I'm fine if you post or waiting for sly.
Apokalipse said
I don’t know much about weapons, nor sci-fi weapons, so I made Elodie ignorant in that aspect, but I really like this RP and wish to join ^_^
Apokalipse said
I don’t know much about weapons, nor sci-fi weapons, so I made Elodie ignorant in that aspect, but I really like this RP and wish to join ^_^
Apokalipse said
I went with both situations, slightly. Elodie is just arriving at the Dark Abyss when her ship is taken hostage, basically.
The15thSpycrab said
I hate to criticize your storytelling, but I'm pretty sure that if you sent a planet destroyer nuke at an enemy closer than the moon, bad things will happen to the earth. Space battles hopefully take place much farther out.
Jasonhero said
Bear with me, my friend. There is a method to the Ship-Breaking-Through-The-Freakin-Moon madness
The15thSpycrab said
Ok, I can agree with that point.Edit: For further information, do we have any kind of gravity-manipulation technology?Edit2: Wait, how are you connected to Schroe's ship? The two androids have ports to connect it directly to our brains, but humans wouldn't have something like that.