(hope this is good)
Name: Steve Goodwill
Nickname: Savage
gender: male
Age: 23
Description/picture: Standing a even 6' Steve is a balance individual from his work on machines. With buzz cut black hair and a well-trimmed beard on the rounded face.
Rank: Private
Class: Engineer
preferred weapons:
- TRAC-5
- TX2 Emperor
helmet: Engineer Composite Helmet
camouflage(optional): TR Digital Camo
certifications(2 suit ability slots available, every other slot is 1): Flak Armor (suit) , Nanoweave armor (suit), anti-personnel (utility), frag grenades (grenade), MANA turret and Ammunition package (Ability), and Nano-Armor kit (tool)
background: Coming from family with a long traditions of serving in the Terran Republics military stretching back to the early days of the republic. There always was pressure on Steve to carry on the tradition. But he didn't mind it feeling it was his patriotic duty to join and fight the rebels and Technophiles. He enlisted as soon as he was old enough to join, went through basic and was shipped out to join the outfit.
personality: Steve is highly motivated and stubborn will to fight to the end for the Terran republic. He is a quite friendly towards the rest of his squad but tends to be a bit oblivious at times. Steve also works well under-pressure.
other: he has receive ground vehicle training with the majority of TR vehicles but prefers tanks.