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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by LegendBegins
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whizzball1 said
Yeah!I am?? You're the one who touched my mane. But then again, you didn't know that I don't like my mane touched!! Either way, Rubala's pushing to get fresh air, so I'm going to switch out Awarenesses! If she offends you, remember that she hasn't heard our conversation so far since she's been busy with other manners!! Please cut her some slack!! *her eyes glow and she grows in size, her horn growing longer and her wings growing larger* Good day, everypony. *sees Para* I have not seen you before.

*Drinks the liquid, and turns back into a guy*
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Para


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LegendBegins said
I don't see how you could have possibly figured that out.

You allowed me to touch you with skin contact. Claymores can find out practically everything physical about a friend or acquaintance, not a hostile, just by touching their skin.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by LegendBegins
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Para said
You allowed me to touch you with skin contact. Claymores can find out practically everything physical about a friend or acquaintance, not a hostile, just by touching their skin.

But how did you figure out something non-physical?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Para


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whizzball1 said
Yeah!I am?? You're the one who touched my mane. But then again, you didn't know that I don't like my mane touched!! Either way, Rubala's pushing to get fresh air, so I'm going to switch out Awarenesses! If she offends you, remember that she hasn't heard our conversation so far since she's been busy with other manners!! Please cut her some slack!! *her eyes glow and she grows in size, her horn growing longer and her wings growing larger* Good day, everypony. *sees Para* I have not seen you before.

I'll ignore that pony comment for now.
I'm Para. You're Rubala. We're met. Can I sit down now?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Para


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LegendBegins said
But how did you figure out something non-physical?

It is physical. It works with your memories too you know.
*Chuckles, causing my eyes to flash orange*
I'll forget them though. In about.. 35 seconds.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by whizzball1
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whizzball1 Spirit

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LegendBegins said
*Drinks the liquid, and turns back into a guy*FINALLY!!! YES!

Wonderful! I am glad.
Para said
I'll ignore that pony comment for now.*Stands*I'm Para. You're Rubala. We're met. Can I sit down now?

What do you mean? Are you not a pony also? *after a few seconds, facehoofs* I am sorry, I sometimes forget that not everypony here is a pony like myself. You are a humanoid, I presume?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by LegendBegins
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Para said
It is physical. It works with your memories too you know.*Chuckles, causing my eyes to flash orange*I'll forget them though. In about.. 35 seconds.

*Shrugs and grins*
Whatever you say. I have three minds with three sets of memories anyway.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by LegendBegins
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whizzball1 said
Wonderful! I am glad.What do you mean? Are you not a pony also? *after a few seconds, facehoofs* I am sorry, I sometimes forget that not everypony here is a pony like myself. You are a humanoid, I presume?

I'm not a pony either!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Para


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whizzball1 said
Wonderful! I am glad.What do you mean? Are you not a pony also? *after a few seconds, facehoofs* I am sorry, I sometimes forget that not everypony here is a pony like myself. You are a humanoid, I presume?

*Sighs loudly and heavily*
Third time today I explain myself. Here goes.

I'm half Yoma. A claymore. I hunt Yoma.

Yoma hunt humans. Just ask David if you need more information.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by whizzball1
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whizzball1 Spirit

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LegendBegins said
I'm not a pony either!

I know that already. Force of habit. How are you, David?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Para


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LegendBegins said
*Shrugs and grins*Whatever you say. I have three minds with three sets of memories anyway.

*Smirks* I'm aware.
You have? That's cool.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by LegendBegins
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whizzball1 said
I know that already. Force of habit. How are you, David?

Way better as a guy.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by LegendBegins
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Para said
*Smirks* I'm aware....You have? That's cool.

I have some tricks up my sleeve. I'm used to people trying that.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by whizzball1
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whizzball1 Spirit

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Para said
*Sighs loudly and heavily*Third time today I explain myself. Here goes.I'm half Yoma. A claymore. I hunt Yoma.Yoma hunt humans. Just ask David if you need more information.

A Yoma then. I will try not to refer to you as a pony, but please do not be offended if I refer to you as one. 'Tis a force of habit, my dear.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by whizzball1
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whizzball1 Spirit

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

LegendBegins said
Way better as a guy.

*laughs lightly* Good.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Para


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LegendBegins said
*Laughs*I have some tricks up my sleeve. I'm used to people trying that.

-My knowledge of you fades-
Oh? That's inventive!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by LegendBegins
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whizzball1 said
*laughs lightly* Good.

I forgot how good it felt to have the Y chromosome circulating everywhere.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Para


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whizzball1 said
A Yoma then. I will try not to refer to you as a pony, but please do not be offended if I refer to you as one. 'Tis a force of habit, my dear.

*My eyes burn orange, then my teeth become jagged*
*Breathes deeply for a while until I return to normal*
I am a Claymore. If you must call me something offensive, call me Silver Eyed Witch. I'm used to that one.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by LegendBegins
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Para said
-My knowledge of you fades-Oh? That's inventive!

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by whizzball1
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whizzball1 Spirit

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Para said
*My eyes burn orange, then my teeth become jagged*I AM A .*Breathes deeply for a while until I return to normal*I am a Claymore. If you must call me something offensive, call me Silver Eyed Witch. I'm used to that one.

I am not trying to call you something offensive, my dear. It is only a force of habit. I will try not to say Everypony and Anypony. Do you have a suggestion as to what to say instead?"
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