Ariesu looked at the girl when she questioned who he was. He wasn't entirely sure if he should give her his actual name or continue to use his cover name he's been using to hide himself on Gaea. He wasn't especially fond of human, but the girl was only half human which didn't bother him much. He looked over toward one of his mages seeing the shattered glass from the window someone had gone out of. He presumed that Aira woman had fled out the window and that everyone else would be going to see what was going on upstairs in the throne room. Even though he knew it was futile to go look for her he had one of his minions go out the window she did and search for clues even if they were small clues. "I doubt going after that woman will do us any good, but jump out that window and survey the area. You might find even a fragment that I can use out there. I don't care how small the clue is. Just bring it back to me." He ordered one of his minions in the room to do as they walked over toward the window and jumped out of it themselves.
"PRINCESS ALICIA!!!" Guards said that entered room to notice that the area had become a slaughter fest. They noticed two corpses on the ground which they knew were both the King and Princess Eurasia. They also saw several guard corpses on the ground that were in the same state as the other two corpses on the ground. They then saw two unknown figures where they inquired who they were and saw their princess tied to the throne chair. She shook her head when they tried to approach and ordered them to stand down. Even though they were hesitant to do so they obeyed her orders anyway. She ordered them to stick by the entrances and ordered one guard to go over toward the window and keep watch over it.
"The name is Ariesu, Princess Alicia. I find your people quite interesting and I will enlist my aid to help you restore the damage that was inflicted by that wretched woman. You need not worry about the pathetic cult she comes from. As long as I remain here, they won't dare try to stand in your way." He advised the princess as he grabbed a dagger from Utronos and cut her binds away including the ones that bound her wrists.
Meanwhile just outside the castle the dark platinum haired man that wielded Ichivail had returned to the castle with his Arch Knights. He inquired from the guard what was going and wanted a status report on the situation and the damage inflicted by the incident that just happened. The guards weren't entirely sure how much damage the castle sustained or the well-being of their King. All they could tell him is what they've investigated so far has minimal damages and that they had cleared out the gaggle of dead bodies someone else had laid in their wake when storming the castle. "Shall I serve as an escort, Duke Armand?" He questioned toward Armand who shook his head no. Armand decided that he would investigate the situation himself so he could understand what was going on. The guard inquired why he had left the castle earlier where Armand told him simply he was just dealing with a problem in the city. Then he informed him that it was nothing to worry about and that he should just remain on alert in case other intruders try to force their way into the castle. Armand entered the castle and had his Arch Knights standby to guard the main entrance to the castle and then ordered a select few to guard the other two entrances to ensure that security was tight.
"Armand!" A soldier ran over while he was about to enter the castle doors. Armand frowned as he turned his attention toward the guard. By the look on the guard's face what he had to say looked urgent. "Out with it already." Armand said impatient as he had no time to waste.
"A woman was spotted that had just jumped out one of the windows. We tried to pursue her, but we lost her. And those who kept up with her were found dead. Their bodies were completely decayed like they had been buried for many years." The soldier said toward Armand which concerned him. He then inquired toward the guard what the woman looked like and when the guard gave the description of her he immediately ran into the castle headed straight for the throne room.
Ingrid Ingrassia (Chloris mother):

Lenisk Ingrassia (Chloris father):

"Baron Lenisk and Baroness Ingrid, we have secured the castle though we don't exactly know what happened in the throne room." One of the soldiers said as he saw an orange haired man and a silver haired woman approaching them on armored horses. Lenisk was armed with his angelic like sword and Ingrid had her spear at her disposal if she needed it. Neither looked very pleased as they both had looks of displeasure slapped on their faces. Lenisk stopped his horse near the entrance of the castle where his wife Ingrid pulled up right beside him. "What is going on? Why did I see my daughter killing Guardia troops?" He questioned unhappy about the fact his daughter was killing their own soldiers. He wanted to go after her and force her to come to her senses, but the King was in danger so he'd deal with her at another time.
Meanwhile when Nathan finally put Meira down that is when Azmaldus jumped down from his dragon he was riding happy to see she was okay. He wasn't going to scold her there for what she had done, it would be a waste of time. Now that they had met up with Drausius Mage Knights the soldiers that pursued them all backed off and returned to the city. A few surviving pegasus and dragon knight units were also seen flying toward the city gates. He shook his head at what Nathan had said, because he didn't know that Meira's father abandoned her when she was still an infant. "I'm afraid, boy you don't understand her anger at all. Meira hates her father for the fact he abandoned her when she was just an infant and left her in the care of her mother. But when Meira was nearing her teens, her mother one day vanished without a trace. Not too long after that happened Queen Erialyss of Windgrace agreed to raise her. There is no excuse for her actions, no. But go throwing around words so foolishly without asking her why she feels that way is rather thinking close-minded. You must respect her decisions no matter how foolish they may be. That's part of being a leader and I'm sure she has accepted the responsibility and consequences from them. The only part I didn't appreciate was the fact you were continuing on which is ridicule and I'm sure she might have been insulted. Not by the fact you scold her, but rather by the lack of restraint in your words. Just say your piece and leave it as that. There's no need to drive things into the ground by continuing to talk about such a subject." He reminded the boy as he approached Meira and took her into his hands hugging her. Meira thought her grandfather was going to scold her for what she did, but instead he didn't.
"I'm just glad you're okay." He paused for a moment raising his voice for the next couple of statements he made, "But don't ever go into battle without using rational thought, Meira! You're not alone even if you think you are. Your life is not something you can just so easily throw away like a piece of tissue paper. There are those who care about you dearly. So please regard their feelings before you think about being selfish again." He paused once more lowering his tone back toward a fatherly like one, "Besides, I don't need to tell you what happened to myself when I did the samething."
"Don't you think that's a bit much, granny?" Whizzle said to no one, recognizing the person who's reckless enough to throw the spell freely. "Hmm, wonder what should I do..."
Siia knew that voice only by the word "granny" because there was only one person who ever addressed her by that name and if they didn't want to get sold out they should have chose another alias. She sighed a bit when she heard the word, but didn't really hear if it was male or female, where she was irritated by being called granny. She was still a beautiful woman and she has retained her youth. She found such a moniker rather insulting though she did allow just him to address her that way. Both Chloris and Luther climbed off the mounts they were riding as Meira's mount regrouped with her standing right beside her as her grandfather continued to hug her and hold her in his grasp. "You again..." Were the only words Siia could manage since she wasn't entirely pleased to see the person who she thought it was again who called her by that. Ever since she saw the person she was thinking about the last time when her sister was still around, she had always wanted to avoid contact with him. It wasn't that she hated him, just that he found his behavior obnoxious and sometimes obstinate. "I guess it's fate that brought us back together." She let out of deep sight that echoed around the area that almost everyone could hear. Ranathia who was right beside her didn't say a word. She didn't have anything to say toward the person though she was rather curious how Siia and that person in the sky with blue wings knew each other.
Drausius, his wife Ishtora following alongside him and his Mage Knights approached the group. His expression was pretty normal and it didn't look like he entirely cared that they made it out of the city safely. Still he would assist them in their endeavor since he owed a debt to Siia still. Knowing that they couldn't stick around the gates of the capital he advised the group, "We should be going. The sooner we get away from Ereis Eisan, the better."