I'm so completely in love with them. :3 Bran is currently half in the food dish, half in a cardboard tube. Ricken is sleeping. Euuurrgghhh too much cuteness.
Taaj said
This just in: They hardly fought at all aside from the furious butt/scrotum-smelling that took place initially.
Taaj said
Now Ricken is pouting and licking his dick in a corner. Bran is eating... something.
Taaj said
venus fly trap named Cersei
Taaj said
Bran has taken to scaling the cage like a wee spider.Spider ratSpider ratDoes whateverA spider rat doesCan he swing from a web?No he can't.He's a rat.
Sable said
Those fucking Imgur commenters man.
Somebody outta wife you. You're into all kinds of cool things.
Cpt Toellner said
I really hope this wasn't one of us.
Taaj said
There aren't a lot of people on Spam who would be into wifing me.
Sable said
>le tipping of le fedora
Taaj said
Getting another one was a seriously good idea, Ricken is so obviously more happy now. They snuggle and wrestle together, but they also spend time apart. Ricken has bullied Bran a little bit, but Bran can dish it out right back at him. They're really really great pets.
Aragorn said
Reminds me of my parakeets. Most species of bird are super social, especially the small ones. I'll be eating breakfast and watching them squeezing and doing the burst equivalent of hugging/ kissing. There's three of them in the same cage btw.
Taaj said
Rats are very social too! They've been grooming each other all morning, and are visibly anxious when I separate them. Within a few minutes after their wrestling/fighting, they're curled up with each other napping.