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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RBYDark
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RBYDark Demigod of Spite

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Ekra won't take so kindly to the defense of Ganondorf. After all, the Forest Temple was invaded during OoT by Phantom Ganon and by adult Link (keeping in mind that skull kids don't like adults in general. It's one reason she's been so irritable and trigger-happy, hoping to finish the job and get away from the crowds of adults).

Only question I need to double-check is, would you say it's been more than a hundred years since Ganon's last appearance? It's the difference between Ekra only knowing stories and Ekra having faint memories of the events, even if she didn't know their context.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Baklava
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@Ops: Well... NObody was walking around during Ganondorf's tyranny. That was CENTURIES ago. But yes, different versions of the legend have definitely circulated. Like any huge historical event, however, some stone cold facts remain that you simply can't deny: tons of people died, the Goron race was nearly wiped out, the Gerudo revolted against their king, and Ganondorf was the main culprit. Nonetheless, it wasn't really Magus to whom I was referring when it comes to bored, deprecated reactions.

@RBY: Like I told Ops-- it's been centuries. Judging by how disconnected from the rest of the land the Skull Kids have always seemed to be, Ekra would likely know only the basics but not the full extent of the damage Ganondorf did (or supposedly did, given inevitable exaggerations). At most, she would know whatever version of the story the Kokiri came to know.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RBYDark
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RBYDark Demigod of Spite

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Ok so definitely stories. Thanks.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Bright_Ops
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Bright_Ops The Insane Scholar

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You know, Magus is going to be asking some questions about the triforce once the group has gotten passed its 'early teething' problems. Mostly about what role it played during King Ganondorf the demented's (He refuses to call Ganondorf the 'King of Darkness' like some light blinded fool) first reign as the tyrant of Hyrule.

On a personal note, when one looks into the official lore of the Triforce across the Zelda series, its actually kind of sinister in nature. Even more so if you consider the Legend of Zelda comics by Valiant.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dervish
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Dervish Let's get volatile

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Oh yeah, Guy, about your recent post, how does Angus know what Maryev is? Maryev never revealed his face or said what he was. I don't know how much Angus knows about the world, or if he looked at Jon's character and made a conclusion, but the way it reads kind of comes across as him suddenly knowing.

Not a big deal, but I thought I should point out you went from A to C without stopping at B. :P
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The 42nd Gecko
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The 42nd Gecko

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Given Veitaru's backstory, she already knows bad stuff is going down. She's asked Lethe, "Ok, I know. Now what are we supposed to DO about it?" And has yet to receive an answer.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GuySenpai


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Angus had managed to piece the info together and concluded him to be a Darknut. (Cue the pheonix wright theme.) The first clue being the great size of the creature, the second the growling beneath the helm, after that it was obviously a foreign creature given it's behaviour and lack of social knowledge. From this point Angus wasn't particularly certain but then Epicorn arrived and reminded him of old stories describing the Darknut, all that was left was for Maryev to speak out in support of Ganondorf and he became certain...HE IS A DARKNUT! *Dramatic point.*
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Baklava
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@Gecko: "Bad stuff is going down" isn't all that Lethe said.

NOW would be Vei's chance to ask Lethe those questions. For now it's only natural that everyone would debate amongst themselves. People don't exactly just say "ok, tell me more" when someone asks them to participate in something that could very well kill them. Besides, if anyone knows anything about the legends of the Hero of Time, they should have a general idea.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dervish
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Dervish Let's get volatile

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GuySenpai said
Angus had managed to piece the info together and concluded him to be a Darknut. (Cue the pheonix wright theme.) The first clue being the great size of the creature, the second the growling beneath the helm, after that it was obviously a foreign creature given it's behaviour and lack of social knowledge. From this point Angus wasn't particularly certain but then Epicorn arrived and reminded him of old stories describing the Darknut, all that was left was for Maryev to speak out in support of Ganondorf and he became certain...HE IS A DARKNUT! *Dramatic point.*

See, that makes sense. :P Just try to reflect that chain of though in character a bit better, 'cause otherwise he comes across as Professor X.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The 42nd Gecko
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The 42nd Gecko

Member Seen 3 mos ago

That's basically what your message boils down to for Veitaru.

To Veitaru, Ganondorf, the Hero of Time, all those big names Lethe dropped just don't mean anything more than distant boogeymen and children's tales (which she thinks she has outgrown). To her it's just "blah blah, bad news blah, bad news blah, will you help, blah."

In short, Lethe dropped a bunch of interesting specifics... if and only if you care who those figures of legend are.

As for asking her questions now, she asked before and got "Shut up and go find people" in most emphatic terms, so she doesn't want to ask Lethe again, not realizing she might get an answer now that everybody's here.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Baklava
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I'm pretty sure Lethe made it perfectly clear that she would answer her questions once everyone was gathered. Or, if you want exact words:

"My first task from the Goddess is to gather you all together and I’m on a tight schedule. I don’t have time to give you all the full spiel before I can tell you all what must be done. Help me find those who I am looking for and then I will tell you all you wish to know. If that deal does not satisfy your terms, then feel free to walk away."

That's fine if that's Vei's attitude, but that's the kind of stuff you should include in your post. What's she thinking? Surely she must be considering whether or not to stay or go? I mean, unless it takes a lot to get her excited about anything, Vei DID, just that morning, encounter a talking shadow, see a Chilfos turned human, and nearly get her nose singed by a flaming fairy (fairies being a rare thing to see as it is). And now there are two monsters (ie darknuts) standing right in front of her--one of which is friggin 8 feet tall. At the very least one would think she may be considering the idea that those "childish" stories were in fact true. Or that she's being asked to do something dangerous. If nothing else, the aura of the shadow temple (which I described very carefully a few posts back) should be keeping her plenty awake. It's not exactly a relaxing feeling.

Basically I would like to see her as a character be more engaged. Heck, if she seriously feels like sleeping right now-- that's fine. Just tell us a little more about why, you know?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The 42nd Gecko
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The 42nd Gecko

Member Seen 3 mos ago

If you'll remember, Veitaru never heard that:

"Lethe would find the dramatic power of her tirade somewhat hindered by the fact that it was directed at a little girl nearly crying going "OW OW OW OW!""

As for the rest of your points, I prefer to go with showing not telling(you'll notice that in the post I referenced" but witchy-blue fire that reminded her of the catacombs and shadow temple and and and generally, things associated with Veitaru's deepest fears," is the only thing thing that tells people things they wouldn't see personally, and it was a decently long post), but I didn't feel like putting the effort into a long post showing the gradual lead up of falling asleep, especially seeing it would mess with our already poor pacing. There's just so much going on that we really don't need more. If this were a story, right now it'd be a very bad one because the author felt the need to bog everything down with super long ill-placed character development for his oversized cast. Sure, it's a roleplay, meant to be read one post at a time as it's written, which helps. But I still feel so much "Aaauggh... so slow..." that I didn't want to throw more molasses onto the barbed wire.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dervish
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Dervish Let's get volatile

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Gee willigers, that's a wonderful attitude. If you don't know that just about every roleplay in existence has uneven pacing due to the nature of a play by post forum, you're gonna have a bad time.

Also your complaints come across as whining about not wanting to read. Really, drop the attitude. It's irksome.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The 42nd Gecko
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The 42nd Gecko

Member Seen 3 mos ago

There's a difference between normal forum pacing and "party of 10".

Most large roleplays don't have all the players together all the time. Because the pacing becomes horrible. Normally, large roleplays only join everybody up for special events. This is one of them, which means the pacing problems are still there, but a necessary evil.

My complaint is "I'm trying to help with that problem by not posting as much, and I'm being asked to stop."

How that involves me not wanting to read... I'm not quite sure where you got that. Not wanting to write, sure I could understand that. If you'll notice, my post, short as it was, references the majority of the posts that came above me in the posting order. I read ALL of them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Baklava
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The RP is still young and, because it's an RP, it's not going to read like a book.

The fact that this is a written medium doesn't support the "showing and not telling" sort of approach very well-- especially because this is a roleplay and nobody else knows your character very well. This is especially true now because we just started. If Vei does something that doesn't make sense, people are going to get confused and frustrated. You don't need to explain every little thing they do-- just be more clear and don't skimp for the sake of trying to make things more flowy for the roleplay as a whole.

Like I said, this isn’t a book. It’s more like a combination of stories wherein our characters are the main characters of their own individual stories. Of course, we have to work as a team as well and know when certain things are appropriate-- but that more goes for actions and dialogue. Internal dialogue/thought progression for every character shouldn't be seen as a bad thing in a role-play (unless it's being used in ridiculously copious amounts). We literally just saw this happen when Angus pointed out Maryev being a Darknut but didn't explain how he figured it out. It's not just for the sake of the story-- it's also for the sake of the players.

Not explaining why because everyone else is seems like a poor excuse to me. If the information being presented to Vei is uninteresting to her, say so and tell us why. Otherwise it just sounds like it's all uninteresting to you, the player. In which case how about you just insult us to our faces next time and keep the drama out of my IC?

In case anyone else needs clarification, this RP isn't ALL about fighting monsters and PvP. If you haven't caught onto that by now and that's what you've been waiting for, sorry to have deceived you, I guess?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The 42nd Gecko
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The 42nd Gecko

Member Seen 3 mos ago

I can see you've made your decision. I'll back off.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GuySenpai


Member Offline since relaunch

Added some stuff to my post to clear up his deduction, sorry about the confusion.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dervish
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Dervish Let's get volatile

Member Seen 1 yr ago

GuySenpai said
Added some stuff to my post to clear up his deduction, sorry about the confusion.

No worries! It is appreciated though. :)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Baklava
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

Alright then...

Just waiting on Arek and RB now.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RBYDark
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RBYDark Demigod of Spite

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Apologies, things came up. Will try to post tomorrow.
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