Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TheBeanBurrito


Member Seen 6 yrs ago


In the past six months I’ve seen it nibble at the remains of the modern world. It’ll be all that is left soon enough. Our legacy.

August, 2019

Six months ago modern civilization completely fell across the globe. It took five long years to reach what survivors call "Post End". The war on terror, resource shortages, religious strife, American/Chinese rivalry, and the ever growing Russian threat strained the world until each country fell one by one. Radical groups led riots which tumbled out of control. Bloody revolutions followed, led by those who had captured high tech conventional, chemical, biological, and nuclear weaponry.

The Middle East fell first, a great embarrassment to the United States of America on the world stage. Eastern Europe was next. South America and Mexico soon after. Western Europe fell more slowly, its failed economy cementing martial law as the only resort. Active terrorist groups took advantage of the civil unrest. Within a year Western Europe had fallen. China, Russia, and the United States were left as the major world powers and sealed their borders. Canada was flooded with European refugees, and faced pressure from all three countries for emergency annexation. US/Canada borders were dissolved, and for a while there was relative peace in North America as Russia and China broke into a short conflict over resource beds along their borders. Then Putin was assassinated and mutual destruction came to the neighbouring countries.

Friction among the populace in the United States of North America, now a single entity, increased in scale until an inevitable riot broke out. It went out of control. What were sold to dissenters as tear gas and smoke grenades were actually chemical and biological weapons. Six months ago the United States of North America fell to radical groups from across the globe and native dissenters all vying for control.

Some say that a super virus was engineered and deployed in each country. A stolen weapon developed so a cure could be created in the case some other country was doing the same. Others say that a chemical for pacification of the population was created and deployed but met with unexpected and highly violent results, the chemical inciting uncontrollable aggression instead of curbing it. Nobody knows what really happened. The news shut down, rights were suspended, and people starved simply because there was no way to obtain food in time.

It wasn’t the fault of anybody in particular. We all helped do this to ourselves in the name of freedom, or religion, government, business, whatever. The truth is that we did this to ourselves because we wanted to. We had to. It’s in our nature to kill the man next to us so we can live tomorrow. The same man we have to trust to survive today. This is who we are.
Rust takes place in a post apocalyptic world. At the beginning of our game two small (three man) groups are thrown together and then forced to work with each other despite mistrust between the two. Stakes will be high, and controversial decisions will have to be made. Neither group can make it alone… but can they make it together or will they destroy themselves first?

The basic plot is that the two groups must head to a safezone in the Carolinas. Along the journey they will stop in different places, and encounter several dangers. They will find it destroyed, with the last safezone existing in Arizona or New Mexico. This begins the real journey and the real danger.

Each location will be an Act, with encounters being Scenes. Act I, Scene I starts August 13, 2019 in Detroit. The number of acts and scenes is up for negotiation but I am envisioning five Acts with five Scenes.

Players assume certain archetypes: Combatant, mechanic, scavenger, doctor, negotiator, hunter, etc. Your archetype should reflect you in some way, and will ensure that your character is valuable to the group. Please try to choose an archetype we do not have.

Combat is short, brutal, and should only be a last resort option. Ammo for firearms is very scarce, and heavy realism applies. Think DayZ meets The Last of Us. The atmosphere of the game is one of desolation, decay, and danger. Think The Road.

Rust is a roleplay rather than a roleplaying game. There are not any mechanics. Instead, there are only the things each player intends to do. Realism is enforced to a degree.

The schedule is as follows: Monday through Thursday the game progresses. At the end of Thursday anybody who hasn't acted will be controlled by the GMs for that final update. Friday through Sunday players have off.

SORRY everyone, but sign ups are closed. We already have more players than we originally anticipated.
Now accepting one player to join up with Jameson.
Signups closed again.


TheBeanBurrito (GM) - Marc Osias
Portyguls - Helga
lucasg06 - Johnathan Grimm
PrincePotter (GM) - Jameson Aldous Deschain
Brentculby - Brenton
Note - Carter Stephen Delaney
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Brentculby


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Personality: Rational Cautious Friendly
Physical Description: Black 5'10" 180 pounds. In good shape but who isn't in good shape that survives an apocolyspe? Has a ragged beard and long dreads.
Summary: Used to be a mechanic at a Sears. Didnt live with any family except a cat.
Now: Said cat still follows me. Personal goal is to find and maintain relationships others while avoiding a painful death in this world.
Gear: Gloves, Backpack containing: Canteen, Soldering kit, Small tool kit. Metal Tee-ball bat. USP.45 Handgun 9 rounds. Survival Machete. Small manual powered generator.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by lucasg06


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Name: Johnathan Grimm
Age: 25

Grimm isn't a social butterfly by any mean but he knows how to deal with people due to his background in the military, he his a very calm and collective person always thinking about what impact his actions might have on the future. You can tell by the scars on his tanned hands,neck and face that he's been through a lot in the last few years and his brown eyes show the pain, suffering and death of every person he's had to kill or seen die due to the chemicals.

Physical description
Standing at six foot even and weighing a hundred and ninety pounds Grimm is a very physical human being, the uniforms he wears is covered in stains and patches from him sewing rips together, you can still make out "U.S Air Force" on the left side and "Grimm" on the other along with his rank of Staff Sergent. Grimm is fast,strong and capable of almost anything relying on what he's learned as much as he does his own strength.

Grimm grew up in the average middle class American home with a few exceptions, his mother was abusive and his father was a collector of fire arms, mainly from the second world war. Grimm was introduced to weaponry and war fare at a very young age because of his father, for the first 17 years of his life it consumed him constantly reading about tactics used in past wars. At the age of 17 Grimm began to play RTS games which got him into computers, a skill that would eventually be useless. He went to college right after high school. Grimm quickly learned that he didn't fit in this environment,between the drugs, lack of discipline and general unruliness of the campus he decide to pursue a career in the military. At the age of 19 he scored incredibly well on the ASVAB and physical training tests, he was set for what ever the Air Force wanted him to do. For the first year or so he was a contracting specialist where he learned to deal with people and make business deals with stingy government contractors until Europe began to fall. His unit was disbanded and the base at which he was serving at was closed and he was forced to take another physical ability test, him and one other man in his office scored well enough that they were ordered to cross train to become Combat Control Technicians. Grimm served his time doing missions almost non stop in Europe and then in America. After everything was said in done his unit was supposed to do something in Detroit when his unit lost contact with what government existed, most of his unit went to be with their families but knowing that both his mother and father died years ago and that his brother and sister both dis-owned him when he dropped out of college he decided to head to Ohio anyway to see if any of his friends were still alive and to see if his old storage unit had been raided or not where he met his old friend Marc and joined up with him.

Gear:Multi-cam uniform, 8mm Mauser equipped with 4-12 power scope, back pack with MREs, two first aid kits, some extra ammo and a holstered 1911 .45 ACP.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TheBeanBurrito


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Name: Marc “Loki” Osias
Age: 25

Marc stopped trusting people when the End came and biological weapons fell from both sides. He never got along with most people, and ten years ago he started acclimating to society slowly. The End put a sharp halt to his progress in being social, and within a couple of weeks he has regressed into a solitary mindset. He is calculating, efficient, and cold. Marc has trouble getting along with people in a meaningful way. Marc has a small spot for loyalty in him, but he accepts very few into that place. Everyone else he keeps at a distance, faking what emotions he should feel but doesn’t for the sake of staying alive.

Marc has independent sentiments but opted to stay with the USNA - the big dog has the largest bone. He didn't see the rebels as a winning venture. In the end, nobody won so Marc is on his own again. Luckily, he's used to that.

Physical description
Standing at five six on a good day with his boots on, Marc is short and wiry. His pale green eyes squint unnervingly to most folk. He keeps his dull brown hair short, receding hairline in plain view. His pale skin refuses to tan. Marc is not a muscular man, relying on agility, flexibility, and endurance to get by instead of strength.

Marc grew up as a “poor disadvantaged youth”. In reality, he provided most things for himself growing up, and never properly learned what it was to be a social human being. What he lacked in social skills he made up for in intelligence, and was on track for several degrees before the end happened. Osias knew Jameson Pre-End, but their relationship ended on somewhat ambivalent note due to a sour past. During the North American crisis Marc voluntarily enlisted with the National Resource Recovery Agency so he could get away from an impoverished civilian life. He became federally endorsed to plumb bio and chem zones abroad, picking up skills and training which would serve him Post-End. The job allowed him to bypass martial law restrictions on weaponry and provided him with mostly unrestricted travel access. Within five years the USNA fell and Marc made off with what gear he could to become a scavenger - those crazy enough to head into the local bio/chem zones for salvage and profit. As of a year ago most salvage operations failed as the global population decreases and Marc was pushed to settling into the Toledo safezone. This is where he joined up with long time friend John Grimm, and they went independent shortly after the zone fell to disease.


Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Prince Potter
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Prince Potter Wandering Soul

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Name: Jameson Aldous Deschain

Gender: Male

Age: 21

Personality: Jameson has led many small groups of friends throughout his life, and has always been a social creature. Though more extroverted in his younger days, he still finds himself more often in company than alone. He is quick to anger, though also quick to calm. He is a only child, and is unusually proud of the Deschain lineage, including his father, James.

Pre-End the young Jameson was deeply committed to a young girl, and her apparent death has deeply scarred Jameson. He has become more reserved and withdrawn, and though still merciful, he has learned the Law of the Jungle in these troubled times. He is a man who tries to show kindness only where it is convenient, though he still wrestles with his humanity.

Physical Description: James stands at a solid five ten, and would be described as medium in build. Before the collapse, he was often told he looked extremely close to Harry Potter, and age has only complimented this. Unfortunately, like Harry Potter, Jameson is near blind without his glasses, and is severely disadvantaged without them.

He is only barely above average in strength and endurance, and these traits have only recently culminated after the collapse. He has fairly long hair that would remind one of a rebellious adolescent, and it is the color of deep oak. He appears to wear a military jacket at all times, belonging to his father and only slightly too big for him. He has a near constant five o’clock shadow, and usually has a cigarette placed in the corner of his mouth.


Jameson seems haunted by the numerous deaths of his friends and family, and this very well could be the reason why he is slow to warm to people in this brave new world. Little is known of him, besides the only two surviving members of his previous group; Jacob and Ryan.

What little details his two surviving friends will share paint a picture of blood. They had originated in Wyoming, and during the progressive breakdown of the United States, his group had slowly become more militant, aiding in protests against their corrupt

Back then they had numbered nearly thirty or forty strong. Though details are scarce as to what exactly caused the internal civil war among his militia, it is clear brother killed brother, and the majority of the group lay dead, with the few survivors breaking away and being cast into the wind.

The fiancé of Jameson did seem to survive the slaughter, and convinced him to head to Michigan, where her family still lived. They began their long trek across the United States right as the last of the chaos began to die down, but it was somewhere in Michigan that his fiancée and his group were separated, during a particularly fierce gunfight with bandits. He had told her to run and hide, and never saw her again.

Now having reached Detroit, and having picked up a few more survivors to replenish their numbers, Jameson hopes to settle the ruined town and carve out a small piece of Civilization in this dark world.


Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Portyguls


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Name: Helga:
Her full name is undisclosed and she refuses to be called anything other than her first name.

Gender: Female

Age: Twenty eight years


Helga was raised in a close, lower middle class family, and with proper raising from her parents has granted her an overall friendly and likeable personality. A great hunter and outdoorswoman in her earlier life. She hasn’t a problem with killing animals, but is unable to handle the stressors that come with fighting other humans, making her shy away from violence. She is also mature-minded and has a clean, professional disposition about her due to circumstances that lead up to post-end times. Helga is dry, a bit plain, and slightly humorous, finding an unexplainable interest in herbology, flowers, and plants.
When she joined up with Marc and John, she became the morale of the group, providing them with much needed optimism and positivity.

Physical Description

A tall build, about five feet eight inches, not particularly muscular but stronger than what her appearance gives off; overall athletic. She has prominently green eyes, and looks more aged than what she is, having premature wrinkles along her eyes and forehead. Her face has a thin nose and lips, and laugh lines around her mouth. Slightly tanned skin with pulled back, lighter ash blonde hair, she is heavily accented in her English and can sometimes be tough to understand. Helga wears a long grey jacket over a simple green shirt, brown pants and black laced-up boots.


Helga was born in Europe, her mother was of French-Swiss origin while her father was a Dane. When she was born, her family moved to Sweden where she was raised, being the only child the married pair would create. She spent a lot of her younger, pre-end years outdoors. Her father was especially an avid hunter, which lead Helga to also grow an interest in the sport. She went through high school in Sweden with an education major in the medical field, which she later pursued in university after she graduated. Before Helga was able to complete her education, her parents were killed as Europe began its downward descent. She escaped to Canada with thousands of other fleeing Europeans, and give due to the cramped traveling conditions, she was unable to take any former items that belonged to her now past life. Now entirely poor and owning nothing, Helga became lucky due to hospitals being desperate for more nurses and doctors. For a while, then, Helga stayed in Canada, earning her stability by being a nurse. However, the country didn't safe for long. Northern areas were being won by the rebels, causing a federal mandate to demand citizens to retreat south. Having to move her location once again, she went to the nearest safezone in Toledo, Ohio, where she met and joined up with Marc and John. Since her joining, she manages to keep the group well-fed.

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Note
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Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Name: Carter Stephen Dawley

Gender: Male

Age: 38

Personality: Carter is a kind man who tries not to resort to violence. He cares for the people in his group and always shows concern when they have the slightest of injuries or problems. He tries to find the good in people, no matter how hard they try to bury it within themselves. He has a soft-spot for animals, especially dogs, and think of them as equal to humans. Stagnancy is not acceptable in his mind. He’s always trying to make things happen. Carter always talks with optimism and tries to keep the group’s spirits up. He is a nice guy, but puts the group’s survival before any others’. He has no problem killing people if it means his friends will live another day. Most of the time his altruistic behavior results in mental and (sometimes) physical exhaustion.

Though Carter is kind-hearted, he has many emotions that he keeps bottled up inside for the sake of group morale. Inside he is often distraught and borderline nihilistic, he usually does not believe in his optimistic statements. Occasionally he will lash out, being cruel and spiteful to his closest allies. After Carter has one of his temper tantrums he will apologize, though he does not feel remorse. When engaging in combat, he will sometimes be too brutal and “overkill” his foe for the sake of emotional release. Carter is above average in combat, though his skills lie negotiation and persuasion.

Physical Description: Carter is 6' 1" but rather slim in build. His hair has greyed, but some strands of black hair have survived. He has an unkept beard that grows about an inch and a half off of his face. His face is very masculine, with a prominent chin and brow. Carter's cheeks are a bit sunken and his jaw (though strong-looking) is not all that wide, giving his face a "long" look to it.

Background: Carter lived his Pre-End life in lower class just barely able to provide for his sick wife and son. He was always working multiple jobs and his wife couldn’t help due to a terminal illness she had received a few years after the birth of their son. When the riots struck, Carter barricaded himself in his home, trying to protect his wife and child.

Eventually, Carter had to leave his dying wife behind in the house and travel with his six-year-old son. Abandoning his wife took a toll on him and is a factor in his need to nurture the people in the group. Carter and his son were trying to find shelter, a safe place to stay, but couldn’t. They were always on the move, struggling to find places to sleep at night. In a scrap with bandits, his son was shot in the stomach and Carter suffered a bullet wound in the thigh. Carter was able to recover from his wound, but his son died a few days after the incident.

Weapons - A shiv crafted with two pieces of metal and binding, a G42 pistol
Clothing - Light brown combat boots, tattered khaki pants, a pale blue, unbuttoned dress shirt with the sleeves torn off at the elbow-down, a white tank top
Backpack - Bandages, metal scraps, binding, alcohol (cleaning), matches, two plastic water bottles (one empty, one refilled)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TheBeanBurrito


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

First, welcome Note. We had enough interest to make the decision a difficult one.

Okay. Everyone is ready to go now but we've got a couple roadblocks in front of us still that Potter and I need to handle. The intro post to the game should be up no later than Wednesday - get familiar with each other. Head on over to the chat and stuff. Use the Google Doc freely to write your posts or to write collaboration posts. I'll try to put up a bullet point list of plot points to keep in mind while you're writing.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Voltus_Ventus
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Voltus_Ventus The Voltusiest Ventus

Member Seen 11 days ago

I hope I can still participate.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TheBeanBurrito


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Sorry, we're at capacity for the game. Thanks for the interest, though.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Voltus_Ventus
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Voltus_Ventus The Voltusiest Ventus

Member Seen 11 days ago

That's fine, have fun!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TheBeanBurrito


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TheBeanBurrito


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Standard conversation format, guys. You should be using the gdoc to write out your conversations with another player or finding another way to let them write it with you. Don't feel like you have to keep secrets, IC knowledge is not OOC knowledge.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TheBeanBurrito


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Just a reminder, the remaining players have until the end of tomorrow to post. This is Portyguls, Brent, and Note. Please get these up as soon as possible.

We've decided to implement two things that we'd really rather not:

After Thursday anybody who has not posted will be NPC'd by Potter and I for that post. We both understand that life happens and is more important than the RP in every circumstance, but we also have a responsibility to keep the game flowing. If you miss one week's deadline you can still play. We're not going to kill off characters just for that. Just keep posting and try to let us know if you won't be around. However....

If you have been NPC'd twice, especially in a row, Potter and I will have a talk. You have until the following Monday to reply, otherwise we will be forced to replace your character. We do not want to do this. At all. The RP is based around a six person team, though, and we'd like to keep it going smoothly.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Note
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Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Working on my first post, sorry for the delay.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TheBeanBurrito


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Nah, man, it's all good. Midnight Thursday is the deadline anyway. Glad you didn't disappear!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Portyguls


Member Offline since relaunch

Post is finally up. Excuse me for the delay.
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