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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Odd Koala

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Believe it or not there is a school for the future Gods and Goddesses of the Universe. The sons and daughters of the Gods and Goddesses need to learn how to control their powers, how to gather followers, how to pick a champion, and other things powerful beings need to know. There is a treaty allowing all the children of the Gods and Goddesses to go to the school without worrying about being attacked.

Human Name:
Human Appearance:
Parents: (Which God or Goddess do you want to be)
God Name:
God Appearance:


1. This is my RP. What I say goes. If you disagree with something we can discuss it.
2. Do not attack other characters without approval
3. Do not attack NPC without clearing it with me. I don't want random destruction.
4. DO NOT control other peoples character without permission
5. If you are unsure about something ask I will answer to the best of my ability.
6. If you are going to be gone more then a couple of days let me know. If you don't you might lose your character. I don't mind waiting but I need to know who to wait for.
7. Discussions are welcome but lets try to keep the fight to a minimum
8. If you have an idea let me know I am always open to suggestions.
10. I have several RPs. Be patient. I will get to you.

Life Skills
Power Development

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Major Ursa
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Major Ursa Springy Ferret

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Human Name: Meliton
Age: 2
Human Appearance: Look 15-ish. Approximately five foot five inches in height.

Bio: As the young god of sweetness, he’s a pretty easy-going god with little to no real ambition…he’s all about candy, and not much else. With the power of candy summoning at hand, and a relatively sweet and playful personality, freebies are at hand if befriended.
Parents: Born from the Sweet/Candy Culture of the Human World
God Name: Suga’
God Appearance: Looks 30-ish, and strong…strong, mainly due to the power of sweetness has on society! Approximately six foot six inches in height.

Symbols: Lollipop
Alignment: Neutral
Weapon: …sweet summoning? Otherwise, giant candy stick, candy cane, lollipop, long piece of sharp sugar glass...
Animal: None...well, anything animal shaped and made of candy...
Followers: Just a small sweet blog, mainly of sweet eats/drinks from local restaurants, and recipes...he's got, like, 5k followers, so he's a big deal.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Odd Koala

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

You got it
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Soul


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Human Name:
Shade Strider, but he goes by his 'God' name.

He is, in reality, around the age of a late teen...so 16.

Human Appearance:
Azeroth's human appearance is fairly distinguishable when compared to his 'God Appearance'. He is a tall, leanly muscular boy with relatively pale skin that seems to almost suck in darkness when in direct sunlight. His eyes are deep, pitch black and crimson abysses with an intricate design that immediately became his star symbol, and with a constant red wisp of steam drifting from the corner of said eyes...his eyes easily being one of his most distinguishable features. Azeroth usually has a stoic, or neutral expression on his face - his expressions usually not changing from dissatisfaction, apathy, stoicism, or slight amusement. As for his 'style', Azeroth generally dresses in darker clothing - not for some idiotic 'emo' phase, but because darkness is when he's in his 'element', and dark clothing makes him comfortable. Usually, it's a sleek, midnight black jacket with ebony buttons, with the collar drawn up and the jacket completely buttoned, along with long dark pants and shoes. Underneath the coat, he wears a long-sleeved under-armor shirt, also black. He's 6".

Azeroth was originally born in the Underworld, as the heir to the God throne. He was, technically, trained for thousands of years to take on such a hefty position - unarmed, armed, strategy, charisma, powers...but, in Earth terms, that is only, technically, sixteen years. His actual life isn't all that interesting...it was mainly just training, training, more training, killing, slaying, testing, and then he was sent to a high-school for a day. He promptly established himself as Dark God Azeroth, and had everyone kissing the ground he walked on after he permanently gave them no homework forever. After that...it was history.

His 'father' is Zinthos, the true God of Darkness, Death, the Underworld, and such forth. His mother is the Metrion, Goddess of said titles, and she ruled alongside his father.

God Name:

God Appearance:
Azeroth's 'God Appearance' is truly a sight to behold...and it is also one of his 'favorite' forms. It takes the appearance of some sort of sleek black creature with long, stretching wings and a gaping, razor-sharp maw...his eyes stay the same, but he loses his hair, and becomes something akin to a Devil, with the tatters along his rings, the multiple, razor-sharp horns. He dons some sort of draping cloak made of destructive, all-consuming shadowy energy, and every step wilts the area underneath his clawed feet. He can shift sizes in this form, but his 'usual' size is that of a towering height of 20 feet. Azeroth


Neutral Evil

Azeroth's 'weapon' is not set. Rather, whenever he needs a weapon, Azeroth usually overwhelms his opponent with dominating tendrils and constructs made of his sharp, burning, and, at the same time, ice-cold shadows and darkness...but, when an actual weapon is needed, he usually just forms it out of his own shadow. The weapon is therefore solidified, automatically sharpened to a razor's edge, and seemingly unbreakable...a catalyst for his power.

Azeroth's animal isn't an animal, as much as it is a bat-like mutant that can also shift sizes. It's usual size is that of a full-sized dog. Sin, the creatures name.

Back in New York, Azeroth actually has a moderate-size following of an entire high-school, whom he has 'blessed' with no homework...meaning he scared the livings out of the entire school-board. Regardless, they are eternally loyal, all 500 of them, and are abled-bodied athletes.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Odd Koala

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Soul said

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Major Ursa
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Major Ursa Springy Ferret

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Wait, what's our max on characters?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Odd Koala

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Major Ursa said
Wait, what's our max on characters?

As long as you represent them equally I don't limit the number
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Major Ursa
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Major Ursa Springy Ferret

Member Seen 10 mos ago

'Kay...got Meliton up on meh original reserved post...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Soul


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Also, I quickly edited in a bio, along with his height and such.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Major Ursa
Avatar of Major Ursa

Major Ursa Springy Ferret

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Lol, my guy is volunteering at the cafeteria...though the regular staff prolly hates him, as he gives away sweets for free if asked nicely...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Major Ursa
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Major Ursa Springy Ferret

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Wow, double post much...?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
Avatar of KatherinWinter

KatherinWinter Odd Koala

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Soul said
Also, I quickly edited in a bio, along with his height and such.

Major Ursa said
Meliton 2 Look 15-ish. Approximately five foot five inches in height. As the young god of sweetness, he’s a pretty easy-going god with little to no real ambition…he’s all about candy, and not much else. With the power of candy summoning at hand, and a relatively sweet and playful personality, freebies are at hand if befriended. Born from the Sweet/Candy Culture of the Human World Suga’ Looks 30-ish, and strong…strong, mainly due to the power of sweetness has on society! Approximately six foot six inches in height. Lollipop Neutral …sweet summoning? Otherwise, giant candy stick, candy cane, lollipop, long piece of sharp sugar glass... None...well, anything animal shaped and made of candy... Just a small sweet blog, mainly of sweet eats/drinks from local restaurants, and recipes...he's got, like, 5k followers, so he's a big deal.

He is going to be interesting god. Accepted.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Soul


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Minor bump.

Katherin, are you planning on making a character.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Odd Koala

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Yes ;) I'm running alittle behind.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BlackholeRG


Member Offline since relaunch

Human Name:

James Ordeith


17, both in real-world and divine timeframes.

Human Appearance:

Whilst not immediately obviously divine, James Ordeith is definitely somebody who you would look twice at on the street. Short white-blonde hair rises in a short, slightly curled crop from his head, seeming to remain suspended their no matter what the weather conditions. His face is angular, with moderately pronounced cheekbones and a square jaw. He is tall, but not to the point of being unusual. His main peculiarities lie around his eyes, one of which is a plain grey, whilst the other, his left, is a strangely vivid shade of yellow. He has a thin, vertical scar over this eye, extending above it onto his forehead and below it onto his cheek. In addition to this, he has tattoos forming a complex abstract pattern of black curves and lines, extending from the sides of his lower neck, across his chest, where they surround a rough rendering of his symbol, and down both of his arms to end in a design on his palms. It is these tattoos and the one odd coloured eye that garner him additional attention in public spaces. He usually dresses in jeans and a hoodie, trainers and sometimes sunglasses, to avoid attracting attention in human settings. This is a habit that he has carried on into "God School".


James Ordeith was never given much attention by his real parents. His father, being the God of War, was notoriously lacking in patience for interpersonal interaction which didn't involve combat, or sex, or both. Raising a son was at the bottom of his list of priorities, essentially when the novelty of sons had somewhat worn off some time after the tenth. His mother as the Goddess of Justice was often assumed to be the more caring sort, but those who thought this were more than mistaken. Her justice was of a cold and detached variety, dealing out punishment and reward with the precision of a mathematical formula, and whilst not unkind she was not the type to be given to what she considered acts of empathy that had not been earned. Besides, she had decided that the best preparation of her son for his role would be to spend his formative years on Earth to better understand it's people. James' future dominion as a God is as a God of swordplay and warriors of valor. A God of Combat, but not one of anarchy and destruction without cause. His mother's influence lends him a sense of justice.

James was raised by an underling employed for the purpose by his parents; an angel of the divine planes named Xe'fre who nonetheless preferred to keep a low profile. James' early life consisted of an unusual mix of human culture, picked up during his schooling, and a selection of general wisdom and tips for the divine offered by his wise, albeit somewhat disconnected from the passage of time and society as most perceived it, guardian. In addition to this Xe'fre occasionally delivered special classes on Godhood and the nature and culture of the divine - which, unlike human society, seldom changes in any significant degree. This had equipped James with a basic understanding of his history and future role, although he considers himself far from ready to be taking up the active duties of a God.

James went to school in America, although he had few friends and tended to be reserved. At age 7, he was forced to change schools and cities after a confrontation with a schoolyard bully ended in said bully flung through a fence and paralyzed below the waist, after the young God underestimated the strength of his response. The school administration was forced to conclude, contrary to the testimony of all 27 Elementry Schoolchildren who were witnesses to the event, that he had been hit by a car; although where this supposed car had come from and where it had then disappeared to remained an unsolved mystery. Meanwhile, the rumour mill made staying in the area an impossibility for James. This taught James to be more careful with the use of his abilities, although he is not adverse to using them should to situation seem appropriate; his mother's spiritual influence was reflected in his approach to appropriate action.

James' attendance of God school was planned by his parents and Xe'fre as a way of preparing him for when he enters the circle of deities as a fully fledged member.


God of War and Goddess of Justice, although Ta'garien is a God of Swordplay, Combat and Warriors of Valor.

God Name:


God Appearance:

His entire frame is encompassed by a full-body suit of heavy plate-armour, shining with a burnished copper-gold sheen, and not allowing any skin to be seen; only shadow in the joints. The only opening is a long, vertical slit in the helmet, filled with a murky black aside from a single yellow-gold point of light, shining like a beacon, or single lonely eye. His frame is surrounded by a faint white-gold aura, and his size and occasionally his shape can vary. The armour is covered in thick overlapping curves and lines that mimic James' tattoos, although these cover his entire armoured frame. Blades of some form are concealed in sheaves built into the armoured plates in most of his armour sections, almost seemlessly blending in with the metal design until removed. However, his primary weapon is attached to his back...


A circle or dot radiating lines out from all sides, but with two long pointed triangles extending vertically from just above/below the top/bottom of the circle. Reminiscent of the sun, but more so of the slit and single eye of Ta'garien's helmet.


Neutral Good


An almost absurdly large sword strapped to his back, far too large for any mortal to lift. It is the same burnished copper-gold as his armour, and the hilt is covered in the same curved patterns whilst the blade is lined with runes. This sometimes glow with a white-gold light. Sometimes, Ta'garien will utilized light-based offensive and defensive powers.




None so far. James/Ta'garien has kept a relatively low profile.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Odd Koala

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

BlackholeRG said
James Ordeith17, both in real-world and divine timeframes.Whilst not immediately obviously divine, James Ordeith is definitely somebody who you would look twice at on the street. Short white-blonde hair rises in a short, slightly curled crop from his head, seeming to remain suspended their no matter what the weather conditions. His face is angular, with moderately pronounced cheekbones and a square jaw. He is tall, but not to the point of being unusual. His main peculiarities lie around his eyes, one of which is a plain grey, whilst the other, his left, is a strangely vivid shade of yellow. He has a thin, vertical scar over this eye, extending above it onto his forehead and below it onto his cheek. In addition to this, he has tattoos forming a complex abstract pattern of black curves and lines, extending from the sides of his lower neck, across his chest, where they surround a rough rendering of his symbol, and down both of his arms to end in a design on his palms. It is these tattoos and the one odd coloured eye that garner him additional attention in public spaces. He usually dresses in jeans and a hoodie, trainers and sometimes sunglasses, to avoid attracting attention in human settings. This is a habit that he has carried on into "God School".James Ordeith was never given much attention by his real parents. His father, being the God of War, was notoriously lacking in patience for interpersonal interaction which didn't involve combat, or sex, or both. Raising a son was at the bottom of his list of priorities, essentially when the novelty of sons had somewhat worn off some time after the tenth. His mother as the Goddess of Justice was often assumed to be the more caring sort, but those who thought this were more than mistaken. Her justice was of a cold and detached variety, dealing out punishment and reward with the precision of a mathematical formula, and whilst not unkind she was not the type to be given to what she considered acts of empathy that had not been earned. Besides, she had decided that the best preparation of her son for his role would be to spend his formative years on Earth to better understand it's people. James' future dominion as a God is as a God of swordplay and warriors of valor. A God of Combat, but not one of anarchy and destruction without cause. His mother's influence lends him a sense of justice.James was raised by an underling employed for the purpose by his parents; an angel of the divine planes named Xe'fre who nonetheless preferred to keep a low profile. James' early life consisted of an unusual mix of human culture, picked up during his schooling, and a selection of general wisdom and tips for the divine offered by his wise, albeit somewhat disconnected from the passage of time and society as most perceived it, guardian. In addition to this Xe'fre occasionally delivered special classes on Godhood and the nature and culture of the divine - which, unlike human society, seldom changes in any significant degree. This had equipped James with a basic understanding of his history and future role, although he considers himself far from ready to be taking up the active duties of a God.James went to school in America, although he had few friends and tended to be reserved. At age 7, he was forced to change schools and cities after a confrontation with a schoolyard bully ended in said bully flung through a fence and paralyzed below the waist, after the young God underestimated the strength of his response. The school administration was forced to conclude, contrary to the testimony of all 27 Elementry Schoolchildren who were witnesses to the event, that he had been hit by a car; although where this supposed car had come from and where it had then disappeared to remained an unsolved mystery. Meanwhile, the rumour mill made staying in the area an impossibility for James. This taught James to be more careful with the use of his abilities, although he is not adverse to using them should to situation seem appropriate; his mother's spiritual influence was reflected in his approach to appropriate action.James' attendance of God school was planned by his parents and Xe'fre as a way of preparing him for when he enters the circle of deities as a fully fledged member.God of War and Goddess of Justice, although Ta'garien is a God of Swordplay, Combat and Warriors of Valor.Ta'garienHis entire frame is encompassed by a full-body suit of heavy plate-armour, shining with a burnished copper-gold sheen, and not allowing any skin to be seen; only shadow in the joints. The only opening is a long, vertical slit in the helmet, filled with a murky black aside from a single yellow-gold point of light, shining like a beacon, or single lonely eye. His frame is surrounded by a faint white-gold aura, and his size and occasionally his shape can vary. The armour is covered in thick overlapping curves and lines that mimic James' tattoos, although these cover his entire armoured frame. Blades of some form are concealed in sheaves built into the armoured plates in most of his armour sections, almost seemlessly blending in with the metal design until removed. However, his primary weapon is attached to his back...Symbols:A circle or dot radiating lines out from all sides, but with two long pointed triangles extending vertically from just above/below the top/bottom of the circle. Reminiscent of the sun, but more so of the slit and single eye of Ta'garien's helmet.Neutral GoodAn almost absurdly large sword strapped to his back, far too large for any mortal to lift. It is the same burnished copper-gold as his armour, and the hilt is covered in the same curved patterns whilst the blade is lined with runes. This sometimes glow with a white-gold light. Sometimes, Ta'garien will utilized light-based offensive and defensive powers.Gyrfalcon.None so far. James/Ta'garien has kept a relatively low profile.

I'm not familiar with gyrfalcons and follows could be interest approve. I'll open the IC tonight
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BlackholeRG


Member Offline since relaunch

KatherinWinter said
I'm not familiar with gyrfalcons and follows could be interest approve. I'll open the IC tonight


Sorry, I'm not sure I quite understood what you said in the second part of that. Follows could be interest approve? Are you saying that I should give my character followers, or are you saying that he has been approved, or both perhaps?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Odd Koala

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Sorry my brain is tired. I've been up like 20 hours. I usually make since. Him having no person followers could be an interesting problem. And yes your approved.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Maid_Marianne


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Making my character now!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Leviathan
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Leviathan Inhuman

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

love these types of rps but I always miss a spot.

wanting to make a character but first, will this be fast paced?

I do work 12 hour shifts & sometimes I am just plain exhausted so was wondering if that would be a problem?
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