Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Chev
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Chev The Pecking Order

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

“I know it might be a little much to ask since we just met …but I hope you could do me this favor. People say bad things about him, things I don’t want to believe. Can you just let him know that there are still people he can count on, for me?”

Karela nodded. "Of course Lady Kaede." She said simply as she turned west and jumped from tree to tree and arrived after a few moments of jumping from tree to tree. She thought a bit more about about this person Lady Kaede had spoken of as she continued moving. She knew what it was like to have people say bad things about you, it had happened to her more than a few times due to her personality. Still, it Lady Kaede felt she could trust him, than Karela would do her best to give him the benefit of the doubt.

She jumped down from the treetop and landed directly in front of him and held out her hands to show that she wasn't here to make trouble for him. As an afterthought, she also unhooked her bag of shuriken from her jacket and let it hit the ground. "Lady Kaede sent me." She told Katsu and she quickly took a look around and made sure there weren't any incoming solders. The sounds of battle were slowly fading, it sounded as if the solders were either moving away or being forced to retreat. "My name is Karela Yatoma." She said quietly.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sketcher
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Sketcher The Sketchful

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Katsu reached for the hilt of his sabre when he heard the rustling of the leaves but stopped his hand when his index finger touched it.

"Lady Kaede sent me," the figure that had emerged said. It was a girl around his age with her hands held up defensively.

He lowered his hand and smiled apologetically. "Lady Kaede?" The Byakugan... I guess she saw a fellow shinobi in trouble and decided to send aid. If it was anyone else, I'd be suspicious but she's probably telling the truth. "Well, thank you for coming," he said warmly. "I'm low on chakra so I probably wouldn't be able to survive an ambush alone. I'm glad someone's here with me."

He truly did mean those words. It had been quite some time since he was able to feel this satisfying sensation of being near someone who would be there to help you.

"My name is Karela Yatoma."

It was hard for Katsu to hear the low voice but he was able to discern what she had said. He smiled at her. "Nice to meet you, Karela," he said. "Mine's Katsu Uchiha. I'm looking forward to working with you." He waited for her to lead the way.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Piercing Light
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Piercing Light ...

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Shoko's eyes narrowed as she listened to Remi. Considering how young she was, it never crossed her mind that she may have been married. "So, your husband left you?" Shoko said, letting out a sigh. "I see how that may have left you disillusioned. Whoever this person was, I'd wager any day that they are a fool. Shallow minded individuals cannot see when something special is right in front of them. All that matters to them is reinforcing their own standards, their own ideals, it is best you forget people like this." She said, as they exited the forest. "A doll of a human being will not satiate your thirst for affection. If you wish to find someone to love, you must work for it, understand?"

The two of them arrived at the castle, and made their way upwards via a spiral staircase. Passing through a hall adorned with lavish carpeting, they entered a round room with a large table at it's center. "It seems we're the first one's here..." Shoko's crimson eyes scanned the room, seeing that none of her soldiers had arrived yet. She pulled out a wooden chair, and took a seat.

After a few minutes, Shoko felt the shadow clone tasked with taking care of Ryuza vanish, it's experiences transferring to her. Ryuza had awoken, and was now headed towards the meeting room. The girl soon entered the room, looking very tired. She glanced groggily towards Remi, and then Shoko. She had already been told the reason why she had been chosen to become a Jinchuriki, as well as the next plan of action that was to be discussed here. She glanced back to Remi. "So, Queen of the storm, is there some sort of Jinchuriki club I should know about? Maybe we could get together and play cards or something?"


Leaping through the treetops, Natsumi noticed that her mother was uncharacteristically quiet. She thought that perhaps she was focused and on the look out for an ambush, but that had never stopped her from talking on a mission before. "Mom, something wrong?" She finally asked, feeling awkward around a silent Chizuma. "Mom?" She leaped closer to her, and saw that she had a glassy look in her eyes. "Mom, you have that weird sentimental look to your eyes..." She said. Chizuma turned towards her daughter, a wiggly smile on her face.

"Are you alright dear?" She asked, sniffing as if she were on the brink of crying.

"I dunno, are YOU alright!?"

"It's just, you've never had to kill before, I'm glad you handled it so well but..."

"Oh..." Natsumi wasn't trying to think about it right now. Killing the enemy had been easy, but she couldn't say she was happy to do it. "I'm fine mom, killing is something we ninja have to do, right?"


The two of them were silent as they continued through the forest, it wasn't long before they arrived at the enemy barracks. Takeo, her grandfather was already here. Natsumi rushed to stand beside him. She was glad to see him again after so long, but upon seeing that Kenta was also here, she decided now was not the best time to celebrate. She'd known Kenta ever since she was a child, he was a kind man, an honorable man, which is why she was shocked to learn that he had enlisted to become a ninja of the Empire. Natsumi brandished her fans, and stared him in the eyes. "You must surrender, I don't want to see you killed..."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by AeronFarron


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

The young woman looked towards her Empress and bit her lip. "Mitarashi...marry young. To get most younglings before age sets in. Clan leader dreams of nobility." she rubbed her neck. "Mate...gone. Left for sister." she replied quietly before she continued to follow Shoko.

Quietly, the young woman began to count her steps to keep the bad memories away. She could remember things like this very clearly, and it pained her. She didn't know what it meant to work for a mate, her family had chosen him even though they knew little about her. She'd been kept and raised by the Hornets of course, so not even her parents really knew what or who she was. If her own parents didn't know...how was anyone else supposed to know?

She figured Shoko was the only one whom knew the most about her outside of her adopted family, but even then...Well, Remi's was a difficult mind to understand. She could be well spoken one moment and then utterly incomprehensible the next. Such things as intimacy or even love could take months of watching and constantly seeing to understand. "Mother Neferti reads to me before bed. I like her stories..." Even now, her Queen Mother made sure to summon her every night to read to her. An act that took years of repeating so that Remi associated with motherly love. The queen was always busy, whether seeing to her brood or caring for injured workers and drones. But she always made time right before bed to read to her or to tell Remi a story. To her, that was love.

Remi was pulled from her thoughts when she realized Shoko had taken a seat. She unconsciously took a standing position to her left and behind her. She needed to proximity to recenter herself with the Empress as an anchor. She didn't comment on Shoko's observation, it wasn't needed. But she did look to the new container of Shukaku. "Swarm. Queen of the Swarm is what the soldiers call me." her tone was factual, not a hint of arrogance or pride. "The others meet every other Friday for Go night. Shogi is on Mondays in the Northern Rock Gardens. Don't dig in the sands there, Cicada Hornets sleep there and will not take kindly to being awoken. They do provide a pleasant atmosphere with their harmonic humming sounds and gentle aroma they secrete into the sands. Especially on warm days or nights. Quiet." she answered. "I don't play. But I do keep win/loss counts and game averages."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Tuujaimaa
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Tuujaimaa The Saint of Wings / Bread Wizard

Member Seen 16 hrs ago

Footsteps fell rhythmically forwards, each soft thud of the weight being pressed into the ground precise, as Kinuko moved unfalteringly onwards towards her destination. It would not have taken her a noticeable amount of energy to merely sprint over to her target's location, but the pace that the two of them were travelling at led to a fairly amicable midpoint in which Kinuko could research what she needed to and Kaede could perform whatever duties she felt were necessary. Hurrying things along would not do anybody any favours, and Kinuko of all people was not one to rush fate along.

With each precisely placed footfall, she thought of the state of the battle that she had avoided the thick of, looking around her environment for clues as to precisely what had transpired. The nature of several of the corpses littered chaotically across the field indicated particularly violent deaths, and the difference between the armour the empire wore and the assorted clothes that the rebels wore allowed for a brief if shallow identification of anybody nearby. The proportion of corpses seemed to have pegged the rebels as having won, but Kinuko had caught glimpses of the signs of an exodus on the Empire's behalf, and it seemed that her brief observations would not hold up to close scrutiny of the available facts. Without breaking her immaculate stride, Kinuko waved a hand in a random direction, launching a single strand of silk from a finger and hitting one of the headbands tightly clutched in the dead hand of a rebel. The force with which she pulled it back to her was severe enough to cause the metal placing to slice through the dead flesh and drag the corpse a little from its resting place - but she felt no pity for the dead. She had not known the woman in life, and she would not know her in death - there was no disrespect. There was only indifference, though some would be unable to tell the difference.

Examining the headband in her hands offered more satisfying insights into what had occurred in that particular brief skirmish, and while she could not be sure of who had died first, it seemed that the rebel had killed the Empire soldier, but not before sustaining a lethal wound and slinking off to die rather than wait and seek help from the Hyuuga that she was heading towards. Perhaps she was unaware of the healer that was nearby, or perhaps the wound was grievous enough that she could not be reached in time before reaching a point from which her health could not return. Without a medical shinobi to perform a post mortem, Kinuko would have no way of knowing. She idly twisted the headband around in her hand, and contemplated the fate that had befallen him for a few brief seconds, each thought whizzing along in her mind to the metronome-like sounds that she was creating as she walked.

As the distance that she covered increased, so too did the volume and intensity of her thoughts. It did not take her long to realise that she had overstepped her mark slightly, having mistimed the time it would take for the unnamed ninja and her entourage to reach the current location. She had heard tales in hushed corners for many years about the kind of people that Konoha had counted among its best - and the whispers that she had collected predating the empire came in useful in situations such as these. Of the primary members of the elite of Konoha, there were only two that she could think of predating the Empire that could have matched the silhouette of the woman she had briefly seen and felt. Of those two, the scion of the Hyuuga clan was significantly more likely than the granddaughter of Takeo. The mere feel of her presence gave off an indication as to what Kinuko could expect from her, but she would not base her opinions solely on feelings. That would certainly be unwise.

Still, at that point, there was nothing to do but wait for Kaede to encounter her - a rapidly approaching unknown was hostile, but a stationary unknown was vulnerable. It would create a significantly less dangerous impression if she patiently waited to be spoken to, rather than to speak. If the woman was indeed a Hyuuga, it was fairly likely that she'd have seen the earlier violence attributed to her - she had saved an ally, it would seem, and was perhaps worthy of more time for that fact alone. It was doubtful the Uchiha would have died without her assistance, but it would only have been a matter of time before stragglers found him. Which side those stragglers belonged to would decide a lot of his fate.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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Member Seen 22 hrs ago

There was a lot of shit going down from the time that Nazo had started his shift at his job to what could only be described as some type of invasion. Or a revolt. Nazo really couldn't make heads or tails of it. .Nazo definitely didn’t want to be caught in the middle of that. He was what some would call a neutral party in this war between the Empire and the so-called Rebels. He didn’t want to get involved unless he felt that either side would affect the way he lived his life.

Nazo didn’t feel like just cause there was an invasion-type of deal currently happening that he had to go out of his way to actually defend the Leaf. Granted, he loves the hell out of his home, but he didn’t want to be one of those guys that attack, attack, attack. Besides, he’s a planner, and he already knew there were some pretty wonderful shinobi in the village. Another reason why he chose to go to the bunkers and not fight was cause he feared someone would recognize his style. He has a very unique skill set that anyone with half of a brain would be able to tell that Nazo is of the Yagami Clan. He really doesn’t want that to be known to the public given that there very well may be another member from his Clan here in the village. Let’s just say that Nazo doesn’t want to encounter this maniac.So, Nazo chose to take shelter in the bunkers. He knew it would help him keep his identity hidden and even more important, he would be able to stay out of the cross-hairs of whoever it was that started the shit that is going down. It isn’t the most honorable choice, but Nazo knew that in the long run, it would eventually be the smartest plan for a man of his nature.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by SoleAccord
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SoleAccord #ImSippinTeaInYoHood

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Behind the primary fighting line of the rebellion was a gathering of those who were injured, yet still willing enough to go on in spite of that. The wounds weren’t critical, but painful enough to make them flinch if they took too careless an action. Blood came in heavy amounts on the battlefield and it was always preferred to keep yours inside of you. The last stretch of keeping their home was here, something many didn’t want to miss. It could be considered a historical triumph for Konoha to bounce back from their defeat half a year ago, and so many wished to say that they had fought in that uprising. The thought alone of being able to look back at this day and know they fought proudly made the pain so much more bearable. In spite of the situation in their favor, what many could notice was an Akimichi named Kenta out there next to the commander of the forces, but it was hard to make out what was being said.

Joining her injured comrades, Kaede wordlessly established her presence to them by quietly coming to their sides and applying to them the seal they had missed receiving earlier. They couldn’t be blamed; the confidence of a man and woman was a powerful thing, yet here they were in lingering agony. The hospital was quite a walk, and the medic-nin that were brought into squads had done well in her stead. To hasten the process, Kaede brought to them her energy both positive and warm. In the very center of this gathering she had stood in silence, bathing the wounded in her power. Wounds became numb and relaxed, torn tissue began to repair and seal itself up in a rate normal medical ninjutsu couldn’t hasten for others.

“Bless you, Lady Kaede.”

“Thank you.”

“Where would we be without you?”

Kaede took the praise, only thankful that her fellow villagers were at peace now. Those previously clutching their sides or laying down to rest found themselves reenergized and replenished in strength and energy. At this close proximity to a majority of the forces, all who carried Kaede’s Amelioration Seal could feel a stronger sense of warmth and good spreading across their exhausted and cautious bodies. With her so near and supporting them, the morale had soared in tense silence. Some were happy of course knowing she was still safe and behind them, but couldn’t be distracted. Small engagements were still happening, but were small and merely a result of the Empire holding the perimeter they formed to their barracks. Takeo was out there talking, and from here Kaede couldn’t make out what was being said, but saw that Natsumi and her mother, Miss Chizuma, were near him. Seeing who they were facing out there struck her hard, yet the Hyuga stood firm in spite of her shock. Kenta Akimichi …he was a good man on the opposing side, and she couldn’t imagine what he must’ve felt right now. Even from here the Byakugan could read the details on his face; he wasn’t proud of how things had faired, and he didn’t mask the sadness of the glares hitting him from all sides.

“Who goes there?” someone questioned to an unknown figure behind her.

Kaede turned around with her focus on what everyone else surrounding her was turning towards; the woman from before who had given aid to Katsu Uchiha was now casually making her way towards her. Within her grasp Kaede could make out a headband of Konoha, something that wasn’t in her position before, and obviously couldn’t have belonged to her. This wasn’t the place for strangers and Kaede could feel the adrenaline flowing through all of her nearby companions, meaning that thanks to her they were in a position to fight and protect their comrades and her if need be. Kaede raised her hands on either side of her and motioned for them to lower their weaponry, and in spite of the Lady’s age they had listened to her, something that continued to amaze Kaede. Her jounin status wasn’t taken so lightly, though she suspected that it was their respect for her as a person instead of her rank. Regardless of what was chosen among them, she appreciated them not lashing out. This wasn’t the time for someone to be wandering here, especially in the middle of a battle. This woman of unknown origin may have saved Katsu, but was taking the horrors of battle too softly, and that alarmed Kaede. If she wanted to fight then it was likely to go poorly for her, but if she was coming here so casually then there was a chance her business here was anything other than fighting.

Not knowing who this woman was or her business here and even though she wanted to rejoin Natsumi and make sure any other wounded were tended to, Kaede waited to see if the woman would speak. This wasn’t the time or place for a social, so if she must speak, hopefully it would mean something.

“Please state your business here.” She mumbled, displaying the maturity of her clan and natural manners.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Chev
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Chev The Pecking Order

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

"Nice to meet you, Karela," he said. "Mine's Katsu Uchiha. I'm looking forward to working with you."

Karela simply nodded her head. Although she was distrustful of new people and men in particular considering what had happened to her Katsu seemed nice. She took a quick glance around her to make sure that there weren't any incoming enemy solders and looked over at Katsu. "We should probably meet up with Lady Kaede." She said quietly. "Right now she only has one person guarding her and I don't want her to get picked off by a group of solders. She's far too important a person to meet a fate like that."

She prepared to jump up into the trees only to pause for a moment as a sudden question rose to the top of her mind. "Do you mind if I ask you a quick question?" She asked carefully. She didn't want to offend Katsu, she didn't want to upset him or somehow upset Lady Kaede either but the question had to be asked. "Lady Kaede told me that people say bad things about you...Why do they say these things?"

“Please state your business here.”

Dren Hyuga narrowed his eyes at the mysterious figure that had appeared behind Lady Kaede and began to redistribute chakra to his Byakugan. Dren wasn't the greatest fighter in the world but if he was lucky he could buy Lady Kaede enough time to retreat. Something about this woman seemed off and in Dren's experience, that meant that they were not friendly. He raised his eyebrows in slight confusion as she motioned for everyone to lower their weapons. Dren shook his head and lowered his voice as low as he could so that Kaede could still hear him. "I can try and buy you time." he offered quietly. "You can take the wounded and get out of here."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sketcher
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Sketcher The Sketchful

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Do you mind if I ask you a quick question?"
Katsu shrugged. ”Sure, what's on your mind?”
"Lady Kaede told me that people say bad things about you...Why do they say these things?"

The kind and innocent smile faded away, even if only for a moment, being replaced by a horrified visage. He shook his head and smiled again. ”That... It's just that my old master and teammates and I had gone to hunt a missing-nin, A-Rank. It was quite a few years ago. I was the only one who got back and there was a wound in my master's chest, inflicted by my sabre,” he said. ”But he was already dead when that happened. Some people don't believe me but it was the replacement technique the target had used to replace with his dead body.”
His voice trembled towards the end of his sentence but he kept the smile on his mouth. He heaved a sigh and looked ahead. ”We should keep going and meet the others,” he said, trying to change the subject. ”We wouldn't want to keep Lady Kaede waiting, would we?”

Katsu could understand why people would think he had done it. It made sense, from what most people heard. He always tensed up whenever someone asked about it because no matter how he told the story, it would always be reasonable to think that he was the one responsible, and maybe he was. He couldn't see whether or not Konoe was alive when they'd switched places. He shook the thought away. He had the wound that had killed him on his chest, a vertical slash. That wasn't dealt by me. He looked back over at Karela, waiting for her to move forward, ready to leap off the ground.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Chev
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Chev The Pecking Order

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

”That... It's just that my old master and teammates and I had gone to hunt a missing-nin, A-Rank. It was quite a few years ago. I was the only one who got back and there was a wound in my master's chest, inflicted by my sabre,” he said. ”But he was already dead when that happened. Some people don't believe me but it was the replacement technique the target had used to replace with his dead body.”

Karela didn't reply as first as she jumped up into the treetops and looked down at him for a moment. Karela smiled sadly as she remembered the horrible things she had done since her clan was wiped out as they jumped from tree to tree. "I haven't had a home for a very long time." She said quietly. "I don't know if you've heard of the Yatoma clan but awhile back they staged a peaceful protest against the Empire. Later that night the Empire sent in the troops and everyone in my clan with me being the exception was wiped out."

She turned to look at him. "For the record, I believe you." She said quietly. "I can tell by looking at your eyes. I know it sounds stupid but I've seen evil people before in my life and the way I've always been able to tell what their intentions were was by looking them in the eyes and I just knew. When i saw your eyes, I didn't see a murderer." She looked down for a moment at the ground as she continued jumping from tree to tree. "The night my clan was killed off, the solders did horrible things to me. I was beaten. Violated. And they left me for dead. My mind was shattered that night and the person I used to be died. I was re-born as someone who wanted to kill every Imperial solder I could find. I did a few times actually. But tonight I met Lady Kaede.And just by meeting her I feel that I can change. I saw Kaede's eyes and I saw compassion and good intentions."

He leapt up, following her closely, leaping from branch to branch. When he heard about her speak of the Yatoma clan, he stared at her, almost with a glint of pity in his eyes. He listened to her quietly as she spoke about her experiences. She was wrong, though. It was true that he wasn't a traitor and he hadn't killed his master but his eyes were more deceiving than most people's.

A faint smile curled up on his lips. "Right... I don't know her much personally but I heard she has an effect like that," he said. As they got closer, he went on. "Though I'm thankful for the way you think I might be innocent in general, you could say that I'm a murderer. It's not like I haven't killed before..."

They were quite near the group, and the boy was able to clearly read their chakras. He saw the great yet familiar chakra near the group. It was the woman who'd saved him.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Savato
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Savato Super Peace

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Land of the super Castle thing

The little creature could only chuckle toward the empress' attention being devoted to the monster's matter, and the fact that it was about its soon-to-be food made it have these butterflies in the belly. It was indeed like a complete child, in complete euphoria for such a petty moment of attention coupled with more tha obvious body language concerning its tingling feeling inside. Yakoul wasn't one to hide what it felt nor what it really thought, it was very dumb in a whole after all, but that served it for many purposes more than once as a sarcastic tone from it would in fact be exactly what it meant without a secondary degree. It just sat there, rewinding the little intervention of the empress in its head over and over, a little drool leaking from its mouth as it did so.

The fission clone that was still scavenging was just about done, walking back toward the castle. Keeping its hearing power in a very high state of alertness, it could catch Izari going where the empress was without being actually invited. In fact, only Remi seemed to be concerned, yet soldiers were still doing as they pleased. Yakoul was slightly hypocrite on that level, knowing it had a certain level of privilege as the empress' pet-thing, it often took its decisions by itself as long as it didn't contradict the empress' orders. However if anyone else took that freedom, it would be the first one to police them. Kicking the face of an agonizing rebel soldier on the ground in order to finish him off, never to peer down at his dying face before ending it without a single ounce of respect, the fission clone would use its body flicker ability to, pretty much, warp itself behind Izari. The child-like Yakoul clone was about a meter behind Izari, being undetectable through chakra for those who were not able to completely master natural energy, or were like Yakoul, slowly poking its sharp claw against the young man's forearm to get his attention. Of course, if the claw poked correctly, it would leave a little bloody hole as if he had just given blood to the nearest hospital. This would at least be enough to get his attention. But just to assert its presence as best as it could, it would speak as well with a more child-like, girly voice.

"Oi Bozo, Boss Lady didn't ask you to talk about virginities, mister virgin. Bet all the tentacles are just compensation for you-know-what."

Chuckled the cat's child form, obviously teasing the young empire soldier. At the same time, it was a nice pass-time for the bodyguard: Doing it duty while causing unnecessary tensions and reflections on people in general. And this was only the start if Izari would either try to shrug it off with any hint of pride or respond our of sheer embarrassment. Either way, it was totally worth it.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Tuujaimaa
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Tuujaimaa The Saint of Wings / Bread Wizard

Member Seen 16 hrs ago

The reaction to Kinuko's approach was not entirely unexpected - after all, she did have a headband from a deceased member of Konoha in her hand. It was hardly proof of anything on its own, but when dealing with unknowns suspicions too easily became facts in their believer's minds, and when they had decided on their opinion as fact it was hard to get them to change. Kinuko gingerly took the headband and placed it on the ground, before taking a step back and raising both of her empty palms in a sign universally attributed to being peaceful.

"Your war threatens to consume the world with its fury, members of Konohagakure. There are many who have simply hidden their intentions, or who have neglected to actively choose a side, but the luxury of being undecided is one the world and its inhabitants can no longer afford. I have come here to decide on the fate that should befall this world, to preserve the delicate balance that the Empire, the Rebels, and this war threaten to disrupt. Make a case for your side, and I shall listen. After that, it will be time to decide, for better or for worse." Kinuko replied to Kaede, ensuring that her tone was completely even and her elocution was perfect - her words were easy to understand, but did not carry any tones or inflections that could possibly have been used to decide a purpose. The voice could have been mechanical for its lack of expression - but there was an urgency to it that no machine could have replicated. There was purpose, though what that purpose was could not possibly have been deciphered.

"I will ensure that the rebel this headband belongs to gets a proper burial. I took it from their corpse to identify their cause of death, and apologise for any disrespect." Kinuko stated as an afterthought, keeping her pose, face, and voice neutral as she did so. Perhaps Kaede, one versed in the delicate art of compassion, might take a different meaning from the words that she spoke than her peers took. Perhaps the young Hyuuga that seemed to wish to throw his life away from her would take a different meaning from it still. If Kinuko wanted to kill any of the people spread out in front of her, it was something that she was capable of doing - but the actions of the group in front of her seemed to think otherwise. That was a good thing - their apparent underestimation of her abilities would give her an edge if the Rebels' case failed to impress her.

While waiting for an answer from Kaede, Kinuko made sure to keep unbroken eye contact with her. Her periphery still delivered a wealth of information to her, and she could use the Tenchi to avoid any other unpleasant situations, but it was important for her to judge Kaede and vice versa - and eye contact was among the most effective ways to get a correct sense of judgment. The beenfits of the exchange of eye contact would be fairly one-sided, however, as Kinuko's eyes betrayed nothing but the sense of balance that she stood for - still, she knew nothing about Kaede. It was just as likely that she came across some grand revelation as Kinuko did. At this point, all there was to do was wait for the reply to come - for better or for worse.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by SoleAccord
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SoleAccord #ImSippinTeaInYoHood

Member Seen 4 mos ago

There was hesitation in how to respond to Dren, who didn’t appear to understand the circumstances they were in well enough. If this woman wanted to fight them then she would have done so already without warning given. It was possible she might’ve been a little too arrogant and assumed the combined strength of the entire village couldn’t deal with her, but Kaede believed she knew better. There was a difference between confidence and stupidity, and she had a feeling that this woman had known that difference. Whether she revealed she was an enemy or not, the fighting ability of the village had not deteriorated, and she could be turned on in an instant. Dren’s overprotective nature wasn’t necessarily ‘bad’, but his need to make up for a past event he viewed as a mistake appeared to cloud his judgment of the situation.

“That’s unnecessary.” Kaede muttered. The ‘wounded’ in the vicinity were stable once more, as he would have witnessed. There were still pockets of people she needed to examine but this pocket of the back line were obviously the most in pain right now. Kaede was not one to underestimate an individual’s abilities but didn’t allow herself to be intimidated by someone she recognized as much too smart to make a ‘play’ like this. She had come here for something, she chose to reveal herself instead of hiding, and if she wanted to battle it was likely that there was more threatening an action to take than this one. Kaede looked over her shoulder towards him; although compassionate to what Dren might have felt from the guilt he carried, this was not the time to display fear in the face of someone who brought nothing for them to fear. “I understand your caution, but keep in mind that there were several ways to establish herself as our enemy. She hasn’t yet.”

Turning back towards the stranger, those that were recently aided by Kaede had kept their guards up. Unfamiliar faces in a time like this brought paranoia, and if you were not a friend to Konoha or the Empire you had no real place on the battlefield at this time. As expected the stranger had raised her arms up in a position commonly meant as ‘no harm intended’, setting down the bloodied headband that quite obviously didn’t belong to her. Listening intently as the stranger made her case, Kaede could agree with her on certain aspects. War did consume people and it didn’t matter whether they were good or evil, none were spared should it linger for too long. Neutrality was also, even from someone like Kaede, a silly notion that people couldn’t afford anymore. Sides were inevitable, and ignoring the conflict did not make it go away any faster. The review of her words made Kaede unhappy in spite of how hard the stranger intended to make it seem like she wasn’t threatening them, and although the Hyuga herself was considered a strong single unit in the shape of the war, she didn’t go around proclaiming that she’d decide the world’s fate.

This was one of those times where she could not be Kaede Hyuga, but rather the heir of the Hyuga clan as a whole and a representative of Konoha before her comrades all around her. One day she could combine both Kaede and the heir into one person but that may not be today. No punches were to be pulled in the face of someone who attempted to prove themselves intimidating, regardless of it being intentional. Relaxing the state of her Byakugan, Kaede’s eyes returned to normal, and she spoke with dignity.

“This was not a war Konoha wanted to have, it was a war the Empire had brought upon the entire world when it did not bow to its ultimate purpose. I can agree that no one can pretend that this war doesn’t affect the entire world as we know it, as well as it hurting numerous people, but I don’t agree with how you express yourself to me and my fellow shinobi.” Peaceful discussion may have been her intention but all Kaede heard was a passive confrontation over a war that Konoha did not start with the Empire. “What can I possibly express to you that you wouldn’t already understand? Konoha does not wish the occupation of the Empire, it was the Empire that forced itself against every nation by force, it was the Empire who struck at us for refusing to surrender our free will, and it was the Empire who made every man and woman fighting this battle so angry and desperate.”

Her powerful tone of voice brought respect and surprise from those she had just mended; she was a sweet young woman who did not enjoy confrontations like this, but when looked at so accusingly as though Konoha was at fault for the resentment they have felt for so long was a critical error.

“We fight for the freedom that the Empire doesn’t wish to return to the world after it had risen and robbed us of it. It is not a war we wanted to fight, but there is no longer any other option for us. The village wants peace that is genuine, not peace through shackles. I despise how things have turned out for this world, but do not look down on us as if we are the root cause for the world in the state it is now.” There was little more of a ‘case’ to make here, and if she needed to be ‘convinced’ to join a side after so long then Kaede couldn’t be sure her loyalty was a solid one. This was a discussion at the worst possible time, acknowledging a stranger who may have helped protect one of her comrades, yet also believed that she alone decided how the world would run. Kaede as herself might have been kinder if the woman opposite of her had shown she was not judgmental, but her idea of good will was not walking through a battlefield lifting items from the deceased, and then approaching a force you did not sympathize with in the slightest. If you had to be convinced to fight for a cause after so long, then how could you be trusted in the long run? She did not even offer a name …

“Although you’ve attempted to show respect, you entered an active warzone willingly with the intent of judging us for our fight, and tore the symbol of our village from the fallen. The cause of the death of every man and woman in this forest is war, and it does not demand taking from the body of our fallen to determine. I hope that you do honor to them by returning it to their body, and allowing us to handle burying our own.” Kinuko’s intentions had proven poorly executed and Kaede could make no effort to hide this. Saving Katsu was a kindness, but to continue to decide neutrality after that did not seem logical even if she had come here to rid herself of it. Furthermore, believing herself above the opinions and wishes of others was not an attitude that was welcome on a team, which might explain why she traveled alone with no name to give. Whatever this mysterious woman might have thought of her after this, Kaede hoped that she would take notice of the pride she shared with the people she was to fight beside, and how firm she stood in the face of ‘judgment’.

This discussion was not one she desired and she’d rather never have had it in a time like this, but the woman had forced her into this corner with no one else stable enough to respond. Kaede’s resolve was not to be questioned, her stance tall and proud with her answers firm and full of certainty. Without a single shred of doubt, this was the case she could make to someone who did not earn her respect, her kindness, or her smile.

In the end, despite how intense Kaede may have seemed, this stranger had received all of the above.

Smiling now, Kaede clasped her hands together below her waist and bowed her head in a show of respect to a woman she did not know. The 'heir' of the Hyuga was safety tucked away, allowing 'Kaede' herself to be present.

“I apologize if this isn’t the answer you were hoping to receive, but I have given you all I can. You had no reason to aid the Uchiha you saved, but you did so regardless …even if you believe yourself uncertain of your side I think you made a choice without knowing.” Lifting her head up, Kaede’s smile hadn’t faded and the aura of warmth and goodness had always seemed to become stronger when she had done so. “It takes courage to admit you don’t know the answer and to not pretend otherwise. You did not come for an argument, or a fight …merely the truth as I, a rebel within the Land of Fire, see things.”

There were many feelings when it came to a nonlethal confrontation such as this, but this glow of warmth had defeated her firmness before. The heir of a clan, the pride of the Hyuga and Konoha both, found it difficult to maintain any sort of emotion other than kindness. It was embedded deep into her soul; as much as showing the strength of Konoha mattered, sometimes the greatest strength was showing your kindness to someone like this. Kaede Hyuga had disarmed the emotional defensiveness of her peers, believing her words to be true, and they all appeared to relax in the face of this strange woman. They would only battle if Kinuko demanded they take action, however due to the efforts of Kaede she had put things into perspective for them, and hopefully the others that might have been listening.

“I’d rather have a new friend than a new enemy, so …please consider what I’ve said. People need me now.” Turning on her heel, Kaede was prepared to leave Kinuko in peace before she stumbled a little and spun back around, hands on her cheeks which burned with the pink of a cherry blossom tree. “S-sorry, I forgot to introduce myself again …I’m Kaede Hyuga!” Although she was still a woman of a sweet and mature composure, it often slipped her mind to introduce herself to others. Heir or not, sometimes she forgot the simplest of things, but it couldn’t be helped when an entire village already knew your name and adored you.

Leaving the stranger with words she hoped would create a new friend today, and not inspire an enemy tomorrow. With the standstill of a battle behind her, there was still an opportunity to reunite with Natsumi. Restoring her eyes to the Byakugan state, she had leaped from the ground and brushed by Katsu quickly, applying to him her seal with a gentle press on his chest. Immediately he would feel a new sensation of comforting warmth and the exhaustion of his body beginning to soothe. Nurturing his chakra system even from afar, she began to spur the recovery of his chakra and added with it his own, making her power now his. Within moments he would find that Kaede’s medical ninjutsu was accelerating his ability to move and unleash jutsu once more.

There would be time to talk, but that time wasn’t now.

The end of this battle was drawing near, and with her expanded vision as her guide Kaede had begun to move to the front of the battle lines to see things through with the best resolution she could influence.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sketcher
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Sketcher The Sketchful

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The woman had a headband of the leaf, something she did not have during their previous encounter. He shot a glare from behind the tree with his now pitch black eyes hidden in the shade of the tree. The way everyone was ready for a battle, he could tell that this person was probably hostile. He realized that the reason she had helped him out wasn't because he was of the leaf or because he was a rebel. The words echoed in his ears. "It is not your time." It was because he was a child. This meant that she was in no way his ally. Though, he was too tired to be of any actual use if conflict arose. His one and only significant way of helping was countering her close combat fighting style which he had seen through the sharingan when she had come to his rescue.

Katsu watched as Lady Kaede as she spoke to the woman. There was definitely some tension between the group and the woman who'd come to help him out. In this case, he could identify her as a potential enemy. Even if he felt gratitude, she had done nothing to earn his trust. He watched from behind, ready to jump in from behind. After she finished her speech, he saw Lady Kaede running and felt her palm on his chest. Surprised at first, he felt his muscles relax and his chakra flow fluidly once more. He could see his strength returning to him. His fatigue had disappeared and the crimson glow in his eyes strengthened. He quickly spun on his heel and followed Lady Kaede, leaving a short distance between them, watching out for anything or anyone that could come their way. It wouldn't be appropriate to leave her alone in the woods during a battle without saying thank you, he thought to himself as he kept his sharingan scanning for any sources of chakra, although if anyone came near, she would probably spot them before he could. He kept his eyes ready for combat nevertheless, one hand carrying a kunai with the bottom of the handle touching his thumb.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Chev
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Chev The Pecking Order

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Dren Hyuga's eyes were wide with amazement. Lady Kaede always managed to amaze him. She excluded serenity and was capable of surprising the enemies she fought yet often times she didn't need to fight. Her opponents would leave her alone. For a brief moment he felt a sense of shame wash over him. Once again, Lady Kaede had managed to apparently defuse the situation without it coming to violence. If only I could be more like her...He thought wistfully as he watched the woman who had helped Katsu earlier. He thought that he had had a good read on her earlier but apparently he was wrong. He shrugged his shoulders and began following Lady Kaede. He was determined to protect her no matter what.

Karela watched from the treetops as Katsu landed on the ground. She had decided that it would be a good idea to have someone on the ground and someone in the treetops just in case this turned hostile but it seems that once again Lady Kaede had managed to defuse the situation. She kept a careful eye on the woman for a few moments before following Kaede and Dren from the trees. That woman is something else. She thought with a genuine smile. Like Dren, she was determined to protect Lady Kaede at any costs. Even if it meant her own life would be lost in the process.

Rest easy Lady Kaede. I will always watch your back no matter what.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by SoleAccord
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SoleAccord #ImSippinTeaInYoHood

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Kenta could feel the concentration from Natsumi’s stare; He knew her almost all her entire life and, much like his former friend Takeo, he had taken pleasure in seeing her grow up from a bouncing baby into a fine kunoichi who would make both her parents and her grandparents proud. In the distant past he had used to give her rides on his back, or allowed her to jump on his expanded hands like a makeshift trampoline. For birthdays it was extra money he made on assignments, and a little extra batch of sweets he managed to sneak to her room without Lord Hokage and his wife noticing; Takeo had always known, but that was a secret they kept together. It went without saying that while he was now meant to be her enemy, the stare he returned to her wasn’t focused, but pitiful.

“…You’re becoming as strong as we hoped you would, Natsumi.”

Takeo looked from his granddaughter back to Kenta; this wasn’t a stalling tactic of any kind, the man was simply finding it difficult to put things in a way they could understand and fighting the one fear he had, that they wouldn’t understand. Takeo was once his ally and friend, now his enemy, and even in the face of this traitor he couldn’t draw his blade on him like this, not in front of Natsumi. A shinobi must learn the realities of the duty they had, and that often meant taking life or allowing it to happen for the betterment of the lives they worked to protect. That was a lesson Ryozan had not learned well enough, and it would prove detrimental if Natsumi neglected to understand how they have operated for so many decades. The shinobi of Konoha weren’t murderers without just cause, not like the old days of the Bloody Misty. Under proper leadership they had learned when a blade must be stayed, yet that was only the partial reason he was giving Kenta time to find his words.

“A little longer, please. I know I don’t have the right to ask but ...six months isn’t enough time to explain why I had left you all behind.” Kenta trusted Takeo would stay his blade, and hoped that Natsumi wasn’t too disgusted by him to try and slice his head from his shoulders with his back now turned. There was something out in the perimeter making its way closer, and when you witnessed Natsumi grow up it was only natural you were there to see her best friend too. The warmth was unmistakable, and even in his seasoned age he could make her out from the distance.

Kaede …

The standstill between both forces was growing uneasy for both sides; to stare into the face of someone who you were meant to defeat for so long had brought anxiety through ranks of both the rebels and the imperials. Kaede moving by her own comrades had caught their attention, and they had instinctively huddled in a little closer around her to keep her protected, uncertain of why she was exposing herself in front of the enemy. Finally she stood face to face with over several men and women who were staring with curiosity, but not lowering the guards they maintained. Were it not for this escort now joined by Katsu without a word, Kaede wagered she could request to be let by. The confrontation with the woman merely a minute ago had shown that the small party that accompanied her were not quite capable of remaining calm.

The closest few soldiers in front of her had instinctively taken a small step backwards, recognizing the famed Byakugan of the Hyuga clan, but likely not recognizing her in general. This was an advantage she didn’t need right now, and judging from how worried they still appeared on their faces there were those among them who looked to her with hesitation. She stood out not because she had stepped forward in this standstill, but because she had done so unarmed and had the appearance of one who didn’t intend to battle if she could help it.

“Let them pass!” the familiar voice of Kenta roared in the distance, causing the soldiers to part hesitantly, exposing part of their defensive line as ordered.

Kaede quietly moved through the line of Imperial soldiers, eyes on her and the few that had stuck so close to her. There was curiosity to why Kenta was allowing her by, but supposed that history with the people of the village might’ve been the root cause. It didn’t take long for her to casually make her way through the human blockade and proceed to Kenta, Natsumi, and Takeo. From here she could smell the scent of smoke from the nearby barracks that had housed so many soldiers, and though things looked bleak for Kenta Akimichi, he still had the strength to remain here and face them. That was bravery few men and women seemed to have any more. Some things were much worse than death.

“Kenta…” Kaede began softly, relaxing her Byakugan once again in the hopes that this confrontation would be diffused as well. If he wanted to battle, he’d have been fighting by now, and obviously there was something else he was attempting by standing here. “I didn’t want to believe you walked away from us. What drove you to this?”

“The idea of a better world than the one we’ve lived in.” Kenta had begun almost instantly, the words coming easier now than ever before. It seemed that the unwillingness to fight a former friend had encouraged him to begin, at last, explaining why this had to be. “I understand why Konoha despises the Empire, and the methods they’ve used have been beyond questionable …but-“ he shifted over to Takeo and Natsumi behind him, thinking back to a previous time where they were younger and able to laugh together with him. “If we were to just listen to what the Empress could promise, this might have all been avoided a long time ago. Tell them about the scroll, Takeo.”

Takeo held up the folded scroll in hand, allowing them to see the special insignia that carried a white and red color, white as the primary. This was highly different from the standard blue-sealed scrolls used to pass on other messages, and it frequently meant that the words in the scroll would come down from the very top; this was from the Empress herself.

“In a nutshell, the Empress intends to loosen the noose she holds around the world’s neck seeing as we won’t bow to her. All shinobi can choose to serve the Empire when they graduate and enforce the laws themselves, those forced into having jobs can choose not to have them at the cost of being unable to pay for a special tax should you not hold a job. The nations of the world will also be united under a single government …more than likely with her at the head.” Takeo hated to repeat the terms the Empress had given them, finding things no better than before. Under the guise of ‘peace’, this would mean the rebels would still not have independency from her empire, and should they agree they would still be the ones running things. It was insulting for her to believe that these were reasonable whatsoever. “In other words there is little change that benefits our cause, but it allows her to win this war and lose nothing in the process. I see no benefit for us.”

“She wants it to end.” Kaede spoke, silently thankful that the idea of peace can return if only they would work at it. Takeo still commanded the rebellion, and she believed that they needed him to display strength and tact through this ongoing fight, but she had considered that very carefully. ‘Loosening the noose’ meant that this was a step in the right direction; the one in charge of all this was still unwilling to release the world in its entirely and allow it to make its own decisions but she no longer wanted to fight. This meant that she was either seeing the error of her ways, or that she was taking them seriously even after her last victory. “The terms she offer are …wrong, but this means that there is a chance for us to find a resolution that doesn’t involve more death.”

“And I respectfully disagree. Before this ends there will be more death and heartbreak, but that was what she had forced us to cope with when she started this war against the entire world. A proper ‘step’ is surrendering herself to the Land of Fire and Water, and allowing us to judge her.”

“You mean kill her?” Kenta asked bitterly.

“Judge her.” Takeo repeated, shrugging his shoulders after the statement. “Although death seems more than fair when it comes to her method of handling disagreements. If execution is demanded, then it’s demanded …but we’ll be fairer than she ever was, and she can look Yuna and her children in the eye to beg for forgiveness.”

Kenta knew well that Takeo had led the squad that groomed Kenji into the Hokage he was today, with his daughter Chizuma becoming his bride. Considering the severe blow dealt to Kirigakure half a year ago, he found it hard to defend the past actions of the Empress. “The Mizukage’s death is regrettable, and I accept that she hasn’t done well in her goals. I think that what she’s bringing to this world is stability it desperately needed after so long. Order we as a single nation couldn’t provide to the entire world.” Kenta believed that winning him over was impossible, much less his daughter and the others. Unlike the man that convinced him, Kenta did question the means in which the Empress got things done. He reached into his back pouch and retrieved something in his hand, well concealed. “I know I must be wasting my time with such a weak argument, and I never expected anyone to agree with me fully. As long as I could put the hope of a united world, a peaceful world, into the minds of at least one of you …I can say I did my best.” Kaede had obviously been one, but he was uncertain about the others. Kenta knew of Katsu’s past, but very little about the other two that accompanied the Leaf’s Angel.

Looking down at his balled fist, the sub commander thought long and hard about his options. To his clan and his village he was a traitor, written in the history books as a man who turned his back on everything he loved and swore to uphold. Drawing a deep breath within his lungs, the last hurdle to the Land of Fire’s freedom had quietly said goodbye in silence.

“This isn’t how I wanted things to be.”

Takeo had a suspicion that Kenta had one last means of helping his village and his clan out, and the stare of a broken man to a balled fist had shown his old friend that the resolution he was looking towards didn’t intend his survival. The commander of the rebellion forces would do his ex-comrade one last service, and not intervene in this. Looking to his granddaughter, she may not understand it yet, but it would all make sense to them in time. “…Do what you have to do. All of you.” Vanishing from the vicinity with the peace treaty in hand, Takeo had shockingly left Kenta alone with the others, opting to not see what happened next. Right now, the Hokage needed to hear this news before it became widespread.

“Kenta, is there nothing we could say to convince you to end this?” Kaede had found a moment of confusion with Takeo leaving them like this. Her faith in him as a leader was not in question, she had only suspected that he did not have it in him to face his old friend like this. Kenta Akimichi was not a cruel man, he was jolly and typically filled with joy. It was rare to see him without a smile on his face, which meant that this was a time where there was nothing good to come out of any of this. He never missed a birthday party for Natsumi, and when the pair had been young he had always carried them around and played. With someone like that Kaede could be more than an heir to a noble clan, and could be a kid.

“I’ve made my decision.” Tossing what appeared to be a round green pill into his mouth, chewing on it quickly. Kaede had registered a fraction too late what he had decided to ingest, and within that fraction Kenta had allowed his chakra to explode all around him. Kaede was knocked back immediately, thrown to the ground several feet away as the impressive chakra of Kenta flowed around him. The green Spinach Pill would guarantee that his power grow considerable at an eventual cost. His life.

The explosion of power had brought the standstill between rebel and empire to a raging start once more, and Kenta himself turned and began to charge towards the grounded Kaede, the chakra within his right fist causing it to expand. This action would solidify his status as an enemy, and would ensure that none hold back. Even now as Kaede try to recover from being thrown backwards, he could see the little girl he had spoiled as much as he did Natsumi. The little girl that had never done him any wrong. The little girl that could do no wrong.

The battle would continue one final time… and he ensured it would only end in one way.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sketcher
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Sketcher The Sketchful

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

“I’ve made my decision.” The man pulled out a certain green pill and tossed it into his mouth. Right then, chakra radiated from the man. Katsu could see the chakra increase just before most people could feel the pressure and he dug the tip of his feet into the ground, preparing to get dragged across the dirt, protecting his face with his arms.

Katsu saw the sudden movement and pulled out two shuriken, blowing air on their blades as they spun on his fingers. They were now surrounded by blades of wind, cutting through the air. He flicked his fingers forwards, sending the two shuriken flowing towards the area right in front of Lady Kaede, each following one another quickly. They would arrive their destination just as Kenta would, if he continued his assault, which was logical to assume. He hoped that this would at least slow the attack down quite a bit, either giving a deep wound or having the man leave an opening they could use. He didn't waste any time after throwing the shuriken.

Katsu put his hands into the pouches in either side of his hips, where there were kunai with explosive tags attached. He swung them in the general direction, four of them hitting trees and the other two flying towards Kenta.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Chev
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Chev The Pecking Order

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Karela watched with eyes that were at first narrowed as she saw what appeared to be a green pill went into an unfamiliar shinobi's mouth. Her eyes widened in amazement as the man who had ingested the pill...his chakra began to grow at an exponential rate. She shot forth out of the trees with near blinding speed as the leaf Shinobi...or former leaf shinobi's fist began to expand as it shot towards Lady Kaede. She refused to believe that anyone who could attack other members of their own village didn't deserve to be called a Leaf Village shinobi. She could tell that he was of the Akimichi clan and she knew with her next act she could easily die.

But she was worth it.

She couldn't reach Lady Kaede in time to push her out of the way without hurting her but she could save Kaede's life from the Akimichi clan attacker. Karela shot through the air like an arrow and slammed into Kaede, hopefully knocking her out of the way but unfortunately for her, leaving her directly in front of the attacker.

"Do your worst!" She snarled as she hit the ground

This is really going to hurt.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Piercing Light
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Piercing Light ...

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Waiting for the rest of her loyal subjects to arrive, Shoko sat peacefully at the table, her hands interlocked and her eyes closed. There was something unsettling her, and she wasn't the sort to be unsettled without good reason. Forming hand signs, she created multiple shadow clones of herself, and sent them out to retrieve the rest of her ninja, dragging them back if need be.


With everyone in attendance, Shoko stood from her seat to address them all. "With the threat of mercenary bands now gone, I believe it is time to enact some changes in the world. Over the course of my conquest I have tied down the many great villages, my intent to let them learn what life without freedom is. It's hard, of course, after all, freedom is something people are born believing they are entitled to. They are wrong, freedom must be earned, lest it be taken for granted and abused. Ever since I have been in power the global economy has been balanced, and crime has been nearly stamped out. Yet, There are those who are not content with the way things are, as expected." Shoko knew those in her company knew who she was referring to, the Rebels were the last hurdle in her vision of a truly peaceful world, one where war and famine were things of the past. It pained her to fight war with war, and so she tried her best to avoid conflict whenever possible, and never waged war in populated areas. But war was war, no matter how she tried to lessen it's effects, and as such the Rebels were a group keen on seeing her and the Empire burn to the ground.

Shoko reached into her left sleeve, and pulled out a scroll with her white and red emblem emblazoned upon it. "This is a peace treaty, a week ago I sent an envoy to each of the great villages, and today is the day that the treaty will be shown to them." She sat the scroll down on the table, allowing the ninja gathered to read it's contents if they so wished. "I will be personally visiting each of the villages to discuss the conditions of the treaty, if things do not go as planned I may need to alter the arrangements. You all will be my escort." She had not spoken much in this meeting, but her point was clear. She did not want to waste any time in fulfilling her last objective. "Rest today, for tomorrow we will travel to Suna. Dismissed." Shoko said.

Before anyone had the chance to leave, the large wooden doors to the room swung open violently. Standing at the door's entrance was a bloodied and bruised Nikuya. Her signature long hair had been torched by the Hokage's fire jutsu, leaving her with a rather rough tomboyish haircut. Her clothes almost looked like charcoal ready to be thrown into a furnace. "Oh... The summoning jutsu worked..." Nikuya spoke between ragged breaths, her eyes glazed over as if she wasn't fully conscious. Shoko ran to the battered ninja, and caught her as she fell forwards. "Empress.... You shouldn't... I'm getting my blood all over you..." Nikuya grinned, actually happy to see a friendly face. Shoko gently laid her down upon the ground, her eyes slumped in worry. "I don't look that bad do I? You haven't looked at me like that since the first time we met."

"You almost look like a corpse Nikuya, you have a shuriken stuck in your shoulder for heaven's sake. Who did this to you?" Shoko asked. Nikuya's eyes averted from the Empress, she hated to be the one saying this.

"Kenji fucking Uchiha, the Hokage. The Rebels decided to stage a revolt, one that's gonna be successful given their numbers... I'm sorry, at such a crucial time I've failed you, why did it have to be... Today." Nikuya's demon like eyes were glassy, She had one job, one very important job, and she failed it, in turn failing the one woman she respected. Shoko placed a hand on her forehead, her visage remaining the same.

"Do not worry, Nikuya, We have not failed. This is a set back, but it does not change things." Nikuya barely heard Shoko's words, but they were enough to let her slip out of consciousness with a content smile.

Medic-nin carried Nikuya to the infirmary. Shoko stood silent for a moment, her back to the ninja behind her. "...No rest. We leave for Suna in two hours."


Natsumi's eye's narrowed as Kenta spoke to her. She did not retort. Her throat was anxious and painful, as if she were keeping down a bad meal of razors. Hearing him complement her of all things only reminded her that he was still the kind man that looked out for her as a child. She didn't want to do this, she never wanted to do this. Her hands tightened around the grips of her fans until her knuckles turned white, why didn't he just give up?

Her eyes shifted as she noticed movement behind Kenta, a placid presence on a battlefield like this could only be one person, Kaede. For a moment her body tensed as she saw the line of Empire soldiers in her way, at a moments notice a battle could break out, however, Kenta simply let Kaede through. The enemy cautiously backed away from her, allowing her to pass and stand near her and Takeo. Kaede confronted Kenta, asking him why he had decided to betray his village. Natsumi lowered her head, it didn't matter what Kenta had to say, she had heard every excuse already anyway. There was no justification for the laws that had been forced upon them, none at all.

"Huh?" The mention of a scroll propped her head upwards, and her attention was turned towards her grandfather. Takeo produced the scroll in question, it bared the mark of the Empress. He explained it's contents, they were the conditions for a peace treaty. the tension in her body dispersed, as she ran through her mind just what this meant. The War would end, and no one would be oppressed any longer. If they accepted the treaty then no one else would need to die, they could live in peace and she wouldn't have to do something as painful as brandishing her weapons at a friend. But it seemed her thoughts were not shared with Takeo and Kaede. Why? What did they want? Takeo wanted the Empress to surrender, which would no doubt result in her death. People wanted revenge, of course. Not only that, but they wanted their power back, the right to decide things for themselves. Justification for their lives, feelings of pride and overcoming adversity, they wanted that back, Natsumi understood that.

Kenta was not making his case to anyone here, it simply was not going to happen.

“This isn’t how I wanted things to be.”

Natsumi noticed a change in Kenta, as if he had decided something grave. Takeo left her and Kaede with cryptic words. "W-what we must do? Wait where are you going!?" Natsumi cried out as her grandfather left. She was confused, she didn't know why Takeo had left, and she didn't know what Kenta was planning on doing. Kaede tried to plead with him to stop one final time, but Kenta's mind was made up. She saw him take a green pill out, and her heart skipped a beat. He planned to die here. "Kenta, please no!" Natsumi screamed at the top of her lungs, but her words could not stop him. A strong aura of chakra burst forth from his body, and he wasted no time in attacking Kaede.

For a split moment Natsumi was stunned, she couldn't believe this was happening, it was as if she were in a nightmare. Her body's instincts kicked in, and she was forced to take part in this battle. Two others had acted before her, first, a boy threw two shuriken at Kenta, she registered that they were not much of a threat. However, the boy then launched explosive kunai at Kenta. Her eye's gauged their path through the air, and she saw that some would miss, and two would hit Kenta. At the same time, a female ninja had rocketed towards Kaede, intending to knock her out of the way of Kenta's attack. All the while, Natsumi's hands had formed the signs needed to preform a jutsu. Her cheeks puffed up, and she blew out a stream of wind from her mouth. The wind was strong enough to pick the female ninja off her feet and out of harms way, as well as knock the explosive tags out of the way. Natsumi gritted her teeth in anger. "Who said you could do that!?" She screamed in frustration. "Those explosives could have hit Kaede, four hit trees, do you even know what you're doing!?" It wasn't like her to lash out at people, but her emotions were getting the better of her in this situation. "Kenta!" She yelled, her voice a cocktail of anger and tears. "I'm not going to let you die, don't just think you can do whatever you want!" Her hands moved once more, cupping her mouth with a single hand she blew a large fireball directly towards him.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by AeronFarron


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Remi hadn't moved from her spot during the entire meaning. Her eyes had been focused on the doors, as they were often were. Her facial expression hadn't changed when Nikuya stumbled in. Nor did it change when her Empress moved up the time before they left. She didn't complain, only called her hornets to her. Four vastly different hornets flew in from an open door within a minute, and hovered before her.

The girl relayed her requests for the Queens of the nests to induce the production of the next generation of hornets. She designated which drones were to go where then nodded in dismissal. Neferti would send on of her workers to oversee the nests and to protect them as needed, so she wasn't worried much. Remi always carried a scroll that held her equipment and tools, as well as a summoning scroll that held locations for each of her hives. She was ready to leave immediately.
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