Plot: 30 years have passed since the last Pirate King roamed the seas. Monkey D. Luffy and his band of merry men were infamous throughout the world for traversing the mysterious Grand Line, conquering the New World and obtaining the truth regarding the origins of both the World Government and the network of sailors who call themselves, Pirates. Towards the end of his journey, Luffy had obtained the respect of many islands and focused his attention on cleaning up the seas of those who he deemed to be 'bad'. However, although he managed to rid the seas of many evil Pirates and Marines alike, the world inevitably keeps turning and history continues to repeat itself in the form of new dreamers setting sail onto the greatest sea in the world. Not long after he ascended to the seat of Pirate King, the greatest crew in the world simply vanished.
No one knows where the King of Pirates disappeared to, although few dare speculate that he is still alive. One thing is for sure though; the age of pirates is not dead. With their sudden disappearance, the scales which maintained the balance of the world, had been tipped once again. World peace has shattered and pirates resurfaced from all seas, freely roaming almost everywhere and bringing along with them greed, aggression, and destruction wherever they go.
However, despite the decline in power and authority of the marines over the years, former Marine Admiral Kuzan made the decision to return and lead the organization. Although declining in health, with several influential Marines, Ex-Pirates, and Bounty Hunters working below him. Will they end the wave of maritime criminals, once and for all? Or will the new era of piracy lead to another Pirate King?