I was in a small country town in the old west, when it was attacked by bandits. The bandits started killing everybody and only a small group escaped the town(Including me). We came upon this early industrial age factory that looked super high tech on the inside. We came to a room with a bunch of space-age guns and suddenly acquired Mass Effect-ish powers. In the next room there was about a hundred guys on several production floors, and we had a fucking sweet fight, with explosions me flipping over a robot and blowing it's head off with a grenade launcher and using my powers to throw it's carcass into five other guys. We fought our way up through the factory until we got to the roof, where there was a party going on with George Clooney, Kate Upton, and Nikola Tesla. And Big Boss was using Raiden's face to mop up some puke on the floor. Also my Grandpa and Aunt were there. It's probably the best dream I've ever had.