Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Nicotine


Member Offline since relaunch

Our story begins in the most derelict neighborhood, in the the Darkest part of the city, where a community of occult, mystical weirdos resides. After a mass Exodus from their fairy-tale homelands, all manner of magical creatures, princesses and monsters all moved into the Dark City, hiding from whatever catastrophe befell their world. This saga began in the year 2001 and certainly did not bode well for the humans or the fables. The city itself is facing a multitude of other inconvenient issues including: economic corruption, gang warfare, a freak Summer heat-wave and, of course, the citizens.

Will you take control before control is taken from you?
Will you kill or be killed?
Will you steal or be stolen from?

Please Fill the following section out and add it to your Character Sheet.
Structures: (100 SP)

SP: Structure Points (Everyone starts off with [100 SP])

(Required 1)

1 --Medium Empire: 250,000 Population -15 SP)
2 --Small Empire: 100,000 Population (-5 SP)
3 --Large Empire: 400,000 Population (-25 SP)

1 --Capital Building (15 SP): All great empires need a central hub of information exchange and strategic planning. (Required: 1)
2 --Fortification (35 SP): Sometimes the best offense is a sturdy defense. What better way to protect your [Neighborhood] than with Fortified Walls? You'll be able to keep the enemy at bay for a certain period of time, during which your Archers will be free to shoot at and take off the enemy one by one.
2 --Shrine (45 SP): Good fortune may fall upon your Nation if you pray before going to battle. However, not all deities condone war.
1 --Mining Camp (25 SP): Iron, Coal and other ores necessary to produce weapons and armor can be found here. Although only 1 is necessary to gather materials which will produce weapons and armor, having multiple [Mining Camps] will speed up the process and quantity of Resources you gather. (Required: 1)
1 --Blacksmith (35 SP): Unless you're preparing for War in the immediate future, not too many of these are needed since Blacksmiths can continuously produce items. However, having multiple armories can give you a chance of creating stronger/sturdier products on occasion. (Required: 1)

Resource Gathering: (100 Resource Point -RP)

1 --Lumberjack (65 RP): Gather Primary Import at a faster rate, with more efficient production and on occasion, better quality.
1 --Surplus (70 RP): You will receive a daily bonus to any Resource Gathering traits your Nation has. You will also produce higher quality items of the corresponding Resource Trait.
1 --Idol Worship (35 RP): Worshipping the various wooden and golden idols may provide unexpected periodic gifts to your empire, as well as increasing the popularity of their [Hood Religion] everywhere. Sends [Missionaries] to another Neighborhood of your choosing. This converts a certain percentage of their population, leading to a variety of bizarre effects for the other player, including a boost to your population.
1--Book Worm (35 RP): Your Neighborhood may only produce world-renowned [Literature] if this trait is active and gains Tourism and respect from other [Gangs]. When enough Tourism is gained, Casts temporary [i][DEBUFF: [Tourism]]
on any Neighborhood of player's choosing. This Tourism debuff forces a certain percentage of a [Gang's] population to visit the Capitol of your Neighborhood..
1--Gang-man (25 RP): Increases to your [Gang's Population] lead to occasional theft from your own coffers. Not all gang-members are loyal and some will steal from the hand that feeds -- you. Why anybody would want this Resource Gathering Trait is beyond me.

Neighborhood Traits: (100 Neighborhood Points -NP)

1 --Missionary Style (65 BP): Neighborhoods/Gangs with at least [1 Hood Religion] gain additional [Missionaries] units to send into other neighborhoods, providing additional blessings by dieties as well as occasional boosts to national population. Atheist Neighborhoods become nearly immune to population-stealing if they have this trait.
1--Salvage (85 BP): Incur fewer [Gang Losses] after a lost [War/Campaign.] This allows you to keep more soldiers than you normally would if you lost. Of course, if you win often this may just be a waste of points.
1 --Proof-read (45 BP): The magistrate scribes/urban-activists have made a mistake and overestimated the number of casualties of your military. The actual number may actually be quite lower...if you're lucky.
1--Pool of Blood (65 BP): The more Casualties you cause, the more [Morale] your combatants have. Includes slight bonus to [Specialized Unit]
Gang Points: (100 GP)

--Warrior’s Road: (50 GP) Small [% Daily Increase] in amount of [Gang Population] your active Military has.
--Bushido: (50 GP) Your Military's [Morale] stat increases.
--Training Center: (50 GP) The place where combatants go to train and [Upgrade]. Stronger units can be created with the Training Center, but if you can't inspire them with adequate Morale, it will be a waste.
--Rally to the Cause: (50 GP) When you and your Ally attack the same Neighborhood, both Militaries receive a [BUFF: [Aggression]]


Gameplay Rules

In-Character/IC: [IC] Within the IC topic, the following will take place: Discussions between Warlords, Generals, politicians, citizens, soldiers, etc. Scheme, plot talk trash about other Nations, and conspire here. Discussions between [Gangs] should also be done in here. General and broad RPing will take place here such as off-duty (non-military-campaign) actions done by your characters, including all dialogue.
MC Tag: [MC] Military Campaign. The real "meat" of this RP will take place here. By placing a [MC] Tag on the top of your post, you indicate you are currently roleplaying a military or cultural campaign, during which time your Neighborhood may experience rapid/accelerated development bonuses in their empires. War and renaissance of art can quickly propel an empire into greatness. If you are in a [War], building a great piece of architecture, or attacking another Nation, every post you have will contain a [MC] Tag.
1.) You CAN Lose in this RP. How? If all your military forces are killed in battle and then your civilians are killed in turn, your nation is for all intents and purposes "dead."
2.) You CAN Win in this RP. How? If you have Conquered everyone's Nations, not including your alliances, by war or culture.

[Declaring War]

To [Declare War] you must have had [1 Neighborhood] attacked and razed by an enemy unit. Treaties may be worked out between players that place a Temporary Ban on [Declaring War] on certain neighborhoods. Breaking Treaties causes intense penalties for the offending party. It also makes you look possibly untrustworthy in the eyes of other gangs.

Reward Points System

By posting frequently in the IC/MC topics, you are rewarded with points which you can use to further develop your gang and neighborhoods. These are the values you receive with each post:
+5 SP
+5 RP
+10 NP
+10 GP

(Additional Points may be earned through particularly prolific or intriguing IC/MC posts.)

All humans need to eat. Not considered an IC/in-character Good, but [Food] is something any empire needs. Decisions you make in the RP have consequences, some of which have the potential to greatly cut off the amount of food your empire is producing.


-Old World Magic Law: "What you cast unto others, you cast unto yourself."

-Performing Magic is illegal in Dark City, but there are those who still do.
-Magic is categorized into 3 branches: Black, White and Gray. You currently only have access to basic White Magic spells
-Each Magic Spell is used as a Plot Device, to induce wrath on another Gang.
-Black Magic: Destructive and unholy. Things like reviving the dead (Necromancy), conjuring spirits (Conjuring) and Blessings-meant-to-harm (Hexes) all fall into this category. (Blood Magic) too, but most stay away from Blood Magic for reasons unknown.

-White: Elemental magics (Fire, Water, Earth, Wind). Beneficial blessings, the opposite of Hexes (Blessings).

-Gray Magics: Naturomancy, the control of elements beyond the scope of White Magic such as (Metal, Wood). (Telepathy) allows mental communication from one to another. (Curses) don't always have to be malicious.
Spell List said
(Quantity: You have (1) of each Spell)
(1)-[FIRE]: Flaming embers spread like a virus from building to building. Pyromania overtakes the citizens as they panic and throw highly-combustible wood and paper to stop the hot blazes.
(1)-[WATER]: Unforgiving rapids torrent and flood the region where this spell is cast, washing out everything the caster deems impure. Tides sweep through the Neighborhood and when they recede, much is lost.
(1)-[EARTH]: A massive tremor and shaking of the earth's very foundations. Quaking and shaking that swallows buildings whole and cuts wide gashes and canyons in between buildings and people.
(1)-[WIND]: Shrieking gales that kick up dust and rubble into the air, followed by stormy day and night. Whirling twisters barrage the Neighborhood with winds strong enough to pick up people, off the ground and into the sky.

[Mission Board & Events]

(To be announced...)

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Work_U_Dumb


Banned Seen 10 yrs ago

Main Character's/General's Name: Makeen bin Sayidul Mursaleen

Main Character's Appearance: Has Short Dark Hair and Arab Skin. Has A Scar on his left eye, Wears a White Long sleeve T-shirt and Blue Jeans. Always has a Jericho 941 with him.

Main Character's Personality: Insane, Power Hungry, Murderous, Deadly.

Main Character's Gender/Age: Male / 45

Neighborhood Name: Al Barsha

Gang/Family Name: Gang Name is The Camel Spiders. The high ranking officers all have Mursaleen as there last name.

Specialized Units:
The Sand-Vipers: A unit which wears an all black suit with a black backpack built in the back. They also wear a skull mask. They have 2 Jericho 941 (Israeli Semi-Automatic Pistol) in there belt with a Camel Blaster (Look at Exports) in a black backpack. Lastly they have 1 Arabic Curve Sword in the pack. They are sent in packs of 5, They ride in Black SUV's. Only elves are these units. They can jump higher then humans and they are faster then humans. The SUV always has 3 propane tanks in the back just incase they need easy bombs.

The Scorpions: A Human unit. They have glow in the dark white suit and they also wear night vision goggles. They have 3 Jerichos in there belts. They also have 2 knives and an Arabic Curve Sword. In the backpack they have a sniper rifle. These guys specialise in night combat and if they are out in they day they hide on the roofs and snipe the enemies from there. They go in groups of 10 and ride in Large Busses which are filled with extra Guns.

Location Preference: South Peninsula

Notable People:
Mutahhar al Qaaid ul Ghur ul Mursaleen: Owner of the Middle Eastern Gun Store. Also known as The Donkey Slayer he is the Heir to the Camel Spider throne. Mutahhar is the son of Makeen and he is Second in command. He is Half Human Half elf and is the only Arab half elf on earth. He has pointy ears and is a sharpshooter with his main weapon the Moon BowGun. It is a Cross bow that instead of the two straight sides it has two semi circles. It shoots arrows and bullets at high speeds like a slingshot.

Nabiyur Rahmah ali Musahih ul Mursaleen: Owner of the Bomb Store. Also known as He who flies with a bang is a Grenade thrower. Brother of Makeen he was supposed to take leadership of the Camel spiders but sadly an injury made it so he could not. He wears Ww2 era milatary gear but has a Machine gun pistol and he has about 20 grenades strapped on his belt and about 100 in his backpack.

Aafiya al Mursaleen: Owner of the Arabic Sword Store. Brother of Aabid and son of Nabiyur he is also known as the Arabian Swordsman he is great with swords. He holds 2 Arabian Curve Swords and he has a pistol in his belt. Rumor has it if he hits you with one of his swords you will become food for his pet Spider Ahmed Akbar.

Aabid al Mursaleen: Owner of the Arabic Book Store. Brother of Aafiya and son of Nabiyur he is known as the Booksman. He does the research of the building before they attempt a raid. He has no weapons because he never goes on the field.

Makeen bin Sayidul Mursaleen: Leader of the Camel Spiders and owner of the Arabic Pet store. Husband of the Elf Hiwen Mursaleen. Being the Ruler of the Camel Spiders and King of the Daugthas Tribe of Elves (Married to the Queen) he has a lot of elven resources. When the Daugthas tribe moved to the southern peninsula they all joined the Camel spiders as it was like a tribe.

Hiwen Mursaleen: Queen of the Daugthas tribe. Husband of Makeen she is the diplomat of the group. She commands the elves and Makeen commands the Humans. She has a bow with her and She Carries an elvish Dagger. She Married into the family

Uldreiyn Rhangyl: The first son of Hiwen, Makeen's stepson. He is the Captain of the Sand-Vipers. He has an extra Camel Blaster that is painted red. His nickname is Sharpshooter.

Primary Import: Steel

Primary Export: Camel Blaster (A Gun which was invented by the Camel Spiders, It is a Machine Shotgun and is only used by the highest of ranking officers in the Camel Spiders)

Leaders Bio: Born in Saudi Arabia he moved to Dark city at the age of 5. His dad formed the Camel spiders when he was 10 because he thought it would be easy money. Sadly he died when Makeen was only 20. That was when he took control. By 22 he became one of the most powerful gangs in the city. When he met Hiwen they where love at first sight. When he was 25 they got married. Now he is 45 and still leading his great gang.

Location of Base: Around 1 mile east of city hall lies the Arabic pet shop. In the basement lies the base. It is like a giant ant hill as it goes from the east the east wall is under the east shore and it goes straight under city hall.

Leader or Eritprinfileiucamearanearum: Makeen bin Sayidul Mursaleen/Hiwen Mursaleen
Generals or Imperator: Uldreiyn Rhangyl/Mutahhar al Qaaid ul Ghur ul Mursaleen
Second in Command Generals or Se in imperator,: Aafiya al Mursaleen/Aabid al Mursalee
Vaultman or Qucamer(Keeper of Money): Nabiyur Rahmah ali Musahih ul Mursaleen

Large Empire
Capital Building
Mining Camp


Missionary Style

Warriors Road
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Hyperdrive
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Hyperdrive Not Possible

Member Seen 6 days ago

Main Character's/General's Name: Alfonse Dullahan
Age: Unknown
Gender: Male
Bio: Alfonse hails from the Dullahan family, which presence was present in the city ever since its founding. The family is a known provider of military grade firearms and are feared by many, even by the city police themselves. Nobody has seen Alfonse directly, save his three most trusted associates and his family. When Alfonse expose his image publicly, it is usually followed by deaths and unfortunate accidents. If someone is lucky to have a glimpse of Alfonse' face without receiving misfortune, he/she would see this.

Alfonse's power is yet to be seen by a person that survives it. Who knows, maybe the 357th assassination attempt might produce a survivor to tell the story.

Neighborhood Name: Sleepy Hollow
Gang/Family Name: "Dullahan Crime Family" but known publicly as "The Stallion Syndicate"
Organization Bio: The Dullahan Crime Family is an organization that has a degree of legality compared to other criminal organizations in the city. For one, they legally own the Dullahan Industries, a business group that produces firearms and vehicle lines patronized by local government firms. Because of the influence of the family over several governmental offices, their criminal actions continued to be overlooked. The Dullahan Crime Family operates under the safety of the "Stallion Syndicate" name, that covers up the illegal actions done by the family.

Specialized Units:

"The Headless Horsemen" - A group of professional hitmen that works for the Dullahan family. They are infamous for leaving their victims without heads, and a signature black rose that grows only on the garden inside the Dullahan family compound. Only those who has Dullahan blood running in their veins can be part of this group.

Location Preference: Peninsula, Top North West (near the pizza slice shape)

Notable People:
The Grimm Brothers - Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm are the known captains of the Horsemen, and the right hand of Alfonse. The brothers were adopted by the family when they were just infants, and was raised and treated like a Dullahan. They vowed themselves into protecting the bloodline of the family that raised them as their own. They are known for their brutal executions and radical ways on approaching given situations. They can telepathically communicate with each other, even if they are far away from their sibling.

Katerina Agarkov - Alfonse' secretary of Russian descent. She is mostly affiliated with the legal parts of the organization, but deals with the illegal sides too from time to time. Rumors within the organization claims that she's Alfonse' mistress, while some claim she's his wife in disguise, due to the intimate demeanor she has when Alfonse is around. She has succubus like aura surrounding her, making all weak willed men fall under her control.

Primary Import: Alcohol
Primary Export: Dullahan Industries Products (High Quality Firearms and Vehicles)

Large Empire
Capital Building
Mining Camp


Pool of Blood

Training Center
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Nicotine


Member Offline since relaunch

My Nation Sheet as an example:

Main Character's/General's Name: Gaspard "Jiggy" Molyneux
-Age: 26
-Gender: Male
-Bio: Gaspard was born in Dark City, has never left the city limits and will probably die in Dark City as well. He is an eccentric character, but fiercely loyal to the city and can't stand anyone that aims to stop his good time. Jiggy walks around with an air of superiority, believing that his gang, the Cannabins, own the entire city and must take it back from unwelcome hands. As long as your goals are the same as Jiggy's, Jiggy is an easy person to work with.

Neighborhood Name: Sunrise Heights, Southwest "West Side"
Gang/Family Name: "The Cannabins"
Specialized Units: [Grunt]
Location Preference: West Side: Southwest

Notable People:
-Gertrude "Rude Girl" Molyneux: Jiggy's Sister and top Combat Adviser
-Mr. Jefferson: Uptight Rent Collector in Sunrise Heights Apartments. No relation to Molyneux family or Cannabins gang.

Primary Import: Lighters/Matches/Combustibles
Primary Export: Dark-City Herbs (and all foods/Herbal remedies that can be created from this plant.): Local plant that can only grow in the barren city soil of Dark City, has many medicinal properties.
Structures: (100 SP)

(Required 1)
1 --Medium Empire: 250,000 Population -15 SP)

1 --Capital Building (15 SP): All great empires need a central hub of information exchange and strategic planning. (Required: 1)
1 --Mining Camp (25 SP): Iron, Coal and other ores necessary to produce weapons and armor can be found here. Although only 1 is necessary to gather materials which will produce weapons and armor, having multiple [Mining Camps] will speed up the process and quantity of Resources you gather. (Required: 1)
1 --Blacksmith (35 SP): Unless you're preparing for War in the immediate future, not too many of these are needed since Blacksmiths can continuously produce items. However, having multiple armories can give you a chance of creating stronger/sturdier products on occasion. (Required: 1)[/i]

Resource Gathering: (100 Resource Point -RP)

1 --Idol Worship (35 RP): Worshipping the various wooden and golden idols may provide unexpected periodic gifts to your empire, as well as increasing the popularity of their [Hood Religion] everywhere. Sends [Missionaries] to another Neighborhood of your choosing. This converts a certain percentage of their population, leading to a variety of bizarre effects for the other player, including a boost to your population.
1--Book Worm (35 RP): Your Neighborhood may only produce world-renowned [Literature] if this trait is active and gains Tourism and respect from other [Gangs]. When enough Tourism is gained, Casts temporary [i][DEBUFF: [Tourism]]
on any Neighborhood of player's choosing. This Tourism debuff forces a certain percentage of a [Gang's] population to visit the Capitol of your Neighborhood..

Neighborhood Traits: (100 Neighborhood Points -NP)

1 --Missionary Style (65 BP): Neighborhoods/Gangs with at least [1 Hood Religion] gain additional [Missionaries] units to send into other neighborhoods, providing additional blessings by deities as well as occasional boosts to national population. Atheist Neighborhoods become nearly immune to population-stealing if they have this trait.
Gang Points: (100 GP)

--Bushido: (50 GP) Your Military's [Morale] stat increases.
--Rally to the Cause: (50 GP) When you and your Ally attack the same Neighborhood, both Militaries receive a [BUFF: [Aggression]]
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Nicotine


Member Offline since relaunch

Hyperdrive said
: Alfonse Dullahan:


Work_U_Dumb said
Main Character's/General's Name: Makeen bin Sayidul Mursaleen

I will try to have an IC post up today which will hopefully help you guys bounce off and develop your gangs.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Zealous Blade
Avatar of Zealous Blade

Zealous Blade The Soul Survivor

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Main Character's/General's Name: Amir "A-Docc" Scott
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Appearance: A young African-American gentleman of medium brown complexion with a low box fade black hair. He is of average height and wears a simplistic outfit consisting of a white tank top, tan cargo pants, and yellow and white Chuck Taylor shoes. He always carries a pistol which is the standard weapon of his gang.
Bio: He was born and raised in the Woodmanor neighborhood and has lived there the entirety of his life. He joined the Nomads gang when he was eleven-years-old and rose steadily through the ranks ever since. At sixteen he became the apprentice of the gang's former leader who prepared him to take his position in the event of his death. Sure enough, the gang's former leader was eventually murdered by rivals and he inherited the gang at the young age of nineteen. Being a mere teen at the time he became the gang's leader, he faced several adversities such as lack of a respect from the chiefs of other divisions. He inevitably earned the respect worthy of a leader after he successfully reunited the gang after a civil war broke out between it sets.

As a leader, he is a bold and demanding yet reasonable. He does not tolerate insubordination and will have members who go rogue executed without discrimination. He despises his gangs rivals and mandates that they too be killed without mercy. However, despite his apparent ruthlessness, he is fiercely loyal to his gang and whatever allies they may have. He likes to preserve any loyalties he may have and is reliable in holding up his end of the deal when it comes to agreements. But, his willingness to compromise with neutral gangs has led some other Nomads to believe that he is soft and he has attracted much distrust since obtaining control of the gang.

Neighborhood Name: Woodmanor
Gang/Family Name: Full name is the Royal Nomad Alliance. Known mostly in shortened form as The Nomads. Also abbreviated as RNA.
Gang Description:

Present Status: Currently, the gang is significantly weaker than what it was in its prime. Six years ago it broke apart and different factions within the gang began fighting against each other. The war didn't last long and the gang was quickly reunified but not without large casualties. The gang is in a rebuilding stage and is aiming to gather resources from others within the city.
Specialized Units:

  • Block Knight: Patrolmen who can be found carrying one gun and one sword. Superior to foot soldiers in that they carry two weapons instead of one.

  • Rollers: The cavalry. Typically found convoying around in sedans and SUVS filled to maximum capacity. Typically use semi-automatic guns.

Location Preference: Middle of the West Side
Notable People:

Primary Import: Higher tier guns (sub-machine guns and assault rifles)
Primary Export: Illegal Drugs


Medium Empire
Capital Building
Mining Camp


Idol Worship




Warrior's Road
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Nicotine


Member Offline since relaunch

Guys, please Subscribe to this topic so I can contact you easier if need be. Also you won't have issues finding this topic if it gets overtaken by other posts.

Zealous, accepted.

This is our current map, I will probably be accepting 2 more Character/Gang Sheets, but the RP has already begun and first IC Post will be going up today.

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Hyperdrive
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Hyperdrive Not Possible

Member Seen 6 days ago

Just a question, are we allowed to include some implied R18 stuff in our posts?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Nicotine


Member Offline since relaunch

Hyperdrive said
Just a question, are we allowed to include some implied R18 stuff in our posts?


No limits on language or mature content in this RP.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Fluffy Warlord

Fluffy Warlord

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

As a heads up I should have my character sheet finished for today
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Nicotine


Member Offline since relaunch

Awesome, I'll have IC post up today.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Work_U_Dumb


Banned Seen 10 yrs ago

Just a question. How do I get my specialised units.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Hyperdrive
Avatar of Hyperdrive

Hyperdrive Not Possible

Member Seen 6 days ago

IC post on the way.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Nicotine


Member Offline since relaunch

Work_U_Dumb said
Just a question. How do I get my specialised units.

By training regular gang units sufficiently or the quick way is to expose combat units to [MC] battle and having them survive.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Nicotine


Member Offline since relaunch

Points are up to everyone who got a post up.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Work_U_Dumb


Banned Seen 10 yrs ago

Can i post my next IC
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Work_U_Dumb


Banned Seen 10 yrs ago

So this is dead. yay
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Zealous Blade
Avatar of Zealous Blade

Zealous Blade The Soul Survivor

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

I don't believe its dead yet. I would do an IC but I want to wait on the OP before doing another post to see what their char is going to do next.
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