The Alluminatic Combine
National Motto:"Redemptio a praeterito. Adhuc spes posita in futurum."(Redemption from the past. Hope in the future).
Political Status:Major, During the height of the Allorisian Empire, it was known to be a brutal, imperialistic and warmongering inter-planetary power that would absorb several other civilizations into its fold. When they found other complex civilizations of intelligent lifeforms across the galaxy, they would even given an ultimatum. Either stand down and become part of the Allorisian Empire or be annihilated. Civilizations that choose to obey Allorisian authority would prosper from extensive trade, freedom and protection from the Empire. They were free to act as they have before, practicing their religion, culture and such so long as they paid their taxes. Civilizations that turn down the proposal though are put down without mercy. The survivors would be taken for slavery. There was no middle ground.
The new government however, the Alluminatic Combine, is making swift reforms to end this. Old civilizations that were enslaved by the Empire are being given the right to either secede or remain within the new nation. Emancipation laws are being passed to free former slaves from their masters with compensation to both parties. Several public projects are also underway to remove the Allorisian xenophobic and excessive hedonistic nature. The Combine is also trying to remove the old image of the former imperialistic regime by being more open and diplomatic to its neighbors.
Current Political Leader: Valleris Tarro.
Form of Government: Representative Democracy(Although experts complain that the Combine is dangerously close to an Authoritarian Democracy).
Total Population: 250 Billion
Employed Population (includes military): 50 to 100 Billion estimate.
Military Population (soldiers, militia, rebel forces): 110 Million.
Brief Biography of your Political Leader: Valleris Tarro was a free-born Allorisian who was the son of the system governor of the Pollos system, Obarrian Tarro and her husband Tallor Tarro. He was the 3rd and youngest child of the Tarro couple. His two older sisters were Nellia and Valla. Being the children of a system governor, one who was tasked with overseeing the peace and stability in the region, they grew up with lavish wealth and splendor. They grew up in bliss. Whatever they demanded of their parents, they would get. Nellia once asked for a nine foot statue of herself to be placed in the back garden of their home and her mother commissioned an artist to have it done. They each had their private tutors and were taught for four hours for 5 days a week. When Valleris reached the age of 15, like all Allorisians, he was given the opportunity to take specialization program and a tutor of that professionalism. His sister Nellia had chosen the field of Arts as a musician and Valla had chosen to become an intelligence officer in the army. Valleris however choose to become a politician. His own mother became his tutor. She taught him the philosophies, ideologies, ethics, systems and other subjects concerning politics as well as the sly and cunning manipulative techniques of Allorisian politics. He became well versed with Allorisian politics and learned a great deal from his mother. Emperor Xennon himself appointed Valleris as the minister of his home planet, Ravenii.
Under his rulership, Ravenii continued to become peaceful and prosperous. He even pioneered the vast underground root-ways that connects the entire planet. He suffered from the vice his race. He indulged himself in alcohol, different kinds of narcotics, gambling and eroticism. He body suffered in turn. He had several transplant during the course of his life. Valleris was 34 when the Black Tide outbreak began to ravage the Allorisian race. Dozens of worlds were suddenly becoming devoid of Allorisian life. A mass quarantine of the Empire's entire northern (Y-quadrant) sector and planets in the vicinity were quickly being evacuated. Valleris and the entire population of Ravenii, as well as the entire population of the entire system, were being evacuated and transported to the Allorisian's core system.
After the evacuations, Valleris found himself on the capital planet of Emor Primus. Even as the rest of the Empire was in panic of the Black Tide, the people of Emor Primus continued their luxurious and grand ways. Valleris had enough wealth to survive and even met the high nobles of the Emor Primus. There was no day or night he wasn't at magnificent social event very much indulged in his vices. That was until he met Mathia Oblleta Puppolo. Unknown to him at the time, Mathia was part of an underground movement known as the Alluminati. They were an outlawed political party that wanted a democratic nation instead of the monarchy under the emperor. For the past 10, 000 years, they always sought out ways to topple the emperor and institute their ideology. The black tide gave them that opportunity. Mathia and Valleris grew close bounds and became close friends. During a night of excessive intoxication, Mathia accidentally exposed to Valleris her secret. Valleris took interest in this organization and asked Mathia how he could join. After he was introduced to the Alluminatic council, Valleris was inducted.
When the last emperor of the Allorisian Empire, Emperor Niero II of the Scittoros, was diagnosed with the Black Tide and died, it left the empire with a huge power vacuum. Niero II had no immediate heirs and the princeps(advisers to the emperor) and different influential governors began to fight for the throne. This gave the Alluminati movement their chance to spread their influence. As a chaotic civil war broke throughout the core system, the Alluminati began to spread once again spread their ideals to the public. They also incorporated the ideals of emancipation laws and more economic freedom of the lower classes to get more support. Soon the Alluminati had supporters from all corners of the safe zone and some contacts from the quarantine zone. A huge civil rebellion took place and the noble families were exiled. By this time, Valleris had rose through the ranks of the Alluminatic council of become the leader of the group. He by popular opinion became the first leader of the council of the new Alluminatic Combine.
Notable Figures and their Background Information (brief):
Main Species Information:The Allorisians
The Allorisian race are tall (the average Allorisian height by consensus is 6 feet tall), thin-figured, green Humaniods. They are easily distinguished by their slender frame, their green skin and their pitch black eyes. The Allorisians can be scientifically classified as "
Beoris Harlis Deolemus" by Allorisian classification. It is based upon the fragmented data left scavenged from the data banks of their early transport ships. When the Allorisian race first arrived in this galaxy, their bodies suffered severe bone and muscle growth snd development deficiencies. However, over the course of just 14 generations, they gained more rigid and tougher bodies. The Allorisian body is still quite fragile though as a punch with 655 newtons of force can easily kill them. Allorisians often have to wear protective suits, such as exo-suits and power armor, when on manual labour.
The Allorisian race is a sub-species of another race altogether of a more muscular bodied race similar in facial appearance. The Allorisians have since then named them Verronuats from the fragmented data they salvaged from their ship. The Allorisians know little of the Verronuats and have no contact with them. All attempts of the Allorisians to trace back their home planet has since been fruitless.
The Allorisians are infamously known to be backstabbing, lying manipulators who will stop at nothing to achieve their goals. Said goals are usually expansion of their territory or enslavement of other species. This stereotype comes from the old Allorisian Empire's expansionist and imperialistic nature.
Side Species Information:Fo'Zhaire
The Fo'Zhaire race are bipedal insectiods with four upper limbs. Two of those limbs has claws while the other two has hands with three fingers. The Fo'Zhaire form a thick outer exoskeleton that is very resilliant and tough. Their exoskeletons can also protect them from low levels of radiation. The Head of a Fo'Zhairis has two forward facing eyes that are capable of seeing different light spectrums and two mandibles used to chew food before being placed in their mouths. The Fo'Zhairis are an oviparous species, which means they lay eggs.
When the Allorisian Empire first came in contact with the species, the Fo'Zhaire civilization once divided into different power clusters on their home world Gallena. The Fo'Zhaire powers were in constant war with each other for wealth and influence. When the Allorisian Empire sent their ultimatum to the Fo'Zhaire, the old Fo'Zhairis enemies united to put up a mighty resistance against the Allorisians. The Allorisians were greatly angered when their diplomats were repeatedly executed by the Fo'Zhairis. The Allorisians bombarded their oceans with huge concrete bombs from their orbital platforms that sent gigantic tsunamis through their coastal cities. The Allorisians then deployed their ground forces to root out the survivors further inland. Orbital platforms kept shelling important assets to the Fo'Zhairis resistance and also targeted massive civilian refugee camps. A guerilla war between the Fo'Zhairis and Allorisians continued for four years before the Fo'Zhairis were forced to surrender.
Unlike other species defeated by the Allorisians though, the Fo'Zhaire race thrived under their new overlords. The devastation of the Allorisian invasion was quickly and thoroughly repaired with the help of the Empire so long as they paid their dues twofold. The Allorisians began to heavily borrow different aspects of Fo'Zhaire culture such as arts, social dynamics and religion. In fact most of the Allorisian pantheon of Gods and Goddesses has Fo'Zhaire counterparts with Fo'Zhairis names. Currently, Fo'Zhaire's account for 11% of the entire population within the Alluminatic Combine.
Xonis Excalbrates
The Xonis Excalbrates are ape-like mammalians native to the planet of Xonis. The Excalbrates are covered with thick fur all over their body except for their face, their palms and their feet. They are 4 to 5 feet tall on average. The entire Excalbrate species are herbivores. The Excalbrates give birth to live young and provides guardian and assistance for the first 7 years of their lives.
The Excalbrates come from originally from the planet of Xonis but expanded throughout their star system of Vergil II. Excalbrates become advanced enough to use their star as a power source for their expanding empire. They were expert agriculturist. Every planet they colonized had excellent agricultural areas which kept the growing Excalbrate empire from starving. When the Allorisian Empire encountered the Excalbrates, they quickly took noticed of the species' agricultural and husbandry knowledge. Unlike the other civilizations the Allorisians encountered, they gave the Excalbrates more autonomy and partial sovereignty if the Excalbrates joined their Empire. If the Excalbrates denied the proposal, they would be destroyed. The Excalbrates reluctantly agreed.
400 years later after the Excalbrates joined the Allorisian Empire, a civil war began to spread to the Excalbrate Empire. The leader of the Excalbrate Empire, Alexxon with his appointed title of Farooh, decided to secede from the Allorisian Empire. Those loyal to the Allorisians or scared of the repercussions led a resistance to Farooh Alexxon's rule. Alexxon knew that the Allorisians would bring their powerful legions to put a stop to the insurrection. To stop the Allorisians from bringing reinforcements to the resistance, Alexxon sabotaged the worm hole gate that connected the Vergil II to the rest of the Allorisian Empire. Without the Gate, the Allorisians had to means to deploy their legions to the area. The civil war that engulfed the Excalbrates lasted for 50 years until members of the resistance managed to repair the worm hole gate and call for reinforcements. Three legions were sent by the Allorisian Empire to destroy Alexxon's forces. Alexxon and those loyal to him managed to hold off the Allorisians and resistance fighters for 5 mores years before being defeated. The Excalbrate Empire's autonomy and sovereignty was taken by the Allorisians as a result of this civil war. Those who resisted Alexxon's regime was granted high positions in the new province system. The leader of the resistance, Bayush of Do-umm became the first governor of Vergil II. Those who supported and fought for Alexxon however were either killed or enslaved by the Allorisians.
Currently, The Xonis Excalbrates make up for 18% of the total population of the Alluminatic Combine.
Economic Overview: The Alluminatic Combine has an excellent economic status. The Combine may not have the largest or most extensive economy within the galaxy, the Combine has an excellent GDP, a fairly low unemployment status among its citizens, a stable economy and a fair exchange rate with other nations. The former Allorisian Empire was buried in debt before the Combine took over but was able to repay those debts within the 10 months of Combine leadership. The hyperinflation that the Allorisian Empire experienced just before its collapse was quickly resolved by the Combine as well. The trade between Combine held territories are only possible due to the worm hole gates that connects each star system to another. The Combine has allowed the continuation of a free market but has made several regulations to stop the abuse of large businesses and merchant families and houses on the lower classes. The Combine also has several public projects to provide employment for former slaves and those unemployed.
The three main industries of the Alluminatic Combine are Consumer Goods, Telecommunications and Vicronium and Vicronium related products. Other industries include aerospace, titanium, food processing and heavenly bodies mining to name a few. The Combine's highest GDP comes from Services at 60%, followed by Agriculture at 20% and Industry with another 20%.
Militaristic Overview: Unlike other nations with separate branches of their armed forces, the former Allorisian Empire and the current Alluminatic Combine employ large legions with every branch of the armed forces are present in each one and operations like a single entity. During the Allorisian Empire, each legion had a billion personnel under its command but has been lessened to 50 million under the Combine. There are currently 10 legions under the command of the Combine. Each legion has been unofficially named by the personnel serving under them. The ten legions are:
Legio I unofficially named
Breyonnis. Broyonnis is the God of War in the Allorisian pantheon.
Legio II unofficially named
Tillon. Tillon is a fire breathing dragon in Allorisian mythology.
Legio III unofficially named
Jahar. Jahar is an Excalbrate planet which led the resistance during the Excalbrate civil war.
Legio IV unofficially named
Cholloris. Cholloris is an Allorisian planet which is home to the Cholloran Guard.
Legio V unofficially named
Kheon. Kheon is a work animal used by the ancient Excalbrates known for its great strength.
Legio VI unofficially named
Rumman. Rumman was the first Emperor of the Allorisian Empire.
Legio VII unofficially named
Lorran. Lorran is an Allorisian planet notable for being the first colony planet of the Allorisian Empire.
Legio VIII unofficially named
Vax. Vax is type of war hammer used by the priest of Breyonnis when going into battle.
Legio IX unofficially named
Nil-Upos. Nil-Upos is the name of the underworld for the dead in Fo'Zhaire mythology.
Legio X unofficially named
S'dahar. S'dahar is the Goddess of death in Allorisian and Fo'Zhaire mythology.
As mentioned above, the legions are compromised of different branches of the Combine armed forces and act as one. This different branches though still have different roles and strategies when deployed on the battlefield. The ground or surface forces under the Allorisian Empire were the main forces of the legion and were used for frontal assaults and breaking enemy lines. However, because of insufficient manpower and lack of heavy equipment, the Combine legions now focus on air and orbital superiority. The ground and aquatic forces have taken the side line and are used for elastic defenses and Fabian strategies. The orbital platforms that also serve as the legions headquarters could take on the role of a support platform but using its armaments as artillery and bombarding concentrated areas. Orbital platforms can also defend itself easily from attacks and also assault other orbital platforms and other inter-planetary vessels. The air force has been also bolstered to serve as a more primary unit used in the battlefield. Heavy bombers can bombard and saturate an area if needed and light stealth bombers can eliminate more specific targets with incredible accuracy. Supersonic fighters can also be equipped with a number of armaments to adapt for different roles in combat. A list of different equipment used by the Alluminatic Combine Legions are listed below.
Torren Exo-suit series

The Torren exo-suit was invented by Deonn Torren to provide the users with protection from the elements as well as improved strength. The exo-suit also provides the user with more enhanced information about their environment. The wearer of the suit also have retained most of their agility while wearing the suit. The suit has changed little since its conception 30,000 years ago. The suits are powered by Vicronium battery cells and have a battery life of a month before the need of recharging. The suit can also be modified to different roles on the battle field.
Torren exo-suit model 2.0 - the standard suit of all legionaries with no specification or advance training.
Torren exo-suit model 2.1 - the stealth suit used by path-finders, sniper teams, scout groups and land based Cholloran guards. They have the ability to blend completely to their environment.
Torren exo-suit model 2.2 - the suit adaptable of aquatic and non-atmospheric use and is completely airtight. The suit also has an oxygen tank that can hold 100 litters of compressed air and has a maximum pressure rating of 500 bars. The suit also has a built-in oxygen recycler.
Torren exo-suit model 2.2.1 - another pressurized suit with an oxygen tank but is specifically used for hazard zones. As such, the suit along with an oxygen recycler has toxin filters, toxin detector devices, purification devices and more advanced life support systems.
Torren exo-suit model 2.3 - a suit model with a built-in jet pack capable of lifting its user a 100 feet into the air for an hour.
Torren exo-suit model 2.4 - a suit with enhanced electronic equipment for detecting enemy personnel and movement.
Torren exo-suit model 2.5 - the fire resistant suit. It can reflect heat up to 500 hundred degrees Celsius. The user of the suit is protected from the heat by fire-resistant materials and a built in cooling system. Usually used by pyro troopers and fire fighters.
Tonilleous Railgun

The Tonilleous Railgun is an electronically powered rifle that uses electromagnets to propel its bullets. The rifle uses .11 caliber Jorrus rounds that hollow out once they impact their target, causing massive internal injuries. The rifle can be equipped with a rocket-propelled grenade launcher or a silencer. Sniper teams use a variant of the Tonilleous Railgun with a longer barrel and uses .25 caliber rounds.
Deoletta Flamethrower

The Deoletta flamethrower is a two handed weapon that ejects a viscous, flammable and sticky fluid that can burn up to 20 minutes which is then ignited. The Deoletta can hold up to 40 litters of the liquid but pyro troopers have backpacks that can hold up to 250 litters.
Bacrus Machinegun

The Bacrus machine gun is a heavy railgun that fires a high number of .11 caliber Jorrus rounds at a more extensive amount of time.
Zi'Corra "Bottlebomb" Hand Grenade

The Zi'Corra "Bottlebomb" Hand Grenade is a cylindrical explosive device triggered by pulling a pin mechanism. The Zi'Corra can be equipped with fragmentation, concussion, irritants or other payloads.
Vellon Troop Carrier

The Vellon Troop Carrier is a aerial vehicle used to deploy personnel from one point to another as fast and silently as possible. The Vellons are also used as drop ships, deploying soldiers from orbital platforms to the surface of the planet.
Coennis Battle Tank

The main and only armored fighting vehicle of the Combine Legions. It relies of speed and agility to to take down other armored vehicles and infantry. It can be equipped with Tyrius rounds which ejects a molten stream of the metal Sulluim inside enemy armor to destroy the enemy crew and equipment inside it or an EMP round to disable enemy vehicles while remaining mostly intact with it's crew. The Coennis battle tank has a crew of four.
Dre-onn Star Fighter

Fighter crafts capable of engaging the enemy at atmospheric or non-atmospheric conditions. When in the vacuum of space, Dre-onn's are armed with Votton missiles that delays the detonation of its warhead after impact to maximize the damage inflicted on enemy craft. When in atmospheric conditions, Dre-onns are armed with conventional Cronn missiles that explodes immedietely after impact with their target.
Carros Heavy Bomber

A bomber craft capable of carrying several heavy ordinance explosive and non explosive payloads. Used by the legions to saturate large areas with carpet bombs and destroy enemy positions on the ground.
Neoppotilis Stealth Bomber

A bomber designed for stealth and precision missions. Often used to take out single targets with conventional and non-conventional payloads.
Legion Orbital Dreadnaught

Large disk-shaped orbital crafts that protect the main orbital platform from enemy fleets. They are half the size of the Orbital platforms and a Platform will usually have 10 Dreadnaughts accompanying it.
Legion Orbital Frigate

Smaller disk-shaped crafts that are half the size of Dreadnaughts. They are tasked with protecting the dreadnaughts by being agile and more maneuverable then dreadnaughts. They may not have the same fire power as the dreadnaughts but they can have a faster rate of fire then the artillery on the dreadnaughts.
Legion Orbital Platform

The base of operations for the Alluminatic Legions. It also serves as the docking stations of all fighter and bomber crafts in orbit. The platform has defensive capabilities but relies on the dreadnaughts and frigates for protection. Legion Orbital Platforms will usually also have giantic Deoscus cannons that can bombard planetary surfaces with a devastating array of payloads. The Deoscus cannon however is only used as a last resort among commanders as it takes large amounts of energy to fire which could cripple the ship.
Political Overview: The Alluminatic Combine is the successor government of the previous Allorisian Empire. The government is made up of a council that serves as the executive and legislative bodies of their controlled territories. The Combine works as a federation. The planetary governments that are part of the Combine would elect a president and a prime minister. The prime minister would govern the planet he was elected on while the president would serve as the representative of the planet for within the Combine. The planetary governments of the Combine are largely autonomous but must follow the constitution and federal laws set forth by the Combine. Futhermore, every planetary government under the Combine are obligated to have their own planetary defense force but the Combine Legion, the armed forces of the Combine, may recruit from any of those planets. Any citizen of the Combine is also free to travel and/or trade with any other part of the Combine held regions.
As mentioned before, the Combine is the federal executive and legislative bodies of all Combine territories but it's legislative body is devided into three. There is the lower senate, the higher senate and the Combine council themselves. The lower senate is in charge of drafting laws known as bills and then are sent to the the higher senate. The higher senate then debates upon the bill and makes revisions if necessary. The Combine council then reviews the bill and votes upon whether to pass it as a law. If the Combine council votes to passes the bill, the law will then be enacted immediately throughout all of the Combine territories. If the bill is rejected by the council, the bill would be stored in the Combine archives until the higher senate decides to revive and pass it to the council again.
The executive body of the Combine is comprised of the following:
*The Combine Council Leader which serves as the de jure and de facto leader of the Combine and oversees the administration of all Combine federal laws throughout its held territories.
*The Combine Master/Mistress of Arms and Interior Affairs serves as the overseerer of the Combine armed forces, determining military policy, enforcing the law and managing external and internal safety.
*The Combine Master/Mistress of Foreign Affairs serves as the overseerer of diplomatic service, determining foreign policy and managing foreign relations.
*The Combine Master/Mistress of Finances oversees the Combine treasury, determining fiscal policy and managing the federal budget.
*The Combine Master/Mistress of Justice oversees criminal prosecutions, correction and rehabilitation.
*The Combine Master/Mistress of Commerce oversees economic policy and manages and ensures economic laws and standards are followed.
*The Combine Master/Mistress of Propaganda oversees the fabrication and distribution of Combine propanganda throughout Combine held territories and ensures the effectiveness of Combine propaganda campaigns.
*The Combine Master/Mistress of Communications oversees the construction and maintenance of communications devices and ensures the constant communication lines across the Combine are active and secure.
*The Combine Master/Mistress of Energy oversees energy policy and the handling of potentially dangerous resources used for producing energy.
*The Combine Master/Mistress of Transportation oversees transportation policy, most notably the ensurance of fast, safe and convient travel inside any region held by the Combine.
The positions listed above are granted to the members of the Combine council after they are voted by their fellow council members. The council members can can only have two terms as their appointed titles and cannot take another position in the council afterwards. A term last 3 years. Those council members without a position in the executive branch will be a council member for as long as 30 years. If a position is vacant and no other council member without a title can assume it, one of the council members with a position already could assume the task. If any of the council members are found guilty of any crime while still holding a seat in the council, the people of th Combine can vote to have them be removed.
The judiciary branch of the Combine is held by the Supreme Court of the Alluminatic Combine and the local courts of each planetary nation. The supreme court are led by the nine Bearers of Justice who serves as the highest authorities of the supreme court. The supreme court and the master/mistress of justice are two separate entities although the master/mistress of justice and his or her subordinates are tasked with investigating whether the judiciary branch are performing their task.
Home World(s) (with description): Emor Primus - Capital world of the Alluminatic Combine and the first world to be inhabited by the Allorisians. This terrestrial planet is filled with amazing skyscrapers towering towards the heavens, because of the heavy over population of the planet. Despite this, squalor is at an all time low and living conditions are fairly good. There are reserved pockets of untouched forest. This forest used to be hunting grounds for the nobility but has become protected wildlife reserves under the Alluminatic Order.
Gallena - The first planet to be inhabited by the by the Fo'Zhairis, Gallena is a terrestrial planet with large quantities of oxygen in it's surface. The large amounts of oxygen in the planet's atmosphere is what helped the Fo'Zhairis race evolve but also is very susceptible to fire outbreaks.
Notable Planets (with description):Cholloris
Number of Star Systems under your influence: 12 (Formerly 45)
Number of Planets and natural satellites under your influence: 53 (Formerly 215)
Number of Colonies under your influence: None.
Brief History of your Civilization:The Alluminatic Combine comes from the prior Allorisian Empire that at the height of its power, ruled over 215 planets across 45 different solar systems. The empire of course, like other major powers, had humble beginnings. The Allorisian Empire can trace its beginnings to the "
Corric Disaster. Before there came to be a race known as the Allorisians, there were the Verronauts. The Verronauts appeared almost exactly like the Allorisians only with better physiology in terms of muscle and bone growth and development. The Verronaut race however faced a critical catastrophe of some sort. The entire race was force to leave their galaxy and find new homes among the stars.
The Verronauts boarded huge transportation vessels which housed the Verronauts in stasis pods that provided them which them with their basic needs while hybernating in their pods until their ships found a new habital world. Little was known about the voyage but it is estimated it may have took from 10,000 to 50'000 years for the ships carrying the future Allorisians to their new home. While in their stasis pods, the Verronaut's physiology began to change as their body's bone and muscle mass began to corrode and did not develop properly as it would have on an environment with gravity. From what Allorisian historians have recovered, it was assumed that the Verronaut's bodies would not react to the presence of zero gravity because they were in deep stasis. Their bodies however began to evolve into their new environment. The ship that carried the weakened Verronauts, know the Allorisians, crashed landed on a terrestrial planet that the new inhabitants named Emor. The name was taken from the diseased captain of the ship and supposed leader of the refugees. The Allorisians had lost most of their prior memory before their landing and have found that their bodies were severely weakened from the trip. Their ship also sustained multitudes of damage from their voyage on space and also a malfunction in the landed gears that caused the craft to crash land. The Allorisians quickly scavenged all that they could from their ships and set about to create the proper infrastructures needed to survive on the planet. With little to no memory or digital data from their former civilization to aid them, the Allorisians had to start from scratch and rebuild their society from the ground up.
Within the spand of a 10 millennium, the Allorisians had once again mastered the the technologies used for space travel. At this time, the Allorisians had developed a ultra-hedonistic society where narcissism and the extreme pursuit of gratification and pleasure is encouraged. Allorisian arts flourished immensely under this time period because of the nature of the Allorisian culture. By the time of the Allorisian inter-planetary Empire, the Allorisian culture was centered around excessive hedonism and grandeur. Their cities were filled with towering skyscrapers of all designs where only the most privileged and esteemed lived. Nothing was spared for their luxury. Other rising structures in their cities were monuments, temples and government buildings. The Grand Palace of the Allorisian Emperor was huge, majestic and stunning. The edges of the building had gold trimming designs and the entire palace was made of sparkling marble. Only the most exotic of plant-life where found at the palace courtyards. Temples also spared nothing on the adoration of the Gods. Temples from across the empire would rival each other by building more impressive structures, statues and courts that would make even the emperor speachless. Allorisian arts were also focused on their people's excessive hedonism. Allorisian music where focused on wind instruments that played soothing songs for social gatherings. Allorisians would pay artist to compost great songs in their honor. Emperor Fellone II had his own personal orchestra to perform for his lavish events. Allorisian sculpture focused on the "perfect being". When sculpting their figures of the Allorisian body, they would focus on getting every individual aspect perfect. Such great artist like Pretono Pellini and Jassar Obellem would take months, sometimes years to finish their works. Paintings would often revolve around grand social gatherings like parties, family reunions, imperial celebrations, holidays, magnificent religious rituals and the infamous Allorisian orgies. As Allorisian culture began to center more and more on excessive hedonism, the wealth gaps between the rich and the poor began to grow and grow. Soon there were those who couldn't afford to pay their bills. The poorest citizens soon lost their citizenship within the empire and became slaves. Slavery become a very profitable trade within the Allorisian Empire. Some historians attribute the sudden expansion of the empire further into space because of the need for slaves. Slaves became a big part of Allorisian society. At the hieght of the Allorisian Empire, it was estimated that 68% percent of all manual labour was done by slaves.
With the high demand for slaves and other resources, the Empire was forced to expand it reaches. Hundreds of less advanced races were quickly given an ultimatum, being a vassal of the growing Empire or be eradicated. Those that joined the Allorisians profited heavily on the extensive trade of the Empire through worm hole gates allowing for quick travel from one point of the Empire to another. Those that joined were also granted protection and relative freedom to do as they have before so long as they paid their tax. Those nations that joined the Allorisians soon found themselves sharing their hedonistic culture. Some culture resisted the amalgamation of their culture with those of the Allorisians, others embraced it. Those that didn't join the Allorisians were put the blade however as entire civilizations and races were enslaved or destroyed as they resisted Allorisian rule. The class difference between those who were free and those who were bounded in shackles grew as more and more taken into slavery. A popular attire of the day was the "
Togos" which were only worn by the free folk. Slaves were more and more treated harshly as those who were free found the convenience of owning them.
The Empire would never settle on what they had though and kept on advancing. Ever expanding, the Empire encountered races on par with their technology. Some peaceful, others every much as warmongering as the Allorisians were. This led to frictions between interest. Those frictions led to heated debates. The debates often enough led to war.
The Allorisians were perhaps the most cruel in combat, carrying out whatever actions possible to achieve victory with minimal losses. The Allorisian Empire's armed forces were grouped into legions which had were gigantic groups of militarily personnel from all branches of the armed forces serving under one core group and one leader under who only answered to the Allorisian emperor himself. As such, there were those commanders who had a real knack and skill of command and strategy. Those commanders were hailed for their undeniable prowess when commanding their legions. Those commanders that inspired their soldiers to fight. There were also those commanders who would commit the most vile of atrocities to achieve victory. These commanders would bomb heavily populated areas to soften up invasions for their ground units. They would spare no quarters for the enemy and have every single one shot. But most legion commanders tended to be a careful balance of both tactical genius and unimaginable cruelty. The other races although already had the stereotype of every single Allorisian as the most depraved of beings who only wished to serve themselves and leave the others to death.
This stereotype was not helped by the actions taken by the Empire towards it's captured enemies. Those soldiers who were captured by the legions were sold as slaves. Then, as the Allorisian Empire began to research more and more ways to destroy their enemies, the captured soldiers were used as the subjects of their horrific experimentation. Shot, burned, maimed, bleed to death, beaten and other inhumane acts were methodically used on them so that the Allorisians Legions could become a more efficient fighting force. The data collected proved invaluable for Allorisians as their conquest for more and more planets. Each conquest seemed more brutal than the last and the Allorisians became the boogeymen that parents would scare their children with. However their insatiable appetite for more became their downfall. The Allorisians would build humongous black hole gates as terminals from one point of their Empire to another. However this gates could only bridge one point to another. The further out of the Empire you wanted to travel, the further you'd have to go through different junctions and stations. As the Empire expanded, the logistical strains on the legion grew more and more. That was when the enemies of the Empire struck at it and began counterattacks after counterattacks. Soon conquered territories fell into enemy hands and the Empire was forced to poision entire planets with chemical bombings to deny their enemy ground. The legions fought valiantly but was unable to stem the tides of the furious enemies they had ojce held at bay. The Empire found itself resorting to a secret project it had withheld for a long time. The Legions began to use the an experimental biological weapon in one of their desperate defenses. The XA-001 virus, more popularly known as the Black Tide, was used on the planet of Voinna I as their enemies were getting the advantage on them. The legion bombers began to bombard enemy positions with conventional payloads as well as the disease. Soon enough, their enemies were beaten and quickly wiped off by the virus. The legionaries of the 88th "Piues" Legion, who were the ones that used the deadly pathogen, celebrated at their memorable victory. Members of their legions were sent to every corner of the Empire to bolster the morale of the people and get them into a fighting spirit. What they didn't expect though was that virus had also infected those parading soldiers of the Empire. From there the virus began to spread from one lifeform to another. The Empire was soon at the mercy of a demon they've released unto the world.
More and more worlds would succumb to the disease. To make matters worst for the already grief-stricken Empire, they've learned that their enemies developed a cure for themselves much faster than they could. Their enemies had more robust immune systems and thus the vaccines they made were more effective. The Allorisians were struggling to develop vaccines for their frail immune systems. The Allorisian Empire was forced to close off entire systems to quarantine the healthy from the vast amount of sick and dying citizens. Chaos grew inside the quarantine sectors and soon all communication was lost. Inside the safe zone however, life continued as usual for those who survived and carried on as if their fellows weren't suffering on far off planets.
This continued on for a few more years until the last emperor of the Allorisian Empire, Emperor Niero II of the Scittoros, was found to be infected by the virus and slowly died of it. Without any apparent heirs and without any instructions on who should proceed him. The Empire was then engulfed in civil was as petty noblemen and high ranking figures battle each other for the throne. In this time of confusion, a previously unknown political movement began to become more and more public. The Alluminatic order, a political party that advocated Democracy and abolitionism of all forms of hereditary monarchy government, began to spread it's propaganda. As they began to become more and more popular, they started adopting other ideas such as the abolition of slavery and the equal rights of all citizens. Within the span of a year, the Alluminatic Order was popular enough with the masses that several legions had joined their cause. Those legions are now the ten legions under the Alluminatic Combine. After a grizzly war that had taken even more lives, the Alluminatic Order came out victorious. The Alluminatic Order, who now named their domain the Alluminatic Combine to symbolize the unity of their citizens, had made swift reforms and established themselves as a pacifist state. The Empire hopes to retaki all the territories of the Allorisian Empire and improve all relationships with foreign powers.