Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ShinySurskit


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"The life of the nation is secure only while the nation is honest, truthful, and virtuous."

This is the official thread for the Song of Dying Stars and all its role-players' nation sheets. Any posts made here should be for developmental purposes only, or through identifying or clarifying aspects of both your nations and others' nations.

Each great nation has its history, present, and future. Every civilization has had a past filled with events both devastating and miraculous, a present only just unravelling, telling new stories as it lives on, and a future, an undetermined fate that can be changed by the whim of any one individual. No civilization is identical to another; and each has their strength and weaknesses. How you bring forward your great nation through space and time is up to the leader himself.

All civilizations, major and minor, present in the role-play will be listed here, with a link to both their post application and their civilization's page on the Song of Dying Stars wiki. (Hint hint, I'm hoping to create a wiki if this takes off well!)

Current Nations:
None as of yet.

In order to direct a civilization in The Song of Dying Stars, you must have first created one. If you are interested in taking part in the role-play, then by all means copy and paste the application format and fill it out to your liking! You can make your civilization as creative as possible, but don't make it overly preposterous. You don't control a giant nation of octodads who live on rainbow planets, for example. Stuff like that would be denied, however creativity is appreciated! Do not power game your civilization. If some aspects are a little overpowering, I will reply and suggest what should be changed or balanced. If you made it way out of proportion, however, and it seems like you did it purposefully, I'll just either deny it or ignore it.

Proper Application Format said
< Insert an image of your civilization's flag here, if applicable. Delete this line when submitting your application. Also, please keep it centred to make it look good. >


Political Status:
Current Political Leader:
Form of Government:

Total Population:
Employed Population (includes military):
Military Population (soldiers, militia, rebel forces):

Brief Biography of your Political Leader:
Notable Figures and their Background Information (brief):

Main Species Information:
Side Species Information:

Economic Overview:
Militaristic Overview:
Political Overview:

Home World(s) (with description):
Notable Planets (with description):

Number of Star Systems under your influence:
Number of Planets and natural satellites under your influence:
Number of Colonies under your influence:

Brief History of your Civilization:

Location on the map: (Viewable on the main NRP thread.)

Alright, so the basics of filling out your galactic application. Warning, long read, may take five to ten minutes. Grab yourself a coffee or beer or whatever.

The text inside the triangular brackets should be deleted and replaced with your nation's flag, if you can find or make one. If not, just delete the text altogether and leave that part blank. It helps to have a flag, however, as it adds a little more detail to your nation. Next is the name of your civilization. What are they known as? Don't name them something like the "League of Galactic Superheroes", make it something more political-y and realistic-y.

Political Status is just a measure of how much of an impact your civilization has on the galaxy. Basically, just list "tags" that apply to your civilization. Does it have a major stance in the political stage? List "Major". Do the opposite for a minor civilization. Is your civilization known as a warmongering society, a pirate-infested empire, or a righteous peace-seeking nation? Let us know! Current Political Leader is a fancy way of asking the name of the leader, president, political party etcetera in power over your civilization. Don't do something basic like "Prime Minister Tim of the Sultahr-Irronian Empire". If you use a basic name, your username for the forums, or the name of your idol, I will stop reading your application and immediately deny you. Please, be a little creative. The Form of Government is just asking, "how is your society governed?". Is it a capitalist society, communist society, are you ruled by a dictator or a coalition government? Are you ruled or governed by a type of government not invented in today's Earth? (Please explain it in this case.)

The populations are fairly easy to fill out. Try not to make it any less than say eighty billion, and no more than four trillion. Do remember that population density is an issue in large civilizations, and planets can easily become overcrowded, so try to balance this. Just because it is set far in the future doesn't mean that your population is going to be of an astronomically-high value. Employed population just measures how many of your 'people' are working for the civilization, whether it be small shops, factories, military, etc. Employed population fully includes your military population. Your military population is how many soldiers, pilots, engineers, militia, rebel forces, etcetera your nation has. Try not to make it more than 8% of your total population, however there can be exceptions for pirate nations.

The brief biography of your political leader is just what it says, a biography written by you about the leader or party in charge of your civilization. Make it brief please, around three medium sized paragraphs at maximum. Notable figures and their biographies is just asking you to list people of importance, examples including but not limited to, agents, commanders, major prisoners, etcetera and, if possible, try to explain a bit about them.

If your civilization has only one or two "main species", ignore the "Side Species Information" section or just delete it altogether. In the Main Species Information section, describe the species that have the most influence in your civilization, who make up most of your working class, population, military, political parties etcetera. In the Side Species Information section, if applicable, describe the species that are a more minor part of your civilization and are of less 'importance' than the main species.

The different overviews are asking for no less than three good paragraphs and no more than six good paragraphs each. The economic overview is asking you to describe how strong your economy is as of current times, frequent exports and imports, major and minor trade routes, what resources are available or heavily available to them etcetera. The military overview is asking you to list how many armies and star fleets your civilization has, and describe them. Try to describe your entire military to us, where things are stationed, etcetera. Also, additional information you may want to include are different classes of different ships, or vehicles, what weapons or armour systems do your machines-of-war possess, reserve forces, medical forces, etcetera. Please go into detail in this part! Your political overview looks at your civilizations internal politics; how it affects itself, not the galaxy. Are your people content, overly happy, or pissed off with your leader's rule? How do they feel? How are elections worked out, what laws are in place, and all in all just describe your internal politics as a whole. Remember, try to have three to six good paragraphs for each overview.

The Military Overview is a bit different, where you should list your different armies and fleets and their strengths, and your different vehicles. When building an army, try not to make it too overpowered. No more than a couple hundred vehicles per army, and maybe a thousand or two infantry at maximum. You can have as many armies as you like, but do not power game yourself. The same goes for fleets; a fleet will maybe fit six or seven hundred light ships, such as star fighters, maybe a few hundred medium ships, like frigates and light cruisers, and at most a hundred heavy ships. You can alter these numbers as you like, these aren't strict rules, but if I find some overpowered content I will suggest you change it. Also, city-ships are included in your military overview. They are considered very heavy ships, and have their own fleets by themselves or maybe with escorts. Unless you are a civilization always on the move or living more on city ships than planets, try not to have more than a couple thousand city ships. Of course, depending on how your civilization is, there will be exceptions. If you are a nation that lives almost all in city ships, than you may be allowed hundred of thousands or maybe millions of them. But that comes at a cost of limited planets and systems. Now that this is over,

Please try not to have more than two hundred planets at most. If we keep in mind that an average star system has around four planets, you would need fifty star systems just for yourself to keep two hundred planets (on average). And in a dying universe, that is both hard and risky to achieve. This being said, try not to have less than two planets either. Even if you are a civilization on the run, you need some planets to keep your nation spinning.

Number of Star Systems under your control just asks that. How many star systems do you have control over. That second line asks how many planets and 'moons' you have under control, keep them as separate number. Example, don't answer "223", answer "78 Planets and 145 natural satellites/moons". Number of colonies is again, just that. Easy peasy.

Finally, a brief history of your civilization. Try to aim for around four to six paragraphs, its a summary. Any more or less will probably not be read or accepted. It doesn't have to be a drastic biography of your nation, just summarize what happened to it during its galactic lifetime.

Have fun creating your civilizations here. Please try to keep to one civilization per player, and remember that this role-play is not about winning, rather it is about writing a good story and unravelling the final years of the universe's life. I will try to read and get back to everyone's replies, and sorry if the application format is a little long. I want this role-play to be fairly realistic, after all.

I am considering creating a wiki for the role-play if it takes off, containing all necessary info such as all the nations, ships, battles that take place, politics and history, for example.
This is the Galactic Compendium for the Song of Dying Stars, also known as the 'nation sheet thread', and you can discuss how your civilizations might possibly interact with one another here (albeit after posting an application). This is not the time for the actual role-play, however. I will be reviewing everyone's application once they are posted, and will be hopefully accepting them, or denying them within a day of their posting.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rare
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Rare The Inquisitor

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

This is going to be reserved for my nation.

United Parama Republic
Protecting The Weaken
Brief History of your Civilization
Political Status
The status of United Parama Republic within the galactic world is that they're a peaceful empire. Due to being a peaceful empire, they're stated as a 'minor' country, which doesn't bug anyone.

Form of Government
The government for the United Parama Republic is in it's name: Republic. Which means that power resides in the people, and the government is ruled by elected leaders run according to law rather than inherited or appointed.

Political Overview
The Republic in Parama is a bit different than the other countries' versions of it. Such as, the citizens create and vote for laws directly or indirectly via representatives. Then all of the representatives meet and show the law towards the others. Then they vote and if it passes, it's sent to the President for signing. But, if it fails, it must be sent back to that representative and re-do it, if he wants it to be overlooked again.

However, the presence of democracy does not always mean citizen’s wishes will be equally represented. For example, in many democratic countries immigrants, and racial and ethnic minorities do not receive the same rights as the majority citizens.

Current Political Leader
The current leader of United Parama Republic is Jeffery Scarlett.

Brief Biography of your Political Leader
Born to a political father and a professor mother during the Golden Age of United Parama Republic, when they were able to go to space and colonized nearby planets. Alexander couldn't understand what was going on when he was just born as his father was in the office most of the time, while his mother was the only one taking care of her son. And throughout his young childhood, he would make sense of it and his father would tell stories of the beginning of the Golden Age; while, he would be busy at Congress and voting of bills and other important things, that could be change the Republic. Everything was going good until the nasty divorce between his mother and father at the age of five, after his father cheated on his wife with his co-worker. The shattered family was now in a debate of who is going to have their son and a big custody battle began and it lasted for a year until the mother won. The father was upset and mad at the fact, that he lost his only son, but he couldn't do anything to risk his position as a political.

The mother told his son, when he was old enough to ask where his father was, that his father walked away and left them due to the hard life of being in the political lifestyle. Of course, Alexander was upset at the fact, but he couldn't be upset forever and grew up with his mother. He would go to the best private schools, where he would train to become a politic; even known, his mother disagrees with his decision.

Notable Figures and their Background Information
Manuel Hailes - Vice President - Born in a colony and moved to the homeworld, where he studied law and met Jeffery Scarlett and became great friends.
Katrin Scarlett - President's husband - Born and raised in the homeworld, she met Jeffery Scarlett at a dinner party and fell in love with him and got married before he ran for office.
Total Population
There are currency four hundred billion people (which was added with the military and employed population). Without the military and employed population, there are

Employed Population
Five billion eight hundred million people are currency employed (that was added with the colonies and planets controlled by United Parama Republic). Without the military population, there are

Military Population
Nine hundred million people are in the army, five hundred million are in the air force, one billion are in the space force, and two hundred million are in the navy. Which it adds to two billion six hundred million people, that are in the military.
Main Species Information

Side Species Information

The United Parama Military
Prepared to fight

Army Overview
The army's population is around three hundred million and there are even at their homeworld or at other colonies and planets (claimed by the United Parama Republic). The army is divided into # groups:






Navy Overview
The navy's population is one hundred million, making it the smallest amount of people and they are only at the homeworld and planets, that have some kind of water. The navy is divided into # groups:





Air Force Overview
The air force's population of two hundred million and they are even at their homeworld or at other colonies and planets. The air force is divided into # groups:






Space Force Overview
The space force's population is three hundred million and they control the space near the homeworld and the planets. The space force is divided into # groups:










Economic Overview
Home World

Notable Planets

Number of Star Systems under your influence
United Parama Republic controls three star systems: Murra System, Grace System, and Jul System.

Number of Planets and natural satellites under your influence
United Parama Republic controls twenty planets (ten from Grace System and eight from Jul System and two from the Grace System).

Number of Colonies under your influence
United Parama Republic has around fifty colonies under their influence.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ShinySurskit


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

The Collective Commonwealth of Socialist States (CCSS)

Political Status:
The Collective Commonwealth of Socialist States (CCSS or Collective Commonwealth for short) exerts a moderate amount of political pressure on the Galaxy. Their opinion is usually heard and justified in political meetings both regulation and emergency, but they do not consider themselves to be a major super-power in their own galaxy. They are a nation that often strives for peace, but is more than capable of defending itself or its allies in time of war. In some cases, the Collective Commonwealth will declare war on nations over land or money, but this often happens only in times of desperation or economic deficit. They realize the natural threat presented as of recent millennia and as a result spend a good amount of money towards researching new protective technologies and furthering technological bonds between friendly nations.

Current Political Leader:
The Collective Commonwealth is governed by a coalition government consisting of three main political parties. In the most recent elections, about half a galactic year ago, the Imperialist Party (IP) had 22% of the total seats, followed by the Republican's Conservative Union (RCU) with 18% of total seats, and the National Socialist Party (NSP) with 17% of total seats. These three parties formed together as a coalition to lead the nation, and Chairman Lazar Artuvsk was immediately elected to rule over and with the Coalition.

Form of Government:
The government is a Coalition government with an elected Chairman in charge of more 'focused' matters. The CCSS itself is a left-wing, Socialist-commonwealth nation under a democratic system of freedoms and the right to vote. The communities all contribute to each other to better themselves, their military, and economy, and operate under the entire nation. This is a key aspect of the CCSS, granting it the economic and militaristic power it currently bears.
Total Population:
The CCSS has a population of approximately 2,336,804,480,000 (2.33 Trillion) according to a national census performed two galactic years ago.

Employed Population (includes military):
The Employment rate of the Collective Commonwealth's population is at a stable 93.88%. This means that approximately 2,193,792,045,000 (2.19 Trillion) people are employed in some career, and only approximately 100,430,124,350 (100.4 Billion) people are unemployed.

Military Population (soldiers, militia, rebel forces):
Brief Biography of your Political Leader:
The CCSS is governed by a joint coalition of three primary political parties; the Imperialist Party, the Republican's Conservative Union, and the Nation Socialist Party, after it was determined that they had somewhat similar goals.

The Imperialist Party is by far the most popular political party in the government, however due to the large amount of political parties going for governmental dominance, they seldom win a majority election. They believe that the CCSS should operate under a fully communist order and should cooperate with foreign nations to boost diplomatic, economic, and militaristic standings.

The Republican's Conservative Union is the second-most popular party trying to usher in an age of full democracy, freedoms, and valuing traditional practices and faith. They believe that with the Collective Commonwealth acting under a conservative government, it won't move forward as much as it will better its current position, allowing more time and space for improvement both internally and externally.

The National Socialist Party is the fourth-most popular party, and believes in an entire system of Socialism and public freedom. Along with the RCU, they also value traditional standards, but want to see the nation progress and thrive through advancements in several primary fields. They are focused on the survival of the nation, and are highly respected although they rarely win an election by themselves.

The current Chairman, Lazar Artuvsk is currently eighty-three and a third galactic years old. He is a mix of both the Harkin and Enteran species, a match not commonly seen, and was voted the head of the government alongside Anton Ghavarok during an internal meeting hosted by the coalition. He served twenty eight years in the CCSS military, his first eight of which piloting varying planetary and interplanetary fighter and bomber craft, the next seven as an officer on board multiple Commonwealth star-cruisers, and the latter thirteen years as a colonel operating both various planetary fighter squadrons and on his main flagship, the RCSC Apollo. From a young age, Lazar had shown intelligent potential and had dreamed of a position in his planet and nation's politics, however temporarily discarded the idea as he attended the Royal Commonwealth Military University (RCMU) and later when he joined the military. However, after being promoted to the rank of Craft Officer II, Lazar began to think of pursuing a career in politics. He retired from the military when he was forty-seven galactic years old, retired for a while, and began his political career twelve years later.

Notable Figures and their Background Information (brief):
W I P.
Main Species Information:
Denonym: Harkin (Pronunciation: Hærkin), Harkish (Pronunciation: Hærkish), alternate pronunciations are (Har-kin, or Har-kish).

Despite the CCSS being more of a democratic-coalition government, they have only one main species; the Harkin. These organisms have been quite intelligent since their first beginnings, almost three billion years ago, however reproduction was never a major occurrence- this paired with fertility control and several unspoken events explain the low population the Collective Commonwealth currently has.

The Harkin are typically small, considered by some to be dwarves, and adult Harkin may only reach four-foot nine in height. They have a stocky build, muscular, however their weight combined with their height typically makes travel on foot for Harkin, explaining their frequent automated forms of transportation. They are a relatively old race, granting them a sense of wisdom, and although having the brawn and strength of a dwarf, they managed to evolve intelligently rather quickly. They favour machines, automation, and mass-manufacturing over natural preservation, however do dedicate a few garden worlds to their many gods. They live on mainly surface colonies, rarely expanding underground and preserving more of the 'inside' of a planet than the outside. This has been a characteristic trait of them since they were first industrialized, not long after they came into play in the stage of intelligent organisms.

They had always dreamed of reaching milestones faster and giving the extra effort, however as far as evolution went, they maintained a steady and natural pace. Evolution was gradually slowed through technological advancements and it has appeared only a few deca-million years ago that evolution for the Harkin halted entirely. Mechanical limbs mixed with nutritional advancements completely removed the need of adaptation, and their industrial environments are more than well suited for their needs. They favour demo-socialist societies and have always longed for expansion, however as they gradually grew more wise, the dream of expansion was shut out. Now-a-days, they are more interested in keeping, maintaining, and building on what they already have.

Side Species Information:
Denonym: Farroen (Pronunciation: Fɑr-own), Farroe (Pronunciation: Fɑr-oʊ), alternate pronunciations are considered disrespectful and are not used.
Denonym: Enteran (Pronunciation: En-tər-ɑːn) (En-terr-ahn), alternate pronunciations are considered slightly disrespectful, Enter (Pronunciation: En-tər)
Denonym: Apoak (Pronunciation: æ-poe-eɪch) (Ah-poe-ache), alternate pronunciations are Apoaken (Pronunciation: æ-poe-eɪch-en),Ah-poe-achen).

There are many side species of relative intelligence that the Harkin have learned to live and become one with, including the Farrogoeh, the Apoakin, and the most populous, the Enteran. Both the Enteran and the Farrogoeh possess relatively humanoid traits, with the Enteran being one more in-tune with nature and populating garden and civilian worlds, and the Farrogoeh sharing almost bird-like senses.

The Apoakin are more identified as a chain of mammals than humanoids, appearing almost like a cross-breed of tiger and grey wolf. They are highly intelligent, and although not having the intelligence of creating metropolises and factories of mass production, they are very alert of their surroundings and are even able to communicate with and devise tactics between members of packs, often working with the Enteran; the only race that has established a stable communication with the mammals. The Apoakin are identified by typically having dark-orange and black colours, similar to an Earthly tiger, however it is organized in a great coat that protects against elements, as does a wolf. They feel emotions and have established a language of sorts, and are often used for hunting, companionship, or military needs. Their skin is tough, being nearly resistant to bullets however still susceptible to plasma and energy weapons. Under the right circumstances, Apoakin are useful in a diverse array of jobs.
Economic Overview:
Militaristic Overview:
The Collective Commonwealth possesses a military composed of mostly regional defence and peacekeeping forces, however in times of hostility can call up reserve forces combined with standing fleets and armies to provide a devastating force against the enemy.

The Armed Forces of the Collective Commonwealth (The Army)

The army typically utilizes the following vehicles, often divided into different regiments.

Political Overview:
Home World(s) (with description):
Notable Planets (with description):
Number of Star Systems under your influence:
Number of Planets and natural satellites under your influence:
Number of Colonies under your influence:
Brief History of your Civilization:
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Hyperdrive
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Hyperdrive Not Possible

Member Seen 20 days ago

WIP - 80% done with Military, Politics and Economics are done, and will post once I complete Mil.

The Harlaci Imperium
For Honor, Duty, and Glory.

Political Status: Before closing their borders and isolating themselves from the rest of the galaxy, the Harlaci Imperium was considered as a major military power and a leading nation for scientific endeavors. Thousands of years have passed, and the once well renowned legacy of the Imperium, eventually degraded into legends and stories written in historical records. Those who attempted to venture to Harlaci space territory only went missing and never heard from again, adding to the notoriety of the Imperium's controlled space. The Imperium up to this day lived up to their former reputation as a military and a scientifically inclined nation. With recent events, the Imperium's government are contemplating to expose themselves to other nations once again.

Current Political Leader: Emperor Castor Haraven
Form of Government:
Total Population: 1 Trillion
Employed Population (includes military): 998 Billion.
Military Population (soldiers, militia, rebel forces): 120 Billion (Including clone military reserves.)
Brief Biography of your Political Leader:
Notable Figures and their Background Information (brief):
Main Species Information: Harlacs - An almost human-like species with pale complexion and tall figure.

Demonym: Harlacian, Harlaci, Harlac, Harlacon, White Suits.

A land based species that ruled over the lands of Tyr'grande, but were stuck on its middle age until they were technologically uplifted by the Hannost. When they were found by the Hannost, their entire body structure was almost same with the human anatomy, except for their naturally tall heights. They accepted the Hannost's offer and complied with their teachings of advancement. They underwent several biological changes during the period of their learning, some beneficial, while some were side-effects. They can age up to 300 years, due to the improvements the Hannost applied to their bodies in their younger stages.

Their advancement came at a price, their bodies weren't able to evolve in time with the advancing technologies, making them suffer biologically as they progressed. Their skin turned pale, mutations turned their eyes to glow blue, while others developed a case that would turn them mute. The effects were irreversible, but they knew they had to pay a price, one way or another. With the technology given to them by the Hannost, the Harlacs developed power-suits that protected their race from further risks of biological change.

The Harlaci, through the years, developed a strong sense of social servitude and discipline. They also have a strong sense of brotherhood and oaths, making the Harlaci Imperium a nation with loyalty as its main foundation. If a person is to look for the most trustworthy species, its the Harlacs that he's looking for. They are usually warm towards other species who have proven themselves to the Harlaci people. They are known for their unmatched skill with range weaponry, a natural gift that progressed through the years from slingshots and rifles.

Side Species Information: Hannost - A sentient aquatic race living on the deep oceans of the planet Tyr'grande. They are responsible for uplifting the Harlacs.

Demonym: Hannost, Hannoth, Hannosti, The Mentors.

Originally from another galaxy, this species found home on the deep oceans of Tyr'grande, and paved way for the advancement of the Harlacs. They are tall, green skinned creatures that has four eyes, and mentally gifted minds. They share a humanoid anatomy with the Harlacs, but with several bone appendages protruding from their bodies. The Hannost's biological capabilities allows them to end their lives at will. A common Hannost practice was to pass away once they reach 500 years of age, 1,000 for Hannosti that are occupying an important position in the society.

They are highly intellectual, humble and are mostly calm, but only sociable towards the Harlac people. The Hannost are the ones who were given the task of enriching the society, making most of the scholars, scientists, and traders in the Imperium coming from their species. They have a unique regenerative body that could make them heal non-fatal injuries and age very slowly. The Hannost population mostly reside under the underwater depths of Imperium controlled planets, with the exceptions of Hannost officials and businessmen in the Harlac society.

It is kept from the public why the Hannost chose to let the Harlacs become the dominant race, in the empire they have established. They are very secretive when it comes to the history of their race, that only the line of Emperors and Hannost Elders know of it. They had beyond spacefaring technology when they started to uplift the Harlacs, leaving the uplifted race to just further improve it with further discoveries.
Economic Overview:
Political Overview:
Militaristic Overview:

Home World: Tyr'grande, an earth like planet, with the exception of an abundance of mountain ranges and fewer but deeper oceans. Its planetary size can be compared to the planet "Jupiter" in the Solar System. The planet revolves around the yellow star named "Mor" and is orbited by three moons called Myloth, Troz, and Licion. The planet also has an asteroid ring called Hymtos, a former moon of the planet. Tyr'grande boasts lush green fields, sky reaching cities, and a rare mineral called Melpharite.

Notable Planets:
Number of Solar Systems under your influence: 52
Number of Planets and natural satellites under your influence: 308 Planets, 1629 Satellites
Number of Colonies under your influence: 106
Brief History of your Civilization:
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sovi3t

Sovi3t Obamacare

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Placeholder for the "Underworld

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Shoopthewoop


Member Offline since relaunch

Political Status: Peaceful
Current Political Leader: Rex Draconum
Form of Government: Ecclesiastical - a government administrated by a church.

Total Population: 146 Trillion
Employed Population (includes military): 126 Trillion
Military Population (soldiers, militia, rebel forces): 30 Trillion Normal, 10 Trillion Militia

Brief Biography of your Political Leader:
Born and raised in the capital Rex is a patriot, he fought in the army, he ran fundraisers, he even almost died for the country. But does this make him perfect, no, it doesn't, there are rumours he bribed the other Bishops to vote for him, and this makes him not very popular. He had a relatively tame childhood, no murders, no abuse, but he did hate his mother as she always forced his father to do what she wanted. When he took office he put his mother in Jail for crimes against the religion and supposed slavery of another human. So far he has been a relatively peaceful leader.
Notable Figures and their Background Information (brief): No one worth describing

Main Species Information: Check above in the hiders
Side Species Information: Check above in the Hiders

Economic Overview: Check in Hiders
Militaristic Overview: Check in Hiders
Political Overview: A group of Bishops elect 1 leader who rules for life.

Home World(s) (with description): Check the hiders
Notable Planets (with description): There are 2 other main planets that are right next to the Capital planet, One is earth like while the other is a bit more mars ish. It has 2 oceans, one on the top and one of the bottom with land on the rest of earth, it does have lakes in some areas.

Number of Star Systems under your influence: 5000
Number of Planets and natural satellites under your influence: 35k Planets and 105k satellites
Number of Colonies under your influence: 100

Brief History of your Civilization:
The B'Hefaian civilisation was founded when around 100k mutated Crocodiles and Alligators on a ship crashed on the planet. The B'Hefaians do not know where they come from, they do not know why they are on the planet, but they do know that together they are strong. They came up with the religion excuse saying that some gods died and they split up, into multiple living things, including the animals on the planet.

Having started out with a the same brain capacity as a human the B'Hefaians formed an empire with right off, They started creating weapons with metals. They started out with swords and axes but then they moved to guns, soon after that they invented the special types of spears that they have. After that they made there first spaceship and they started colonising planets like crazy, within 500 years they colonised 250 systems. They had 1 civil war which was Science vs Religion and Religion won, they changed the government and the rights of the ruler.

After discovering other empires the B'Hefaians once again started colonising like crazy, they colonised the systems they had today, after that, they brought them into the empire, they have stayed peaceful so far within the history of the B'Hefaian civilisation.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by urukhai
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Member Seen 9 mos ago


The Hegemony of the Darkened Moon

Political Status: Major. The Hegemony could at times be considered a militaristic state, though it is in a dormant state
Current Political Leader: The government of the Hegemony is broken up into 3 parts, the council of races, the council of 14, and the office of the Hegemon. The Council of races is the largest chamber of the government, where delegates from all corners of the vast Hegemony come to voice their opinions and complaints and to work with the day to day governmental problems. The Council of 14 is made up of a single delegate (Usually the head or Heir, if they are not currently engaged as a Relequa) from the Great houses, it functions like the Council of Races, but on a much smaller scale. Finally is the Office of the Hegemon, but unlike the title suggests, the office is not an elected position, it would be more accurately be described more like the seat of an emperor than a Office, all decisions on this level are final. The current Hegemon is, Hegemon Sarivi
Form of Government: Autocracy/ Oligarchy

Total Population: 3.8 trillion
Employed Population (includes military): 3.5 trillion
Military Population (soldiers, militia, rebel forces): 304 billion

Brief Biography of your Political Leader:

Notable Figures and their Background Information (brief):
Mera Selwa - Lowborn Silifh Relequa, friend and personal guard of Sarivi
Karli Vorsa - Head of the 3rd Great House and General of the 5th Light gaurd
Sera Meriss - Head of the 7th Great house and Admiral of the 3rd Cadre Fleet

Main Species Information: Nevarethi, humanoids that have a more pronounced spine and short (about half an inch long) bone spurs that emerge off of the jaw line every two inches or so. Another feature of the Nevarethi are their eye colors, namely violet, red, and various shades of blue and green. They stand around 6'5'' average, and generally have stronger muscles and denser bones than humans

Side Species Information:
Silifh, The Silifh are humanoids that stand around the same height of the Nevarethi but have generally slimmer body builds, longer limbs, and have fairer features than the Nevarethi. Their eyes are generally a emerald green color with slitted pupils. They are more flexible than Nevarethi, but are on the whole less durable. They were among the first, if not the first species adopted into the Hegemony and so control two of the Great houses, and are generally regarded with respect.

Home World(s) (with description):Nevareth
Nevareth is an interesting planet, known to most within the Hegemony as the planet of endless spring. This is due to the planet orbiting it's twin suns in such a way that has caused it to form shorter summers, falls, and winters, in place of a much extended spring like season. The planet is known for it's beauty and abundance of growing things, as even within the sprawling capital city, public gardens have been set up and are well maintained by the public works staff.

Notable Planets (with description):
Servani - Homeworld of the Silifh, a planet of temperate climates and huge forests
Grama/Drive Yards - Massive orbital Nevarethi/Silifh built construction yards that surround the resource rich planet below. Capable of churning out ships at a fantastic rate it has been nicknamed the "Great Forge" and is one of the most defended places in the Hegemony

Number of Star Systems under your influence: 45
Number of Planets under your influence: 184 natural satellites under your influence: 368 (moons) 1788 (Asteroids/comets)
Number of Colonies under your influence: 135
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sovi3t

Sovi3t Obamacare

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


My nation is incredibly different, it's like Omega from ME3, or a spacestation filled with lowlifes and smugglers and stuff.


Brief overview

Anywho, how would I edit the sheet to make it fit in?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Honored Brother

Honored Brother

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Work in progress.

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MonkeyBusiness
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago


The Korwrath Confederacy

Political Status: The Korwrath Confederacy was once known as the unified Kore Dominion which was ruled by a Military Council that believed that military expansion was the only way to survive in the universe. For several centuries the Military Council let the people of Kore across countless systems while systematically claiming the plants in those systems for themselves and completely wiping out the civilizations that once inhabited the planets. (See history for what happens next)

After the Great Fall, the Korwrath people have broken up into large capital fleets which are all city-states of their own as each fleet rules themselves with only a few scattered colonizes that also rules themselves or serve a specific Capital Planetary fleet. This does not mean however that the fleets do not communicate with each other as well as form trade agreements and share information on the current events between the fleets. At this point in their history there is no central form of government with each fleet being rules by the Admirals of the capital ships.
Current Political Leader: Grand Admirals of the Capital planetary fleets
Form of Government: City-States

Total Population: 2 Billion per capital ship
Employed Population (includes military): 1.6 Billion
Military Population (soldiers, militia, rebel forces): 500 Million

Brief Biography of your Political Leader: The Grand Admirals of the Korwrath Confederacy are chosen for their long military service that has risen through the ranks and proven themselves to be born natural leaders who have the mental fortitude to lead an entire nation. Each Capital Planetary fleet consists of three capital ships, each with their own Grand Admiral who all work together instead of just commanding their own ship.
Notable Figures and their Background Information (brief):

Main Species Information: The Korwrath are a humanoid race that look very similar to humans but the only difference is that they have four eyes on their face instead of just two which makes their heads slightly bigger than the average human head. A Korwrath male can grow to be from 6’5” up to 7’2”, this is contrasted to the females who range in height from 5’6” to 6’9”. The skin color of the Korwrath ranges from a golden tan color to a deep red color with the variations of the skin color caused by which capital fleet you grew up on or weather you are from a colonized planet. Other than these specific feature changed they look shocking similar to humans even their lifespans are similar with them normally living to be around 80 years old.

Economic Overview: The Korwrath Confederacy has a shaky economic build with not many trade routes existing as it is sometimes hard to track down a fleet even with their technology since they are constantly on the move no matter the circumstances. With this being said all economics exist around the capital ships in the fleet as they are the hub where all major markets are held and were all extremely successful merchants can be found. Normally the only time that a fleet will trade with another race is when they stumble into one of their systems and is able to establish a network of trade, this also happens when they encounter their own fleets as each can have different resources than each other and this is how their economic structure is sustained. It is a very nomadic system of economics where not many luxuries can be found outside of the extremely wealthy and only the necessities are normally traded for with other nations.

Militaristic Overview:

Political Overview: The political structure of the Korwrath Confederacy is extremely loose with each fleet governing themselves and even the few colonies that exist anymore have their own governing systems and don't have to answer to any one fleet. There are also small pirate and splinter fleets that are able to govern themselves but these groups must find their own ways to survive as they are exiled from the rest and cannot live off of the Capital ships. The Korwrath system consists of each Capital Fleet being led by three Grand Admirals who must decide together on what courses of actions can be taken by the fleet with a key being on the preservation of their fleet. The colonies of the Korwrath do not have a similar system as they are mainly ruled by one governor who controls the whole planet and this governor is chosen by a vote of all the people who are living on the planet with a new governor being chosen every ten years, but this system isn't always followed and there are a variety of systems in place on several other colonies.

Home World: Kore, the home world of the Korwrath people is a large moon that orbits the fifth planet in the solar system Dak Ro. The planet that Kore orbited around was a mineral rich planetary body which the Korwrath used for a millennium as their primary source of resources to build eventually everything that made up their space fleets. Kore itself was a lush planet that was primarily all land with only 20% of the surface of the planet being water. There was no underground when it came to Kore as it was a solid planetary body with a molten core that only had one outlet in a giant volcano which erupted ever 150 years.
Notable Planets (with description):
Vertigo- The newest planet to be found by the Korwrath for colonization and they are still in the system of prepping the planet before they are willing to send colonists down to the planet.
New Kore- The first planet colonized after the exodus from their home system. Even though there were still other colonizes after the exodus this soon became the industrial center of all the colonies and houses the only shipyard big enough to create and retrofit any Capital ships that need repairs extensive repairs.

Number of Star Systems under your influence: 5
Number of Planets and natural satellites under your influence: 21
Number of Colonies under your influence: 6

Brief History of your Civilization: The Kore Dominion was an advanced civilization at the height of it's reign over four centuries ago which ruled over countless star systems with colonizes in every system. They even had one or two species that served them as slave races as the Korwrath people were also a race of luxury but did not want to work for their own luxury. They had a giant military force that allowed them to keep control over such a large section of the galaxy and that was how they lived for several centuries. At the height of their reign was when the Korwrath leaders had the first idea to start building capital ships so that they could spread their race even farther into deep space outside of their already expanding space without the need to settle on an planet.

This was how the Korwrath people lived until two centuries ago when the Great Fall appeared as they referred to the calamity that caused the break up of the Dominion. It all started when one of their industrial planets had radioactive meltdowns all over the planet which was later determined to be caused by the solar system's sun beginning to burn itself out causing they planet's temperature to rise well above normal levels. This same effect started to happen to countless planets as they were bombarded with solar flares sending radiation levels on these planets sky rocketing and causing dead zones in populated areas as well as destroying ships in vicinity of these planets. Then as if by an act of the gods the suns started to fade from the sky starting with their home system of Dak Ro as the the sun burned out causing a mass exodus from the five colonized planets on the system in the three newest Planetary fleets that hadn't been shipped off yet.

It has now been a century since the Great Fall and there are still many who have heard of the great Kore Dominion from their ancestors who know live on a dying fleet of floating ships floating through the stars. There are many who think that the new way of living is fine as long as it is sustainable while there are others who would like to return to their old ways of ruling over many systems and settling on solid ground instead of living in fleets. This argument even happens at the highest levels of authority within the Korwrath Confederacy and has been a cause for rebellions and splinter groups appearing within fleets and causing fleets to split up even more than they already are.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by salamimike
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salamimike Probably not even real.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Shoop I feel that you should read all the guidelines before you fill it in.
Some of your information is wrong.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Hyperdrive
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Member Seen 20 days ago

solamelike said
Shoop I feel that you should read all the guidelines before you fill it in.Some of your information is wrong.

Aye the population cap is at 4 trillion.
Also, what do you think of the Harlacs so far sola?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by salamimike
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salamimike Probably not even real.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

They seem rather cool, I like the 'forced evolution' type of thing.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Hyperdrive
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Hyperdrive Not Possible

Member Seen 20 days ago

I used the Hanar and Drell from Mass Effect as inspiration when I made them, so their story might sound familiar in a way. :P
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by salamimike
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salamimike Probably not even real.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

The Imperium Empire

Political Status:
Minor, the Imperium keeps to its self, it is only concerned about the control of its own people. Despite this, recent talks have been made within government about possible communication and trade with other races.

Current Political Leader:
The head of the Imperium is Mr White, an apparent all knowing man who has lived for centuries. It is unknown if this is true or even if Mr White exists.
Under Mr White is 'The Government' which is split into many factions to deal with specific things (Military department, Health Department, Schooling Department etc.)

Form of Government:

Total Population:
84 Billion

Employed Population (includes military):
53 Billion
Military Population (soldiers, militia, rebel forces):
7 Billion Soldiers
40 Billion Militia

Brief Biography of your Political Leader:
Little is known about Mr White. He apparently started off the entire civilisation hundreds of years ago. No-one ever sees his face, just his voice is known. Heard throughout the planets on intercoms. The voice is a kind voice, charismatic and easy to trust.
Government officials are chosen via exceptional workers that are promoted to gradual more important jobs.

Notable Figures and their Background Information (brief):
Field marshal Peace – The Leader of all military forces and the Military Department

Main Species Information:
Appearance -

The main species on the planet are The Imperium. The Imperium are small in stature, reaching only 4 feet in height. Despite this they are highly intelligent and are quick with their heads and their feet. They lack strength yet have the help of technology to achieve large tasks.
The Imperium believe heavily that they are not special as an individual but as a society they can concur anything. They are sub-servant to the government and acts of defiance against it are uncommon.

Economic Overview:
The Imperium Economy is self run. The civilisations providing for itself from its many worlds. The planets that The Imperium are located all have large supplies of a Plasma called Plitanom. This plasma is highly strong when made into its solid form yet, when it is in plasma form it becomes highly chemically unstable. This material is used in two ways, The chemical reaction is neutralised and the material turns solid. This is used for creating strong structures such as space ships and machines of war. In its plasma form the material is used as a power source and as a weapon. The Government have began talks of trade agreements with other planets. Hoping that the Plitanom could be traded for other technological advancements.

Food on the planet is created in factories out of a substance that grows on the planets. This substance is then manipulated to taste of generic meats or vegetables. The food has everything needed to keep The Imperium working and alive.

Credits are used instead of money on the planet, The Imperium population have little to actually spend credits on as the government owns mostly everything. Despite this some luxuries can be bought such as furniture and food goods.

Militaristic Overview:
Military Factions-
Each faction has a round a billion operatives each in different roles, from pilots to engineers.
Because of The Imperium small size and stature, any unit not in some kind of vehicle in battle wears a mech suit. The suit makes them stronger than they usually are and still keeps the usual speed of The Imperium race. With the suit on an average soldier reaches 7 feet in height.

The ammunition of most weapons in The Imperium arsenal is made out of Plitanom in its solid metal-like state.

Plitanom warheads are the main explosive power of The Imperium. They use the Plasma state of Plitanom to create chemical explosions, ripping apart the particles within the blast zone. Depending on the amount of Plitanom in the warheads can depend on how devastating the explosion.

Mark I are used for buildings, vehicles and other small targets within a small building sized blast radius.

Mark II are used for larger spaceships and the stronger hulls of defended space ships and vehicles.

Mark III Are used for Extremely large spaceships and Country Sized targets,

Mark IV are used for Planet sized targets. These are the most destructive weapon within The Imperium's arsenal and have never been used in combat.

Military Police Force
The force deals with internal affairs such as criminal activity and terrorism.

Land Force
This is the main bulk of the military, dealing with land based threats.

Aquatic Force
A division that deals with threats within liquids, such as in planetary seas.

Air Force
A division that deals with threats above ground up to atmosphere levels.

Interplanetary Force
This force is for battles happening in space aswell as transporting other forces from planet to planet.

Mass Destruction Force
This force is for the heavy hitting campaigns, when an entire planet is needs to be destroyed.

Military Investigation and Intelligence
This force receives Intel and is primarily used for information finding and spying. Learning everything about an enemy.

Political Overview:
The people are obedient, serving for the apparent 'good of The Imperium race' Despite this, freedom fighters have rose and uprisings do begin to unfold. Unfortunately the sheer power and watchful eye of the government quenches any possible uprising from ever happening. The goals of the freedom fighters never getting past the planning stages before they are 'dealt with'

Home World(s) (with description):
Planet One
Planet One is a completely industrial planet, vegetation is almost none existent and most of the planet is covered in industry. The sky is thick with smog as factories pump out chemicals into the air, the planet beneath the industrial crust is just a shell of its former self, its raw materials being scavenged from within. The planet is mostly covered in land, natural or artificially built, but there is a large brown sea that stretches across half the globe.

Notable Planets (with description):
Planet's are numbered accordingly (From Planet One to Planet Twelve)
These planets are similar to the home planet, as they are not as old

Number of Star Systems under your influence:
Number of Planets and natural satellites under your influence:
12 Planets
8 Natural Satellites

Number of Colonies under your influence:

Brief History of your Civilization:
The imperium started off as an undeveloped race, they where animalistic, having basic instincts and only tribal civilisations, they thought amongst themselves and where unorganized. That is when Mr White found them, his ship landed on the planet and soon began to help the primitive race. Teaching them all he knew about civilisation and soon he was seen almost like a god. When Mr White deemed them acceptable, he began to create a government, employing some of The Imperium race and this has carried on ever since, a government working under Mr White to help control the populace. Thousands of years have passed since then, planets have been removed of population and replaced with The Imperium race, the Government in control at all times. Mr White the head of it.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Feigling


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

The Serene Empire of the Koninkryk

Political Status: New, Expanding, Aggressive
Current Political Leader: Waykin Al-Maera of Eris
Form of Government: Elitism - a council is formed on every planet that makes planitary desicions. They act in accordance to the "Creed", similiar to the American Constitution.
Total Population: 126 billion
Employed Population (includes military): 124 billion
Military Population (soldiers, militia, rebel forces): 12 billion
Brief Biography of your Political Leader:
Name: "Waykin" Al-Maera
"Our greatest weapon is our mind"
Age: "twelve moons above Aeon"

Gender: Male
Species: Chidam
Affiliation: Council of Eris

Looks: White fur. Notably blunter features than most of his race, and slightly shorter. Scrawny and thin.
Equipment: Golden Apple of Eris - A strange device made of a gold-like metal that is as tough as diamonds. It amplifies the psychic power of all nearby, allowing them to tap into things far beyond their normal capabilities, such as foresight. It was this that foretold of "The Great Silence" that weighs heavily on the minds of all the residents of the Empire

Personality: Serious and tired, Al-Maera worries about the future of his people. Since the Apple's warning of the End of All, he has not stopped working, to the point even minor psychic abilities are now beyond his grasp. With no psychic powers except those granted by the Apple, he is weary and tired, often falling asleep at inoppertune and random times. He is reliant on his guard, Gro'Khan, to watch over him as he rests, but even sleep is no safe haven.
Recently, Gro'Khan reported Al-Maera talking in his sleep and thrashing as though in pain. He claims that his master seems to beg for mercy from an unknown assailant, before screaming out that something hurts and that he wants his foe to "leave him be". Other occasions, Waykin simply gurgles and squeals as though finding difficulty breathing. Al-Maera claims to have no memory of his nightmares, only that they are "the most horrible experiences imaginable... Something I wouldn't wish on my gravest foe."
Despite this, he remains somewhat optimistic and wants only to save his people from their fate. Unfortunately, many believe he has worked too hard, and should stand down before he hurts himself.

History: As a child, Al-Maera liked to explore the world around him and joined the early Hava when he was old enough.
One of his assignments was to check out a cave that had been discovered. It seemed simple, but Chidam are paranoid creatures and would rather have someone say whether or not it's safe to do something rather than find out for themselves. Only he went down the cave, and he returned a man changed.
In his hands lay the Golden Apple. He spoke of a time when there would be nothing but ice and darkness, and every great empire would be brought to ruin.
His words instilled fear amongst everyone he spoke to, and it got so bad that local leaders demanded he either stopped or be banished.
But the general population trusted and believed Al-Maera, who had been given the name "Perhin" or "Prophet". The Apple revealed more secrets, but began to ask for things in return. It started off simple "Go here", "say this", "leave this place". It began to ask for more serious things, gifts and presents. It told him what to sau, what to do, when to sleep, eat and move. Knowledge was power, so he did it and learned many things in the process.
But he would never hurt his Kin. The Apple promised him the secret to stopping the Silence if he gave it a blood sacrifice. He refused, and informed the Apple he would not kill in it's name. The Apple has been quiet for years since then.

Notable Figures and their Background Information (brief):
Main Species Information:
Name: Chidam
Classification: sentient

Appearance: Chidam are small, cute, physically weak creatures with big eyes (usually shut as though asleep), short snouts, two cat-like ears, short fur and a long, thick tail. They have thin legs with somewhat large feet, thin upper arms with thick lower arms and five fingers a hand. They have three toes per foot, two at the top and one on the bottom. They stand about a meter tall.

Shared traits: Suspicious but inquisitive. They like to explore, but are afraid other creatures without their guards nearby.
Natural abilities: Psychic Powers - By channeling their own energy into a usable form, Chidam are capable of performing impressive and mystical feats that counter their physical frailty. These include simple acts, such as telekinesis and telepathy, as well as more complex acts such as teleporting and psycho-levitation. This is draining for the Chidam in question, and many who attempt to use these powers too often or to great extent may end up collapsing under the strain or "burning out". Rest, sleep and meditation restores their powers, but those who have "burnt out" need significantly more rest than those who haven't.

Lifespan: After leaving a juvinile stage after about 20 years, they freeze themselves in time

Relations with other races: Masters of the Carnaroth, Tyra and Evrys
Preferred occupations: N/A

History: Roughly 4,000 years ago, the exploration ship Master of the Stars landed on Eris, looking for a suitable planet to colonise. The Master's crew and captain were stunned by what they found and kept a note of the plants, ecosystem and wildlife.

"Eris has three dominant strains of creature. The most curious of these is the Chidam. This unusual beast has been the most reserved of the three, rarely coming into contact with crew or ship. What makes it so marvelous is it's ability to control the world around it without touching it. They are known to float weightlessly in the air, detect creatures without seeing them and vanish suddenly, only to re-appear later in a different location. They defy study, though they have taken a great interest in us and our equipment. On more than one occasion we have discovered objects missing that have fallen into the hands of the Chidam tribes. They can be seen picking them apart and putting them back together. This is truly remarkable, considering these creatures dwell in holes in the ground and scavenge for food. They do not even have a language, as they make little noise other than grunts and squeaks, yet they are intelligent enough to take apart and rebuild complex machinery.
What is truly curious is their passive nature. Unlike some species I could name, all three Erisians live in total harmony with each other. They eat the same food and claim the same territory, yet neither I or my crew have seen them fight. The young are known to play with each other and all races will happily share what they have, in terms of both food and territory. All three are not much larger than a meter, yet they control the whole of this planet"

Sadly, the Master of the Stars did not set foot on Eris ever again, and it's fate has been questioned by Erisians ever since it's departure

A note on Slaves: If anyone wishes to have a Chidam slave, as long as it is unrelated to the Koninkryk, you don't need express permission. However, be aware that relations with people, and empires, that allow such mistreatment of Imperial Kin will be icy at best.

Name: Carnaroth
Classification: Player-controlled, Golem
Appearance: Huge, about 8' tall. Thick-set and strong, able to lift lighter vehicles with ease. Some are fleshy whilst others are stony, depending on what they were made with. Designed as killing machines. All look very similiar, being bald, muscular and having solid color eyes. Have a large stone or exposed heart, depending on whether they are mineral or fleshy, that represents their "core". All have masculine features, but lack any gender.
Shared traits: Tactical and fearless. Refer to smaller races as "maggots", even their masters. Detest ranged weapons, prefering to crush or squeeze the life out of their foes with their bare hands or massive battle-axes. All are based on the same being, so all share the orginal's thoughts and personality.
Natural abilities: Immensly strong. Resistant to energy-based weaponry, fire and ice.
Lifespan: Do not die of natural causes. Can only be killed permanently by destroying their core.
Relations with other races: Servants and bodyguards to the Chidam
Preferred occupations: Warriors, bodyguards, executioners
History: Formed in the darkest labs of Eris, they live only to continue the survival of their masters. As long as their core remains intact, they can be reanimated by putting them in another body. They were formed to make up for the physical frailness of the Chidam

Side Species Information:
Name: Evyrs
Classification: NPC, Intelligent Animal
Appearance: Quadrepedal. Covered in short, brown fur, with a huge, fluffy main on males. About the size of a large cat. Short snouts, with large eyes and long ears

Shared traits: Curious and playful. Love being petted. Unaggresive, will only fight if cornered.
Natural abilities: Capable of learning speech. Cute, usually make good pets. Intelligent to a sentient degree.
Lifespan: Can be forever, if exposed to Erisian conditions. Can live for up to 300 years on other planets.
Relations with other races: Allied with the Tyra and Chidam, some are pets on other planets.
Preferred occupations: Pets
Master of the Stars' notes: "A lovely being, the Evyrs. We commonly see them playing with the crew.
They are fond of being stroked and petted, much like some pets back home. They are utterly fearless, interacting with everyone and everything without hesitation. They have a certain charm that makes them irresistable, especially to thefemale members of the crew. I have, on multiple occassions, been asked if we can keep some or take them home. However, I fear removing them from their natural habitat may harm both them and the planet's ecosystem.
They are clever, with great memories. The password lock on the ship's armoury, for example, has been cracked because one happened to see it's input. It worries me that we cannot insert passcodes in front of mere animals, but they have proven unaggressive so far, so perhaps my fears are unfounded.
Some crew members even report engaging them in conversation. They talk little of themselves, supposedly, but are always asking questions "What's this?" "How does that work?" and "What does this do?". I myself have heard what certainly sounded like speech come from one, but it seemed to struggle with our language and kept resorting to mewling noises and whimpers to talk.
They have little weight, so they can walk almost silently."

Name: Tyra
Classification: NPC, Intelligent Animal


Shared traits: Relentless. Upon deciding to do something, they will stop at nothing until it is done. Heaviest of the Erisians, which it uses to it's advantage.
Natural abilities: Able to run at lightning-fast speeds. Quick reaction times mean they can dodge most non-artillery hits.

Lifespan: about 200 years outside Eris.
Relations with other races: Allies to the Chidam and Evyrs

Preferred occupations: Pets, cavalry.

Master of the Stars' notes: "The most relatable of the Erisians, the Tyra is a striped, feline creature. They look somewhat reminiscent of Lynxes, but with larger ears and manes.
They are immensly proud, refusing food offered to them, but charitable, and they have little consideration for themselves, sometimes starving themselves to aid
Economic Overview: The economy is a confusing matter for non-Empire residents but simple enough for member states. Basically, small scale trading is practically non-existant. Small shops and stalls run, but use a primitive bartering system rather than monetary systems. Basic necessities (food, water, shelter and energy) are covered by the Council and public-sector workers get free homes and goods. The private sector, thusly, is miniscule and consists only of those who trade vanities and treats - sweet foods, pretty jewels and other such trivial things. On a larger, planetary scale, trading is frequent with non-member empires, but not for money, though that can sometimes be a part of the link. It is entirely for the furthering of science and the comfort of the dwellers of the Empire.
Example - Empire X has a lack of Elysium. Empire Y has large stores of Orichalcum. The Koninkryk has large stores of Elysium and desires Orichalcum. Koninkryk will sell X Elysium in exchange for X's currency. Koninkryk will then use this Currency to buy Orichalcum from Y and bolster their Orichalcum supplies.
This is generally considered a win-win-win situation, as all Empires benefit by obtaining resources to trade with or study. They have even been known to trade with criminal empires to gain resources, provided no harm befalls the Koninkryk or it's member states and partners.

Militaristic Overview: Military is divided into four divisions:
The Hava are in charge of transport, exploration and air combat.
When the Hava discover a planet or colony, they bring the Sura to negotiate with the new discovery. The Sura will discuss peace treaties, trading or even joining the Empire.
If an agreement is reached, then trading or treaties will take place as soon as applicable. However, some states are a little edgy around the Empire, especially those who have not encountered them prior. Then it is up to the Dunya, who also cater to the needs of their planet, to win them over with technology and inventions. They are to display the benefits of joining the Empire.
If the potential member is still wary, or worse, rejects any offers, then it is to be ignored until it does something to warrant attention. However, the Koninkryk is hyper-aggresive and will not tolerate foreign ships in its territory. More often than not, planets who break communications or reject any offers are ignored permanently.
Should the Empire be attacked, it is up to the Yangin to defend it. The also perform invasions and peacekeeping.
Once an empire threatens or attacks the Koninkryk, there is little mercy. All trades with them and any non-vital suppliers of them are stopped and the Yangin and Hava go on high alert. All Sura are pulled out of related territories. The Koninkryk do not attack but counter-attack, so they wait until the enemy attempts to invade before striking out. They will not call the all-clear until the threat either agrees to an uncoditional surrender or is eliminated.
Numbers are impossible to define, as all vehicles and aircraft are built and de-constructed as the Empire needs them. Troops, too, may be called in or sent away as the Council's dictate, making the army fluid and uncountable.

Political Overview: Politically, the Empire is strong. Every time a planet is conquered, a Council is formed to lead it. Only the council has a say in what happens to the planet, which is usually veered towards the interests of science and the slowing, preventing or reversal of "The Great Silence". They are decided before the planet is taken by the invading forces and take conrol of any Empire governed areas during the campaign of the planet. Councilors are amongst the wisest of Imperial residents and are completely incorruptible.
Home World(s) (with description):

Notable Planets (with description):
Number of Star Systems under your influence: 7
Number of Planets and natural satellites under your influence: 27 planets and 48 satellites
Number of Colonies under your influence: 36
Brief History of your Civilization:
Before the Founding, there was little focus on Eris. The residents were considered animals and the planet was rarely visited, due to its intactical position and ignorable stature. This was a haven for the natural residents, sometimes called Erisians, as no-one ever bothered them.

It wasn't until the Master of the Stars arrived that the planet began to progress. As the crew studied the plants and wildlife around them, the wildlife studied the crew and ship, sometimes taking things from it to take them apart and see how they work. It was this curious attitude and new knowledge that first made the Erisians look to the stars.

As the planet developed and built, a Creed was drawn up with laws to be adhered to by all Erisians, and eventually all of the Koninkryk. This creed effectively killed any thoughts of in-fighting dead, which allowed the members of the early Empire to progress at an insane rate. This gained attention from several nearby planets for this sudden and seemingly unexplainable development from animals into sentient and wise beings.
There were a couple of invasions, but these were beaten back by the united might of the Tyrans, Evyrs and Chidam. If anything, these invasions made Eris even more powerful, and even gave them their first spaceships. The Koninkryk had spacecraft before they had firearms.

The first planet to join the Empire was the nearby and unihabited Aeon. The year of this occupation is now known as The Founding, and is at the beginning of the Empire's calendar.

Now the empire has taken truly to the skies and has prepared itself for the years ahead.
But, no matter what happens, they will always work to stop the tragedy of The Great Silence.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ShinySurskit


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Sovi3t said
Sunskirt, My nation is incredibly different, it's like Omega from ME3, or a spacestation filled with lowlifes and smugglers and stuff. Brief overviewAnywho, how would I edit the sheet to make it fit in?

As far as the first three lines go, it should be fairly easy. What is their political status in the galaxy, who leads it, and what form of government is it?
The next three should be easy too, just the total employed, and military populations. As far as employed, I would say anyone who makes a living off of their "career" in the space stations. Anyone who does anything to benefit themselves and the economy, such as smugglers, spies, "Scientists for Hire" etc would be considered employed. I'm assuming your space station(s?) has roof for a military force, it should, and therefore just list how many people work in your armed forces.

Biography of Political Leader is straightforward, and as far as the Notable Figures and their background info go, I'd say anyone who benefits heavily to the economy or military or politics or whatnot; targets other nations would want to take out, and individuals that benefit the Underworld. Any elite agents or commanders, heavily revered smugglers or scientists, etcetera.

Main and side species information, what lives on the space station (typically this section would be for intelligent species, but since you operate on what looks like a (or a series of) space stations/battlestations solely, I'd say really any species worth mentioning (non-intelligent would go in Side Species, of course).

In the Economic Overview, just try to explain how your economy is. Do you have any trade routes, what are frequent exports, imports, etcetera. Note that you aren't just limited to material ex/imports, you can ex/import stuff such as political intrigue, espionage, technology, literal currency, etcetera.
Militaristic Overview would just contain what forces you have on your space station(s?) to defend the Underworld. Any cannons or turret regimes, shields, etcetera, as well as armies, ships, and star-forces. The political overview would be more difficult, maybe just public opinion, how much your internal political pressure effects the Underworld, more about the government, etcetera. Is it lead by a band of thieves, or smugglers, or marauders, or a more organized government? Possibly an anarchist state, you make it up here.

Home Worlds could just be the main space station/battlestation(s?), with descriptions about how big they are, what they are made of, population densities and other important informations, and notable planets could be more minor city ships or space stations if you have any. Or, if your nation does control planets, put them in the appropriate section as well.

Seeing as you're a naton 'on the move', the number of Star Systems under your control would probably be quite small, one at the least. Number of planets under your control means just that, but it does not involve space stations. If you want, you can include a separate line in that paragraph "Number of Stations under your influence" or whatever, to count how many you own. You possibly have colonies, so make sure to list those too.

Finally, a brief history of your nation would include what has happened to them, how they developed, when they moved out onto space stations and city ships and whatnot, and include any other current "miscellaneous information" here, too, if you wanted to include what you said on the Interest Check here, you can, but I'd try summarizing it a bit.

Anyways, thats how I would suggest you fill it out for your nation. I really like the uniqueness of your nation, living solely on a space station or city-ship or a few, with smugglings and crimes and stuff. It's very interesting, but may be difficult to map out. We'll figure something out! :)

Hope this helped.
Oh, and its ShinySurskit, but it doesn't really matter. :)
Good night
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Toaw


Member Offline since relaunch

The Mercantile Union of the People

"Monetary value is the secret to happiness"

Political Status:

Even though they are a relatively isolated nation compared to other Empires and Civilization's, their economic and trade prowess has lead to them becoming a major power on the intergalactic scale.

Current Political Leader:

Madam Isabelle Itchavic

Form of Government:

Merchant Republic

Brief Biography of your Political Leader:

Isabelle was born into house Itchavic while her father Ivan Itchavic was head of the household, and current head of state. Through the many years she often longed to rule, even though inheritance laws prevented her from doing so, because of her two older brothers and younger baby brother. When she was only eighteen her eldest brother, Aue, became ill due to a rare disease called the Muerte, it wasn't long before her two other brother befell a similar fate, and finally at the age of forty she became the official head of household. Three years latter she became the second ever female president in the known history of the Mercantile Union. Due to the last female president being executed due to treason, foul play, false elections, war crimes, and more most took her election fairly poorly. Since then though she has managed to rule the people with relative ease for the past thirty years, even accomplishing a huge victory for the empire by bringing unemployment under 3%.

Notable Figures and their Background Information:

Domestic Minister: Geoffrey Istanda, Current head of house Istanda, only thirty-four but soon became head of house hold after father died of natural causes, and was almost immediately elected head of domestic issues.

The Grual: Ubantine-Well known for his military expertise, and has been involved in nearly three wars, and two civil uprising in his nearly one hundred years of service as Grual, even Isabelle fears and respects him, as he is often the only thing keeping her in power.

Economic Minister: Victoria Ingred-Well known house where the eldest daughter inherits instead of the eldest son, and Victoria though being second in line was quickly inherited her house after a minor uprising that ended up killing both her mother and sister. When Isabelle was elected president she quickly chose Victoria to lead her people financially even though popular opinion chose otherwise.

The Shade: Though not an official political leader, the shade is well known within the main merchant households. Though a name has never been given he has been trusted with the nations espionage, and is also the only minister to have been around longer than the Grual.


Total Population:

1.5 Trillion

Employed Population (includes military):

1.47 Trillion

Military Population (soldiers, militia, rebel forces):

35 Billion


Main Species Information





Though most species find the way Alexandrian's look unnerving or even bestial, they're a very gentle race that are only aggressive towards others when they gain a clear benefit. They stand at around 7' tall and on average weigh at around 300 lbs when male, and the females often stand at around 6'5" at around 200 lbs. They are an extremely economically focused nation, and will often do their best to maintain their traditional republic.


250-300 years


Economic Overview:

The Economy is almost completely controlled by the head merchant factions located within the Mercantile Union. They often are well known for trading Vibrium, a fairly uncommon material able to fuel ships during FTL travel often traded within the Empire and it's business partners. They also hold various other materials though they aren't consider the economic bulk of the Union. They currently have trade routes with the Underworld as the smuggle various goods for the Mercantile Union, and the Korwrath Confederacy as they are currently investing various materials into their civilization.

Militaristic Overview:

Planetary Defense Squadron(PDS)

They are the main bulk of the army containing around ten billion soldiers. They often wear dark blue uniforms with red dotted pattern when in non-combat zones, and during battles equip light themselves with light armor suites and helmet with a weak plasma over shield to protect them from incoming fire. They often use MKLXII plasma rifles that are both semi-automatic and automatic, with MKXIV Jager Pistols, that have an EMP and Stun option if they need it.

Air Defense Squadron(ADS)

This is often considered the weakest of their military divisions with only around five billion soldiers. They often wear ordinary pilot suits, and fly Epsilon MKIIIs. Epsilon MKIII's are equipped with light plasma repeaters that fire at around six hundred plasma rounds a second and Three LK Missles which are heatseeking. They are extremely light and mobile, and due to ease of build they have little shielding.

Interplanetary Defense Force(IDF)

This is the second largest force consisting of around 8 billion soldiers. They often are trained to be able to fight in harsh environments and even on enemy ships. They are also the most well known of the five military divisions wearing a scarlet red armor suit and an insignia signifying their rank on their chest. Soldiers are equiped with MKLXII plasma rifles and MKII Compressed Shotguns to deal with close quater combat in ships.

The Elite

This is a specially trained division of around five hundred million soldiers. Their armor and equipment are similar to that of an ordinary soldier from the PDS, but are tasked with the soul duty of protecting the merchant houses and the madam herself. These men are extremely battle ready, and are often rumored to be just as strong as the PDS.

Navel Command

MKXII Centurions(20,000)-These are the main battle ships of the Mercantile Union each carrying around 200,000 soldiers and crew members. They have fairly decent shielding, and are equipped with two Ivan laser cannons, which use extreme heat to leave holes in shields, but can still do decent damage to the hull of a ship, eight heavy plasma cannons, and two hundred Ikan Missiles which when the hit a ship they start to drill into the inner hull, and quickly suffocate the crew members and send them flying out side of the ship due to sudden depressurization. These are often used to keep ships in tact so that latter more equipment can be salvaged.

MKLIX Betas(30,000)-These are often frigates carrying IDF troops to various locations and they often around 80% of the ships crew. They carry around 80,000 soldiers and are accompanied by 20,000 crew mates. They have four plasma cannons and heavy shielding, but their main defense are Iska pilots which fly similar ships to that of Epsilon pilots, but are built around space combat.

MKXIII Omegas(50,000)-These are the support ships of the Union and are well known for their higher mobility, but weaker firepower compared to the centurions. They carry one Ivan laser and four plasma rail guns and about one hundred Ikan missiles. They have slightly weaker shielding, but they are much more maneuverable than your average battleship. They have a crew of around 100,000 soldiers.

MKII Command Vessel-There is only six of these massive vessels located within the Union, but they are massive. They house around 1,000,000 troops by themselves and are equipped with massive shields. These carriers are often considered extremely slow, and are almost impossible to maneuver in battle and therefore are often always used defensively against opponents. These monsters of war carrier eighteen heavy plasma rail guns, eight Ivan laser cannons, and have on board over 3,000,000 missiles at the ready.

MKLXII Jagers(90,000,000)-These are small scout ships often carrying only around thirteen crew members, and a single heavy plasma gun. They rely on their sheer mobility, and light shielding during combat, though it is unlikely for them to ever engage.

Political Overview:

Though Isabelle has fulfilled her responsibilities well for the Mercantile Union, people often distrust her due to feminine rulers in the past. Many uprisings have happened in the past twenty years she reigned, but the Grual often kept them in check. They believe that she rigged the elections between choosing the merchant house to rule over the people, and often have tried many assassinations on her life. Though the majority of the population stands behind her, they often agree that it is the Grual who keeps the peace, and without him as commander the political situation would get worse.


Home World:

Their home world, Alexandria, is an Industrially Advanced planet completely mined of all natural resources and relies on importing goods from other planets/colonies. Their wildlife are kept in "Safe Zones" that are not to be tampered with or entered by any species or personnel without proper clearance, but are observable through monitors placed around the building. Though the environment is protected, pollution levels are relatively non-existent after hundreds of years of using methods to keep the planet habitable.

Notable Planets:

-Otivia XIV: A well known tourist attraction throughout the galaxy, and is often observed for its well kept environment, and beautiful scenery. Finding a perfect balance between nature and civilization.

-Linda II: An extremely large metal planet consisting of thousands of different raw material, and is currently the seat of the governments economic power.

-Ortega LXV: The largest habitable planet within the Mercantile Union as well as the most populated. It currently consists of around 50 billion people.

Number of Star Systems under your influence:


Number of Planets and natural satellites under your influence:


Number of Colonies under your influence:

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Honored Brother

Honored Brother

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Does anybody want to have a grudge against my space Romans?
It adds to the intrigue.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Hyperdrive
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Hyperdrive Not Possible

Member Seen 20 days ago

For story purposes, would anyone want to be a former client nation of the Imperium? A nation that the Imperium would be inclined to support or have a positive opinion about when they resurface. A race without plans for massive expansion would fit well.
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