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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DeusVult


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God is in his heaven.

On September 12, 2000 a global cataclysm took place that changed the world forever, a meteor supposedly smashed into Antarctica the resulting explosion that melted the Antarctic ice cap and was so powerful, it caused a shift of Earth's axis; climate changes and massive flooding followed.
As a result, more than two billion people in the southern hemisphere were immediately killed by the tsunami and rising water level caused by the melted ice. This was the worst disaster mankind had faced in recorded history. The nations of the Northern Hemisphere also suffered severe damage from the flooding and chaos ensued. Two days after the fall of the meteorite, on September 15, 2000, collisions between refugees sparked a war on the India-Pakistan border, and armed conflicts began all over the world. On September 20, a N-bomb was dropped on Tokyo and 500,000 people were killed. Until the Valentine Cease-Fire treaty was signed on February 14, 2001, in order to put a stop to the wars following the Second Impact, hostilities continues all over the world. By the end of these events, the human population of earth was halved, however, in a testament to the resilience and ingenuity of humanity and Man's mastery of science and technology, Second Impact was not the end of human civilization. Instead, the nations of the world struggled to rebuild from the disaster, ensuing environmental and economic collapse, and civil wars. Within 15 years human civilization more or less recovered from the cataclysm of Second Impact. But while humans were able to physically rebuild pre-Second Impact society, many are still left in the back of their minds with the lingering emotional and psychological scars of the chaos brought about by the disaster, and are left "going through the motions" of a return to normalcy.

In 2015, fifteen years after a global cataclysm known as Second Impact, fourteen-year-old Shinji Ikari arrives in the futuristic city of Tokyo-3 in response to the summons of his estranged father Gendo Ikari, the director of the special paramilitary force NERV. Upon reaching the city, Shinji witnesses the NERV forces battling an Angel, one of a race of large monstrous beings whose awakening was foretold by the Dead Sea Scrolls a series of ancient texts unearthed prior to second impact. NERV's giant Evangelion bio-machines, controlled from within by pilots whose nervous systems must be synched to the Evangelions, are the only weapons capable of keeping the Angels from annihilating humanity. Shinji's (the third child's) first battle against the angel Sachiel is a catastrophe as while he manages to defeat it he is almost killed and unit 01 is almost totally destroyed, and slips into a coma, and with the first child also badly injured as well Japan is left without any Eva pilots to fend off angel attacks...that is where you come in.

You will be a new Eva pilot (well you can choose to RP someone other than a pilot if you so choose) and one of the chosen children, Nerv has also requested that the UN send more foreign evas to help Japan in their defence against the angels thus your child can be from any nation Japan,UK,US etc etc (well any major nation it wouldn't make much sense for Cuba to have an Evangelion unit). As an Eva pilot your duty is to protect humanity from the angel threat...however angels aren't the only threat mankind faces.

This will slightly drift from canon as there will be more Eva's but I feel that this is necessary for this game to function properly. This will be my first time GMing so if anybody would like to help I would be very happy. Also it goes without saying you should have at least a basic understanding of Eva lore.
(Note this will be based on Neon genesis rather than the rebuilds.)

As GM my word is law, although I shall be a fair tyrant and any suggestions or advice are appreciated.
Your character if a pilot can not be older than 15.
Try not to create Mary/Gary-stus and no Godmodding etc.
Please do not make a single post and then never return at least inform me if you don't want to be apart of it anymore.
You must post at least once a week if not more, once a day would be greatly appreciated.
Also just general RP rules no controlling other peoples characters etc etc.

Character sheet.
Service history (if applicable):
Role within Nerv(if not an eva pilot):
Eva unit number and description (if applicable):
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The book of bad juju
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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DeusVult


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I'll have my CS up soon.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Excidius


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CS to come tomorrow.


Male pilot from the Canadian northern Quebec branch.

EVA unit SXT 1 is a prototype model. SXT meaning "sensory extension", this particular EVA model was designed as a scout and "complimentary" unit. With heightened sensory perception and data collection capabilities the unit's goal is to assist in battle rather than participate. It's offensive and defensive capacities underwhelm when compared to standard models (it's actually smaller in size than regular units by roughly a third), however maneuverability and speed surpass normal performance. While the SXT unit is meant to operate as part of a team, it is possible to deploy it on solo recon missions and can even hold it's ground with the basic knife and ranged weapons due to it's enhanced speed and precision.

More to come, but that is the idea. If there are any issues we can discuss them now so I don't have to modify the CS too much haha. I think it's a good idea as it encourages teamwork and can add an interesting tactical element to the battles. The inspiration actually came from the fights with Ramiel and Israfel (the one with the precision rifle and the one requiring synchronized attacks), in which additional data for added precision would have done wonders.

The idea is to perhaps have the unit capable of "shared perception" in one way or another, to transmit the data to other units. I understand if this is a stretch... In any case, I do expect to be tossed around a lot by Angels.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DeusVult


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Excidius said
CS to come tomorrow.Basics:Male pilot from the Canadian northern Quebec branch. EVA unit SXT 1 is a prototype model. SXT meaning "sensory extension", this particular EVA model was designed as a scout and "complimentary" unit. With heightened sensory perception and data collection capabilities the unit's goal is to assist in battle rather than participate. It's offensive and defensive capacities underwhelm when compared to standard models (it's actually smaller in size than regular units by roughly a third), however maneuverability and speed surpass normal performance. While the SXT unit is meant to operate as part of a team, it is possible to deploy it on solo recon missions and can even hold it's ground with the basic knife and ranged weapons due to it's enhanced speed and precision. More to come, but that is the idea. If there are any issues we can discuss them now so I don't have to modify the CS too much haha. I think it's a good idea as it encourages teamwork and can add an interesting tactical element to the battles. The inspiration actually came from the fights with Ramiel and Israfel (the one with the precision rifle and the one requiring synchronized attacks), in which additional data for added precision would have done wonders.The idea is to perhaps have the unit capable of "shared perception" in one way or another, to transmit the data to other units. I understand if this is a stretch... In any case, I do expect to be tossed around a lot by Angels.

Yeah that seems fine, keep up the good work mate.
My CS will be up soon.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dragonruby
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Character sheet
Name: Warren Shatter
Sex: Male

Age: 15
Nationality: American

Bio: While NERV may just be Earth's best and brightest option in combating the Angelic threat, they are far from the only organization working to save all of humanity, with one notable example being Japan's Jet Alone project. Durandal was one such organization. A military contractor based within the United States, Durandal worked to develop a weapon to fight Angels. Whether simply by coincidence or on purpose, Durandal seemed to follow a number of NERV's methods. They gathered and trained a group of orphaned children as soldiers, dubbed the Paladin Project, and they also attempted to work on a mind-machine interface, in order to more smoothly control the machines they hoped to design.

Warren himself was a product of the Paladin Project. Born during the early years of the after effects of Second Impact, times were hard for young Warren's parents. Lack of proper medical treatment mean that his mother would die during childbirth, and his father, a doctor with a limp who looked ten years older than he truly, was killed when a field hospital for soldiers he had volunteered to work at was shelled. Warren has managed to keep his father's old cane, a simple thing made of mahogany and ripped with steel, along with a number of his medical texts which he will occasionally browse through. Shortly afterwards, Warren was picked up by Durandal, where he trained as one of its many Paladin Initiates. Overall, he scored average in the simulated combat tests, and since Durandal could truly only ever use a small fraction of its Initiates when full production of their designed weapon platform happened, Warren was deemed expendable enough to be used as a guinea pig for some of Durandal's mind-machine interface prototypes. These prototypes were flawed, however, and most of the experiment's test subjects died, with survivors suffering from brain hemorrhaging, accompanied by blood flowing from eyes, ears, and nose, as well as excruciating headaches. The condition was soon dubbed 'Novack Syndrome', after its first victim. Medication was quickly developed for the survivors, and it did a decent job of suppressing the condition's nasty, and rather fatal, effects. Even with the medication, however, the project's victims still suffered. Occasional migraines and bloody noses would plague all who survived, and sufficient trauma, either physical or mental, could bring on an even more serious bout of bleeding.

Soon afterwards, Warren was found to be synch positive by NERV, and rather quickly spirited away, after a few deals between the two organizations of course. Warren, however, faced some measure of discrimination during his time with NERV, largely due to the fact that he was trained to as a Paladin rather than one of NERV's own Neospartans, and despite the fact that Warren held no personal loyalty whatsoever to Durandal, he was still considered a security risk, and many of his personal freedoms were limited. He now finds himself headed to Japan, in order to reinforce a failing defense by an organization he doesn't fully trust.

Personality: Warren keeps people at a distance, emotionally if not physically. He has no personal qualms about interacting with other people or his fellow pilots, but he distances himself mentally. Many of his remarks are sarcastic in nature, and he often deflects questions about himself with such words. His suffered 'prejudice' from NERV has also left him rather cynical, and a little questioning of NERV as a whole, but despite this, he remains a loyal and efficient pilot. While he may dislike his current employers, he has been trained since childhood to be a defender of mankind, and so he would do it, if only because he knew nothing else. As far as hobbies go, Warren is a fan of card games and card tricks. Paladin Initiates weren't ever afforded much luxury or comfort, but one of the few ways they had to let off steam was through gambling on games of chance, often betting things such as rations, or watch shifts, and whatever other small luxuries could be found around like chocolate and books.

Eva unit number and description: Unit 09 is a so called 'Surplus Unit'. Evangelions are undeniably powerful, and remarkably few in numbers. This isn't for lack of trying, of course. There are many ways for the production of an Evangelion to fail. Genetic flaws, faulty construction methods, or even sabotage have ended a large number of prospective Evangelions. Many of these failed Units are simply left to rot or used as spare parts, and the Surplus Unit production line seeks to remedy this by purchasing and gathering all these many failed Units and combining them into one whole and working Evangelion.

Unit 09 is the first Surplus Unit produced, and it is a veritable Frankenstein's monster. While efforts have been taken to standardize its various mismatched parts, there are a number of obvious features that point towards its fractured origins. The most obvious sign is its head, where it only has one eye, the other being covered by armor plate. The original Evangelion's eye never fully developed, and thus its eye socket was instead cleared out and filled with sensor equipment that did essentially the same job. And while the Unit has been covered with a coat of new paint, colored black and gray, underneath it is plain to see just where this Unit came from. The armor plating of its various limbs and body parts are almost all completely different, from varying projects and marks. For example, its left arm is lined with a number of reactive charges, an old attempt at better armoring the Evangelions that was eventually scrapped, while the armor plating on its torso is designed to run millions of volts of electricity in order to act as a deterrent against Angelic blows, another failed project that died along with the original Evangelion. All of these things combined make Unit 09 a living hell to work with for the various engineers and mechanics in charge of maintaining it, and it is likely to face even more standardization as damages force more modern replacement parts to be installed. For now though, it is entirely unique, the only one of its kind.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DeusVult


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Dragonruby yours looks very good nice work mate, now it is my turn.

Name:Joshua Mercia


Bio: Born just after second impact Joshua remembers very little about his early childhood, he remembers that his family had to move a lot as the rising sea levels drowned England's coastal cities, as such he never really felt attached to a single place and is very easily able to accept changes. Two things would happen to Joshua however that would change his life for ever. Joshua's father was a Royal Marine a veteran of the falklands war, when Joshua was six his father was killed in Northern Ireland defending a research facility from Republican rebels. His fathers death devastated him and his mother and even worse he was the only source of income for the Mercia family, unable to handle the pressure of supporting a son on her own, Joshua's mother committed suicide.
It looked as if he would become just another one of many second impact orphans who got put into large scale 'care' homes. As he aged Joshua lost all direction and felt that his life and everyone else's was meaningless, he attempted suicide twice. To combat this extreme nihilism Joshua began latching on to any cause he could to try and give meaning to his life. This cause was extreme patriotism as it turned out when the Nerv agents disguised as members of the British army found out he was sync compatible, he was drafted into the British army at nine as the fifth child and began training as the first pilot of the Royal Evangelion Corps a section of the British army under Nerv supervision.
Joshua completely threw himself into his job as a member of His majesty's armed forces reading every book under the sun on military tactics and history, and is passing through high school with flying colours.
After having been stationed in RAF Powys for the past year Josh has been ordered to Japan a situation while he is not happy about he has accepted grudgingly.

Personality: While generally Joshua is quite sensitive on the inside, on the outside he protects a exterior of coldness. He generally he finds relationships with people hollow and pointless, as such he finds it very difficult to trust people. Due to his high intelligence he also has somewhat of a superiority complex over other people, and usually appears to talk down to them. He is completely loyal to the British army as he views them as giving his life purpose, this has caused some at Nerv to distrust him. He loves reading and a book is never far from his hand.

Eva unit number and description: Pilot for Evangelion unit 05 (Unit 05 nicknamed George by its pilot). Unit 05 was the second European Evangelion unit after unit 02 and as such unit 05 and unit 02 look quite similar, but there are several key differences, unit 05 is slightly bulkier and has a larger profile than unit 02. It has missle pods mounted in its shoulders however these are due to be removed as it has been found that conventional weapons are all but useless against the angels. Unit 05's colour scheme is red and white and it has a large red templar cross on it's chest, hence where the nickname George came from as it looks a bit like a crusader knight.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by HellOfALife
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Reserving a spot.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by shinigami94
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Well, sadly, I haven't seen the anime.___. but I read the wiki and still reading and am interested, so can I join in?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DeusVult


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shinigami94 said
Well, sadly, I haven't seen the anime.___. but I read the wiki and still reading and am interested, so can I join in?

Hmm I suppose...but you will need to give the eva wiki's a good long read. I reccomend evageeks for a good one.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by shinigami94
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am very sorry Deus, but I think I will not be able to continue due to some life mess, I can't be committed to this rp, sorry for wasting your time .___.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DeusVult


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shinigami94 said
am very sorry Deus, but I think I will not be able to continue due to some life mess, I can't be committed to this rp, sorry for wasting your time .___.

No problem mate, no worries. Wish you luck with your 'life mess'.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DeusVult


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Hmm we need a few more people.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Excidius


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Cs in a few hours. Sorry for the hold up. Fixing water infiltration in our basement this morning.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by obitokizuke
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obitokizuke Dat Sexy Potato

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Character sheet.
Name: Jack Vanelilis
Sex: Male
Appearance:5'2" 120lb
Nationality: English

Bio: Jack was chosen as the overall 8th child when he was 11, he has no experience with the EVA in battle which he nicknamed Lancelot due to the fact it looked to him like a medieval knight. Even though there were others already prepared and with the knowledge to pilot an EVA they were unable to as for some reason upon creation it's functions were unlike that of the others , and it seemingly rejected all who attempted to go inside it , forcing them to self eject. When he first got in , there was no resistance and he felt some form of mental bond form. It took him a year to become adjusted to all is controls and another in stimulation to be able to fluently use him.Upon finishing his simulation training he was shipped out from England to Tokyo-3. Throughout the voyage he was always seen with 'Lancelot' laughing at seemingly nothing and eating with it. When he wasn't talking to it he would be watching it with utter fascination. No one understood why he did all these things , he didn't understand it much himself. All he knew was that for some reason he felt happy around it. He longs to use Lancelot and feel what it would be like with a truly aweing creation.

He often doesn't speak about his past , when he does as expected it's only to Lancelot. The bits and pieces he did tell it that was overheard was how he used to live in the forests and survived on his own for a time before being taken to a facility. After such is when he was taught about 'civilized' life and how to'properly' live. Soon after is when he was chosen.

Personality: aloft yet dedicated and strong willed
Service history : Being a new pilot there is no service history to be shared at this point in time.
Eva unit number and description (if applicable): 8
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DeusVult


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obitokizuke said
Character sheet.Name: Jack VanelilisSex: MaleAppearance:5'2" 120lb Age:13Nationality: EnglishBio: Jack was chosen as the overall 8th child when he was 11, he has no experience with the EVA in battle which he nicknamed Lancelot due to the fact it looked to him like a medieval knight. Even though there were others already prepared and with the knowledge to pilot an EVA they were unable to as for some reason upon creation it's functions were unlike that of the others , and it seemingly rejected all who attempted to go inside it , forcing them to self eject. When he first got in , there was no resistance and he felt some form of mental bond form. It took him a year to become adjusted to all is controls and another in stimulation to be able to fluently use him.Personality: aloft yet dedicated and strong willedService history : Being a new pilot there is no service history to be shared at this point in time.Eva unit number and description (if applicable): 8

Hmm your picture is broken mate, but looking good so far, I think you need to add a bit more detail to your bio and personality though.

Excidius said
Cs in a few hours. Sorry for the hold up. Fixing water infiltration in our basement this morning.

No problem :)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Excidius


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Just a question... would this be too far fetched?

The soul imbued would be a pet or something... I do understand if it's not acceptable, I just thought it was interesting given the SXT unit idea I had.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DeusVult


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Excidius said
Just a question... would this be too far fetched?The soul imbued would be a pet or something... I do understand if it's not acceptable, I just thought it was interesting given the SXT unit idea I had.

That looks like something from Evangelion ANIMA or the Berserk mode of unit 02 from the rebuilds (http://33.media.tumblr.com/3231f9f6b91dae82e5fbe41707f53c83/tumblr_mg9kc5XQyx1rm8cj5o1_500.jpg)...so I suppose you could...but I think having an animal soul is strenching it a bit much, I believe they have to have a human soul.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Excidius


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I'll just have a humanoid then. I wasn't set on it, but the image got me thinking. Still working on a detailed bio.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DeusVult


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Excidius said
I'll just have a humanoid then. I wasn't set on it, but the image got me thinking. Still working on a detailed bio.

Ok glad to see that is cleared up and I am eagerly awaiting reading your bio.
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