Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Overwatch
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Overwatch The Lord of Black Flames

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I'm finished for now, I think. If there are any flaws you'd like me to amend, I'll do so now.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TwilightDragon
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TwilightDragon Dragon of the Night Sky

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Accepted. Coyote, are you still working on your form?

You can also make more characters, gaiz. I'm adding two more soon. One is a thief and the other a cavalier.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by CoyoteKisses


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Ye. I'll edit it after chores. If there's anything you want me to change ~
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TwilightDragon
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TwilightDragon Dragon of the Night Sky

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by SwordfishKnight
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SwordfishKnight bad

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I'll have my CS up in about two hours.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TwilightDragon
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TwilightDragon Dragon of the Night Sky

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Zeion
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Username: Zeion
Name: Lune
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Birthday/Zodiac: October 11; Libra
Allegiance: Other
Class: Thief -> Assassin
Clothing: Clothing.
Weapons: Bronze Sword
Appearance: Cheesy since it's my avatar, but, still fairly relevant. Lune stands at about 5’11” and has a slim physique. It may not look like it, but he’s okay with smiling.
Personality: Lune is the person to bottle up his emotions; with people he’s not too familiar with, he avoids getting attached to them and doesn’t open up very easily. Therefore, to those who aren’t familiar with Lune, he comes off as callous. His facial expression tends to cycle off of an upset face and a normal face, with a rare smile if he enjoys one's company. Ironically, Lune tends to not settle too well with people who are also unfeeling, but does take a liking to people who are filled with emotion, enjoying their company, as they can usually guide along a conversation. With influence from a few people like this in his life, he is fairly affable to those he has become acquainted with. He has a desire to keep friends happy and enjoy his company, so, he will always look for a way to please people, which has lead to a few moments of thievery in his time just to impress or please a friend. Lune also has a tendency to be around trouble, and generally dislikes being accused of doing things.
History: Valm was the area of residence for young Lune. As a child, he lived in Rosanne. His family was greatly affected by the conquest of Walhart, but, due to their abundance of money, they were able to start their lives up again steadily. Lune hated being home; he had a disdain for his parents and was your typical rebel preteen. One day, he attempted to steal a wyvern from his parents, but was clearly incapable of riding it and was thrown off of it, breaking his arm.

Those wyverns. Lune hated them. Anyways, his brother who resided with him had recently began pilfering from not so fortunate residents of Valm. Due to it being somewhat of an anarchy and the fact that they didn't have much to take in the first place, there wasn't much the people could do. Lune threatened to tell his parents on his brother, unless his brother helped him learn how to steal like him. Lune's brother guided him through the mental part of thievery, explaining the plans and often challenged Lune's brain. Lune was no master tactician, but he easily devised ways for his brother to get in and out without being detected. Once Lune recovered, he left his brother in the dust, and soon, him and his brother were regular ruffians. As they grew older, Lune's brother began to mature and he was now a man of justice, wanting to do something to help the world out. Lune's brother had some weapons shipped in; various swords, lances, and axes. Lune, of course, stole a couple of them and toyed around with these weapons, becoming somewhat adjusted to a sword. Lune's brother eventually learned how to ride wyverns, and everything was happy in his family, except for little Lune who was ruining his life under his parent's noses.

Lune's brother went on a ship ride, and Lune stowed away on the ship with his brother. They traveled for a bit until they reached Ferox, where Lune's brother looked to become stronger. Lune split ways with his brother at this point, but, was around the age of 15 here. Much to his dismay, he was kicked out of Ferox due to reasonable suspicion and he lived as a vagabond for quite awhile, living off of stolen goods and shipments. Life was rough. Sometimes, he had failed with his thievery back in Valm, but, even then, he still had tons of food to come back home to. He struggled for quite awhile, but, eventually joined a group of delinquents who traveled around. He spent a few years with them, learning more about fighting, but never actually killing people himself. Around the end of his stay, Lune recalled the group he was in kidnapping a young girl, but, never had too much interest in kidnappings; he was more of a material possession type of dude. A group of people came to apprehend the bandits, so, Lune quickly ditched them, leaving most of his possessions in their camps in fear of being captured. Once again, he was out of luck and items, so, he made his way towards the town, hoping to see if he could turn his life around.

Really, though, he's a good guy. It's been like a week since he's stolen something.

Ability: With some time, Lune can pick any lock! Well, not any lock, but, you know.
Quirk: First to be looked at when something is amiss.
Strengths: He's pretty good at breaking and entering. Oh, and also running.
Weaknesses: Easily offended, difficulty approaching people, comes off as a vandal often.
Likes: Quiet, music, spicy food, animals (foxes in particular), challenges.
Dislikes: Being incriminated, hot weather, the authority in general, attention, wyverns.
Other: "If it can't be avoided..."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by CoyoteKisses


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Overwatch
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Overwatch The Lord of Black Flames

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

CoyoteKisses said

3 guys 2 chicks. Sadly, the math doesn't add up. It's fine. I'll pair two guys together and... hmm, damn, math would still be wrong. Oh well.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TwilightDragon
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TwilightDragon Dragon of the Night Sky

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Accepted to all!
And yes, Coyote. Seems to me it's that time. XD

We need more chicks though-
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by CoyoteKisses


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

*makes a guy for gey pairing*

I mean wha-

Well, I'm sure more people will be coming in from the int. check ^o^
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Chezka
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Member Seen 19 days ago

One chick on the way~ ;P
I'll try to have my CS up by tonight.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Overwatch
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Overwatch The Lord of Black Flames

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

hooray for perfect math.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TwilightDragon
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TwilightDragon Dragon of the Night Sky

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

True, true.
Okay, Chez~
And before I submit this form. I totally didn't copy Lune. He's just really similar to him. XD
Username: Dragon
Name: Virde
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Birthday/Zodiac: August 11th - Leo
Allegiance: Other
Class: Thief -> Assassin

Weapons: Iron Sword

Personality: While it seems that Virde bears nothing but smiles and a good will, it couldn’t be further from the truth. Virde is very untrustworthy to those who know him well. If he catches a wiff of a better deal than the one he’s in, he will eagerly break that contract without so much as a second thought. Fueled by a deep greed and an everlasting ambition, he does not treasure the bonds that he has forged with people. He will gladly break said bonds if someone waves a pouch of money in his face and tells him to. Despite his shady and untrustworthy personality, Virde has a soft spot for women and children. He loves watching little kids play with each other in the streets and won’t hesitate to toss a few coins at them if he’s in the mood. He does the same for women, especially if they have children of their own. However, he does not know how to directly interact with women, and often clams up and stutters when he talks with them.
Virde can be a rather loud individual, practically screaming everything he says unless he knows when to lower his voice. To those who don’t know him personally, he is a cocky, self-assured young man that takes on the appearance of a sellsword (or something of the sort).
History: Virde was born in Plegia to a father who was never there for him and to a mother who left soon after she had birthed him. His father, a man with a successful business, ignored him ninety percent of the time and only came to him to take whatever money he had saved up for himself. His childhood was lonesome; he had no friends to play with, and his father hardly spared him a glance unless he had a few coins. What Virde looked forward to, however, was his weekend visits to his grandfather’s home. His grandfather was a sickly man who owned a farm and loved to read, write, and draw. Since his father hadn’t taught him anything, Virde’s grandfather taught him how to read and write at the age of five. It was then that he discovered his passion reading and writing and drawing—he spent most of his time doing such when he was left alone back at home.
When Virde was ten, he was told by his father that, when he came of age, he would take over the family business. Running a business was not part of his plans, and he ignored everything that his father used to say about his company. It all went in one ear and through the other. All he did was draw different sorts of animals (mostly cats and horses, which were common on his grandfather’s farm), read, and write childish poems. His father believed that he would grow out of it, but when his son was sixteen and he was still focused on different forms of art, he shunned him and claimed that he was no longer of his blood.
At the least, Virde was overjoyed that he was kicked out of home. That meant that he was able to live with his grandfather, which he did. Virde helped him work his farm and tend to animals, and his grandfather taught him how to draw and write better. It was the good life, or so it seemed.
His grandfather died of a heart attack a year after he moved in. Virde, now eighteen and alone, found himself on the streets. He had to begin living the life of an adult, whether he liked it or not. And that was exactly what he did. The young man got a job as a poet and enjoyed every moment of it. He was doing what he loved to do—if he could spend the whole day writing if life allowed him to. Even though the job provided him with little money, Virde was able to scrape by and still be happy with what little pay he received.
Time went on, and people became tired of Virde’s work. No one bought his pieces of art or listened to his poems. His pay dwindled, but thankfully it was still enough to feed him. Shelter was a whole other deal. He was no longer able to keep a room and thus lived on street corners and alleyways. Virde sank into a deep depression and began to engage in drinking and gambling. After he had tasted a bit of that sort of life, Virde decided that he liked that better than simply being a poor scribe that had nothing to do with his free time.
Virde spent a year and a half of his life wasting his money on drink and games. He had become very hostile and filled with anger and often got into brawls. It was at that time that he made a few shady friends that frequented the tavern that he went to. His friends soon took him into their little guild of thieves, claiming that, if he stuck with them, that he would earn more money that he already had. The thought of more money began to fuel his ambition, and all of his world became centered on wealth obtained from heists and other illegal ways.
Virde has been with the group of thieves since then, and has grown to be a rather experienced and “respected” member of their guild. Though, he often states that he works alone and is a “one man army”, which couldn’t be further from the truth.
Ability: Is an exceptionally good sketcher and poet.
Quirk: Has an amazing singing voice.
Strengths: Agile, cunning, and somewhat persuasive.
Weaknesses: Cocky, stubborn, thinks that he’s always right, and is rather weak (his tactics revolve around ambushes and the like).
Likes: Cats, horses, mild temperatures, having people look up to him, a successful mission, alcohol, food, rewards, leisure time, people who don’t talk much, women, night.
Dislikes: Insects (especially centipedes), snakes, dogs, daylight, people who don’t know when to shut their mouths, men, rude and disrespectful people.
Other: ”Surprise~!”
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Zeion
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I'm sorry about the imbalance. Things like that never bothered me personally, to be honest, though. Lune is a bit of a loner.

Also, I can see what you mean with Virde. I like his personality.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TwilightDragon
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TwilightDragon Dragon of the Night Sky

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I always like to romance my characters~

I actually tried to use Virde like.. three times. But the RP died out before it even started. DX

Thanks though~
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by CoyoteKisses


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Zeion said
I'm sorry about the imbalance. Things like that never bothered me personally, to be honest, though. Lune is a bit of a loner.Also, I can see what you mean with Virde. I like his personality.

Ditto and ditto. :3

TwilightDragon said
I always like to romance my characters~

and ditto.

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TwilightDragon
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TwilightDragon Dragon of the Night Sky

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Overwatch
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Overwatch The Lord of Black Flames

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Hrmm, who else needs to make characters?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TwilightDragon
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TwilightDragon Dragon of the Night Sky

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Swordfish, rawkhawk, Chez, and Sharnid do so.
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