Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Bevolerian


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"Nes, Mr Ness." He chuckled loudly as he put his hand on his knees and rubbed them a few times, peeeeeeering around - darting his eyes between every person in the bar before setting them on the man in front of him that had spoken to him. "Mr Finch? Mr Pinch, Flinch, Mr Flinch it is." He gritted his teeth behind the mask as he peered at the man from behind the glasses. The darkened welder glasses covering up most of what his gaze was set on and his general gaze at all. He shrugged his shoulders, "Nes, just Nes. Like that old console. Anywaaaays, so anyone here do anything fun for a living?" He asked in general, peeering around once again.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Whirlwind
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Whirlwind Barefoot Hippie Momma

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

“Blush girl?” Summer said, looking like she wasn’t sure she liked the name but didn’t dislike it either. Probably better to give a fake name just to be sure, so she gave her middle. “I’m Bethie,” she replied, raising an eyebrow and glancing to the others, doubting any of them really cared. The spinning man was just bored and looking for someone to entertain him, and she knew she was not the type. “And I’m from the US. I try not to die for a living,” she said rather bluntly, looking back into her beer and taking a drink. “I suppose I’m doing alright so far,” she shrugged, not looking sad or anything, but more matter of fact.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DELETED324324


Banned Seen 2 yrs ago

Jared stood up and dusted himself off, he had just finshed his book, it was funny how something so old like the art of war, was still useable even today, "Then again without people like Thaddeus i would be out of the job." He thought, he hated lesiure days for this exact reason all there was to do was to ponder his role in the grand scheme of things, or go to the bar, at the very thought of the bar his feet started moving like they had a mind of their own towards the streets.

When Jared made it to the bar there was a crowd of people there but only a few stood out, one was the idiot taking a spin on a stool in a gas mask, the girl sitting away from everyone who had just finshed saying something, a man in a suit, mainly because you don't see many people in a suit unless they were hunting people like Jared down, and lastly was the bars owner, she was pretty, and she didn't treat Jared like shit because he was in the military, but then again they never really talked. After taking everything in he looked to the dart board and chuckled, he had no love for Thaddeus but the man gave him a job so there wasn't much animosity either, but he didn't come here to ponder, he was after all pretty thirsty. "I will have some juice if you got any." He said to the barkeep.
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