The Imagination said
I actually read an article where vegans called CPS on their neighbors for feeding their kids "poison", which turned out to be, yes, normal food like meats and dairy products. Apparently CPS did a whole huge investigation on it, until they found nothing wrong. I mean, I've known some nice, friendly vegans before. They weren't like, stupidly religious about it even, some even broke their own rules and ate meat when they went out with friends every so often. Also I believe theres a certain type of Vegan that gets their protein from dairy products. But man, can people overdo some shit. I about lost my shit when the chick at the end was befuddled as to why someone would feed their cat meat.
Well, if they're consuming dairy they're not actually vegans. They're vegetarians.
Veganism = no animal products, including no butter and no honey (THINK ABOUT THE BEES!)
Veganism is extremely extreme, there has never in the history of mankind been a vegan society of any sort. Even Hindus are only vegetarian as far as cows are concerned, since the cow is sacred to their culture.
Heisenberg said
"Oh my god there's salt in my salt!"
In other news, water is clear and the sky is blue.
mdk said
Isn't Byrne Dairy just the shit?I mean.... I just assume you're talking about Byrne Dairy, because they're huge. And awesome.
Nope, that's not who I get it from, but I do know of Byrne. I get it from some Arab family farm through a Brooklyn-based vendor that connects consumers with raw dairy producers. They also (sometimes) have Camel Milk stocked, but usually in the summer.