Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Vivicat23


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(this is the real first post ¬¬)

Tessa twitched a little despite her best efforts. She had been locked in the dungeons for the past three days and the last time she had seen a living person was about six hours ago, when a guard came to inform her she was scheduled to be executed the coming morning. Not something she was too enthused about. After raging for long moments, she tested the small barred window for weaknesses, but the iron bars seemed to be perfectly secured, likewise, the door to her cell was impossible to break down. Specially for her, she wasn't particularly strong. She was a cleric and a healer, not built for the front lines at all. With a defeated sigh she sat down and began to meditate. That was two hours ago, in about eight more hours she was going to be lead to the gallows and she still had no idea of how to get out of there.

Just then she heard footsteps echoing throughout the corridor, and they seemed to be approaching her cell. Tessa hoped whoever it was was a friendly soul. She was already tired of the sneers some of the guards directed at her. As if she was a common criminal, which she wasn't. All she had done was apparently see something the high lord didn't wish her to see. Worse still, she didn't know what it meant. But maybe, just maybe, if she managed to get out of there, she could find answers in Engels' capital. Someone there would be able to tell her what the black book she had accidentally stumbled upon when she got lost in the lord's small castle. It had been the first time she had been requested to go there, being fresh out of her apprenticeship, she hadn't intended to discover anything. But, judging by the reaction, it was both important and dangerous. Nothing safe had such a dark aura surrounding it.

The door to her cell opened, and she absently wondered if she had miscalculated and the time for her execution had arrived. She opened her eyes when the footsteps retreated as suddenly as they had arrived. She stood hurriedly, her legs feeling a little numb after being in the same position for so many hours, and went to the door. Cautiously, she peered outside. The hallways were empty, not a trace of the guards around. Thanking the gods for such a stroke of luck she left her cell, and, as fast as she possibly could while still being silent, she hurried out of the dungeon. She needed to find a way to reach the northern border and reach Engels' capital. The high priest of her order would surely listen and have some advice for her. She hoped the hallways of the fortress were as empty as those of the dungeons. Silently, she thanked her mysterious benefactor and vowed to herself that she would, once she found who it was, pay them back in anyway she could.

Trembling with anticipation, she stepped out of the dungeons.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Pathfinder
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Pathfinder A walking disaster

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Durus was lost, really lost. Every turn in this blasted city looked the same to him and after about five minutes in he was lost. That was what? three, five hours ago? Durus didn't know. All he knew was that he hated it here. He even forgot why he came here in the first place, something about magic? or maybe it was a bounty? No he doesn't need money, think Durus think!

It was no use, this damned armor, "I wish I had never put you on." He said to no one in particular. As he continued walking, in circles for all he knew, he heard a sound he was all too familiar with. The sound of a sword leaving its sheath. Roused from his thoughts Durus began to look around, wondering where the sound came from. His answer came not from the slash of a sword but the hard piece of a club to the back of the head. Angered, Durus turned around and found himself acquainting his eye with a sword, well a pitiful excuse of one. It was lang and thin, it fit perfectly in his eye slit. With the initial shock over with Durus did the only thing he could in this situation, he grabbed.

With the assailants head in between his hands Durus squeezed, turning the mans head into a mush. The sight must have been horrific because his partner let out a scream of terror before I unsheathed my own sword and split him from crown to the ground, the two halves falling onto the ground. With the brief confrontation over with, Durus pulled the sword still lodged in his eye slit out and put it in his hands, letting the suit consume it for later use. Taking one of their water pouches I cleaned my hands, I may forget things but blood is still frowned upon. At least he thinks so. With a shrug Durus continued on his endless journey for about another thirty minutes before a door to his left opened and out came a woman who looked a little disheveled. Pausing in his tracks, Durus lifted a meek hand and said "Hello."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Steel fist
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Anderus woke up in the woods not far from the castle that Tessa ran out from,
he started the day as usual at 5:00 am with a meditation and a martial arts practice,
after that he left the woods towards the castle.
He remembered the words that his custodian, the oldest monk in the monastery told him: "There is a young priestess that will bring a big difference, protect her!"
After that the old monk showed Anderus Tessa's picture, drawn from an image he saw during meditation, "You must find her and protect her!" the old monk said.
That was 3 months ago, Anderus was searching for Tessa ever since.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Vivicat23


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Tessa hurried out of the castle, that was uncharacteristically empty, not even a lone soldier standing guard. Not one to scoff at her luck she thanked her lucky stars and got out as fast as possible. Judging by the time, it would take them at least a few more hours to realize she had escaped. That was alright with her, she expected to be, at the very least, out of the city by the time her execution was supposed to take place. She took a deep breath of fresh air, once she had left the confines of the castle.

And then she almost had a heart attack when a man in armor greeted her. She was not expecting it, and her heart was hammering in her chest. 'H-Hello' she answered, nervous. 'You wouldn't happen to be part of the city guard, would you?' Tessa certainly hoped he wasn't, it would be terrible for her to be thrown into the dungeons again once she had managed to get out.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Pathfinder
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Pathfinder A walking disaster

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'H-Hello...You wouldn't happen to be part of the city guard, would you?'

Well that was an odd question to ask a stranger, or was it? Social stuff wasn't really Durus' thing. But feeling an answer was needed he said, "No, truth be told I am trying to leave this city. There is a bad smell in the air, and I'm not talking about the garbage. There is evil here and I want out." It also didn't help that he was utterly lost. With that in mind, Durus looked at the girl again and said, "It looks like you are going to need some help leaving too, these streets aren't safe. I help you stay alive, you help me leave... Deal?"

Durus had hoped that she would take it, trying to not sound demanding was hard. Not remembering why he was here in the first place was harder, now he just wanted to leave this city behind him. and get this armor off.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Steel fist
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Anderus actually didn't know Tessa's name or the fact she was a prisoner inside the castle,
he merely understood that talking to the local Lord maybe helpful, and besides he felt with his guts that he should check this castle and he always trusted his instincts.
He moved quickly and silently towards the castle, suddenly he stopped, he smelled blood. Anderus followed the smell and found a bunch of bandits lying on the ground with their heads crushed, Anderus understood from the picture that whatever or whoever killed those men was very strong!
"I must hurry!" Said Anderus to himself and continued his search.
After few minutes he saw the young priestess from the corner of the street and the huge armed warrior standing near her, he didn't know whether the warrior was friendly or not but he did understand that probably he is the one who killed those men in the alley, Anderus took out both of his scimitars and jumped between the young priestess and the huge warrior, "Be careful, he is dangerous!" he shouted to Tessa while facing Durus with his weapons in a ready position, Anderus understood of course that the warrior is very strong, but he was obligated to protect the young priestess, and besides he trusted his speed and martial training.
"Who are you and what do you want from the young lady?" Asked Anderus while remaining in a battle ready position between the warrior and the priestess, ready to strike at the first sign of hostility.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Vivicat23


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Tessa was once again startled as another man, a shapeshifter by the look of him, jumped between herself and the armored man. "Be careful, he is dangerous!" he said a he stood his ground before the man with weapons at the ready. She forced her breathing to calm again and she hurried to the shapeshifter, laying a hand on his arm in a conciliatory gesture.

'Wait, please, he was going to help me get out of the city' She said with great urgency, hoping the little altercation didn't bring any undue attention to them, she really didn't want to go back to the holding cells. 'I can't.... I can't stay here, else it will be too dangerous for me' She didn't know either of the men, but one seemed kind enough to offer her help out and the other apparently felt some obligation to protect her. She hoped they could both accompany her, she would feel much safer if she was not alone.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Steel fist
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After receiving Tessa's explanation, Anderus relaxed and returned his scimitars back to the sheaths.
"It seems we all on the same side." he said calmly, "My name is Anderus Fang, I'm a fighting monk from the 'Hill of woods" monastery that stands on no ones land between the countries, I will help you with everything I can."
"If it's dangerous for you to stay here, let's go towards the woods, you will update me on the way." he said to Tessa quietly.
"My warrior friend, it seems there is some kind of black magic curse laying on you, you look very strong but your spirit energy is very weak, you should talk to the monastery keeper about this, he is very educated in those things and might help you!" He said to Durus, as all of them started to move away from the castle.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Pathfinder
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Pathfinder A walking disaster

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When the newcomer jumped from no where, weapons drawn, Durus was about to bring his greatsword down upon his head before the lady from before broke in. Apparently the man was shifter, if the smell was any indication. Dog... or wolf, either way he was placated by the woman and no more bloodshed had to be had. For now anyway. Shifting into a more neutral stance Durus took stock of the new arrival. Strongly built, fast, well armed.... definitely fit the picture of the "fighting monk" he claimed to be. However at the utterances of curses, keepers, and help out of them Durus was intrigued.

"You say this man can help me with this?" Gesturing to the armor that kept him trapped. If they could find anyway to help then he would seek them out, after he escorted the lady out of this city. "I will take your words into consideration, after I escort the lady out of this city. For I am lost, my memory isn't the best these days. My name is Durus of....of.... Ber...Ber... Oh. I can't remember." This was most troubling, he could have recalled his title a month ago. Or could he? He hasn't had to use it in many a month, most troubling indeed. Shaking it off for now, Durus said "Anyway, we need to move on. The streets aren't safe at night, those ruffians you saw earlier were proof of that." With that Durus Waited for the next move.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Vivicat23


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Tessa hurried to agree with Durus, the streets were not safe, specially for her, once her escape became known. She wasn't eager to find out what the local lord would do once he learned she would not be at her scheduled execution. 'My name is Tessa, I'm a cleric from St. Engels church. I.... I really need to get out of here, would you help me reach Engels?' She asked, a little uncertain of the two strangers. On one side, it was a good thing they were willing to help her, on another, well, they were basically strangers. But she wasn't in a position to refuse help, and she couldn't consider them strangers anymore, since she now knew their names. Besides, despite the small taint of a curse on Durus, their auras felt warm and comforting, something that would be impossible if they weren't good people.

'We need to head north, and be out of the city before morning, is that possible?' She asked both of them.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gelatinous Cube
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Lunge. Thrust. Parry. Dodge. Lunge. Thrust. Parry. Dodge.
The two fights danced in the flickering torch light of the undercity chamber. The stench of sweat, blood and mildew was so heavy in the air it was almost nauseating.
His opponent adhered to this predictable pattern like a code of ethics, though he fought like his life depended on it.
In all honesty, it really did. Beads of sweat dripped from Vikas' beard and several strands of hair had wriggled free from his loose braid. Dark, wet stains spread outwards from his underarms, but he remained outwardly collected. He didn't even blink when the sweat ran into his eyes, accepting the sting as a constant reminder of the stakes.
His pulse raced until he heard the blood rushing in his ears, and nothing else save for the song of steel on steel, blades clashing and scraping on one another. The crowd jeered, spat and roared, some calling for his death and others calling for his opponents, depending on who they had bet on.
His opponent worked hard, he seemed to put more concentration into his repetitive moves then he did in the man he was actually dueling with. Some buck from the streets who fancied himself a killer, no doubt. Perhaps trained by a local guild master or just someone who watched too many sword fights and took away too much confidence from it.

Though, far be it from Vikas to underestimate any opponent. Any mistake could lead to his death, and he had always had the notion that he would decide whose hand he would die by. Yet he had to remember that this lads sword was just as real and deadly as Vikas' own. Only his hands weren't. Nor were his eyes as keen, his instincts as sharp and his heart as accustomed.
Vikas had killed men before, oh yes, both as a soldier, part-time mercenary and as an illegal duelist. He never claimed to do it for anything else but the money and the rush, a bastard he may be but a liar he was not. At least in a duel a man fights as an equal and is rightfully struck down by whoever the melee should determine was the better of the two. Strict rules were placed down to ensure that no man could cheat.

Vikas was growing weary of the combat, letting himself become too accustomed to the pattern his opponent followed, and soon found himself following the motions as well.
He attempted a play, backpedaling at his opponents lunge he attempted a stroke to the mid-section only to have the other fighter spin away from the blade and place himself at Vikas' back, on his right flank.
Even the seasoned duelist had to admit it wasn't something he'd anticipated. Likely the young swordsman's strategy was to stick to his routine and bide his time, ever vigilant for the move Vikas would no doubt make in impatience. Just another lesson learnt.
The young fighter betrayed his cunning with over confidence. Thinking the fight won through one clever ruse he took a wild swing at Vikas' head. The veteran duelist just managed to duck beneath it and spring up to close the distance between them, and as he did plunged his sabre into the young fighters heart. After only a few moments, the twitching stopped and the blood began to run and pool at the young fighters feet before Vikas withdrew his blade. The body slumped to the floor.

Vikas was handed a towel to wipe off the sweat and clean the blood from his blade.
"The winner is Tyr!" Came the rumbling voice of the announcer, and all of a sudden the din and ruckus of the crowd came rushing in to fill the silent space of his concentration.
Vikas accepted his prize money, a hefty fist-sized sack of gold coins that would see him through the next month of travel. He collected his cloak and scabbard and left without saying a word.
Perhaps a drink for the road and then he'd be gone by dusk. Perhaps to Engels? He knew a woman there and in spite of himself was yearning for her warmth again. He smiled as he ascended back to the city, the stuffy tainted air of the undercity warrens gradually being replaced by sweeter, cleaner air. He welcomed the road back with an open heart.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Steel fist
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"Yes, follow me." said Anderus calmly, answering Tessa's question.
He then started to lead his friends towards the forest to the North of the city, going through side streets and alleys and avoiding the main streets.
Anderus stayed in his beloved half turned state that became more natural to him then any of the two fully turned forms, he was fully alert, ready for any surprises that may present themselves to the group.
[OK guys, I'm leavin for you to decide whether we have any encounters on the way that Durus and Anderus need to fight or did we just arrived out of the city limits without any trouble]
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Pathfinder
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Pathfinder A walking disaster

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"Yes, follow me." Said the wolf, Durus didn't catch his name.. or he did and just didn't remember. Anyway as the wolf lead them towards the exit, Durus kept his attention on the lady, Tess was it? As Durus stayed behind everyone, both because of his natural slowness and watching everyone's backs, his warrior instincts came on. They were being watched, flashes in the dark and the scurry of feet warned him of the coming storm. The group continued on their way until they came upon a lone man in the middle of the street.

"Hey you, metal man! You took out some of my boys, and I intend to return the favor. Starting with that sweet thing you two got wedged between ya!" After a sinister chuckle the man snapped his fingers and a group of thugs came from the shadows, about a dozen of them given his quick count. Yet it mattered not. Nothing was going to stop Durus from cutting that man down. Pulling out his greatsword, Durus said "I hope your ready for a fight wolf, because there isn't a god on this planet that will protect that man from me." With that Durus waded forward as several men closed in on his position.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Steel fist
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Instead of answering, Anderus simultaneously got into a low stance , kicked the bandit behind him in the chest, breaking the bandits chest and smashing his heart, pierced the bandit to the left with his left scimitar and used his right hand to pierce the bandit behind Durus that was trying to attack the powerful warrior from behind, Anderus's right hand just went under Durus's armpit, driving the scimitar into the bandit behind him.
Afterwards Anderus jumped above Durus's head and landed near Tessa, his scimitars were moving as fast as butterflies wings, cutting the limbs and heads of the bandits who dared to try and attack the young priestess.
" That's called the dance of the butterfly!" Anderus shouted to Durus in a pranky tone of voice while continuing to fight the bandits, "What have you got?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Vivicat23


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Tessa looked nervously around her. She had known the two men that now accompanied her were warriors, that much had been obvious by the weapons and armor they carried, but she honestly had not expected to encounter any trouble so close to the city limit. She hadn't realized the bandit trouble had gotten that bad. She took a few steps back, trying to keep out of the way of the fighters, concentrating her energies on healing them from the small scratches and wounds they received. Although not being suited for combat, being rather slow when it came to casting spells, her specialty was healing, she could do it fast and with minor discomfort, something she took pride at. Her eyes flew from one to another, trying to figure out who would need more help. Deciding that Anderus could handle the small group he was tussling with, due to his superior speed, she turned to Durus and the bandits he was facing. She closed her eyes in concentration and started chanting. After a minute she sent a bolt of lightning directly to one of the bandits, that was trying to flank Durus. It worked, in that the bandit was now dead, but now she had attracted some attention towards herself. She cursed herself for her lack of foresight and started to chant again.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Steel fist
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When Tessa moved, Anderus moved with her, " Tessa, don't move! You should stay in the center of the imaginary sphere!" Anderus shouted to her, he was working in an ancient protection technique where the person who needed the protection is standing or sitting in the center of an imaginary sphere and the fighting monk or monks move on the surface of that sphere, blocking attacks and inflicting damage to the trespassing enemies.
When Tessa fired that bolt of lightning, all the bandits concentrated on her, Anderus had to add kicks and bites to his "Butterfly dance" in order to handle the pressure.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Pathfinder
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Pathfinder A walking disaster

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Durus moved onward, unflinching as a bolt of energy lanced towards him and narrowly missed, hitting a thug at his flank. Hefting his greatsword Durus brought it down and cleaved through the most heavily armed of the bandits, armor, skin, and bones before getting stuck in the ground. Leaving the sword in the where it lay, Durus turned and punched a guy walking up behind him. There was a sickening crunch as his ribs cracked, the gurgling sound was worse. However this didn't effect Durus, having seen it happen hundreds of times. Seeing his display of strength the other thugs in his area began to become more cautious, fearing the titan mans might.

"If you got to do something, you have to do it yourself!" The leader wailed, fury radiated from him like heat from a fire. Speaking of fire, Durus found himself bathed in it. Apparently this man was a mage of some sort. Grunting from the force of the flames hitting him, Durus braced himself and continued his march until his hands, now white hot, grabbed the mans and the smell of burnt flesh and screams of agony pierced the sky. With the mans hands now immobilized, he weakly said, "What sort of monster are you?" Fear evident in his voice. Looking in the mans eyes, Durus said nothing as he wrapped his hands around his head, letting him burn.

Seeing as their leader was so easily dispatched by the monster in mans armor, the men around Durus ran. It mattered not to Durus as he pulled his sword from the ground and looking towards his companions. Still glowing from the mans flame attack.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Vivicat23


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Tessa nodded in understanding as Anderus yelled at her to stay in the center. It made sense, though she still prepared a spell in case one of the bandits breached the barrier the warrior so effectively made. She turned to Durus, to see how he was holding up and gasped in horror as he saw the leader of the bandits envelop him in flames. She was already chanting a healing spell when she saw the armored man move towards the mage. Just before Durus lay a hand on the man, Tessa turned away, knowing what was coming. She turned her back to Durus and proceeded to unleash the healing spell on Anderus, noticing he had gained new scratches from protecting her. She winced as she heard the agonized screams of the mage as he burned. It didn't take too long for him to die, thankfully. And once the leader was down the rest decided to flee, seeing as they had no opportunity to best them in a fight.

She sighed in relief as it was over, then she turned to Durus. 'Are you alright?' She asked, surely he would need something, his armor still glowed with the heat trapped in it, and she was certain he would be wounded beneath it. 'Do you need healing, Sir Durus?' Tessa looked around, noticing the sun was starting to rise. 'Maybe we should get further away from the city, it won't be safe in her for much longer.' She was desperate to leave the borders of Miess as soon as possible, but for now she would settle for being away from the city and it's lord.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Steel fist
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" Fa-jing!" yelled Anderus with concentration in order to fortify his blow, the last of the bandits that were attacking Tessa fell to the ground as Anderus's scimitar cut his head off. Anderus saw the flame attack on Durus but couldn't do anything before he neutralized all the bandits that were attacking Tessa, for his relief Durus handled the situation successfully by himself.
Anderus helped Tessa to stand up and asked if she was alright. After receiving a positive answer, he said to his companions: "We should leave quickly, I can hear the sounds of armored man closing on our location from the adjacent streets, judging by the sound of chain mails and the voice commands of their leaders, those are the city guards! Tessa, if you know any camouflage spells that will by us time, this will be a good time to use them!"
When Anderus turned his front to his friends, it became obvious that he got seriously burned from the flame attack that partially ricocheted from Durus, but there was no time for this, so he just ignored it.
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