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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kalamadea
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Kalamadea ...Wut

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Lugubrious said
Bahaha, yet another page's first post is mine!Hope I didn't infringe on your territory there, Bak. I assumed that Felicia hadn't deviated in her walk to the graveyard and would just now be approaching.On another note, I've decided to give an official approximation of Cain's voice. Since the whole synthesized Twili gibberish language in Twilight Princess wouldn't work out anyway, I'm retconning his 'lilting, ethereal accent' into the following, if that's okay:

Dude, I love that movie so much. Great choice of voice! Hugo Weaving is an amazing actor!

Anyway, I'll have to give some thought on who would voice Ilgos, but I have to say that, somehow, Sean Connery's voice would fit the Ordonian I have in the works. I keep trying to think of someone else but Connery keeps coming to mind.

EDIT: Got the Ordonian finished up. It was easier to stay within Zelda lore with this one, so I'm guessing it should be fine as is, but do let me know if any changes must be made.
Name: Cole

Age: About 24

Race: Hylian

Gender: Male

Appearance: Cole, unlike most Ordonians, has a blacksmith's build, with well-toned arm muscles and very large shoulder muscles. Also visible in Cole is the typical Ordonian facial structure, which is rather square and long, with rounded ears as opposed to pointed as is typical with Ordonians. He wears mostly clothing of a simple, practical design, made of rough cloth that is quite durable and doesn't wear out easy. He is very tanned from spending most of his life out under the hot sun. Cole keeps his dirty blonde hair very short and keeps his face shaved clean.

Theme Song:

Personality: Simple, humble, kind, friendly, a bit slow

Backstory: Cole's childhood was unremarkable by Ordon standards. He grew up on a farm (surprise, surprise) as the son of the local blacksmith, John, who also sold swords, shields, and tools at every Hero of Time Festival. As the firstborn son, Cole was to take over the family business once his father passed away. In addition to being his father's apprentice, Cole also earned extra money for his family by becoming a farmhand on Ordon Ranch, which rivals Lon Lon in fame. With three sources of income, Cole's family was very well off by Ordon standards.

One thing that separated Cole from most Ordonian boys, though, was his training sessions. John adamantly believed that every man must know how to handle a sword, and Cole knew it well. While at first he felt it unpleasant, he grew to enjoy his training sessions, starting at the age of 13 with a wooden sword. His father fashioned a rough dummy out of scrap metal, and Cole used it to become familiar with the weight of a real sword. By the time he was 20, Cole became a proficient swordsman and was able to defend himself quite well, considering his training session were sparse compared to those of a soldier in training.

Fast forward four years, and Cole is long since his father's assistant. He quit his job as a farmhand to dedicate more time to the business. With his father beginning to advance in age, Cole had to attend and assist his father at the weapons booth. Being outside of Ordon for the first time instilled a desire to see the rest of Hyrule. This is also when the whispers began...


1. Skinning (Survival): As a goat farmer, Cole knows how to skin an animal since most are processed in much the same way.

2. Cooking (Survival, Practical): Many Ordonians have at least basic cooking ability. Cole, however, is fairly proficient, and while he's no luxury chef, he can prepare a very hearty meal given the proper materials.

3. Farming (Practical): Ordonians are farmers, and Cole is no exception. If it's related to agriculture, chances are Cole is at least somewhat familiar with it.

4. Blacksmithing (Practical): As the son of Ordon's blacksmith, Cole grew up around hot coals and anvils. Because of this, he has a familiarity with steel that would be very difficult to match, though his specialty is in tools rather than weapons. Despite this, he can craft blades, even if they aren't as high a quality as the tools he smiths.

5. Leatherworking (Practical): Leather has many uses on a farm, so Cole is very familiar with working it and forming it into useful items. However, making armor out of it is something he hasn't done often, resulting in armor being his weak point.

6. Tanning: (Survival, Practical): Not only does Cole know how to work leather, he also knows how to make it. This does require a lot of time and materials, however, but he knows how to tan leather all the same.

7.Swordplay (Combat): Cole is a moderately proficient swordsman with extensive, albeit rough, training, as his father felt that a man must know how to use a sword. While he is not, by any means, a rookie, he is still very, very far from being a master swordsman.

Goal(s): Cole simply wishes to see the world. Attending this Hero of Time Festival will be his first time out of Ordon.

Inventory: Rough leather armor
Steel sword (self-made)
A hunk of roasted goat meat
A loaf of freshly baked bread
A leather waterskin
Several changes of clothing
Assorted tools and weaponry to sell at the Hero of Time Festival

Wallet: 5 rupees
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The 42nd Gecko
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The 42nd Gecko

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Who I'd want to voice Veitaru? Huh. Hard to think of a good child voice actor.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dervish
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Maryev's voice actor? Keith David or Ron Perlman.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kalamadea
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Kalamadea ...Wut

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

I'd say Ron Perlman for Maryev. Just sticking my two cents in there.

Also, finished rewriting Ilgos's history and such.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dervish
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Keith David also did the Arbiter's voice in Halo, so he can do the deep authoritative tones rather well. :D
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kalamadea
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Kalamadea ...Wut

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Ah. Didn't know that voice actor. Good choices, by the way. I still feel like there'd be a better VA for Cole than Connery, but I can't think of any.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Dervish said
Keith David also did the Arbiter's voice in Halo, so he can do the deep authoritative tones rather well. :D

He was also Dr. Facilier in Princess and the Frog.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Baklava
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Dr. Facilier... the Arbiter... mind blown.

@Kalamadea: Lol, can we just say he's 24?

--'Ordonians' are subjects of King Daphnus, so they're hylians just the same.

--Ordon is primarily a farming/ranching town. Blacksmithing would actually be a bit uncommon. His father would likely be the only blacksmith in Ordon and would probably be more known for making tools. (He'd probably make a good deal of money doing it too. If he was the only one/one of the few) I kind of doubt he'd have enough time to manage his own farm at the same time, but I dunno...

--This isn't necessary, but judging by his background it seems a bit unlikely that Swordplay would be his number 1 skill. He wasn't in the military, he had to work a lot as a ranch hand to help support his family, and, given his lifestyle, it seems he wouldn't have had much time to gain real fighting experience. Slashing at a dummy and only ever sparring with one's father probably wouldn't be enough.

--Is he going to have anything else in his inventory for the journey to Kakariko?

Find a theme song and he's approved just fine. Can you repost Ilgos' sheet?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ReaptheMusic
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A voice for Jira... hmmmm....

I wonder...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kalamadea
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Kalamadea ...Wut

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

I just ordered them in the sequence I thought of them. I didn't think it was in order of importance, honestly. I'll get those changes done.

And I was trying to imply his father was the only blacksmith, lol. The weapons are mainly to make a bit of money at the HoTF, but if it's an issue I can change it.

And here's Ilgos's sheet again. Since nobody else seemed to do a Terminian race, I took the liberty of describing what actually happened to it in his backstory.
Name: Ilgos Dercana (ill-gohs dare-kah-nah)

Age: Before the Curse of Ikana set in, he was around 30 years of age. Now, with the Curse of Ikana giving him undeath, he's several thousand years old.

Race: Ikanian; as a strange and foreign race never seen in Hyrule before, many would be wary of him, especially because of his skeletal appearance.

Gender: Male, but that's pretty useless now.


Like most Ikanians, he is skeletal in appearance with veins of some kind of magical energy running through his body, and his pride keeps him from obscuring his features with a cloak. He almost radiates pride, and despite his face being unable to show emotion, one could almost see he was a proud warrior. He wears the traditional Ikanian armor and clothing commonly worn by the nobility of Ikana.

Theme Song:

Personality: Proud, ancient, arrogant, blunt, pretentious, devout

Backstory: Ilgos was one of the mere thousands of Ikanians that survived the conflict that ravaged Ikana, and the curse by the Four Giants made things worse by locking Ikana in such a miserable state for turning to Majora during a time when the Four Giants were absent. However, while the curse convinced Ikana to return to the Four Giants, the damage was already done with the creation of Majora's Mask. In an attempt to right their wrong, Ikana sealed the Mask in shadow, hopefully forever lost to all knowledge. They could never know how wrong they were.

The Happy Mask Salesman, a collector of masks, unknowingly set in motion a chain of events that would ravage Termina. After going to great lengths to find Majora's Mask, he finally found it, only to have a mischievous Skull Kid knock him out and steal it. The Skull Kid didn't even realize the dark power he held, using the Mask's evil for mischief and pranks. As the Mask forced its will on Skull Kid more and more, however, the pranks became more and more malicious, eventually devolving to brutal murder. But even that would never compare to Skull Kid's final "prank".

Majora's Mask disguised its will from Skull Kid by instilling a vendetta against the Four Giants in the creature's weak mind. Skull Kid wasn't sure why he hated the Four Giants so much, but he knew he did. He visited each of them and forced cursed masks onto them, transforming them into terrible monsters. Any who tried to stop Majora's Mask never made it past these cursed guardians, sealing Termina's doom. With the Four Giants out of the way, Majora's Mask had checkmated in this dark game of the god it represented. Majora's Mask seized total control of Skull Kid's body, and his fairy friends could only watch as the husk of their closest friend committed one of the most atrocious acts in history. Majora's Mask used its dark and terrible power to force the moon out of orbit and bring it crashing down on Termina.

Ikana could only watch in horror as its creation reappeared, against all the odds. Some tried to flee despite how hopeless things were, and Ilgos was one of these people. Though proud, Ilgos knew that if all of Ikana's remnants died, there would be no hope at all of breaking the curse and restoring Ikana. So he at least tried to escape, and against his own expectations, he did. He wandered deep into Ikana's wasteland, with mere hours left before the moon collided, and got caught in a sandstorm. The storm was violent and his bones screams as the sand abraded them. He was just beginning to think of how strange it was for there to be a sandstorm in a region with mostly dried up mud as the ground when it stopped, and he found himself in a desert near sundown. To his surprise, the sun didn't burn him like it normally did. Looking in the distance, Ilgos saw some kind of fortress, and decided to make his way there.

The residents of the fortress, which seemed to lack males of any kind, proved hostile, and after they attacked Ilgos knew he'd have to be smart about it. He drew on the shadows to darken a path to utter blackness, which proved to disorient his attackers and gave him enough time to run out through the fortress to more hospitable lands. At least, he hoped he'd find better lands on the other side.

When he came upon a large field, a whisper tugged at his consciousness, pulling him to the northeast towards what it called the "Hero of Time Festival". He was confused and disoriented, so he started in that direction in the hopes of finding out what happened to him.


1. Ancient Warrior (Combat): As an Ikanian, Ilgos is an ancient warrior with several thousand years of life, and much of that time was spent honing his skill just in case the Garo decide to attack again. In particular, Ilgos is most familiar with longswords, the blade of choice for Ikana. Because he spent so long honing his skill, combined with his surviving a brutal conflict that nearly wiped out the kingdom he served, Ilgos is nearly unmatched in single combat, rivaling Darknut soldiers in combat skill.

2. Skeletal (Combat): While making him a bit more fragile, his skeletal nature also makes him more agile, giving him a better ability to avoid hits. He is still not as fragile as he appears, as he is held together fairly well by the curse.

3. Curse of Ikana (Magic): The Curse has proven to be both a curse and a boon. While it makes it more difficult for him to blend in (not that he really wants to) and marks him as abandoning the Goddesses (not that he really cares), it also grants him eternal life and a very slight talent in the dark arts of Majora, allowing him to have extremely limited shadow manipulation. This is really limited to drawing on already existing shadows to darken an area slightly to give him an edge in physical combat. The Curse, like any curse, is a double-edged sword, of course. In order to survive, Ilgos must spend a portion of daylight hours under shade lest he burn under the sun. Unlike Termina, Hyrule's sun seems to affect him differently, taking longer to burn him where Termina's would instantly incinerate him.

4. Sewing (Practical): As a warrior, the more ceremonial portions of his attire, which are cloth coverings for the armor, get damaged quite often. As such, Ilgos knows how to repair clothing after thousands of years of mending his own attire.

5. Leatherworking (Practical): As with the clothing, his armor becomes damaged as well, more easily than the heavier armors such as that of the Darknut Legion. As it is made of tough yet flexible leather, repairing it is far different from the platemail that is more common in Hyrule. Ilgos is a natural with leather, with much experience in working the fabric as well as repairing it.

6. Blacksmithing (Practical): Because his shield and sword are both made of some kind of metal, he picked up blacksmithing to repair them when needed.

Goal(s): To find out what happened to him and discover a way to resurrect his lost kingdom, if this is even possible.

Inventory: Ikanian noblemen attire, with signs of extensive, but skillful, repairs.
Ikanian armor, made of leather and extensively repaired with skill
Ikanian longsword, with the symbol of Ikana worked into the crossguard and with signs of repairs
Ikanian shield, also showing signs of extensive repairs

Wallet: Completely empty.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Baklava
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

Yeah, the skills are meant to be ordered. And no, his father being a blacksmith isn't an issue. I'm just saying that if he was a decent blacksmith, he'd probably make a good deal of money doing it (thus Cole wouldn't have to work to support his family so much).

With Ilgos' sheet-- I'm not sure I would say the Four Giants replace the Goddesses as Termina's deities (cursing civilizations doesn't seem like something they would do), but I guess it doesn't really matter that much. Honestly, you could just write that the moon fell according to Majora Mask's plan and Termina was destroyed. I'm pretty sure everyone knows the story and if they don't, one can always google it. Let's just keep with what's there in the meantime. I don't think there's any need to change anything (like saying Majora forced masks onto the Giants instead of their simply being trapped in the Temples).

Other than that, everything looks fine. He's approved.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kalamadea
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Kalamadea ...Wut

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Okay, got those minor things changed real quick. Here's his sheet again.
Name: Cole

Age: About 24

Race: Hylian

Gender: Male

Appearance: Cole, unlike most Ordonians, has a blacksmith's build, with well-toned arm muscles and very large shoulder muscles. Also visible in Cole is the typical Ordonian facial structure, which is rather square and long, with rounded ears as opposed to pointed as is typical with Ordonians. He wears mostly clothing of a simple, practical design, made of rough cloth that is quite durable and doesn't wear out easy. He is very tanned from spending most of his life out under the hot sun. Cole keeps his dirty blonde hair very short and keeps his face shaved clean.

Theme Song:

Personality: Simple, humble, kind, friendly, a bit slow

Backstory: Cole's childhood was unremarkable by Ordon standards. He grew up on a farm (surprise, surprise) as the son of the local blacksmith, John, who also sold swords, shields, and tools at every Hero of Time Festival. As the firstborn son, Cole was to take over the family business once his father passed away. In addition to being his father's apprentice, Cole also earned extra money for his family by becoming a farmhand on Ordon Ranch, which rivals Lon Lon in fame. With three sources of income, Cole's family was very well off by Ordon standards.

One thing that separated Cole from most Ordonian boys, though, was his training sessions. John adamantly believed that every man must know how to handle a sword, and Cole knew it well. While at first he felt it unpleasant, he grew to enjoy his training sessions, starting at the age of 13 with a wooden sword. His father fashioned a rough dummy out of scrap metal, and Cole used it to become familiar with the weight of a real sword. By the time he was 20, Cole became a proficient swordsman and was able to defend himself quite well, considering his training session were sparse compared to those of a soldier in training.

Fast forward four years, and Cole is long since his father's assistant. He quit his job as a farmhand to dedicate more time to the business. With his father beginning to advance in age, Cole had to attend and assist his father at the weapons booth. Being outside of Ordon for the first time instilled a desire to see the rest of Hyrule. This is also when the whispers began...


1. Skinning (Survival): As a goat farmer, Cole knows how to skin an animal since most are processed in much the same way.

2. Cooking (Survival, Practical): Many Ordonians have at least basic cooking ability. Cole, however, is fairly proficient, and while he's no luxury chef, he can prepare a very hearty meal given the proper materials.

3. Farming (Practical): Ordonians are farmers, and Cole is no exception. If it's related to agriculture, chances are Cole is at least somewhat familiar with it.

4. Blacksmithing (Practical): As the son of Ordon's blacksmith, Cole grew up around hot coals and anvils. Because of this, he has a familiarity with steel that would be very difficult to match, though his specialty is in tools rather than weapons. Despite this, he can craft blades, even if they aren't as high a quality as the tools he smiths.

5. Leatherworking (Practical): Leather has many uses on a farm, so Cole is very familiar with working it and forming it into useful items. However, making armor out of it is something he hasn't done often, resulting in armor being his weak point.

6. Tanning: (Survival, Practical): Not only does Cole know how to work leather, he also knows how to make it. This does require a lot of time and materials, however, but he knows how to tan leather all the same.

7.Swordplay (Combat): Cole is a moderately proficient swordsman with extensive, albeit rough, training, as his father felt that a man must know how to use a sword. While he is not, by any means, a rookie, he is still very, very far from being a master swordsman.

Goal(s): Cole simply wishes to see the world. Attending this Hero of Time Festival will be his first time out of Ordon.

Inventory: Rough leather armor
Steel sword (self-made)
A hunk of roasted goat meat
A loaf of freshly baked bread
A leather waterskin
Three changes of clothing
(The following are all for selling, not using, and is carried on a wagon)
Five steel longswords
Six steel shields
Ten saws
Ten hammers
15 straight razors
Ten woodcutting axes
Ten spades

Wallet: 5 rupees
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Baklava
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

Sweet, he's approved as soon as you get a theme song for him and fix these two things in his inventory:

Several changes of clothing
Assorted tools and weaponry to sell at the Hero of Time Festival

I just need to know exactly how much and what he's carrying.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kalamadea
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Kalamadea ...Wut

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

I realized I forgot the theme song right before you posted and edited it in. XD

I'll get those edited in.

EDIT: Done.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Baklava
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

So he's probably got a wagon or something with him right?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kalamadea
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Kalamadea ...Wut

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Yeah, he does. I'll note that if needed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Baklava
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

Alright he's approved. Yeah-- would be a good idea to indicate which stuff is in his wagon and which stuff on his person.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Baklava
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

For lack of a better choice, I'd go with Trina Nishimura for Felicia. She'd be like a slightly less articulate Rachel from Baccano.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RBYDark
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Trying to picture Ekra - probably with a little girl voice. Kristen Schaal maybe?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GuySenpai


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I'd like to imagine Angus sounds vaguely like Brian Blessed.
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