Hey there~ I'm new myself and I spent some amount of time browsing around. From what I can gather, it's all up to your preference.
If you would like to set up a roleplay of some kind with a group, or perhaps join one already in progress, then go to the board that best suits your fancy out of the majority of the boards. If you would like to join an open/public roleplay, then you would simply have to ask in a thread's OOC tab if you can jump in and figure out where to go from there with the group. Otherwise, you can post your roleplay idea into the "Interest Checks" sub-board of the board of your choice and see if people are interested in RPing with you.
If you would prefer to keep things simple and do a one on one roleplay with just one other person, then there is the one on one board for you. That is where I personally will probably prefer keeping to my RP's, as I'm not one to really enjoy a larger group project. The same principle applies there: go to the Interest Checks section and leaf through what other people are requesting for...or you can create a request thread yourself and see if you can get any bites. I plan on going there rather soon and putting one up myself.
All in all, there's pretty much a little bit of everything for everybody here that is interested in forum-based roleplaying. It's all about your personal preference, so nobody can really point you to where you want to go but you. xD But my advice...if you're new to forum roleplaying, I would start with a small, casual, laid-back One on One RP with somebody who shares your RP interests. It can get a little hectic if you have a lot of people RPing in the same thread. xD Then you can come up with a plot together or you can simply wing it...or do whatever you want, really...as long as it's within the rules of course.
I'm quite looking forward to this place. I haven't had a good roleplay source since my Neopets days...and it'll be good not to have the harsh filters that Neopets has. xD