EDIT: LOL Spellcheck op, pls nerf title from BannerMoth to BadgerMoth.
Pieces Set
“You’ve come to me for a story, have you?... Well, then, let me, the good old Crow, tell you a story. A true story. One I was present for... One that led to the deaths of many fine, young woodland critters.”
It all started in a decent enough little town called Badgerfell. Filled with all sorts of people and critters, it was officially ruled quite peacefully by Mayor Badger, and Captain Ferret.
Mayor Badger was of course the sort to not stand so boldly above his fellows, wearing a simple red vest and white undershirt with a classic bow tie, though his sophistication preserved itself with the monocle he wore and the golden pocket watch in the upper left breast pocket of his vest. His legal name was Drago, and like his father before him he was known as a crafty if a bit secretive fellow. Some had even tried to take his life, much to their dismay at the motley string of failures followed up with a trail of shallow graves wherever the assassins made their attempts... Though it had been especially prominent recently. Just last week, three of the little fellows known as Zeds made their attempt, though the mass manufactured bots didn’t stand a chance.
Walking beside him and inspecting every crevice in town was Captain Ferret, the military executive of the distant and slow moving producers of Advancedwood. With a long, fairly stereotypical scar running across his eyes and the bridge of his nose, it was fairly plain that this ferret had seen shit no ferret should ever have to see. At his waist at all times was an arming sword and a one handed axe, and from the shoulders down to his pants he was dressed in all grey and bland clothing, though it seemed padded, possible lightly armoured. No boots though, after all, what ferret in his right mind would wear something that would slow him down? He was a veteran of the OT wars, a series of conflicts in which most everyone went mad. Not Brovo, though he legally changed his name to Captain Ferret, so one had to ask if he did return home in one piece after all...
The street they were on was fairly quiet, remarkable. Too quiet. Captain Ferret’s eyes looked about each alley with a paranoid look as they entered a small restaurant run by a blind mole. There, my astute listeners, there they met what would soon be their greatest enemy.
The legendary Moth Boss.
The restaurant, normally bustling with activity, was dead silent in a sort of petrified awe, too hypnotized with what they were seeing to listen to their instinct to run while they had the chance. Walking around with a strut that screamed nobility, Idle’s smile was full of daggers, her eyes reflected the very light around her as though not even the highest of judges could touch such a figure... Oh, and ‘twas such a lithe figure, with beautiful wings and a fashion sense that only complimented the way her wings wrapped around her curvacious frame. Spotting Mayor Badger, she licked her lips while Captain Ferret growled lowly, grabbing a nearby apple off a plate and biting into it. “My, darling, how forward of you.” She comments as she looks over Captain Ferret with an amused smirk. In the middle of chewing, Ferret retorted with distrust and paranoia. “Don’t get any ideas bright eyes. I’m just hungry, not thirsty.”
Mayor Badger shakes his head as he looks her over. “You realize the bounty on your head is high enough to pay for the expenses of the town for a hundred years.” The Moth Boss laughs. “True, but what does that matter to you?” He starts to approach her, only to feel the familiar paw of Captain Ferret on his shoulder. Nodding back to his friend, he then simply glares at her. “This town is too small for a lady like you.” She shrugs and gently caresses the head of a nearby mouse. “Maybe.” With one twist of her wrist, the mouse’s neck snaps. “But I want it anyway, and I always get--” She’s interrupted as the Captain lunges for her, arming sword unsheathed into a downward swing from above, only for an unearthly screech and a flutter of feathers to resound throughout the restaurant.
Standing in front of Captain Ferret was the unnatural glare from a pair of dead eyes. Captain Ferret’s eyes quickly move over the rest of the form before him, a figure covered head to toe in feathers, nearly twice his size with a pair of large wings, one of which had caught and entangled his blade between the feathers. Surely it must have cut into the flesh, and yet, only a black, grungy liquid trickled down to the blade’s pommel. With a single twist, the blade is ripped from Ferret’s hands as he stumbles backward and sent spiraling away, shattering a window and falling outside. “Ah, there, a little slow weren’t you?” The old raven crowed, fluttering his wings as little black droplets began to stain the floor around his talons. “I am sorry my fairest lady.” Reaching up to slowly caress the top of his head, Idle had to stand on the tips of her toes just to reach it, though he coo’d at the soft touch as the Moth Boss then glared at Mayor Badger, who was shaking with anger.
“I’ve heard you have secrets.” Her eyes move across the entire restaurant. “That this entire town has secrets... The kind that could make a small time insect like me very powerful.” Captain Ferret unsheathed his axe, and stepped back to Mayor Badger’s side. “Well ain’t it just a shame my town isn’t for sale.” Drago crosses his arms over his puffed out chest, hissing at the crow as he glares at her. “What’s your name anyway?” The crow cackles, then coughs heavily, before replying. “Gold Marble, badger.” A slight curl reaches Drago’s face. “Good, I know which grave to return you to when you make the mistake of coming after me like your little Zed bots did.”
The entire restaurant goes silent, neither side making a move for a few moments before the sound of a metal tray hitting the counter behind the Moth Boss gets all of them to stare at the blind mole chef. “Welcome to Hollywood.” He says as he points at the sign above the counter. “I’m the Mole, and these are my baked cookies.” The Moth Boss blinks in confusion, then laughs. “Oh I’m going to like it here.” Mayor Badger grumbles as he looks to Captain Ferret, motioning for him to leave with him. “Aww, leaving so soon boys?” Idle teases as Mayor Badger looks back at her. “...I don’t give no fucks.” He leaves, with Captain Ferret in tow.
All the while, the mouse’s corpse was left there, all parties forgetting that it even happened as they were too busy trading insults with one another. Though they all knew the next encounter between any of them would be one of violence and mayhem. The stage has been set, the pieces in place, introductions had... The only question was no longer of if, but when, it would erupt into the bloodiest conflict of all time.
The only question that remained was who would take who’s side?

Act 1; Scene 2.
Act 1; Scene 3.
Act 1; Scene 4.
Welcome to the BadgerMoth Saga, a war that will escalate between Badgers and Moths until it ends in either the complete annihilation of the town’s defenders or of the criminal elements that the Moths want to bring in. If you want to volunteer your body for horrible maiming, just fill out the following form. If you want to tell me how horrible I am at this, just throw your complaints right here, thank you.
Oh puhlease. You don't just murder people senselessly. You set them up first, give them introductions, and then you brutally murder them. <3
Azarthes said Brovo wouldn't make a spamfic
“You’ve come to me for a story, have you?... Well, then, let me, the good old Crow, tell you a story. A true story. One I was present for... One that led to the deaths of many fine, young woodland critters.”
It all started in a decent enough little town called Badgerfell. Filled with all sorts of people and critters, it was officially ruled quite peacefully by Mayor Badger, and Captain Ferret.
Mayor Badger was of course the sort to not stand so boldly above his fellows, wearing a simple red vest and white undershirt with a classic bow tie, though his sophistication preserved itself with the monocle he wore and the golden pocket watch in the upper left breast pocket of his vest. His legal name was Drago, and like his father before him he was known as a crafty if a bit secretive fellow. Some had even tried to take his life, much to their dismay at the motley string of failures followed up with a trail of shallow graves wherever the assassins made their attempts... Though it had been especially prominent recently. Just last week, three of the little fellows known as Zeds made their attempt, though the mass manufactured bots didn’t stand a chance.
Walking beside him and inspecting every crevice in town was Captain Ferret, the military executive of the distant and slow moving producers of Advancedwood. With a long, fairly stereotypical scar running across his eyes and the bridge of his nose, it was fairly plain that this ferret had seen shit no ferret should ever have to see. At his waist at all times was an arming sword and a one handed axe, and from the shoulders down to his pants he was dressed in all grey and bland clothing, though it seemed padded, possible lightly armoured. No boots though, after all, what ferret in his right mind would wear something that would slow him down? He was a veteran of the OT wars, a series of conflicts in which most everyone went mad. Not Brovo, though he legally changed his name to Captain Ferret, so one had to ask if he did return home in one piece after all...
The street they were on was fairly quiet, remarkable. Too quiet. Captain Ferret’s eyes looked about each alley with a paranoid look as they entered a small restaurant run by a blind mole. There, my astute listeners, there they met what would soon be their greatest enemy.
The legendary Moth Boss.
The restaurant, normally bustling with activity, was dead silent in a sort of petrified awe, too hypnotized with what they were seeing to listen to their instinct to run while they had the chance. Walking around with a strut that screamed nobility, Idle’s smile was full of daggers, her eyes reflected the very light around her as though not even the highest of judges could touch such a figure... Oh, and ‘twas such a lithe figure, with beautiful wings and a fashion sense that only complimented the way her wings wrapped around her curvacious frame. Spotting Mayor Badger, she licked her lips while Captain Ferret growled lowly, grabbing a nearby apple off a plate and biting into it. “My, darling, how forward of you.” She comments as she looks over Captain Ferret with an amused smirk. In the middle of chewing, Ferret retorted with distrust and paranoia. “Don’t get any ideas bright eyes. I’m just hungry, not thirsty.”
Mayor Badger shakes his head as he looks her over. “You realize the bounty on your head is high enough to pay for the expenses of the town for a hundred years.” The Moth Boss laughs. “True, but what does that matter to you?” He starts to approach her, only to feel the familiar paw of Captain Ferret on his shoulder. Nodding back to his friend, he then simply glares at her. “This town is too small for a lady like you.” She shrugs and gently caresses the head of a nearby mouse. “Maybe.” With one twist of her wrist, the mouse’s neck snaps. “But I want it anyway, and I always get--” She’s interrupted as the Captain lunges for her, arming sword unsheathed into a downward swing from above, only for an unearthly screech and a flutter of feathers to resound throughout the restaurant.
Standing in front of Captain Ferret was the unnatural glare from a pair of dead eyes. Captain Ferret’s eyes quickly move over the rest of the form before him, a figure covered head to toe in feathers, nearly twice his size with a pair of large wings, one of which had caught and entangled his blade between the feathers. Surely it must have cut into the flesh, and yet, only a black, grungy liquid trickled down to the blade’s pommel. With a single twist, the blade is ripped from Ferret’s hands as he stumbles backward and sent spiraling away, shattering a window and falling outside. “Ah, there, a little slow weren’t you?” The old raven crowed, fluttering his wings as little black droplets began to stain the floor around his talons. “I am sorry my fairest lady.” Reaching up to slowly caress the top of his head, Idle had to stand on the tips of her toes just to reach it, though he coo’d at the soft touch as the Moth Boss then glared at Mayor Badger, who was shaking with anger.
“I’ve heard you have secrets.” Her eyes move across the entire restaurant. “That this entire town has secrets... The kind that could make a small time insect like me very powerful.” Captain Ferret unsheathed his axe, and stepped back to Mayor Badger’s side. “Well ain’t it just a shame my town isn’t for sale.” Drago crosses his arms over his puffed out chest, hissing at the crow as he glares at her. “What’s your name anyway?” The crow cackles, then coughs heavily, before replying. “Gold Marble, badger.” A slight curl reaches Drago’s face. “Good, I know which grave to return you to when you make the mistake of coming after me like your little Zed bots did.”
The entire restaurant goes silent, neither side making a move for a few moments before the sound of a metal tray hitting the counter behind the Moth Boss gets all of them to stare at the blind mole chef. “Welcome to Hollywood.” He says as he points at the sign above the counter. “I’m the Mole, and these are my baked cookies.” The Moth Boss blinks in confusion, then laughs. “Oh I’m going to like it here.” Mayor Badger grumbles as he looks to Captain Ferret, motioning for him to leave with him. “Aww, leaving so soon boys?” Idle teases as Mayor Badger looks back at her. “...I don’t give no fucks.” He leaves, with Captain Ferret in tow.
All the while, the mouse’s corpse was left there, all parties forgetting that it even happened as they were too busy trading insults with one another. Though they all knew the next encounter between any of them would be one of violence and mayhem. The stage has been set, the pieces in place, introductions had... The only question was no longer of if, but when, it would erupt into the bloodiest conflict of all time.
The only question that remained was who would take who’s side?

Act 1; Scene 2.
Act 1; Scene 3.
Act 1; Scene 4.
Welcome to the BadgerMoth Saga, a war that will escalate between Badgers and Moths until it ends in either the complete annihilation of the town’s defenders or of the criminal elements that the Moths want to bring in. If you want to volunteer your body for horrible maiming, just fill out the following form. If you want to tell me how horrible I am at this, just throw your complaints right here, thank you.
Name: If you want to name yourself. Leave this blank if you want me to name you.
Faction: Badgers, Moths, or Random. Note “random” can give you a side that belongs to neither the Badgers or Moths, such as “lunatic serial killer”.
Animal/Etc: Pick an animal. You’ll get behaviours and abilities from that animal. You can also pick something else other than an animal.
Special: Pick a special ability if you want one. As an example, Captain Ferret is a kleptomaniac and can disarm opponents passively.
Faction: Badgers, Moths, or Random. Note “random” can give you a side that belongs to neither the Badgers or Moths, such as “lunatic serial killer”.
Animal/Etc: Pick an animal. You’ll get behaviours and abilities from that animal. You can also pick something else other than an animal.
Special: Pick a special ability if you want one. As an example, Captain Ferret is a kleptomaniac and can disarm opponents passively.
Oh puhlease. You don't just murder people senselessly. You set them up first, give them introductions, and then you brutally murder them. <3