woo! destroying ships and taking names! Sorry I haven't posted in a while, but I just don't know what to put.
Apokalipse said
woo! destroying ships and taking names! Sorry I haven't posted in a while, but I just don't know what to put.
Apokalipse said
woo! destroying ships and taking names! Sorry I haven't posted in a while, but I just don't know what to put.
Slypheed said
Posts? o 3o
The15thSpycrab said
Come to the dark side, young Jason. Feed your rage, let it empower you. Soon, the universe will be yours to rule.
Jasonhero said (After of course Pixie recovers from being hit in the face by something along the lines of a force of a truck)
Slypheed said
The recovery rate will shock you o 3o
Jasonhero said
I imagine she will be slightly pissed as well xD
The15thSpycrab said
Is someone gonna post? Or should I write a filler about what's going on in space?
Slypheed said
Why does the map of the ship look more like a brain than a ship? o 3o
The15thSpycrab said
The ship was build by sentient lizards, who also put the controls for the docking hatch where anyone could access them. Also, I made the map in about 30 mins on Excel.