Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Alyss Dolyss

Alyss Dolyss

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Suzume blinked at Haruka, then she smiled sweetly. "Oh, yeah. I remember you." She slightly loosened her grip on the key chain. She could see where she was bored, but Suzume agreed with her. She's a bit spacey. Hey! We have something in common. She heard a voice and turned to see that the boys she got curious about. Oh darn, that's right. His name is Sho. And the guy with the English name, Toby. , she noted.

She looked back and forth from the boys and Haruka for a second, then she turned to Sho, because she just recalled his comment. "Not nearly as pretty? Who are you speaking to, young man? You shouldn't say such things among ladies." Her eyes locked right on his in a stare, but she meant no harm. Actually, her face was cracking with a smile and trying not to laugh. So, she quickly scrunched up her nose, and stuck out her pink tongue at him. It was like a pink flash. But feeling like she won that battle, she turned back to Haruka.

"You wanna go in there, huh?" she said, as she gripped to Po again. She looked out the window, "You know, I got a really, really bad feeling about that place." Then she continued, "But I'm burning to find out what's going on. What's in there? Is someone there? Are they hurt?" she trailed off. She took glances at Sho, Toby, and Haruka. "Well, we can all go together. Numbers are safe while adventuring, right?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gabriel Evings

Gabriel Evings

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After a small moment of shock Toby breathed a sigh of relief, though he was kinda glad Sho had at least got his name right. Taking Sho's hand he responded "Yeah its To-". He had gotten a better view of what had happened then the other boy and it gave him shivers. "Yeah . . . I saw . . . " That was odd even by his standards. For something so vivid to just disappear like that? Maybe the someone got killed and the cover up was fast. He still didn't like the entire situation though.

As quickly as he had gathered his thoughts Toby was drug, metaphorically, around the corner to help stalk some girl. "what are we doing?" he whispered, the only thing making him more afraid than the hulking boy with him was the thought of talking to girls, which as soon as Toby thought about it Sho leaped into conversation introducing them both as well as inviting everyone present to go ghost hunting.

"H-h-hey there." Toby said turning his head in an attempt to hid the deep red that came out in his face. Great even worse she knew him already, this was going wonderfully. "W-well I-I-I-I mean I did wanna see what it looks like in there I j-just gotta head to work first, I s-should be d-d-done well before m-m . . . Gah, before you wanna go." At this point he had closed his eyes and wished that perhaps he was still asleep. After all there was no way not only were people talking to him but they were also inviting him to go places, and if it was a dream at least then he wouldn't be stammering just from being in a conversation with girls, and surly he had not just accepted said invitation.

After giving it a few moments he had decided that this was ether a really convincing nightmare or all these things had in fact happened in the real world. He chose to believe it was just a convincing nightmare.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rogue Sloth
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Rogue Sloth Narcolepsy Unchained

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"Not nearly as pretty? Who are you speaking to, young man? You shouldn't say such things among ladies."

“Oh?” Sho said. “I thought it was pretty clear that I was talking about this guy.” He swung an arm around Toby’s shoulders. The poor kid was almost literally shaking with social-anxiety. He needed to loosen up some. Girls were just people too, after all. He never understood why some guys got so nervous around them.

“I mean, unless you think he’s pretty,” Sho shrugged. He narrowed his eyes at Toby, pretending to look him over. “Well, I suppose if you put a little makeup on him…” He cast the terrified boy a mischievous grin. “All in good time, my friend.” He let go of Toby’s shoulders and dropped his arm back down at his side.

“But I jest,” Sho said, waving a hand casually. “Anywho, I agree that there’s safety in numbers. I also think it’s more fun to share the haunting experience, y’know? Plus, if we meet a bloodthirsty ghoul, I can just trip one of you and make my grand escape. There’s an old saying: ‘I don’t have to outrun the bear, I just have to outrun you.’ Very wise.” He nodded thoughtfully. “I volunteer Toby as tribute to distract the hungry ghost. All in favor?” Sho raised his hand and looked at the others expectantly.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Alyss Dolyss

Alyss Dolyss

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"Oh you pickled turnip."

Suzume gently smack Sho's hand down, with a pouting face. She turned to Toby with easy eyes. "You're not a ghoul snack." She looked over her shoulder for a second to make sure Sho was listening, "And we are not going to trip him and use him as a get-away doll. Please calm down, nothing's going to eat you. I, Suzume Fuji, assure it." She put one hand on Toby and the other in the air, as if it was a silent oath. Closing her eyes and lifting her head in a prideful manor, she continued, "Besides. If anyone will get eaten, it's Sho. He's clearly has more meat on his bones than the three of us."

On this note, she gave him a twisted smile. But her eyes clearly said, I'm lying. She looked at Sho up and down once more, taking him in a little. Feeling he knew what she was doing, (without her even catching it herself) she started to blush, and snapped her head away, causing her long honey blonde hair to whip. "Haruka, Toby, Sho, and Myself." she beamed, "Master Ghostbusters!" Her hand grabbed Haruka's, lightly tugging her.

..I'm terrified..
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by CondorTalon
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CondorTalon Collector of Waifus

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Haruka wasn't listening. She hadn't been listening the entire time. After she'd greeted the two boys, she'd turned her attention back onto the school building.

She'd been already playing out in her head about what those two phenomena she'd seen in the windows were.

Maybe the shadowy figure was the ghost of a girl, spurned by her lover, who tripped down the stairs and died. Maybe there was a freak painting accident. That would explain the splatter. Heh.

She was coming up with more and more outlandish scenarios, quietly chuckling all the while, until she has brought back to reality by Suzume holding her hand.

"Eh...? Oh... right. Uh... yeah," she said, barely following along in the conversation.

"When should we get there? No one ever says anything about the time, huh. It's always 'at night' but does that mean after the sun goes down or... what?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by backslash


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Silence settled over them again after Akira left the classroom. Somebody needed to get that guy a map. Kozue fiddled with his phone for a little longer before nudging Yori.

"Hey, it's after three. We should get going if we want to take the trail through the south part of town before it gets crowded." The two of them had biked home together almost every day since the start of middle school, and anyway Kozue needed to get home early if he wanted to have dinner before Kohaku and his teammates got there to eat it all. He was happy that his little brother had such a healthy social life, but baseball players after a practice were pretty much human garbage disposals.

Kozue stood and stretched, expecting Yori to follow him with a bit of grumbling like he usually did. "If you really wanna stay here late, we could always check out the rumors about the old school building." He teased.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gabriel Evings

Gabriel Evings

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Toby had to stop for a second and remind himself to breath what with Sho having physical contact. "I do not wear makeup, god only knows what half the people in this school would do to me now! After something like that I would probably get chased out by torches and pitchforks." and that was all he managed to get out before Suzume touched him and something in his brain decided that thinking was too hard and this was the perfect time to stop functioning.

When he finally decided to come too was about the same time that Haruka joined in on the conversation. " Well I guess I assumed midnight or late, after all that's when ghosts and all that bad stuff is suppose to come out right?" and he immediately regretted opening his mouth on that one. "I got work anyways so I really couldn't do anything till 8ish anyhow." Plus this would buy him some time to try coup with the fact that he was making plans to stay in a haunted house with 3 other people. Two of them were girls too, this of all things happening to the boy who has had about as much experience with people his own age group as most others have with unicorns.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rogue Sloth
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Rogue Sloth Narcolepsy Unchained

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“Are you implying that I’m fat?” Sho gaped at the girl –Suzume, he corrected himself– and put a hand to his chest in mock astonishment. “That hurt. I think I might just reconsider who I want to throw to the ghosts.”

He caught her staring at him and was a little surprised to see her blush and quickly turn away. Then he realized his own heart was racing slightly. Whoa, Sho, he told himself. Calm down there. She’s just like all the other girls you hang out with. Nothing more. He still couldn’t stop himself from thinking it was cute how she flipped her hair when she looked away… He coughed awkwardly, trying to cover up the silence.

"When should we get there? No one ever says anything about the time, huh. It's always 'at night' but does that mean after the sun goes down or... what?"

Sho had almost forgotten Haruka was there until she spoke up just then. He turned away from Suzume to meet the other girl’s eyes, grateful for the interruption. He didn’t want to address what happened with Suzume just yet. He would rather take some time alone later to think it over.

“Well I suggested midnight,” Sho said. “I guess we could plan to meet there a little earlier so we can discuss our battle plan. I suggest we all take the time between now and then to think it over. Besides,” Sho jabbed a thumb at Toby. “Toby said he has to go to work, so we shouldn’t keep him around much longer. How about it, then? Does that sound good to everyone?”
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by CondorTalon
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CondorTalon Collector of Waifus

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...Why was Sho looking at her? Oh god, did she have something on her face? Haruka's hands instinctively went up to her face as she turned away. She tried to use the window's reflection to check.

Nnnnnope, nothing on her face. Then why...

She didn't know it, but she'd started blushing slightly as she turned back towards the others.

"Ah... yeah... um. Midnight sounds good. Hm... I guess I can get here at like, 11:50... or so? My parents won't mind," she paused. Her parents definitely would mind. Haruka would make up any excuse, though, and they'd eat it up. No problemo.

"Ah, I guess... that's it? Um..." she stood there, silent for a bit.

"See you later," she finished, before turning away.

She made it down the steps and out of the school building. She'd have to get her... uh... investigation gear before they met up again.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Alyss Dolyss

Alyss Dolyss

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Suzume slightly bounced in cheerfulness, but then she stopped because she realized she was flapping her arms. So she pulled her arms (and herself) together, feeling a little embarrassed. She gave a bubbly nervous laugh, then smiled. Her eyes turned to Haruka, and she saw her cheeks show some color. Suzume opened her mouth slightly in amusement, as if to say; Haruka, do I see pink? All she ended up doing was giving a swift wink to Haruka; in a friendly and teasing way. "So around midnight it is, then? Perfect! I'll have enough time to gather things to take only our exploring mystery murder, ghost hunt." Her eyes open with a curious spark, but her mouth played with a uneasy feeling.

After Haruka left, she let her hand slide into her pocket for Po; but she couldn't find him. She anxiously looked down and he was by her feet. In a hurry, she picked him up and dusted him off. I'd beat myself up if I lost Po. "Okay, guys. I'll see you all at midnight. I suppose we'll meet in front of the old building? Who knows, we might find more than us wanting to check with place out." She turned to walk away and her waved to Sho, Toby, and Haruka, "Be there or be square! It's gonna be a night to die for!"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Phobia


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Tsubaki of all people should have known that there's no such things as ghosts. So. Like. Why did she even suggest spending the night to Yayoi again?


"Where the hell is she?" Tsuki asked, flipping her phone open. Her girlfriend sent a text at around noon confirming they were totally meeting up. That was several hours ago. School's out. Tsuki even snuck out early just for the sake of being early. But here she was, still in her uniform, standing in front of a stupid fence wrapped around a abandoned school like a complete creeper. Yeah no one was going to see anything wrong with this.

Tsuki looked towards the sky, eyes squinted. The sun was starting to set. That... Made her feel kind of horrible? How long had she been standing there? Her father was home today, sure, but she could be off doing something constructive.

Maybe it was all for her girlfriend. She wasn't falling head over heels for Yayoi but she clearly dug her well enough to waste so much time for her sake... Or maybe her nerves were playing tricks on her. Or... Something.

Impatient, Tsuki flipped her phone open and gave Yayoi a call. It went straight to voicemail, which was... Odd. Yayoi was OCD when it came to charging her phone and she always had it on. She tried again, just in case it didn't go through.. Nothing.

Tsuki couldn't just leave, could she? What if Yayoi arrived the second she left? She'd be in the doghouse for sure. Maybe she'll... She'll just wait to hear back. Just in case she was really coming.

Tsuki sighed a second time, pressing her back up against the chain-link fence. Honestly, she had no clue how they was supposed to get inside. They could climb the fence and break a window, maybe. But. Like, didn't somebody say the fence was gone? That's what Tsuki told Yayoi...

Confirmed rumors her ass, Tsuki thought, as she looked towards the old school and saw a silhouette standing in one of the windows.

Unable to make anything out, she started scanning windows, wondering if there was anything else. In typical horror movie fashion, the figure was gone when she looked back.

Friggin spooks, man.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gabriel Evings

Gabriel Evings

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Well at least it was done and over with for the meantime, no sense in worrying about the later stuff especially sense he had to wor- "OH CRAP!" Toby bounded off at, what seemed to him at least, Olympic athlete speeds yelling out, "I'm late, I'm late!" While he wasn't actually late just yet he had to book it if he wanted to be at work on time. Thankfully despite, or perhaps because of, his social awkwardness he was a pretty fast guy. There were actually some first years that mistook him for a member of the track team on days like today.

Sliding down the rails like a madman, a few teachers yelled but, that didn't stop him. Thankfully i don't need to grab anything from my house ether, he though. Ojii-san wouldn't yell he liked Toby too much for that, but he felt like he would let the old man down. Bursting threw the doors and taking off down the street full speed. The school was long behind him before he had even remembered that he didn't say goodbye to Sho or the others.

he slowed down and as calmly as he could he walked threw the pawnshops doors just a minute before he was suppose to start. "Tensin-dono! I'm here!" silence, must be working on something in the back then he went to the employee room and put his coat on the rack affectionately patting it down "Thank you for keeping me safe today coat!" he smiled finally feeling at home again.

This was pretty short lived though as something cold and metallic pressed against the back of his head and in a gruff voice said "Gemme all your money,punk" and he heard a loud cocking noise behind him. Immeadiatly turning around and flailing like a girl he screamed out "No, don't hurt me," and with a quick thought anger came out "what did you do with Tensin-dono!" but rather then gunshots he got hit with water and loud laughing was coming in from the voice as it smoothed over. "Toby easy, easy it was a joke!" While Toby was sure he was trying to be soothing the laughing washed any of that away.

"Tensin what if I had a taser or something! Your heart wouldn't be able to take the shock!"
"I know I know but I couldn't help myself you looked like a deer in the headlights I had to do something!"

after a breath of relief he began to laugh himself, Tensin was one of the few people who could get away with teasing Toby. After all the old man had let him into his shop and showed him so many cool items. Samurai helmets, watches from the American colonial period, and even some gold pirate coins. All these things were precious to both Tensin and Toby, which made the man and boy so close it would be hard not to thing Tensin was his grandfather.

"Now, about that gift" and with that Toby's eyes swelled to the size of plates. "I know your probably thinking about that helmet, but ya already know I can't give that too you too much money in it and all," the slight disappointment quickly disappeared when Ojii-san pulled out an old lighter from his shirt pocket. "Sides I figured you would want something a little more personal then that. The liter was and old zippo lighter that Ojii-san got from his Ojii-san who built this shop by hand. "I-I couldn't" Tensin pushed it into Toby's hand anyways. "Toby, you know I don't have any kids. I want someone who will actually care for the thing to have it. You are the only one I could possibly think of." he smiled the way that only true family could, that sweet, endearing sight made Toby start to cry.

the rest of the day went just how Toby loved to spend them, polishing and taking care of the items the store kept. It was a hard job, but fulfilling as well. Making sure everything got put gently in its place and thanking each item for coming to the shop and helping Ojii-san make a living, until it was time to leave. "I'm off!" he called out checking his watch.

11:00, great well time to get over to the old place if I wanna make it in time, hopefully this doesn't go bad. He gently traced the red heart shaped stylizing on his new lighter, no everything is gunna be fine I have a new star to guide me threw the night tonight, nothing could go wrong with it in his hands!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DuckyB


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Kozue was touching him. While that was not altogether unpleasant, it broke his concentration, and the next line came out crooked. Most people would have received a lecture for the interruption, but Kozue was a special case. He didn't know better, and it was about time for them to bike home anyway. The inconvenience could be taken as karmic balance for leaving him to handle Akira alone earlier.

He slowly packed up his supplies as Kozue continued on about the abandoned building next door. Yori hadn't given it much thought, despite the rumors, but the prospect intrigued him. The decrepit building could provide a wealth of sketch ideas, and it was a pleasant excuse to avoid going home. Besides, the two of them, alone, exploring a large, dark, abandoned building...

Any number of things could happen.

"Very well," he said, sliding his satchel over his shoulder. He strode past Kozue into the hall, and began walking not towards the front exit and their bikes, but the old school building.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Shanghai
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Rika glared down at her cellphone screen, a camera on her right hand and a small bag with her, for a girl in her grade her body looked young, younger even now that she had a chance to change out of her school uniform into her normal clothes.
A simple but cutesy sundress along with a red sweater with a loose hanging neck, her hair was long and reddish like rare wood, her eyes were a shade of misty hazel scarlet, adorned with a flower puffy hairpin with many little yellow strips coming off of its base.
She had a yellow ribbon tied around her ankle as she sipped on her soft drink, looking at the time in her phone screen, seating by a bench near school grounds, a place students weren't suppose to go, not that late at night at least.

"Maybe I should had brought an umbrella..." She said looking at the sky, not sure why as she could still see the moon but never the less she got the feeling returning home all wet would surely cause her problems.

"waaai~ but to think I saw that... it's a ghost right? it has to be one... I tried taking a picture of it but it was gone... no... I'm sure I took a picture of it... someone nothing came out but the school window... if there is a ghost in there I want to meet him... maybe ask him how he died, but what if he starts yelling and chasing me around like in those movies... hmmm that could be troublesome... I know I told mom I would be at Sango's home tonight... but maybe I should tell her the truth..."

Rika thought to herself, noticing movement near the barricade, beaming with anticipation and a large smile that could melt any heart, she hid behind some bushes, sneaking around over the hill's edge, keeping an eye at what appeared to be a couple of students getting ready for a dangerous incursion into the unknown.

"aww... those guys from 3-5... I wonder what they are up to... I can't wait~"

She mused hiding her chuckle behind her sleeves as she fixed an ear bub on her right ear, keeping her other ear free to listen to what the boys were talking about.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ink-berry
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A rather disgruntled looking Shiori emerged from the classroom of 3-2, glaring as he scanned the hallway. I shouldn't have come here in the first place, should I? The boy had been staying after school for extra help, as some of his grades had been becoming more ... unacceptable as of lately. And since anything that upset his parents caused him to be upset as well, he obviously wasn't feeling the greatest the last few days. He hurriedly made his way out of the classroom towards his locker. After entering the combination to his lock, he surveyed the inside. It was, as usual, a complete mess. Shiori hastily stuffed a few of his school supplies into his bag as he rummaged through the heap of binders on top.

The boy hesitated at the window across the hallway for a split second, his gaze drifting towards the old school building. As he blinked, he thought that, for a brief moment, he saw something in the window. ...What? he thought to himself, frowning as he blinked again. As he pressed himself against the window for a closer look, Shiori quickly realized there was nothing there. He hesitantly pulled himself away from the window, starting down the hallway again. However, his eyes lingered on the old school for a few moments. All the rumors that had been floating around earlier that day started to invade his thoughts. The barricade removed, right? Wasn't that what everyone was talking about earlier?

As he heaved his backpack onto his back, he thought about the place. He himself had never really believed any of the rumors concerning the old school. After all, it was just an old school - just like any other old building. What was there to see, anyway? Ghosts? The thought nearly had him snickering (after all, who was gullible enough to buy those rumors, anyway?). Shiori doubted many of the people who heard the rumor would dare to head inside. Well, since he doubted many people were going...

What if he went into the old school tonight all by himself? Shiori pondered the thought, biting his lip as he did so. He'd already provoked his parents once, but hey, what difference did it really make? Judging from his past experiences, he concluded they would simply forgive him even if he landed himself in trouble. The boy smirked to himself, his usual arrogant look starting to come over his features. It'll just be this once, he thought, undoubtedly trying to reassure himself, I won't do anything else for a while after this, I swear. On an impulse, Shiori decided to go. If this turned out to be real, then he'd probably be in for the chance of a lifetime. If not... well, at least he tried.

So the boy dashed out of the school and, after unchaining his bike, hopped onto it. Shiori adjusted his backpack a little, then started to pedal towards the abandoned school over the hill. As he neared the building, he quickly noticed a group of other students gathered around the building plus one sneaking around the hill. He gave Rika a funny look, but ignored her for the most part. (He did faintly wonder what was up with her and her cutesy appearance, though.) However, he did eye the larger group suspiciously, his typical scowl making its way back onto his face again. Shiori eventually decided to stop on the hill and observe them for a while.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Alyss Dolyss

Alyss Dolyss

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Friday, April 10th, 11:50PM - Old School Building

"Here we go."
Suzume looked at her wrist watch, she arrived at 11:51. 9 minutes early, no big deal. With her she had a medium sized backpack with specific items: a first aid kit, a small camera, a rope, a large bottle of water, a small cellphone, and a small silver knife that was sheathed. (Dad said take it in case there's a animal who's made his home in there who doesn't feel like having guests).

She dressed like how she thought she should, a thin coat, a cute blue blouse under the coat, jeans, and boots. This is exploring or hunting, right? Around her neck was a thick brown string was that held Po, like a long necklace. She pulled Po up and stared at him, then looked up at the windows of the old building. Her focused changed when she heard something.

"Are those, 3-2 boys?" she asked. Oh my god, I knew there was going to be more boys, her face became hot. She saw someone in the bush, who looked like girl. Suzume debated on going and peaking, but voted against it. What if someone arrives? Instead, she sat on the ground, and waited. I wish one of my friends would arrive. Yes, she considered them friends; she trusted all of them already. Her open heart does that, she sees light in everyone. Suzume got the loving trait from both sides, honestly. I love my parents, they seemed a little nervous. But they know I can handle myself, I'm tough! she giggled. She looked around some more.

"Come on, someone." she popped a piece of bubblegum in her mouth.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rogue Sloth
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Rogue Sloth Narcolepsy Unchained

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Sho ducked out of Toby’s way as the boy took off with an unexpected burst of speed. He realized the girls were also leaving, and he was the only one left. His eyes wandered back to the window for one last look at the spooky old building, and he grinned. Despite the chilling atmosphere of the place, he couldn’t help but be excited about exploring it with some friends. Wandering through a haunted building and running from ghosts would be a good way to bond. He turned away from the window and headed down the stairwell to head home.
After knocking out a couple of homework assignments, Sho worked on filling a small backpack with supplies for the trip. He packed a camera for obvious reasons, some pencils and paper in case the building was haunted and the ghosts couldn’t be caught on film (he wasn’t half bad at sketching), his cell phone to contact anyone if he needed to, and a water bottle because why not? Deciding he was adequately prepared, he loped down the stairs to the front room and made for the door.

“I’m going out with some friends!” Sho called out to his parents, who were watching television in the other room.

“Alright, dear,” his mom shouted back in reply. “Just as long as this doesn’t affect your grades. Oh, and remember to present yourself in a way that doesn’t disgrace our family! We don’t want these friends of yours to think you belong to some mediocre parents!”

Sho ignored her and slammed the front door shut behind him.


He arrived at the abandoned building at five minutes ‘til midnight. At first he thought he was the first to get there, but then he spotted Suzume standing up ahead. A mischievous look came over his face, and he crept up silently behind her, so she wouldn’t know he was there.

“Yo,” Sho said when he was standing right behind her. “Fancy meeting you here on this dark and dreary night.” He stuck his hands into his jean pockets and grinned at her, cocking his head slightly to the side. His backpack hung casually off of one shoulder. “Is anyone else here yet, or are we the first?”
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by backslash


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In the end, Kozue and Yori had decided to return at night after looking over the old building. It had seemed like a good idea at the time; the bike trails were clear at night and the almost full moon provided plenty of light to see by, and surely there wouldn't really be anything worse than maybe some creepy leftovers from whoever had last used the building before it was closed up.

Wrong. Oh so terribly, terribly wrong. There were people here. People that Kozue didn't know. People from other grades, even. This was so not what he had signed up for.

Okay so technically he could only see two people hanging around outside right now, but he didn't recognize them so that was bad enough. Kozue sighed and dismounted from his bike, walking it up the hill to the front of the old school building. Maybe they'd get lucky and the other two would be just leaving. Or maybe they were dating and they were here to have a forbidden tryst among all the cobwebs and gloom. Gross.

Oh man, he'd waited too long to say anything and now he was just standing and looking at them like some kind of creep. Say something to defuse the situation, quick.

"...Hi." Nailed it.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Shanghai
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Rika was trembling with excitement seen the boys and girls gather, not only those from 3rd grade but also girls too and boys from other grades.
Finishing her soda she took a look down to the path beneath the hill, a small trash can was there so she tossed her soda cup in an angle where it wouldn't make things obvious.
Not having noticed she had been noticed by at least half of the people there she was wondering if it was a good idea to just appear, or maybe try to scare them as they enter?
"aww..." she was about to gasp but covered her mouth just in time, having a great idea for a nice scare... at least to her.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Alyss Dolyss

Alyss Dolyss

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Suzume choked on a little spit, being surprised by Sho. She turned around and hopped, "Sho!" she hugged him quickly, "Oh thank heavens. I thought I was going to be here alone with people I didn't know. Or worse, this was some kind of joke." she mummbled, looking down.

Her eyes darted back up to him, and she gave him a playful smile of relief and happiness (and her cheeks showed some color). She quickly put a hand on Po, Chill out, Suzume. Comfort, calm thoughts. "Oh? Oh. Uhm. Yeah! We are the first here out of our friend group! Just me and you.. They better arrive soon.." she started nervously, but joking puffed about the others arriving, and pulled back to her cheerful self.
She saw another boy approach, and all he said was "..Hi." She turned on her tip toes, (because apparently thats how she was standing around Sho without noitcing), "Hey. Well, hello there!" Suzume laughed. She blinked at him, he was nervous, Oh he's like Toby! So without thinking how odd she may come across, her nature bust through.

"Are you nervous? Don't be timid. I'm Suzume, what's your name?" she smiled at him. Then she blinked, awh I'm being too pushy, but still gave him a warm smile. Man, there's a girl in the bush still, is she like Toby too? Wow, lots of people are like Toby.
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