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Rare The Inquisitor

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"Many great things have been accomplished by the careful combination of keen minds and ardent spirits." ~ Unknown.
Nation Sheet
[This is where your flag will be]
Nation's Name
Nation's History
Form of Government
Political Status
Political Overview
Current Political Leader
Notable Figures
Total Population
Employed Population
Military Population
The Specie's Information
Army Overview
Navy Overview
Air Force Overview
Nation's Location
Nation's Geography
Economy Overview
The Map

The Geography Version of the Map

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by SyrianHamster
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Nation's Name


Nation's History

Whilst the rise of steam powered technology spearheaded progress in other parts of the world, in Karanova it only caused division. Rival companies dealing in the advancement of steam technology began an arms race, threatening to destabilise an already fragile economy.

The democratically elected parliament of the time attempted to stifle this threat, by nationalising the various corporations involved. This only spawned disaster however, as Karanova’s economy crashed overnight, creating hundreds of thousands of jobless civilians.

Hungry, poor and downtrodden, the peoples of Karanova launched a rebellion against the government. The steam companies that had been suppressed, sided with them, giving away arm shipments intended for Karanova’s army.

War broke out, as brother fought brother, and the country plummeted into civil war. Political ideologies formed in the midst of the chaos, dividing the righteous struggle of the people against a government that responded to dissent with fire.

Charismatic communist leaders won the hearts and minds of the beleaguered working classes, whilst Nationalists fought against their attempts to seize power. Meanwhile, the government suspended the state’s constitution, and waged a devastating war with any who would not submit.

Twenty years on, and Karanova is a failed state. The government controls the capital of Olignov, and its surrounding areas, but no further. Communist guerrillas hold large swathes of land out in the countryside, whilst Nationalists control many of the towns and villages that will not yield to government control. A three-way struggle is tearing Karanova apart, and none of the sides seem close to letting up their aggression.
Form of Government

Military Dictatorship

Political Status

Contested by a Military Dictatorship, a Communist State, and a Nationalist Democracy.

Political Overview

Karanova’s official state government is headed by a council of veteran Army officers. This council is chaired by Supreme Commander Alexi Christophe, who has the power of veto over the votes of the council, and is generally considered the figurehead of the government.

Current Political Leader

Supreme Commander Alexi Christophe

Notable Figures

Comrade Mirinov Galdovsky – Communist Opposition Leader

President Helga Rakonov – Nationalist Opposition Leader

Total Population

25,000,000 est

Employed Population


Military Population

2,000,000 (800,000 Government Controlled, 1,000,000 Nationalist Controlled, 200,000 Communist Controlled.)

The Specie's Information


Army Overview

The Government army is generally well funded, well equipped and well trained. However, it suffers from poor morale, and is generally despised by the population outside of Olignov.

The Communist guerrillas are a mob. They use a wide range of weapons, but have no access to aerial or naval assets. Poorly trained, and poorly equipped, they nevertheless cause both the Government and the Nationalists much grief through incessant ambushes and their ability to hide amongst the local population.

The Nationalists are mostly foreign funded, and foreign trained. They rely on the support of outside nations for their ability to combat the Government and the Communists, and as a result have a wide variety of troop types depending on the countries involved.

Navy Overview


Air Force Overview

1st Aerial Dropship Squadron – 12 floating vessels, akin to water-borne Galleys and are suspended by large balloons. They are used for transporting troops, and for providing support fire to ground forces.

They are Government controlled, and are essential in the Army’s ‘Rapid Deployment’ tactics when combating the Communist and Nationalist threat.

Nation's Location

Region 2 (West Karanova) and 3 (East Karanova)

Nation's Geography

Western Karanova is flat and traditional agricultural farm land, formerly a breadbasket of the world. The capital city, Oglinov, is situated there, along with several industrial towns. There, the Communists hold strong sway amongst the peasant populations.

Eastern Karanova is hilly, and home to several of the country’s now defunct coal mines. The Nationalist faction dominates the region, utilising the mining towns as their bases of operations. However, the Communists and Government are also in the area – albeit to a lesser extent.
Economy Overview

Karanova’s economy has flat lined, owing to the two-decade long civil war. The various sides in the conflict depend on foreign support to continue their struggle, and it seems that whoever wins will face a large debt pile to clear.

Formerly, Karanova was known for its plentiful coal reserves. Mines dot the eastern landscape, but stand empty, although recent Government attempts to reopen them are ongoing. The Communists, with the bulk of the westerly based farms under their control, supply grain to the international market. However, these shipments are meagre when compared with a stable nation’s export capability.

The Nationalists do not export anything, however they do import a great deal. Weapons, military advisors, food – they take it all, and in return, should they win their struggle against the Communists and the Government, they will give their benefactors full rights over their resources.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kilo6


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Nation's Name
Arkil Federation
Nation's History
The Arkil Federation is a relatively new addition to the world stage in comparison to other nations. It didn't originate from kingdoms of old united, tribal people leaving behind their spears, or even around a new found church. The Arkil Federation is a nation born from settlers who fled to these previously uncharted lands for freedom. At first, the small nation lived in isolation, with a relatively small population. Though as people around the land of Arkillia learned of the nation's ideals of freedom and democracy, many people immigrated to the Federation. Soon the nation began to grow rapidly, with this population growth came industrial, economic, and territorial growth. The nation's culture grew more and more hateful of religion as many people where non-believer refugees from other theocratic nations.

Eventually the Federation invaded and annexed its oppressive theocratic neighbors in a series of wars now known as the Liberia Wars. At the end of this conquest, the new Federation was stronger than ever, now that all the lands of Arkillia had been united. The world of steam and invention soon followed, leading to a break through that allows the modern airships of today. An Arkillian named Joseph Kraft was a former miner, now chemist. He took it upon himself to try to solve the main problem around creating a practical airship, lift. From simple hot air to explosive hydrogen, the airship seemed plagued with all sorts of practical problems. As a native Arkilians, member of the people of the sky, he felt his natural duty was to find a solution. And he did.

After years of experimentation, he figured out how to turn a previously useless ore, Kavuria, into a usable "lighter than air" gas. It had a much higher weight capacity than Hydrogen and was much less dangerous. However, the substance was toxic to breath and refining it into a usable form took years ot perfect. But now the nation the Arkil Federation has mastered the process of mining, refining, and using Kavuria. It caused a boom for the airship industry in the Arkil Federation, such that it is now as essential as any sea going vessels to their trade. Being landlocked, it was their way of bypassing the need for a naval port and being able to spread their trade across the world. With one of the most modern airship fleets in the world, the people of Arkil have truly entered their natural realm. What will the future hold for the people of the sky?
Form of Government
Democratic Republic
Political Status
Stable representative republic
Political Overview
The Arkilian government is a democratic republic of sorts governed by three main branches. An Executive Branch lead by the president who serves ten year terms, a Legislative Branch made up of representatives from fifteen different regions. Each region has two representatives. Finally, a Judicial Branch, lead by seven grand judges that are appointed by the president . This branch decides whether a particular law, act, or legislation coincides with Arkilian Constitution of Civil Freedom. Foreign policy consist of an "open arms" outlook, being very willing to trade and negotiate with other nations and races. They have a less imperial goal set now that the land is united, and thus oversea colonies and such are not a major focus for the Federation.
Current Political Leader
President Kai Avonsta
Notable Figures
Air Marshal Atheria Kalvesto
General Alex Hlemstein
Que Leader Walter Barkstone
Total Population
Employed Population
Military Population
The Specie's Information

The native Arkilians of the Arkil Federation are known most notably for their bird like features. While very human like in physiology, but their bones are actually much stronger and they usually have small feathered "wings" sprouting an inch above the ears as seen in the sample picture. They also have a short, feathered tail. While essentially the same as a normal human when it comes to body strength, their muscles are oddly much more dense. Because of these distinct differences, but looking very similar to normal humans, their traditional name is "Qui Ex Caelo" which translates to "Those of the Sky". They all seem to exhibit a total lack of fear of heights, and in fact, usually report being much happier and healthier when at higher altitudes, even breathing better when usually Humans experience shortness of breath.
Army Overview
The Arkil Federation's army is known as The Arkilian Federal Guard. They handle most ground operations during any military campaign, ranging from artillery to infantry. Overall, the military is built to be diverse and rugged, much like their troops.

~The Infantry~
The Arkillian Guard

The standard uniform of the infantry, they are a diverse, adaptive group that is given standard, decent training and simple, yet tough equipment. The guard take both men and women and are generally known for their straightforward reliability.

The First Reconnaissance and Foreign Expeditionary Battalion "Raptors of Arkillian"

An elite group of sharpshooters, marksman, and survivalists, these soldiers are hand picked by the commander whether it be from the front or from training. Members must undergo an incredibly arduous training program before joining, regardless of previous experience. They primarily focus on deep reconnaissance and assassination of high value targets on the battlefield. With this, they have become expert survivalists, being able to live off the land, away from supply lines, for extended periods of time. Often it is said that one Raptor marksman in a church tower with a canteen of water and a can of beans could hold pack an entire enemy battalion for weeks. Whether this is battlefield myth or not cannot be determined. They are usually distinguished by their unique camouflage pattern and they're standard issued blades.

Standard Weapons of the Arkilian Federal Guard infantry
A: The M-308 Songbird Rifle.
A .308 bolt action rifle, it is the most common firearm of the infantry and is well known for its reliability in poor conditions due to the simplicity of its design.
B: The Wilson 44 Repeater Rifle.
A lever action .44 lever action rifle. While less common, it is still used, mainly by squad leaders, and provides rapid fire.
C: The B-12 Repeater
This is a lever action shotgun used by trench runners and other specialist infantry for close quarters. It can fire either a 12 gauge slug or shot. Not very common
D: M-124 Gatling Gun
This hand cranked Gatling gun fires 20mm cartridges at a high rate of fire through a belt fed system. Usually used defensively as it takes a tractor to move one these around.
E: M17 Sparrow
This is the first magazine fed pistol used by the Arkillian Guard. Holds fifteen .45 rounds and is fairly reliable under normal conditions. It's a work in progress and is given to normal infantry.
F: The Officer
This is the standard side arm for officers and high ranking enlisted men. It is a six shot, .45 revolver that can be either hand reloaded or loaded with a speed loader. Typically passed from generation to generation, but is fairly wide spread overall.

~Armored Vehicles~

Marker 9 Tank
This armored vehicle is one of the two armored combat vehicles. The Marker 9 fills the role of the more traditional tank. It provides cover and fire support to advancing infantry. The top turret holds a 47mm cannon, the smaller forward guns are twin 12.7mm machine guns, and the large cannon near the bottom is a 75mm howitzer. It is well balanced in terms of armor, with each side having fairly good protection, but the most it can stand are low caliber cannons. This tank can reach a top speed of 12mph.

Mafers 2 Assault Gun
This armored vehicle is designed as a mobile seige weapon as opposed to an actual tank. It has strong frontal armor, but the sides and back can only protect against machine gun fire at best. This vehicle is armed with a single 76mm howitzer and has a top speed of 15mph.


The Mk-20 Mobile Mortar
An 80mm mortar that can be towed around by a crew of three. It is used in a variety of roles whether offensively or defensively.

7.7cm Flak Cannon
Both the most common and oldest artilery piece, it is mainly used in assaulting enemy strongholds or defending a stronghold. It can be moved short distances by infantry, but is more commonly transported via tractor or horse.

The 105mm Howitzer
This common howitzer is also very versatile in its potential roles. Recently an airburst ammunition was developed for it, making it a deadly anti infantry weapon. Typically towed by tractor.

The M-11 Morser Fortress Gun
This massive howitzer fires 30.5 cm shells and is only used in defensively in major strongholds. There has been talk of perhaps mounting onto a railroad system for offensive capabilities, but with the firepower support of airships, there is little need for a mobile version of this beast.

Air Force Overview
Now the Arkil Federation may have a decent ground military, but what they are truly known for is the massively impressive fleet that guards the skies above and rains hell down below. The Arkilian Airborne Fleet is the main focus of the overall military, with great funding and research put into making the best airships they possibly can. Here are the current classifications of the fleet:

Typical Arkil Trade/Civilian Airship
This airship is the most commonly scene design from Arkil. They are produced to transport large amounts of cargo and sold to other nations. Speed varies based on cargo, but without all the armor and guns of military airships, they are typically much faster and more maneuverable. As they say, time is money!

The Arkil Destroyer
The most numerous combat airship of the fleet, this serves as the backbone to the Airborne Fleet. These airships are commonly scene patrolling the airspace or escorting fleets. Main Armament consists of three 105mm cannons and a secondary armament of four turrets that house twin 7.7cm Flak cannons. They can reach a top speed of

Arkil Light Cruiser
These provide the more common "heavy muscle" in battles. Armed with six 150mm cannons and one single 38cm cannon as well as four 7.7cm Flak cannons, these ships are essentially stronger, heavier destroyers. They have a top speed of 35mph.

Arkil Heavy Cruiser
An out of date ship, these used to provide the heavy firepower of the fleet They are armed with three turrets that contain twin 18cm cannons, four broadside turrets with one 8.8cm cannons, and two turrets that house quad 7.7cm Flak cannons. They can reach a top speed of 25mph

Arkil Battleclass
This is the newest edition to the Airborne Fleet. This is the largest airship class of the fleet. It is heavily armed with a front-top turret with twin 20cm cannons, a front-bottom mounted turret with twin 38cm cannons, six flank mounted 8.8cm turrets, and eight flank mounted 7.7cm flak turrets. Due to its heavy armor, subsequent massive size, and low speed, the Arkil Battleclass are few in numbers and not often seen in small engagements.

Aircraft have also seen a rise in popularity and support in the Arkil Federation, thus two main designs are used for combat operations:

A12 Avansta
This serves as the main fighter of the Arkilian Airborne Fleet. Armed with two 12.7mm machine guns and four 7.62mm machine guns, this aircraft is fast and turns tight. However it has very little armoring, so it doesn't take much to bring the aircraft down. It can also be outfitted with up to a 100kg of bombs.

Va2 Vansta
This aircraft is the second generation of dedicated bombers in the Arkilian Airborne Fleet. This is the first aircraft of the fleet to use metal plating for protection against light machine gun fire. It is also protected by three strategically placed gunner seats, each with a single 7.62mm machine gun. It can carry about 1,134 kg worth of bombs. This bomber is, of course, much slower than its fellow fighters, but boasts of great maneuverability at slow speeds.
Nation's Location
Nation's Geography
To the north west, the nation is covered in pine trees and is very mountainous and rocky. Typically stays chilly during the summer and very cold in the winter. As you move westward, the land becomes less dramatic and the pine forests turn into more vibrant deciduous forests over rolling hills. To the south the weather is more four seasnonal temperate and varies between forests and fields with small streams and rivers running through them.
Economy Overview
Internally, The Arkil Federation has a Mixed Economy with various areas being either Market or Traditional economies. The Government does regulate various areas of the market, but ultimately it is a free market. The nation tries to create a "Balanced Trade" which goes by the motto "Do what you do best, buy the rest". Thus Arkilian exports usually focus around the aviation industry, ranging from selling commercial airships, airship components, and most importantly, refined Kavuria. While the substance Kavuria is widespread in the world, Arkil's refining techniques have made it much cheaper to buy than attempting to produce your own, usually giving nations more options to focus on other aspects of their economy while receiving cheap Kavuria to float their airships.
Nation's Major Export:
Airships (commercial), Experienced Aviation workforce, Refined Kavuria (Grades A-F. This marks of the quality, thus efficiency of it. The higher the grade, the bigger your ship can be for less Kavuria), Aliminuim Alloys, grain, and rice.
Nation's Major Imports:
Stronger Steel Alloys, various food items, Furs, Jewelry, Naval goods(ranging from ships to machinery), concrete, heavy machinery, gold, copper, and exotic goods.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Skylar
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Nation Sheet
[This is where your flag will be]
Nation's Name: Kingdom of Nordamark
Nation's HistoryForm of Government:
Parliamentary Monarchy

Political Status
Political power has shifted away from the hereditary monarchy and parliament to a set of government secretaries. The result is that the government is stable and running exceedingly well, and nobody wants to disrupt the status quo.

Political Overview
The Kingdom in theory exists as a monarchy with a parliament of lords and federal bureaucracy acting in support of the monarch’s wishes. In practice, the traditional aristocracy is beginning to merge with the bureaucracy, and power is shifting away from a monarchy to a de facto plutocracy of federal ministers of state, and nobody is honestly concerned about the matter.

Current Political Leader
King Palver Norden
Minister of State Adrian Coslov
Minister of War Johan Eisenwalt
Minister of Finance Maria Westinghouse
Minister of Foreign Affairs Serina Schilling

Notable Figures
Lord-General of the Army Marcus Smith, human commander of the Nordamark Army
Fleet Admiral Suvorov, Mithran commander of the Nordamark navy
Sky Marshal Lenora Redwind, human commander of the Nordamark airship fleet
Academician Asimuth Chekov, gremlin Chief Scientist of Nordamark and considered the smartest man in the Kingdom. Given a free hand and almost unlimited funding to pursue his research.
Matriarch Heather Redrosia, human leader of the Sisters of Mercy, one of Nordamark's largest religious/medical orders and mercenary groups.

Total Population: 83 million
Employed Population: 75 million
Military Population: 600,000 Standing Military forces, approximately 800,000 mercenaries, militia, reservists, and rear-echelon forces in active service of Nordamark.

The Specie's Information

Nordamark Humans
The general human population of Nordamark are caught in changing times. An ecclectic mix of feudal traditions mixing with the future of industry, only time can tell where their future will go. As a whole, they tend to be a mix of many different demographics given Nordamark's position as a international trade site, and they are more open-minded about other species and cultures than one might expect of their industrial-feudal culture.

Gremlins form the bulk of the working population of Nordamark. Short at 4.5 feet tall on average, they are natural hard workers and craftsmen. The various kings of Nordamark have also come to value them for their simple loyalty to the crown and kingdom, insofar as they get plenty of their simple comforts (No Nordamark king would dare think of imposing a tax on alcohol after the riots 100 years ago). However there is considerable dispute between human and Gremlin factory workers over new industrial jobs, and how Gremlins seem poised to take most of the jobs in the new industrial world. And many Gremlins are beginning to grumble about their lack of representation in parliament.

The Mithran peoples are a race of tall (Around 8 feet tall) four-armed cat-like entities. Universally strong and longer-lived than humans yet less inclined to breed, they are a well-accepted minority in Nordamark for their scholarly talents and versatility of action. Males lean towards tasks requiring strength and dexterity, while females lean more towards scholarly fields and multi-tasking thinking.

Army Overview

Nordamark's military, once a superpower during the pre-steam feudal ages, is now struggling to keep up with the times. Prolonged peace and preference for trade and the arts over warfare by successive kings and ministers of state, as well as prioritization of the navy and emergent air force, have resulted in the army being downscaled and forced to hire mercenaries to fill out its ranks. The regular standing army is undersized and understrength. While it has strong morale and good leadership, lack of local industry and funding prioritization mean that most soldiers are armed with barrel-loaded muskets and artillery are horsedrawn guns or even naval artillery. While there are efforts to introduce breech-loading needle guns, they are limited to specialist units.

For mercenaries, working for Nordamark is quiet and not that well-paying compared to frontline combat pay, but a reliable source of work and coin. Nordamark paymasters always pay in gold or silver and always on time, and there are plenty of brothels, bars, and pleasure dens to spend that coin on (although theres hardly anywhere to pick up the latest gear). Many notable mercenary companies base out of Nordamark for its patronizing of mercenaries, and what they lack in patriotism they make up for with professionalism.

Notable Mercenary Companies.
Steelhead Security: Professional rifleman corps, noted for their signature steel plate armor and long-rifles.
Ironclaw Arms: Large, cheap Gremlin fighting force. Sheer bloody numbers, but poorly equipped.
Devil Dogs, specialized sapper battle engineer company.
Sisters of Mercy: A mercenary group of religious warrior-clerics. More often hired for their medical skills than ability with rapier and pistol.

Navy Overview

Nordamark has invested heavily in a well-trained and well-equipped navy to protect its sizable merchant marine. Nordamark was the first nation to begin fielding ironclad warships on the high seas, and while not the largest navy in the world and meant primarily to fight pirates and raiders rather than wage total war on the high seas, it is a very elite naval culture few can match.

The majority of Nordamark's heavy industry and steel production is tied into its shipbuilding, producing steam-sail hybrid ships of the line and new Ironclad warships crewed by talented sailors and captains. But the majority of the navy remains untested in this new era of steam power.

Air Force Overview

Nation's Location
Nation's Geography

Economy Overview

Nordamark is an economic powerhouse of free trade and capitalism. While its original wealth stems from gold and silver mines, the true source of wealth for modern industrial Nordamark comes from its substantial merchant marine shipping, and the purveyance of luxuries and pleasures. Nordamark wine, food, chocolate, pleasure resorts, books, dyes, spices, and dealings in exotic goods are all in high demand by the elites of other countries, and the kingdom is also notorious for its high-class “companions” and “hospitality dens”. The theater arts are well patronized in Nordamark, and it is host to a number of traveling acting troupes and major playwrights.

Nordamark’s primary local industries revolve around shipbuilding and banking. Nordamark shipyards have been the frontline builders of naval innovation and ironclads, while its bankers are shrewd and inventive in maximizing financial investments to turn the largest profit and are leading thinkers in financial . A noted secondary industry is the production of steel in small but high-quality amounts. In all other fields however, Nordamark's industries are lagging behind both in scale and technology due to limited natural resources.

The largest chokehold on Nordamark’s industrial development is coal, as it posses only a few shallow mines of low-quality coal barely suited to heat homes. High-grade anthracite is in high demand, as is good-quality iron ore and rare materials needed to build the latest steam-machines en-masse. Nordamark tries to cover these flaws with imports of machinery and resources, but it simply is not able to become an industrial state without major imports.
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[This is where your flag will be]
The Free City of Goug

Nation's History

Form of Government
Elective Aristocracy
Political Status
Political Overview
The Council of Meisters
The Council of Meisters are the ones who make decisions in Goug, consisting of the Meister of each official Guild as well as one special rank, which goes by one of several different names depending on who holds the position. This position is most commonly referred to as the Mayor, and they are a Moogle who has been elected to devote their life to the benefit of Goug and Mooglekind as a whole. Their most important duties on the Council, among several others, is to moderate the decisions of the Council, to elect Honourary Meisters from the people of Goug, to oversee the development, administration and maintenance of the City of Goug, and finally to command the enlistment and deployment of the Moogle Armed Forces in times of emergency or when an enemy shows itself that has been unanimously determined to be an irreparable threat to the safety of Mooglekind.

The position of Mayor is one that comes with a great deal of responsibility and stress, but it is commonly also the most revered position any individual Moogle can have next to Legendary Meister. It is, however, not the only name for the position that exists, and shares all of its power and reverence with several other titles that can be used in its place depending on the circumstances. A Mayor who shows a great deal of expertise in at least three fields represented by an official guild may be called "Grand Meister", with the approval of the Guild Meisters who govern those particular fields. Conversely, a "People's Meister", is a Mayor elected from a position outside of the Council of Meisters. The extremely rare "Meister of Arms" is a Mayor who reached their position due to their status as a War Hero, a feat that has only occurred once since the founding of Goug.

Honourary Meisters are individuals who have been placed on the Council of Meisters due to personal merits or popular opinion, appointed to that position by the Mayor. These individuals are Meisters in name only, but are allowed to contribute to Council meetings like any other. To become an Honourary Meister, even for a short amount of time, is a great honour. It does not, however, convey nearly the same amount of respect as being a true Meister, as Honourary Meisters often possess occupations that are "Un-Mooglelike".

Outside of Goug
Moogles tend not to interact with other races beyond what is polite and necessary, and always take a very neutral standing on the affairs of others. Because they rarely get themselves involved in conflicts, they hold a healthy trading relationship with virtually every hospitable nation in the land, exchanging some of their lesser craftsmanship for necessities such as food and raw materials. Explorers from the Explorer's Guild are the rare exception to the Moogle's seclusion, often heading out on sprawling journeys across the land in search of treasure and adventure. They are a welcome sight in many a foreign city or town, as they are commonly helpful, pleasant folk who will help with all sorts of tasks in exchange for the supplies necessary to continue their journey.

Current Political Leader
Grand Meister, Marchand
Notable Figures
(Public Idols)
Great Explorer, Jen
Great Explorer, Carl
Great Machinist, Alphonse
Beautiful Woman, Valerie
Extremely Rich Person, Sleek

(Guild Meisters)
Meister Machinist, Checker
Meister Gunsmith, Tomas
Meister Alchemist, Basil
Meister Shipwright, Adelle
Meister Explorer, Don
Meister Merchant, Liner

(Honourary Meisters)
Famous Sweetsmith, Pompon
Head Doctor, Laurel
Head of Mail, Spick
Pirate Captain, Iris

Total Population
Employed Population
Military Population

The Specie's Information

Moogles are small, fuzzy creatures easily identified by their bobbing pom-pom's, bat-like wings and distinctive cry, "Kupo!". While not especially strong or sturdy, their kind excels at feats of dexterity, intellect and precision. They set themselves apart from other races with their incredible knack for tinkering, which has allowed them to evolve into a flourishing trading nation in recent times. They are, in fact, able to fly under their own power...just not all that high, or quick. They have no love of water, and will not venture into even the shallowest of pools, even in scenarios of life-and-death. Their industriousness, creativity and learning ability make them exceptional at pretty much every sort of skill, so long as they are allowed to practise and learn it. Moogles prefer to live separated from other races, with the large majority of their species living in Goug and its supporting communities.

Army Overview
Navy Overview
Air Force Overview

Nation's Location
Nation's Geography

Economy Overview

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rhymer
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Rhymer Kuiper Belt Object

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Nation Sheet

Nation's Name

Iron Federation of Gurska

Nations Capital

Idvas, Iron Bastion

Nation's History

Gurska was originally a loosely joined confederacy of independent city states. Elected representatives from each city and province sat at council under a president, who was elected by the representatives. Twenty years ago the council motioned to establish a more formal, constitutionally protected republic. The representatives were unable to ratify a constitution.

The president, growing weary of debate began plotting to dissolve the council, and establish a monarchy. A young Air Force commander named Marcos Vendikos stormed the presidents fortress at Idvas and had him arrested. The representatives were put under house arrest and marshal law was declared in Idvas.

For ten years Vendikos consolidated power across Gurska in his campaign of "Republic Stabilization." He began calling himself Lord Air Marshal, and established a cabinet of ministers called 'Strategos'. Commanders across Gurska joined the Air Marshal, or were wiped out. Some fled to other countries with their armies, vowing to return. One by one, the city states fell.

Present day sees a nation run by a military junta, that knows only how to govern during a state of war. Gurska begins looking beyond it's borders, starting with the islands near it's coast.

Form of Government


Political Status

The military junta has consolidated power in Gurska. No major uprising has occured in at least three years. The peasant population has quieted down since the last few harvests have provided excess food-The newly formed, state run Workers Party has seen a surge in popularity among the young citizens of Gurska.

Political Overview

The Lord Air Marshal rules over a cabinet of ministers that he elects. The War Ministry directs the expansion and advancement of the military. The Lord Air Marshal directs any military operations. The Minister of the People oversees labor, health and housing and infrastructure. The Minister of the State is responsible for political propaganda, education and foreign affairs including control of the Foreign Legion (ambassadors office).

Current Political Leader(s)

Lord Air Marshal Marcos Vendikos

The Strategos:

Pel Gesk, War Ministry
Antili Oska, Minister of the People
Zade Tabil, Minister of the State
Koros Sahil, Viceroy of the Island Protectorate

Notable Figures

Os Tabil, President of the Workers Party, Zade Tabils husband.
Jol Vendikos, Foreign Expedition (ambassador) youngest brother of General Marcos Vendikos

Total Population Stats

Employed Population
Agriculture 63,000,000
Industry and Handicraft 42,000,000
Construction 12,000,000
Transportation 78,000
Telegraph and Telephone 62,000
Trade 48,000
Education 96,000
Health Service 51,000

Employed Totals:117,335,000

Military Population

Army Infantry and Artillery:208,557

Army Goblin Conscripts:+/-285,000

Foreign Legion: 2,394

Air Force:29,540

Races of Gurska

Gurskan Humans

Gurskan Hereditary humans are stout, heavy set men with dark hair and eyes and deep olive skin color. In ancient times Gurskans probably originated somewhere in or beyond the Hellspire Mts.

Gurskan humans speak a form of the common language shared between many ethnicities of himans. Small differences in dialects exist in small rural communities throughout the Gurskan Hillsides.


Although not technically citizens of the Iron Federation Goblins inhabit many of the coastal islands and jungles, especially in the islands to the east of Gurska, which the Lord Air Marshal seized shortly after his military coup.

Gurskan Goblins are short, grey skinned and yellow eyed. They have three fingers on each hand and over-sized heads. The Gurskan military has conscripted many goblins to fortify their ranks in exchange for various trinkets, food (especially red meat), spirits, clothing, and Jolt Root, an addictive leafy substance that is dried and cured, found only in the Chatamba Jungles. Goblins are chaotic creatures; eager for a fight and like to wreck havoc on mechanical things. For the most part they are happy to fight for the Gurskan military.

The Goblins retain some autonomy on their home islands. The goblins are lorded over by a despot over their own, who is responsible for settling minor disputes and petty crimes.The major goblin settlements have Gurskan Military garrisons to maintain order and obedience.

The Armed Forces of Gurska

The Gurska Military is one of the largest in the world. The military has been used primarily for domestic concerns since the "Republic Stabilization" campaign. The Ministry of War under General Pel Gesk has seen a vast increase in research and development especially in new applications for the Landen Shelley steam module.

What the military has in manpower and material it lacks in organization and leadership. Many of the best military minds were purged or exiled from Gurska after Marcos Vendikos' rise to power. In addition, most military operations in the past decade have been small-scale defensive ops. Any large scale military operations would be extremely costly with only a small margin of success.

Army Overview

The Land forces of the Gurskan military suffer from strong leadership, lack of equipment and organization. The Gurskan land forces have some of the most outdated weapons in the world. The recent political upheavals have shifted the military to adopt a strong program of research and revitalization to update the ground armies of Gurska. The Lord Air Marshal considers the land forces "vital to the defence of Gurska and it's protectorates," and has directed Minister Pel Gesk to head the program.

The Gurskan Land Forces are a mix of Infantry, Artillery and Support Militia. Approximately 14 divisions of 10,000-15,000 men mainly armed with breech-loading rifles and small arms fire make up the bulk of the Gurskan Army. These 'regular' army divisions are supported by 8 artillery divisions for a total of 22. The types of artillery used in these divisions are varied. Most units use horse to transport guns, but some regiments under Minister Gesks direction have experimented with steam-powered auto-carriages.

Foreign Legion

The Foreign Legion is a specialized force of handpicked men and women that operate outside the borders of Gurska. The primary goal of the FL is to protect any ambassadors or persons of interest to Gurska that are outside of Gurska. The FL is also an intelligence agency, supplying the Strategos with vital information about foreign powers.

Native Militia

The Gurskan Army bolster their ranks with 19 divisions of goblin mercenaries under control of Viceroy Koros Sahil. These units are armed only swords, shields and spears and crude flintlock firing rifles. Some units boast one to two cannons pulled by the mercenaries themselves. These units are stationed at isolated posts around the Federation, with the bulk of the units restricted to the protectorate islands.

Army Group Totals

Army Group I 67,345 "Tame Lion"
Divisions 1-8

Army Group II 69,231 "Slow Cheetah"
Divisions 9-17

Army Group III 71,981 "Wet Fish"
Divisions 18-23

Navy Overview

The Republican Gurskan Navy was bombed to oblivion during Marcos Vendrikos' coup. The IFG's navy rebuilding project has seen little success in terms of political funding and research. Minister Gesk has instead concentrated on coastal fortifications to protect Gurskas 2,384 miles of coastline.What ships the navy does have are near obsolete in terms of other countries technology.

GNV Troop Ship "Steel Toe"

A leftover from the old days of the Republic. The Steel Toes were once much faster, designed to 'kick in' the door at the onset of an invasion force; but the Lord Air Marshal commandeered many of the navys excess engines for Air Ship use. Most of the Steel Toes left in service have been converted for merchant use and reduced to steamer paddle or man-powered paddle wheels. These ships have little to no offensive capability and are vulnerable alone. Steel-Toes are usually under escort by other Gurskan Navy Ships or Air Force.

GNV King Class

The King class is the backbone of what little navy Gurska still has in service. A traditional masted sailing ship combined with only minor steam engine capabilities. Approximately 112 are left in service.

Air Force Overview

The Gurskan Airforce is divided into 4 Fighting Wings-one for each cardinal direction. Fighter Wing North,West and East are under direct control of the Lord Air Marshal. Fighter Wing South is commanded by ViceRoy Koros Sahil and is stationed in the Piza Islands.

MK-211 'Osprey'
Top Speed: 35 knots
Max Payload: 750 kg
Personel: 5 Officers, 29 crew
Number in Service: 487

The standard airship of the GAF is the semi-fixed balloon ship class MK-211 'Osprey'. The design is well over twenty years old, with only minor material upgrades (stronger metals in the hull and balloon shielding). The Ospreys were designed for long-term service, nearing 15 years until decommission. Much longer than the MK-210's 6 year service.

The MK-211 is manned by 34 sailors and has a compliment of up to 190 army infantry. Armament is light, with only a few 'flak deterent' cannons fore and aft. Bomb payloads can be fixed to the underbelly.

(no image) MK-210 'Iron Eagle'
Top Speed:19 knots
Max Payload: 2000 kg
Personel: 9 officers, 64 crew
Number in service: 198

The MK-210 'Iron Eagle' is the standard GAF saturation bomber. These ships are sent in large groups (under cover of the biplanes or the faster Osprey class) to bomb any targets before an infantry assualt. The Eagle is a monster employing not one affixed balloon, but eight round balloons. The MK-210 is more of a floating bombing platform than a true airship.

RP-98 'TorchLight'
[i]Top Speed:12 knots
Max Payload:600kg
Personel:1 NC officer, 4 crew
Number in service: 1378

The Torchlight class balloon are observation and recon units designed to chart enemy movements. The Torchlights are attached to Infantry units but technically manned by Air Force men.

RP-90 'AeroField'
The 'AeroField' is a experimental type airship based on steam-driven propellers starboard and port. The main balloon is below the landing platform. The RP-90s main purpose is to act as an aerial landing strip for the Gurskan Air Force Air Wing of Bi-planes.

Top Speed:12 knots
Max Payload: >4000 kg
Personel: 1 Commander, 23 Officers, 306 crewmen
Number in Service: 0, 1 undergoing preliminary tests, 1 under construction

MK-11 'Air Bus'
[i]Top Speed:25 knots
Max Payload:1900 kg
Personel:3 Officers, 54 passengers
Number in Service: over 2000

The 'Air Bus' is the workhorse of the working middle class of Gurska. These ships act as transport for workers to and from industry, carry raw goods and materials. The Gurskan military also uses these ships for troop transport.

Bb-9 'Halberd'
Top Speed:60 knots
Max Payload:1400 kg
Personel: 1 pilot, 1 co-pilot, 1 bombadier
Number in Service: 2900

The Halberd class fighter is the heavy bomber of the Gurskan Air Forces. Although constructed primarily of wood, canvass and only reinforced around weapons and engines compartments with iron shielding, the Bb-9 has remained a reliable fighter since the days before Republic Stabilization. Armed with two wing mountain machine guns, and a 'cockpit' extension compartment for the bombadier.

Aa-21 'Shortsword'
Developed in the years after Republic Stabilization the Aa-21 is the standard fighter of the Gurskan Air Force. It is mechanically reliable, of simple construction. The cockpit and engine compartments lack the extra shielding of the Halberd class making it vulnerable to even small arms fire.The Shortsword is a swift, accurate killer.

Top Speed:71 knots
Max Payload:390 kg
Personel: 1 pilot, 3 ground crewmen
Number in Service: 4500

Nation's Location
Idgalnam Bluffs/Chatanga Jungle/Piza Islands (south of Piza Jungle)

Nation's Geography
The nations capital city, Idvas, lies just below the bluffs of Idgalnam, some of the city built into the steep cliffs themselves. The steaming jungles to the east send warm air currents south, extending the growing season of the coastal farmlands. The coast is a mix of warm marshes and wide sandy beaches. Swift currents bypass much of the shorelines of Gurska leaving them free of debris.

Idvas is the capital city of Gurska. Although not the most populated city in the Federation, it is the most heavily fortified. Originally an airbase and testing ground, Vendikos has imported labor and constructed barracks-like tenements for the citizens. Many of the citizens work in the factories producing parts for the Gurskan war-machine.

Palomas is the largest mining district in Gurska. Built into the side of the formidable Idgalnam Bluffs, the city produces coal and iron ore for the country. Several divisions of the Gurskan Infantry are stationed here along with Air Wing West.

The Gesk Industrial Yard is a massive factory complex south of Chatanga Jungle, on the Cyan Sea. Most of the raw goods from the Gurskan workforce end up here to be manufactured into finished goods. Minister Pel Gesk controls the complex and it's population directly. In addition much of the Gurskan Navy is stationed here.

The mountain fortress of Lume is the hereditary home of the Tabil family. Minister of the State, Zade Tabil resides here. This is also the home base for the state intelligence agency, the Foreign Legion. In the valley below the Fortress are a few small villages and Lake Kaleichi, one of the most beautiful features of the country.

Zerki is a large modern city in the northwest valley region of Gurska. Primarily an agricultural city. An easily defended location have made it a center for military encampments. Many units are trained and based here. Entrenched around the city are many camps of anti-aircraft artillery protecting the approaches from the Hellspire Mountains.

Toloko in the south lies in the great plain between Chatanga and Haba Jungles. A major rail hub for exporting goods. Rails run to Gesk Industrial Complex and the various ports around Cyan Sea.

Economy Overview
The Gurskan economy is a mix of agricultural and industrial. The humid sub tropical climates of the Chatanga Jungle river basin provide oranges, lychee, avacado,date palms, pineapple and varieties of citrus and mango. Much of this produce is exported as exotic foods. In the Bluff/Cliff region of Gurska factories produce many assortment of products. Metal, glass, ceramic and textiles are the favored industries. Much of the countries resources are found near Paloma, a large city to the west.

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by darkwolf687


Member Seen 25 days ago

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Katabasis


Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Nation's Name

Republic of Hetteland

Nation's History

The history of the Hettes (Note: A human ethnic group) is one of solitude and infighting above all else. Occupying the region between the Abiram Crags and Fellspire Mountains, commonly known as Hetteland or the Interstice, the Hettes have been separated both physically and culturally from the rest of the world in many ways since the beginning of recorded history. Situated in the isolated, scattered, and fertile valleys of the region, dozens of independent Hettish city-states used to thrive within what seemed to be their own world of sorts. Each was left with only their fellow regional city-states to interact with unless they fancied the idea of braving the great mountain ranges which sheltered their shared civilization. These small city-states, called Palatinates and ruled by ancient nobility, warred with one-another one year and engaged in trade the next, all the while building and exchanging ideas, beliefs, and culture.

Over the course of hundreds of years, no single force, be it native or foreign, had successfully united the Hettes under a unified banner. All would-be foreign invaders were turned back in the mountain passes of outer Hetteland time and time again, while Palatinates looking to expand would often find themselves rapidly struck down by a militant coalition of peers if they attempted to muscle their way into other valleys or passes. Each Palatinate remained fiercely independent, despite sharing a language, religion, and culture with every other Palatinate in Hetteland, and there were no signs of change any time soon. Even after taking part in the mass die-off that resulted from the outbreak of the Jakarta Flu the political landscape of Hetteland refused to be changed. Then, in the decades and subsequent centuries after the Jakarta Flu, trade between the Hettes and foreigners slowly started to become more widespread.

By the time Landen Shelly graced the Earth with his wonderful inventions and theories, a series of passes in the north and south of Hetteland were seeing frequent foreign trade. Just as goods flowed in and out of the isolated region via these passes, so too did ideas. While at first many were opposed to the new technologies coming in, one Palatine in particular embraced the foreign inventions, Valentine et Rhetburg, Palatine of Konfluetten. The young noble took out massive loans and brought in foreign labor to start a period of some of the most rapid industrialization possible. He made promises of power to the Auspect of the Church, receiving funds and blessings in exchange. Within the course of a decade he had made Konfluetten an industrial power-house, trained an elite military using a mix of foreign and native techniques, produced the most modern arms and war machines, and rallied a handful of other lesser Palatinates to his cause. All of this sudden power was built on a massive foundation of ridiculous debt, but Valentine, young ambitious man that he was, had no time to worry about such things. Then it all started, the bloodiest war in Hettish history, the War of Unification.

In truth, it was the seventeenth 'War of Unification' which had been waged in Hetteland, with the other sixteen all failing to reach their goal. Valentine et Rhetburg, however, had both the Church of Man and technology on his side, and was therefore incapable of losing. To kick off the war, the ambitious Palatine sent out an ultimatum to every Palatinate in Hetteland, telling them that if they joined his cause of unification they would not be harmed. Most scoffed at the very idea of the demand, Konfluetten had never been a particularly powerful Palatinate, and very few knew the extent of its recent industrialization. All but one Palatinate denied the demand, and so war was declared. Valentine et Rhetburg had declared a war in which he was outnumbered more than ten-to-one, determined to fight and conquer all Hettish Palatinates besides those few minor ones which had already joined him.

The first strike was rapid and powerful, signalling the beginning of a new era of Hettish warfare. Instead of taking months to ride through the mountains on precarious paths and deadly passes, losing many to the elements on transit, Valentine did something revolutionary. He sent a portion of his army not through the mountains, but over them. Using airships, he was able to deploy elite troops in hostile valleys in a matter of a couple days, rather than a couple months. After being deployed, said troops dominated the battlefield, possessing both better training and equipment, as well as close air support. Still, though, the War of Unification was a drawn out and bloody one. While smaller airborne forces could eliminate enemy forces easily, they found actually occupying the city-states a difficult task, as more sizable armies which were suitable for occupation still had to move through the mountains to reach their objective. After a period of six years, however, Valentine's forces held every inhabited valley and plateau, and subsequently claimed victory via the signing of the Concord.

This action, that is, the signing of the Concord, signalled the end of an ancient era, and the coming of the Republic of Hetteland. The Hettes had been unified under a single centralized government, and the centuries of inner feuds and bloodshed had ended. Laws were made, governmental systems were established, citizenship was granted to nearly everyone, and democracy was embraced. The Church of Man was given governmental representation, as was agreed upon, and the long process of repaying national debt began. Seeing the success of Konfluetten, many other cities started to rapidly industrialize, and improvements were made upon the foreign steam-powered systems. Chief among these was the use of the abundant geothermal activity in Hetteland to heat massive steam plants, which provided the energy that factories needed by using a grid of underground line shafts to turn the machines necessary for production.

The military was modernized, and fortifications were built in the outer passes, accompanied by anti-airship artillery emplacements which dotted the peaks. Seeing their success in the War of Unification, the Republic of Hetteland started to fill out its air wing, at first producing foreign designs before eventually making their own which were better adapted for the high-altitude environment and powerful winds of Hetteland. Mechanized mining helped fuel Hettish industry, which in turn turned into revenue which could be used to pay off debt. Meanwhile, the great biologist Sir Endris Cruzart shocked not just Hetteland, but the entire international scientific community with his so-called Theory of Progression, which supplied evidence of species changing over millennia due to environmental effects and genetic exchange. Working closely with the government, he also developed the so-called school of Eugenics, which said that one could effect the development of the human race through choosing suitable procreating pairs, eliminating undesirable traits and their carriers from the gene pool, and ensuring the continuation of favorable traits through whatever means necessary.

The practice of using eugenics-based systems on the populace was adopted by the government, who quickly started to pick pairings within the populace, set individuals into certain classes based on traits, and forcefully castrating or otherwise... eliminating those who are deemed genetically impure. Before long, resistance to the system became relatively widespread, up until Valentine et Rhetburg gave a rather rousing speech titled 'Hetteland, my love' which is still referenced frequently today. This single speech changed public opinion to view eugenics systems as the only way to truly ascend above Aerth, vanquish the Outer Court, and weave all deserving Hettes into the Fabric. With most people now accepting of the eugenics programs, progress was unimpeded, and Hetteland continued on in its endless march to achieve and maintain modernity.

The next couple of decades were ones of peace and prosperity, as Hetteland engaged in trade and asserted its armed neutrality. By now, it's massive debt is almost vanquished and all inner strife is for the moment stifled. Some may note, however, the the waters seem eerily still, and a storm of sorts may very well be coming to the Republic of Hetteland.
Form of Government

Directorial Federal Republic, with the constitutional capacity to turn into a Dictatorship if a popular vote and Dietary vote both agree to do so, or if a state of emergency is declared.

Political Status

Relatively stable, though various political rebels have been gaining more support around the country in recent months.

Political Overview

Based on the previously foreign idea of democracy, the basic foundation of the Republic of Hetteland's political system is a familiar one. The administration is divided into three branches, the Executive, Legislative, and Judiciary. The Judiciary branch is made up of the Paramount Court, which handles the interpretation of law on a national scale and presides over the various Palatinial Courts, which handle local cases. Members of the Paramount Court (of which there are eight) are proposed by the Consul and confirmed by the Directory, and serve terms of 15 years each, with multiple consecutive terms being allowed. Meanwhile, judges for the Palatinial Courts are proposed by popular vote by the citizens of their respective Palatinates and confirmed by the Paramount Court. Overall, the judiciary branch has relatively little power beyond what one would expect from such a branch. The only exception to this is their power to conduct Audits when such action is proposed by the Consul and confirmed by popular civilian vote, though this power has yet to be used.

The main component of the Legislative branch is the Diet, which is the Republic of Hetteland's bicameral legislature. Split up into an Upper and Lower portion (respectively called the Upper and Lower Diet) the Diet was the product of Valentine et Rhetburg's attempt to properly balance the power of the commons, the nobility, and the Church of Man. The Lower Diet, which is unsurprisingly the lower house of the Diet, and is made up of 50 Speakers and 15 Prelates. Speakers are meant to be the voice of the common man in Government, and are elected by popular citizen vote. Speakers are tied to no single Palatinate, and represent the Hettish people as a whole, rather than the Hettes of one Palatinate or another. Like many other positions within Hetteland, Speakers serve in rotation, with each serving 5 years a term and being capable of serving multiple terms in a row. Elections for Speakers happen once a year, with ten terms ending and subsequently needing to be filled each year. Meanwhile, Prelates and meant to represent the Church of Man in the lower house, and are elected by the Great Conclave to their position within the Diet until either death or dismissal. Each one holds the same power as a Speaker, and their presence within the government has been a point of controversy in more recent years.

Just as the Lower Diet represents the common man and serves as the lower house, the Upper Diet represents the nobility, and fills the position of upper house. The layout of the Upper Diet is rather straightforward, consisting of 38 Palatines and 5 Prelates. Palatines are, of course, the nobility of age-old lineages which rule over their respective Palatinates and have for well over a millennia. More often than not, Palatines are not in Konfluetten to cast their votes in person, and instead cast their votes via qualified Surrogate Palatines carrying official documentation and conveying the word of their respective Palatines. Just as is the case in the Lower Diet, the Upper Diet also sports five Prelates, which are elected by the Conclave in an identical process. It should be note that in addition to acting as an upper house, the Upper Diet also elects the Consul via vote.

Finally, the Executive branch is composed of two different powers, with only one being in power at once. The 'normal' executive force of the Republic of Hetteland is the group of individuals which actually makes it a directorial republic, the Direcotry. Unlike most other governments, the Republic of Hetteland does not have one single head of the Executive branch, but rather a group of seven. The Directory, made up of seven Directors, oversees the day-to-day administration of the Republic, usually meeting multiple times a day to cast lightning-quick votes. While the lack of a single head generally hampers their ability to administer the realm, the system is still viewed as a necessary one, meant to minimize the blunders of one man and avoid corruption. Each Director serves a term of seven years, with consecutive terms being allowed. Each year one Director's term ends, subsequently freeing up a new seat in the Directory, and elections subsequently take place. The process of electing each year's new Director is a rather convoluted one, though it starts out rather basic, with citizens casting their votes just as they would in any other Republic.

However, rather than electing a single individual, the popular forms a list of four nominees, made up of the four individuals with the most votes. With that, all civilian votes are disregarded and the list of nominees is passed on to the Lower Diet, which then takes a vote to decide their favoured nominees. After this, the two nominees who received the most votes in the Lower Diet move on to the Upper Diet, which takes the final vote and decides which of the two will become the new Director. The entire process has been greatly criticized by the general populace, with many insisting that it doesn't properly represent the will of the many.

The other position of significant power in the Executive branch is that of the Consul, which is described as an 'emergency power' in the Concord. The idea behind the position of Consul is that it exists to provide the Republic of Hetteland with a single, powerful entity who can be called upon in a time of need to take the reins of the nation. Elected by the Upper Diet alone, and up for reelection every five years (though the position is usually filled by one person until death), the Consul possesses very little power when the nation is not in a State of Emergency. In fact, the only power allowed to the Consul in normal circumstances is the ability to propose an Audit for popular vote and sit-in on Directory meetings. However, the rest of the Consul's power's can be activated through two means, the Directory declaring a State of Emergency, or the proposition gaining a two-thirds majority in both the Lower and Upper Diet. If one or the other happens, the Consul takes over the executive branch, gains the ability to disband the Diet, and can freely amend the Concord, among other things.

Current Political Leader

Officially, none.

Notable Figures
-Conrad et Rhetburg, Consul
-Julian Boesch- Director, 7 years left in term, Naturalist
-Frederic et Wittbray- Director, 6 years left in term, Republican
-Andren et Cohilauen- Director, 5 years left in term, Unionist
-Gaspar et Felden, Director, 4 years left in term, Republican
-Kashmir Fromm, Director, 3 years left in term, Naturalist
-Albrecht Freudenberget, Director, 2 years left in term, Naturalist
-Corsin et Arnigau, Director, 1 year left in term, Republican
-Auguste et Rhetburg, Palatine of Konfluetten, particularly influential member of the Upper Diet, leader of the Unionist party
-Cornelius Brose, leader of the Naturalist Party, influential member of the Lower Diet
-Wolfram et Mottel, leader of the Republican Party, Palatine of Vittegau, influential member of the Upper Diet
Total Population

31,382,274 citizens
8,745,753 slaves
41,128,027 total

Employed Population

Military Population:
Army Overview:

Navy Overview:

Air Force Overview:
Nation's Location: Regions 17, 42, and 43

Nation's Geography:

Economy Overview:
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Slamurai
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

Nation Sheet

Nation's Name
Greater Kingdom of Antovia
Nation's History
Form of Government
Parliamentary Constitutional Monarchy

Political Status
Antovia has been a constitutional monarchy for just over 60 years now, following the wake of the Antivioan re-unification. Within those 60 years, the Greater Kingdom of Antovia has undertaken great political and military revisions, and has enjoyed the steady support of its population. In some circles, there has been an emergence of strong patriotic sentiment, leading to a rise in employment and military service.

Political Overview

Current Political Leader
Prime Minister Cornelio Segreti

Notable Figures
King Carlo Battiato II
Total Population

Employed Population
Just under 6% of Antovia's population is unemployed.

Military Population
5,000,000 soldiers,sailors and support personnel
Ethnic Information
Antovians are the ancestors of ancient Orminnians that settled along the coastline of modern-day Antovia. These settlers left the Orminnos Isle and sailed across the Sea of Astyon before setting up on Antovian islands and expanding north along the coast. In time, they came into contact with the tribes of Hyma people, to the northern hills. This meeting of cultures resulted in a six-year war that eventually saw the subjugation of the Hymans. With their foes conquered, the Orminnians established their first kingdom outside Orminnos. The intermingling of Orminnian and Hyman ethnicities gradually resulted in a Hyma-Orminnian people, nowadays called Antovians. This merging of peoples is responsible for the majority of cultural influences that have been prevalent in Antovian society, from art to music to folklore.
Army Overview
The Antovian Royal Army has seen a massive influx of volunteers in recent years as a result of the growing patriotic phenomenon. In the wake of re-unification, Antovian soldiers had been drawn by conscription, with service terms of three years. Towards the end of the late Carlo I's incumbency, conscription had been done away with and the military began recruiting volunteers - men with the passion to sign up arguably made better soldiers than those slogging through compulsory service. Nowadays, Antovian line infantry is known for high morale and enthusiasm, even in undesirable conditions.

The regiment is the Royal Army's basic unit of military organization, consisting of three battalions drawn into four companies each. Three of these companies are organized as rifle companies, and the fourth a machine gun company. In addition, two platoons, one of mortars and another of pioneers are attached to each battalion.
The standard infantryman's uniform consists of a grey-green tunic, matching trousers and ankle boots, along with a double-breasted greatcoat. Local variation between clothing and gear can be seen between infantry in different regions of Antovia. Soldiers wear protective headgear of steel helmets, painted a similar grey-green to the uniform. Usually, unit identification is also painted on the front facing. A képi-style cap is worn in place of the helmet out of combat.

The Royal Army maintains regiments of elite soldiers, recognized for their experience and specialized roles.
Grenadier Brigades are the Royal Army's senior-most units, organized into regiments of the tallest veterans and maintained largely for ceremonial reasons.
The Bersaglieri light infantry total 12 regiments, each made of four battalions and then of three companies. Some Bersaglieri units are issued bicycles, while others are attached to mobile and armored divisions.

The Royal Army's specialized mountain troops are known as Alpini. They total six regiments with three or four battalions each, and those having three or four companies.

Antovian assault troops, or Arditi, are a recently-established fighting force, and held in high regard even compared to other elite units. Volunteers are taken from all other army units, provided they have the enthusiasm and experience required. As assault troops, Arditi often wear body armor and can be found at the forefront of the fighting at critical objectives. Each company maintains a pair of machine guns, a roster of machine pistols and a flamethrower platoon. A pair of mountain guns and a mortar platoon sometimes reinforce the battalions. Arditi infantry is characteristically armed with carbines, handfuls of grenades and fighting knives.

Air Force Overview
As Antovia spends a large percentage of its military budget on its wet navy, it cannot spare the resources to build a formidable airship fleet. However, it does have a sizable branch of the Royal Army dedicated to aviation. The Royal Air Service operates fighter and bomber planes, having been a leading pioneer of airplane development.
The Royal Air Service’s most modern fighter is the Accardo S. XII.

Navy Overview
Nation's Location
70, 71, partial 60 & 72

Nation's Geography
Economy Overview
A large percentage of Antovia’s land is suboptimal for agriculture, resulting to imports for food. It lacks substantial amounts of natural resources, but is notable for natural gas, petroleum, lignite, sulfur, and pyrites. Other mineral deposits include lead, manganese, zinc, mercury, and bauxite. Marble and other stone commonly used in buildings are plentiful. Antovia’s waters are abundant with fish, making them an important export commodity.

Major Exports: Machinery & vehicles, mineral fuels, petroleum, lead, marble & stone, seafood products, furniture, textiles, wine
Major Imports: Metals, chemicals, oil, minerals, production machinery, foodstuffs (grain, livestock, etc.)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Monkeypants


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Ayria Union

The new flag represents the two sides coming together, to form the three main branches of the new Stratocracy.

Form of Government

Political Overview
Only 50 years ago, the great civil war ended and on the day the nation was forged, 88% of all civilians 13 and up have been in the military in one way or another, has given birth to a strict military ruler-ship. At the present time, military service is mandatory for all upon reaching 13 years of age. The Government heads are the highest generals of what has become the three branches of the military, the air force, army, and navy. Even though the air force general has far fewer forces, that position has as much pull in the tribunal as the others. Below the tribunal is the second line of generals whom form a sort of crude senate that speaks for the various areas of the country.

There is a high value on citizen soldiery in the nation at the moment, heavy pride in the new formed nation as a very large population is still veterans of the war. There are still some wounds to mend but by some miracle, the majority of these people have gotten over the old war as many have forgotten the reasons for the war in the first place.

Current Political Leader

Alfred is the newest political figure to enter the scene. As the nation has been ran by a group of three, the introduction of a singular man into the nations metaphorical spot light has turned many heads. His views on blaming outside forces for the prior civil war has been a real boon for his high approval amongst the lower working class and majority senate. He isn't liked much by the three heads with Elen voicing her disgust the most. She believes that forgetting the real reasons of the past is the only way to progress where as Alfred is more than happy to blame anyone else to further unite his people.

Notable Figures

The head of the airforce is Air general Elen Klossen. She is roughly 5ft tall and has a gimp leg, contributing to her now weight problem. She used to be an attractive female in her youth but the great war and age took its toll. At 68 years old, she is the oldest of the three. She isn't a big fan of Airships but has accepted their usefulness for now. She is always pushing the airforce to Her successor, Air Marshall General Han Vorsk is a young and ambitious male.

The head of the navy is Grand High Admiral Ulnic Demsky. A 45 year old male with jet black hair and an obvious overbite. He has no speech impediment because of it but some have poked fun behind his back. He has long accepted this and have joked about it himself. As a person, he is by far the most friendly of the three and rules with a more democratic approach, listening to his officers and taking notes rather than just throwing ideas out the window. With that said, he is a brilliant naval tactician and is always willing to test new technology and tactics on the field. He is already a major proponent of the submarine and lighter, faster warships. He favors the battle cruiser in particular over the massive super heavy armored battleships.

The head of the army is Lord General Horanz Almar. He is a very tall 38 year old male with a very bad attitude when it comes to war. He is very aggressive both on and off the battlefield but still knows he was voted in by the ones below him. He is a big fan of the heavy defensive forts but has learned from past ages about the need for mobility. He is working to replace the aging tank fleet with faster vehicles but there hasn't been much progress aside from mounting cannons to lightly armored cars. Various ideas are in the works and certain highly classified projects are underway that he is very proud of.

Total Population


Employed Population

72,000,000 Able work force
5% unemployment
68,400,000 Active employed

Military Population

7,450,000 active duty. Although the Stratocracy would technically call the nation, from 13 years of age up, reserve military.

The Specie's Information

Humans bro, just humans.

Nation's History

Early history shows a myriad of dynastic warlords spread across the open plains of the nation. Their individual histories vary but the only real notable one is the Shan Imperium. These people were heavily militaristic and used brutality to maintain order. These traditions carried on for centuries as they continued to trample and dominate their surroundings. A time known as the "year of the toxa" came when a young man rose from the outer regions of the Imperium

Army Overview

The Army consists of six seperate armies consisting is roughly 800,000 servicemen each. All of the armies are broken into a number of Infantry and mechanized divisions. A large portion of the nations arsenal is carryovers from before the civil war or items purchased from other nations. The last fifty years have saw major advancements in military technology. Some of the standard Ayria technology is presented below

Navy Overview

Air Force Overview

Nation's Location

Nation's Geography

The Capitol of Harik is located on the southern shore of the 'Haba Jungle' in 49. It is sits in the middle of two major rivers that are used for major port and shipyards as well as fishing. South of the capitol is a major under water oil deposit. From the capitol, one can see various oil platforms in the distance.

Along the 49 and 47 borders is some of the major industrial cities of the nation. Two in particular, Borsrik and Opehiem are ran by three massive dams and a number of geothermal power plants. These two cities produce the majority of the military and civilian vehicles in the nation.

The Island on 50 is more or less one giant fortress port. It contains the bulk of the nations reserve fleet and navy command itself. Around it are a large number of oil platforms, some of which are close enough to shore to be overlooked by massive heavy gun forts. On this island is the largest oil refinery and power plant in the nation.

upper 47 and 46 are the mountain barriers to the north and contain a large number of gun forts bolstered by air bases. Within this area are the countless mines that pull high quality iron deep within and under the hills and mountains. Massive partially underground foundries turn the iron into very strong and hardy steel. These areas contain massive stretches of railroads and factory warehouses.

Other areas are mostly agriculture or minor industry. Major cities are scattered throughout with various smaller towns in between. Railroads are the predominant method of travel in the nation but there are a very large amount of main roads, All of which are paved.

Economy Overview

Primary exports are Fish, Livestock, Wood, Steel, and Oil.
The primary import is coal and with the nation very poor in it, there has been a large transition towards oil power.
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Serpentine88 Writer of Overly Long Character Sheets

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The Empire of Panacealsia

Nation's History: The Empire of Panacealsia was formed during the Jarkata Flu five centuries ago when the Panaceanian people migrated south from the Shadow Downs (See Species information). The Panaceanian People had fought numerous genocidal wars as the nomadic people moved through the continent, their collective immunity to the disease seen as proof that they were carriers or even creators of the plague. When they eventually arrived in the broken principalities and states of the Twilight Vale, they found a dying Osralandish people fading away with the rest of the world’s population.

For the first years the nomadic people fought with the natives as usual, attempting to pass through the land. This changed when one of the Panceanian’s priestesses decided to drastically change their method of survival. Knowing that their numbers could not survive another century of this, the priestess Panceania Vaeliel-Vol Av (Named after their people’s deity, the Goddess of Health and Medicine, Avar-Panceaniel who herself was a derivative of the Shadowspawn Goddess Avarinne as well carrying the Vol Av bloodline of the ancient Shadowspawn people) attempted to turn this land into a settlement for their people.

She negotiated, preached and manipulated her way into the native’s society and then used her races extreme resilience to diseases and immunity to the Jarkata Flu as a means to work miracles. After a number of years she was considered a messiah to the local people, only the local temples of the natives Goddess of Darkness and Death Stiguosi attempting to stop her influence.

Over time and working through aristocratic connections Panceania was able to eventually gain political power through marrying one of the locals most powerful princes. Quickly bending him to her will she was able to use his army to conquer neighbouring lands, making openings for her people to move and settle as she divided up old states into new ones. After achieving total control of her region, the declared Healer-Queen Panceania began a policy of quarantine and crowd control, setting up some of the oldest hospitals in known history. The priestesses became plague-doctors and she would go down in history as the eradicator of the Jarkata Flu long before the rest of the world recovered from the plague.

Eventually the Healer-Queen had become a divine figure in the Twilight Vale a powerful cult of personality eventually transforming her into a goddess figure. This goddess figure would eventually become the current Empire’s official deity and fusion of both the Goddess Avar-Panceaniel and Stiguosi as the living goddess of Life, Health, Medicine and the earlier deities Darkness, Water and Death. Panaceania eventually founded the Empire of the Vaeliaslia, which was later renamed to the Empire of Pancealsia after her daughter took the thrown and the religious offshoot became mainstream. Overtime the native and nomadic people eventually fused into a single state and while divided racially were united culturally.

The Empire of Pancealsia continued to expand aggressively throughout the last years of the plague, some people celebrating their arrival as they gradually cured the people while others fighting violently as they remember the tales and stories of the plague-bringers from the north. As the plague era ended, the Osralander people begun picking up genetic traits of the Panceanians as they interbred, including resistance to diseases. Despite this the faith and hierarchy remained (Though the Panceanians increased vitality and immunity to diseases through interbreeding helped this) strong.

The Empire continued from then to today as a theocratic autocratic regime supported by a fanatical populace. An empire of holy wars and harshness, the Empire was (And still is) a disliked nation to foreigners, only in the last century has real attempts been made to set up embassies and diplomacy, the Empire’s culture so alien to others they are almost incompatible with the rest of the world and took great enlightened tolerance to even talk with them. This incompatibility comes from the process of the Empire’s two cultures fusing together more seamlessly; the cultural norms became alien and strange to everyone else (Except the Virians, whom were their historical cousins and cultural mirror image). Death worship; occultism, strict social castes, female-favouring primogeniture in feudalism, matriarchal faith dominated by priestesses, God-Empresses/Emperors holding both secular and sectarian power, suicidal soldiers followed by the bizarre religious fused traditions ranging from the drinking of blood, human sacrifice and selective incest.

By the current days, the Empire’s two cultures have completed its demented and warped fusion, becoming a single united grouping detested by all others (Minus the Virians). Its wars are becoming harder to fight as the world industrializes, its strict societal castes being forced to bend so to survive a cultural war against the rest of the world. The Empire stands as a juggernaut of the north, its people however band together for what they see as a final war to defend their culture, religion and belief’s against an alien world.

Form of Government: Theocratic Autocratic Monarchy
Political Status: The Panacealsian Empire is mostly stable due to the religion and government being mostly the same entity. Due to the Empire’s highly dogmatic and widely supported platform of faith among the people, revolutionaries and foreign nations are having a hard time breaking the ancient regime. Externally, the Panacealsian’s position is less stable, with the population while loyal are also fanatically jingoist and want to see the faith and people remaining strong.

Political Overview: The Panacealsian Empire is a theocratic empire ruled by the Panceavilov dynasty, the Osralandish translated version of “Panceania”, the name of the Empire’s original founder (Note: The Dynasty was once the Vaeliel-Vol Av , however during the culture fusion the languages fused, and the Osralandish term became the more commonly recognized name, though in some religious and political cereomnies Vaeliel-Vol Av is used as a formality). The Head of State holds both secular and sectarian power as a God-Empress/Emperor (The religion favouring female succession first), as well as holding the ancient Shadowspawn " Volduph" title (In this case reprsenting the Goddess Avarinne). Below the absolute ruler is an imperial managing caste dominated by proto-technocratic-theocratic “Doctor-Priestesses”, originating from the original plague-doctor priestesses of the Empire’s founding during the Plague Era. Aristocrats compete with this caste of priestesses, however their power is mostly restricted to the military and outer provinces, though this power is becoming dramatically more important as the Empire enters into the industrial era and being surrounded by rival military powers.

Society is divided into strict religious/societal castes of “Absolute Divines” (The ruling family holds a mandate of heaven), “Loving Healers” (The Technocratic-Theocratic magistrates), “Great Regals” (Warrior-Aristocrats), “Venerable Harvesters” (Peasants and farmers, considered strangely valuable in society and a respectable position), “Venerable Seers” (Scientists and industrialists), “Diligent Hands” (Labourers and workers), “Diligent Legs” (Merchants and traders). Below these official castes are the Sub-castes of “Loyal Flock” (Indentured servants) and “Glorious Chosen” (Technically speaking the Glorious chosen are the lowest level of caste functionally however are the second highest caste culturally as they are volunteers who wish to commit ritual suicide in the faiths annual harvest rebirth festival)

Head of State: Volduph-Emperor and Supreme Potentate of All The People’s of the North, Vael Osraliv Panceavilov II (Age: 77 and currently infirm and in his last days)

Notable Figures
- (Soon to be Dowager) Empress Cizisi Zaraliva Panceavilov (Age: 37, Emperor’s Second Wife)
- (Soon to be Empress) Crown Imperial Princess Anastaszia “Drasculina” Cizisi-Vaeliva Panceavilov (Age: 14)
-Imperial Prince Alexis Vaeliv Panceavilov (Age: 14, Born of second wife and is Anastaszia's twin brother)
-Imperial Prince Vael Vaeliv Panceavilov (Age: 36, Born of first wife and is Anastaszia’s half-brother)
-Imperial Prince Yuriv Vaeliv Panceavilov (Age: 30 born of first wife and is Anastaszia’s half-brother)
-Imperial Grand Vicar (Chancellor and Representative of the Aristocrats): Igorvis Vael Rusin (Age: 68)
-Imperial Grand Healer (Representative of the Techno-Theocrats): Tassanliva Asadorov (Age: 53)
-Imperial Grand High-Marshal & Grand Prince Vlaed Drasculin Panceavilov (Age: 61, younger brother of the Emperor, Grand Prince of the Principality of Warschulvia)
-Baron Koschei Wrazgrov Yugantanzev (Age: 48, General and Baron of Utengursol)

Total Population: 89,963,901
Employed Population 85,465,706 (5% Unemployment)
Military Population
-Standing Army: 2,400,000
-Reserve Army: 8,600,000
-Total War Conscription Manpower: 20,000,000

The Species Information:
-Humans (Osralanders): The strong and resilient people of the north, the native Osralanders have lived in these lands for millennium undisturbed until the plague five centuries ago. Unlike their distant Kurskan cousins to the south, the Osralandish people were once pale and now sickly pale after interbreeding with the Panceanians. They have black hair like their Kurskan cousins (Though interbreeding with Panceanians has also made albinism common among them) and are stoutly built. Due to interbreeding with the Panceanians, sickness and illness are far less severe among the Osralandish, hospitals in the Empire far more easily run than anywhere else in the world. Osralanders make up the significant majority of the population.

-Humans (Panceanians): The Panceanian people are the ruling caste and semi-divine chosen people of the Empire. Originally from the extreme north of the world (The Shadow downs), the Panceanian people are a very close cousin race of the Shadowspawn who originally migrated south before them. The Panaceanians and Shadowspawn share many phenotype and other genetic similarities, along with holding many shared cultural and religious values. They are ghostly pale in colouration like their cousins however unlike them have numerous genetic defects running from common albinism through recessive gene’s and hemophiliac problems. Despite their genetic problems, their bodies are incredibly unique in that they are immune to most diseases. Why this is so is still unknown to scientists, however some believe the Panceanian people millennium ago survived an earlier global plague that lasted many generations, causing their bodies to adapt to extreme pathogen resistance.

Approximately five centuries ago, the Panceanian people made a mass migration following similar legends of the first migration by the Shadowspawn. They moved south through the Nymph Woods and other directions like the Highlands and Great Forest. Coincidentally (Or some believe not so) this was during the infamous Jarkarta Flu, since the mass of nomadic people immune to the disease were passing through, many people blamed them for the diseases spread and so the Panceanians fought numerous genocidal wars throughout the era. When the Panceanians finally settled down in the (eventually) friendly Twilight Vale, they interbred with the native Osralanders, mixing the bloodlines. While the Osralanders became paler and picked up genetic defects, the Panceanians picked up black hair and an even stronger immune system. As the first ruler of the Empire demonstrated, the Panceanians collected a messianic mystique to them as they performed miraculous feats such as walking unaffected through plagued hospitals or regularly touching lepers.

The Panceanians today hold many of their original genetic traits now due to the fact that most of the Osralanders hold the same recessive gene’s as them and their tendency towards inbreeding, meaning the traits are constantly recurring.

-Humans (Taesheshi): When the Empire advanced towards the west and reached the Hellspire Mountains, they found that the new human residents of the regions they occupied were a people called the Taeshesh, a mountain-living former nomadic horde that settled in the region a century after the Empire was founded and originally came from far further western (Technically far east on map) lands. The Taeshesh people though settled are still highly tribal despite their partial technological advances alongside the empire, living in isolated mountain villages and towns and usually only interact with the empire through being translators, guides, merchants and soldiers. The Taeshesh are notable among the Empire's minorities for being both aggressive skirmishers and capable mountain-fighting troops as well as being as (if not more) fanatical than the Osralanders concerning the religion, one of the few minorities after the initial formation that took the religion to heart. Now days, the Taesheshi provinces guard the Empire from any potential advances from the Hetteland Republic.

-Humans (Kurskan): The distant southern cousins of the Osralanders and people originally of the Hellspire Ranges. A small minority of Kurskans live in the southern regions of the Empire, however their heathen faith makes them ostracized by the Osralander and Panceanian neighbours. The Iron Federation to the south also makes racial issues problematic as the Empire suspects the Federation may attempt to use the minority as an excuse to invade.

Army Overview:
-Infantry and Cavalry

-Light Arms and Devices

-Armour and Ordnance

Air Force Overview:
-Airships and Aeroplanes

Nation's Location: 40, 39, 38, 37, 35, unnamed region and 4. Centred on the Twilight Vale.
Nation's Geography:

Economy Overview: WIP
-Exports: Agricultural Produce (Beef, Pork, Chicken, Wheat, Corn, Cabbage, Potatoes, etc etc), Minerals (Copper, Iron Ore, Coal, Precious Metals, Potash, Nickel, Zinc, etc), Timber, Furs, Venison, Steel, Medical Technology, Chemicals, World-class Literature (Particularly Horror and Drama), Classical Music... Fear.

-Imports: Industrial Machinery, Finished Goods, Various Machine Parts, Construction Materials, Automobiles, Airships (Commercial and War), Airship Parts, Exotic Tropical Goods, Luxury Goods (Dyes, Wine, Perfume, spices, etc), Blood(Not a joke) , Engineers and Technological Specialists.

-Relations: (Allied, Friendly, Warm, Neutral, Cold, Hostile, War)

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Nation Sheet

Nation's Name
The Virian Empire
Nation's History (WIP)

The Virian Empire is an old nation that traces its roots back to an even older empire. In the ancient days over 3316 years ago it is said that there was a great power in the northern most reaches of the world and some records of its presence still exist, great temples and ruined cities scattered through the wastes and now scarcely inhabitable land that is now known as the Voldophate of Alster. After the fall of this old empire in a cataclysm that is said to have smote the capital city and utterly destroyed it a group of the nobility and priesthood from the old empire, gathered around the one remaining heir to the imperial throne fled south fearing further assault from above in a great migration that would take them through many lands before they at last came to the land that would become Viria.

Within the Crown Spires, a massive mountain range these refugees thought they would be secure, the land was a natural fortress and perhaps here they could hold off even the assaults from the hateful light above. The dark rituals and ancient customs were held to with the same iron determination that had once been the trademark of the old empire and the natives of the land were awed by this dread majesty that these foriegners had about them. In the Listhenic faith it is said that the Listians or Shadowed Spawn cowed the heathens with the last displays of their ancient magic and so convinced the natives of their divinity. Whatever truly happened When the dust settled within the Crown Spires the Listian people, purest remnant of the old empire in the north ruled over the humans of their realm.

Fearing another strike from above the Shadowed Spawn kept their new empire confined within the desert mountains, generations carving out great fortress cities in the mountains and constructing the greatest fortress city of all, a city that came to be named Trenalkd. But in time the old territorial aspirations reared their heads again and the legions in service to the Shadowed Spawn marched forth. More deserts fall in time and so too would the city states of Kvesh to the far south.
Religion (WIP)

Viria cannot be understood without first understanding the religion that is its framework. The primary religion in Viria is the Listhenic faith, named after the chief god in the pantheon that is venerated by it. The list of Deities is included below.

Listhen, The DreadFather, The Lord of Darkness and Shadow, He Who Brings Night-
The first of the Primal Gods and the principle deity of the Listhenic faith it is said that he created the world along with his sister Luriel and that she betrayed him. But she did not prevail and he remains, ruling over all of creation save the sun and its hated light that burns. Listhen is most frequently depicted as a massive man who brings the darkness in his wake, like all of the gods of Listhenism he is frequently shown with skin of inhuman pallor, eyes the color the darkest night and hair of the same color, rather than the normal shadow, his is depicted to grow out from around him, a darkness that blots out the light. He is also depicted with an ancient crown upon his head, one that looks rather similar to the crown of the old Virian Imperatorious' and wields the ancient sword Lurisswring (Roughly translated to Lightbreaker) with which he struck down Luriel.

Avarinne, Lady of Sorrows and Beauty, She Who Weeps For The World, The Bride of Listhen-
It is said that all rain that falls upon the world is in fact her tears, sent to quench the burning earth and to offer rejuvenation and respite from the terrible heat of the sun. Avarinne is most frequently depicted as a woman of extreme beauty, with pale skin, silvered hair that hangs down in long tresses, eyes the color of the night itself and a face that while beautiful is marred by the lines of the constant tears that she sheds in an effort to ease the sufferings of the world.

Zaltias, Lord of Trickery, Guile, and Intellect, First son of Listhen and Avarinne-
It is said that Zaltias is the patron of the clever, of those who seek to better themselves through their wits. It is said that when his father was struck down it was Zaltias who created the illusions that allowed him to escape and return to cast down Luriel. Zaltias is most frequently depicted as a man wearing the traditional attire for men of the Virian faith,

Raza, Lady of Vengeance, War, and Sacrifice, the daughter of Listhen and Avarinne-
It is said that Raza is the living embodiment of war and vengeance, one who is willing to make any sacrifice to bring to the wicked the punishment and retribution that they so richly deserve. It is said that in the fight to imprison Aloraster, she made the greatest sacrifice made by one of the Listhenic gods, giving up her flawless physical form to lure the eternally ravenous god into the prison that had been constructed for it. Depictions of Raza show nothing of her features, a woman clad in layers of thin silver fabric, hands covered by layers of it as well and gripping the twin Lroist (Sickle like weapons) that she wields, with a face covered by a flawless blank mask made of porcelain that reveals nothing of what lurks behind it. Raza is the Goddess worshiped by those who seek vengeance as well a popular goddess to pray to before battles or the onset of war.

Lothar, The Lord of Chains, Death, and Law, He who Gathers Souls, Second son of Listhen and Avarinne-
It is said that to Lothar all souls of those who have failed in life are given. Those who have not followed the righteous path, or those who have worshipped or aligned themselves with the hateful light of Luriel and the sun are given over to him to torture until the end of days when their torment shall at last end and Listhen judges them ready to enter into the Void to dwell with him forever. Lorthar also functions as the judge of mortals, the codes of Lothar specifically detail many of the practices that must be adhered to for one to be considered righteous as well as the punishments for the breaking of various rules and various combinations of rules down to the exact detail. One of the more cruel of the gods Lothar is primarily prayed to with desire that he turn his gaze away, or allow life to continue on for a longer period of time before claiming the lives of the faithful. Lothar is often depicted as a man-shaped mass of chains, his body contained within the clothing, but leaking from the hem of the lower robes are tendrils of chains, and if one looks at the statues of Lothar, beneath the his hood is only a vaguely head shaped mass made of silver chains.

Krarsis, The Lord of Smoke, Flame, and Crafting, He who will unleash the Shroud, Third son of Listhen and Avarinne-
It is said that long ago when Luriel first fled to the sun Listhen took his son Krarsis aside and commanded him to create the greatest fire in the depths of the void, one day he said the smoke from it would be enough to blanket the earth and block out the hateful light forever. Krarsis, is the god of fire, smoke, and crafting, it is he who those who seek to create great works often pray too, it is he who the craftsmen and women of the Empire pray to asking that their buildings not fall in upon themselves and that he will extend his blessing to their work. He is also commonly associated with warfare as it is said that long ago he crafted the weapons of the gods including Listhen's great sword Lurisswring. It is said that the beautiful black marble of Viria was a gift given unto the world by Krarsis, so that the faithful might build truly fitting structures from which to honor the great gods. Krarsis skin in depictions differs from that of the other Listhenic gods as his skin is grey rather than white, stained with the soot from his constant fires, his eyes are black as the night though, and his hair like all save Avarinne is also black.

Varis, Lord of Knowledge, Guidance, Fourth and final son of Listhen and Avarinne-
It is said that Varis is the God of of knowledge and guidance, and that in the ancient days he had walked among mortals for longer than any of the others, long after most of the Listhenic gods had returned to the void such was his desire to bestow his knowledge upon the world. Many who seek guidance or aid in determining what their next move, be it in terms of whether to fight a battle, or whether to make a business deal or not. Varis typically is portrayed as a man who holds in his hands the ancient scroll known as Listhnervan (Shadow's speech) it was said that this scroll would give the answer to any question that was asked by it's holder.

Religious Customs-
Virians, especially those who hold to the Listhenic faith, (Most of them, as those who openly don't are disposed of) are at least openly highly religious and practice the many rituals of their religion with a great degree of zeal. It is important to note that the Virian rituals do tend to extend into everyday life and are not confined to a specific day or a single custom. There are certain foods that should not be eaten, there are certain acts which should never be done, and there are of course many rituals that must be undertaken if mistakes are made. Several of the things that should not be done include,

-Allowing the hateful light of the sun to touch your skin directly.
-Eating any creature that flies, as flying beings block out the hateful light.
-Harming one of the Shadowed Spawn.
-Commiting a profane act within a temple

Some examples of purification rituals for the aforementioned offenses.

-The area on which the hateful light fell must be cut and the wound left open for a night to allow the corruption of the Light to be drawn out by the healing and purifying Darkness
-Purging to remove all traces of the devoured creature through the ingestion of the substance known as the Tears of Avarinne, and a sacrifice to Avarinne of an artifact of great personal value as a boon for her purifying tears.
-The portion of the body that was so corrupted by the light that it would attempt to kill a Shadowed Spawn is removed. This is followed by purging and a release into the night without any clothing or shelter so that if Listhen deems you worthy of forgiveness, and only if he does you will survive.
-Profane acts indicate corruption by the hateful light, purging through the ingestion of Avarrine's Tears and and a regimine of prayers and sessions spent in total darkness.

Other elements that stem from their religious beliefs include their unique styles of clothing. Those who follow the Listhenic faith attempt to avoid all chance of the hateful light of the sun touching them directly. They shield themselves with layers of loose clothing and veils of cloth that prevent the sunlight from actually touching the part of the body that is nearly always exposed, the face. There are of course many different styles of attire and the selection and choices of forms of these garments is very large as the restriction is not specific about how the hateful light is to be kept from touching individuals. This extends to all aspects of life for members of the Listhenic faith. In Viria everything from military uniforms, and formal dress, to the clothing worn by the most menial laborers is constructed so as to keep the hateful light at bay.
Form of Government
Aristocratic/theocratic Oligarchy

Political Status
The Virian government is a theocratic monarchy. The Imperatorious, also known as the Volduph of Listhen functions as the supreme authority in the empire. The Imperatorious is an inherited position, passing from one descendant of the Vol Listh line of Shadowed Spawn to the closest living descendant of the previous ruler. This is not sexist and Viria has many times in the past been ruled by an Imperatoria or female Imperatorious. Beneath the Imperatorious is the council of Volduphs of which the Imperatorious or Volduph of Listhen is the titular head of as well.

The Volduphs are drawn from the upper echelon of each of the Shadowed Spawn lineages. There is one Volduph to represent each of the seven deities of the Listhenic faith and they fill the roles of the heads of each of the Listhenic orders. Similarly to situation with the Imperatorious, the Volduphs can be members of either sex provided the conditions are met. The Council is the supreme authority beneath the Imperatorious and as such the Volduphs are capable of making rulings that impact almost the entirety of the empire. Their authority is strongest over the specific. Beneath the council there are the seven orders comprised of the seven shadowed spawn lineages who function as something akin to nobility throughout the nation.

Political Overview
Currently the political climate of Viria is quite stable. The power transfer from Vivia vol Listh II to her son upon her death went smoothly. However Scriesin vol Listh has only one child and no wife as his wife died in childbirth, putting the dynasty in a precarious position as it is never wise to depend on a single heir. He seeks a new bride.

Current Political Leader
Scriesin Vol Listh XIV- A middle aged ruler who just ascended to the throne barely a year ago following the death of his mother the former Imperatoria Vivia vol Listh II. He is a mostly even tempered man but in truth little is known about him as for most of his mother's reign he was content to stay out of the politics of the country as much as possible.

Notable Figures
Imperatorious and Voldoph of Listhen Scriesin Vol Listh XIV- Virian Emperor
Vexia Vol Listh III - Daughter of Scriesin Vol Listh and heir to the throne
Voldoph of Avarinne Livia Vol Av- Head of the Avarrean Order
Voldoph of Zaltias Velran Vol Zal- Head of the Zaltean Order
Voldoph of Raza Velara Vol Raz- Head of the Razaen Order
Voldoph of Krarsis Missandrel Vol Kra- Head of the Krarsean Order
Voldoph of Lothar Lirvan Vol Lo- Head of the Lothean Orderr
Total Population
Roughly 90 Million

Employed Population
Roughly 92% of the population is employed.

Military Population
2 Million active soldiers
6 million potential reserves.
1 million in the various sects of the Razaen Order.
With full mobilization for a holy war it is likely the conscripted strength could reach 20 million. However this would be difficult to maintain for long and would wreak the economics of the nation.
The Specie's Information (Note that the religious elements come about because of their religion and are not necessarily true.)

Shadowed Spawn(Listians):
The Shadowed Spawn are the descendants of unions between the Listhenic gods and mortals. There are 7 Shadowed Spawn Lineages, one for each of the gods of the Listhenic faith. All Shadowed Spawn are marked by certain physical characteristics, extreme pallor and a lack of pigment in the skin and hair as well as a certain supernatural air that bestows a sense of awe and power upon those who gaze upon them. The distinctive appearance of the Shadowed Spawn makes them easily identifiable, especially among the Virians as the Virians are on the whole a race that is darker rather than possessed of such pallor. It is written that the Shadowed Spawn are the way that all Virians once were, before Luriel's hateful light was cast down upon the earth to burn them.

The Shadowed Spawn are only ever to breed within their own kind, for the divine bloodlines cannot be sullied. Further rules also apply, a shadowed spawn of the Vol Listh Lineage must always be wed to a member of the Vol Av lineage. The other lineages are free to marry within each other provided the proposals meet the approval of the Volduph of Listhen as well as the Volduphs of the Orders from which they are members.

All Shadowed Spawn have the blood of all seven of the Listhenic gods flowing within them. But each of the Shadowed Spawn specifically is an aspect of a single one of the gods. This integral identity is determined early on in the life of the individual in question and it is at this point that they are granted the appropriate lineage surname. Vol Listh for Listhen, Vol Av for Avarinne, Vol Zal for Zaltias, Vol Raz for Raza, Vol Loth for Lothar, Vol Kra for Krarsis, and Vol Var for Varis.

Humans: Standard humans (More details on specific ethnic traits and looks to come shortly.
Army Overview

Navy Overview

Air Force Overview
Nation's Location

The area outlined in grey.

Nation's Geography
Viria largely consists of rather barren expanses of arid mountains and plains that suffer under the baking heat of the cruel sun during the day and which are far more palatable at night. In recent years this land has been revealed to contain large deposits of resources such as lighter than air gasses and sizable crude oil deposits. To the south in the region once known as Kvesh, Viria becomes far lusher and this coastal area is the bread basket of the nation. The heart of Viria is the land often referred to as the Crown Spires and in the center of this maze of great mountains sits their greatest and holy city of Trenalkd.
Economy Overview
WIP (These lists are definitely not finished.)
Imports: Food products, Wood, Luxury Goods other than silk
Exports: Silk, Salt, Lighter than air gasses, Iron, coal, Stone, Opiates
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Senor Herp
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Senor Herp Byzantium Pro

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Nation's Name
Kong Empire of the Sacred Flame of the Center Lands

Nation's History


Form of Government
Absolute Monarchy/Imperial Bureaucracy

Political Status
Troubled by the aftershocks of an infant republican movement's failed revolution, clashing with age-old stratified class system and bureaucracy, as well as warlordist and usurpist whisperings. Economically workable but undeveloped and arguably hobbled by the same Durstweallian treaty policy that is allowing for increased pace of development, forming the basis for nativist labor crises and riots.

Political Overview
Centralized power and fiat lying in the Emperor, but governance is largely delegated to attendant ministers, whom delegate further to decentralized, localized governments and bannerman governors in semiautonomous slope-holds. TO BE FLUFF-IZED

Current Political Leader
Emperor Within the Flame Kong Dao Kai, seated at the Ironblooded Redoubt of the First City, also known as 'The Iron City'

Notable Figures

Total Population
290,000,000~ (total)

Employed Population

Military Population

The Specie's Information
Ash Orcs
"Of the races of this world, we can safely say that we are the most blessed of all. With strength beyond men, and a matching intellect, a history as far back as our Orminnian benefactors and contemporaries, high ascendant from a savage past, overflowing with the blood of the earth, a veritable cornucopia found in our agriculture, and the gift of the wisdom of that inner and outermost fire, unreceived by all but a few peoples on the earth beyond us, it is no wonder that we are the foremost nation on the earth and beyond it. Some may question this, saying we have fallen behind, out of modernity, into a backwater, but to this, I say no. A fluke, and result of some hundreds of years of closing off in the wake of the Flu, a state we will soon rise up out of as phoenix from the ashes. Besides, if we did not slow our pace now and again, it would hardly be fair upon all the rest, after all!"
-Imperial Scholar Yuan Bao Mu, A History of Civilizing

"Fraxinus Orcus! A thoroughly paradoxical creature, touting itself as the creme de la creme of the developed world, despite not being a part in the first place. Scourge of the old world and a not entirely relevant blotch on the map through middle, and let nothing be said of the present, dear reader, for you who have read my previous volumes will assuredly know of that squalorous state. Take an elfin-earred, primate brute, shave him, clean him, break his slouching posture by the cane into a proper high-headedness, dress him up in the finest silken robes, but he is still a brute, in the end! But I digress. I must give him some credit, as it is an oft-spoke canard that those of that 'empire' in the not-quite-centered lands that he is nothing more than a recently civilized Beastmarch cutthroat. Hogwash. He is rather a very long-civilized Beastmarch cutthroat. Now, on to the shape and nature of his skull, which is..."
-Durstweallian eugenicist and anthropologist Jonathan Krausewitz Schenkt MDE of the Krakenwæcce Committee for Genetic Hygiene, Racial Phrenology and the Nature of the Continentals

Army Overview

"The Reformed Armies of the Kong, circa the Sanguine Rebellion, were intended by the Emperor to be trained, equipped, tactically and strategically modeled on foreign lines. The armies themselves were, generously speaking, best described as a half-armed, disloyal, undisciplined and altogether useless mob. Of course, the modernized sectors were the ones to throw their lot in with the revolution, subsequently being further armed by hawkish libertine-crowing Republican interventionists, foreign elements. Frankly, I do not see how the Kong could have managed without the intervention of Durstweall, but to our mutual benefit, his Majesty's forces did preserve this ancient state and rearm the whole of the loyalists; a great boon, that, considering the allowance for a unified supply chain that the rebels, being so troubled by too many makes and models, different cartridges, lack of translated maintenance manuals or spare parts, simply could not manage. On the offense, the Sanguinary revolutionists' army, at first advantaged, was now falling apart at the seams, while that of the loyalists had already fallen to ashes and been reborn. By our aid, of course. The revolution was quashed within four months. A wonder how, after a thrashing of their militants and a show of central power thereby, a general fading away of both the sentiments of foreign-advocating modernizers and foreign-spurning self-enstrengthenists follows, and the populace threw the remaining sympathizers before us with gusto."

"In the modern context, though perhaps not the most modern force technologically or tactically, I would say that they are the most potent contender- continentally speaking- within the rankings of the modern by number and peculiarities of armament and what the men have deemed 'a peculiar fighting spirit,' which I can personally attest to and confirm. Abnormal size and a lack of dexterity amongst the prime and older men made our standard-issue rifles plainly unsuitable without the removal of a trigger guard, and still so after the counterrevolutionary action, with citations of poor egonomics and lacking stopping power. I can attest that a particular orc, a farmer turned militiaman who served under my mixed army group, compared our issue to a varmint rifle his town's gunsmith had assembled for him previously. The occasional capture of rebel Fomalhaut and Aldebaraan rifles- how they arrived into the Kong is a mystery, considering I know of neither formal nor clandestine Rankarite involvement with the revolution at this time- was often considered cause for celebration. This in mind, development began on a suitable replacement by the triumvirate of Cookson & Roper Engineering Co, Kalthoff Waffenfabrik von Prus and Chiang Steelsmithing, producing the Kalthoff-Kubrick Rifle for Imperial Standard Service, or KK-RISS. Designed around a 13.2mm round of comparable if not equivalent ballistic properties to the Rankarite .50 caliber, fitted with seven-round internal magazine well, a capsule design capable of being topped off by side-mounted magazine door. Straight-pull bolt. Potentially troubled by the magazine's imbalance in human hands, but wielded without trouble by orcs. Front-line and storm units are uniformly equipped with this rifle- the reserves largely with it- and furthermore with bulletproof steel helms of that particular Cannaed design, sallet-like and resembling that of Krankar and the former Principalities, differing in adornment by a high-reaching spike, and matching iron breastplates. I would trust the former to hold up to anything short of a .60 Rankar round and the latter any shrapnel or more standard-caliber rifle bullet. The command structure is rather more rigid than ours, adhering to the doctrine of the grand battleplan. Even as their war literature exemplifies a certain unpredictability and extremeness of action, the present military structure is dominated by older, more complacent officers taken to defensive reaction rather than offensively-oriented wars of movement. The younger officers, on the other hand, are taking to the newer ideas almost uniformly, and Durstweallian influence has seen some semblance of our platoon-level independence of action, where necessary."

"The unobservant would, by his notion of the exemplary new Kong infantryman, look at him and his arms as crude, his officers as reactionary and unimaginative or else as imitative foreign-drilled bootlicks, their mechanization of the land army or lackthereof as crippling. A rusted sledge to the honed and rattled sabre of the more 'civilized' peoples around, and frankly there is no more terrible a mistake to make. They are a sword of war. Their body armor-- the new line in particular, but even their traditional iron plate proved tough to crack- is a significant boon at distance as well as in close for general survivability, and the KK-RISS, despite some of my contemporary's ill-educated conception of it as some kind of inaccurate punt-gun, is in fact a robust, accurate and reliable weapon that could put a hole in a man well past a thousand meters. The wielder is trained, motivated, and has the strength & endurance of several men at his disposal, a shell of iron around any vitals one might like to cripple him by. More importantly, he will not give up until either his conception of 'justice' is done, or until he or you is dead. I watched Sanguinary Order members yet live a while longer as our sappers brought the Great Southfort down into the magma, ash orcs crawling doggedly across falling spires of stone and shorn iron bracings, heat-mad from convection, brains and eyes boiling out as the skin caught flame and the muscles contracted and ripped. Cremated alive. They yet made their way towards our positions, or where they believed them to be. The army's reserves, even not as well-equipped as the line, will not stay so for long, and are capable of a sufficient caliber of 'fighting spirit' as any of the line, or any guerrilla fighter we have yet encountered. These peoples have a will of steel. Overwhelming firepower, tactical and strategic superiority would be necessary in any attempted pacification of the Kong. Without somehow acquiring local manpower, even this will not be sufficient to do more than secure an opening to scorch the earth. Durstweall as a great power would not survive the vengeance to follow, whether it be months or decades down the line. I put forward, then, that there can be no pacification as such. Rather, Durstweall must be very careful in its maneuverings around this would-be client state, its present government, and any future contenders, in ensuring that they remain friendly to our causes. Else, I'm afraid we'll have awoken a sleeping giant that will permanently close our best opening into continental influence by proxy."


Navy Overview

Air Force Overview

Nation's Location
Dignified Imperial Demesne of the Kong, Long May We Reign: 98, 97, 25, 24, 23, 10, 11, 22, 21, 23
Lesser Beastmarch (special territory): 12, 13
Greater Beastmarch (NPN, former territory): 14, 15, 16, 1, 41
Durstweallian Economic Cooperative In The Emperor's Name And Word (cooperatively administered, de jure territory): 95, 94

Nation's Geography
"Those greyskins up in the mountains, I don't know how they live. By all means, they ought to be dead. The hospitable areas are generally all along volcanic mountainside, and no matter how fertile, too much is on sheer slope and switchback, or else well behind a crucible of obstacles of the same like. How do you build out from that? How can you lock stone edifices that large onto the rock, and how do you move the soil to fill in the terraces? And it's so muggy, so utterly miserable. Hot and humid at once. The coast is more tolerable, but then you have to consider that it's the coast. Storms never end, and you have to build on cliff or behind seawall. Nevermind the boonies, where it rains ash as much as water- forming this awful all-swallowing mud that's like concrete when it dries- and iron flows in rivers. And they thresh it out to cast and forge, just like that! Nature's iniquities in this place never end. Just over the border there's the namesake feature of the Troll Claws. Obsidian. Cracked and shattered, all over the place, stepping stones made of razorblades. Thankfully, the glass doesn't seem to kick up into the dust storms. Not broken up enough normally. But even with modern technology, it'd be mad to try and break ground in this terrain, yet they've been living here for thousands of years! Not a single rational explanation for it."
-Horzten Kantos, Arkillian geoscientist & meteorologist.

Economy Overview
iron-producing miracles

also rice
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Captain


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Redimita Salis, Et Vaporem Fumi
The Sacrosant Empire of Durstweall
The Empire defines itself as an 'Imperial Constitutionalist State'.
A delicate balance of power exists between the Royal House of Straud, its appointed Chancellory, and the Parliamentary Chambers. The realm's regency has proceeded smoothly for nearly half a decade without major incident; no overt power struggles, no parliamentary deadlock, and no popular revolt towards the current regime. No one appears to be interested in 'rocking the boat', so to speak. The Durstweall Civil War is still fresh in everyone's minds, despite having occured almost twenty years ago.
'One might consider the Durstweallian state as a sort of tree, in which the 'roots', as it were, the foundation upon which all day-to-day governance sits, is the Constitution of State, in which the powers of regional and national authority are enumerated, as penned by the royal house of Straud and the now defunct Durstweallian Parliament. The Constituion of State occupies a very important place within Imperial governance, where the common sailor might look to the Many Spined Prince for salvation and safe passage, the lawmaker, the politician of the realm would look to the Constitution for guidance. It is an article of logic first and foremost, a new document for a new era, which is nourished and safeguarded by the monarchy, which acts as the final interpretor of the laws set forth within it. In this regard the monarchy is not at all ceremonial in capacity, as one might find in a common mainland state, but instead occupies a central role in day-to-day governance. The Constitution of State sets forth guidelines along which the government is organized, from the duties of your local mayor to the responsibilities of the House of Straud. Also contained within are the so-called 'Common Laws' of Durstweall, such as the 'Civil Guidelines', an article pertaining to the conventions of inheritance, naming, and civic duties of the realm's nobility and royalty, or the 'Militant Guidelines', which, as the name would imply, pertain to common military law, from the conduct of the infantry man to guidelines along which the admiralty is to operate. The authors of the Constitution quite intentionally did away with any vagueities, but left it in the power of the monarchy to modify the document in accordance with contemporary needs.

The monarchy, the lower, stoic trunk of the great tree of state, explicitly defined as being composed of 'Strauds by blood or by adoption' are, as outlined above, stewards of the Constitution of State and, indeed, the people of the realm. It is their duty, as mandated by law of the land, and by the heavens above and below, to protect you and all other Durstweallian citizens from all threats, be they internal or external. The power vested in them is great, but they are not the masters of some petty kleptocracy, they are not tyrants. The Straud family bears upon its shoulders an immense weight, for they must keep the 'house in order', so to speak, as well as remain vigilant of the machinations of all foreigners, be they great or small. They, and by extension the Imperial Diplomatic Administry, are responsible for the management of our foreign policy, for braving the oft-times turbulent, fickle, and ultimately treacherous interactions with foreign actors. The royal family also maintains the power of nullification, in that they are participant in the decision-making process regarding the appointment of public officials and the enactment and enforcement of national law. Their centralized power works in tandem with the delegated authority of the Upper and Lower Chambers and the provincial governments, allowing the Durstweallian state to act quickly and effectively whilst also not trampling upon the common human freedoms.

The monarchy and its associated ministers, of course, can only do so much for the administration of an entire nation, and so in order to ease this burden the executively empowered Imperial Chancellory was created with the purpose of overseeing the day-to-day affairs of governance and to act as an intermediary between local governments, provincial governments, and the throne. The Chancellory is empowered with the authority of the reigning monarch and acts in the capacity of a 'chief of state' along the lines of elected officials of mainland republics. The Imperial Chancellor oversees a number of 'Administries' which oversee and maintain various facets of Durstweallian society, from finance, to industry, to the national police, and everything in between. The Chancellory, at its most fundamental level, acts on behalf of the monarchy and relays its wishes to the rest of the government. All positions within the Chancellory and the Administries are granted by appointment through the consent of the monarchy, and generally these positions will go to the best and brightest of Durstweall's officials, businessmen, and skilled workers.

To take this metaphor of state to its logical conclusion, the tree next begins to divide outwards at the very peak of its trunk, into a myriad of branches, and the very first of these branches might be labelled as the Lower and Upper Chambers of Parliamentary governance. These two institutions are the successors to the first Imperial parliament, and despite having very different functions and very different membership they both work in tandem to represent the interests of as many Durstweallian citizens as possible. The Lower Chamber represents you, the proletariat, the working man or woman, the tradesman, the factory worker. Its membership is elected through anonymous ballot, in which on pre-selected days you make your voice heard on who shall best represent you. The Lower Chamber has the power of filibuster and jointly votes on the enactment and repeal of national law alongside the Upper Chamber. The Upper Chamber is composed of the realm's oldest, most prestigious families. Those who bear titles handed down to them from the days of sword and horse. While the wants of the populace are entirely valid, the Upper Chamber's presence in the process of lawmaking acts as a sort of moderating factor. Both Chambers serve to balance each other.

The state of national government becomes supremely nebulous beyond this point, with institutions formed to serve the interests of particular regions, be they whole provinces or municipalities, rather than working along any strict Constitutional guidelines. Generally, however, a number of subordinate parliaments and diets exist to serve the needs of far-flung provinces. They most often function in the same capacity of the Lower Chamber, being composed of those elected by the people. Hereditary seats are very rare, given the all-encompassing representation of the nobility through the hereditarily chaired Upper Chamber. Provincial parliaments are able to enact laws within their own provinces, with the oversight of the Chancellory and the Chambers, and Municipal governments are permitted to do the same, except on the lines of city limits. In this way, each branch of government is accounted for and cooperates to the effect of creating a more efficient, more modern state.'

- Excerpt from the Patriotic Working Man's Guide to Statehood

Her Majesty Cornelia Lucine II of the Royal House of Straud is the de jure ruler of the realm of Durstweall, but, in reality, as a woman, she and the nation are, politically speaking, subject to the whims of her cousin, the acting regent and Duke Wilmar Alsond I of the Isle of Cormaeris, who possesses final say in the appointment of public officials, the enactment and enforcement of national law, and foreign policy.
Queen Cornelia Lucine Straud II
Duke Wilmar Alsond Straud I
Imperial Chancellor Oswald Mandrake
President of the Lower Chamber Martin Baker
Lord Foremost of the Upper Chamber Duke Johnathan Wickes
Chairman Hadrian Greary of the College of Mundane Sciences
Chairman Jared Vogel of the College of Astral Sciences
Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces Arthur Crawford
Commandant of the Imperial Marine Corps Clyde Norwick
Commandant of the Imperial Land Force Jeffrey Nelson
Grand Admiral of the Imperial Navy Horace Keller
The Imperial Chancellory and Administries
The Imperial Chamber Participants
The Royal House of Straud and members of the Nobility
The Durstweall Capitalists' Society
55,186,017 (Approx. 67%)
51,874,856 (Approx. 6% Unemployment)
Standing Force: 962,567
Projected Maximum Deployment (From the Durstweall Isles): 7,812,567
Imperial Holdings: 84, 85, 86, 75
Imperial Concessions/Treaty Regions: 94, 95
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sigma
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

United Principalities of Arcandia

Nation's History
Form of Government: The United Principalities functions differently then most democratic and Monarchic nations, in that while they elect their leaders, rather then a lone person, the entirety of a Noble House is chosen to be the Ruling House of the United Principalities, the current Matriarch/Patriarch of the Elected House is then chosen to become the new Head Sovereign of the State. The rest of the Major and Lesser Houses then form the Royal Assembly, whom both act as the Advisers of the Ruling King/Queen, and help govern and enact laws of the UPA.
Political Status: Shaky, Arcandia is amidst in civil unrest as the Communist Revolution in Karanova has inspired their own crop of revolutionaries to rise up against the Government. However heavy fighting has been contained in a select few Realms within the UPA, and still retain control of the country, however the fighting is veering on to civil war.
Political Overview:
Current Political Leader:

Notable Figures:
Total Population: 52 Million
Employed Population: 30 Million
Military Population: 125,000
The Specie's Information:
Army Overview:

Air Force Overview:
Nation's Location: Number 33
Nation's Geography:
Economy Overview:
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