General plot: Child goes into the fantasy realm on an adventure.
What I want: Character development. I quite like the idea of this being a 4 person RP with a few others who would like to play other characters - like villians or other side characters (mad hatter, red queen vibe)
Sources for ideas: Alice in Wonderland, Pans Labyrinth, Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, green rider series by Kristen Britain, Eragon - Inheritence series by Christophert Paolini, Priestess of the White, Treasure Planet (about third of the way into the story)
CS: Name:
Bio: Place of origin, likes, dislikes
NO WEREWOLVES!! NO VAMPIRES!! if you think your character is really great PM me, otherwise NO
What I want: Character development. I quite like the idea of this being a 4 person RP with a few others who would like to play other characters - like villians or other side characters (mad hatter, red queen vibe)
Emanseria has a peaceful history compared to that of Earth's however war is brewing. Refugee's from the underdeveloped country to the South are flooding in and Emanseria cities cannot cope so officials are sending them out to farmlands where the refugee's are spreading horror stories and causing unrest in the country sides. Civilains fear for their lives and no one knows why. Emanseria is also struggling with civil squabbles. The Fae of the air and Elves are having immense political struggles over which race gets more parliamentary recognition and more power for use of magic. For the moment only simple spells are allowed to be used in cities out of those that belong to each race, if an individual or company would like to hire a mage of one of the races for large more complicated spells they need a permit.
Because of the unrest, civilians that have chosen a side are shunning and boycotting businesses that belong to a race and so mages - especially those in the medical field (Druid) - are either suffering or overwhelmed with the flow of business. Priests are using this opportunity to instil fear in their followers by lying about the other race. The Queen is battling to suppress the unrest however it will not be more than two years for the first death to occur.
Because of the unrest, civilians that have chosen a side are shunning and boycotting businesses that belong to a race and so mages - especially those in the medical field (Druid) - are either suffering or overwhelmed with the flow of business. Priests are using this opportunity to instil fear in their followers by lying about the other race. The Queen is battling to suppress the unrest however it will not be more than two years for the first death to occur.
The fae are elegant in music, mechanics and magic. They were the discoverers of movements of the air and air magic. Magic is woven into their lives. Because they are so accustomed to the use of magic they can use magic to adjust their appearance, giving themselves wings (butterfly, dragonfly, bat, bird, skeletal
(can only work for short distances - 50 meters 40 cm off the ground, and low heights- max height of a meter); antlers; skin colour. They look like humans but are taller and slimmer and love fashion and shiny things.
They prefer to have their cities on the peaks of high mountains and in the clouds. They invented air ships that travel to air ports in the majority of cities. Air ships are the preferred form of transport for nobles and goods that need fast and smooth travel - food stuffs, toys manufactured by the fae.

They prefer to have their cities on the peaks of high mountains and in the clouds. They invented air ships that travel to air ports in the majority of cities. Air ships are the preferred form of transport for nobles and goods that need fast and smooth travel - food stuffs, toys manufactured by the fae.

Elves focus more on how beautiful the earth is, than how beautiful they can be. They will live in the tropics, forest, fields, and the feet of mountains: where ever there is fertile earth that is well, earthy and warm. They wear few clothes, especially not fashionable clothes, when an animal dies, they use their fur for clothes.
They do not wear shoes or gloves. Like ever. They are short, strong and usually have brown curly hair and brown eyes.
They love circles (like hobbits) and animals, sometimes Elves will have several pets of many kinds. They respect animals and their surrounding environments.
They as a rule live below ground, in forests they have ground floors that extend into tree houses.

Elves are the creators of healing magic and elemental magic and insist upon the use of wands as magic is not a natural thing born into every race therefore it is sepearte to the human body.

They love circles (like hobbits) and animals, sometimes Elves will have several pets of many kinds. They respect animals and their surrounding environments.
They as a rule live below ground, in forests they have ground floors that extend into tree houses.

Elves are the creators of healing magic and elemental magic and insist upon the use of wands as magic is not a natural thing born into every race therefore it is sepearte to the human body.
Sources for ideas: Alice in Wonderland, Pans Labyrinth, Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, green rider series by Kristen Britain, Eragon - Inheritence series by Christophert Paolini, Priestess of the White, Treasure Planet (about third of the way into the story)
CS: Name:
Bio: Place of origin, likes, dislikes
NO WEREWOLVES!! NO VAMPIRES!! if you think your character is really great PM me, otherwise NO
Name: Hail and Hearts to you. They call me "Duplo."

Creature: A toy by day, a dancing masked girl by night. I am a "Cast-off."
Age: gave up trying to figure that out long ago
Personality: cold, cares little for others, stoic, humourless, harsh, reacts with unbridled rage and violence, strong and more than capable. I will be the victor; the queen.I show Kindness and mirth to get people to relax so I can use people to get what I want
Bio: Part Emanserian, other part unknown. I am a Cast-off. From which side exactly those parts belong, I am not sure. But of my folly, my misjudgements and failings, I will not tell anyone. I have been a Cast-off for a long time now.
I do not sleep and eat. This body sleeps when it is a fuzzy toy during day and awakens when it is time for action at night. This mind is most active during the day and most reactive during night. As weak as I am during the day, I am much, stronger and much faster than I look at night. The politics of this world do not matter to me; what matters is that I do not involve myself in their affairs. But if somehow we get intertwined in the web of lies and hardship, I will fight with everything I have in me to cut us out of it once and for all.
For I have been learning a new skill. This skill is a privilege only taught to those worthy... and for the longest time I have been shunned; a Cast-off is not one of the worthy. But after all this time, I have finally found one that will teach me this skill. Her name is Ada and she will teach me they ways of a mage. I wish to use magics now. I had been searching for one like her for so long now. I wish to learn to use this magic to return myself home... wherever, whenever, however that is. I heard it was done but only a single time before.
I heard the prophecy of, not a Cast-off, but an Other Worlder. I need to find them and earn their trust; become friends. I need to use their alien internal strength to take me home.
I will be a mage of a different kind; the movements of my dances brings forth the rhythms, harmonies and energies necessary, for a being such as myself, to cast magic. I will learn as much as Ada is willing to teach. I will learn and I will find an OtherWorlder so that I may cast a spell so that the parts of me, the mixed up ones, will return back to their proper places and I will finally be able to rest. Night time

Creature: A toy by day, a dancing masked girl by night. I am a "Cast-off."
Age: gave up trying to figure that out long ago
Personality: cold, cares little for others, stoic, humourless, harsh, reacts with unbridled rage and violence, strong and more than capable. I will be the victor; the queen.I show Kindness and mirth to get people to relax so I can use people to get what I want
Bio: Part Emanserian, other part unknown. I am a Cast-off. From which side exactly those parts belong, I am not sure. But of my folly, my misjudgements and failings, I will not tell anyone. I have been a Cast-off for a long time now.
I do not sleep and eat. This body sleeps when it is a fuzzy toy during day and awakens when it is time for action at night. This mind is most active during the day and most reactive during night. As weak as I am during the day, I am much, stronger and much faster than I look at night. The politics of this world do not matter to me; what matters is that I do not involve myself in their affairs. But if somehow we get intertwined in the web of lies and hardship, I will fight with everything I have in me to cut us out of it once and for all.
For I have been learning a new skill. This skill is a privilege only taught to those worthy... and for the longest time I have been shunned; a Cast-off is not one of the worthy. But after all this time, I have finally found one that will teach me this skill. Her name is Ada and she will teach me they ways of a mage. I wish to use magics now. I had been searching for one like her for so long now. I wish to learn to use this magic to return myself home... wherever, whenever, however that is. I heard it was done but only a single time before.
I heard the prophecy of, not a Cast-off, but an Other Worlder. I need to find them and earn their trust; become friends. I need to use their alien internal strength to take me home.
I will be a mage of a different kind; the movements of my dances brings forth the rhythms, harmonies and energies necessary, for a being such as myself, to cast magic. I will learn as much as Ada is willing to teach. I will learn and I will find an OtherWorlder so that I may cast a spell so that the parts of me, the mixed up ones, will return back to their proper places and I will finally be able to rest. Night time

Name: Ada lovelace
Creature: skin changing Gypsy
Age: appears to be late 30's, based from her knowledge she could be hectically old.
Personality: Motherly, intelligent, she is a master, twisting people around her finger and over coming all without the use of violence (thick Tom Bombadil - LoTR, Doctor - Doctor Who, Angela - Eragon/Inherihantce series by Christopher Paolini)
Bio: A gypsy in this world means travelling healer and Ada embraces that lifestyle with open arms. She is sceptical about politics and absolutely loves her horse Willow. She is educated in magical arts
what Ada generally looks like,
when riding alone on Willow she dresses accordingly in a leather jacket, jodphurs and long boots.
The wagon she travels in with her gypsy cob Willow contains everything she owns, so she keeps her precious things at friends houses in farm houses in the country side.
this is the form she turns into, an ordinary cat allows her access to many places
She has thick black curly hair , large green eyes, freckles and exquisite hands that are fierce on musical intruments. These are the hands of wisdom, strength, and a soul not easily broken.
Creature: skin changing Gypsy
Age: appears to be late 30's, based from her knowledge she could be hectically old.
Personality: Motherly, intelligent, she is a master, twisting people around her finger and over coming all without the use of violence (thick Tom Bombadil - LoTR, Doctor - Doctor Who, Angela - Eragon/Inherihantce series by Christopher Paolini)
Bio: A gypsy in this world means travelling healer and Ada embraces that lifestyle with open arms. She is sceptical about politics and absolutely loves her horse Willow. She is educated in magical arts

She has thick black curly hair , large green eyes, freckles and exquisite hands that are fierce on musical intruments. These are the hands of wisdom, strength, and a soul not easily broken.
Corrupted Spirit
Unknown, very old.
Phrenesis simply put, is insane. He spends his life in a walking frenzy of delirium and madness. However this said he is somewhat capable of having coherent and linked thoughts, and when he desires can seem almost normal to the outside observer. His habits of possessing creatures and ruining their lives has lead him to develop a twisted sense of humour that is driven by misery and suffering of others and all around him. He may have once been evil, but now he cannot even remember his past and despite his cruel and unstable nature now sits in a more natural position when it comes to good or evil. That being said he relishes in chaos and disruption, and constantly seeks any way to worsen the stability of Emanseria for his own entertainment – most would indeed consider him to be ‘evil’.
Phrenesis has lost the knowledge of his own origin, having wandered Emanseria for the duration of his recollection. He has no corporeal form per say, however can possess and take control of any being of Emanseria who is weak willed or foolish, or any who he tricks into drinking a substance called the ‘Breath of Phrenesis’ – a magical liquor that he is able to produce when in his ‘natural’ form (referring to when he is not possessing any other creature, though in this form he is not visible and cannot interact with the majority of objects).
He likes to torment any he encounters and greatly enjoys the misfortune he has become quite skilled at bringing down on his intended targets, his own warped sense of humour driving almost every action that he commits.
He dislikes being outsmarted or defeated in any way, and will hold a lasting grudge against any who do so. One such of his ‘rivals’ is the Gypsy Ada Lovelace – having on numerous occasions (though some number of years ago now) attempted to possess her or those she comes into contact with. He has on several occasions attempted to trick her into consuming the Breath of Phrenesis, however each time she has bested him. Eventually he gave up, sulking away and spending the next few years destroying the lives of easier prey. However in the back of his mind a burning passion for Ada has never faded, and he often thinks of any plot that may one day succeed at someway gaining him his revenge.
When in his ‘natural’ form Phrenesis cannot be seen by any person or creature, other than those using magical means. The only exception to this is creatures of a feline nature, cats being able to both see and sense him. This has contributed to Ada’s constant bettering of him, and he constantly seeks a way to remedy this issue or gain any advantage over her.
He otherwise shares his appearance with whatever creature he happens to be possessing at the time, with the ability to alter the appearance slowly over time to better fit his will. His ‘default’ vessel is a demented Raven named ‘Sparrot’ that has always done his bidding and is his ‘loyal’ servant, seeing Phrenesis as both his God and his lover (don’t ask). Sparrot allows Phrenesis to possess him at any time, and when independent follows his instructions to the letter.
Corrupted Spirit
Unknown, very old.
Phrenesis simply put, is insane. He spends his life in a walking frenzy of delirium and madness. However this said he is somewhat capable of having coherent and linked thoughts, and when he desires can seem almost normal to the outside observer. His habits of possessing creatures and ruining their lives has lead him to develop a twisted sense of humour that is driven by misery and suffering of others and all around him. He may have once been evil, but now he cannot even remember his past and despite his cruel and unstable nature now sits in a more natural position when it comes to good or evil. That being said he relishes in chaos and disruption, and constantly seeks any way to worsen the stability of Emanseria for his own entertainment – most would indeed consider him to be ‘evil’.
Phrenesis has lost the knowledge of his own origin, having wandered Emanseria for the duration of his recollection. He has no corporeal form per say, however can possess and take control of any being of Emanseria who is weak willed or foolish, or any who he tricks into drinking a substance called the ‘Breath of Phrenesis’ – a magical liquor that he is able to produce when in his ‘natural’ form (referring to when he is not possessing any other creature, though in this form he is not visible and cannot interact with the majority of objects).
He likes to torment any he encounters and greatly enjoys the misfortune he has become quite skilled at bringing down on his intended targets, his own warped sense of humour driving almost every action that he commits.
He dislikes being outsmarted or defeated in any way, and will hold a lasting grudge against any who do so. One such of his ‘rivals’ is the Gypsy Ada Lovelace – having on numerous occasions (though some number of years ago now) attempted to possess her or those she comes into contact with. He has on several occasions attempted to trick her into consuming the Breath of Phrenesis, however each time she has bested him. Eventually he gave up, sulking away and spending the next few years destroying the lives of easier prey. However in the back of his mind a burning passion for Ada has never faded, and he often thinks of any plot that may one day succeed at someway gaining him his revenge.
When in his ‘natural’ form Phrenesis cannot be seen by any person or creature, other than those using magical means. The only exception to this is creatures of a feline nature, cats being able to both see and sense him. This has contributed to Ada’s constant bettering of him, and he constantly seeks a way to remedy this issue or gain any advantage over her.
He otherwise shares his appearance with whatever creature he happens to be possessing at the time, with the ability to alter the appearance slowly over time to better fit his will. His ‘default’ vessel is a demented Raven named ‘Sparrot’ that has always done his bidding and is his ‘loyal’ servant, seeing Phrenesis as both his God and his lover (don’t ask). Sparrot allows Phrenesis to possess him at any time, and when independent follows his instructions to the letter.
Fritz Carlisle
Fritz is generally quiet and reserved, qualities that his academic upbringing has installed within him. He could be called somewhat timid at times, although this is not his true nature, only the way he has come to act. He is naturally very curious and inquisitive, always wanting to know how things work or what something is all about. Deep down Fritz is a much more outgoing and adventurous, daydreaming about this or that, it’s just he has been conditioned to keep his mind in check and to behave himself and hasn’t had much of an opportunity to act otherwise. (Despite a few small acts of mischief here or there).
Fritz was born in the English country, his parents owning a large manor house and the surrounding grounds. He grew up and attended several prestigious private boarding schools for boys, being taught a startling array of subjects as well as participating in numerous extracurricular activities. He was then sent to a gifted boys sixth form college far away from home in the practical middle of nowhere, and whilst excelling once more at his schooling he felt like he had some level of independence now and would spend his free days exploring the surrounding countryside.
Fritz is interested in his schooling, but truth be told he would like to know there is more to life, and now spends his time reading and daydreaming, emerged in fantasy and dreaming of a grand trip - feeling like he would do almost anything to experience excitement and adventure.
He dislikes very little, however has had quite a sheltered upbringing compared to most and this is likely from a lack of experience. He dislikes being in trouble or being made fun of, though not many people like that. He also is somewhat scared of pitch black darkness, he just can’t help it.
Fritz is a somewhat tall and thin boy, having recently grown several inches in the summer just gone. He has short brown scruffy hair and also wears a pair of small glasses over his murky green eyes, though he can see just as well without them (his mother insists that he wears them). He always carries a green satchel bag which is filled with numerous books and little bits of this or that, it also has a pocket on the inside which he keeps any ‘items of interest’ he happens to come across, affectionately calling it his ‘trinket trove’. At the moment he is wearing a pair of heavy duty dark trousers, a white shirt and his school blazer which is black with brown trim along the edges. A tie with his school’s colours (green & black) sits loosely around his neck. All in all he is a healthy and handsome young man who is coming into his own as he reaches a critical age in his life.
Fritz Carlisle
Fritz is generally quiet and reserved, qualities that his academic upbringing has installed within him. He could be called somewhat timid at times, although this is not his true nature, only the way he has come to act. He is naturally very curious and inquisitive, always wanting to know how things work or what something is all about. Deep down Fritz is a much more outgoing and adventurous, daydreaming about this or that, it’s just he has been conditioned to keep his mind in check and to behave himself and hasn’t had much of an opportunity to act otherwise. (Despite a few small acts of mischief here or there).
Fritz was born in the English country, his parents owning a large manor house and the surrounding grounds. He grew up and attended several prestigious private boarding schools for boys, being taught a startling array of subjects as well as participating in numerous extracurricular activities. He was then sent to a gifted boys sixth form college far away from home in the practical middle of nowhere, and whilst excelling once more at his schooling he felt like he had some level of independence now and would spend his free days exploring the surrounding countryside.
Fritz is interested in his schooling, but truth be told he would like to know there is more to life, and now spends his time reading and daydreaming, emerged in fantasy and dreaming of a grand trip - feeling like he would do almost anything to experience excitement and adventure.
He dislikes very little, however has had quite a sheltered upbringing compared to most and this is likely from a lack of experience. He dislikes being in trouble or being made fun of, though not many people like that. He also is somewhat scared of pitch black darkness, he just can’t help it.
Fritz is a somewhat tall and thin boy, having recently grown several inches in the summer just gone. He has short brown scruffy hair and also wears a pair of small glasses over his murky green eyes, though he can see just as well without them (his mother insists that he wears them). He always carries a green satchel bag which is filled with numerous books and little bits of this or that, it also has a pocket on the inside which he keeps any ‘items of interest’ he happens to come across, affectionately calling it his ‘trinket trove’. At the moment he is wearing a pair of heavy duty dark trousers, a white shirt and his school blazer which is black with brown trim along the edges. A tie with his school’s colours (green & black) sits loosely around his neck. All in all he is a healthy and handsome young man who is coming into his own as he reaches a critical age in his life.
Name: Retria Renegade Ron Roundstone “Red”
Creature: Fire Fairy
Age: Unknown (clearly still a kid, and acts like a 13 year old)
Personality: Cheerful and witty, but also short tempered. Rather clumsy and awkward also fits the description of the wisecracking Red.
Fire Fairies were once great masters of fire. But for centuries their abilities have diminished more and more, and the number of Fire Fairies has diminished with it.
“Red” was born and raised in LaveStone, a small town high in the trees. It had been rebuild many times, since Fire Faries have a tendency to accidentally set fire to stuff. And Red is certainly no exception.
She has seen and experienced much of the world, but rarely interacted with anyone beyond her kind. Her mom and dad raised her to always help those in need should the opportunity arise. The only problem is that Fire Fairies aren’t really wise, strong or capable to do much beyond lighting things on fire. Even though some of them have secondary “gifts” they rarely amount to anything useful.
It was a dark night when men came from nowhere. With axes and… well not much else. They chopped down the home of the Fire Fairies, and left them confused and cold. It was war-time, and such required wood – lots of it. In the chaos Red was knocked out, and when she woke up it was down in the dirt, and everyone had left.
Suddenly alone she flew around this big open world she had only viewed from afar. That was until her path led her to a very special child, even more lost than her
Even if you are in need you must help others. That’s what momma says…
Like her kind Red can shoot small burst of fire from her fingertips. It mostly serves to lite things on fire that are already flammable or distract and scare enemies. This particular ability has more than once caused trouble for her. She also has the ability to turn almost invisible for short periods of time, though it has never helped if people looked directly at her.
Though small she is able to carry and fly with items up to 20 kilo.
She loves candy, but hates dirt and filth. She also hates war and those who benefit from it.
About the size of a 3 week old human child and with similar body proportions.
Creature: Fire Fairy
Age: Unknown (clearly still a kid, and acts like a 13 year old)
Personality: Cheerful and witty, but also short tempered. Rather clumsy and awkward also fits the description of the wisecracking Red.
Fire Fairies were once great masters of fire. But for centuries their abilities have diminished more and more, and the number of Fire Fairies has diminished with it.
“Red” was born and raised in LaveStone, a small town high in the trees. It had been rebuild many times, since Fire Faries have a tendency to accidentally set fire to stuff. And Red is certainly no exception.
She has seen and experienced much of the world, but rarely interacted with anyone beyond her kind. Her mom and dad raised her to always help those in need should the opportunity arise. The only problem is that Fire Fairies aren’t really wise, strong or capable to do much beyond lighting things on fire. Even though some of them have secondary “gifts” they rarely amount to anything useful.
It was a dark night when men came from nowhere. With axes and… well not much else. They chopped down the home of the Fire Fairies, and left them confused and cold. It was war-time, and such required wood – lots of it. In the chaos Red was knocked out, and when she woke up it was down in the dirt, and everyone had left.
Suddenly alone she flew around this big open world she had only viewed from afar. That was until her path led her to a very special child, even more lost than her
Even if you are in need you must help others. That’s what momma says…
Like her kind Red can shoot small burst of fire from her fingertips. It mostly serves to lite things on fire that are already flammable or distract and scare enemies. This particular ability has more than once caused trouble for her. She also has the ability to turn almost invisible for short periods of time, though it has never helped if people looked directly at her.
Though small she is able to carry and fly with items up to 20 kilo.
She loves candy, but hates dirt and filth. She also hates war and those who benefit from it.

About the size of a 3 week old human child and with similar body proportions.
Name: Aergar Wald
(Cool drawing Rax)
Creature: Forest Imp [Fae]
Age: 313
Personality: You'll never meet a more selfish, self-centered, egocentric sprite. Aergar is a creature of mischief and misfortune, specifically to travelers and those who venture into the wilderness. He cares for no one and looks after only himself, if he does happen to perform a "selfless" deed have no doubt that he has ulterior motives behind it. He is vain about his appearance, which is admittedly quite beautiful. He is not a god, but he certainly acts as if he had that kind of authority among all forests. Although the elves generally keep him in check if he threatens the sanctity of their home, because he does not harm the forest or creature that dwell in it, they generally leave him alone. Aergar is more powerful than he pretends to be, and is often underestimated. He does a good job of surrounding himself in mystery. He is extremely clever and quick-witted, and very good at scheming. He has a soft spot for small furry animals.
Bio: Aergar was born from the elder generations of fae and his bloodlines trace back to the ancient faerie kings, so simply by heritage he is among the more powerful of his species, though he has never demonstrated the full extent of his magical abilities they include: changing of his appearance (not the aesthetic modifications of most fae, he may make himself look like an entirely difference person, even female), a spirit form (can slip out of his body, Aergar's spirit is very similar in appearance to a goat, though while in this form he is surrounded by a blue/green aura that betrays the fact he is a spirit; without a spirit, his body remains where he leaves it in a coma or sleep-like state), environmental manipulation (draws power from the forest and can change his surroundings at will, accelerating plant growth, summoning forest creatures, etc.), teleportation (he cannot teleport while someone is looking at him, and can only teleport within a few miles and then only within a forest), and wish granting (he doesn't do this anymore, except occasionally out of spite, that's why they say to be careful what you wish for). His weaknesses would be wine or other strong drink, beautiful women, magical items (especially if he doesn't know what they do), and his curiosity (he wants to know everything). When he is outside of a forest, generally in an industrial or populated area like a city, or where there is little to no flora such as open plains or seas, he loses most of his powers save for the basic magic skills that all fae possess. His spirit also cannot leave the forest when it is outside the confines of his body.
Nobody knows this, but Aergar was not always the trouble-maker he is today, he used to be a kind forest sprite who would guide travelers, grant wishes, and spread good luck. He was dearly in love with an elf woman, and she with him. She taught him the ways of the forest and he would amuse her with simple spells though she was unable to learn them herself. They lived happily together for many years, and even had a son. However, this pleasant fantasy came to an abrupt end when Aergar returned from his travels one day to find his wife and child slaughtered by some malicious entity. This caused a 180 degree turn in his character, unable to ever find the culprit he went on a rampage, taking his anger and sorrow out on anyone unfortunate enough to set foot in the forest. He was on the verge of destroying the forest itself, and would have if the elves had not intervened, and made him swear an oath that though he might make war on all nations, he would not harm the forest or its native inhabitants. After this, he mourned, and continued to be a thorn in the side of travelers, hunters, and forest-dwelling people. Eventually his rage was forgotten, all burned up, and he seems to have forgotten his past. Though his actions are no longer fueled by the want for revenge, he is nevertheless the cause of constant mischief and misfortune, and can be very cruel at times, but he does this for his own gratification now, without a thought to his former life.
[Natural Form]

[Spirit Form]

Creature: Forest Imp [Fae]
Age: 313
Personality: You'll never meet a more selfish, self-centered, egocentric sprite. Aergar is a creature of mischief and misfortune, specifically to travelers and those who venture into the wilderness. He cares for no one and looks after only himself, if he does happen to perform a "selfless" deed have no doubt that he has ulterior motives behind it. He is vain about his appearance, which is admittedly quite beautiful. He is not a god, but he certainly acts as if he had that kind of authority among all forests. Although the elves generally keep him in check if he threatens the sanctity of their home, because he does not harm the forest or creature that dwell in it, they generally leave him alone. Aergar is more powerful than he pretends to be, and is often underestimated. He does a good job of surrounding himself in mystery. He is extremely clever and quick-witted, and very good at scheming. He has a soft spot for small furry animals.
Bio: Aergar was born from the elder generations of fae and his bloodlines trace back to the ancient faerie kings, so simply by heritage he is among the more powerful of his species, though he has never demonstrated the full extent of his magical abilities they include: changing of his appearance (not the aesthetic modifications of most fae, he may make himself look like an entirely difference person, even female), a spirit form (can slip out of his body, Aergar's spirit is very similar in appearance to a goat, though while in this form he is surrounded by a blue/green aura that betrays the fact he is a spirit; without a spirit, his body remains where he leaves it in a coma or sleep-like state), environmental manipulation (draws power from the forest and can change his surroundings at will, accelerating plant growth, summoning forest creatures, etc.), teleportation (he cannot teleport while someone is looking at him, and can only teleport within a few miles and then only within a forest), and wish granting (he doesn't do this anymore, except occasionally out of spite, that's why they say to be careful what you wish for). His weaknesses would be wine or other strong drink, beautiful women, magical items (especially if he doesn't know what they do), and his curiosity (he wants to know everything). When he is outside of a forest, generally in an industrial or populated area like a city, or where there is little to no flora such as open plains or seas, he loses most of his powers save for the basic magic skills that all fae possess. His spirit also cannot leave the forest when it is outside the confines of his body.
Nobody knows this, but Aergar was not always the trouble-maker he is today, he used to be a kind forest sprite who would guide travelers, grant wishes, and spread good luck. He was dearly in love with an elf woman, and she with him. She taught him the ways of the forest and he would amuse her with simple spells though she was unable to learn them herself. They lived happily together for many years, and even had a son. However, this pleasant fantasy came to an abrupt end when Aergar returned from his travels one day to find his wife and child slaughtered by some malicious entity. This caused a 180 degree turn in his character, unable to ever find the culprit he went on a rampage, taking his anger and sorrow out on anyone unfortunate enough to set foot in the forest. He was on the verge of destroying the forest itself, and would have if the elves had not intervened, and made him swear an oath that though he might make war on all nations, he would not harm the forest or its native inhabitants. After this, he mourned, and continued to be a thorn in the side of travelers, hunters, and forest-dwelling people. Eventually his rage was forgotten, all burned up, and he seems to have forgotten his past. Though his actions are no longer fueled by the want for revenge, he is nevertheless the cause of constant mischief and misfortune, and can be very cruel at times, but he does this for his own gratification now, without a thought to his former life.
[Natural Form]

[Spirit Form]

Name: Laakari Monstrator
Creature: Half-blood Elf
Age: ???
Personality: Laakari is well-respected as a master of alchemy. In addition to his extensive knowledge and practice in element chemistry, science, and medicine, he is a skillful inventor and engineer. He takes his work very seriously and will often spend weeks at a time in his laboratory, barely remembering to eat or even sleep. He is a very reserved individual and not very sociable, although he has a love for children and delights in teaching the local ones to read and write and do simple arithmetic, and will occasionally take on young apprentices to pass on his deeper knowledge to.
Bio: Laakari’s heritage is nothing special, he had to work very hard to achieve everything he is today. His father was an elf of Agoston who married a gypsy mundane. Though he was the spit and image of his father, Laakari took after his mother, inheriting her creative nature as well as her wanderlust and leaving home at a young age to study at a monastery in Tariq, became an apprentice to an alchemist and moved to Jabari with his master, and after finally graduating moved once more and settled outside of Eira where he set up his own laboratory. His reclusive nature has attracted the attention of the local fae children, who often dare each other to sneak up to Laakari’s house. A small handful of these are regular visitors whom Laakari treats as guests in his home.
Being only half elf, Laakari has no inherent magical gifts, though the work he does in his laboratory would certainly seem like magic to many. However, being an elf he has retained an affinity for green growing things and animals. He keeps a garden for the purpose of growing useful herbs and flowers and a few other “useless” plants that he simply thinks are beautiful.
A few years back, an accident involving a chemical explosion caused the loss of his right hand and right eye. To compensate he manufactured for himself a functioning mechanical hand, though there was nothing he could do for his eye and he now wears a red scarf around his forehead to cover it.

Novell is Laakari's current apprentice, a fae child only 9-years-old but filled with potential. Seeing her natural talent and philosophical mind, Laakari offered to take her under his care since her parents were quite poor and struggling just to feed her. She has been his ward nearly eight months now, and though she is young and only a child, she possesses an exceptional capacity to understand things and is eager to learn whatever the elf has to teach her, affectionately calling him "Uncle Laakari."
Creature: Half-blood Elf
Age: ???
Personality: Laakari is well-respected as a master of alchemy. In addition to his extensive knowledge and practice in element chemistry, science, and medicine, he is a skillful inventor and engineer. He takes his work very seriously and will often spend weeks at a time in his laboratory, barely remembering to eat or even sleep. He is a very reserved individual and not very sociable, although he has a love for children and delights in teaching the local ones to read and write and do simple arithmetic, and will occasionally take on young apprentices to pass on his deeper knowledge to.
Bio: Laakari’s heritage is nothing special, he had to work very hard to achieve everything he is today. His father was an elf of Agoston who married a gypsy mundane. Though he was the spit and image of his father, Laakari took after his mother, inheriting her creative nature as well as her wanderlust and leaving home at a young age to study at a monastery in Tariq, became an apprentice to an alchemist and moved to Jabari with his master, and after finally graduating moved once more and settled outside of Eira where he set up his own laboratory. His reclusive nature has attracted the attention of the local fae children, who often dare each other to sneak up to Laakari’s house. A small handful of these are regular visitors whom Laakari treats as guests in his home.
Being only half elf, Laakari has no inherent magical gifts, though the work he does in his laboratory would certainly seem like magic to many. However, being an elf he has retained an affinity for green growing things and animals. He keeps a garden for the purpose of growing useful herbs and flowers and a few other “useless” plants that he simply thinks are beautiful.
A few years back, an accident involving a chemical explosion caused the loss of his right hand and right eye. To compensate he manufactured for himself a functioning mechanical hand, though there was nothing he could do for his eye and he now wears a red scarf around his forehead to cover it.

Novell is Laakari's current apprentice, a fae child only 9-years-old but filled with potential. Seeing her natural talent and philosophical mind, Laakari offered to take her under his care since her parents were quite poor and struggling just to feed her. She has been his ward nearly eight months now, and though she is young and only a child, she possesses an exceptional capacity to understand things and is eager to learn whatever the elf has to teach her, affectionately calling him "Uncle Laakari."