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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rayn Night

Rayn Night

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

The morning was a harsh one for the mercenary, awakening with a headache still and a little sore from the other day. He would be damned if they needed to leave early that morning… He yawned loudly as he stretched his arm out. He sat up and rubbed his eyes for a moment, noticing that everyone seemed to be getting awake and to their things, for the most. Serna didn’t seem to have woken up at all, which could either be bad or good. He wouldn’t be able to tell anyway. But what truck him after that was the Aavikkanian near the waterside… Training? Really? After everything that happened the other night, he was still in that morning routine? It was simply fascinating how unfazed he seemed to be.

Practicing as the other days, Elrithos was actually deep in thought about the events of the other night. Not the orcs and goblins, but the wolves and what the big one was talking about. What was happening to Aaerynn? In seemed quite important, yet didn’t seem to be too bothered by it. Was it normal? It was to say that something was going on somewhere. As he kept this thought up, he eventually got interrupted by the wood elf. Elrithos stopped spinning his blades around himself, coming to a graceful step back. He was curious about what she wanted.

She approached him and presented the canteen. He was confused onto why he would get that from her, but she then explained it came as a thanks from the Wood Elves of Furus. He took the container and looked at it for a moment. The smell was overwhelming as a smile grew on his lips… Sweet juice. More precisely, sweet wild berry juice. Lissandra… She knew exactly what kind of drink would make his day. It was surely a parting gift for him and his journey. He was about to thank Aaerynn for it, but Rudolf seemed to have started a conversation in which he would not interrupt. Instead, he simply walked away towards one of the rocks and sat down, opening the canteen… I promise I will come back Lissandra…

Vordan was adjusting his gear and making sure he had everything in his bag. He would need to purchase new ingredients for the next night so that he had new and better bandages or maybe even paste for the wounds. The troll blood would do wonders with what he had in mind. He secured everything and left t in one of the carts. He would be walking again, as he needed to get the soreness off by moving a little… And, to his surprise, Aaerynn was back. He didn’t notice her joining them… How odd. He must have been distracted enough to completely ignore it. He was in his books again and his jars, vials, flasks. He seemed to have a lot going on in that bag. He was sure a lot would be curious and he WOULD give them plausible answers, but nothing more.


Vordan smiled at the mention of Cromerth. He had forgotten that this was the town they were stopping in. It was a beautiful place, especially for ingredients. This place attracted all kinds of merchandise that Vordan would take opportunity in gathering. It would mean a few flasks and vials here and there would have to be emptied, but that was fine. He reached in the cart that had his bag and threw it over his shoulders and came to the front. Tirian had already extracted himself from the group and went to do his own thing. He looked at him move on and basically did the same, wave at everyone.

‘’I’m off to the market for a few moments; I’ll join you back at the Inn after or at one of the tournament fights. Elrithos, with your skill, you could probably win today’s tournament easily. I would suggest you join. Pretty sure you’d make a few jaws drop with those blades. ’’

With that, he departed to do his own thing. Elrithos looked confused as he did not have any notion of what these tournaments were. Skills? Combat skills? What did he mean? Elrithos looked back towards Rudolf, who would probably have an idea of what he is talking about. ‘’Rudolf. What did Vordan speak of?’’

The dwarf smiled and gave a hearty laugh. "Cromerth has become well known for its tournaments. It's where many warriors come to display their skills. No one necessarily wins anything except a boost in pride and ego. But many employers watch the tournaments and are eager to pay its winners for services or place bets on who will win what fight. It's a good show of bravery, skill and camaraderie between warriors."

Elrithos listened closely to the words, very interested in what he was talking about. It would be quite entertaining to practice versus good opponents. He wouldn't be in for the pride, ego or anything of such. It would be to test his own skill versus those around and maybe even find flaws within his own methods of combat. Elrithos smiled gently as he then looked forward. "This sounds like an interesting event. I would imagine it is mostly friendly matches? No fights to the death? I am curious to see how good I am against different types of fighting styles. Where can I show my interest in participating?"

"No fights to the death!" The dwarf grinned. "The match ends when one of the opponents is disarmed or when the judges deem that a strike would have been a death strike. You must always pause before making a killing move! This is a sport, not a death match."

The dwarf looked around to see if Tirian was still in sight, but seeing that he wasn't, the dwarf pointed towards where he had last seen him. "The tournament itself is held in a coliseum of sorts. You should be able to see it quite easily if you head straight up that road. Then you merely sign up at the door, and they will set up a match for you. I wish you luck my friend, if you participate."

‘’Thank you Rudolf. I will be seeing you later then.’’ With that, he waved at the group and left to follow the road he had pointed towards, hoping he would be able to join up on this event. This would be an interesting day.
Hitting the market, he went to work almost instantly. He was looking for those rare ingredients that would make him some pretty intense and powerful. He went from stall to stall, asking questions upon questions, asking the origin of any produce they had that seemed interesting. It was sometimes incredible seeing him go on on what he needed. It was to say, he was really good with bargains and getting down on the lies and hidden facts these merchants had.

There was on particular stand with an older merchant, selling what seemed to be various kinds of spices and powders that picked Vordan’s interest. The old man was talking to a few people, so he approached and looked at what was set down. Most of these were just to enhance the taste of food, a few were powders for multiple applications. But one was particular. It was this red grounded powder, very small quantity and in a glass vial. The other thing was a vial of turquoise thick liquid. He looked them over, for a moment before hearing an old, gruff voice.

‘’Can I help you?’’ Vordan lifted his head with a small smile, tapping his fingers on the stand. ‘’Yes, these vials. What are they?.’’ He pointed at the both of them. The man seemed a little surprised that the mercenary had shown interest for those two. ‘’ Well, one of them is powdered fire stone. They say it sells to smiths who need to make small blade sturdy and rust resistant. Very popular with the elves from the desert to use. And the other one is a particular acid that sticks to steel and iron, meaning it eats away whatever steel it touches until completely consumed. Why do you ask?’’

‘’How much?’’ The old man, still surprised, over him a good price that was fair. Vordan took the deal without a second of hesitation and also but some pepper and grounded rose pedals. He set them in his backpack and went back on his way to get things.
Elrithos was simply looking around as he rode his horse towards the coliseum. He had the odd stares here and there from the people, since he wore his actual desert clothes and not his heavier wet ones from the other day. The Aavikkanian did not mind it at all. He was used to these in the human cities. He was someone from a region most of these people did not know of. He wondered right up to the coliseum, which was on impressive building… He whistled and odd tune and the horse seemed to walk away as he dismounted quickly off the saddle. He felt a little small in the gathering of warriors and he pushed forth through the people. It was a tight squeeze and eventually, he got through to someone who was taking names.

‘’This is where we go to participate in the tournament?’’ Elrithos spoke in his odd Aavikkanian accent. The man turned towards him and was a little disappointed it seemed. He nodded briefly and looked down upon him. ‘’Ya, why?’’

‘’I wish to participate. My name is Elrithos.’’ The man was suspicious that this might be a joke. Maybe it was the attire or the fact that he was not that big or something. All in all, the man sighed and wrote his name down. ‘Alright. Wait until your name is called and go into the arena. I’ll explain the rules.’’ The man took the time to explain to him everything he needed to know, as he was clearly new to the place. Elrithos made sure he understood the concept and thanked the man for the opportunity. When asked to wait in the waiting area, he did so and sat down on the ground to meditate. Elrithos was quite excited actually, to test his skills…

When he heard his name, he got to his feet and presented himself to the arena. It was quite fast actually and many people watching. It was quite an incredible sight. He looked all around him, then towards the other man that showed. He seemed like your average mercenary, with sword and shield. Elrithos bowed in respect.


When it started, both seemed to analyze each other before the man charged forth. Elrithos, with his special double bladed weapon, seemed quite relax… The first thrust from the mercenary was deflected with ease from the desert warrior. Elrithos, as his team would know, stayed defensive, just evading, deflecting, parrying. Some people seemed impressed with the Aavikkanian doing this well… Then, the single strike from the elf. The man had stepped forward and give strong slash down-up. Elrithos just pushed the blade up and hlped the swing before stepping in and place the blade underneath the man’s neck.

Declared the winner of the match, the mercenary backed off, a little angry and Elrithos simply smiled as he went back to the waiting room and waited.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Heyitsjiwon


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LastCinder


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

As the party entered the city, it was only a matter of minutes before the group dwindled down to just Rudolf, Aaerynn and the twins. They continued forward to the Bronze Lantern inn on their own, and were surprised to see how large it was. There was a stable out back which provided room for all the animals, even Aaerynn’s wolf that sauntered in behind Baineth.

The twins and Aaerynn ended up waiting in the lobby as Rudolf set up rooms for the party and their keys. Setna found himself unable to stand still. He would pause for a moment before stepping this way or that and in all honesty it was because of holding his sister for so long. His back, arm and leg muscles were all burning to the point of agony. Carrying her for the rest of the trip here had proven to be quite a feat for the teenage boy who hadn’t slept at all the night before.

All of the stress and exhaustion hit him at once and Setna was trying his damnedest to stay standing and to not drop her. Finally receiving the key was like a god send, and the teenager bolted up the stairs to their room. However, getting the unconscious girl off of his back, safely, was becoming a bit of a struggle.

Setna hadn’t even heard the wood elf come in until he felt a pair of arms gently remove his sister from his back. Setna watched with surprise as Aaerynn helped to set her down on to the bed rather softly, and she even tucked the blankets over the teenage girl’s body.

The boy rolled his shoulders, his muscles finally gaining some relief as his butt fell straight into the chair beside the bed. Setna ran a hand through his hair as he looked at the elf with a tired smile. “Thanks.”

Aaerynn vaguely nodded and turned to the door. She paused though, before heading out and looked back at the teenager. “You should sleep. I don’t think she’d want to see you like that when she wakes up.”

Setna looked up in surprise but before he could say anything the elf was gone. The boy closed his mouth and looked over at his sister. She looked better; a natural flush was coming back to her cheeks. The boy stood and opened a window, allowing a breeze to flow through. He sat down again and pulled his chair up closer to the bed. He couldn’t sleep yet. He couldn’t sleep until she woke up. He couldn’t do that to her. He had to be there for her.

Setna reached out and gently held his sister’s hand and as the breeze came in, he found his eyes slowly closing. He could just rest his eyes for a bit. Yeah, just rest them, that’s all.

The teenager leaned his head down against the blanket, and before he knew it he fell asleep.
Aaerynn entered her own room, dropping her bag onto the bed. She sighed as she rubbed her scar, it was starting to become a habit. It was her first scar in her entire life, and the slightly raised and bumpy skin gave her a distraction from her thoughts.

She didn’t want to be here.

Thankfully, in the approximately 125 years of completely avoiding this place, it had changed almost entirely. The dirt roads she had known were now paved with cobblestones and walk ways. The old farm houses that used to be scattered across the hills were indistinguishable or perhaps completely gone as shops, inns, bars and restaurants took over. Even the little wooden church was replaced by a giant marble and stone cathedral that practically shone with its holy whiteness.

It was easy for her to shut down the reemerging past because she could just pretend that this place wasn’t Cromerth. It wasn’t where she met him. It wasn’t where he died. It wasn’t, it wasn’t, it wasn’t.

Aaerynn sat down and sighed, closing her eyes for just a moment. She had radically decided to change, to face things, and now this. It’s like her brother was taunting her. He caught her with just a bit of bait and then threw her back into the ocean. This was stupid. She was stupid. Everything was stupid.

The wood elf rubbed her temple as she tried to silence her rapid thoughts. She needed a distraction, so she stood up and began unpacking everything that was in her bag. Out came test tubes, vials, and jars all wrapped tightly in elven cloth meant to protect the glass from shattering. She had a few glass jars of herbs submerged in oil, and a book filled with dried flowers. Next were a few leather pouches filled with ground up powders of all kinds. Finally there were a few jars of salves and a large jar of her own creation of clay paste that helped close up wounds.

The elf began taking mental inventory and sighed by the end of it. She needed to pick up a few things, and should probably get back-ups depending on how long it would take to make it through the desert to the port town of Rogeth.

The thought of going into town made her stomach churn and the grief pulse within her chest. It gripped her heart and she could hear the faint whispers of her past begging to reemerge her into memories she was sick of seeing.

But she had decided to face things. No more running. No more.

The wood elf grabbed a bag of her saved up money, and left the inn, heading straight for the market.
It only took her a half an hour or so to find everything that she needed. Her nose picked up the herbs and oils she needed rather quickly, and the same went for the flowers she required. As she carried around a bag of herbs and flowers, she found herself exploring the city. She couldn’t help herself as she explored every nook and cranny.

Because she could still smell him.

This place was a part of him. The earthly undertones of Cromerth were still there. Even though it was built up, even though cobblestones paved over the dirt, it still smelled distinctively of that same scent that had been embedded in his skin. It made her chest rot. A hole was building and building inside of her heart, eating her insides. The scar on her shoulder pulsed as if it were merely a plug waiting to burst. She placed a hand over it for comfort and to make sure her skin hadn’t burst open.

She leaned her back against the wall of a shop as she tried to breathe. She had radically decided to change, to face things, and now this. She couldn’t handle this. She wasn’t meant to.

Well, maybe changing didn’t have to happen all at once. There was one thing that would help her forget what was happening to her.

Where cities grew and prospered, sin grew as well. Even in a city with a giant church, greed, lust, gluttony, and envy spread beneath its underbelly like a festering wound.
It didn’t take her too long to find the perfect place. It was nestled down a few dark alleys, and few paces down a red light. She could hear the boisterous laughs of drunks, the shuffling of cards and the squealing of women, even in the broad daylight.

Aaerynn’s light blue eyes looked up at the name. “Luck’s Sanctum…huh.”

Even in the middle of the day the place was packed with noise. The elf took a few steps up the stairs to the entrance, but that’s when a large man blocked her view. “Women ain’t allowed without a man.”

The wood elf scowled up at the large man. “I just wanted to look.”

“Git.” The man shooed her away like a child. “Ain’t no place fer a girl like you. Come back wit’ a man, then I let you in.”

Aaerynn grimaced, an escort system huh? She gave the man a dirty look before heading back where she came from. It was a minor setback, but it certainly wouldn’t stop her. The bar was perfect, and she wouldn’t be satisfied with anything else. Now she just needed a few more props.

She returned to the market with a new found sense of purpose. She bought more herbs, oils and a bar of beeswax. Next came the dress shop, which she exited with a few extra packages under her arms. Now she just needed to set up shop.

Aaerynn returned to the inn, carrying bags full of all sorts of ingredients. She practically pranced up to her room where she unloaded everything onto a desk. Then she grabbed a wrapped parcel, and this time left her room and headed down the hall to the twin’s bedroom. She knocked once, but there was no reply.

The wood elf frowned before trying the doorknob, and she was surprised to see it open. She peeked inside only to find both twins fast asleep, Setna knocked out in his chair. Quietly, Aaerynn set the parcel down at the end of the bed before exiting and closing the door gently behind her.

Now she had work to do.
After a few hours of distilling herbal oils, mixing ingredients, and creating new salves, Aaerynn sat down at the lobby of the inn and thought over her options. Everything was all set. She had all of her ingredients, and all of her vials. The setting itself was perfect too… drunk men already throwing money at childish games, alcohol, and women, would over pay for elven medicine that would cure all ailments and save their mortal lives.

The problem was getting in.

The wood elf leaned her chin on her hand as she thought over her candidates. Elrithos and Tirian were out, not only did they not seem like the type to partake in such an excursion but they were also in that tournament thing. Setna looked far too young, and she doubted the practically blind Caelis, a mentor of a small girl, would be up for the task. Rudolf would probably do it, but the thought of bringing along the old dwarf, who would probably just get drunk and overly perverted by the end of the night, left a bad taste in her mouth. Then of course there was…

The wood elf’s head perked up as she heard the door to the inn swing open and the man of her thoughts appeared. Aaerynn got to her feet, but found her tongue tie as she watched the mercenary begin to head up the stairs. It was now or never.

The wood elf followed him until she finally found her voice. “Hey.” She got his attention and continued. “Do you mind if we talk? I have…I have a favor to ask you.”

Aaerynn found herself stiffening up a bit. She was used to doing as she pleased, saying what she wanted and going about her business alone. Suddenly having to ask another soul for a favor was alien to her and her fingers twitched with a nervousness she hadn’t felt in over 100 years. Don't run, face it the thought kept repeating in her head.

-- Having gotten everything he needed, from ingredients to having seen some amazing fights, he did not need anything else but an actual bed and out of his equipment. It was a long couple of days and it would be much appreciated to lay on something soft. He had just gotten back to the Inn where they would be resting, grabbed the key to the place and was about to walk off, waving at those who were present in the Inn. He walked up the stairs, checking which one of those was going to be his room… then heard someone behind him.

Aaerynn? He looked at her bizarrely, even more when she said she wanted to talk. About what? A favor? It was almost unreal for a person like her to ask anything of anyone. And there was no bitterness behind it, although there was hesitation. He raised an eyebrow as his shoulders rose a little.

‘‘Sure? Let me just find my room first.’’ He did so quickly enough, only being one door off. He went inside and immediately dropped off his bag and his sword. He seemed relieved for a moment as he turned back to her.

‘’What do you need from me? You seem quite nervous to ask…’’ It was a question worth quite a lot right now. What in the abyss could she want from him? Answers probably, for everything he’s done.--

Aaerynn paused, feeling that awkwardness that had become more and more apparent as she tried talking more. "It's uh..."

She crossed her arms over her chest and sighed. It was better to just get everything out. "I'm looking to get into a specific place in town. It's a bar that also caters to gambling and I'm quite sure the upstairs is a bordello. Women aren't allowed in, unless they have an escort. I'm asking if you would be willing to escort me in. I'm going to be selling medicines, and I'm willing to split my profits with you. Plus you invent things right? You have a...gift for it."

She paused and shook her head. That was probably too much. She tightened her grip on her own arms as she continued talking. "But drunks are always willing to throw money at whatever entertains them. You could perhaps pick up some investors, or you can do whatever you please. I just need someone to take me, and depending on the situation, to escort me out. I'm willing to pay you for it as well, if it interests you. Either way I owe you for healing my shoulder so..."

She finally turned quiet, her light eyes searching his face for his answer.

-- She was having a hard time asking for that favor and really, it almost amused Vordan to see her go. He had finally let a small smile install as she went on about this gambling place in town that she wanted to go to. It probably had some wealthy men in there ready to throw away coins for the pleasure of doing so. Women were not allowed in, which wasn't that much of a surprise in these regions... But why him of all people? He took the time to think of the people they were with and it was clear that he would be the more obvious choice. His humor changed when she mentioned his inventions... She was right, he did, but how did she figure that out? Maybe everything that happened the other night.

Crossing his arms, she kept going, explaining her situation for the drunk people and paying too much. So, she was a con artist too. That was interesting. Her words were such gibberish, but he got the message. It took a little moment for him to think about it, starting to look through his bag. He then smiled as he put some vials and flasks on the bed. ''So, you want me to bring you to a place so you can rip off some drunk rich people? That sounds like a lot of pleasure... I could probably make some good coin gambling with the idiots that are going to be present. You know what, I'll do for very little money, but I want to know what you can make as medicine for my own little projects, alright?'' That would be the deal. He would need a good change of clothes, which he has. It was to see what she would say in return.--

Relief immediately filled Aaerynn's body as she heard that he was willing to do it. Her shoulders relaxed, and there was a sense of happiness in her face although she didn't smile. But then her ears twitched at the last bit. She quirked an eyebrow in curiosity. "What do you mean? Medicine for your own projects?"

-- Vordan went into his book that was in the bag and opened up to one random page. Of course, it was written in the old Maker's language so that no one understood what was on the paper. He showed her, giving her the book for a moment. She wouldn't understand what was written so it was to make a point that he was doing this. He then went to the endless amounts of ingredients and started sorting them out. "Every two pages represent a mixture or invention that worked but needs tweaking. My other book is finalized inventions and mixtures. I only have very few completed and tested, but it is enough. I don't sell my inventions, I innovate them and use them for whatever needed." -

Aaerynn looked down at the book he had given her. She flipped a page back and forth, the language looked like gibberish to her, but at the same time it was amazing. Everything was diligent and well kept. There were even some illustrations and it looked like he had taken notes on every single aspect of everything he had done. "So this is what you scribble about..." She whispered to herself, and a small smile cracked on her lips both due to awe and the fact that she was given a slight look into the scribbler's world.

But the smile quickly faded as she looked up at him. "This doesn't answer my question though. I make medicine, how is that going to help with this?" She looked back down at the pages, flipping through a couple more. "I suppose I could help you with mixtures. But what are these inventions even for, if you don't sell them?"

-- Vordan brought some the ingredients to the small table in his room. He had his eyes off her for just a moment, paying attention to the things on his desk so it didn't break. He then turned back, seeing a small smile upon her lips as she went through the pages. At least I made her happy to see his gibberish in there. And so, he also brought up some bandages and his writing supplies to the table.

"I base most of my mixture off of logical mixtures of ingredients and a good knowledge of magic, creatures and plants. I could probably heighten the effects and make it so my bandages are more universal in nature." He then approached, taking away the book gently and then taping were her scar was and then wiggling his fingers. "That is why I do it. I do want to sell my stuff in a couple years, but only when I have a place to sell them and that I have discovered safe ways of doing my things." With that, he brought his book to the table and then asked one last thing. "So, when and where? Do I have to dress properly? Any details I should know?" --

Aaerynn looked down at the hand that tapped her scar, an eyebrow still quirked. But she felt like she knew the scribbler a little bit better, and it was kind of nice. Well, it was interesting at least. If he was willing to help her for cheap, and if she could help him out with the gibberish then she would. She placed a hand on her hip as she answered his questions. "I suppose later tonight, around 8 or 9 if it suits you. We could just meet outside the inn. You should probably dress decently, if you have anything else besides what you're wearing. I don't know any details, I just need a way in, that's all."

- He nodded his head and started looking at his ingredients. "Sounds good. I'll see you then Aaerynn... And you should really get that affliction of yours checked out. If holy water with some fire water sizzled the dark blood you had, it will become bad fast. Could start trying for a cleansing mix for you, might get you out of your situation." He didn't look at her, but he appreciated that she was opening up a little.-

Aaerynn stared at his back, and watched him sift through ingredients. His mention of affliction made her move a hand to her scar. It pulsed as her mind desperately tried not to think about her state or where she was or the memories that begged to resurface. "It won't. Don't worry yourself over something like that. Cleansers, medicine, holy water, nothing will heal it. It can't be healed by anything physical. Just forget you saw it."

She waited for a moment before turning to head for the door. "I'll see you tonight."

-- "If you say you can deal with it, then alright." It would still linger on his mind like the condition of the twin. Hopefully, the girl was doing fine after all this... His hatred for the two had almost vanished, especially with what he knew now. It wasn't always great figuring out things or being smart enough to put two and two together. And so, he waved behind him as she left, going to work at his new bandages and also a new mixture for one of those blade wielders. This night would be quite an interesting one.--
Serna woke up to the sound of snoring.

She couldn’t place it at first. Her eyes opened to a room that was far too bright, and just as she was trying to come to her senses, everything hit her at once. Her head pulsed with a headache she had never experienced before, and her whole body felt terribly heavy. It was like she had to put double the strength into just moving her leg an inch. Everything hurt, and her tongue felt swollen as she realized how awfully thirsty she was.

Her eyesight was fuzzy and she tried to remember where she was or even what happened but she couldn’t think with the ache in her skull. Her hand shifted a bit, until it came in contact with hair. Serna turned her head and realized it was the navy hair of her brother.

Setna felt the movement, and he snapped up, mid-snore, looking around with drool still slipping down his chin. He tried to figure out what woke him up, until finally his eyes met those of his sister. It took him a few moments for his brain to pick up on the fact that his sister was indeed awake and staring at him. But when he did, he let out a yelp. “SERIE!”

Serna winced at the noise but she couldn’t help smiling as her brother suddenly engulfed her into his arms. She could feel his tears wet her shoulder as he pulled her in tight to his chest. Serna didn’t know what to do, or what was happening so she only muttered what she could. “So...rry…” Her voice croaked and Setna immediately let go of her.

“OH gods! I’m so sorry. Shit, look at me practically squeezing you to death. How do you feel? Does anything hurt? Are you thirsty? You’re probably thirsty.” Tears were stick leaking from his eyes as Setna fumbled to stand up, and he ran over to a pitcher that had been filled with water. He poured his sister a glass and rushed over, handing it out to her.

Serna just stared at it for a moment before raising her shaky hand to take it. Setna realized how stupid he was, and immediately helped her take a sip from the glass. “Sorry…I’m so sorry….I’m so sorry.” Setna kept repeating those words as he felt his body shake with relief and happiness.

“Ah, Aaerynn! I should get Aaerynn! Hold on, stay right there Serie! Don’t move!”

Serna watched with an amused face as Setna set the glass down and nearly tripped over himself trying to get out the door. She could hear him screaming for the wood elf as he ran. The girl was tired though, unbearably so, and she found herself nodding off.

When she woke again, she was in the company of both her brother and Aaerynn. Setna looked at Aaerynn excitedly. “Look! She’s up again! She’s ok, right? She’s going to be ok?”

Serna blinked as she felt Aaerynn’s cool hand on her forehead, it felt nice, and the girl was sad when the wood elf pulled away.

“How do you feel?” The wood elf’s voice was gentler than before. Not so sharp or cold and Serna tried to find her words.

“Tired…head hurts…” The teenage girl finally responded and Setna gripped her hand.

“Can you tell me what the last thing you remember is? Do you know who I am? Do you know the others?” Aaerynn’s voice was soft as her hands began mixing something in a cup.

Serna swallowed, trying to collect her thoughts. What could she remember? “You’re Aaerynn…the others…there’s Sir Vordan...Sir Elrithos…Sir Caelis…Miss Faith…Sir Tirian…and Rudolf….um.”

The girl shifted in discomfort. “The last thing I remember….I don’t know…There was fighting right?...I don’t know… it was dark.”

Setna looked at Aaerynn with a frown. “That’s good enough right?”

Aaerynn nodded as she handed Setna a cup of what she had been mixing. “Yes. Have her drink this and then get her something to eat. Nothing solid yet. Ask the kitchen if they can prepare a vegetable or chicken stock that she can drink. Other than that she should be fine with some rest. There was bound to be some memory loss with the injury, I’m surprised she can remember this much.”

Setna broke out into a wide grin, happiness practically exploding out of his pores. Aaerynn handed him a small pouch of a powder. “I’m going to be out later tonight. So mix a pinch of this in a few hours and before she goes to bed. It’ll help her with the headache and the rest of the pain, alright?”

Setna nodded enthusiastically as he took it from her. “Thank you! I don’t know how to repay you for this.”

Aaerynn just shook her head as she exited the room, “Just take care of her.” She called out before leaving.

Setna looked back at his sister and the two twins smiled, both in relief.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ikari


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

“Slow down… Please just slow down!”

Tirian tried his best to stop Lucille in her tracks, the onslaught of speedily spoken sentences continued to rain down upon the red-haired warrior. Finally the quick-spoken female stopped with the incredulous speed of questions with a look of embarrassment accompanied by a dark shade of red to her cheeks. Lucille looked away from Tirian, as an uneasy and awkward silence fell over the pair, Tirian smiled and broke the silence with a question of his own.

“If you don’t mind me asking, where did you learn to fight like you did? Relentless and fast. You attacked with minimal openings, only the best of opponents would find them.”

Lucille turned icy eyes to the red-haired man, a slight grin crawling across her face. Smugness was apparent in the composure that she held, and even more so with the following answer she would eventually give Tirian. Lucille held the soldier in anticipation for a long while before finally answering him.

“Self-taught mostly. I do give credit to Master Fordring for taking me in as a child and molding my skills into what they are today.”

There was a slight pause in her words, icy eyes looking for some sort of reaction from Tirian. The reaction did not surface and caused Lucille to scrunch her nose up with a bit of confusion in her eyes.

Tirian shrugged, the name Fordring did not rang a bell in his knowledge of the western continent.
“A shrug? That’s it? Do you even know WHO Master Fordring is?”


Tirian shook his head with a solid stare into Lucille’s eyes. Lucille scoffed with disbelief at the situation, a soldier as strong as Tirian not knowing this man almost seemed like a direct insult.

“Then let me ask you this ginger. Who trained you.”

The question came out more as a demand, the patience of Lucille fading fast in the face of Tirian. The red-haired man held in a small laugh at the underhanded insult and opted to answer the question honestly to further avoid pissing off the motor mouth of a girl.

“Tyrande Pherae of Durandal. My father, and then later my mother.”

Icy eyes widened for a moment, Lucille’s mouth opening slightly at the new information being provided. Tirian spoke with a low tone just in case anyone was eavesdropping on the conversation, giving Lucille the appearance of caution.

“I’ve heard the stories…”

Silence fell upon the pair of warriors once more, the obvious fact that this conversation would be necessary in private quickly forced any more transferring information to cease. Tirian held out his hand with a shifting smile, his posture sinking for a moment.

“Another time maybe. The group is staying the Bronze Lantern Inn. Feel free to meet up there tonight. Be careful of the dwarf though. He can be a bit… Touchy.

Lucille took the hand with a firm handshake and easing up the smugness in her smile.

“Note taken. See you there ginge.”

The handshake was quick and just like that both Tirian and Lucille disappeared into the crowds. Tirian checked the sheet and sighed at the next opponent he’d be faced against. Broxigar Farsight. The red-haired warrior entered the waiting room and tried to calm his mind of the flowing memories of a past life. Just mentioning that name was enough to trigger every memory of pain and agony. The soldier drew in a deep breath, just as his name was called to enter the arena. Tirian broke through the light into the arena, to a roaring crowd that had begun chanting his name and Broxigar’s as well. The orc waiting patiently on the opposite of the arena with a welcoming smile, a massive axe in one hand.

Tirian burst forward with his blade drawn without a moment’s hesitation, thrusting forward into his opponent. The orc quickly sidestepped the thrust and lunged forward with a huge swipe of his axe. Red hair whipped around as Tirian rolled forward to evade the deadly axe, then hopped to his feet in time to clash with cold steel of Broxigar’s plated bracers. Tirian pushed the massive arm away and used his momentum to spin into a powerful kick that landed gracefully into the sternum of his opponent. Broxigar let out a roar of excitement, pushing away the red-haired soldier like a flea in the wind. The orc rushed forward, swiping and slashing forward with intricate movements. His axe screamed forward as if it weight next to nothing with enough force to cause dust the blow from the ground.

Tirian ducked a fierce horizontal slash, only to feel the might of a powerful knee with enough force to send the soldier flipping into the distance. Tirian hit the ground cold and lifeless, a victory to Broxigar. The crowd immediately fell to silence at the sight of Tirian unmoving. Broxigar dropped the axe and rushed to the aid of his friend, worry plaguing the orcs eyes. Tirian coughed loudly and rolled over with a smile on his face.
“No magic I thought, Broxigar.”

The orc laughed loudly, picking the warrior up with a single arm and helping him stabilize his balance.
“Sometimes, we orcs get lost in the battle.”
Tirian rubbed the side of his cheek, feeling the power of earthen magic flow freely through the bones and muscles. Tirian raised the hand of his opponent with a wide smile, never the one to take wins without rightfully earning them.

“Next time Broxigar.”

“Next time indeed Tirian.”

The crowd roared to life once more at the sight of friends and rivals sharing a moment of victory and defeat together.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rayn Night

Rayn Night

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Elrithos had waited for his next combat in meditation and patience. He was relaxing himself for this event, making sure he wouldn’t get too caught up in the fights. He wanted to remain calm and appreciate these duels. To say, he hadn’t had this much fun in a long time, as he was mostly a messenger and constantly traveling between kingdoms and nations. Yes, he had a good time with the Southern elves before joining the crew, especially with Lissandra and her friends and family, but it was more peaceful and quiet than this. It would be quite exciting to see who he would face next.

His eyes opened at the mention of Tirian going to fight someone. The name of the opponent sounded very orcish like, but he wasn’t sure. It intrigued him and wanted to see how this warrior with the bloody past would fight in something like this. And so, from his seat, he stood up and joined all the other duelists going to watch this match. He had to squeeze his way to it, making himself small space to see. Elrithos was excited again. He wanted to see what seemed to be a well awaited fight.

His eyes stayed upon them as they moved, seeing that Tirian wasn’t using those brutish techniques in this kind of fight. It was a lot more sophisticated and he was starting to see that the young man had a real talent for fighting. It still worried him slightly with what he had seen the past few days, but he was not a lost soul. He could still be taught some principals that might take away from his… ways. In all cases, he kept watching until the fight was over. Something seemed off with Tirian’s movement, but nothing he could wrap him mind around. Yet, the combat was impressive and everyone seemed to be entertained, which made the desert elf smile. He walked over to Tirian coming back to the crowd, giving a warm, gentle smile.

“That was quite impressive Tirian. Your talent for your age is beyond what I have seen from many of my brethren soldiers in the Aavi desert. A good fight with the man too.”

And at that moment, he heard his name called up with the name of an elven woman. Interesting. Elrithos simply walked off to the arena to meet his next opponent. As he expected, he was met with a tall and slender woman with silvery hair, a cold, icy gaze. She had no smile, more of a shrug as she saw the Aavikanian approach. She crossed her arms and spit on the ground.

“They had to send me an elf from the desert to fight… Great.”

Elrithos didn’t understand why she would treat him that way, but he kept a gentle smile as he bowed in front of her. She shook her head as she drew forth a rapier and a main-gauche. Having seen this, Elrithos drew both his scimitars and placed himself in an offensive position. The woman didn’t take much of a stance, simply raising her rapier up towards him. The shout to begin echoed in the coliseum and Elrithos took the charge, but seemed to keep his weapons at bay. The woman waited and stepped forward, going to try and out-reach her opponents blade. A hard parry as Elrithos pushed the blade off to the side and went to bring his second blade up to her chest. And solid counter as the guard stopped his blade. They both took a step back to disengage, but Elrithos pushed back forward. Le elven lady was a little surprised at such a quick move back to the offensive, evading the blades and stepping back.

The fight had continued in this fashion, the Aavikanian seemed to be pushing a lot harder on his offensive than the lady. She was having a hard time keeping it with the sudden attacks back towards her, not letting her any space to even counter-attack. The crowd was roaring at this impressive display of speed, accuracy and aggressiveness. It was completely different from what he had done in the last battle. He wasn’t going to use the same two styles twice it seemed, but that left to wonder how many styles of combat he knew with his weapons.

After a minute, Elrithos eventually gained the advantage and successfully disarmed the rapier and placed one of the blades under her neck, stopping dry in his movements. Again, she was taken aback by how the desert elf had been so much more agile and quick than she was… The two disengaged and Elrithos bowed down. The laid frowned and sighed.

“So you really are the “Blazing Wind”.”

This poked his curiosity, as very few people knew him by that name… And there was good reason for it. His lifted his head and was about to ask something, but she left the arena… Elrithos didn’t want to be impolite and chase after her, but she clearly knew him when he knew nothing of her. It was odd… But the crowd seemed to cheer for the new found warrior who had impressed people once again. Elrithos joined back with the others and scratched his head, waiting whatever next battle he would receive.
As Aaerynn had left, Vordan went to work on his bandages. He first unrolled fresh ones, four in total. He made sure they were completely clean without traces of produce he didn’t want. It was a very particular step, as he looked at every inch of the tissue to see if it was the right one. When done, he started pulling out some oils which he pour and the tissue carefully, spreading it out with his finger. He recovered every part of the tissue and then took a deep breath. The dangerous part would start… He opened the first vial, which smelled horrible. He poured a small amount of the liquid into his mixing bowl, along with a few herbs he picked up. Mixing it all together, he then took the vial of troll blood and put a small amount into the bowl, mixing carefully. A few more minor ingredients were put in and then he looked at it for a moment… He was hesitating. It was an existing recipe in which he added a new healing factor. The reaction could be potentially destructive.

He took a moment to look at it, analyze it and make sense of all of it in his mind. Everything seemed to be fine; nothing would trigger an unwanted reaction. And so, he spoke a few words in the language of the Makers, not too loud. “Recuperandum curabo vitam regeneratus.” With those words, the mixture took a light green glow, washing away Vordan’s fears… But then the light intensified and he stepped back. Something had changed and he didn’t know what. The color and magical presence stayed the same, simply more intense. He recorded the new recipe immediately, its reaction and the whole event that had just happened.

He preceded to the last step. He spread the mixture onto each bandage and let them set. He would record it and take that time to pull out his new clothes and wash up a little.
Elrithos eventually got called to his next battle, which was nothing really surprising. Yes, his human opponent was skilled, but it was nothing that Elrithos hadn’t seen before. He still took pleasure in the battle, but it seemed that he shouldn’t have gotten this far in the tournament. He wasn’t going to complain. What stayed stuck in his mind was still that elven woman who called him Blazing Wind. Most of the wood elves who were alive during the time of the Dark Emperor knew a little bit about his story. A single man was able to stop a full regiment of soldiers of the Emperor by simply stalling the line with a few of his fellow soldiers. It had permitted for part of the Southern elves to retreat further into the woods where these men would have a harder time getting through. Elrithos, by the tales, was mowing down opponent upon opponent, being reckless and thriving for blood.

What little people knew about this story was the fact that part of it was true. Luckily enough, almost no one associated Elrithos as that character of tales. He preferred it that way, as he was seen in a much different image from those tales. He didn’t want to be seen a blood hungry warrior because he wasn’t like his time of youth. He became more mature and had finally seen the true art of the Aavikanian warriors. He sighed as he tried to stay concentrated… But he then got called to a new match. The events of this day would probably torment him a little and he hoped that he could get some answers.
Vordan has finally changed into his other set of clothes and what it difference it made. There were no more pieces of armor or straps of leather besides the belt on his hips and the magical gauntlet in one hand. He wore a white long-sleeve shirt without any stains, some black leather jerkins and cleaned up leather boots. His two pieces were his long, sleeveless brown long coat with silver threading and a few pieces of jewelry; two rings and a single pendant with a symbol of a sand clock. He looked like a fairly wealthy merchant now and it would probably let him in wherever they were heading. He grabbed his pouch of coins and tied it to his belt and brought along one of the rolls of bandages and although slip his dagger into his coat. You never knew what could happen.

Satisfied of his attire, he stepped out from his room and locked it behind him, stepping down. He wanted to see if Cealis and Faith were around first, as he wanted to talk to the both of them for a moment. Unfortunately, the only one he could actually find was Rudolf which he approached. He seemed to have started drinking and Vordan shook his head with a smile. “Hey Rudolf! If you see Caelis and Faith, tell them I want to talk to them tomorrow!” He then waved at them and marched off to the outside of the Inn, awaiting for Aaerynn to arrive.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LastCinder


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

After the cup of Aaerynn’s strange mixture and a bowl of broth, Serna felt a bit better. The pounding in her head had receded to a dull throb and she was able to lean back a bit more comfortably. Setna however continued to buzz around her like a mother hen, checking her forehead, fiddling with her pillows and blankets and constantly asking her if she needed anything else. Eventually she looked at him with a smile. “I’m alright Set. You don’t have to do this.”

The boy frowned as he finally sat down and gave her a disapproving look. “You nearly died. Of course I have to do this. The amount of magic you let go of nearly killed you. And why didn’t you tell me it was building up like that in the first place?”

Serna grimaced at his tone of voice, while her small hands fiddled with the blanket that covered her lap. She bit her lip as the guilt ate away at her. Either way she was a burden. Nothing she did was ever right. How long was her life going to make her brother suffer?

“I’m sorry.” She said it softly, her voice cracking.

She felt her eyes water and she clenched them shut, trying not to cry. Setna turned wide eyed at the reaction and immediately grabbed his sister’s hands. “Hey...hey...c’mon Serie, don’t cry. It’s going to be ok. I didn’t mean that. It’s going to be ok, I promise. I was just…I was so worried. I thought I lost you and…I couldn’t deal with that. I’m sorry. It’s going to be ok. Just smile, ok?”

Serna looked up at her brother and the tears overflowed. Setna lost his voice at that and instead wrapped his arms around her and hugged her tightly, burying his face in her hair. “It’s going to be ok Serie. I promise. We’re gonna get through this.”

The girl clutched at her brother. “How?” Her voice cracked as she held in her sobs. “What if it happens again?”

“It won’t.” This time Setna pulled back, his hands on his sister’s shoulders. His face held that stupid look of determination he usually had when he figured something out. Or was about to do something reckless.

Serna just stared at him, sniffling quietly and wiping her eyes. “It won’t?”

Setna grinned. “You’re not the only magic user. Tirian is too. You should have seen it! Fire came straight out of his hands and boom!”
The boy clapped his hands together. “A troll was toast!”

Serna just blinked as she stared at her brother in confusion. Setna became more hyper as he remembered the events of the fight. “And he says he was just like you! The first time he used magic it was a burst like that. And he got taught magic later in life and look what he’s like now! He’s super powerful, and he said he’d be willing to teach you!”
At that, the teenaged girl paled before looking down at her lip. “Girls can’t use barrier magic Setna. We aren’t supposed to, and it would just be a waste of time. We shouldn’t bother Sir Tirian’s time like that.”

Setna took his sister’s hand and squeezed it. “C’mon Serie. At least let him teach you some basics that way it won’t build up and if you ever use it, it won’t burst out like it did. You have to try. We’re not in Syndarea anymore, screw the stupid laws, ok?”

Serna glanced back at her brother, her face revealing her uncertainty and nervousness. Setna just gave his cheeky grin, knowing she’d have to give in to him. “C’mon,” He said. “We’ll train together! If Elrithos’ offer still stands, we’ll train side by side. You with magic, and me with swords. It’ll be fun!”

He was so eager and happy, Serna didn’t want to say no. She bit her lip a bit until she finally conceded. “Ok…But I want to talk to Sir Tirian first…”

“Yes!” Setna shot a fist in the air in triumph.

Serna sighed and hoped that this wasn’t a mistake. There had to be a reason women weren’t allowed to practice barrier magic. That’s why there were laws and punishments. The young girl had already gone through enough pain, she wasn’t exactly looking forward to having to face any more of it. But if it made her brother happy and if Sir Tirian didn’t mind….

Serna frowned, but she let it go as she looked at her brother who was rather pleased with himself. He grinned at her and suddenly stood, feeling triumphant. “Do you want anything from the kitchen? I’m gonna get something to eat!”

The girl shook her head and smiled gently as her brother practically bounced out of the room. Once he was gone, Serna frowned once more. What was she going to do? What could she do? Her small hands clutched the blanket. If only there was a way her brother could return home, safely, and not as a traitor. It was obvious that she was meant to die. The signs were obvious. She was full of magic that would kill whether she kept it in or used it.

Her head was beginning to hurt with her overthinking and she leaned back against the dozens of pillows her brother had set up for her. Perhaps now wasn’t the time to think of such things. She should just focus on the now. And right now she wished she had something to change into. The white dress of the religious sect was now stained with blood and torn in places. It also felt sticky and Serna would give anything for a bath.

But that was when she noticed the package. Her foot bumped and as she opened her eyes she finally noticed the neatly wrapped package that sat at the foot of the bed. Slowly the girl sat up and reached out to it, bringing it closer and began unwrapping the parchment paper.

Inside was a dark navy dress, just a shade darker than her hair. It was soft to the touch and well made. Serna felt her eyes fill with tears at the sight of it, and she finally began to cry as she buried her face into the cloth.
Aaerynn submerged herself into the warm bath water, slinking down until her head was completely under. She sat like that for a good while, hearing her heart thud in her ears as bubbles of air crept out from between her lips.

Whenever she would do this, she would often think about what it would be like to die like this. Submerged in warm bath water until all the oxygen left her lungs, until nothing was left at all.

Eventually she sat up, breathing in air as she ran a hand through her hair. She was full of excitement, so much so that for once she was able to forget the rot in her chest. She had a mission and a purpose: to trick, flirt, and make as much money as possible.

She stepped out of the bath water, drying herself off with a few rags, and wrapping a large one around her body as she tiptoed out of the bathing room and back towards her own room. Thankfully the old pervert of a dwarf was nowhere to be seen.

Once inside she began opening the parcels that she had bought earlier in the day, revealing parts to a white dress. It had long bell sleeves, petticoats and long skirts. The bodice though, was what she was most excited for. It was a deep wine color, and was pulled together by black cords.

The wood elf knew her audience. In the hundred or so years of conning people out of their money, drunken men were the easiest. The pattern never changed. They all wanted the same thing, the sanctity and submission of the virgin, and the sexual prowess of the whore. To get the most attention, you always needed a bit of both, and Aaerynn knew how to deliver.

Sure, she’d have to deal with indecent touching, and disgusting language, but it would be like taking items from children. All she had to remember was to never get caught by their grips and to always be prepared.

The wood elf dried her hair and dressed herself. She unrolled a few of her secret weapons, a small jar of pigment and a pair of earrings. She painted her lips and hooked the earrings in as she began to pin up her hair. It was like a ceremony.

Once she was finally dressed and ready, she strapped her elven dagger to her upper thigh, making sure the skirts concealed it entirely. Next she attached a leather strap, which had inserts for three vials, onto her forearm, close to her elbow. One vial was her strongest made sedative and tranquilizer, the second vial’s contents became smoke when it hit the air, and the third vial was a corrosive substance capable of burning through clothing and into the skin.

The final touch was adding rose and lavender oil to her pulse points, the rose to smell sweet and the lavender to soothe.

She was ready.
As she stepped outside of the inn, Aaerynn immediately displayed the elegance of the rich woman and the allure of the coquette. Her usually wild blonde hair was now pulled back into an intricate up do, with a few strands that curled and framed her face. Her full lips were painted with a red pigment, and dangling from her elvish ears was a pair of gold earrings, shaped like rain drops. The bodice of her otherwise white dress was a deep maroon with a neckline that plunged down just enough to reveal the slight curve of her breasts but hid the rest. Her neck and collarbones were left bare, just enough to entice. Her bodice curved along her slim waist before it met the flow of her white skirts.

Aaerynn knew her market, and she knew it well.

She expressed a touch of coyness, and an elegance that was contested against her fiery blue eyes. She gave away, and yet hid the perfect amount of skin. It was the right amount of prudery and lewdness that was meant to entice and allure. She’d have no trouble selling tonight.

She shut the door to the inn, adjusting the strap of her satchel that hung by her side, filled to the brim with vials and jars of lotion and salve. She finally picked up her eyes to see Vordan standing and waiting for her. Her eyebrows raised in slight awe at the cleaned up scribbler, free from all the armor and leather straps. He actually looked like a rich man, like he was worth a lot of money. She hadn’t expected him to actually look this good, and it would certainly help the set up.

She stepped closer to him, giving him a once over. One of her eyebrows quirked up as her eyes and face shone with her amusement and curiosity.

“Not bad.” Her lips were trying not to smile. "I'm actually surprised."

She didn't mean it in a cold or mean way, but she was obviously amused.

--Whistling a gentle tune, he was leaning against the walls of the Inn, looking around and waving at the young, lovely ladies walking around. He had a keen eye for many things, and women were one of them. A few young maidens had walked by, their flattering smiles stretching as they crossed his path. Of course, Vordan wouldn’t even dare start a conversation or even get lured into another event. He wouldn’t let Aaerynn down, especially not when he could make some money and a few new recipes.

He also is keeping a look out for damn thieves that would want to swipe his pouch off… His eyes were wondering the streets for a little while. Well, until his eyes fell upon the one he was waiting for. Well I’ll be damned by the creator… She reminded him of the Wood Elves he visited in the North of Furus: Elegant and beautiful beings. It went as much for the men as the women. His whistling stopped as that grand smile rose, a light chuckle escaping his lips.

‘’As surprised as I am to see you like you are right now. Wouldn’t think a dress would do you justice like that.’’ He chuckled once more as he pushed himself off the wall. ‘’I am a gentleman at heart Aaerynn, and plus, I needed to make a good word for myself when I am not carrying a sword and a crossbow.’’ His eyes turned away from her, watching those eyes wondering upon them. They would surely be prime targets.—

Gently holding the edge of her skirt, she curtsied for him. "I assure you I'm a woman beneath it all."

She was a little bit pleased with herself for making a joke. She was getting excited. It may have been deceiving and greedy and selfish, but it was fun. It was like putting a mask on where she didn't have to be herself. She wasn't a wood elf, dying from grief and guilt. She wasn't Aaerynn Lightweld, the fool, the whore, the adulteress, the victim or the heartbroken. She was someone completely different. She could revel in dresses and perfume. She could enjoy doing her hair, wearing jewelry and applying makeup. She could flirt and sell and trick. It was nice, for once.

But the amusement simmered down as she noticed Vordan's cautious glances towards the people around them. Her lips pursed slightly as she adjusted the strap once more on her satchel and gave him a curious look. "I hope you aren't unarmed... It's also not very wise to carry that bag on your belt, I'd be careful if I were you."

Her eyes held a hint of teasing as her lips tilted up into a slight smile.

--Well, wasn’t she just a different person. No cold-hearted comments, no being stuck-up, nothing of the sort. It was a pleasant surprise and a well appreciated one. He couldn’t help but to keep a great smile on his face as he stopped looking around. His hand reached inside his vest, pulling out only the hilt to show. “Never leave anywhere without one… And even without a blade, I am always armed.” He winked at her and set it back.

“Besides, a nasty surprise awaits anyone who tries to steal my pouch… But that is a later story. How about we go to this place you speak of, Lady Aaerynn?”

Aaerynn quirked an eyebrow in curiosity at the mention of a nasty surprise. But she let it be, the scribbler was filled with surprises anyway. She was glad he was intelligent enough to be prepared. "Very well. It's not too far from the market. Do you mind if I take your arm?"

It would be easier to express that he was indeed her escort that way, and Aaerynn knew the risks. She knew very well the dangers of her sex, dressed up as she was. Tonight she'd have to deal with groping, harassment and lewd comments. But in a bar she could control her setting. On the streets, the last thing she wanted to do was get caught before she even made it there. She could take care of herself, but it would be a lot easier sticking close to the scribbler, who looked rich enough not to mess with.

--Vordan had many tricks up his sleeve, it was simply to wonder what crazy thing he had for this kind of situation. He had a lot of simple inventions for simple counter-measures in the city. From his coins to his backpack to his equipment, everything. He knew the tricks of the trade himself, so he could be prepared for them.

At her request, he simply nodded and approached, presented his arm. “Please, Lady Aaerynn, it would be my great pleasure.” Again, a light hearted laugh escaped his lips. He had a good idea what he had walked into, but it was a question of how hurt he would be in the end. ‘’ I imagine you have no idea who the people inside are?’’—

Aaerynn took his arm in her own and began leading Vordan to their destination. Her eyebrows furrowed in thought as she contemplated his question. Finally she answered, "No. I wasn't allowed to even take a peek."

She thought over what was in her bag and the last impression of the bar. Generally a bar wasn't the best place to set up business anyway, but it was certainly the easiest. "My only advice is to try not to piss anyone off, don't get too drunk and stay away from women."

Aaerynn looked up at him with a teasing smile but it faded as she weighed the seriousness of the situation. "If you get caught into trouble, feel free to bail. I'm paying you to escort me. You don't have to play baby sitter or wait around if you wish to leave. I'd rather you not get hurt, and please try not to put yourself into that position, alright?"

--Her answer only made it clear that whatever what inside the establishment they were heading to, Vordan would have to be careful with everything he does and says. That would prove to be quite a challenge for someone who usually speaks his mind. Yet, it did not worry him one second. IT would be one of those nights…

As she mentioned a few tips to not get into trouble, he couldn’t help but think that at least one of those things would happen. It was clear that this would be one hell of a night. And so, his smile only grew wider. Even her serious comment had not flinched away his expression. “Please, do I look like a man who gets himself in trouble?” Of course, there was a hint of sarcasm as he looked behind them then back forward.

“But do not worry about me. I have a plan for every problem that can show itself. It is not the first time I go ‘steal’ some coins from these kinds of people.”

Aaerynn was surprised to hear that. "A veteran, I see."

Vordan was turning into quite an interesting person. His introduction had been strange, hatred for the twins, detachment, and his head stuck in his book. But there were more layers under the surface. He was funny, and inquisitive. He also smiled a lot and laughed. She hadn't seen it before. But then again, it wasn't like her introduction to the group was any better. It was probably about the same.

"You're certainly interesting." She complimented him, as they drifted through the market, and began to hit the alleyways. She was surprised the words even came out of her lips, and her back straightened a bit. Perhaps she was hitting her character too early. Or maybe she was doing as her brother suggested, and changing just a bit.

--“Well, when I couldn’t get a contract for my mercenary skills, I had to get my money somehow. And honest work is for those who want to make their lives harder.” Oddly enough, like he had said, he has never sold any of his inventions or creations. The reason was simple enough when you understood that everything he made was magic. Tools created from the hands of a Maker was priceless years back, but now, it seemed to either be very rare or the items found were destroyed for obvious reasons.

With her comment, he couldn’t help but look down upon with a soft, gentle smile. “Well, under the plates, the leather and the creations, I am still a human being who enjoys life… Although your proving to be quite the lady yourself Aaerynn. The contrast from before the other night and now is quite remarkable. You are a lot more approachable with a smile.” He didn’t mean that in an insulting way, but she probably understood what he meant. They alleyways were dark, but it was nothing Vordan wasn’t used to. He had a pretty particular past, but nothing that would traumatize him. He simply had it rough for a year or two before really going off into mercenary work.—

Aaerynn blinked and found herself speechless at his words. She didn't know what to say. More approachable, huh?

She frowned as she rubbed her scar with her free hand. There was a time when she used to be like this, where she smiled often and laughed even more. But look what being approachable gave her, nothing but fear, guilt and grief. The rot inside her had turned quiet with the excitement of the upcoming excursion but at her thoughts it pulsed, pushing against her skin and lungs. It was like a constant reminder, keeping her stuck in the tangled web of the past, so she could never forget. So she could never move on.

The wood elf shook her head silently, pushing everything down into her gut. "Well, you can't exactly sell anything without a smile. The easiest way to trick someone is to act like you are the kindest being in the land. Being approachable with smiles, garners quick trust. They won't expect you to betray them."

She was frowning as she said the words, her mind in another place and another time. But she pulled it back, a small smile returning. "We should be there soon. There."

Aaerynn pointed to a large sign, lit up by old lanterns and revealing the name Luck's Sanctum with large cursive lettering.

--Vordan noticed the sudden change in moods. Yes, he was good at reading people, per say. And when she reached to her scar, pieces started to come together. The affliction, that curse she bared… It seemed that every time her past or an allusion to her past surfaced, she became a lot more closed and fragile. He wondered if… These ideas were set aside. It wasn’t time to think like that. They needed to have a little bit of fun.

He lifted his head back up, his smile still on his lips and he listened to her explanation. True, a small was always needed. She knew what she was doing and he actually found that amusing. Very rarely do elves from the forests do these kinds of things. And so, he nodded to confirm he was listening and looked forward. He could see the place in question before she pointed it out.

“Alright. Once were inside, I imagine you will be going up. Don’t get caught up in things in there and if anything happens, I’ll be making good money on the tables.” He simply said as they approached. The man at the door seemed to give them a second look, but Vordan continued smiling. “Heard there’s good games for coins in here. Minimum amount of currency needed or do I simply walk in and make the money I want?” The man at the door seemed taken aback by his direct words. “Entrance fee and then you do whatever the heck you want.”

"What's the fee?" Aaerynn asked as she poked her head around the taller Vordan, to look at the guard.

She watched as the man's eyes narrowed, scrutinizing her appearance and wondering if he had seen her before. She just smiled, stepping into character as easily as slipping on a mask. The guard seemed disgruntled and looked away. "Just 2. 4 fer the both of ya."

Aaerynn kept a smile on as she proceeded to get the entry fee out of her cleavage, for the both of them. She dropped the coins into the guard's hand and gave a saucy smile. "Enjoy."

She then led Vordan inside, holding his arm firmly for a second as she stepped into the bar. It was larger inside then what she had expected. There was a large bar set up along one wall, while the rest of the room was filled with tables. Most were being used for gambling, card games and craps, while the others held parties drinking together. Women loitered around, table to table, all made up like porcelain dolls and wearing dresses that didn't leave much to the imagination. It was loud with talking and yelling, as well as music being played by a few musicians boxed into a corner of the room. The wood elf looked up at the mercenary beside her. "Well, shall this be where we split up? Should we have a meeting time or would you like to leave at our own discretion?"

--Two each? That was it? It was an easy deduction that whatever the costs in there were pretty high. Not that it mattered that much, but it would mean a little less money at the end of the night. He needed a few drinks in him to make things interesting. And so, he was about to reach to pay at least his part of the fees, but Aaerynn simply pulled some out from her cleavage. Well, at least she had her role down.

They entered the Luck’s Sanctum and immediately, that smile turned into a grin. Oh the ways he could make money that night. Of course, he could see who the hired muscle in case of trouble was and they were definitely under control of one of the people playing cards. The who was the question. He looked back down at Aaerynn and smiled.

“Do what you have to do. I’ll keep an eye on the door for whenever you leave. If you don’t come back after a few hours, I’ll come check up on you… If the drinks haven’t gone down too much. Good luck.”

Aaerynn bowed her head slightly, a new type of smile gracing her lips. “You as well.”

She let go of his arm and made her way to her first stop of the night, the bar.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ikari


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Broxigar began his proud strut towards the arena’s exit gates, but Tirian sparked a thought about the previous day. Rabid orcs attacking in groups seemed like a fanatic cult action and who better to ask than an orc chieftain.

Tirian called across the distance to the victor, catching the orc with a slight nod with is head. A slight breeze carried red strands of hair out of the warriors face as his eyes narrowed with a serious gaze burning in the reflecting light of the afternoon sun.

“I was curious about an event that occurred a few nights ago. I need some answers and you’re the only person that can give me that.”

Broxigar felt an eyebrow raise at the question, and the level of seriousness in the red-heads eyes.

“I can spare some of the Earth Mother’s time. Meet me in the sanctuary.

Tirian nodded to the orc, noting the sudden change in tone and words that were being presented. Tirian walked away from the chieftain with a sense of security knowing there might be some simple answer to the madness of the ambush of the previous evening. Tirian exited the brightness of the outdoors and into a familiar face. The desert elf Elrithos spoke with a tone of wisdom and kindness as his compliments fell to the ears of the Durandal prince.

“Thanks, may luck be in your favor in the next match.”

The two parted ways shortly after so few words had been spoken and Tirian quickly shook his head at the thought of his skills being a ‘talent.’ The soldier sighed heavily as the tsunami of memories came crashing down onto his conscious. There was nothing he would not give to cleanse those horrors from the deepest parts of his soul. Thoughts of freedom from caution and fear long forgotten memories catching up seemed to be just a dream. Blue eyes looked up from the beaten dirt path with a glazed look over distanced thought just in time to see the opening to the ‘Sanctuary.’ Tirian approached the door with a feeling of dread deep in the pits of his stomach, how long had it been since that day.

Lucille sat in a tavern of sorts, eyeing the room with that smug look on her face. Icy eyes wandered around the room, judging each and every patron based solely on looks. Her thoughts began to drift off to that red-haired man she lost to earlier. He was certainly peculiar in his tone and actions. Even his moments and combative technique aided to this forming hypothesis of just who Tirian was. She knew already who his father was, and the atrocious actions that side of the continent had fallen to due to that dictator. Lucille wrinkled her nose up in disgust for a moment and fell back into the chair with a heavy sigh, just too much thinking for one day.

The slender teen stood abruptly from the chair with a mission, leaving the tavern in a cloud of dust as she ran towards a building odd and peculiar people tended to gather at. Lucille made great time, coming up to the worn down door covered with aged moss. The building seemed cracked and tested by time all the way back to ancient history. The scene was empty and not a soul seemed to be in sight, Lucille did not have the patience to simply sit and wait. Instead the hasty girl kicked at the stone door until it shifted enough for her slender frame to squeeze on by. Noise of distant chatter quickly hovered in the air, followed by silence from the loud noises.

Suddenly Lucille found herself enclosed by a circle of various races of men and women. The circle parted to the sight of two faces, both familiar. Broxigar and Tirian looked at one another and then back to the impatient and smug looking Lucille before letting out friendly laughter.

“She’s with us. Don’t jump to extremes boys.”

Broxigar spoke with a calm and befriending tone, causing the circle to dissolve with disgusted looks and groans of unhappiness. The trio returned to a room, silent as the night before Tirian spoke up.

“They came from the night, attacking with a group stronger than a hundred. Goblins, Orcs and even cave trolls my friend. We were saved by a wolf god and then a remaining goblin began to spoke of darkness coming and heart seeds.”

Broxigar listened intently, his expression never changing and his eyes never moving. Lucille anxiously looked around the room wondering just what the hell this place was.

“When Dark Emperor fell, my race lost its pride and power. Many of us turned to an orchish warlock, Gul’dan and formed the cult you were just speaking of. Times are dangerous my friend make sure you keep those keen eyes open for the signs.”

“Thanks for the information Broxigar. I’ll be sure to keep you in the loop. Time to take my leave. Lucille. You’ll have to come with me, this group doesn’t quite like new comers.”
Lucille opened her mouth to rebel but was quickly stopped by an intense gaze from the red-headed warrior. Reluctantly, she stood from the chair and exited Sanctuary with Tirian. Upon exiting the question burning brighter and hotter than even the sun erupted from the impatient teen.

“WHAT was that place? Seriously. Stuck up like a jeweler merchant in Tyrael.”

“A home to magical beings. A place for magic users. Now please keep quiet. I can’t think when you talk louder than a war horn.”

Lucille shot Tirian and angry look and then turned a pouty face forwards. Silence encompassed the duo until they came upon the inn, entering and then conversation started once more.

“That is Rudolf.”

Tirian pointed to the dwarf who’d been drinking in a corner.

“Make sure you tell him you’d like to join. I have other things to attend to.”

Tirian gave no chance for the girl to answer as his mind quickly jumped to Serna. Maybe she had awoken. What a sight it would be. Tirian hurried his pace up a flight of stairs until coming to an open room with the twins. Both awake and looking well!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rayn Night

Rayn Night

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Elrithos presented himself in the arena once more for his next duel. The words the elven woman had spoken earlier were still lingering in his mind. It was a something so little; just a few words and yet, he was caught up in what those words meant. It wasn’t as much a dark past but one he wasn’t so proud of. With a hesitant stance, he pulled out his bladed staff and bowed in respect. His stance changed for a more impressive one, having the shaft go behind his neck and over his shoulders. He would try something different… And so, when the shout to begin was done, Elrithos charged forward with a determination.

This match proved to be quite entertaining, as people roared as they saw both adversaries going all out with their maneuvers and strikes. In the end though, the Aavikkanian’s natural endurance made the best of his adversary who eventually lost his footing and fell to the ground as Elrithos simply stopped moving with a light smile. The winner was clear, but his opponents seemed to be happy about the fight. Elrithos helped him up and the winner was announced… But how it was announced had send shivers down the spine of the desert elf.

‘’Elrithos The Blazing Wind wins another round!’’

His eyes raised to the announcer. The elven lady was not too far, a smile on her face. Why was she doing that? Why was she making sure he would hear those word? It was enough for him, and with a graceful walk, he went out of the fighting area and into the waiting area… But contrary to before, he kept walking, going towards the exit. He wasn’t going to show his face. It was unfortunate, as he had reached the finals and yet, there would be only one person showing up. He disappeared into the crowd, probably never showing his face ever again in that coliseum. He wasn’t going to fight with that title ever again.
Vordan watched the wood elf walk away. That grin still wide. She was one hell of a surprise that woman and to say, it was only the beginning of the night. So, he brought his hands together and looked around at the tables. He would have to pick his targets… He definitely didn’t want the table that had the men that controlled this particular place, nor the ones surrounded with too many ladies. The more women around, the richer and more powerful they were. At the same time, he still needed people with a lot of coins for it to be a worthwhile profit. He marched between the tables, noting a few facts about the people at them. Very little of them were even near poor, which meant most of these people were either nobles or from the bourgeoisie. Interesting. The place seemed pretty easy to access though, so he wondered who the owner was.

His thoughts lingered a moment as he went between the porcelain ladies, a few winks to work off his charms, then found the perfect table. Five people seated, two nobles and one merchant… The two others seemed to be mercenaries of some sort although he couldn’t tell accurately. And with an open chair, it was quite clear it was a sign that it could fit one other gambler. As an added bonus, there was a clear view to the door. He could keep an eye on anyone coming in or out.

He approached the table and took the seat, swinging his legs under and leaning forward with his arms on the table. The people gathered around gave him a look, a few smiles growing. A few ladies gave each other a look, seemingly amused. The atmosphere was a lot lighter as a few cards were tossed towards him. ‘’ Put in your coins, green thumb. The ante is 4 coins.’’ It was a high starting wager but Vordan had plenty for him to play along with. And so, he carefully reached into his pouch and pulled out a small stack of coins, proving he had the assets to play. The people gathered there were seemingly satisfied by what they saw. ‘’Welcome to the game.”
Elrithos didn’t hang around too much and headed back to where everyone was supposed to meet. He wondered what would happen when he wouldn’t show up for the last fight of that tournament. He felt like it would anger a lot of people by doing so… Yet, he couldn’t go back. Blazing Wind… He had wished to forget that name years ago. He had told many of his friends about it, notably his friends in the South. Most people said what he had done wasn’t that bad, but his people had a different view. He was forgiven for his brashness yet there were still a few not impressed by his actions. The Council was over it and had kept him in his position as scout and messenger.

He took interest at the people on the streets. Peaceful, but excited. Active yet relaxed. It was something quite beautiful to see, as it reminded him of his homeland in the desert… He didn’t miss it at all, but he felt like maybe it was time to return and report what he could. Luckily enough, it was on their way there to the port, so they would have time to stop at the capital. At least, he wouldn’t be bothered for now.

He came back to the Inn, walking in with a slight sigh and simply went to the counter, drinking the sweet juice from Lissandra, thinking… Thinking…
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flagg
Avatar of Flagg

Flagg Strange. This outcome I did not foresee.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

The Bronze Lantern Inn, Cromerth

He was not, on the whole, much fond of civilization. The noise, the stink, the dust, and- above all- the people. They were the worst part by far, with their braying laughter and grubby hands and stupid, staring eyes.

Someone's unwatched brat was running about in the hall, pounding on the walls, while next door some noisy mouthbreather was busy berating his wife.

Below his window, a crowd had gathered to watch clowns totter about on stilts, swinging wooden swords at each other and screeching bawdy jokes. In the pub downstairs, hoarse laughter mingled with angry shouting.

How was a man expected to think in such clamorous surrounds?

He closed his eyes and sank lower into his bath with an irritated grunt, sending steaming water over the sides, soaking the room's rough floorboards. He reminded himself that Cromerth was just a momentary, necessary indignity. He had the book, after all. Now it was just a matter of getting home.

Home. The thought brought a pang of longing. He pictured his distant, lonely library, the rain pattering against the crooked windows and cracked stone roof, the smell of old parchment and wet pine, the endless, quiet hours. He had not seen it in over a year.

"SLUT!" screamed the mouthbreather in the next room. His shout was followed by the loud swack of a hand striking flesh, and a woman shrieked.

He opened his eyes- bright green- with a sigh. Honestly, such noisome nonsense would be enough to drive even Shada the Imperturbable into a rage....well, it would have had Shada not turned himself into stone five centuries ago. Still, the noise was intolerable.

He stood and stepped out of the bath, water streaming from his weather-worn body. He stomped into the narrow, leaning hall and kicked open the flimsy door of the neighboring room. Inside, a fat man stood over his wife, who lay crumpled, crying on the floor. Both looked utterly shocked at their quite uninvited, quite undressed guest.

"Wha..." started the fat man.

"I am taking a bath," he said, "I don't want to listen to your-"

The fat man, angry now as well as confused, charged, fist raised. "Who the fu-"

He sidestepped the fat man's punch almost lazily and, in one smooth motion, picked up a water basin from a nearby table and brought it down on his assailant's head. The basin shattered and the fat man crashed to the ground, dazed and bleeding.

"It's bad manners," he said, wrapping a towel around his waist absently. "Making so much noise. Honestly."

He stepped gingerly over the fat man and went back to his room, slamming his door behind him.

The water was lukewarm. He sucked his teeth in annoyance. A perfectly good bath ruined.

Dressed in his rust-colored robes and dark travel coat, he clambered down the narrow, crooked staircase to the Inn's first floor and snapped at a serving girl for a goblet of wine. "Nothing cheap, thank you, and an ale for while I'm waiting."

Pipe wedged firmly in the corner of his mouth, he sat himself in a corner table and produced a small scroll from his coat pocket and began reading, oblivious to the din of the pub. It was a letter, just (discretely) delivered by raven to his room from one of his acquaintances. He had been expecting it for some time.


Your last missive confirms my fears. The Signs are too many and rule out coincidence or an imposter...and the stars do not lie to those who know them as I do. Astripio is aligned with the Southern Huntress- a configuration in the sky not seen since his last rise. If the Elves are still blind to the danger, it is only because they no longer know their own Art.

If you have not done so, I think it wise to consult your Friends. At this point, more information would be worth the risks of Contact. I await your next.


He read the letter twice, frowning, before touching the paper to the smoking bowl of his pipe, where it quickly caught alight. The note burned to ash in his fingers, and he swept them onto the floor.

"Athalus? Athalus Velim!" came a cry, and he looked up, his thin mouth twitching into a sour smirk. "How long has it been?"

"Too long, Rudolf," he said as the burly, bewhiskered dwarf waddled over to his table. "Much too long."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LastCinder


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Too long, Rudolf," he said as the burly, bewhiskered dwarf waddled over to his table. "Much too long."

"And you are a long way from home my friend!" Rudolf set his pint down on the table and squirmed his way into the seat beside the scholar. His cheeks were already red from drinking and he gave the man beside him a jolly grin. "What brings you to Cromerth? Seems like a different world from your books and scrolls!"

Velim rolled his eyes theatrically, "Does one need an excuse to visit such a resplendent city?" He gestured at the rest of the pub with a slender hand, "Or revel in such august company?"

In the corner next to the bar, a farmhand was noisily puking into a washbucket.

Athalus sipped his ale, grimaced, and then drank more deeply. He wiped his mouth on his sleeve and continued. "As it happens, I am just returning from New Morgavia, where I acquired several rare scrolls concerning the history of the Fen Migration. Now I am headed back to my quiet, distant isle where, no doubt, I will think back on my time in fair Cromerth with barely subdued longing."

The serving wench brought his wine and he casually tossed her a coin. "And you, my degenerate old companion in arms? What are you doing here? Defrauding the peasantry, as usual? Tricking the rubes out of their hard earned silver? Or just keeping the brothels in business?"

Rudolf was already lost in the vocabulary of the scholar, but he nodded along as if he understood while taking a few sips of ale. "I was hired by Novan to bring a caravan of supplies over. They're paying pretty handsomely, enough for me to pay for a few helping hands on deck. We've already run into quite a bit of trouble, surprisingly really, you'd think the forests would be quiet this time of year."

He laughed loudly, enough to jiggle his gullet. "Them scrolls must have been pretty rare to get you to come out of that cave of your's."

"Yes, quite rare." said the scholar with an indifferent shrug. He was no longer smirking, and his bright green eyes were now watching the dwarf with interest.

"What, ah, trouble have you run into?" he asked, sipping his wine, "Bandits, you mean?"

The dwarf slapped Velim's back heartily, giving a laugh. "Of course bandits! The fools always find a way to get ya."

He took a long gulp of ale as another memory came to him. "Ah you know, we did have a recent happenin'. A group of orcs, goblins and trolls. Can you imagine? Came at us, mostly for the elves of the groups. The fools couldn't tell an Aavikkanian from a Wood elf. They were all messed up, mumbling about this and that. What was it?"

The dwarf paused, stroking his beard as his drunken mind attempted to recollect the memory. "Ah...somethin about darkness and the heart seeds of elves."

Rudolf looked solemn for a second before grinning again and laughed. "Just a bunch of crazies! But you’re bound to get some attention when you travel with a big old group."

Velim drummed his fingers on the table and took a draw on his pipe.

"Bound to, I suppose." he said, distracted. Velim sucked his teeth and shook his head, "Well, big groups are still safer than going it alone. Novan, you said? I could use a company to take me that far. Taking paying travelers, old friend?"

Rudolf lit up. “But of course! I can’t say no to an old friend!”

He slapped Velim’s back heartily again as he laughed. “Welcome aboard!”

But that was when he heard the clearing of a throat, and turned to see a pink haired girl waiting rather impatiently for his attention.
Setna was the first to look up, and he grinned seeing the red haired warrior in the doorway. "Tirian!" He stood, and motioned to his sister. "She's up! I was just talking to her about your ma..."

He turned quiet realizing the door was open. He shut his mouth and sat down. "I-I mean...uh." He looked around as if anyone could hear them.

--Tirian quickly closed the door behind him as the brash boy be to speak, nearly blurting out the big m-word. Tirian approached the duo with his hands out low to show that the conversation would have to be quite. Bright blue eyes looked over to Serna with a wide smile, she was looking great and wonderfully colorful.

"Low voices, walls are thin. Glad you are wake and looking great."--

Setna closed his lips after he whispered. "Sorry...I didn't think." He ran a hand through his hair a bit sheepishly.

Serna just shook her head but she smiled gently as she looked at Tirian. "Th-Thank you. Lady Aaerynn...gave me some m-medicine for the pain."

Tirian approached her as he said, “Good. I'll cut to the chase. Was that the first time?"

Serna's eyes turned wide and she looked down at the blanket that covered her. Her hands nervously pinched and fiddled with it. Her eyes avoided the Durandal man as she closed into herself. She wasn't supposed to talk about that. Women weren't supposed to have magic, they weren't supposed to discuss it, use it, any of it.

Setna watched her with a frown and looked up at Tirian with a serious gaze. "She used it once before. We were around 13, she protected me from a blow during a spar. That's how we found out she had magic, but it wasn't the same amount that she used recently."

--Tirian watched Serna looked down, almost as if she were embarrassed at the question. His head snapped up to Setna who answered for her. Tirian drew in a sharp sigh and kneeled down to Serna.

"This has to come from you. Setna doesn't know what it feels like to have that burning feeling in your veins. No one is here to judge you. Magic is not a burden. Please don't think it is."—

Serna peeked a glance at Tirian but her gaze immediately shifted to Setna, helplessly. Setna stared her down, and it seemed as if the twins were having a mental conversation that included glaring each other down. But suddenly Setna stood up. "I'm going to go down to the kitchen, see what they have for dessert."

Serna paled as she gaped at her brother, but he didn't look at her as he exited the room and closed the door behind him. He didn't leave though, instead his back slid down until he was sitting against the door. She had to find her own voice. He couldn't help her with this. Tirian was right, he didn't know what it was like. He couldn't be her guide. He could only sit out here and press his ear to the door.

Serna stared terrified at the door watching her brother leave her alone. Her scared face glanced at Tirian and she scooted away from him slightly, her eyes returning to her lap. "I'm n-not supposed to..." She lost her voice and her face looked pained. "H-How is it n-not a burden?"

"It's a gift."

Tirian took Serna's right hand into his own. His thoughts drifted at the touch of her soft skin. Memories fought their way to the surface but the warrior quickly ruptured them and focused his attention back to the blue-haired female before him. Tirian let the hand fall and turned his palm to face upwards.

"The idea that this gift is something to be looked down upon is just sickening."

A small ball of flame appeared from nothing and quickly dissipated after a moment or two. Tirian smiled at Serna for the duration of his flame magic.

"Have you ever tried to tame magic? And would you be willing to let me help you?"

Serna jolted slightly as little ball of fire came to life in his palm. Her eyes widened as she looked closer, making sure it was in fact real. But then it dissipated, vanishing into thin air. Then he asked her that question and dread ate at the pit of her stomach. She immediately shook her head, looking away from him. "I-It's a s-s-sin."

She embraced herself as she closed her eyes. "W-Women can't...th-they aren't allowed. It-It's the choice of the gods and I..."

She looked at Tirian, her dark eyes meeting his light blue. And she was vulnerable, her eyes watery. "I can't. I'm not...I'm not good enough. I'm supposed to die."

- "I will let you in on a secret."

Tirian leaned in close and his words came out as a lull whisper. "Gods themselves are magical beings. They passed that magic onto us as a gift. So how is that a sin."-

Serna frowned as she looked down at her lap. "Because w-with power c-comes sacrifice. Magic c-causes misfortune. Th-that's why th-they call for...sacrifice."

The last word was nothing more than a whisper. It sounded stupid coming from her lips. But it was what was beaten into her from the convent. She was meant to die, she had to die in order for the balance to be maintained. That was the point of her existence. To die. "Th-that's why...m-magic also c-causes us pain."

-"Magic causes us pain because we are not immortal beings."

Tirian drew in a sharp sigh, hitting the ground with his rear end and sitting in complete silence. His heart felt the pain as the words continued to replay in his ears. Tirian looked up to Serna once more with pained eyes.

"You've been taught that magic is evil but I think Syndarea is just scared of women with magic. Power has responsibility. Magic is something we have to watch and mold, no differently than a child."

Tirian stood again and gently took Serna's chin in his hand, lifting it to force their eyes to meet.

"You more purpose than what you think."—

Serna blinked in surprise as she looked up at Tirian. Eventually, much in the same way as her brother, she realized their positioning and turned a bright red. She looked away this time, more bashfully, than shy as she replied. "Th-th-thank y-you."

Tirian smiled warmly to the bright red Serna, his heart warming up with the sight of a happier Syndarean. "Can I teach you?"

Again she looked at him with surprise, but this time she held her head up a bit more. "I...I don't think I'll b-be very g-good....B-But..."

She took a breath. "I...I want t-to try. Y-You and my brother s-seem to think I h-have a b-better purpose s-so....I want to try and live."

Tirian grinned. "Good. We'll start tomorrow!"

The door burst open to reveal Setna his face lit up in excitement. “Yes!”

He returned to his sister’s side, taking her hands in his. “I promise Serie, it’ll be ok! You’re going to do just fine!”

Serna looked up at her brother with a small smile. She didn’t necessarily believe him or Tirian. But if it made her brother happy, and perhaps if it allowed her to help with the journey they were on…then there was no shame in at least trying.
Aaerynn made it to the bar, asserting her place as she called the bartender for a glass of wine. She grimaced slightly at the price, but paid up, taking her glass. She brought it to her nose, sniffing slightly at the aroma and to make sure there was nothing else in it to surprise her. She finally took a dainty sip, aware of the gazes that had centered on her as soon as she made her presence known in the room.

She began to roam, swirling her wine delicately, and taking her time before interacting with anyone. It was a waiting game, of course. Once she got comfortable she began to flirt with nobodies, knowing it would catch the jealous gaze of the alphas in the room. There were a few of them, rich powerful men that hadn’t worked a day in their lives. Aaerynn was picky though, she needed to snare the right one. An older man generally, one reveling in money and paying for the physical prowess of others rather than owning any of their own. The type of man that was desperately clinging onto the last few years of life. The one’s willing to throw money at any rumor or object that promised to return their youth. She had a few vials for them.

It didn’t take long until a steward approached her. She smiled as he became nervous, his eyes glancing away.

“If my lady is without company, my lord Brayworth would gladly invite her to his table.”

Aaerynn took a sip of her wine as her eyes shifted behind the steward, to an older man who was staring her down, awaiting her answer. Her focus returned to the steward as she gave him a smile. “But of course, I am honored.”

The steward gave her his arm, leading her over to his lord’s table. They were all drinking and playing cards, but Aaerynn could tell the table was bought out by the lord and his entourage. The older man shuffled his hand as she approached and was lead to his side.

Now began the routine. It was all the same, pointless conversation where compliments were given on both sides. She would stroke his ego, compliment his power, smile and be witty. Smart enough to make him laugh, subtle enough to make him believe he was still smarter than her. She would entice and strew out a sense of false security and trust, then she would bite.

She stiffened as her hand felt the lord’s neck. Her eyes turned wide, her lips pursed in concern. He looked at her, immediately reflecting the concern in her face. She leaned close to his ear, making sure her lips just barely brushed against it. “My lord, have you seen your physician lately? Have you felt this before?”

The lord’s hand immediately went to the back of his neck, feeling where her hands were just a moment ago. “What is it?”

Really it was just where the bones of his neck protruded from the skin, but he didn’t have to realize that yet. Aaerynn smiled sweetly as she went in for the kill. “I’m afraid it’s extremely foreboding. I have this sense that someone has played negatively against you. You have a build up within your body that needs to be flushed. Especially if…well if you desire to live longer.”

His eyes widened, and internally Aaerynn relished it. He was on her hook now as he looked at her with fear. “What can I do?”

She patted his arm, rubbing gentle circles. She leaned forward, just enough to bring attention to her bust. “My lord, be not afraid. It is of good luck that you have run into me this night. The remedy is very easy to make, and natural. I can sell you the recipe. Here I even have a vial of it with me. It is good to use every day, what do you say?”

“But of course! Come, let’s go somewhere more private. I bet I know who has attempted to sully my body.” The man stood, taking her arm and leading her upstairs, his trusted entourage following close behind.

At first she was nervous, scared slightly to see what was upstairs. But she was surprised to see that it was a lot like the downstairs. There was a smaller bar, and a few private tables with chairs. Her eyes however, glanced down a hallway of closed doors. It was easy to know what went on within them.

The lord sat her down and he quickly sat down beside her. “What is this remedy you speak of? May I have it?”

He was nervous, she could tell, and she smiled again. He had fallen for it like a fish to a worm on a hook. She retrieved the vial, handing it to him. “Drink this and I promise you’ll notice its effects almost immediately. You can trust me. Elvish medicine is far superior than your physician could ever give you.”

The so called remedy was really a mix of natural ingredients. It was her greatest seller because it immediately cleared up noses and throats, allowing them to breathe better. It had some pepper to clear the sinuses, lemon to break up mucus, and honey with a dash of mint to cool and soothe irritation. The lord took the whole vial’s contents within a single swig.

Aaerynn watched as he began to rub his now running nose, and sniffed. But after a while he looked at her in surprise. “I can breathe much better now! You’ve cleared my system! I feel the toxins leave my body, it’s true! What else do you have, my dear?”


Gaining the lord’s trust and admiration, allowed for the rest of the entourage to ask for miraculous cures and medicines. Lotions to clear up skin. Salves to smooth over scars. Vials of concoctions promising to do this or that. The party grew, as word reached downstairs, and others came up to ask for this or that. Most were losers of the cards that wished to return home with some type of consolation prize.

After some hours her satchel was losing its cargo of medicine and refilling with coins.

She still had a hefty group of people waiting for her attention but she was quickly running out of products. It felt great. The rush of lying and getting away with it was allowing her to forget entirely about the rot going on within her own body. She was a different person, filled with excitement and fake concern, but her happiness was real. She escaped a moment to the small bar, not trusting anyone enough to get her a drink. She smiled brightly at the bartender. “You’re finest merlot, if you please!”

Aaerynn was treating herself a bit, reveling in the money she was making with these fools.

But that was perhaps where she slipped up.

They made their move, boxing her in. A man closed in on her left and another on her right, closing her in, while the third man strayed close enough to the other two. The smile faded from her face.

She had seen them slink in, only a few moments after she had sat down with Lord Brayworth. They had taken a table in the corner, and they hadn’t interacted at all with the rest of the party, or with her. They merely sat and drank. But she had felt their eyes on her the entire night.

“Let us pay for the lady’s wine!” The man to her left called out, and Aaerynn took in his appearance. His hair was long and dark, pulled back into a pony tail at the nape of his neck. He looked at her and smiled, his eyes a cold gray. He rubbed the stubble on his chin and that’s when she noticed the ring on his middle finger. A design was carved into it, and she swore she had seen that design before but her memory was failing her. Their clothes were different as well, shades of dark blue and black. It was obvious that they were travelers.

A glass of wine was set in front of her and the man beside her gave her a teasing smile. She returned it, the façade still up. “I thank you.” She said coyly, her smile warm as she lifted the glass. “But I’m afraid I must return to my party, please feel welcome to join.”

But that’s when she noticed that the rest of her party had already filtered back downstairs. The man beside her clucked his tongue. “Come now, what is the price to pay to have some alone time with a beautiful creature such as yourself?”

Aaerynn’s eyes returned to the long haired man, who had to be the leader of the little group, since he was obviously the voice. Whoever they were, they had made an impact in their time here. Even the bartender turned his back on her. It had to be money. In places such as these it was worth more than honor, bonds and family put together. Buy this place out and receive the best whores of the group, the best ales, and the bar’s best protection.

The female wood elf set her wine glass back onto the counter as she turned to the man beside her. The smile remained on her lips, but her eyes had grown cold and calculating.

Either way, whoever these men were, she was obviously in deep shit.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rayn Night

Rayn Night

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Elrithos had demanded a simple mug of water from the bartender, in such a tone that it even made him weary. He definitely did not seem to be in his rightful state of mind. The cheery and smiling Aavikkanian had completed changed his image as his eyes were plunged deep into the water. He had many things to reconsider now and it wasn’t just for himself. Someone knew of his past deeds. Although they were seen as heroic and fascinating for the humans of the lands, years ago, they didn’t know the whole story behind his recklessness. The cost of his brash and impressive actions was the death of many of his friends and allies that came him to back him up but didn’t make it. The Council had been lenient on his course of actions, not exiling him right away.

With a long sigh, he brought up the mug to his lips, guzzling down the liquid and then put it aside. Maybe it was time for him to sleep and he sat up from his stool. He walked past most people, wanting to find the caravan leader, Rudolf. Not that hard to do as he was loud and quite joyful. It was a pleasant sight for sore eyes. At least someone was shaving fun. Yet, as he approached he seemed busy with some people and he didn’t want to come ruin their mood with his own. And so, maybe a stroll in the city would cheer him up. With that clear in mind now, he turned back, heading for the exit. If he was lucky enough, no one would bother him for not showing up at the final round of combat in the arena. Elrithos had a feeling he wouldn’t have such luck.

As he took his exit, he looked up towards the sky, in the darkness of the night. It would have been a great day, wonderful at that. It had to be ruined because of memories of the past. How foolish was that, letting a few burnt in images of the past come haunt him like that? He knew he wasn’t the holy one in his group who was like that, as Tirian also seemed to have some regret of the blood he spreads. Vordan and Caelis were still a great mystery to him, but then again, who wasn’t? He strolled off into the streets, simply wandering around without any destination. There was certainly something that would come and bring a smile on his face. He hoped so…
The coins were plenty on the table in which Vordan was playing. The people gathered with him were not shy to show off their money and placing in great bets. With still very little liquids in his system, Vordan was doing very good at this odd card game he had never played before. Many would think he would use some sleight of hands to cheat, but it wasn’t so… For now. He was simple gathering up information on the players, seeing their ticks, they action and reactions to plays. The reading of people’s gestures was half of the game right there, yet most people couldn’t pick up on these simple facts. Vordan made it a must in his life to learn how to do this, so that days he needed to patch up or rest, he could still make a good wager.

The two common folk had dropped out as they didn’t want to lose all their coins, leaving the two noble looking people and the mercenary. IT was easy to see that the nobles were there to flash their wealth… And the mercenary, he actually couldn’t tell. It was odd that he couldn’t read him as properly as the others. It could mean a few things, such as he knows that Vordan was reading people and was making sure to screw around with him. Or, he was simply a natural at keeping himself in a composed unreadable manner. Either way, it was making his coin haggling quite a task… It was all in good pleasure though, as the challenge proved invigorating and he enjoyed it.

As the games went along, people were making their way up the stairs more frequently now. The words had passed amongst the crowded establishment of cures given by an elven maiden. This had made his smile like a fool as he knew what it meant. Aaerynn was making the money she wanted and it seemed like she would be getting a lot more customers than intended. Aaerynn… Didn’t realize you were a snake like that. With a light chuckle, he ordered himself a new drink for the next hand. And, for the first time that night, the mercenary spoke to him, but not about the game. His green eyes were fixed upon Vordan and he had just realized it.

“Hey, newcomer. What’s your name?” He asked with a very polite tone. Both nobles looked towards Vordan, seemingly curious. From his part, Vordan smiled lightly as he rocked back his chair.

“Vordan Dawarum, mercenary extraordinaire.” He offered for an answer. The mercenary seem to smile as he nodded and then looked at the two others. They exchanged a look that meant that they knew each other and something was up. It didn’t bother Vordan that much for now, but it was definitely something of interest. His eyes went between the lot and they nodded. One of the noblemen spoke out to Vordan.

“Let’s cut the crap. You were playing us this whole game, weren’t you?” He was quite serious and they were all on him. Vordan, without hesitation, laughed at this comment.

“It’s the game. If I can read your every move, it is your problem, not mine. Does it bother you that my skills are greater than yours?” He wasn’t going to just let them be them boss of him with their mightiness. And so, he held their gaze with an arrogant, cocky smirk. The mercenary laughed lightly.

“He is definitely a good candidate.” He said lightly, making himself comfortable in his chair. “Want to make some coins?”

Vordan shook his head. “I’m already on a contract right now, but we can discuss something if it takes less than a day.”

What did they have in mind? Who knows, he might be making a lot more money than anticipated. His curiosity was aroused and he now wanted to know what they wanted to offer. The mercenary nodded in confirmation of his demand.

“Tomorrow night, same place. Except we work as a team, make a whole lot of coins. You leave with part of it and we leave with part of it. What do you say?”

Vordan looked at the three of them. The offer was very pleasing to the ears and it would make another good night of profit. The added bonus was that the mercenary he was playing with this whole time knew exactly what he was doing. With a considerate look, and crossed his arms together and leaned against the table.

The night was a lot more active than Elrithos had anticipated. People were lively within this town and it was actually quite soothing. It seemed that the general mood in the place was always great. It was so different from his lands again, as the Aavikkanians were a quiet and peaceful race when within their walls. Never would you see arenas like the ones of Cromerth except for the capital. The coliseum of the Great Capital was made for training but also a few theatrical events. Elrithos had gathered his smile once more, ignoring the past events of the day and just looking around.

He eventually came across an older lady with a young man who was pulling a cart. Elrithos immediately noticed the young man was in pain and needed assistance. Yet, no one seemed to come help him. Why? It was something he wondered but he didn’t pounder on it for too long. He came towards them and offered his help, which the young man refused initially. Elrithos was taken aback from the response as he would expect him to say yes in his situation. Was it because of pride? Honor? Well, the old woman simply sighed as she came forth towards the Aavikkanian.

“Would you like to help us young man?” she said, a small smile on her face. She seemed to be getting to an age where it was not a very stable life. He held a walking stick to help her stand.

“It would be my pleasure, My Lady.” Elrithos replied as he came to grab a hold of the pulling cart. The young man, with what he had just seen, let the elf grab onto the cart. Elrithos, with this single act, had decided he would pass his night helping out the people as needed and rest when he felt he had done enough.
Vordan had stopped making coins with them and actually had started a decent conversation with the lot of them. It was interesting to know that the nobles at the table were actual brothers and that the mercenary was a long childhood friend. They were a fascinating bunch and really had a story behind them. They were, just like Vordan: lively and full of energy. They were an interesting bunch that actually took a good part of his night simply talking away and laughing along to some good mercenary stories. They would be new found friends in the region and good ones two. They thought in the same way, and so, knew exactly what kind of life Vordan was living.

Somewhere in their never-ending stories, Vordan had noticed that the flow of people going up and down of the stairs had slowed down. She probably ran out of stock by this time and Vordan knew a few more coins were going to be added to his pouch. And so, he wondered if she would be alright up there… She would probably be having fun up there. And so, he stood up. Luckily, he hadn’t down to many drinks, so he wasn’t going to be tumbling everywhere.

[b]“I will be back in a moment; I am going to check on my friend.”[b] He uttered, walking towards the stairs and going up slowly. Although he wasn’t drunk, he still felt the effects of the mead in him. He marched through the few people walking about the stairs, reaching the top. At first, he didn’t find her as he was surprise to find another floor of gambling. Why didn’t he come here in the first place? It would have been easier to keep an eye on Aaerynn this way. He didn’t think much of it, so looked around againt. Finally, he spotted her with three men... Who were a little close to her. Then again, maybe that’s what she wanted. In any case, she didn’t seem in any kind of danger, so he smiled lightly, waiting for her to notice him to see if anything was wrong.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LastCinder


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Rudolf turned to see the pink haired girl looking rather impatient, her eyes looking from Rudolf to Velim beside him and then back. Rudolf looked to his friend and grinned, nudging Velim slightly in the side. "Looks like this young lady has some business with me, how about we catch up tomorrow morning old friend? I'll give you some more information on the journey planned out from here. Perhaps I'll also be able to introduce some of the other members to you!"

With that Rudolf stood and grinned cheesily at the young lady. "You wished to speak with me, beautiful?"

Lucille furrowed her brows, the word beautiful being thrown out within seconds of the first encounter. Lucille gripped her hips with an impatient stammer of her right foot onto the floor.

"Tirian said you were traveling. I want in."

The dwarf laughed heartily. "Of course! I can never say no to such a pretty face! My, my, companions are coming left and right. But you must know it is dangerous young lady, we're traveling to the next continent and have already had our fair share of trouble.

"I don't care. And I can do without all the complimentary words. I hate to break it to you but I'm not interested in midgets. I mean I know you're a dwarf but lord you have to be the runtiest dwarf I have ever seen."

Lucille cracked a smug smile, raising a single eyebrow in a mocking fashion.

Rudolf froze and grabbed his chest as if he had been mortally wounded.

"So a traveling merchant. Why go across the continent for just goods? You hiding something shorty?"

Lucille tapped her foot impatiently with unwavering eyes staring into the very soul of the dwarf before her.

Rudolf seemed to recollect himself and raised his eyes to take in the girl before him. He rubbed the back of his head and laughed. "What a blunt and inquisitive lass you are. I was hired by Novan to send in supplies, that's all. I may be the 'runtiest' dwarf you've ever seen but it does not mean I don't have my connections or friends."

He took a sip of his mead, and gave her a grin. "If you're interested in joining, you are welcome to. We're staying for another day or so in Cromerth, but come by tomorrow and I'll give you more information."

"Either you're a terrible liar of the stupidest person I've ever met. Benefit of the doubt. Connections or friends mean nothing by that kind of distance."

Lucille leaned in with an unusual amount of seriousness in her face.

"You and I both know the state Novan is currently in. I've got my eyes on you."

The pink-haired lass snapped back up with that smug smile with a quirky laugh before turning on her heels quickly.

"See ya t'morrow!"

Rudolf just watched her go, slightly wide eyed and wondering if he had made a huge mistake. He took another gulp of mead and thought it over. Nah, everything would be just fine.
After ignoring smooth words and a wad of paper notes, the men went in for the kill.

He was precise, she would give him that. He had pulled a few pins out of her hair, allowing the loose blonde curls to flow down past her shoulder, enough to hide the blade that was pressed against her jugular by the man behind her. She was forced to keep her head straight, watching the long haired man as he talked. Even now he still had his hand inconspicuously up her skirts, his thumb rubbing lazy circles against the skin of her upper thigh, just an inch above where her dagger was strapped to her.

Aaerynn wanted to throw up.

She didn’t know why they were trying so hard to make it seem like there was nothing going on. It was obvious that anyone left up here didn’t give a shit what happened to her, or any woman in this bar either. The only one with an inkling of care was downstairs gambling. And even then, Vordan was an enigma. Sure, he had let her step into his world, for just a little bit. She had gotten to see who he was, even if it was just an instance. But honestly, how much care would her money, help, and not-so-stellar personality really grant her? How much would he really care for a comrade he had met for only a week or so?

Suddenly Rudolf’s pleas to her in the forest were becoming much more real. She didn’t care about dying alone that was fine. But dying after being raped, beaten and afraid, with no one even caring that it happened to her…that absolutely terrified her.

The rot in her chest started to make its presence known, it closed her lungs and twisted her stomach. She was having a hard time focusing. The man knew about her dagger, but he didn’t know about the vials hidden up her sleeve. She needed to think and remain calm. There would be a time to use them.

“Wood elves have always fascinated me.” His voice broke Aaerynn out of her thoughts, and his hand reached out, taking a few strands of her hair and bringing it up to his nose. “Especially the North elves.”

Aaerynn’s eyes narrowed and the man smiled as his gray eyes bored into her blue ones. “Elves don’t really change.” He continued. “Centuries could go by and they’d still be living with the same philosophies. For instance, they mate for life don’t they? And committing adultery is such a sin, they could be killed and prosecuted for it.”

Aaerynn flinched as she felt the blade at her throat nick her skin. She stiffened as the long haired man reached out and swiped his finger across the beads of blood that had risen from the cut. He looked at the black blood with curiosity, rubbing his thumb and forefinger together to understand the texture. “They can live for centuries upon centuries. The only thing that can really kill them is by a wound, or by a broken heart. Beautiful really.”

The man looked up at her and his smile turned into a grin. “The grief rots them from the inside until their body crumbles a part, and all that is left is a sapling of their soul. But tell me, what happens when grief involves sin? Perhaps guilt.”

Aaerynn sucked in her breath as the man dragged his finger along her pale neck, leaving the dark stain of her blood. “Their rot is excruciatingly painful. Isn’t it?”

He leaned closer to her, his lips brushing against her ear. “Shall I guess at your sins? How many men have you slept with, hmmm? A lone North elf, an elf from a tribe with the highest morals, ending up in a bordello? Strange isn’t it. How have you survived? Through the beds of men? Through theft? Your sins just pile and pile and pile until your blood is nothing but black sludge.”

The man pulled back and Aaerynn couldn’t breathe. Her head was pounding, her hands sweaty as the rot boiled and sizzled beneath her skin. She couldn’t think, old memories attempting to force their way through her mind. The man clucked his tongue in pity. “I suppose it doesn’t matter. For you see, I’ve always wanted an elf. A beautiful creature, more beautiful than a human woman could ever be and more superior above man. But I’ve been so curious. What are their faces like when they are ravaged against their will? Do they scream like human women? Do they struggle and scratch, or do they give in? What do their faces look like when they are twisted in pain and shame and fear? As their beautiful bodies are deflowered and abused?”

He reached out and cupped Aaerynn’s face. “A whore like you won’t be missed.”

She was angry and terrified, and perhaps that was what gave her a moment of clarity. She stiffened up, her blue eyes turning icy and fiery. Her words were laced with her anger as she said, “I am not a whore. And I won’t let your filthy hands touch me, you disgusting and pathetic sack of shit!”

He back handed her, and it split open her lip, but it wasn’t what made her fall. What made her fall back was the man behind her boxing her ears with such a hard blow it disorientated her. She fell to the ground, holding her ears as they began to ring and pain shot through her skull. The harsh head blow made her vision blur and she desperately tried to blink it away, trying to maintain calm so she could figure out when to counterattack but she couldn’t do anything as one of the men grabbed her by the arms, preparing to drag her.

--At first glance, Vordan simply smiled as it seemed that she was going to use whatever charm she had to sway yet another trio there. He wondered how far she would go to sell her products. North Elves seemed to be pretty morale people most of the time, but for her case, her morals were like one of a human. There was nothing wrong with that really, even if she did go all the way. Money is money and there was little shame in how you procured it. He had a gentle smile as he was going to go back downstairs, but something caught his eye. Her hair was down and his hand was up, whoever the man was. Yet, seeing how the hand was placed, the positioning was odd… Maybe it was the mead playing on his mind.

He was curious and decided to stay a little longer since she had yet to notice him. When her expression changed, so did his state of mind. He could see the discomfort in her face and the sly smiles on those around her… Plus, everyone else wasn’t given a damn or even being curious. How bizarre it was… So, Vordan started to slowly approach them… And then, he started speaking. Those words resonated in his mind. This pattern of speech meant something pretty bad was going to happen. He didn’t want to interrupt right away as it might just be his delusion.

He came up to the bar, keeping his ears and eyes open on them, but not intervening in the slightest. What surprised him more was that no one was seemingly disturbed by what was happening. Vordan him ordered a drink to look natural, looking over with the corner of his eye. He babbled on, then mentioned the Rot. The Rot? The elven curse? HE had seen passages in books about the Rot, but never took a real big interest to it. He detailed out a few things that seemed so horrible and he was getting angered. How dare they try to do that to her? To anyone at that matter.

His eyes soon became fixed on them, noticing the blade at her neck. Now, it was clear what their intentions were and Vordan simply wasn’t going to let that happen. Yes, he was a criminal per say, but those went beyond his morale standards. His speech simply went on and Vordan’s hand tightened. HE clearly couldn’t just blindly attack them. He had to do something else… But what? He didn’t know, but he couldn’t leave her in this state.

The one action that pulled at the mercenary’s heart was the unnecessary slap to the face. That was it. He stood up straight and shock overtook him. The symbol on the ring was clear as day to him. Syndarea. This fuelled his rage over all things. Syndarean scum were able to hit people and do what they went. Oh, it wasn’t going to go down like this. No, they would suffer… He thought about it quickly and came closer to the trio, clearly angered and simply outraged.

“You Syndarean scum are filthy bags of worthless flesh! You lost the war, so you attack those vulnerable and weaker than you? Did being the Emperor’s bitch been hard on your little tiny shit lives? Leave her alone and return to that worthless nation of yours. Or even better, come here so I can teach you a same lesson Ellahur taught you years ago.”

He showed no sign of wanting to draw weapons, but he was definitely looking for a fight.—

The long haired man stood up, looking completely unperturbed as his gray eyes glanced over Vordan. His two cronies still had their grip tight on Aaerynn's arms.

Aaerynn couldn't hear what was going on very well. The blow to her head had made her ears ring and dull to the outside world. But her eyes were trying to focus on the newcomer and eventually she realized who it was. "Scribbler..."

The long haired man sneered a bit as he cocked his head, rubbing his chin as he came to a conclusion. "Aren't you the man the elf paid to get in here? You look like a vagabond. I'm surprised you actually have any chivalry."

He proceeded to search his pockets. "Well she paid for your service, how about I pay you double to go back to your games? Hmm? It's obvious you had a bit too much to drink to shout such nonsense." He finally found what he was looking for as he said, "This should settle things. Why should you care what she does with her night?"

He held out a paper note, worth a few thousand gold coins when claimed at the bank. But his eyes were narrowed, taking Vordan in as a whole.

--Three Syndarean bastards… It made the situation much worse than what it already was. If he wasn’t in such a great disadvantage right now, he would have started this brawl an instant before this whole thing. He couldn’t just fight; he wouldn’t get out of there alive. He had to be much cleverer than that. The question was what options were at his disposal here. The people around wouldn’t help him, probably even his new found acquaintances wouldn’t jump in… Bu they were Syndarean men and probably some soldiers. Expose their magic, have the authorities come in.

His fist clenched as he suggested that he was paid to come in. What an assumption. It was partially right, but there was another motive behind it. It was fun. This night was about the fun they could have playing these people like fools. He was even discovering a more enjoyable side to the naturally cold wood elf. It couldn’t go wrong, but it did. He wouldn’t let this happen.

So the man came forth with an offer, one that would have been great if he didn’t care about the people around him. But he did, more so when he actually knew these people stories and torments. He reached out and grabbed the paper note. Fake or not, these guys seemed to have money beyond belief and they could afford to silence the place. Vordan considered it a moment and put it away in his pouch, then looked back up at him.

“I won’t refuse free money, but I would never listen to a Syndarean piece of shit like you. So let the lady go and I won’t have to scatter your blood on these tables. We came here as partners and we are getting out of here as partners. Your choice, filth.”

He needed to by some time, but the best way he could think would expose his magic… Would it be wise, in this town, to do it? No, so he would have to rely on some vials and his wits. That was it. It was a touchy situation, one he had to handle carefully from there on.--

The man laughed a bit. "That's not how it works. If you're so worried about your partner, we'll return her after a few hours. Nothing wrong with that is there? How about you go back downstairs, have a few more drinks and finish your game? Instead of making empty threats."

He was goading him, the man's stance was prepared, ready for the initial attack, but by his cocky attitude he certainly thought Vordan wouldn't go through with it. He began to back step, motioning his men to follow his lead.

Aaerynn was slowly coming back to reality, her vision clearing and the ringing in her ears receding, leaving only a throbbing pain in her head. She struggled a bit, flailing her arms, making the men grunt and switch positions. But the slight movement allowed her to succeed in her goal. A vial had slipped down into her palm and she gripped it in a loose fist. She allowed herself a single glance at the vial's contents. Yellow. Perfect.

Her gaze shifted to Vordan and she held her breath, waiting to see what would happen.

--He laughed at his threat, seemingly taking it not too seriously. So, he thought nothing of him than a mere stain basically. He would have a surprise that night, one he would remember as his spirit would depart from his body. The guards would probably get involved at this point IF he simply tried to kill them. Since the people were probably paid to shut up, they would side with them to lie. Yet, Vordan couldn’t let these imbeciles simply get out freely. He considered his magic right now. He had a weapon to defend himself, something none here, even Aaerynn, knew about. It was a tough call.

As he backed away slowly, he realized that she would be going with them if he didn’t at least get them to consider his threat. It was then that it popped in his head. He had to get them to let go of her. Not necessarily fight them, but have her get away so he could use some vials. How to do it, he had no idea, so he would go with the first thing that would be reasonable to his degree.

Raising his arm that had the gauntlet tied to it, he took a step forward. He would have to prove to them that his threat was real and they would focus on him and not her. IT would end up in a brawl at least, probably in bloodshed. “You were warned.” Vordan whipped his arm, chains materialized under his wrist and extending towards the man’s arm that had the dagger. With the little manipulation he could have with the magic, he snared his chains around the man’s forearm. He kept a tight grip once fully formed.

“Drop her now and I won’t shred your arm off. Don’t test me Syndarean.”

The leader cocked his head and grinned. "My, my the vagabond has a few surprises."

He looked at his arm and raised it. He had worn baggy clothing for a reason, and with minimal effort it was seen that the chains were loosening and widening, having to confine against something rising from his skin beneath the silk of his tunic. "Well if it's a fight you're willing to make, I suppose I'll have to participate."

His gaze shifted to the left over men in the area, who quickly began to scatter, jolting down the stairs like rats. Only a few stayed, obviously hired help.

Well if they weren't going to drop her, Aaerynn decided to make her move. She crushed the vial in her hand, wincing as the contents burned her palm but then she slapped it against the nearest grunts inner thigh. He screamed, mostly in shock at the burning and dropped her. Aaerynn didn't take any second for granted as she immediately turned, using the momentum to land a groin shot on the other grunt. He immediately doubled over, dropping her arm in order to hold the hurt area.

She struggled to her feet as the leader shot back to look at the commotion.

--Vagabond… He had a certain distaste for that word. He was a traveler yes, but not a vagabond. At least, he had thought he would be able to rip his arm off if the liquid that he had smothered on the chains worked. He would have to wait and see. Right now, the man in front of him was still grinning, meaning the threat wasn’t taken seriously or that he knew this would happen. Either way, he did get his attention, but not his grunts.

The chains became loose and Vordan retracted the links back, making them disappear. He didn’t know how he managed, but he had something in his sleeves. He frowned as he then noticed the commotion behind him. Aaerynn had managed to get herself out of their grasps. That would be his opportunity. The leader turned away a second and Vordan lowered his center of gravity as he rushed towards him to tackle him onto a table.

“Aaerynn! Get out of here fast!”

The leader grunted as they landed on a nearby table but he quickly retaliated. A barrier covered his fist as it collided against Vordan's stomach, with enough force to crack ribs if it landed correctly. He was discreet, making sure the barrier was only visible for a second.

Aaerynn grimaced and stumbled a bit. She wasn't going to do that. She wasn't going to leave him here. These men were different. And if Vordan let loose the magic that she knew he had, she wasn't going to just let it drop or tuck it in the back of her mindset anymore, he could be left in even greater trouble. The men here had the upper hand, they had the support of the bar, the money in their pockets...and this fight was because of her.

Another vial slipped into her hand and she smashed it onto the ground. Immediately smoke began to bubble and fill up the room. Aaerynn quickly grabbed her satchel and ran through the fog to the grunts of men struggling. Eventually she was able to grasp her hands onto Vordan, pulling him out. "Let's go, let's go." She urged him. "Not here Vordan."

She pulled and pushed him to the where the stairs were. But a hand shot through the fog gripping and twisting her wrist. She wasn't afraid anymore as the last vial slipped into her hand. With a twist of the wrist the cap came off and as the leader stepped through the fog, in one quick motion she lodged the vial up his nose, and then cracked his head back, her fist rising up beneath his jaw. He sputtered, the purple sedative dribbling out of his nose and mouth and he let go of her to dislodge the vial.

--Vordan was about to try and pin the man down against the table, setting his forearms onto his chest and keep him from standing, but that single punch had taken him off guard. With a solid blow to the rib cage, he grunted loudly as he moved aside from him, pushing him a little ways away. He felt the pain right to the bone, not pleased at with this sensation… He had backed off as the smoke came up. He couldn’t see much anymore and knew that a few more were still around.

He reached inside his vest, grabbing the hilt of his dagger and looking around himself. He hoped that Aaerynn would have gone out, escaped with all this. Vordan was prepared to go towards what he thought was the stairs, but someone grabbed him. He was about to turn and smash his fist into the person’s face, but he realized, in time, that it was Aaerynn. She was free from the followers and seemed to be heading the same way. She confirmed his suspicions as he was being pushed out towards there. She was safe and they didn’t need to keep fighting.

He pushed forward as he could, feeling that each step stimulated the pain in his ribs. It was uncomfortable and quite an annoyance, but he wouldn’t stop. She was still near him as the leader tried to grab her… His attention was drawn to two of the guys who had been sticking around to help the Syndareans. His hands went to the first chair he felt and brought across the man’s chest, sending him to the ground. The second one had a successful stab right into his shoulder. Vordan screamed, but push him down to the ground as he pushed through to the stairs.

As they headed down, going towards the door… It would be blocked for sure. But the glass windows or pans… On impulse, he grabbed Aaerynn and lifted her off the ground once down the stairs then jumped back first through on of the windows, smashing the glass. He landed on his back, grunting once more as he felt the pain in his ribs worsen… He stayed down for a moment, a little nauseated and dizzy.

Aaerynn's eyes widened as she felt Vordan's arms wrap around her and he brought her with him, straight out the window.

The wood elf gasped in pain as they hit the ground, landing on glass and cobblestone. Her face was buried in Vordan's chest as her mind tried to process what just happened. She didn't have the pleasure to think about it though, as she heard scrambling and yelling coming from the bar.

"You're an idiot..." She mumbled quietly to the man below her. It wasn't an insult and she didn't speak coldly. Instead her voice was sad and vulnerable, choked with emotion.

She quickly picked herself up, and hurried to help get Vordan up. "Can you walk at all? Come on, we have to go."

Aaerynn threw his arm over her shoulder, bearing all of his weight that she could with her slightly smaller frame. She had noticed that he had to be in pain and was favoring a certain side to bear his weight, so she did the best she could not to aggravate any injuries. She began leading them both down the alleyway, her mind desperately trying to come up with a plan. If they went back to the Bronze Lantern, there was the fact that all of their stuff was there, her medicine, his weapons, and comrades that would probably help. But that lead to another problem, Vordan had said the men were Syndarean. Aaerynn had a bad feeling that leading those type of people to the twins would be a horrendous idea. Plus, Vordan needed medical attention pronto.

"I'm going to find us a place to stay. I don't think going back to the inn is the best idea. Right?" She looked up at him for some kind of confirmation. She honestly didn't know what she was doing anymore, and she was shaking, her body trembling as she held onto Vordan.

--He had a hard time thinking at that moment, trying to filter out the pain and come up with a single comprehensible thought. The sounds around were muffled and his vision was blurred out. He didn't come back too when she spoke to him either, but followed with the motions that guided him… Vordan clearly wasn’t all there for the moment. He stumbled to his feet with her help, had a hard time standing up straight as he held part of his rib. He was clearly in pain and the deep gash in his shoulder was bleeding greatly.

They walked off, away from the place and trying to reach the Inn… Vordan had barely any time to try and clear his mind. The pain was making everything a lot more complicated and he knew only that he would need to pull out some bandages. Would he have time? He had no clue for now… Instead, as they stopped, he looked up at her, still half there. He could determine that their initial destination wasn’t going to be the plan… Whatever it was, he tried to make sense of what was happening; only faintly recalling the things that had just happened…

‘’The Inn… Syndareans… Bad idea… We need to… hide somewhere else yes… I… its painful…’’ He still held his ribs in pain. ‘’Bandages… you’ll need to hold them… against my wounds.’’ He took a painful deep breath, slowly letting everything sort out.

‘’Let’s get out of here… Find somewhere quiet to heal these wounds.’’

Aaerynn hadn't realized how bad he was. Her body stiffened up with a new purpose. She couldn't think about her rot, her fear, her pain. This man put himself in danger to help her. He made sure that she didn't die alone, battered and broken. "You're going to be fine. I promise." Her words were tense as she supported him.

Her mind had mapped out a bit of this new Cromerth and she moved as quickly as she could with an injured Vordan on her hip. Eventually she came across another inn. It was ritzier than the Bronze Lantern, that was for sure. But it was the opposite way, and frankly the only option for a clean room for the injured man beside her. Quickly Aaerynn pulled out her up-do, letting her hair cascade down and cover her ears. Her eyes were fire as she helped Vordan in and walked up to the nicer bar.

The hostess looked up at her and quirked a well-defined brow. Aaerynn smiled sweetly, pulling out all the stops. "Hello, my husband got into a little tiff at a bar across the way. We were shoved out, and I was hoping you would possibly have any vacancies."

The hostess took one look at Vordan and her lip curled back. "I'm afraid we don't serve people like you."

The smile remained on her lips as Aaerynn reached into her satchel and pulled out a wad of the bank notes the Syndareans had attempted to push on her. She slapped them down on the counter, the amount reaching into the thousands for gold coins. "Surely, you can reconsider."

The hostess eyes lit up and she didn't say anything else as she pulled keys off the wall and handed them to the wood elf. Aaerynn's smile turned cold as she snatched them and helped lead Vordan down a hall of doors.

"Almost there, almost there." She didn't know whether she was trying to encourage him or herself.

Eventually they made it to the right door and Aaerynn threw it open, immediately helping Vordan lay down on the rather large bed. She quickly ran back to the door, closing and locking it before returning to the scribbler. Carefully she examined him as she helped him out of his vest and shirt. Her hands were meticulous, gently touching what she could and processing his injuries. The major problem was the stab wound, and his ribs were swollen and red. Aaerynn dug into her bag, finding one of her last vials. It would have to do. She shook the vial before pouring it onto the stab wound, clearing it out of debris as she asked. "Where are the bandages?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ikari


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

“Get a good night’s rest. It’ll just be the two of us tomorrow. Is that okay Setna?”

-The boy blinked and looked at his sister. She stared back at him nervously and Setna gave a soft pat on her hand. He looked back up at Tirian seriously as he stood up.

"You'll take care of her?"-

Tirian looked Setna dead in the eyes without moving a single inch. Tirian seemed to almost be insulted. Setna had true intentions, even if the red-haired soldier didn’t quite understand them. His face grew grim and serious as the gaze hardened with a tone stern and solid as the rock beneath their feet.

“Do you doubt me?”

-Setna stood still for a minute, taking in Tirian's face. Finally the teenage boy seemed to relax. "No. If anyone could keep her safe it would be you, I guess."

He held out his hand for Tirian to shake. "But...even if it's not worth much, you'll have hell to pay if you hurt her." Setna's dark eyes were imploring and serious.-

Tirian’s blue eyes looked down to the hand in front of him without a moment’s hesitation, taking his own hand and clasping it together with Setna’s in a firm and powerful handshake. Tirian dropped the hand with a subtle smile at the nearly meaningless threat. Setna was a good kid and surely had the strength to protect his sister when need be, but to speak to a warrior of the caliber Tirian took stones bigger than the moon.

“Let’s hope that day never comes over the horizon.”

-Setna grinned wide.

"Thanks for doing this. I hope you can help her. Which means, you have to try."

His gaze shifted back to his sister, who flushed and nodded as she looked at her lap. Setna returned to

"I'll make sure she gets up."-

Tirian nodded to the boy, turning beautiful blue eyes over to Serna. Her shyness, the posture she held and just everything about her aura seemed to pull Tirian in. The solider of war couldn’t help but to smile at the younger girl for a brief moment before coming back to the moment at hand.

“And with that I take my leave. Until morrow’s morning blesses us, may the gods bless this evening.”

Tirian waved to the twins as he closed the door promptly behind him following the final message. The proverb was modified from something his father used to say at night, especially during those nights of feverish outbreaks and night terrors. Tirian clenched his fists at the slight though of the goodness of his father, shaking his head to force away anything remotely similar to that disgusting man.

“How I yearn to rip your organs from your body…”

Tirian muttered to himself and continued towards his room which was conveniently just a few steps down the hallway. It was a silent journey, ending with the soldier propped up by an elbow on the bed with blue eyes gazing out of the frosted window. Doubt entered his mind, followed by anxiety and even hints of nervousness. He was trained by professionals with hundreds upon hundreds of years of training. His mother was a strict teacher, as was that woman he feared so much. What would she say to him now? With all of the mindless slaughtering he’d done over the past week. Mortal shivers crawled down Tirian’s spine as he collapsed onto the bed still wearing his cloak and armor.

The same nightmare continued on through the night. White flames blazing higher than any building. Zombified bodies creeping forward with an inhuman twitch to their decaying muscles. Tirian snapped his eyes open with a loud gasp as a hand immediately came to his forehead.

“Some dream.”

Tirian looked into blue eyes as a familiar pink-haired woman sat on the foot of his bed. Her eyes showed worry and a mother-like care. Her hand was soft, warm. His eyes closed for a moment before realizing he allowed someone to get into his room without noticing.

“How the fu---“

Lucille quickly held a finger to the warrior’s lips with that trademarked smugness returning to her smile.

“Tricks of the trade, T. They don’t train you to be an assassin without showing you how to get in and out of places without being noticed.”

Tirian slapped Lucille’s hand away with obvious anger in his eyes. His movements didn’t hurt however, there was no sight of any pain or discomfort. Tirian felt his sides for broken bones but there was nothing.

“Oh yeah. I can kinda heal people. The things you know right! Whelp duty calls. Try not to get killed soldier boy!”

Lucille quickly hopped out of the window and disappeared from sight just like a stealthy assassin should. Tirian shook his head quickly at the ridiculousness that would be Lucille Hearthstone. Fortunately it was early and the day called for serious business. Tirian exited his room to head towards the Syndarean twins. The soldier stopped for a moment, a slight hesitation to his attitude before knocking loudly onto the wooden door.

-Surprisingly, it was Serna that opened the door. She had gotten up early, something out of her character for once. It was mostly due to the fact that she was so nervous she hadn't gotten much sleep. So she had time to wash up and was now wearing the navy dress that had been left in her room for her. She blinked at the sight of Tirian before murmuring a soft "Good morning."

She opened the door a bit wider to show that Setna was still fast asleep on his own bed, his limbs flung about and loud snores coming from his mouth.-

Tirian smiled warmly, stepping to the side to allow Serna to exit the room. Setna had earned sleep for all of his hard work and chivalry protecting this beautiful angel of a sister. Tirian closed the door softly and turned blue eyes to the navy-haired Syndarean.

“Walk with me. There’s a special place in Cromerth we can do this.”

-Serna nodded, fidgeting slightly before Tirian started walking ahead of her. She caught up and walked beside him, her head tilted down and her gaze mostly looking down at the ground in front of her.-

Tirian noticed Serna looking down at the ground, her shyness and awkward tendencies caused the man to yawn loudly. Tirian placed and arm around Serna to nudge her close to his own body.

“Keep your chin up, it’s a nice day. Living life in fear and shyness isn’t any way to go about things. Ask me questions. Get to know me.”

-Serna immediately turned red and stiffened up. But she listened and picked her head up a bit. She flicked a glance over to Tirian and then glanced away. "I-I..don't know w-what to ask." She mumbled slightly.-

Tirian let out a slight giggle at the sight of an absolutely red Serna. He could feel her muscles tense up even though she continued to walk forward. A moment of awkward silence followed the opening conversation, until Tirian broke that silence with the first question.

“Then I’ll ask something first. Do you trust me?”

-Serna looked at him with large eyes, but then she looked away. Her hands fidgeted as she tried to come up with what she wanted to say. "Y-Yes...Y-You're very powerful but..."

She paused, reflecting back on the incident with the bandits. She had seen the sadness and pain within his face. He was brutal and he was quick to cut down enemies, but he suffered for it as well. He had attempted to comfort her and help not only her but her twin. "I know you won't hurt me." She said it without a stutter and she looked up at him to gauge his response.-

Tirian smiled at the response given to him by Serna. She was true with her wording and her tone supported this idea as well. As they walked the buildings quickly turned from beautiful and managed to abandoned and crumbling. Tirian took a turn into one building that led into an open area that was nothing but dust.

“This is Sanctuary. One of the only places in this world that supports magic users. We are safe here. We’ll begin shortly.”

Tirian unbuttoned his cloak and removed his shirt to reveal the well-defined muscles on his back. Tirian removed his sword and place everything in a neat pile with his gloves on the very top of them. The red-haired warrior turned to Serna and instructed her to sit on the ground.

-It was becoming scary as they continued to walk. The buildings were worn down, abandoned and dilapidated. Serna stuck close to Tirian but was surprised as they entered into a clearing that seemed fenced off from the outside world. But as Tirian began to undress, Serna quickly turned away, her face becoming blood red.

But then he commented for her to sit and she slowly had to turn around and did as she said. She made sure her dress covered everything as she sat on the dirt and waited for more instruction.-

Tirian held out his hands with the palm facing upwards.

“Magic is the essence of our very soul. It runs in in our blood and hides in our genetic coding. To harness this energy is to harness our very soul. It takes some digging to find it but once you do.”

Tirian closed his eyes and two balls began to form. His left palm crackled with electricity as the ball formed. His right erupted in flames and just as fast as they came, they disappeared.

“It’s a skill that can save your life. This requires you to trust me with your life.”

-Serna was entranced as she watched the magic appear before her eyes. It was nothing like she had ever seen before. She was used to barrier magic and seeing a magic that was so alive was different for her. The teenage girl swallowed nervously though as she looked up at Tirian. "W-What do you want me to d-do?"-

“Hold your hands out, place them firm against my own and try your best to sense my magic. Finding someone else’s magic is much easier. When you hone that skill then you can move onto your own. If you’re comfortable you can place your hands onto my chest. Magic starts at the heart and it may be easier for you to find that magic that way.”

Serna blinked. She looked at his bare chest for a moment before turning red, completely scandalized. Instead she placed her small hands on Tirian's larger, calloused ones. "H-How do I s-sense it?" She asked quietly.

Her hands were soft, untouched by the world around them. There were no callouses on those hands of hers. They seemed pure as an angel with the softness of a marshmallow. The touch caused even Tirian to draw a slight hue of maroon to his cheeks,

“Close your eyes and listen to your heart beat. Match that rhythm with my own. There’s a frequency only you can feel at that point. I can’t describe it, you just have to find it.”

Serna did as she was told. She closed her eyes, attempting to focus, but she couldn't help being distracted. This was strange for her. She was nervous and slightly scared. She could hear the creaks from other buildings and the wind blow. She could hear Tirian breathe and it offset her. She didn't really know what she was supposed to be focusing on.

She couldn't feel his heart beat like this. But she had promised to try. So her hands moved up a peep, so her fingers could gently touch his wrists and feel his pulse points. Her eyebrows furrowed as she felt his heart beat and attempted to do as he said.

Tirian found her frequency quickly, it was a beautiful hum. His mind focused easily on the task at hand, noticing however that Serna was struggling. Tirian knew her mind was wandering to every sound in the surrounding area.

“Don’t fret, no-one ever gets it on their first try.”

Serna continued to try but she didn't even know what she was searching for. Eventually she opened her eyes, staring at her hands gently wrapped around Tirian's wrists. She looked up at him, and then closed her eyes again, trying to find some hint of what he was referring to.

Tirian maneuvered his hands to lace his fingers between Serna’s. It would be a bold move but he promised to train the girl and he would do so at any cost.

“We’ll try something different, this is going to tingle but try not to pay attention to it. I’m going to insert a minuscule amount of magic into your hand, when I do that search for that frequency, it’ll be much louder.”

A blush dusted Serna's cheeks but she fought it down. This was serious, he was trying to help train her. She had promised her brother that she would try. Serna nodded at his explanation and closed her eyes again waiting to feel his magic.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rayn Night

Rayn Night

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

They went away from their Inn and left for the streets of the town… There were a few odd looks here and there, but he definitely looked like a drunk that had gotten into a fight. No one would question it, even a few guards who seemed not too interested. Vordan was slowly but surely regaining some mental stability, although he felt himself getting weaker and weaker. There was blood lose causing him to walk very inadequately and probably being a pain for Aaerynn… Yet, she still managed to find a place for them, somewhere.

This is when he had realized what happened earlier and in what true condition he was in. The pain was coming to him quick and he grunted loudly every time he felt that rib move. They entered the Inn, Vordan finally able to really help himself out and up the stairs… When he lay onto the bed, he screamed in agony. He was in a bad state that needed immediate attention.

He was breathing heavily now, although, oddly enough, he had calmed down… He cringed as the liquid poured into his open wound, but then relaxed a little. To her question, he slowly went into his pouch, pulling out a roll. He then pulled out his own dagger.

‘’Here… cut it into lengths that are the size of the wound… Don’t be scared to use a little more.’’ He simply said as he grunted in pain again… He then noticed he trembling and shaking, came over and grabbed one of her wrists. He had a gentle smile on his face. ‘’Calm down Aaerynn… You’re going to have to cut me open…’’

-- Aaerynn turned slightly wide eyed at the mention that she would have to cut him open, but she immediately steeled herself. She dealt in the world of medicine, she knew bodies well. She calmed herself as she ripped off a sleeve of her dress. She wrapped it around her hand that had been used to crush the vial back in the bar. It was black with her own blood and she didn't want to see the effects of elvish rot if it mixed within a human body. She pulled back her hair and began cutting bandages with his dagger.

"I have to cut where your ribs are right? Your bandages can't heal bones over the skin I'm assuming." She questioned as she worked, all of her body and mind focused on her task. "Should we take care of the stab wound first? You're still losing blood." –

Vordan was trying to relax and calm his body down. If he hadn’t done this type of thing before, he wouldn’t be able to hold up and stay conscious. Thankfully, he got himself in that kind of trouble before and knew how to deal with it. This time, he even had someone that would help him. It was a hefty night, but they had a good payout in the end. Not exactly what should be passing through his head, but it was a comforting thought.

He turned his head towards her and nodded to her question. “It works in odd ways…. The healing process is…. Hhhsssssshh….. Better if the bone is closer to the bandages….” He then remembered his shoulder over the pain of his ribs. He sighed and grunted. “No need for now... The ribs are more important… I can do it myself after… If I am still conscious.” He reached over to pull a rag from his belt and folded. He put it in his mouth so he had something he could bite on.

“Do it quickly… Oh, and you have a few… mixtures that are quite special...”

-- "Experiments for medicine that went wrong." She answered him, as she continued to cut bandages. "Certain ingredients that I thought would heal. Except for the smoke one, that's oil from a plant of Furus woods that creates fog when it flowers. Just had to figure out how to speed it up, make it react to air itself. But I've had over 100 years to work on it."

She was rambling, hoping it would somehow help him think about something else. But eventually she cut enough bandages and she looked at him warily. "How do I activate the bandages? Do I just press them against the wound? Does it work automatically?"

Aaerynn wanted to know as much as she could before she did anything. –

Trial an error basically. That was exactly like him at the beginning and now still. He had to keep inventing and the only way was to make mistakes. He smiled a little as he heard it, almost wanted to laugh, but then remembered the pain and immediately grunted. This would be a horrible night of rest, but a lucrative one. He nodded and closed his eyes.

“Apply it to a wound… The ingredients will do the rest. It is… extremely potent. Might want to keep the burnt hand… away from my wound… So the flesh doesn’t melt together… Feel free, to use some… for your burn.”

He took another painful deep breath. “Don’t worry… If a scream my lungs out…”

-- "Don't make it sound like I'm murdering you. I think we've had enough fun for tonight." The joke was mumbled out of her lips as she cleaned off the dagger. Aaerynn looked at him for a moment, and motioned for him to bite down. She took a deep breath as she steadied herself, and then performed her work.

She was quick and meticulous. She made the cut deep, but it was fast and clean from a steady hand. Aaerynn didn't give him time to think about it as she applied the bandage with her clean hand and pressed it down. She closed her eyes and hardened herself as she heard him scream, even through the rag. Her eyebrows furrowed as she persevered, knowing how badly it was hurting him. She bit her bottom lip as she could feel the heat from everything melding together.

It felt like it went on forever until finally his screaming stopped. She opened her eyes and slowly took her hand away, seeing the small scar of where she cut. –

The joke she had pulled was quite well placed, rather she meant it or not. He smiled again and nodded to her request. He bit down on the cloth and tightened his fists, keeping his eyes closed. The edge of the blade cut him open, his chest puffing up and his scream of pain chocked down. It was the easy part and he relaxed a little when the blade came off…

As soon as he felt the tissue, his whole body tensed as he knew what awaited him. The green glow came as the other bandages but the luminescence was quite powerful. It was different than last time, as the wound did start to close under the tissue and Vordan was screaming through the rag and his body was jerkin lightly. There were a few odds spasm here and there, then the tissue started to melt into Vordan’s flesh… The wound on his shoulder melded back together too… It left nothing but scars again.

Vordan still screamed a little after this whole process was done and immediately sat up, spitting out the rag. He was breathing deeply, as if he awoke from a nightmare. “By the Creators themselves! That pain is so much worse than before.” He said, more to himself than Aaerynn. “I haven’t felt so alive in years!” He said again as he laid back down.

-- Aaerynn just sat there both in shock and surprise. She stared at him with wide eyes. She hadn't noticed that it had healed his shoulder as well until she looked at it. It was closed completely.

"How?..." She said a bit dazed. Her eyebrows furrowed as she looked from his ribs to his shoulder.

Her shoulders sagged a bit though in relief. He would be ok. That's what was most important at the moment. –

“New ingredient… And it worked EXACTLY as I would expect it to be, although some minor changes need to be done.”

Vordan seemed exhausted now, but in good shape. Even the minor gashes and bruising on him was gone. He had thought that the natural regenerative nature of the trolls would reflect in the curing process, just not to that extent. The main difference was he could still feel the pain in his shoulder as if it was still a wound. It meant that the inner regeneration was still going. Wonderful. And so, he stayed on the bed, his breath finally back to normal.

“You know… I made a lot of profit tonight… And you probably still did too…”

-- Aaerynn took his explanation as she slowly edged off the bed and walked over to a wash basin sitting on a dresser. She unwound the sleeve that was wrapped around her hand, and poured the fresh water on it. She watched as the water in the porcelain basin turned black and she slowly began to pick out the little shards of glass that had been embedded into her palm.

With her nerves slowly relaxing, and the priority of getting Vordan fixed up sorted out, she was beginning to feel the effects of the night. Slowly the excitement of escape and the fear of healing someone, who could die on her, faded and she was left with the emotional turmoil of what exactly happened. The rot was burning in her. She hadn't noticed it, but now it came full force. She had shoved down memories before and now it beat within her and her shoulders shook with the weight of it. Everything hurt. Her lip hurt, her ears hurt, her head hurt and her hand hurt.

She tried to think of other things and her ears pricked as Vordan continued to speak. "You can pick what you want out of my bag as a payment for tonight. If you wouldn't mind taking the rest of the paper notes...I don't want them."

The last few words were spoken coldly, and Aaerynn actually had to grip the dresser with her uninjured hand in order to keep standing. She grit her teeth, swallowing down the need to vomit, as her stomach churned and burned. The words that man had said to her, they stung her now, resonating with voices of her past that made the rot in her body singe her from the inside.


How many times had that been thrown at her? Aaerynn flinched as she tugged out a rather large shard of glass from her hand, and watched as the black and brown coagulated muck, that was her blood, bubbled to the surface.

She waggled her fingers and paused, before wiping the blood away with more water. She spoke up again, mostly to keep herself distracted but also because she had words that needed to be said.

"Thank you...for tonight. I'm..." She turned silent, grasping at what exactly she wanted to say. "I'm sorry...about your injuries." –

She went off the bed and towards the basin of water, leaving Vordan to let back down as he let a long breath escape his lungs. The night this finish off as bad as he would have expected: with some bruises needing to be fixed, a few more coins in the pouch and some newly acquired friend in the town. It wasn’t something he would regret at all… And he did get some excitement out of all this. The Syndareans could have been… Avoided but it the end, they had escaped alive and full of money. Not a bad night at all.

Vordan would have added a few more quirky lines, but Aaerynn didn’t seem to be in the mood either. Not anymore anyway. It was odd to see her at her own thing, in her own thoughts again. Was she really just playing the game earlier? If so, then it was a bit saddening that it would only be an image of her and not her true self. She couldn’t really be like that… Right? It was a wonder again as he stood up, his knees shacking a little. He wouldn’t be up for too much longer it seemed.

With her thanks, he smiled lightly. “Don’t be sorry for me. I am more worried about you and the Rot. I don’t know much about it, but I know the cure.” He said as he approached. “Live life without regret. Or at least, that’s what I saw. And you are obviously disgusted by something you did or the person you are. You shouldn’t.”

He came over and just looked at her. “And my payments have changed. I want to know the smoke thing you did and the acid that burnt your hand. I’ll take the notes and change them into some real coins then bring them back. We’ll split whatever you want. Sound good?”

-- "That's fine." She commented on the new payment but at the mention of the notes she shook her head. "I don't want any money from those notes. Just take it all and use it as you see fit."

She paused though as she thought over what he first said. He was worried about her? Aaerynn frowned as she tore off her other sleeve and carefully bandaged her hand with the cleaner cloth. She finally turned to look at him. He looked like he could barely stand, his knees like a newborn deer. She reached out slowly and touched the new scar on his ribs. "You need to go back to bed and sleep."

Aaerynn looked up at his face, her hand retreating so she could cross her arms. "And you're only barely right about the cure. You can live a life of sin without regret, but the rot would still kill you in the end. The cure is love."

She said it with a bit of disdain, looking down at the floor. "It's kinship, and kindness, and sacrifice. It's acceptance of your past and your choices. It's forgiveness for your sins. Forgiveness for yourself. It's getting over grief and forgiving those that hurt you, used you and abandoned you. I suppose it's also allowing yourself to be cured, and gaining the forgiveness of those you hurt. It's repentance."

Her voice had become rueful and sarcastic. It always sounded so easy. But it wasn't. She looked up at him, but she had slowly lost her edge. Now she just looked tired and vulnerable. "So I suggest you don't worry, because I've brought it upon myself. It's punishment for my pathetic decisions with my life and the consequences that came because of it. I deserve what happens to me. It doesn't go away with the snap of fingers or because I suddenly don't hate myself. It takes years to purify, years of commitment..." Her voice was soft, pained and awkward.

She didn't know why she was telling him this. Why she even bothered. But whether or not she liked it, they both had experienced something personal together and escaped it together. And whether or not she liked it, Aaerynn didn't hate the scribbler. He was...different and interesting. He wasn't like the human men she was used to dealing with.

Aaerynn shifted. "If your worry about it is coming from my possibility of hindering the journey, if it becomes that bad then I'll take myself out." –

If she didn’t want the money, then so be it. He wasn’t going to put it to waste, that was for sure. And so, he nodded as he leaned against the nearest object or wall… He could feel the exhaustion of the curative magic he had received still draining him at this moment. Yes, the effects had amplified severely, but it asked so much more from the body. He needed to reduce the amount of troll blood he used for the mixture.

Aaerynn reached over to his scar, touching it lightly… The bed. It was probably a great idea to let himself slumber. Hopefully, without interruption. He was about to get to that, but then, she lifted her head towards him and spoke of the Rot. The cure was love… It sounded like a tale or a legend. Certainly, he could believe her, but it sounded like such a made up story. Vordan was trying to get most of the story, but he felt his eyes wanting to shut. Not now… He needed to hear this.

He pushed through his fatigue to listen to her whole story. It couldn’t help but feel sorry for her. What kind of shitty curse was this elvish rot? What seed of evil spawned this kind of alteration into a being, to the point of killing them? He wished he could smile and make her feel a little better about herself, but what could he do or say? The story was a horrible one. Yet, he felt there was something that could be said. His eyes stayed upon her for a moment after she spoke… He then made his way to the bed and nearly just crashed into it. You would think he would fall asleep, his eyes closed and slowly coming to a rest, but he spoke lightly.

“Then your cure is simple really… It is harsh and hard to push through, but you know your solution. Work with it… The past is the past and even I know this with my little years of living…” He said as he then pulled back his sleeves, revealing his mutilated arms. “… We all make stupid decisions… We all have things we would want to change. Yet… I wake up every day with a smile, ready to see the sun rise once more. It is a question of pushing through… To take your courage and determination and keep going…”

A gentle smile formed. “You don’t deserve it Aaerynn… No one does… I’ll help you… Since I now know what to do to help… And trust me, it will not be a burden for me… More of a challenge and a goal…” He was speaking more quietly every second. “You need… To live… For… the … day…” Vordan couldn’t stay awake much longer, slowly falling into a slumber. He wanted to finish what he wanted to say, but his body fell limp and he let himself sleep.

-- Aaerynn was frozen where she stood as she heard him talk. She felt her face scrunch up with emotion as he said that he would help her. That it wouldn't be a burden on him. Her rot seemed to silence as she watched him fall asleep. Aaerynn didn't know what to think, and she stood there in silence with the only sound being Vordan's soft breaths. Eventually she moved and with it the rot grabbed hold of her chest. Old flickers of his face with dark curled hair and bright blue eyes. His face lighting up when he saw her, his grin as his arm reached out toward her. His aged face as he died and fell. His blood that splattered across her skin.

Aaerynn grabbed her head, willing the images to go away, and they eventually faded, leaving behind a painful ache that left her breathless. Her eyes lifted to take in Vordan and she frowned as she approached him. Slowly she pulled the blankets of the bed over him, making sure his chest and his scarred arms were covered and kept warm. She paused as she looked at his face, not entirely sure what to think of him now. Could she honestly believe him? Humans were fickle creatures. They always said whatever they could to get what they wanted. They make false promises, and they lie as if it were in their nature.

"...You're an idiot." She muttered to his sleeping form. "But...thank you."

She pulled away and sat down in the only chair in the room, making herself small as she leaned her head against the seat's back. She'd stay awake for the rest of the night, making sure nothing went wrong with Vordan and that no unexpected guests would show up at their door. Sleep wasn't really an option either, as her rot sizzled and stretched beneath her skin. –
It was a dreamless night for the mercenary, complete nothingness as his eye opened…The first thing to hit him was the pain in his shoulder. It has since become a lesser annoyance, but it was still present. With a loud grunt, he rose from the sheets to sit up. He could feel how sore his muscles were and how tired he still was… But he was alive and well. He yawned and stretched himself out in discomfort. His eyes wondered around for a second and found Aaerynn on a chair, seemingly completely out of it… Or so it seemed.

Vordan go to his feet, looked out for his pouch of coins which had filled considerably from the night before. “Good morning Aaerynn… You alright there?” He spoke softly as he got everything he needed gathered. “I’ll go get us something to eat.” As said, he grabbed all the bank notes Aaerynn had mentioned didn’t want and went down to the ground floor… He received a few odd looks, which he didn’t understand too much. His mind had still been wondering in that moment and couldn’t recall clearly why they would act like that. Worse yet, he didn’t even remember why they were in this Inn and not another. He could recall the fight with the Syndareans and crashing through the window… Then a blur up to the discussion they had yesterday which was a little off in his mind.

He ask to get some food and generously paid for it as he came back up. He carefully locked the door behind him and brought a plate up to Aaerynn… Oddly enough, Vordan had an amused smile on his face. "That was one long, painful but amazing night.” With everything that had happened, it was still a good night they had. Vordan had found quite a lot of excitement that he could still remember.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flagg
Avatar of Flagg

Flagg Strange. This outcome I did not foresee.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Bronze Lantern Inn, That Night

Rudolf turned to see the pink haired girl looking rather impatient, her eyes looking from Rudolf to Velim beside him and then back. Rudolf looked to his friend and grinned, nudging Velim slightly in the side.

"Looks like this young lady has some business with me, how about we catch up tomorrow morning old friend? I'll give you some more information on the journey planned out from here. Perhaps I'll also be able to introduce some of the other members to you!"

"How thrilling," Velim said flatly, and excused himself without a glance at the woman who had approached Rudolf. He swept his cloak around his shoulders and, relighting his pipe, left the Inn and plunged into the darkened streets of Cromerth.

He walked slowly, arms clasped behind his back, pipe smoke wreathing his shorn head like a ghostly halo. He took turns at random, paying no attention to the city around him, green eyes downcast and thoughtful.

The Signs are too many and rule out coincidence or an imposter...

So Uthos had said in his most recent note. And then that strange story from Rudolf, about goblins and heart-seeds.

Velim had left his distant hearth over a year ago in search of a rare book in the ruins of Al Pharon. In the course of his wanderings across Pandria coincidences had mounted that he could not help but notice.

The bizarre suicide of the High Pontifex in Alarec. The Orc shaman, Gul-something-or-other, stirring up the tribes. Uthos' star-configurations. The rebuilding of the Flesh Temple in the Undercity of Daz.

The wider world was changing, fraying at the edges...darkening. He, or something very like Him, stirred once more.

If the various kingdoms and authorities that governed Pandria were still blind to it, it was only because they had closed their eyes to the realities of magic for too long.

Velim huffed. The whole situation was highly inconvenient, not to say disruptive! Likely he would be unable to hide from the coming storm- at least, not in his library. He could even be forced to choose sides- a tedious (and dangerous) proposition. He detested politics.

Perhaps he could find a liveable cave in the Atlas mountains- move his books there and wait out the crisis? Perhaps the uttermost North...

He was distracted from his musings by the sound of a window shattering somewhere nearby, followed by shouting in Syndaraen.

A cluster of roughnecks spilled out onto the street from a gambling den, most coughing and wiping tears from bleary eyes.

"You! Baldy!" one shouted in Common, as the rest fanned out, apparently looking for someone down side streets and alleys. "You seen an elf slut and her boyfriend run by here?"

"Mmmm... no," replied Velim, shoving by the thug without a second glance.

"Hey! You look at me when I'm talking to you!" said the Syndaraen, grabbing Velim by the shoulder. For a moment he overbalanced as his hand cut through empty air, then he straightened up, blinking in confusion.

"Where'd he go?" spluttered the man next to him, shaking his head "I-I blinked and he was gone..."
Two streets over, Velim stepped out from the shadows of an alley, straightening his cloak and relighting his pipe.

Fucking towns, he thought, you can't even go for a walk without getting drawn into some idiot's ridiculous spats.

He drew on his pipe and stroked his beard thoughtfully, standing still in the middle of the empty road as his cool mind turned from the idiot ruffians to his real problem.

Uthos, in his note, had suggested contacting Them for more information on what was behind the Signs.

Dangerous as the prospect was, Velim conceded that it was the wisest course.

He set off for Cromerth's empty coliseum.

They were most easily summoned in places of violence...It was, after all, where they fed.
That Morning, the Bronze Lantern Inn

Athalus Velim sat in a corner booth, dark cloak clutched tightly around him, mug of ale in hand. His fifteenth in a row, as a matter of fact. His normally tanned and weathered skin was pale and clammy, his eyes bloodshot, his goatee greyer than the night before.

A serving girl came up and asked him if he wanted food. He slurred something that sounded mildly like "eggs" and shooed her away before slurping down more beer.

He had survived....but the conversation in the coliseum had not gone as planned.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LastCinder


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Aaerynn stirred a bit when she heard Vordan grunt and begin to rise. She looked over once, watching him stretch and yawn. Noticing that he seemed to be alright she returned to her thoughts. At some point in the night she had realized that her dagger was gone. The elvish dagger that had been given to her by her mother, was gone. She couldn't decipher when those men had taken it or why she hadn't felt it. It had to be the moment of the blow to her head, he had probably slipped it out in one motion before she hit the floor. Either way it didn't matter how they got it, what matters is that it's gone.

At first she had reeled through the devastating emotions that one of the few things that was important to her in this world, was taken by the man that had wanted to rape her. The rot had blown through her innards with it. But eventually she had resolved herself to one single decision.

She wasn't going to leave Cromerth without it.

The wood elf hadn't even noticed that Vordan had left until he came back, handing out a plate of food. She took it, looking slightly surprised, and then just looked at the food arranged on it. She picked at it, not really sure if she wanted to eat or not. Her eyes lifted to take in Vordan, and a new set of emotions stirred in her.

"That was one long, painful but amazing night.”

Aaerynn blinked, and suddenly wondered if he remembered what he had said to her before falling asleep. A part of her desperately wanted to ask, but she remained silent. What was the point? Even if he remembered, even if he meant the words he said, how could he help her? She was a lost cause. Aaerynn picked up a piece of bread and began breaking it apart into bite size pieces. "If you say so." She finally said quietly.

She was antsy to get back to the inn. She wanted to get out of these clothes. She wanted her bow and her medicines. She wanted to forget this night entirely...well except for one detail. Aaerynn looked back up at Vordan watching him eat. "Are you alright? I mean...from everything."

--Vordan had set himself back to the wall, sitting onto the bed. Now fully awake, he was starting to piece together the full events of the other night. The insults, the Syndarean’s, the elvish rot… He was partially gone in his own thoughts as she almost whispered some words he didn’t hear. It did catch his attention and he lifted his head away from the plate… Her mood was depressing and joyless. There was something else, but he couldn’t figure it out.

She then asked if he was alright. Vordan laughed lightly as he went back to eating his food. “Of course I am fine. We had a little brawl with some bastards who wanted your body, we made a lot of money, we had an intimate discussion and…” Fortunately, he had recovered most if not all of the events of last night. He remembered even his last words. With that in mind, he got up and went to where the only window of the room was.

“… I get to see the sun rise another morning. I would say it isn’t anything I haven’t lived before. Not only that, but we are rich.”

Aaerynn watched him, a large array of emotions crossing her face as she realized that he indeed remembered what they had discussed. Even the rather cheesy part. But she looked down at her food, picking at it again and playing with it before finally eating any of it.

Eventually she set the plate down on the little stand next to her chair as she stood. Her stomach was twisting so harshly, she didn't have the motivation to keep eating. Instead she went over to her satchel, fishing through it until she collected what was left of the paper notes. She set them down beside Vordan, and looked through the bag once more just in case. She didn't want any of that filthy money even near her.

She finally spoke up again, as she continued to rummage through it. "Well, I'm going to head back to the Bronze Lantern. Someone should tell the twins about what happened, and I have a burn to take care of."

Aaerynn held up her hand, still wrapped up in the ripped off sleeve of her dress. She paused though, as she looked at the taller man before her. Her eyes searched his face for a moment before she allowed a slight smile. Vordan had seen her act, her image, and her vulnerability. She felt as if she could be a little more open, he deserved that much at least for saving her, and for the empty promise of helping with her rot. "Thank you for coming with me last night. I guess it was pretty exciting. When we hit the road again, I'll teach you how to make the vials."

The sun was out and Vordan actually took the time to look outside. The light showed the active citizens going to their activities and duties. Most did not realize, but waking from your sleep was a gift most did not appreciate. These mornings made Vordan realize he was lucky as hell to still be standing. What a life he was living and he wouldn’t stop now.

He came back when she brought over the notes to him. The notes she was probably offered for her “services”. What a city of cowards and distasteful idiots. Worse, they were Syndarean. He had some personal business with them now and really… He knew exactly how he could actually deal with them, but he needed a weapon he was pretty sure wasn’t going to be easy to get.

“ I’ll probably be heading back for a few minutes before going to some other business… And yes, warn the twins. They need to know.”

With that, he was gathering up whatever he had with him. He stopped before her as she spoke once more… She had a smile. Small as it may be, it was one. “Please. We should do this wherever we go next, without all the Syndareans and criminal establishments and more enjoyable circumstances.” He laughed. “Enjoy your day.”

Vordan’s day was going to be miserable, but hey, he needed to get things done. But first, act one of the plan.

Aaerynn’s face softened at the fact that he wanted to do this again with her. It was nice hearing that for once. She didn’t get to hear it often. She finally picked up her things and headed to the door, but she paused a moment, rummaging around until she found the hotel key which she threw over to Vordan. “Enjoy your day too.” She responded and then gave him a saucy smirk. “Be a good husband and return the keys to the front desk, alright?”

She then exited, closing the door behind her. She didn’t know if he would remember the excuse she came up with to get a room here, but it didn’t matter, it still amused her to no end.
Aaerynn had gotten back to the Bronze Lantern in record time. She had stripped down almost immediately upon entering her room, and now stood in her usual black attire. She had applied her medicinal clay like substance to her hand and bandaged it up tightly. She pocketed a jar of it just in case and then grabbed her bow and arrows.

She had a mission now.

The wood elf exited her room and walked down to the twins where she loudly knocked on the door. Setna opened it, and looked at her a bit confused. “Aaerynn? You look a little beat.”

Aaerynn’s face didn’t change as she looked over the boy’s shoulder for his sister. But she wasn’t there. Setna seemed to notice her searching and tilted his head. “If you’re looking for Serna, she went out with Tirian to work on, you know.”

Thankfully this time he knew better than to drop the m-word in the hall.

Aaerynn frowned, the fact that the female twin was gone unsettled her, but Tirian was at least with her. The wood elf entered the twins’ room and turned to Setna, “We have to talk. In private.”

Setna looked surprised, but closed the door, willing to hear what she had to say. Aaerynn didn’t beat around the bush. “I ran into some Syndareans last night.”

The boy’s face immediately turned white. “What do you mean? What did they look like? Were they wearing anything in particular?”

Aaerynn held up her hand to stop his rambling. “There were three of them. The leader of the group had long hair, and a ring on his middle finger.”

The boy suddenly looked green and Aaerynn wondered if he was going to vomit. She watched as he started pacing, running his hands nervously through his hair. “Oh no. Oh no, oh no.”

Aaerynn quirked an eyebrow. So the men last night were in fact after the twins.

He finally looked back up at the wood elf. “I need to get to Serna…I have to…I mean Tirian can take care of her…but I.”

Setna shook his head and grabbed his blade. Aaerynn came over and put her hand on his shoulder. “Calm down. We’ll go together, alright? I’ll be your eyes. If we run into them, just run and attempt to expose their magic. Someone will help. If we don’t, we’ll get to your sister and Tirian first and will be able to warn them and prepare, alright?”

Setna seemed to calm a bit under her touch and nodded. “Ok.”
Aaerynn felt a little bad that she was practically luring the Syndareans out with the male twin. But honestly, they were probably still after her, and their original mission was the twins. So really, it was doubling her chances of running into them.

Setna was walking a decent amount of feet in front of her. She was being his eyes. She searched through the crowd, trying to find any of the scumbag’s faces. She knew Setna would be able to hold his own against the cronies, especially if he could get them to expose themselves. But the leader…Aaerynn wanted the leader for herself.

As she kept her eyes facing forward, she didn’t expect to get blindsided. The sudden blow to the back made her stumble, and she struggled but was quickly dragged into the alleyway as arms wrapped around her neck and midsection.
Setna didn’t notice the elf’s disappearance for a while. He was nervous, his hand fidgeting with the hilt of his blade as he walked the busy streets of Cromerth. He was expecting people to suddenly spring out and jump him. Yet no one came. Eventually he turned back, partly because he wanted the reassurance that someone was with him, but Aaerynn was nowhere to be seen.

He couldn’t help himself as he started to back track. It was weird of her to just suddenly disappear into thin air. She had promised to stay behind him. Although the elf was cold, she was a decent person. She had protected his sister, and attempted to heal her. Aaerynn seemed the type to stick by her word.

It was then that he heard the struggling in an alleyway. He approached it without thinking, and there she was, strung up against the wall, barriers around her wrist holding her off her feet. And there were the three Syndarean men who looked upon the new intrusion with interest.

The boy froze up as he felt his throat constrict. Aaerynn turned her head, and it was her voice that broke him out of his fear. “RUN!” She screamed.

Setna glanced at her before scrambling and beginning to sprint, two of the men quickly followed, right on his heels. Desperately the teenager tried to think over the plan. Go to a public place. Make sure there are witnesses. Fight. Expose their magic.

Setna grit his teeth as he ran.
Aaerynn struggled against the bindings on her wrists as she watched the two cronies run after the teenager. But then a barrier was slapped across her mouth and the wood elf gave an icy glare down to the long haired Syndarean who stood before her. He grinned at her, his hand reaching up to stroke her hair. “My, my, it looks like you’ve become my luck charm. I had wanted to punish you for last night, but it looks like my plan has changed.”

Aaerynn continued struggling but her eyes turned wide as the man procured her dagger from his belt. He reached up, and in one slice, sheared off a large lock of her hair. She shuddered and watched as the man tucked it away in his belt. “I like mementoes. Plus, you’re such good luck, I can’t leave without keeping a piece of it.”

His smile was twisted and he looked up at her, letting the back of his hand stroke her face. “Ah that’s right, this is your dagger isn’t it? Well it’s only proper that I return it to its proper owner.”

He lifted the dagger for her to see for just a moment, before he impaled her with it.

Aaerynn’s scream was silenced by a barrier as the man stabbed through her stomach with her own dagger. He laughed as he then twisted it, watching as the elf’s body convulsed with pain before he yanked it out. He held it up to the light, looking at the dark blood that stained the clean steel. He then promptly sheathed it into the empty sheath on Aaerynn’s belt.

The man looked up at Aaerynn’s face and gave her one last smile. “Well it’s been fun. But I have a little girl to catch.”

He stuck his hands into his pockets as he began to whistle, leaving the wood elf strung up on the wall by her wrists.
Aaerynn struggled against the restraints, her body trembling with pain as blood continued to dribble down from her wound. It took a while until the barriers were suddenly broken, most likely not from her own doing but the bastard himself.

Aaerynn hit the cobblestone hard, with a loud and shrill cry of pain. She held her side and sucked in air as she tried to think. This was all her fault. This was all her stupid fucking fault. It was just like that time years and years ago. Someone was going to die because of her stupidity and recklessness. Someone was going to die from her inability to do anything.

Why did it have to be here? Why Cromerth?

Slowly Aaerynn pulled herself up on her knees, her shaking hands searched her pockets for the small jar of medicinal clay. She began slathering the substance across her wound. It was enough to keep it closed and somewhat help to coagulate it. It would be enough. She cautiously rose to her feet, feeling the pain beat throughout her body.

She wasn’t going to go through this again. Like hell she would. She was going to fight. She was capable of fighting. She could do something.

She wasn’t going to let anyone else die because of her pathetic self. Aaerynn picked her head up, holding her wound as she began to run.
It took Serna about in hour of full concentration until finally she found what he was referring to. She didn’t know how to explain it. But she caught onto this feeling beneath his skin, and it was powerful. It burst through his system with the beat of his heart, and she could practically feel it surge beneath her fingertips. Along with it, however, she could feel the same feeling within her. She could feel the slight hum of her magic as it filtered across her body.

Finally she opened her eyes, and her face lit up with excitement and happiness. “I got it! I think I felt it!” She smiled brightly, forgetting her shyness as a sense of accomplishment burst through her chest.

Tirian continued on with diligence throughout the entire hour that preceded the training. Serna seemed to be lost in a distant world of her own, concentrating entirely on the task at hand. Her hands never lost the subtle grip on his own, those tiny fingers laced tightly between his own. Tirian opened his eyes to the excitement Serna portrayed as she moved her hands away from his own.

“Not too bad, it took me a full day to feel that frequency. Take a break Serna. You’ve earned it.”

Tirian smiled warmly to the Syndarean female who radiated with excitement. Red hair whipped against the wind as a soldier stood up and began to clothe himself once more. Tirian buttoned on cloak and quickly reattached his weapon to on his left hipbone. Tirian reassessed his equipment to ensure their tightness and then turned to face Serna with a fading smile on his face. That serious gaze began to return and it was clear this was business rather than pleasure.

“The first step is the hardest, but the next few parts can be a bit tricky.”

Serna relaxed at the mention of a break. She leaned back a bit, taking a breath. She was slightly proud of herself. She had actually done something magical. Of course, it wasn’t that big of a deal but it was still important and she had figured it out and done it on her own. Serna smiled happily but then she looked up as Tirian spoke. Her smile remained but she looked a tad bit nervous as she asked, “Y-Yes?”

Tirian nodded slowly to the navy-haired beaut, sitting down with her as he spoke gently and quietly.

“Next we have to figure out your body’s limitations. What would kill you. What would you be able to handle, that sort of thing. After that we practice on another person until we are confident enough to use that magic on our own body. The reason for that is simple. Magic is easier to use on other people rather than yourself. Too much will kill you, while the limits for transferring magic is much higher. Much more forgiving.”

Tirian looked into those beautiful eyes of Serna, losing himself in their reflection for only a moment before regaining his thoughts and speaking once more.

“But don’t worry about all that. One day at a time. I say we drop the magic talk and learn more about each other.”

Serna listened intently, and she faltered a bit as he talked about limitations. She doubted that she’d be able to accomplish much. Even if she were able to go stronger, she had gone without the training that the boys of her age would have gone through. She had no experience, and she was a woman. Serna frowned as she thought about it. She looked up though as he mentioned stopping the magic talk. “L-learn about eachother?”

“Right. Knowing someone makes you more comfortable with that person. If you’re more comfortable with that person then the training becomes worlds easier. It works the same way as a knowing a teacher well. You learn better from someone you know, and you’re more willing to learn from that person if you know them well. So please. Ask anything.”

Serna nodded slightly to the explanation. She supposed he was right. She really didn’t know anything about him. Setna had told her that he came from the same experience as them, that he had gone through the same magic outburst. So Serna sat up a bit, mustering her courage. “H-How did you learn you had magic? Setna told me…that you discovered it later in life. Who trained you and made you so comfortable with it?”

She hoped she wasn’t overstepping boundaries, but he said to ask anything, and she wanted to know.

Tirian knew this would be the first question, and he prepared for an honest and truthful answer. The soldier would have nothing to hide from an honest girl looking for nothing more than to protect herself in the future.

“I was a prodigy in the Durandal militia. But I would have these periods of time where I would grow ill overnight. I would be feverish and incapable of doing even the simplest task without excruciating amounts of pain. To understand the story I need to backtrack.”

Tirian drew in a heavy breath before continuing the monologue of his life.

“My mother was a Wood Elf of the eastern continent. Allynn Runetheil. She was the Queen until my father ended her life before my very eyes some time ago. Durandal hates the elves, almost as much as they hate magic. Now my father knew I was a Halfling and also knew in his heart I would one day have magic. Why he didn’t kill me in the beginning is beside the point.”

Tirian waved off the thoughts and pushed forward through the story.

“I never knew my mother, I was never told who or what she was. One day out of the blue when I was sixteen she showed up as a hooded figure. But my father wasn’t too far behind. They were fighting and I just lost myself. I exploded in flames and nearly killed myself and my parents. My father escaped with scarring and amazingly enough, my mother came out of the ordeal unscathed.”

Tirian stopped for a brief moment, letting the whole story sink in before continuing once more.

“My mother took me back to Imladris, the Elven Empire on Thialea. She was the queen at this time so their people took me in gracefully. My teacher was her and my half-sister.”

Tirian shuddered at the thought of his sister, and her ridiculous strict ways of teaching.

“It took me many years to get to the level I am at now and even today the kickbacks are deadly if used recklessly. That aside, is also the reason I am going back home. My mother’s empire is really my own and that continent is riddled with war unfortunately.”

Serna listened to his story with wide eyes. She leaned closer though, enthralled with it and she finally asked. “If Durandal hates the elves and magic…Why did your father um…”

She blushed, trying to figure out what to say. “Why were your parents together?”

It was strange to hear. Why would a man keep his Halfling child if he knew he may have magic? When his people not only hated elves but magic also? “Did Durandal always hate magic?”

“My father was a good man. Was. He cared deeply for my mother, before his rise to kingship. The power corrupted his mind and he went made from the thirst of gaining more power.”

Tirian ended the sentence abruptly, his unwillingness to speak on the topic very clear.

Serna nodded and turned quiet, realizing she had struck an open nerve. She looked down at her lap and played with her hands nervously. The silence was a bit overwhelming so she asked another question. “How long have you been in Furus? Do you like it?”

She hoped it was an easier question and would help lighten the mood again.

Tirian looked over to the nervous Serna, realizing his open anger had pushed her slightly away. The soldier smiled warmly to the new question and reached out for the girls hands. Tirian took her tiny hands into his own gently to force her eyes onto his own.

“Three or so years. It’s quieter. Rudolf found me unconscious outside of Cromerth in fact.”

Tirian fiddled with the girl’s fingers unintentionally as he asked his own question.

“How long have the two of you been on your own?”

Serna looked up to him and smiled as his face was warm and inviting. She was glad she hadn’t hurt him with her questions. She flushed though as she felt him gently hold her hand. Serna paused though as he finally asked her something. “Mmm we’ve been on our own really for just the length of the journey thus far. There were only a few days where we were completely alone, and Setna happened upon Rudolf’s advertisement.”

She turned quiet as she thought over another question. She turned wide eyed as she realized something obvious she didn’t know.

“How old are you?” She smiled brightly, kind of laughing that she hadn’t asked before.

Tirian let out a hearty chuckle, his age was something no one had ever asked.

“Well I’m not as old as you think. Twenty-four years young.”

Tirian continued to fiddle with the tiny digits of the girl’s hand, not really aware that he had been doing so for the passing minutes.

“And yourself?”

“Setna and I actually turned 18 a few days ago.” She smiled wide but then faltered a bit. “It was the day of the bandit attack.”

She paused as she looked at their hands. “You’re young to have experienced so much…So you really only got to spend a little time with your mother. I’m sorry.”

She frowned as she thought about it. Serna missed her mother dreadfully, but imagining being separated for 16 years was awful. To be without a mother for that long…and then for her to die so soon after finally meeting her. Serna emphasized with the warrior before her, who was being so gentle with her hands it was as if he was treating her like something worth not breaking.

Tirian took the words in, their birthday was not too long ago and he did not even know. Guilt struck the soldier from within. Serna showed so much passion for what she did well and her personality seemed to just never ask for anything from anyone.

“Thank you. It’s not often I get to hear words like that. I’m sorry for your position too. “

Tirian smiled for a moment before realizing he hands her hands within his own and quickly retreated them back to his lap. A shade of maroon fell over the soldier’s cheek for only a moment as he looked away from the teenager before him, completely embarrassed at his actions.

“Sorry… I didn’t mean to… I mean I didn’t realize…”

Serna blushed as well and waved her hands slightly. She stuttered a bit. “N-no, n-no it’s alright!”

She giggled and smiled, feeling slightly better about everything now. She had gotten to know the man before her just a bit better. Hearing his story, it made her want to try even harder, maybe for his sake too. The fact that he was willing to open up to her, willing to train her, and willing to care about her wellbeing…she kind of wanted to make both him and her brother proud. She would do the best she could.

“Um…So what is the next step?” Serna smiled, and it was obvious now that she had calmed down in the presence of the warrior. After hearing his past and what he had been through, she felt her shyness dissipate bit by bit.

Tirian smiled at the Syndarean, she was about business too.

“Next you need to tune into your frequency and try to amplify it. Then mold that magic and press it onto my hand.”

Tirian held out his right hand, once more with the palm facing up.

“Place a hand on each side and just try your best.”

Serna did as she was told but then looked up at Tirian a bit lost. “How am I supposed to press it into your hand?”

“Close your eyes and feel the magic. When you find it, imagine you’re diffusing the magic through your hands into my own.”

Serna closed her eyes and tried her best. Amplifying her magic was easy, but it was too easy. She overproduced a barrier and couldn’t bend its shape. She winced a bit as she opened her eyes and wiped a dribble of blood from her nostrils. She wasn’t in pain though, so she tried again, this time it was smaller but she wasn’t able to bend it around his hand very well.

Tirian noticed the blood and immediately stopped the training, grabbing the girls hand softly and moving it to her side. Tirian took his free hand and wiped the running blood away with his thumb.

“Don’t push yourself. When the kickbacks happen, take a small break. Try to think what you did and what happened.”

Serna nodded, helping to rub her nose. The magic had practically jumped out of her hands. She needed to restrain it more, pull it back. She could do this.
“How interesting.”

Serna froze at the sudden new voice and turned to see a long haired man enter the clearing. He was smiling and looking directly at her. Serna stiffened as she looked at his face. She had seen him before, but where?

Tirian snapped his eyes up to the voice, drawing his blade immediately and stepping in front of Serna. The tone wasn’t too friendly and the red-haired warrior wasn’t about to let someone attack him nor Serna out of the blue. No questions asked. Tirian rushed forward to the voice with haste without wasting any more thought.

The man didn’t move as Tirian came fast to intercept him. Instead his blade met barrier, and then a barrier covered fist met Tirian’s gut. The blow sent Tirian back a bit, and the man held up his hand, immediately a barrier of iridescent purple light surrounded the red head, halting him completely.

“Now, now calm down boy. You jump to drastic measures don’t you? I only want to talk.” The man smiled wide, and sidestepped the barrier, walking towards Serna.

The girl had stood up and her eyes had turned wide. Her face was pale as she back stepped. She had seen the ring on his hand. She knew automatically what he was. Every Syndarean knew what he was, and she knew to be deathly afraid. “Y-Y-You’re an e-executioner.”

“Well looks like the rebel and traitor seems to recall some of her country’s traditions.” He grinned, cornering Serna like a cat to a rat.

Serna turned silent as she began shaking. What happened to Setna? Where was he? She flinched as the man came close enough and touched her face. He forced her to look at him. “My, what trouble it took to finally find you. Don’t worry about your brother, my colleagues have caught up with him.”

Serna shuddered, her eyes turning watery with fear. The man just smiled, holding her jaw in his hand. “Now we have to come to a decision. Hmmm. No one wants me to kill you here, they want to continue with the rites of course. But the thing is…that isn’t very fun. Besides, we both know that everything is your fault. You begged your brother to escape, you lured him out, and you’ve caused his downfall. Your brother is tied to his execution because of your short comings. Don’t you think that deserves some punishment?”

Serna couldn’t breathe as she felt her tears well up and slip down her cheeks. She tried to shake her head but he wouldn’t let her. His gray eyes were cold, and he grinned, then he hit her.

She fell to the ground holding her cheek, and the man stood above her, his eyes dark as he raised his hand to hit her again. “I hate weak women like you.”

He never got the chance to bring his hand down as his blood splattered, an arrow shot right through his palm. He turned, and another sliced the side of his neck. He screamed in pain as he held it, and a barrier came up just in time to deflect an arrow inches from his forehead.

Aaerynn suddenly stepped through the darkness, her eyes were fiery with her rage. Her shirt was torn, showing a glob of green and brown clay that had been slopped over a wound. “Step away from her.”

The man looked at the wood elf and lit up in laughter as he plucked the arrow from his hand. “I’m surprised! The filthy wench lives! I—.”

He didn’t have time to say anymore as Aaerynn was suddenly upon him, dagger in hand. He lit up a barrier but he was still forced away from Serna who quickly got to her feet and ran over to where Tirian was entrapped.

The man slid back, holding his bleeding neck. A twisted smile appeared across his face. “You want to play you elvish cunt? Then let’s play.”

Aaerynn’s face darkened as she continued forward, unrelenting. She had to be faster. She needed to move quicker than he could react. She needed to catch him before he could get a barrier up to defend himself.

She had to dodge his fists, she knew one of them had been strong enough to smash Vordan’s rib. Her body couldn’t take any more damage.

They performed a deadly dance, a series of offensive swipes and a twisting routine of dodging and paring. Aaerynn had landed a few swipes, but the man quickly retaliated, landing a swift barrier covered kick into her injured side.

The hit caused the elf to be blown back, her eyes wide and her breath caught in her throat with pain as she was sent tumbling across the ground. Her hand went to her injured side and it was immediately covered in blood. The coagulant had cracked, and blood was quickly pooling from the stab wound. She gasped in pain, struggling to breathe, but she didn’t have time to think as he came down on her. She just barely dodged as the man’s magic covered fist hit the ground, cracking the earth with his strength.

Aaerynn quickly shifted, using all of her strength to get herself onto her feet and away. She held tightly to her elven dagger. She had to think. Even though he was able to cover his fists and body parts with barriers, he was obviously weakened from creating the one around Tirian. Aaerynn’s eyes shifted over to the red head who was struggling to break open the physical magic.

The wood elf quickly dodged as the Syndarean attempted to side swipe her. C’mon, she had to think. She shifted into a defensive stance, trying her best to dodge as the man continued to attack. She was losing too much blood. At this rate it would be useless. She needed just one opening. Only one.

She finally got it. There was a crack in the distance and the Syndarean man stilled, his eyes wide and a lone drip of blood came from a nostril. Aaerynn moved in immediately, she stepped forward and impaled the man straight through his gut, practically the same place he had stabbed her.

Aaerynn smiled as she leaned against him, hearing him scream in agony. She twisted the dagger, which had been covered in her own blood, relishing the way he stiffened and struggled. “You injured my comrade. You mocked my sins and my rot. Now I wonder if you can handle the weight of it.”

She didn’t know what would happen if defiled, rotting blood, mixed with that of a human’s. But this man deserved whatever came to him.

The Syndarean grit his teeth and landed an opened palmed, and barrier covered hit, on Aaerynn’s chest. There was the sound of cracking as she was thrown away like a rag doll, her body turning along the ground until she stopped, lying on her back. Her left collarbone had been snapped in half with one hit.

She was done. Her blood was continuing to pool and she couldn’t breathe from the agony. Her lungs had frozen, and her chest constricted.
“Aaerynn!!!” Serna screamed as she ran toward the elf’s side. The teenager turned pale, and streams of tears slid down her cheeks as she knelt down beside the wood elf. “Don’t die…please don’t die.”

Serna didn’t know what to do. Aaerynn was covered in blood and the young girl immediately put her hands on the wound, trying to put pressure on it. Aaerynn grimaced in pain, and Serna continued to cry. “Please don’t die…I’m so sorry…This is all my fault…don’t die….don’t die.”

Her words were choked within sobs as Serna closed her eyes and prayed.

Aaerynn couldn’t focus. Her eyesight was lost in pain as she felt the stab wound crack further open as the rot attempted to destroy her. She could barely hear Serna, but she could feel drops of liquid hit her face. The word ‘die’ stuck out to her, and suddenly Aaerynn realized, oh yeah, she was dying wasn’t she? She had already lost the amount of blood that would send a normal human into death. She knew bodies well enough that she could tell. If they didn’t close her wound she would definitely bleed out before they were even a third of the way back to the inn.

This was kind of a pathetic death wasn’t it? She had only gotten one good shot at the guy, and Aaerynn wondered if it had really made a difference. He could still come up and kill both her and Serna. Gods, she was pathetic. She couldn’t ever do anything right.

Vordan’s words about the sunrise came back to her and Aaerynn trembled with sadness. She had thought it was stupid that he had said something like that. But in this moment, it was all she wanted to see. Another day. Gods, just when someone had reached out to her, willing to help with the rot. Even if it was a human promise, he had still offered it to her. Yet her she was bleeding to death. This was stupid, and frustrating and awful. She didn't want to die yet.

She was so pathetic. To think she would die in shitty fucking Cromerth. With the little girl she had wanted to save, crying beside her and likely going to die too. Why? Why did this always happen? Why was she incapable of doing anything to change circumstances?

Aaerynn felt like crying, but there were no tears to shed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LastCinder


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Boop. Up there for post ^^^
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LastCinder


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LastCinder


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

God this is awful.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ikari


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Tirian hit the ground with an agile roll and slid to his feet. The iridescent barrier would prevent any further progress however. Tirian grimaced at the scene unfolding before him, a familiar feeling creeping into the bottom of his heart. Serna was alone to fend for herself against an obviously powerful foe and all the red-haired warrior could do would be watch, praying that something or someone would change the tides of destiny. Tirian slammed calloused knuckles into the immovable barrier, struggling with feeble strength to somehow rid himself of this confining situation. The man before his blue eyes, now defined as an ‘executioner’ began to assault Serna mentally. Tirian’s blood began to heat up as his face showed the rage bubbling within.

Tirian gripped his fingers tightly together into two fists and began to pound the barrier with an unrelenting force. His ears pricked at the sound of air being sliced by cold steel, an arrow. Aaerynn had stepped out from the darkness of the ruins, it was obvious she had encountered this man much before they did. Their engagement was quick and precise, the exchanging of blows, however sided with this executioner. Tirian felt his conscious fade away and his rage rose to an entirely new level. His body twitched with fury as his hands slammed into the barrier hard enough to crack it even the slightest. This gave Aaerynn the opening she needed, but this opening would bitter sweet. The executioner crushed his opponent with deadly force, sending the wood elf crashing into the distance.

Serna quickly rushed to their sides and it would seem that all was lost. That was, until a heavy stampede of feet crossed across the field and sent the executioner crashing into the distance. Broxigar stood before the group tall and proud as an Orc Chieftain should. Tirian shattered the barrier in an instant, joining his brother in arms with a deadened look in his eyes.

“In town. There’s more. I’ve got this.”

Broxigar nodded, knowing the fiery attitude of the warrior and retreated to the town. Tirian looked down to Aaerynn and Serna with nothing in his face. His lips remained neutral and laid without emotion. His blue eyes starred through them as if nothing existed. His blood had reached boiling point and seemed to quite literally raise the soldier’s body temperature. Tirian knelt down to the wood elf placing a hand directly over the many wounds Aaerynn had received.

“This will hurt.”

-Serna looked up at Tirian with tears running down her face. "What are you g-going to do?"-

Tirian did not answer the question, focusing his attention on the wounds. In an instant they had been burned shut, stopping the profuse bleeding and saving the elf’s life. Tirian stood to a full posture and drew his weapon with such fierceness s that the ground below them cracked.

“You’ve made the gravest of mistakes a man can make. Pray to your gods that your death is painless.”

Serna's eyes widened as she immediately tried to comfort the wood elf as she screamed in pain. The younger girl clenched her eyes closed as she cried, hearing Aaerynn's skin burn together, and the wood elf's ear shattering scream. Then it was over and it smelled of singed flesh.

-Serna opened her eyes to see Aaerynn's stab wound completely cauterized. The wood elf was barely conscious, and Serna slowly placed Aaerynn's head on her lap, trying to give her some bit of comfort. The tears continued to flow as she held Aaerynn's body a bit protectively and looked up to see Tirian standing in front of them protectively.

Something was off though. The Tirian she had encountered while training, the kind and patient man was gone. This was different, and it was frightening.

The Syndarean man was still standing, somehow. Blood poured down from his nose, and there was black ooze that dripped down from where Aaerynn had stabbed him. He retrieved some sort of capsule from his pocket and quickly gnashed it between his teeth. His limbs lit up with barriers as he glared the red haired warrior down. "Bring it then!!"-

Tirian’s body exploded with electricity causing a massive gust to burst forth from his position. There was no time wasted as Tirian dashed forward with inhuman speed. Tirian clashed against the barrier ridden man with strength enough to send the himoff balance. Relentless in his blind rage, Tirian quickly slashed forward with precision only capable of an elven warrior. The Syndarean grunted and retaliated with fierce blows of his own. Tirian’s deadened eyes looked past his opponent, clashing with each and every barrier with an effortless posture. Tirian parried and deflected each arm and legs, counter attacking where necessary.

“Pathetic. Is this all you can muster Syndarean?”

The Executioner screamed in rage and attacked faster. Tirian continued to parry and dodge the enraged advances. His body felt the pressure of his magic but continued with a final strike. Tirian caught the fist of his opponent causing the ground to shatter below them. The soldier crushed his opponents arm by breaking the elbow joint completely in half. As the executioner reeled back in shock the Durandal prince slammed into the ground spinning with a ferocious slash that severed the executioners head completely. Before the dismembered head could fall Tirian let forth a massive fireball that engulfed much of the man’s body. Tirian’s eyes rolled to the back of his head and his body fell limp to the ground, reaching its limit in rage and magic alike.
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