Something was churning around in Rose’s gut though as she tried to get comfortable on the leather couch. She had been debating for a while whether to tell her father about that boy that broke in to the tower or not, as she didn't want to give him any reason to find disappointment in her...but at the same time, she hadn't ever lied to him before.
"Daddy...that kid I told you about that broke into the tower today..." She started, avoiding his gaze, afraid of that disappointing look that tore her heart every time she saw it. "I...I think he was from the Court of the Owls, and...he was good. I don't know what kind of shape I'd be in right now if Superboy hadn't shown up." She bit the tip of her tongue a bit, something that hurt almost as much as feeling her father's disapproval was the feeling of her own pride breaking.
"The Court of Owls. Their Talons are fiercely loyal. This will affect your training regimen. And not in the way you want it to either."
Slade strode over to the bedroom, shutting the door and changed from his Armani business suit to typical workout gear. Sweatpants, and a tank top, barefooted. She knew she would regret this, the second she saw him disappearing into his room, she knew that now the bruises and month-long soreness would soon begin. Rose dragged herself off of the couch in a bit of a slump and took off her leather jacket and t-shirt, revealing a light purple training bra she wore when she would either work out on her own, or spar with someone else. She sat back on the couch, slipping her jeans off to show a matching pair of light purple under-armor shorts and just put her discarded clothes in a somewhat neat pile on the couch as Slade’s bedroom door opened again. As he re-entered the living room, he strode to the far wall, activating the hidden panel which slid away to reveal their training center. Complete with a full armory, it also housed their uniforms, Slade having many more variations than Rose did. In the center of the room was the training mat. Slade walked over to it, and motioned Rose over. As he did so, he grabbed a pair of eskrima sticks.
At first Rose attempted to reach for her favored bo staff, a good counter to the eskrima sticks but his gesture immediately told her that she was going at this weaponless. She entered the training area, a good five feet from her father and took a defensive stance, crouched down low with her arms extended, covering as many vulnerable points as she could at one time as he had once taught her when learning the basics. Now wasn't a time to start wishing she could instead be inserted into one of those dumb ass simulations...those she knew she could beat; but this...this was both exhilarating and frighting. Well...at least she was able to skip history today…Or so she thought.
"OK Rose, since this is going to take up History, I'll tutor you as we train."
He said, immediately going for a blow to her bicep, leaving a bruise the size of a strawberry. "When we last left off, I had assigned you four chapters in the history textbook. Did you actually read it or were you too busy ogling Jason Todd?" Slade didn’t even allow enough time to stretch before launching into a series of textbook eskrima attacks on his daughter.
"Or was it Ricochet?"
You could have seen Rose's jaw drop from a mile away. Fighting
and history? At the same time? She didn't even have time to register that information as a bruise was already starting to form. She shook her head though, putting her game-face on once again and furrowed her eyebrows to her father. "I
don't oggle!" She snapped, getting irritated. Why did everyone always think that? First Roy, now her own father? She jumped to the side, doing a quick tuck-and-roll maneuver as he swung his sticks at her once more, able to roll underneath them just at the right moment before regaining her footing only to be kicked back down by her father’s foot before she even had a chance to re-evaluate his stance.
She moved quickly though, it seemed that the second she made contact with the mat she was right back up again, taking the hit with grit teeth and turning the pain into a slight emotion of rage. Slade had figured out Jason's identity long ago, as he had with the rest of the bat family, therefore when he used his name it didn't come as a surprise, but at his mention of Ricochet, her eyes narrowed to slits. "He's a friend, nothing more. They all are. So stay out of it!" She said firmly and then took her first offensive move. She stepped in towards him, putting her arm up as a block to the first stick while her opposite arm countered with a left hook to his ribcage greeted immediately by her fist throbbing in pain from the sheer mass and toughness of his skin and muscle.
Slade smiled. "So when last you actually did your homework, we were on the American Civil War" He tossed the sticks aside as she seemed to have gotten the hang of blocking them with her arms, though it left them bruised from elbow to wrist, and went for the one thing she wasn't expecting: The stainless steel sword he used mainly as Deathstroke. Swinging hard in a v style arc, it came as no surprise when she managed to dodge the initial arc but got cut on the arm on the upstroke. She may have been his daughter, but she wasn’t physically enhanced like he was, and she can't be…not after what it did to him.
Slade had nearly gone insane in the first three months, trying to cope with the physical and psychological changes the serum forced on him. He refused to let his daughter go through that, not until she's strong enough; but even then......He shoved the thoughts away as he dodged her heel with ease in an attempt to clip his jaw.
"Stop thinking, Rose, and start using muscle memory."
Rose hadn't read the chapters, not even a hint of an attempt to look at those damn books over the past few days. She gasped as the steel sliced through her feminine skin like wet paper. She clutched her hand over the bleeding wound and took a few steps to the side.
"WHAT DOES IT MATTER?" She cried out, raising her voice. She couldn't do this, she couldn't think and fight, it was always just one or the other. Her hand now crimson with her own blood, she clenched at her arm a bit tighter before rushing him, angrily. It was a stupid move, but she had always fallen victim to letting her anger over-step her common sense.
She weaved through the two swipes that had been attempted to draw blood once again, using her agility to the best of her ability until she was able to grab the hilt of the sword with both hands, trying to wrench it from him. It was a fruitless effort on her part, since he was literally five times stronger than a regular human, but she had to prove to him that she was still capable of SOMETHING in this scenario.
"I didn't read your stupid text book and I don't see why I should." She said using all of her strength to at least try to take the sword from him. "Who cares about what happened who the hell knows how many years ago? That's not going to help me in the future. My future will be simple..." She went on, her arms screaming at her to stop the struggle, but she kept going. "Because in my future, I'm going to be just like you!"
Slade jabbed the sword in the ground, and with judo style throws, landed Rose on her back like a rag-doll.
"We look to the past, Rose, to learn for the future. I lost my eye when I had to fight-and kill-my best friend who'd betrayed me. I could've died which would've meant you'd never be born." He helped her up, and walked over to the Armory, placing the sword in its sheath, noticing a syringe of some sort in her bag.
"What the hell is this, Rose?" He whispered lifting the syringe out of her bag. He turn and stormed over to her, lifting her easily four feet off the ground by the back of her sports bra. "What the HELL is this, Rose?"
The wind had been knocked out of Rose temporarily from landing on her back so hard, but it seemed the second that she had regained her breath, she was back up in the air in her father's death grip. He had found her syringe, something she had never told him about. To her own justification it wasn't lying, it just wasn't telling. She knew he would have freaked out if he knew she was shooting up adrenaline to heighten her abilities, including the ability to be able to see just seconds into the immediate future. She could see the fire in his eye, the disappointment, and the paternal fear boiling in his chest.
"Rose. Lilian. Wilson. Tell me what the hell is in this syringe or so help me..." She keept looking down at him, terrified of telling and debating whether to lie. Slade stared at her for a minute, waiting for an answer, praying for it not to be Mirakuru. If she'd taken that.....
Swallowing hard, she finally met his eye once again, keeping a tear in the corner of her right eye from slipping. The look on his face didn't so much as scare her as it did tear her heart to shreds. She would have given anything at that moment to be back at the tower, back with Roy and Jason, Johnny and Tim...hell even Garth and Iron Fist...
"It's-it's not that daddy." She managed to whisper out without hinting to the fact that she was just about to let her tears slip. He had to have at least that assurance first, that she hadn't come across the serum on her own...though only God knew she tried.
"It's just adrenaline. I only use it when I'm out on the field and I'm overwhelmed. It...it helps me get my second wind, and with, with my ability." She decided to leave the part out where she had become addicted to it, just as she had become addicted to cigarettes.
Slade set her down and threw the syringe into the nearby furnace they used for burning documents.
"I suppose you've become as addicted to it as your cigarettes, haven't you?" He drew her in to a tight hug, his fears allayed, though only slightly. “Well, no more training, as for the rest of the week you're detoxing from the adrenaline and cigarettes. The minute you're clean and healthy, you'll be grounded for a month. No TV, no friends, no phone, no tower."
She pulled away to look me in the eye and found the look of a scared parent etched into his face, fear for his child's life.
"Drugs are not the way to increase your abilities, and certainly not with adrenaline. What the hell were you thinking?"
The hug had caught her off-guard, as she was thoroughly expecting a slap across the face or...or something. Still, a chance to feel loved by her father physically was something she wasn't about to take for granted. She threw her arms around him, hugging him back, and tears staining the corner of her eyes. She felt...ashamed...a feeling all very new to her as this time it came with guilt.
"Okay daddy."
Sure, for the moment she said okay, she would do anything to make him happy, not even thinking of the actual detoxing period...as if she would even be able to do it.
"I...I just wanted to become stronger...like you. I..." She looked back up at him, her arms still wrapped around him in a hug. "I just want to make you proud."
Finally, a single tear leaked out and rolled down her cheek, a sign of weakness she had never showed him. The second she felt it drop though, she released her hold around him and quickly wiped it away, unable to look back up at him now and left, going up the flight of stairs to shut herself in her room.