This is a 1x1 RP between myself and SuperNinjaMagi. The story revolves around two students of Shinigami Academy: Zakito Haro (played by Super) and Mizukara Yuki (played by me). This is an AU of Bleach, and will likely not see any canon characters.
Okay, I got my first post up. Feel free to have Zakito introduce himself as well as tell you anything else Mizukara asks. (Name, age, where he's from, and if he is looking forward to the academy.) In case you need the answers to those questions I'll post them here. (FYI they are at least hinted at in my post.) Zakito Haro 146 years old, but looks 17-ish almost eighteen.( Should we find character pics? Just a thought.) Nagakuro, a small town filled with little more than old people and tiny stores. And he is very excited to start training. He is hoping to meet Tsuta again someday, but he probably won't just blurt out that he wants to meet the soul reaper that did his soul burial...
I swear I haven't abandoned this. It's just been a hectic last couple of days and I've been really tired all the time. I'll get a post soon, I promise!
Glad to see you were able to post so soon. Anyway, I was looking around for some more Bleach info and stumbled across a few sites you might be interested in.
Just thought I would share those and also I was wondering if there would be a class covering Shunpo(Flash step) At some point. Though I think the beginners version is call Hoho? Anyway, I'll go try and get a post up now I suppose. Hope you find the links useful.