*sly grin*
So you wanna Duel Gale, huh? You're in for a surprise. She'll show you how "worthless" Ritual Summoning really is. MUAHAHAHAHAHA!
j/k. I'm not gonna do anything overly drastic or unrealistic like I did against Scar. XD But her Deck is fun. I never thought I'd have such fun playing Fusion and Ritual Decks in my life after I got hooked on Synchro.
Speaking of Synchro, I'm looking forward to making a RL "Yang Zing" Deck. Man, is that gonna be fun! excellent for being able to Summon "Shooting Star Dragon", too, which I'll hopefully be getting in RL as well, soon enough. Of course, it's not the most efficient method of getting cards. My brother decided to hand a friend of his some money to order a "Shooting Star Dragon" from the Internet. Have no guarantee it'll come, but perhaps it will. Only time will tell. Then I've got "Giganticastle". Let's not even go there. XD Long story short: This Deck will be ama-Zing. I know, bad pun. Oh, well. You'll get over me. XD
On the bright side, I'm feeling a lot better than the past couple of days. Anyhow, see you people in the morning! :)