Name: Cecilia Simoneau
The twins.
Cecilia, currently.

Age: 11 (almost 12)
Nationality: Canadian
Bio: Mr Allen and Mrs Evelyn Simoneau married shortly before the Second Impact catastrophe. Both medical professionnals in Quebec, Canada, they decided to draft into the Canadian NERV branch when opportunity came. They had postponed plans to start a family given the world's state of crisis, but thought being NERV officers would offer a better quality of life than they could build for themselves. They were right. With the rising sea level much of the habitable territory in Canada was flooded. Even the prairies became more marshland than grassland. The NERV branch in Norther Quebec had erected damn-like structures to avoid flooding of it's facilities and was genuinly and interesting place to live, if you didn't mind the weather.
A couple of years into the project, once major construction was completed, the couple decided to move on with their plans for family life. In 2003, Evelyn became pregnant. To their surprise, they discovered she would be having identical twin girls. Gestation went on with very little issues. Standard concerns, nothing more. NERV facilities were quite accomodating and the Simoneau's would not be the first couple to have children in the complex. All that aside the fact that they were both medical doctors. When the time finally came, both babies were born quite healthy. The first few months were as it was for any other new parents : sleepless nights of crying babies, normal infant health preoccupations, laughs and tears... Alice and Cecilia Simoneau were bright and healthy children. They walked on their own at the tender age of ten months, to the great dismay of their parents. What's worse than one mischevous child? Two inseperable mischevous children. There was no better way to describe them besides « partners in crime ».
Happiness was not meant to last, however. Weeks after the toddlers' third birthday there was an elevator malfunction in the complex the Simoneaus lived which lead to the death of Alice and severe injury of Cecilia. Allen had been out with his girls to run an errand, and between two glimpses the twins ran into the lift. It was a freak accident. The father hadn't by any means been negligent, though he felt he had. It took a year for Cecilia to recover and another for him to complete physical therapy. Luckily, the medical staff in the complex, which included his parents, had been able to make her catch up on normal development despite being crippled between the ages of three and four. Mrs Simoneau was always amazed by her daughter's demeanor. She had expected the child to be morose and melancholic for years after losing her twin, but she never was. Always smiling, exploring, playing... « It's what Allie says I should do. » The parents were concerned at first, thinking their remaining daughter had gone off to the deep end believing her sister's « spirit » to be alive and talking to her, but several psychiatric evaluations eased their minds. They had her followed by a therapist though, to ensure there were no psychological land mines somewhere waiting to be stepped on...
« It was my birthday last week. I turned eight. Daddy is usually so quiet and sad 'round that time of year... I understand why. I'm a kid but not an idiot. He misses Allie... I do too... This year is different though. He spends so much time with me now, it's like it's his new job. He brings me places around the complex I've never seen before and lets me try these cool rides and machines. Mom isn't always happy about it. … Oh no, they don't fight. But it's like they traded feelings about my birthday. Now mom's sad and dad is excited. There's this big surprise I keep hearing. Shelagh at the playground told me she heard her parents saying something was coming here. Something big. Something they never expected would! I really can't wait. I hope it's a theme park. We saw pictures of an old theme park in what used to be Montreal. I hope the move it here. Well, it might be rusty, 'cause it was underwater for so long... But at least we'd have something exciting to do... »
« I can't believe it! I'm finally done with dummies! I've been training after school for two years now! Mom's REALLY not happy about it, and dad seems nervous although he keeps saying it's a good thing. I don't know what the fuss is. I was chosen for this. I worked so hard. I haven't seen any of my friends in forever. I saw Shelagh in the street the other day, she barely recognized me. She says I grew up and forgot about her and the gang. I don't think it's true... I just. It's just... The pod it... I can feel something getting closer, you know? Something familiar? I don't know. I might be crazy. It's just something I need to do. Dad says there might be a day when kids like me really make a difference in the world. Our teachers used to say the same thing. But you know... Who believes that? We'll get jobs, grow old and stuff... Like everyone else... »
« The child's sync ratio is phenomenal. She obviously lacks training in stressful circumstances, but the bond with his EVA unit is undeniably iron-clad. Exercises in data collection have been successful enough to deem the SXT model viable for combat. There is interesting AT Fiield behaviour with Cecilia in the SXT. Though we have not been able to test it with another piloted EVA, it seems she is able to transmit sensory information as waves through the AT Field itself! Almost like a wireless connection! While facinating, this remains theoretical. We do not recommend deploying Cecilia in the SXT for solo combat any time soon. »
« We confirm transition of the tenth child and the SXT model to Japan headquarters. They should be arriving tomorrow. AT Field data transmission is viable. Of course, success will depending on sync levels of both pilots and of course their bond. The Canadian branch's recommendation is to have the children living together to promote a sense of unity. In any case, SXT and it's pilot can be used, if needed, for solo interventions. What the model lacks in concrete offensive and defensive equipement, notably it's smaller stature, the pilot and it make up for in precision and speed. The full details will arrive with the pilot, and we trust Headquarters will do it's own assessment. We are honored to be of aid given the circumstances. »
Personality: WORKING ON IT!
Service history: Pilot in training since he was eight years old. Cecilia's parents have been employed as medical officers since the founding of the Canadian NERV branch.
Role within Nerv: First Eva SXT pilot.
Eva unit number and description: Eva SXT-01
EVA unit SXT 1 is a prototype model. SXT meaning "sensory extension", this particular EVA model was designed as a scout and "complimentary" unit. With heightened sensory perception and data collection capabilities the unit's goal is to assist in battle rather than participate. It's offensive and defensive capacities underwhelm when compared to standard models (it's actually smaller in size than regular units by roughly a third), however manoeuverability and speed surpass normal performance. While the SXT unit is meant to operate as part of a team, it is possible to deploy it on solo recon missions and can even hold it's ground with the basic knife and ranged weapons due to it's enhanced speed and precision.
The twins.

Cecilia, currently.

Age: 11 (almost 12)
Nationality: Canadian
Bio: Mr Allen and Mrs Evelyn Simoneau married shortly before the Second Impact catastrophe. Both medical professionnals in Quebec, Canada, they decided to draft into the Canadian NERV branch when opportunity came. They had postponed plans to start a family given the world's state of crisis, but thought being NERV officers would offer a better quality of life than they could build for themselves. They were right. With the rising sea level much of the habitable territory in Canada was flooded. Even the prairies became more marshland than grassland. The NERV branch in Norther Quebec had erected damn-like structures to avoid flooding of it's facilities and was genuinly and interesting place to live, if you didn't mind the weather.
A couple of years into the project, once major construction was completed, the couple decided to move on with their plans for family life. In 2003, Evelyn became pregnant. To their surprise, they discovered she would be having identical twin girls. Gestation went on with very little issues. Standard concerns, nothing more. NERV facilities were quite accomodating and the Simoneau's would not be the first couple to have children in the complex. All that aside the fact that they were both medical doctors. When the time finally came, both babies were born quite healthy. The first few months were as it was for any other new parents : sleepless nights of crying babies, normal infant health preoccupations, laughs and tears... Alice and Cecilia Simoneau were bright and healthy children. They walked on their own at the tender age of ten months, to the great dismay of their parents. What's worse than one mischevous child? Two inseperable mischevous children. There was no better way to describe them besides « partners in crime ».
Happiness was not meant to last, however. Weeks after the toddlers' third birthday there was an elevator malfunction in the complex the Simoneaus lived which lead to the death of Alice and severe injury of Cecilia. Allen had been out with his girls to run an errand, and between two glimpses the twins ran into the lift. It was a freak accident. The father hadn't by any means been negligent, though he felt he had. It took a year for Cecilia to recover and another for him to complete physical therapy. Luckily, the medical staff in the complex, which included his parents, had been able to make her catch up on normal development despite being crippled between the ages of three and four. Mrs Simoneau was always amazed by her daughter's demeanor. She had expected the child to be morose and melancholic for years after losing her twin, but she never was. Always smiling, exploring, playing... « It's what Allie says I should do. » The parents were concerned at first, thinking their remaining daughter had gone off to the deep end believing her sister's « spirit » to be alive and talking to her, but several psychiatric evaluations eased their minds. They had her followed by a therapist though, to ensure there were no psychological land mines somewhere waiting to be stepped on...
« It was my birthday last week. I turned eight. Daddy is usually so quiet and sad 'round that time of year... I understand why. I'm a kid but not an idiot. He misses Allie... I do too... This year is different though. He spends so much time with me now, it's like it's his new job. He brings me places around the complex I've never seen before and lets me try these cool rides and machines. Mom isn't always happy about it. … Oh no, they don't fight. But it's like they traded feelings about my birthday. Now mom's sad and dad is excited. There's this big surprise I keep hearing. Shelagh at the playground told me she heard her parents saying something was coming here. Something big. Something they never expected would! I really can't wait. I hope it's a theme park. We saw pictures of an old theme park in what used to be Montreal. I hope the move it here. Well, it might be rusty, 'cause it was underwater for so long... But at least we'd have something exciting to do... »
« I can't believe it! I'm finally done with dummies! I've been training after school for two years now! Mom's REALLY not happy about it, and dad seems nervous although he keeps saying it's a good thing. I don't know what the fuss is. I was chosen for this. I worked so hard. I haven't seen any of my friends in forever. I saw Shelagh in the street the other day, she barely recognized me. She says I grew up and forgot about her and the gang. I don't think it's true... I just. It's just... The pod it... I can feel something getting closer, you know? Something familiar? I don't know. I might be crazy. It's just something I need to do. Dad says there might be a day when kids like me really make a difference in the world. Our teachers used to say the same thing. But you know... Who believes that? We'll get jobs, grow old and stuff... Like everyone else... »
« The child's sync ratio is phenomenal. She obviously lacks training in stressful circumstances, but the bond with his EVA unit is undeniably iron-clad. Exercises in data collection have been successful enough to deem the SXT model viable for combat. There is interesting AT Fiield behaviour with Cecilia in the SXT. Though we have not been able to test it with another piloted EVA, it seems she is able to transmit sensory information as waves through the AT Field itself! Almost like a wireless connection! While facinating, this remains theoretical. We do not recommend deploying Cecilia in the SXT for solo combat any time soon. »
« We confirm transition of the tenth child and the SXT model to Japan headquarters. They should be arriving tomorrow. AT Field data transmission is viable. Of course, success will depending on sync levels of both pilots and of course their bond. The Canadian branch's recommendation is to have the children living together to promote a sense of unity. In any case, SXT and it's pilot can be used, if needed, for solo interventions. What the model lacks in concrete offensive and defensive equipement, notably it's smaller stature, the pilot and it make up for in precision and speed. The full details will arrive with the pilot, and we trust Headquarters will do it's own assessment. We are honored to be of aid given the circumstances. »
Personality: WORKING ON IT!
Service history: Pilot in training since he was eight years old. Cecilia's parents have been employed as medical officers since the founding of the Canadian NERV branch.
Role within Nerv: First Eva SXT pilot.
Eva unit number and description: Eva SXT-01
EVA unit SXT 1 is a prototype model. SXT meaning "sensory extension", this particular EVA model was designed as a scout and "complimentary" unit. With heightened sensory perception and data collection capabilities the unit's goal is to assist in battle rather than participate. It's offensive and defensive capacities underwhelm when compared to standard models (it's actually smaller in size than regular units by roughly a third), however manoeuverability and speed surpass normal performance. While the SXT unit is meant to operate as part of a team, it is possible to deploy it on solo recon missions and can even hold it's ground with the basic knife and ranged weapons due to it's enhanced speed and precision.