Just watch the last episode of game of thrones now gotta wait for season 5. It going to be fucking amzing.
DragonBeastMode said
Just watch the last episode of game of thrones now gotta wait for season 5. It going to be fucking amzing.
Shiinen said
Woooo. Okay, after a whole bunch of all-nighting and college apping, lemme get his thing on the road.
Shiinen said
Gonna need to make some slight adjustments. Gotta post while cleaning too. SO MUCH WORK. BUT I CAN'T LET THIS DIE. ><
Shiinen said
...T.T Pressure.
Silver Fox said
None at all :D *innocent smile*
Shiinen said
Next post I make, the pageant is starting. It'd be nice if I could have someone not participating in it as a judge. Two or three preferred.
NacNak said
Real Life Name: Shade
Soul Story Name: Ghost
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Weapon: Dual Long Swords
Weapon Name: Twin Reapers
Class: Rogue - A rogue is very versatile as a class, capable of close and ranged combat as well as stealth, to the point where one can slip into and out of shadows on a whim, pass anywhere across the field of battle without fear of reprisal, and appear suddenly only to drive home a lethal blade. Along with being stealthy it is also known to be very dexterous and agile while sacrificing brute strength for speed. Another ability is being able to disarm traps and pick locks, as well as pickpocketing and thievery, though they are looked down upon, they are still there. Something else to be known is that rogues tend to be intimidating, especially when one doesn't know what's up their sleeves.
You won't be able to pickpocket players while inside the town. Only while out in the field.
Soul Attack: Stealth Bomb - The user becomes invisible and his weapon's blades become intangible for a certain amount of time, whatever he hits and how many times he hits with his intangible weapons before he becomes visible again will have powerful explosions erupt from where his weapons hit them, the more he hits something with his weapons before he becomes visible, the more powerful the explosion is.
By intangible, do you mean that the blades become ethereal? Such as, being able to hit incorporeal enemies like ghosts and the like? Also, if you're attacking a singular enemy a lot, they should eventually be able to begin seeing you -- even if its just in flashes. Just as a way to provide for a bit of balance in the event of a duel between you and another player.
Move Pool:
Sneak Attack (causes stun effect) - The user sneaks up on an enemy and attacks the unsuspecting target
Serrated Strikes (causes bleed effect) Cost [15SP] - The blades of the users weapons become serrated
Poisoned Blades (causes poison/paralyzed effect) Cost [20SP] - The user's weapons starts to emit a faint hazy green fog that surrounds the blades, whether its poison or paralysis is random, the effect takes place just seconds after the blade hits.
Smoke Screen (causes blinded effect) Cost [25SP] - A plume of black smoke erupts from the user into a thick fog like haze clouding the vision of those caught inside it except the user, allowing the user to escape or attack the ones trapped in the smoke screen.
For the sake of rulings, I think Sneak Attack should only be available if enemies lose track of you. Does Smoke Screen effect allies as well? I'm assuming it's counted as "ALL TARGETS" for the sake of that.
And please add the type that these abilities are.
Physical/Magical. <-
Avatar Appearance: Shade stands just over 6' tall with a fairly fit build thanks to his time working with his father, weighing in at 189lbs, he has spikey black hair that just barely reaches halfway down his neck and almost pale white skin and red piercing eye's, over his right eye is a scar that he had before he entered the game, he wears strong leather armor that's dyed black, it makes little to no sound when he moves around, the areas on his body that aren't covered with leather armor are covered with tough leather that's easier to move in but is still tough, it is also dyed black, he has a black cloak to help him hide and sneak around, it also conceals his weapons which make people think twice before deciding whether or not they want to attack him, not knowing what could be under his cloak, he also has a mask that covers his mouth and nose, helping to further aid in his hiding abilities, for weapons he wields two duel long swords that are as dark as the night, he keeps them in their sheaths that are on his belt, hidden behind his cloak.![]()
( made this picture myself X3 )
Personality: Shade likes to keep to himself and often likes to be on his own, he doesn't talk much with people he's unfamiliar with, but when he gets to know someone he slowly adjusts to them. He'll often be the quite one in a group, and keep his distance. Shade is strong willed and can be thick headed at times, and might put his pride before his safety just for himself or to prove a point.
Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWr4yjxNKzA
Real Life Name: John
Soul Story Name: Spartan
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Weapon: Long Sword & Large Shield
Weapon Name: Slash & Bash
Class: Spartan - Spartans are a deadly force to be reckoned with which makes them very intimidating. They are expert swordsmen who strike with deadly accuracy and strength, they are also great spear throwers. They are also known to use their shields as mortal weapons for bashing. A Spartan's shield is one of the most important pieces of their equipment. Spartans can serve as a tank and take a beating if needed, they can also serve as deadly damage dealers. Spartans are known for their strength followed by constitution and finally dexterity.
Soul Attack: Spartan Strike - The user's weapon begins to glow bright blue, then he need only to swing his weapon in the direction of his enemies whether it be vertically, horizontally or diagonally, in the direction he swings his weapon a massive wave of energy will emit from the blade, whatever gets hit by the energy wave will receive massive damage, if it happen to miss it's intended target it will ether continue on until it hits something or fades away.
Move Pool:
Soldier's Might (increases damage output for himself by a large amount for a certain amount of time) Cost [30SP] - users muscles bulk up increasing his strength dramatically
Shield Bash (might cause stun effect for a certain amount of time) - user bashes his enemies with his shield with immense power
Battle Cry (boosts durability and attack for himself and team members, while putting fear/stun effect on enemies for a certain amount of time) Cost [30SP] - user lets out a loud yell that raises moral for himself and others around him
Bash n' Slash - user bashes the enemy with his shield breaking their defense and leaving them wide open as he slashes at them with his sword inflicting severe damage before bringing the shield to his defense again
Just add whether they're Physical or Magical attribute. And bring a bit more detail to Bash n' Slash for me. Does it lower their P. DEF. stat? Raises yours? Etc.
Avatar Appearance: John stands just under 7ft tall with a rather bulky build thanks to his time in the military, weighing in just over 200lbs. He has short spikey black hair and lightly tanned skin with deep red eye's. He wears a strong steel chest plate and full helm with a crimson red crest, as well as steel bracers, knee guards, boots, and a plate/leather skirt. He has a brilliant crimson red cape that flows behind him with no real purpose but to look awesome.
Personality: John has an iron will and never gives up unless he needs to, but he only does so as a last resort. He takes the saying leave no man behind very seriously and would willingly risk his life to save others. Being a soldier John takes most things seriously, but sometimes he does find time to joke around. As brave as John is, sometimes his overconfidence can get the better of him and get himself into rather troublesome situations that he can't handle on his own.
Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yUmnJbVNRpQ
Shiinen said
I'm gonna go looking over your CSes now, Nak.
Shiinen said
Direct your attention to the underlined sections I added in.
I'll give a total count of your starting SP once you've done those things and accept ya.
kittenlover said
Does anyone know where dark is? Is he gone for good? I'm so confused! Has he contacted you Shii?
Shiinen said
You won't be able to pickpocket players while inside the town. Only while out in the field.
Shiinen said
By intangible, do you mean that the blades become ethereal? Such as, being able to hit incorporeal enemies like ghosts and the like?
Also, if you're attacking a singular enemy a lot, they should eventually be able to begin seeing you -- even if its just in flashes. Just as a way to provide for a bit of balance in the event of a duel between you and another player.
Shiinen said
For the sake of rulings, I think Sneak Attack should only be available if enemies lose track of you.
Does Smoke Screen effect allies as well? I'm assuming it's counted as "ALL TARGETS" for the sake of that.
Shiinen said
Just add whether they're Physical or Magical attribute.
And bring a bit more detail to Bash n' Slash for me. Does it lower their P. DEF. stat? Raises yours? Etc.
Shiinen said