In the past six months I’ve seen it nibble at the remains of the modern world. It’ll be all that is left soon enough. Our legacy.

August, 2019
Six months ago modern civilization completely fell across the globe. It took five long years to reach what survivors call "Post End". The war on terror, resource shortages, religious strife, American/Chinese rivalry, and the ever growing Russian threat strained the world until each country fell one by one. Radical groups led riots which tumbled out of control. Bloody revolutions followed, led by those who had captured high tech conventional, chemical, biological, and nuclear weaponry.
The Middle East fell first, a great embarrassment to the United States of America on the world stage. Eastern Europe was next. South America and Mexico soon after. Western Europe fell more slowly, its failed economy cementing martial law as the only resort. Active terrorist groups took advantage of the civil unrest. Within a year Western Europe had fallen. China, Russia, and the United States were left as the major world powers and sealed their borders. Canada was flooded with European refugees, and faced pressure from all three countries for emergency annexation. US/Canada borders were dissolved, and for a while there was relative peace in North America as Russia and China broke into a short conflict over resource beds along their borders. Then Putin was assassinated and mutual destruction came to the neighbouring countries.
Friction among the populace in the United States of North America, now a single entity, increased in scale until an inevitable riot broke out. It went out of control. What were sold to dissenters as tear gas and smoke grenades were actually chemical and biological weapons. Six months ago the United States of North America fell to radical groups from across the globe and native dissenters all vying for control.
Some say that a super virus was engineered and deployed in each country. A stolen weapon developed so a cure could be created in the case some other country was doing the same. Others say that a chemical for pacification of the population was created and deployed but met with unexpected and highly violent results, the chemical inciting uncontrollable aggression instead of curbing it. Nobody knows what really happened. The news shut down, rights were suspended, and people starved simply because there was no way to obtain food in time.
It wasn’t the fault of anybody in particular. We all helped do this to ourselves in the name of freedom, or religion, government, business, whatever. The truth is that we did this to ourselves because we wanted to. We had to. It’s in our nature to kill the man next to us so we can live tomorrow. The same man we have to trust to survive today. This is who we are.
Rust takes place in a post apocalyptic world. At the beginning of our game two small (three man) groups are thrown together and then forced to work with each other despite mistrust between the two. Stakes will be high, and controversial decisions will have to be made. Neither group can make it alone… but can they make it together or will they destroy themselves first?
The basic plot is that the two groups must head to a safezone in the Carolinas. Along the journey they will stop in different places, and encounter several dangers. They will find it destroyed, with the last safezone existing in Arizona or New Mexico. This begins the real journey and the real danger.
Each location will be an Act, with encounters being Scenes. Act I, Scene I starts August 13, 2019 in Detroit. The number of acts and scenes is up for negotiation but I am envisioning five Acts with five Scenes.
Players assume certain archetypes: Combatant, mechanic, scavenger, doctor, negotiator, hunter, etc. Your archetype should reflect you in some way, and will ensure that your character is valuable to the group. Please try to choose an archetype we do not have.
Combat is short, brutal, and should only be a last resort option. Ammo for firearms is very scarce, and heavy realism applies. Think DayZ meets The Last of Us. The atmosphere of the game is one of desolation, decay, and danger. Think The Road.
Rust is a roleplay rather than a roleplaying game. There are not any mechanics. Instead, there are only the things each player intends to do. Realism is enforced to a degree.
The schedule is as follows: Monday through Thursday the game progresses. At the end of Thursday anybody who hasn't acted will be controlled by the GMs for that final update. Friday through Sunday players have off.
SORRY everyone, but sign ups are closed. We already have more players than we originally anticipated.
Now accepting one player to join up with Jameson.
Signups closed again.
TheBeanBurrito (GM) - Marc Osias
Portyguls - Helga
lucasg06 - Johnathan Grimm
PrincePotter (GM) - Jameson Aldous Deschain
Brentculby - Brenton
Note - Carter Stephen Delaney