Out here among the open stars it is silent. Save for the occasional star blinking out of existence, there is not much worth noting in the empty space betwixt the star sectors. Now the excitement, the excitement is in the bustling sectors where war, trade, and piracy are abundant. Maybe excitement isn't such a good thing. But regardless of where you are in the galaxy, it's probably at peace right about now. The only "wars" currently are being waged by small, insignificant empires. The battles are small and so spread out that it'd be surprising to find yourself in one. They can hardly even be called wars. Sure there's a few of the larger empires that are uneasy, but they haven't broken out in a war quite yet. Perhaps someone is trying to cause one out there, right about now. The economy is doing fine, everyone is receiving a steady flow of income, everything's pretty cheap too. But a few industries may be on the brink of finding that one big find that ruins the economy for everyone. But that's probably not the case for awhile, at least. Tyktz has been quiet, as usual. It's also vacation time for many species, so The Longest Day is buzzing with activity, again like usual. The Market is receiving the same amount of business that it always does, and the merchants there are making loads of credits. Really, the only place that can be described as acting unusual would be The Ghost's Cradle, seeing as how lately a few psychologists have been trying to study the effects of "Cradle Crazies", as some of the more humorous races have taken to calling it. But really it's just a general state of peace in the galaxy right now, maybe that will change soon.