what if they would already be watching us? Someone had to scout the perimeters, but instead... They all went off to see those stupid mecha's... It isn't like there was a cool one between them anyways...
Skull walked over to his scythe, pulled it out of the wall and started to scout their perimeters, to make sure they were safe for now...
His walk was long, but he didn't care that much, because safety came first, if they truelly wanted to survive. After a short while he returned to his spot, almost like he never left, and continued his training. The perimeters were safe for now... But how long would this little peace last?...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by wolverbells
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"Well, I guess if you're going to do it, go for it." Ivy shrugged and turned, walking away from the Mechas. "I'll just watch from over here." She stopped once she had put some space between them. She noticed Skull had left and to her surprise, it didn't bother her. He made her edgy. More alert, due to his demeanor, but in no way was she afraid of him. She actually felt more relaxed, but almost immidiately she tensed up again, remembering that there were things out there that were worse.
Ivy took a seat in the darkness, scanning the area around her every few seconds, while keeping an eye on the two near the Mechas.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Geist


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Jyoti scanned the surrounding rocks and walls encasing the mechs. The gears in her head began to turn, fast and faster she devised a plan. It was like a guilty pleasure for Jyoti, solving problems and creating solutions. Jyoti reached inside her lab coat, pulling out her electro fiber cord. She began to wrap the fiber around hanging pipes, "If we make a pulley, maybe we can do this without the tunnel collapsing at all..." Jyoti grabbed a nearby two-by-four, it was a little bit rusty but with further examination she determined to be strong enough to hold. With posts outside the hole to root the cord into place, Jyoti tested her structure by pulling out a sizable rock from the fallen wall. There was silence other than the sound of breathing and that meant progress. "Ok we need to make this fast. I'm under the assumption that past the frontmost part, there's an empty space rather than just mechs buried under rocks.." Jyoti removed another rock, causing several other stones to slide out of their possitions, but otherwise her structure seemed to be pulling through, for now...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sketcher
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Sketcher The Sketchful

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"Eh?" He turned to see that Ivy had taken a few steps back. "If there was a chance I was going to be careless enough to take it out, I wouldn't be doing this." He sounded quite annoyed at how she had little trust that the boy knew what he was doing, even if he actually didn't. He dragged his fingers across the metal, finding a handle dug into the machine. It was almost invisible from the outside, only made visible by the shade of the curve. He flinched as rocks started falling down. He shot a glare at Jyoti and turned back to the handle. "I think I found a way to open it up," he announced, forgetting about the stones above the mecha.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ShadowRaeper


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Skull glanced at the three... Mostly he hated being with other humans, but something behind the front mecha's had caught his eyes, his slim body could slip trough and then perhaps...
Skull ran towards the Mecha's and pushed Aiden away from the Mecha's, as he flinched himself trough the small gap between the first few Mecha's. With a small gap, just enough to fit his body trough, he made his way behind the Mecha's, where he found enough room to atleast stand... A dark face was glancing at him, created from metal... It was marvelous... And he would claim it!
He moved his hand across it, as he pushed a small button by accident, the front opened up, and Skull moved a bit back, having his back against the other Mecha's he just passed... A rock also fell down, just besides Skull. He grinned, as he then moved back forward, in front of him, he noticed how the Mecha's face moved a bit to the side, and some kind of hatch had opened, showing a dark black and red seat. Skull moved towards the seat, sat down and out of nowhere the hatch closed, leaving Skull inside a small chambed... Just enough room to move his body around.
With a mere glance, Skull saw a strange button with a skull ontop of it, he wondered what it was, and pushed it... With mere seconds, the dark room lighted up "New User.... State name!"
Skull glanced around, as he then noticed the screen infront of him, lighting up and showing his surroundings.
"Skull Carter" "New User Approved... Skull Carter... Welcome, my name is Darkrai.
Skull glanced at the handles infront of him, as he started to move his hands towards them, and as he moved one of the handles, he noticed the arm of the mecha moved... Skull placed both hands ontop of the rocks, making sure they were stable and the other mecha's would be safe to remove even further.
"Guys... Although i hate to help you... Move those Mecha's now! The area is safe!"
The sound of his voice, was different once it left the Mecha, almost bionical... Skull laughed a bit about this, as he kept the hands of the mecha at the the cealing, making sure it wouldn't collapse any futher...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sketcher
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Sketcher The Sketchful

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Tch... What an ass," Aiden muttered to himself, hearing Skull's voice. He dug his hand into the switch he found and spun it, the hatch opening. "Yes! It works!" He slid in, landing on a comfortable chair.
There were some old buttons on it, which he planned to replace with something to fit him better. It spoke. "New user. State name."
He grinned widely. "Aiden Rose."
"New user approved... Aiden Rose... Welcome! My name is Are-Shiki," it introduced itself.
"This is so cool..." He reached his arms through two sockets and saw that they moved the hands. He grinned and put his feet into their sockets. He moved it backwards and turned it towards the other two. "It talks!" He looked at the screen, seeing there was a separate section. It was a zoomed in screen. He raised his arms and it moved. He pointed them as if holding a rifle and grinned. "This is amazing..."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by wolverbells
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"What the...." Ivy stood up as she saw Skull run in, her eyes widening as she heard him. She ran back to them, following their examples and stopped in her tracks as she saw a red mecha. It was taller than her, but that never stopped her from trying. She began to climb it, pressing a small button in the center of its torso. When it popped open, she grinned and slid inside, mouthing the word wow. Her hands began to work on the buttons, almost giggling with joy as it turned on. 'New user. State name.' "Ivy Quinn." "New user approved. Ivy Quinn, Welcome! My name is Hebi.' Ivy grinned as she began to make the mecha move, surprised that it moved so smoothly.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Geist


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Seeing that the her support pulley seemed obsolete, Jyoti recoiled the fiber cord with one swift pull, tucking it back into her lab coat. Jyoti's eyes widened in fascination of the mechas coming to life, like a newborn brought into the world for the first time, she thought to herself. While the three played with their new toys, Jyoti eyed the small caved in space in which the mechs sat. Darkrai was possibly the only thing holding everything up since it was the largest one, and that meant it would be near impossible to get it out without everything coming down on their heads. "How many more are in there?" Jyoti asked, moving into the cramped space without waiting for an answer. It was much darker and the dust created from moving around the rocks didn't help either, Jyoti moved cautiously with her hands outstretched forward since her glasses were instantaneously covered in dust. Suddenly Jyoti bumped into something cold and curved, maybe it was another mech? Jyoti wiped away the dirt on her glasses, putting them back on for a better look, in front of her rested a small dome shell that was much smaller than the three mechs she already passed. Jyoti brushed her hand over the smooth surface, not sure of what to make of it.

With a small spark, the shell hummed to life, but it was still to dark to see what exactly it was and she certainly didn't want to waste time having to go fetch a flash light, "Ugh, it's to dark, I need to move this thing outside of the cave-in."
"Request Accepted."
Huh? The shell began to move toward the opening of the small cave, pushing Jyoti back. Not bothering to question the situation, Jyoti followed the shell out of the cave-in. In the slightly better lighting, Jyoti could see that the shell was really a mech collapsed and made more compact, it's bright blue metal was coated in dust and showed signs of minor abuse, Jyoti whistled on approval of her finding. She looked behind her where the other mechs rested with their newly appointed pilots seated in the cockpits, she turned to the shell mech and began to touch the exterior for any way to get inside.
There it went again, the mech was talking about her apparently. Wait, it READ her fingerprints? "How to I turn you on?" Jyoti thought aloud.
"New User? Please State User Name."
Jyoti was taken aback by this, "Ratnajyoti, I mean um... just Jyoti!" Jyoti said hoping not to mess up how she said her name so she went with the shortened version.
"New User Confirmed: Jyoti?" Jyoti nodded as if the machine was actually paying attention. Slowly the mech began to unfold and take a different shape, it reminded her of a beetle almost. "Greeting Jyoti," the mech's system began, the shell mech brought it's chest forward, revealing a cosy cockpit, holographic screens rotated the cockpit in circles rapidly displaying all sorts of information that Jyoti didn't bother to read. "Do you have a name?" Jyoti asked the mech, anticipating a cool response; the other mechs were telling their names to their new owners. The system's seemed to be processing the question, since it did not give a direct answer.
"This unit is a custom utility repair and stealth combat mech, capable of conducting electrical currents, model F14-E325C. Is that what you refer to?" The system paused, awaiting Jyoti's answer.
Jyoti shook her head, she couldn't pinpoint why she did; it's not like the mech had any obvious eyes, it seemed to only responded to voice, "No I meant a name, perhaps a code name? Those other mechs have names..." Jyoti turned her head to look at the other three, she was kinda jealous that they had it much easier than her. The mech in front of her made a sort of clunking noise, "This unit does not have a designated "Name"." Jyoti could have sworn that the robotic voice carried a hint of annoyance, but dismissed it.
"May I give you one then?" Jyoti wouldn't want to be the odd one out by having to recite a long model number rather than a short and concise name.
The mech stuttered, maybe it was considering the request? "You may," The mech finally said "What name will you give?". Jyoti smiled, excited to give her mech a name like the others. She thought for a while before responding, "Juganū," Jyoti nodded her head in approval of her choice, "I shall call you Juganū."
"Firefly?" The mech inquired, Jyoti nodded "Yes, Juganū, meaning Firefly."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ShadowRaeper


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Skull glanced at Jyoti, who just moved past the cave-in... Towards a bit of his new weapons side... Skull moved the head a bit, seeing the piece of metal ball... What the hell was that?
Skull bursted out in laughter, the lunatic had just gained a lunatic mecha... Just a mere ball... What kind of use would that even have?!
Skull crossed his arms, after realsing the handlebars, making them stay in the same position to make sure Darkrai's arms wourld still hold out the cealing...
Skull then started to read some information on the screens... The screens in his cabin were quite filled with different kind of information... From two mere weapons, to devestating combat moves... Skull almost started to enjoy his new weapon... He could use them against the droids... But he also knew, that Darkrai was still stuck within the rubble... Only his upper-body was out of the rubble, wich made it easy for SKull to enter it... But the lower body was still beneath the earth... Making it hard to move around... And even escape this cave-in...
Skull glanced around at the screens, as he noticed the boosters... If he would perhaps use those, then he would be able to free his new weapon of destruction... But he had to make sure no other mecha would be in the way, or he would kind of destroy them aswell...
Skull started to study the other interesting things about his mecha... About his tought armor, his speed... And even how destructable the weapons truelly were... Skull's face showed a dark grin, and yet only those who would see inside the Mech would be able to see it... And the hatch was closed, so none would truelly know Skulls true intentions for now...
Perhaps he would test out the armor of the other Mecha's?... See how much they would be able to truelly take? How much hits before they would crumble to pieces?
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