Jason smirked as Roy asked him if he didn't wanna see how the other two would handle Harlequin. "No. I think I'd rather wait till I'd get to see them face off against the real deal." He let out, his smirk still painting his face. He nodded for behind them. "Lead the way." Jason said, looking around.
"So, how's things, you holding down the fort without my senior boy wonder?" Jason asked Roy, as the two were walking, the former batbrat trying to make conversation.
“Nightwing is around, he’s not on sabbatical or on an intergalactic mission like most of the original members.” Roy shrugged as he walked on, moving out of the simulation room.
“—but yeah, I’ve been told I should be ‘up’ to the task.”
"He's being Dick, is what you're saying, huh?" Jason said, chuckling.
"I see. Yeah. I would imagine you to be. Founding member, and all, and protogé to the second greatest human superhero, quite impressive" Jason said, obviously making a rather friendly jab.
Roy wasn’t sure how to reply of the insinuation of Oliver Queen’s greatness—he had always felt the Emerald Archer to be more self-obsessed than anything but maybe he had changed since he had met him? It was a thought that had been crossing his mind for several months now and he had even spoken with him not too long ago even if the moment was a bit brief.
“Yeah, but he’s not Batman.” He jabbed at the former Robin.
"Exactly. Though, even Bats is mostly just smoke and mirrors. It's us boy-wonders that do the heavy lifting." Jason joked. "Now, where will I get to call my home in this marvelous work of architecture?" He asked, Jason didn't actually care that much about his room. He was more interested in how the tower worked, how it was protected and what defensive capabilities the tower had, since the building certainly wasn't subtle.
“Whatever isn’t already claimed, I guess.” Roy shrugged, “I personally just end up crashing wherever, sometimes away from the Tower. It’s different with most of the founding members off doing other things.”
Roy paused, “I prefer the warehouse we used to operate out of. It was discreet and simple.”
"I see." Jason responded with, when they came to a room that looked empty, he opened up his bag, and got out a sharpie. As he opened the bag, the crimson helm stuck out. He opened the door to the room, and using his foot, he pushed the bag into the room. He then used the sharpie to draw the logo he used on his costume, to mark the room as his own. "Guess I never grew out of painting on the walls.." Jason said, turning back to Roy.
"Pssh, yeah. Tell me about it. This is a homing beacon for bad-guys all over the place. Might just as well put a bullseye on your frontdoor."
Roy shrugged, “Maybe that’s the point—when Me and Nightwing worked with Black Bat recently on a mission, I remember overhearing something she said.”
“Why would a practitioner of stealth dress his wards in bright colors against insane killers? To distract those same killers, to make it easier for him.…” Roy paused as he recalled the comment.
“I’m not sure if it’s true, but this big giant ‘T for Titans’ tower makes me wonder about if it is.”
"Yeah.. I've been told the same thing. Was the reason for the very colourful costumes as Robin. If bad guys were wondering about us wearing pixie-shoes, they weren't worried about shooting their guns." He said, shaking his head.
"I personally prefer to be the guy you don't see coming."
“Well, without your helmet you’d just blend in.” Roy smirked as he shuffled his hands in his pockets. “Working at night is what we were meant to do—we don’t have super-hearing and can break mach five without blinking, we have to be smarter than just punching something in broad daylight.”
Roy paused as he thought about his dark but still very apparently red costume. “Though, I suppose I’m holding on to the crimson shtick out of nostalgia or something. Wearing black would just make me seem like I’m following Malcom Merlyn’s motif.”
"Ha. Yeah, that' for sure. But then again. Where's the fun in not living a little dangerous?" Jason asked Roy, the newer titan smirkng. "You have sentimental value to it, I'd imagine." He said, taking Roy's father into account. " I guess mine's a remnant of the Robin costume." Scoffing as he talked.
"Now, what else is there to see? We have a gym, or is that in the simulation room?"
“If we’re missing anything it’s at the warehouse in Bludhaven, which still works as sort of a safehouse of sorts.” Roy said off-hand as he recounted the Tower’s facilities.
“Iron Fist can probably give you a more in-depth tour, but I mostly stick around the command center and the simulation room. I don’t hit the recreation room or garage generally… I don’t like distractions, but I never had time for them.” He commented with the last sentence showing some discontent for the other titans who wasted time playing video games or lazing about doing nothing. Roy had never thought much of recreation or past-times—he had lived by example, worked, traveled, and did his job as a vigilante. In a way it was likely very comparable to Batman in Jason’s view.
"Aha.. So Iron Fist next, then. Great." Jason began. "Well, I know the feeling. This isn't exactly a hobby. It's a full-time job. 24 hours seven days a week. Crime doesn't take time off, neither should we.. Well, at least that's what I've been taught by Bats. I found during my.. Err.. Sabatical, that unwinding is important. Take time to rest, and what not. But I guess Iron Fist is the guy to talk about meditation and finding inner peace about, huh? Dude's a little bit too zen." Jason said, as he chuckled.
"Think he's smoking pot?"
“I doubt it.” Roy chuckled as he shook his head, “Iron Fist isn’t that bad though, even for a Justice League-sponsored babysitter. Certainly better than the robot we had to deal with last year.”
“I’ll have to get back to you on the ‘take a breather’ thing. I mean your mentor has been doing this for thirteen years or something without looking back to admire to sunrise, right?—Not that I’m comparing myself to the illusive Batman or anything.”
"Yeah... Wasn't that kind of the point of the team? To be independant of the League?" He asked, letting out a light sigh.
"Even the ever so elusive Batman enjoys himself a single-malt scotch and a little time to relax. He just knows to not let his guard down when he is relaxing."
“At first it was to solve a problem when every ‘adult’ disappeared, but then yeah—sort of an independent group of former sidekicks and wards. But then the Justice League sent Red Tornado to supervise us and began building this thing.”
“I hate it.” Roy added as he noted the comment about Batman's indulgences.
"Scotch, or letting your guard down?"
“You proud of yourself for that joke?” Roy commented as he smirked, a little amused.
"A little bit. Can't be known as the angry robin for all my life, you know?.." Jason said. smirking.
“From what I heard, the new Robin is taking that title over anyway.” Roy chuckled.
"Don't even get me started. Jeez Louise. And they say I have anger issues." Jason retorted.
“I hear near-death experiences can be nice wake-up calls.” Roy responded with his smirk still apparent.
"It wasn't near-death." Jason said with a chuckle. " But let's save that for another time."
“Getting bored, already? Yeah, I get that; want to head back?” Roy nodded.
"Bored, with you and your wit? No way! But yeah. Can't let the rookies alone for too long." Jason said with a smirk.
“Let’s go then.”