Sorry for the wait but here's my character though...well your all free to laugh at it since I don't think I took this seriously when I first did this. There's definetly some editing I have to do but...well just read it first and tell me if I should just scrap this or not ^_^
Username: DarkRecon
Name: Ash Grimson (Real last name Reizian.)
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Birthday/Zodiac: July 7, Cancer
Allegiance: Other
Class: [Mercenary] -> Hero
Clothing: He wears basic tunic, pants and boots and perhaps a plain cloak to blend in with normal society areas when needed to. However, his combat armor is that of the typical FE: Awakening "Hero" class except the armor is mostly different colors of lignt and dark red.
Weapons: Silver Sword, Steel Sword
(Stands 6'3" and weight is unknown but looks physically fit. Just ignore the clothing and the big sword -_-' *sweatdrop*)
Personality: Perceptive. Compassionate but Strict. Charismatic and Honorable are what best decirbe Ash. Most likely due to the rumors about him and his possible training.
History: Not much is known of Ash Grimson/Reizian personally. He himself only remembers his last name before he changed it to Grimson. He does know, that the Reizian family was once one of the noble familes in Valm when he discretly asked around about it. But the rumors states that the family itself were decendants of the Conqueror himself, Walhart, from years now past. Because of some hating the Conqueror himself, it's said that the family itself was wiped out several years ago from unknown individuals. Hence one of the reasons why he had his name changed. He beleives that he was the only surviving member of the family but perhaps the shock of the violence made him forget anything and everything relating to the event. Ash doesn't know if that's the truth but assumes it so. He doesn't speak about what happened to him after he survived such a horrible event.
Because he rarely talks about himself personally to others, not much is known of him amonst the people, even about his possible connection to the Reizian family, but he has a known reputation. For one, he currently leads a band of mercenaries known as the "Conqueror's Axe" in Valm territories. And due to some similaries in personality, some have even gone far as to say that he is "Walhart the Second". It's also said that the group consists of members that had families that once served Walhart himself and that members are decendants of the familes that were loyal to the Conqueror himself.
The stories and rumors are many but no one knows the truth other than Ash if he even remembers. Although feared by the current Valm rulers and politicals, they have sometimes hired him and his group for simple crowd control to exterimating Risen and whatever is left of the Grimleal if any are present in Valm. Much to their disbelief, he's surprisingly co-operative.
However, there are stories starting to circulate that a man in red armor and silver hair has been spotted in the lands of Yillse...
Ability: As stated, he's Perceptive. Much like Walhart did with Excellus, Ash can "read" a person depending on if he gets to know them and observe them for lengths of time. He can do the same on the battlefield but isn't on the level of a tatician.
Quirk: The one who does streching exercises every morning.
Strengths: excellent swordsman, good with defense, surpisingly agile
Weaknesses: using axes, sense of "fighting honorably" may haunt him with those who play dirty, is rather "loud" sometimes when he speaks or even on the battlefield making him a poor choice for a sneak attack
Likes: swords, allies, exercising, being healthy
Dislikes: dishnorable people, any form of alchol, Risen, Grimleal
Other: "Come and face Walhart the Second, Ash Grimson!"
Username: DarkRecon
Name: Ash Grimson (Real last name Reizian.)
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Birthday/Zodiac: July 7, Cancer
Allegiance: Other
Class: [Mercenary] -> Hero
Clothing: He wears basic tunic, pants and boots and perhaps a plain cloak to blend in with normal society areas when needed to. However, his combat armor is that of the typical FE: Awakening "Hero" class except the armor is mostly different colors of lignt and dark red.
Weapons: Silver Sword, Steel Sword

(Stands 6'3" and weight is unknown but looks physically fit. Just ignore the clothing and the big sword -_-' *sweatdrop*)
Personality: Perceptive. Compassionate but Strict. Charismatic and Honorable are what best decirbe Ash. Most likely due to the rumors about him and his possible training.
History: Not much is known of Ash Grimson/Reizian personally. He himself only remembers his last name before he changed it to Grimson. He does know, that the Reizian family was once one of the noble familes in Valm when he discretly asked around about it. But the rumors states that the family itself were decendants of the Conqueror himself, Walhart, from years now past. Because of some hating the Conqueror himself, it's said that the family itself was wiped out several years ago from unknown individuals. Hence one of the reasons why he had his name changed. He beleives that he was the only surviving member of the family but perhaps the shock of the violence made him forget anything and everything relating to the event. Ash doesn't know if that's the truth but assumes it so. He doesn't speak about what happened to him after he survived such a horrible event.
Because he rarely talks about himself personally to others, not much is known of him amonst the people, even about his possible connection to the Reizian family, but he has a known reputation. For one, he currently leads a band of mercenaries known as the "Conqueror's Axe" in Valm territories. And due to some similaries in personality, some have even gone far as to say that he is "Walhart the Second". It's also said that the group consists of members that had families that once served Walhart himself and that members are decendants of the familes that were loyal to the Conqueror himself.
The stories and rumors are many but no one knows the truth other than Ash if he even remembers. Although feared by the current Valm rulers and politicals, they have sometimes hired him and his group for simple crowd control to exterimating Risen and whatever is left of the Grimleal if any are present in Valm. Much to their disbelief, he's surprisingly co-operative.
However, there are stories starting to circulate that a man in red armor and silver hair has been spotted in the lands of Yillse...
Ability: As stated, he's Perceptive. Much like Walhart did with Excellus, Ash can "read" a person depending on if he gets to know them and observe them for lengths of time. He can do the same on the battlefield but isn't on the level of a tatician.
Quirk: The one who does streching exercises every morning.
Strengths: excellent swordsman, good with defense, surpisingly agile
Weaknesses: using axes, sense of "fighting honorably" may haunt him with those who play dirty, is rather "loud" sometimes when he speaks or even on the battlefield making him a poor choice for a sneak attack
Likes: swords, allies, exercising, being healthy
Dislikes: dishnorable people, any form of alchol, Risen, Grimleal
Other: "Come and face Walhart the Second, Ash Grimson!"