It's been awhile since I've had a battle so I'm going to shake off the rust and start my fighting once again

[hider=Alex V2]Name: Alex

Nickname: "Monster" or "Demon"

Age: he forgot but knowing he is well older then a decade

Race: Considered a Demigod but has his fathers powers

Occupation: the judge/ executioner/ or a chaotic hero

Height: 5'9

Weight: 125"lbs

Character tier: Intermediate

Personality: His emotions is out of control most of the time. One moment he could be a easy going guy to a pissed off manic that will kill just to blow off some steam. He can be alright to talk to if he has grown a liking for someone as a friend, but mentally unstable as his dominant emotion is sadistic an insane when talking or mainly fighting. Hard to be a hero with being corrupted with what gives him strength.

Bio: In Ancient Greek during the time of Hercules; Hades was frustrated from the fact he wanted total control over Mount Olympus, but failed in every attempt from the son of Zeus. Using every method he can to get rid of Hercules like using a hoard of demons or playing mind games to make him concede in his place in life. In a last resort, he merge all the top demons and the deceased to create his very own version of the famous Hercules.The purpose of his new creation was so he can be an unstoppable killing machine in high hopes of becoming the destroyer of the world.

Keeping his existence unknown from his brothers; Hades trains his newly created demon so he can master his hellish powers and monstrous strength to bring down the champion of the gods. Finally graduated from his training, he sends him to earth to live amongst the humans to learn their ways to blend in. Hard enough as is he was a demon child causing many problems with others and feared by others; he was alone but never minded until he matured into his adulthood. Questioning his purpose in the world from the fact he only has dreams of when his father taught him the way he should live an act. Always echoing in his head to kill and murder everyone.

The day finally comes, the orders were set to kill the protagonist and to bring the apocalypse to mankind. Searching him till finally confronting the hero, without hesitated he engages Hercules in combat. The battle raged on for days, destroying whatever comes in his path as the fight continues. Soon afterwards the son of Hades finally triumphs over Hercules from the battle that no one will ever know. From the brick of death Hercules looks up to his murder's eye, almost like he can feel the pain he went through and then saying his last words before he died" H-hey...when your achieve your adjective by killing me and the rest of the world....what are you going to do after that?" He said as he slowly passes away as his spirit goes up into the heavens; leaving the monster in shocked.

The creation looks around him to see the aftermath of the conflict between his enemy. Total destruction of the city and many of innocent blood stained on his hands. He trembled from what he has done knowingly no one liked him and treated him as if he was dirt, but yet he also knew that even though they mistreated him all he wanted was to be accepted. He then leaves the city leaving what he did in the past and to not follow through with his orders on killing everything. While he walks with a cloud of uncertainty over his head. He was summoned back into the underworld as his father questioned him" Why did you stop? You were suppose to be the overlord of that miserable planet?!" The creation replied with tears slightly in his eyes" But I don't want any of this! I want to be human and to be loved not hated!" Arguing back and forth hades decides on to destroy his creation as some demons charges at him" I created you demon and I will take it away from you!" He said as the lone monster fights back and killing the demons with ease as he stares at his father with a cold look on his face"My Alex and I will live my own life the way I see fit!" He shouts out as he fights his father in an unholy battle in the underworld. Long afterwards Alex's stills death's scythe and consumes his dad, taking his powers of the underworld.

Taking his leave, he lives his life as an immortal free from death. He lives as time goes by him as he remains the same age as he lives with the humans. Becoming the next hero of the world but with some bad traits like being a little bit evil still. Fighting for good and to keep peace to everyone no matter what, and send any kind of creatures of the night back to where they once came.


Hades Fury: using powers from his father he is able to create black flames on his hands which he can use in many different ways like throwing fire balls or blow out like a dragons fire, making a fire wall or barrier, and to use as a little trick to his close combat by using it like boxing gloves or to burn victims in a grapple and to break out of one. Burning as hot as 635 degrees Celsius (tier lvl: intermediate)

Demonic presence: from the dark aura that radiates from his body that acts like a thick shadow aura that manifest , he uses it to create different forms to aid him in a fight. For an example like the shadowy aura covers his arms to form extended fist or arms to reach, grab, or smash his opponents(you can compare it to how naruto fought sasuke when he had the first tail.) or even to create a weapon like manifesting a bladed weapon in his hand or arms. Can do the same but forming on his back to form eight arms or tentacles. While using the tentacles they can stick into the ground and come back out to keep his targets in place for a grapple so he can hold the target still for an attack. One post prep needed an target most be stationary to complete the transition. Or instead of a grapple they can root itself to the ground and come back up to form shadow spikes come out and covering a good twenty meter circumference.(tier lvl: intermediate)

Shadow Puppets: using the Demonic presence he uses the shadows to form shadow figures to create dark hydra heads to come out of his tentacles from his back. Same amount on his back but doubles for each hydra head cut like the real but only up to 32 heads until they are gone completely. They are apart of him since they are mere puppets. They bite with 87psi or acts as cannons to deliver his hades furry to make a volley attack.This power is greatly affective in a cemetery where there is deceased. Because he can use his tentacles to posses up to 4 tier 1 undead warriors to fight for him they also have the appearance of flight but only from the fact they are controlled by strings like puppets. He needs concentration to do either one or both. One post prep for one but two or more for both with continuous concentration(tier lvl: intermediate to high)

Hell's Bounds: forming chains that cover both his arms to create metallic whips to fight. Can use hades fury to ignite the chains to burn victims in grapples. Or to be use to swing out or make tight turns when moving at fast speeds. (Tier lvl: intermediate)

Black Plague: blowing out of his mouth to create a cloud covering a patch of the area to poison his victim, showing rapid symptoms of it till dead. Not effective if they are wearing anything that keeps it out or an armor that is in closed with a filter in it. It must be inhaled for its effect to work and takes up 10x10 feet of square inch unless wind is involved. A small huff takes three days to die if not treated correctly but the days shorten depending on how much was breathed in. As time passes the symptoms would show and will be damaging to the host. At first it acts like tear gas to causes a burning sensation to the eyes and mouth, but not to the producer. (Tier lvl: intermediate)

Demon wings: he creates them using the shadow puppet ability anduses them to fly an can go fast as a jet fighter going at supersonic speeds but hard to turn if need to, usually goes as fast as 150-200 mph to able to turn to avoid attacks. Can also be used to block an opponent if in a fist fight. With a three feet wing span. One post prep to pop out wings(tier lvl: intermediate)

Regeneration of the dammed: as the title pretty much explains it. He can able to regenerate his body if its damaged it any sort of way. Of an arm is cut off then it regrows simple as that with the same rules as his other limbs. However, He uses a lot of his energy so he will be fatigue fast if done more then twice.Also being attacked by a holy object or striked by a magical weapon makes the process to either slow down or not to be effective. Only exception is if beheaded then the head stays off. Has to be done of combat due to it drains his ability to fight.(however he can make artificial limbs if one is cut off with the help of demonic presence)(tier lvl: intermediate)

Bats of the night: bursting into a wave of bats to easily go through his adversary fir either dodging and retreat. Requires a one post prep, if a chunk of his bats are gone then he might loose an arm or a leg(tier lvl: intermediate)

Natural abilities:

Pure dark: since he creates dark and shadow based attacks and other powers of hells furry. Also with the ability to see in the darkness with night vision(tier lvl intermediate)

Unholy sacrifice: when bad goes to worst, this natural ability tends to be the last resort in any given battle. Demons and devils makes contracts to give what anyone wants so using the same concept but without no pen or paper. Paying with any ability or natural ability in order to get a boost in the end. For example: sacrificing a natural for his power to give it extra strength or a new type which can go the same but reversed process. (Saying like giving up my wings to give strength to my ground speed or getting rid of my fast movements to better improve on strength.) sacrificing a limb will regenerate his original power with the cost of an arm or a leg, but that's only for a life or death situation. (Could use demonic presence to make a temporary arm until finding a suitable replacement) (tier lvl: intermediate to high)

Natural adaption: when he sees an ability foreign to him, he will try his out most to copy and imitate a power or move. Making him a fast learner at seeing all the smoke and mirrors. If it's holy power then it'll have an opposite effect or same with a different subtype (light turning to a dark) this ability can range from temporal or permanent with the help of unholy sacrifice.(tier lvl high)

Prowess of a demon: His strength and ability is something not to be reckon with. His senses are far past any normal human being to the point he is an elite demon. Able to sense the disturbance of the wind or sound that can help aid him with any evasion or attack. Heavy yet fast pinching from lifting 50tons each arm(boosts on prep with demonic presence by times 2)and speeds to go up to 95mph on ground. If all power has been lost then that's all he has since he is not human.

With the shadow puppets ability he can basically use the dark aura around him to make "physical shadow puppets" which can be used to attack, defense, or anything in between.(tier lvl: intermediate)

Masochist: since the fact he is a special hell spawn. He can basically withstand any kind of torture. Also not being able to be intimidated no matter what the circumstances are. He is from hell of coarse seen the worst(tier lvl: intermediate)

Power othe the Underworld: After his last battle with his creator. When he consumed hades after his defeat and thus taking the power of lord death along with it. The power becoming his core in which is his fuel for his everyday life even when not in combat. This can be seen on how the atmosphere around him changes from dim to black from the aura he gives out around his body. He can use the output to slowly turn the area of the battlefield dimmer to dark that requires three post.(tier lvl: intermediate )

Weaknesses: Beheading is one thing and the other is fatigue. Even though fatigue happens when he over uses his power which when his power goes down he will significantly get weaker but with unholy sacrifice tends to pick up his strength till there's nothing left to give away[/hider]